Tuesday, November 25, 2014

9/11,Carl Icahn,Adnan Khashoggi:Did Paul Singer Use Money From Delaware,Nevada Incorporated Genesisintermedia Stock Fraud To Buy Argentine Bonds In 2001

9/11,Carl Icahn,Adnan Khashoggi:Did Paul Singer Use Money From Delaware,Nevada Incorporated Genesisintermedia Stock Fraud To Buy Argentine Bonds In 2001

  • In he very year, 2001, that Paul Singer's hedge fund or vulrture fund bought Argentinian bonds at fire sale prices he was also conspiring in a massive U.S.penny stock fraud called Genesisintermedia wqith Carl Icahn and Saudi Iran-Contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.In fact by strange 'coincidence' the fraudulant penny stock pump and dump called GenesisIntermedia collapsed and all its wothless shares became truly worthless on 9/11 or September 11,2001 as all those financial house of cards holding those shares began to panic and dump in mass.
    Interesting that the money laundering Zionist stock criminal Paul Singer got the corrupt U.S.court system to allow him to investigate and and all financial transactions in Nevada when it is he himself who has a lot of financial skeltons hidden in shell corpoate closts there himself.

    1. <document> <type>ex-4.14 <sequence>10


      U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
      ... a corporation organized under the laws the State of Nevada (the "Company"), ... Keenan Cheung and GenesisIntermedia.com, Inc., a corporation organized ...

    2. View Replies - Free Republic


      Free Republic
      Oct 4, 2007 - Paul Singer and Elliott International Capital Advisors, Inc. were among owners of GenesisIntermedia.com, Inc., according to SEC filings. ... http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/2006/lr19655.htm. Litigation Release No.

  • SEC WhistleblowerArgentina President Cristina Kirchner


    Oct 17, 2014 - Paul Singer,Adnan Kashoggi,Ramy El Batrawi,CIA Guantanamo Cocaine ... Genesisintermedia out of Nevada circa 2000-2001the U.S.SEC or ... sGenesisIntermedia,(whose shares collapsed just after 9/11),both . .... Sep 10, 2007 - In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are .
  • Singer Gets OK to Chase Argentina Money Trail to Nevada ...


    Bloomberg L.P.
    Aug 13, 2014 - Billionaire Paul Singer, the hedge fund founder seeking to collect on more than $1.5 ... 11, ruling that Singer's hedge fund was attempting to execute a valid ... funds owed more than $1.5 billion from the country's 2001 default.

  • http://mattfunicielloforcongress.org/funiciello-calls-stefaniks-silence-on-paul-singers-role-in-argentinas-default-reprehensible/
    “Singer and NML Capital’s actions have brought the government of Argentina close to default. It is important to note the crisis is a manufactured one, based on debt that dates back to the military dictatorship of the 1970s and 80s and the oligarchic government of the 1990s. After the people’s revolt of 2001 overthrew the neoliberal government and defaulted on the debt, NML snapped some of those bonds up at firesale prices ($48 million) and now wants to be paid back the accrued value ($1.5 billion). Although Argentina has agreed to restructuring the vast majority of its debt with the debtholders – 93% – NML and the vulture capitalists (only 7% of bondholders) took them to U.S. court and even had Ghana seize an Argentinian ship, all so they could be paid. Now Argentina is close to default again because of Paul Singer. Think about that – the arrogance and greed of one man will make millions of working-class Argentines suffer, and that man is Elise Stefanik’s primary donor.” - Matt Funiciello

  • Adnan Khashoggi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    After the September 11 attacks, Khashoggi's U.S.-based checking accounts ... Inc. Trading in the stock of Genesis Intermedia was halted in September 2001.
  • Valerie Red-Horse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    2 Native Nations Securities and GenesisIntermedia insolvency; 3 Notes; 4 External ... After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Khashoggi's U.S.-based checking ...
  • Democratic Underground - Genesis Intermedia. Adnan, fraudster ...


    Democratic Underground
    Jul 1, 2006 - In September 2001 the Saudi billionaire's company, Genesis Intermedia... a lot of money with Adnan Khashoggi's GenesisIntermedia on 9/11.
  • [PDF]In Re: GenesisIntermedia, Inc. Securities Litigation 03-CV ...


    as the Stock Loan Chain Unravels in September 2001 . . . . ... .. . ............................. .... 11 2. IV. THE LAST DAYS OF GENESISINTERMEDIA - SEPTEMBER 2001 .
  • SEC files first suit in GenesisIntermedia debacle


    Jun 4, 2003 - The scheme collapsed in the wake of Sept11 and Nasdaq's halt ofGenesisIntermedia trading on Sept. 25, 2001. The first, or second, casualty ...
  • GENI: GenesisIntermedia.com Inc Message Board - Msg ...


    Apr 16, 2008 - After the September 112001 attacks, Khashoggi's U.S. based checking ... was the principal financier behind GenesisIntermedia, Inc. (formerly ..
  • Figure in GenesisIntermedia Scheme Pleads Guilty ...


    Sep 11, 2003 - The plot collapsed in September 2001, when the stock plummeted in the aftermath of the Sept11 terror attacks and the brokerages were ...
  • The growing complexity of Alex Jones' Israeli Connections ...


    May 31, 2013 - Hopsicker makes the first connection through 9/11 truth leader John Gray ... Khashoggi's bankrupt GenesisIntermedia.com has been used in an effort to ... trading with prior knowledge of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

    1. Khashoggi, Cults, Cover-Ups & Mars and Venus Doing Lunch


      Oct 13, 2004 - Venice, Florida, where 9/11 terrorist pilots learned to fly. ... coincidentally the home of financier Carl Icahn, who will figure later in ... to prop up Adnan Khashoggi and John Gray s Genesis Intermedia .... Atta was notorious for his frugality, says the Sept 12, 2004 story, .... "The Paul Revere Ponzi Scheme?".
    2. View Replies - Free Republic


      Free Republic
      Oct 4, 2007 - Paul Singer and Elliott International Capital Advisors, Inc. were among owners of GenesisIntermedia.com, Inc., according to SEC filings. TheGenesisIntermedia story is a fascinating story with a web of ... September 11, 2003 ... alleged to have orchestrated the scheme, which collapsed in September 2001, ...
    3. Democratic group accuses Giuliani of money laundering


      Free Republic
      Oct 2, 2007 - Singer's disclosure that he'd contributed to the group came a day after ...11, but Hurth, the lawyer behind the committee, refused to disclose .... GOOGLEDPaul_Singer+Paul+Singer&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us .... D'Angelo is alleged to have orchestrated the scheme, which collapsed in September 2001, ...
    4. SEC WhistleblowerArgentina President Cristina Kirchner


      Oct 17, 2014 - Paul Singer,Adnan Kashoggi,Ramy El Batrawi,CIA Guantanamo Cocaine ... Genesisintermedia out of Nevada circa 2000-2001the U.S.SEC or ... sGenesisIntermedia,(whose shares collapsed just after 9/11),both . .... Sep 10, 2007 - In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are .
    5. Singer Gets OK to Chase Argentina Money Trail to Nevada ...


      Bloomberg L.P.
      Aug 13, 2014 - Billionaire Paul Singer, the hedge fund founder seeking to collect on more than $1.5 ... 11, ruling that Singer's hedge fund was attempting to execute a valid ... funds owed more than $1.5 billion from the country's 2001 default.

    6. The MadCow Morning News


      Oct 13, 2004 - Government prosecutors find answers to questions like that all day ... The director was Paul Lazersfeld, an Austrian Jewish émigré and a ... Any quick look at the Saudi arms dealer shows his notoriety stems from more than just singing too loud in church, .... See the section below about GenesisIntermedia.
    7. SEC WhistleblowerArgentina President Cristina Kirchner


      Oct 17, 2014 - Paul Singer comes from the Saudi ... www.sec.gov/. .... By carl icahn,paul singer,genesisintermedia on 10/6/2007 8:03:03 PM ... fraud of ...
    8. Comments of T. Ryals on S7-19-07


      U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
      Oct 7, 2007 - Why doesn't the SEC or the DOJ ask Carl Icahn and Paul Singer(hedge fund guy who virually invented vulture funds) if GenesisIntermedia was ...
    9. California Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture ...


      Oct 8, 2007 - Debt that the US Government planned on forgiving for $2 million .... ByGenesisIntermedia,Paul Singer,Adnan Khashoggi on 10/5/2007 8:22:39 PM ... searches of 'paul singer elliot associates' in SEC filings etc.,belongs to Carl ...
    10. Stock Fraudster Money Launderer Carl Ichann,Paul Singer ...


      Jul 13, 2014 - www.sec.gov/.../s71907-309.h... U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Oct 7, 2007 - By carl icahn,paul singer,genesisintermedia on ...
    11. California:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,W ...


      Independent Media Center
      Sep 10, 2007 - In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are financing ... Debt that the US Government planned on forgiving for $2 million ..... BySEC re genesisintermedia naked short claim on 10/7/2007 8:24:42 PM
    12. View Replies - Free Republic


      Free Republic
      Oct 4, 2007 - Paul Singer and Elliott International Capital Advisors, Inc. were among owners of GenesisIntermedia.com, Inc., according to SEC filings. ... http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/2006/lr19655.htm. Litigation Release No.
    13. Who Is Adam Storch and Is Mary Schapiro Really the Right ...


      Larry C. Johnson
      Oct 17, 2009 - First so no one is confused as to where I stand: I believe the sec.govclaim that ... And Carl Icahn's and Paul Singer's and Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi's GenesisIntermedia appear to have been among the first victims ...
    14. Goldman Loves This WSJ Headline : Columbia Journalism ...


      Columbia Journalism Review
      Sep 23, 2010 - and even Novastar Financial, Adnan Khashoggi's and Paul Singer's and Carl Icahn's pump and dump fraud GenesisIntermedia being victims of ... lied about being victims of 'naked short selling' on sec.gov website in 2008.
    15. porter stansberry: Guatemala Ambassador for Israel in U.N. ...


      Nov 9, 2012 - ... fund and Genesisintermedia Adnan Kashoggi money launderer Paul Singer ... In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are .... In fact, a recent SEC filing shows that Elliott has been squirreling away ... fund called Elliott Associates L.P. who sued the Peruvian government to make a ...

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