Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sionista Embajador de Guatemala ante la ONU Gert Rosenthal y Israeli

Sionista Embajador de Guatemala ante la ONU Gert Rosenthal y Israeli
culpabilidad en Racistas Muertos de Mayas De Guatemala y  Palestinas
Cristianas y Islámicas

En declaraciones al diario Prensa Libre, Rosenthal, a quien no debería regateársele su meritoria gestión, afirmó: “Aunque el impacto inmediato sobre el ciudadano de (a) pie no es discernible, nuestra economía es muy dependiente de las relaciones internacionales, de manera que si fortalecemos la presencia del país en el mundo, a través de un mayor protagonismo en el ámbito político, al menos existe el potencial de fortalecer nuestro protagonismo en el ámbito económico y financiero”. -  elPeriódico de Guatemala

Este no es un voto por Guatemala ni la gente de Guatemala y aun menos  para los
indigenas mayas de Guatemala.Eso es un  voto para Israel usando el
nombre de Guatemala
para hacer es un voto  controlado por el Zionista Gert Rosenthal,amigo
de criminal de
guerra W Bush y  los racistas y fascistas en control de  Israel o
Palestina y la familia
Rothschild y OTAN  de las elites de  Europa y Los Estados Unidos.
Aunque muchos conocen  la responsibilidad de Los Estados Unidos y la CIA
en las masacres de Guatemala en contra de su propia gente, pocos
conocen el rol de los Israelis fascistas,gente blanca quien mienten
sobre su supuesto origen 'semita',en orden para justificar, ocupar
terrenos ilegalmente con un sistema de  'apartheid' religioso para
Cuando? podemos tener un representativa de verdad, quien es Guatemalteca
o mejor Maya para representar Guatemala en los Naciones Unidos? Si
Señor Gert Rosenthal fue sincero sobre una justa representacion en las
Naciones Unidos  por Guatemaltecos y tenia por lo  menos conciencia sobre
trafico de armas y muerte de sus coreligionarios de Israel el debe enviar su
renuncia inmediata al gobierno de Guatemala y advocar para el primer
representativo Maya ante  las Naciones Unidos desde su formacion.
Tal vez si no fuera por la muerte de Padre  Juan José Gerardi
Conedera mas   la verdadera historia de trafico de armas y drogas
ambos por la CIA y tal vez aunque mas para los Israelis pudieran haber
encontrado la luz del dia.El Ambajador de Guatemala o mejor dicho de
Israel ante  las Naciones Unidos debe decirnos muchos mas detalles o
conseguir los de sus coreligionarios y socios Israelis pero el no
quiere hacerlo..
Gert Rosenthal quien admitio que   unica ventaja para  Guatemala como
miembro del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones fueron la habilidad a recibir
sobornos,  unicamente quiere   prostituir a Guatemala a los fines de
elites derechistas
de Israel y los Estados Unidos y OTAN.Si Israel y los Estados Unidos
fueron  obligados
a compensar para sus crimines de guerra en Guatemala y America Central en las
decadas recientes este monto debe exceder muchos veces sobornos que
Rosenthal espera a dar a unos politicos para el voto de Guatemala en
favor las guerras interminable de Israel y los Estados Unidos en los
Naciones Unidos.
Gert Rosenthal es no mas calificado eticamente o culturalmente a
representar los verdaderos intereses de la gente de Guatemala que el
miembro de la CIA,Barack Obama,es en representando los intereses de
los estado-unidenses y aun menos Afro-Americanos quien estan victimas
por la mas parte de los mismos elites que Rosenthal es representando
en su nombre.Barack Obama es cobarde  prostituto de la CIA,Mossad y
los intereses de bancaros  internacionales corruptos,incluyendos los
Zionistas de Goldman Sachs quien estan entre sus mas grandes
contribuyentes.Barack Obama y su Ambajador negro a los Naciones
Unidos,Susan  Rice, mantiene callado sobre el mal tratamiento de los
Judios Etiopes  en Israel quien estan victimas de los racistas blancos
 de origen Europeo quien estan en control de Israel yPalestina tanbiem.
El  notorio lider de escuadrones de muerto,Mayor Roberto D’Aubuisson,
estuvo entrenado en Israel. D'Aubuisson y Mossad ordeno la asesinato
de Arzobispo
Oscar Romero y  miles de otros D’Aubuisson organizo el derechista
Partido Alianza Republicana.D’Aubuisson envio su hijo para estudiar en Israel.

En 1971,El presidente Carlos Arana dijo: "Si es necesario para
convertir a Guatemala en un cementerio con el fin de pacificar, no
dudaré en hacerlo." Mossad construyó una fábrica de municiones en
Guatemala para manufactue fusiles Galil. Mossad también suministra
vehículos blindados y aviones Arava. En la guerra subsiguiente,
200.000 indios fueron asesinados, y arrasó pueblos enteros indígenas.
"La guerrilla de resistencia es el pescado. Si no puede atrapar a los
peces, se debe vaciar el mar ", dijo el presidente de Guatemala, Ríos
Montt en 1982............
 1977, como resultado de la publicidad internacional que puso de
manifiesto thepattern de la tortura y el asesinato, presidente de
EE.UU. Jimmy Carter suspendió la ayuda militar abierta. Sin embargo,
el dinero y las armas aún tiene a Guatemala a través de la CIA.
Argentina y Chile también ayudó al Ejército de Guatemala. "Israel ha
jugado un papel muy importante en Guatemala desde 1977, el suministro
de armas, la construcción de fábricas de municiones, y el
entrenamiento de soldados".


Estados Unidos… Israel… y crímenes por todo el mundo

El estado de Israel ha funcionado como un bastión militar para defender y extender la dominación estadounidense sobre la región estratégica del Medio Oriente y en el mundo en el contexto de establecer la supremacía yanqui sobre las otras potencias imperialistas. Israel recibe mucho más apoyo de Estados Unidos que cualquier otro país: subvenciones directas, ventas militares y apoyo económico.
De 1981 a 2004, EE.UU. envió a Israel $1.8 mil millones de apoyo militar al año; desde 2004 ese monto aumentó a $2.4 mil millones. Parte del acuerdo es que a menudo EE.UU. utiliza el ejército e inteligencia israelí, dejándolo actuar de sustituto, y con eso EE.UU. se distancia de algunos de sus crímenes más odiosos y brutales en el mundo.
Lo hace EE.UU. porque es una megapotencia imperialista que abarca el globo y defiende su dominación con la represión salvaje, la que incluye asesinato en masa, genocidio, tortura, violación y el despojo de pueblos enteros. La función de Israel como un estado militarizado repleto de lasarmas más avanzadas engaña a muchas personas, las cuales creen que al perpetrar bárbaros crímenes de lesa humanidad Israel va de algún modo en contra de los intereses de EE.UU.
Pero la pura verdad es que éste es uno de los importantes medios con que se impone la dominación yanqui. EE.UU. no respalda los crímenes de Israel debido a que el cabildo israelí o “los judíos” han corrompido el proceso político estadounidense.  Estados Unidos arma y apoya a este régimen brutal porque eso sirve a sus objetivos globales.
  1. Guatemala, 1978 a 1984: Una de las atrocidades más bárbaras de la historia ocurrió enGuatemala bajo la dirección de EE.UU y su títere guatemalteco, el carnicero fundamentalista cristiano Ríos Montt. Esa matanza incluyó decapitaciones, violaciones tumultuarias, asesinato de mujeres encintas y el secuestro de niños mayas que fueron vendidos o regalados como esclavos a funcionarios del régimen fascista guatemalteco. Asesinaron a por lo menos 180.000 campesinos mayas. Se llamaba “Operación Sofía” y, según la “Comisión de Clarificación Histórica” de las Naciones Unidas, realizó “actos de genocidio contra grupos del pueblo maya”. En 1982, cuando salieron denuncias de estas masacres, el New York Times informó que el entonces “secretario de Estado norteamericano Alexander M. Haig, Jr., instó a Israel a hacer más en Guatemala”. Israel desempeñó un rol esencial y central en esa matanza a gran escala, suministrando transporte a aldeas remotas, aviones de guerra, instrucción militar, “asesores” y 10.000 Uzis. En 1982, bajo la dirección del ejército yanqui, los comandantes israelíes idearon y ayudaron a ejecutar la política de tierra quemada (quemar todo, matar todo) en la sierra de Guatemala.
  2. Argentina 1976 a1983: En los años 1970, EE.UU. estaba bajo la presión en todo el mundo de sus rivales imperialistas de la Unión Soviética, antes socialista pero ahora imperialista. Lo que molestaba en particular a los gobernantes norteamericanos era la creciente influencia soviética en América Central y del Sur, regiones por mucho tiempo consideradas su “patio trasero”. Para contrarrestar la presencia soviética, los organismos de inteligencia yanquis tramaron “Operación Cóndor”, una campaña de terror y represión política en el “cono sur” de Sudamérica, Argentina incluida. En 1976, la junta militar de Argentina comenzó un reino de terror conocido como la “guerra sucia”. El secretario de Estado de EE.UU. Henry Kissinger dijo en una reunión de generales argentinos: “Si existen cosas que hay que hacer, ustedes tienen que hacerlas rápidamente”. En la pesadilla que siguió, secuestraron, torturaron y “desaparecieron” hasta 30.000 personas. Singularizaron a estudiantes, intelectuales, sindicalistas, izquierdistas e individuos sindicados de ser guerrilleros armados. El punto de vista pro-nazi y antisemita generalizado en el ejército produjo “una brutalidad particular en el trato de presos de origen judío”. No obstante, en ese período y bajo la dirección de la batuta yanqui, Israel se hizo uno de los proveedores de armas más grandes de Argentina, suministrando cazas de combate, misiles, lanchas de patrulla, repuestos, armas ligeras y municiones.
  3. Irán 1967 a 1986: Un golpe de estado urdido por EE.UU. en 1953 instauró en el poder al Sha de Irán. Éste fue un tirano brutal que convirtió a Irán, un país rico en petróleo con una ubicación estratégica, en un cliente del imperialismo yanqui. Empezando a fines de los 1950, Mossad, el organismo de inteligencia israelí, desempeñaba un importante rol en entrenar al Savak, la policía política de brutal fama del Sha. Savak torturó y asesinó a miles de iraníes. Tras las guerras de Israel contra sus vecinos en 1967 y 1973 y mientras la oposición al régimen del Sha ardía por todo el país, el “Proyecto Flor” de Israel envió hasta $500 millones de equipo militar y policial a Irán.
  4. Sudáfrica 1948 a 1994: El régimen de apartheid de Sudáfrica, lo cual tocó fin en 1994, impuso la supremacía blanca como un sistema legal y oficial. A la mayoría negra le despojó brutalmente de su tierra, libertad y derechos humanos. Forzó a millones de negros a trasladarse a “asentamientos” empobrecidos. Las “Leyes de Control” requirieron que los negros mostraran identificación en cualquier momento. Sudáfrica funcionó como un bastión de la dominación norteamericana en el sur de África y en África en conjunto. Durante décadas Estados Unidos apuntaló a este feo régimen; durante décadas Israel le dio armas a Sudáfrica, enviando al régimen racista ametralladoras Uzi, cazas, lanchas de patrulla, misiles, equipo de comunicaciones e inteligencia, portatropas blindados y artillería. Israel y Sudáfrica trabajaron juntos en el desarrollo de armas nucleares.
  5. India 2010: El 1º de julio de 2010 una unidad del Buró Especial de Inteligencia de Andhra Pradesh (un estado de India) secuestró y asesinó a Azad, miembro del Buró Político y vocero del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), y a Hem Pandey, miembro del comité zonal del PCI (Maoísta). Según el Servicio Noticioso Un Mundo Que Ganar: “La Agencia Especial de Inteligencia de Andhra Pradesh la adiestró en parte el Mossad [inteligencia israelí]...” Llevaron a cabo esos asesinatos como parte de la “Operación Cacería Verde”, la campaña militar del gobierno indio para derrotar al PCI (Maoísta).
  6. Medio Oriente, 1980 al presente: Desde 1948, el estado de Israel quiere decir la limpieza étnica del pueblo palestino y guerras contra los países vecinos. Desde su fundación, lanzó guerras o agresión militar contra Egipto, Siria, Líbano, Irak y Jordania. Cuando invadió al Líbano en 1982 para destruir y expulsar a la Organización para la Liberación de Palestina, sus soldados estuvieron de guardia fuera de los campamentos de refugiados palestinos Sabra y Chatila en Beirut mientras sus aliados de la Falange Libanesa fueron de puerta en puerta baleando a familias enteras, violando a mujeres y muchachas antes de masacrarlas y castrando a hombres y muchachos. Los estimados del número de muertos van de 700 a miles. En 2007, Israelimpuso un bloqueo contra los 1.5 millones de habitantes de Gaza. Las condiciones se volvieron insoportables y la ONU hizo advertencias de una crisis humanitaria. Del 27 de diciembre de 2008 al 18 de enero de 2009, Israel lanzó ataques aéreos macizos sobre Gaza y una invasión terrestre. Masacró a cuando menos 1.300 palestinos y destruyó innumerables casas.
Vea próximamente la documentación en



Capturan al ex presidente ejecutivo del desaparecido Bancafe

Guatemala, Junio 7 2010 (PNC).- Ariel Estuardo Camargo Fernández, de 51 años, ex presidente ejecutivo del desaparecido Banco del Café (Bancafe), fue detenido cerca de un motel ubicado en la zona 3 de Mixco, por agentes encubiertos de la División Especializada en Investigación Criminal (DEIC) quienes recibieron información por parte de la Dirección General de Inteligencia Civil (DIGICI).
Camargo Fernández es trasladado a la Torre de Tribunales. Foto: PNC
Camargo Fernández, era buscado desde el 2007, por los delitos de Estafa Propia de forma Continuada, Intermediación Financiera, Caso Especial de Estafa y Lavado de Dinero y Otros Activos, según ordenes de los Juzgados de Primera Instancia Penal, Juzgado 7mo. y el Juzgado Noveno de Instancia Penal.

Tony Ryals dice:
9 julio 2010 a las 10:17 Maldonado,Bancafe,Refco y Bawag Banco Austria
Yo,como un  estadounidense  defraudado en un operacion de lavado de
dinero con acciones de un compania llamado
Endovasc en 2001,estuvo sorprendido en 2004  por el colapso de Bancafe
a descubrir que Bancafe estuvo connectado a Refco con  nexos a un
banco Austriaco llamado Bawag. Bawag estuvo usado para muchos años
por Refco
en sus operaciones ilicitos,pero protejido por el corrupto Estados
Unidos SEC o Comisión de Seguridad e Intercambio y  criminales
internacionales  con influencia y poder en Washington,D.C. y tambien
con Israelis como los hermanos Grin y el mil millionario Austro-Judeo
Martin Schlaff.
Este banco fue comprado por el grupo Cerberus hedge fund un poco
despues la tragedia de Bancafe y despues
que la CIA y el Departamento de Tesoros de Los Estados Unidos estuvo
espiando transcaciones financiales
internacionales mientras SWIFT en Belgica supuestamente para buscar
transaciones de terroristas..
Códigos de cuenta Bancarios Internacionales
19 May 2006 ... El código de cuenta SWIFT se utiliza a nivel mundial,
y el código de cuenta IBAN, se utiliza ... Bélgica, 16, BE68 5390 0754
7034. Chipre, 28 ...
El ex jefe del Departamento de Tesoros de Los Estados Unidos John Snow
resigno de sus posicion gubernamental un poco tiempo despues para
estar un ejecutivo de Cerberus quien compro Bawag y un por porcentaje
de banco Leumi en Israel  despues de este espionaje financiero.
Lastima que el ex Presidente de Guatemala amenazo los quien quieren
escribir y conocer la verdad sobre Bancafe y Gert Rosenthal tan poco
no quiere hablar.Mi sospecho es que el Señor Juan Carlos Maldonado se
fue a Austria no unicamente para visitar su hermana para tantos años
pero tambien por razones de los nexos entre Bawag,Refco y Bancafe.
Abajo un escrito mio del año 2006 sobre de este asunto:
Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y
‘Acciones de Centavos’
por Tony Ryals Monday, Nov. 13, 2006 at 9:14 PM


´´Entre nuestros mejores funcionarios sobresale Nineth Montenegro. Nineth no ha cejado en fiscalizar en forma temeraria y digna el manejo de los miles de millones de nuestro presupuesto nacional que el gobierno de Colom ha despilfarrado sin control. El trabajo de Nineth “ha iluminado el sendero por donde camina Guatemala. Ha impedido que nos perdamos”, susurró el Clarinero.´´ - RITA MARÍA ROESCH

Menocal solicitará exoneración de impuestos en compra de armas

'' La empresa que ganó el contrato fue Israel Weapon Industries IWI y Tecnología, Importaciones Latinos, S.A.
La adquisición es criticada por Montenegro debido a la falta de licitación, el fraccionamiento de la compra y porque asegura que las empresas proveedoras tienen algunos señalamientos.''

''Montenegro indicó que denunciará a Menocal por el delito de incumplimiento de deberes. Agregó que el Ministro debió haber enviado un representante para que respondiera acerca de las anomalías sobre el contrato, ya que las empresas ganadoras tienen supuestos vínculos con una persona señalada con el trasiego de armas

Sobre los señalamientos en la adquisición del armamento y suministros, el funcionario sostuvo que las empresas elegidas están acreditadas. También explicó que cuando se firmó el contrato se pidió al embajador de Israel ser testigo de honor.''

El Ministerio de Gobernación por medio del Ejecutivo le solicitará al Congreso la exoneración del Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA), el pago de aranceles en la compra de armas y la adquisición de suministros para la Policía Nacional Civil, cuyo monto asciende a Q97.4 millones más impuestos. El monto en impuestos a exonerar es de Q27.4 millones.
De acuerdo con el ministro de Gobernación, Carlos Menocal Chávez, con esta petición se favorece al Estado al cancelar solo el monto de la venta neta.

Ante los diputados de la bancada de la Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE) el Ministro dio a conocer las características de la adquisición del equipo comprado para los agentes de la Policía. La compra fue exonerada de licitación y la misma se hizo en siete eventos diferentes. La empresa que ganó el contrato fue Israel Weapon Industries IWI y Tecnología, Importaciones Latinos, S.A.

Polémica por la citación

El funcionario había sido citado por la diputadaNineth Montenegro para interrogarlo por la compra de armas y la razón de adquirirlas en forma fraccionada, además de las transferencias que hizo la cartera al programa Mi Familia Progresa.
Pero la legisladora se quedó sin cuestionarlo ante la decisión de Menocal de priorizar la reunión con la bancada de la UNE.
La excusa del funcionario para no asistir a la cita con Montenegro causó molestia a la diputada, ya que el tema de las armas fue expuesto en la cita con la UNE.

Montenegro señaló al partido oficial de robarle los temas de fiscalización. “No vamos a permitir más atropellos, pues el Ministro por respeto debió mandar a un representante, pero me informó 20 minutos antes que no asistiría a mi citación porque debía ir a la bancada oficial, eso es una estrategia, ellos tienen órganos de inteligencia contra la oposición para afectar las actividades”, afirmó.
Menocal sostuvo que la UNE lo citó primero. “El Ministerio de Gobernación es el más llamado al Congreso y siempre ha atendido la fiscalización –de los diputados–. Recibimos la citación de la UNE yMontenegro, pero la ley dice que de 2 a 3 veces podemos excusarnos no porque queramos sino por otras actividades”, justificó.

Los señalamientos

Montenegro indicó que denunciará a Menocal por el delito de incumplimiento de deberes. Agregó que el Ministro debió haber enviado un representante para que respondiera acerca de las anomalías sobre el contrato, ya que las empresas ganadoras tienen supuestos vínculos con una persona señalada con el trasiego de armas.
Sobre los señalamientos en la adquisición del armamento y suministros, el funcionario sostuvo que las empresas elegidas están acreditadas. También explicó que cuando se firmó el contrato se pidió al embajador de Israel ser testigo de honor.
Jorge Mario Barrios Falla, jefe de bancada de la UNE, afirmó que con la explicación del funcionario quedaban satisfechos por esa compra.

Las autoridades de Gobernación aseguran que la cancelación se hará conforme la entrega del armamento que se prevé en febrero.  El nuevo equipo será proporcionado a los policías en junio.


Deplora Colom ataques a gestión de seguridad en Guatemala

 ''Rosa María de Frade y Nineth Montenegro coincidieron en señalar posible corrupción en la compra de armas para la PNC, lo cual llevó al presidente Colom a suspender el contrato de compra de armas, (Israeli),y ordenar un nuevo proceso.''

El presidente de Guatemala, Alvaro Colom, defendió hoy los avances de su gobierno en seguridad y rechazó acusaciones de la oposición sobre supuestas irregularidades en una fallida adquisición de armas para la policía
16/Feb/11 19:05  Comentarios 
Notimex - El gobernante indicó en su programa de radio que su gestión, que comenzó el 14 de enero de 2008, registra logros en la lucha contra la violencia y el crimen organizado que la oposición "no quiere reconocer".

Rechazó además los señalamientos de la oposición de que las autoridades de Gobernación incurrieron en irregularidades en la fallida compra de armas y municiones para la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) a una empresa de Israel.

Explicó que su gobierno resolvió suspender la compra de armas debido a la "presión política" y a los ataques de los detractores de la gestión del ministro de Gobernación, Carlos Menocal.

Las diputadas opositoras Rosa María de Frade y Nineth Montenegro coincidieron en señalar posible corrupción en la compra de armas para la PNC, lo cual llevó al presidente Colom a suspender el contrato de compra de armas y ordenar un nuevo proceso.


Diputada Nineth Montenegro presentará denuncia penal contra Ministro de Gobernación

Carlos Menocal, ministro de Gobernación no se presentó a citación que hizo la diputada.
Rosario Orellana
Fuente menor Fuente normal Fuente grande
El ministro de Gobernación, Carlos Menocal, aseguró en la bancada de la UNE que se adjudicó la compra de armas a dos empresas extranjeras, sin licitar.

Por tal motivo, la diputada Nineth Montenegro lo citó hoy, con el fin de aclarar varios puntos, entre ellos la compra de chalecos blindados, que asegura, se realizó a una empresa que vende café.

La diputada Montenegro indicó que debido a que el Ministro no asistió a la citación, ella presentará una denuncia penal en su contra por incumplimiento de deberes.
Montenegro agregó, además, que se estará reuniendo con la Fiscal General, Claudia Paz y Paz.

Por su lado, Menocal asegura que el proceso para la compra de armas se llevó a cabo con transparencia y que contó con la colaboración de Eliahu López, embajador de Israel en Guatemala.

Zionist UN Guatemala-Israeli Ambassador Gert Rosenthal and Maya,Christian and Islamic Palestinian Holocausts

Zionist UN Ambassador of Guatemala and Israeli Gert Rosenthal and Maya,Christian and Islamic
Palestinian Holocausts

In 1982, Ríos Montt told ABC News that his success was due to the fact that "our soldiers were trained by Israelis."  

Apparently with all of  Guatemala's or more so Israel's  'Permanent Ambassador' to the U.N.,Gert Rosenthal's,conflict of interest in placing Guatemala or himself,as head of the U.N. Security Council and lecturing Syria's government for NATO,the U.S.and Israel and their Islamo-fascist allies in Saudi Arabia who aided 9/11 about how not to behave,he himself  has ignored the centuries old ongoing struggle of the Guatemala Maya people who deserve representaion on the U.N. Security Council to say 'never again' to Israel and its military-industrial complex for having been targeted by Israeli military complex and falsely accused of being followers of the Israeli's own historic member of the Jewish brootherhood,Carl Marx !
In light of the recent shooting of indigenous Guatelaman Maya people in Totonicapan it is more urgent than ever that Guatemala has a U.N. Ambassador whose interests lie more in making peace in Guatemala and protecting Mayan and hispanic Guatemalan's human and environmental rights than being a yes man for U.S. and Israeli war interests on the other side of the planet.A UN Ambassador to Guatemala who persues and fights arms trafficking in Guatemala rather than covering up U.S.Israeli and Saudi and Kuwaiti arms trafficking and Al Qaeda arming in Syria,Iraq,Libya,etc..! And a U.N. Ambassador to Guatemala who will help complete the investigation begun but never completed by Catholic Archbishop Gerardi and his Truth Commission into the truth about the holocaust perpetraited against the Maya that included the complicity of Israel as well as certain Christian protestant 'missionaries' with probable CIA connections,who were allowed to 'prosyletize' in the very same areas where General Effrain Rios-Montt had selected for Mayan communities ond people for extermination ! If Gert Rosenthal is willing to cover up the Israeli and thus Jewish holocaust against the Maya then he is certainly not fit to represent Guatemalans and only proves that the far right Israeli elite ,the Rothschild-ean Zionist UK elite,the U.S.elite and their Islamo-fascist allies in Libya,Saudi Arabia,Dubai ,and NATO are his true masters and he is a false representative of Guatemala before  the UN ! ). 

Efraín Ríos Montt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaín_Ríos_MonttCached - Similar
In 1982, Ríos Montt told ABC News that his success was due to the fact that "our soldiers were trained by Israelis." There was not much outcry in Israel at the time ... ..........................................

Guatemala's Foreign Minister and close Bush administration ally, Gert
Rosenthal. Guatemala has among the worst human rights records in Latin
America and its government is rife with evangelical fundamentalist
Christians and Opus Dei Catholics. Its security services possess the
latest in population surveillance technology thanks to Israeli
companies like Tadiran.

Take your choice of Gert Rosenthal's or Gert Rosenthal Koenigsberger biographies.He was born in 'Guatemala  on 11 September 1935' according to the U.N. at link below and in Amsterdam on on 24 of September  1935 in the spanish version and born in Holland,presumably Amsterdam,I suppose.
Gert Rosenthal was born in the Republic of Guatemala on 11 September 1935. He graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economic Sciences from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, and went on to post-graduate studies in economics at the University of Berkeley, California, where he finished his MBA in 1958.

Jimbo Wales fraudulent Wikipedia 'encyclopedia' even provides two diffent versions,one in english and the other in spanish.In the english version his mother is Guatemalan and in the spanish version both are 'German Jews''.The english wikipedia version returns his birth date to that of the U.N. document's date of  11 September 1935.In the spanish version it is '24 de septiembre de 1935'.

Gert Rosenthal Koenigsberger (born 11 September 1935) is a Guatemalan diplomat.
He was born in Amsterdam to a German father and Guatemalan mother and came to Guatemala at the age of three. After secondary education in Guatemala, he studied in the United States and received a BA and an MA in economics from the University of California at Berkeley. He then pursued further studies in economics at San Carlos University in Guatemala City.

wikpedia spanish versioin.:

 Gert Rosenthal Königsberger (24 de septiembre de 1935 - ), es un
político y diplomático guatemalteco de origen judío-alemán, nació en
Holanda. Sus padres, ambos alemanes, emigraron a Guatemala, país que
ha representado en diversos organismos e instituciones

  • Published 18:

  • Palestinian bid for statehood faces rocky road as new UN Security council members announced

    Azerbaijan joins Morocco, Pakistan, Guatemala, and Togo as non-permanent members, in what is shaping to be a more U.S.-friendly UNSC.

    By Shlomo Shamir Tags: Palestinian state Middle East peace UN
    After 16 rounds voting, going back to last weekend, Azerbaijan was voted in as the fifth non-permanent Security Council member on Tuesday, ahead of key UN discussions of a Palestinian bid for statehood.
    Azerbaijan's gambit was all but assured after Slovenia announced it had withdrawn its bid for non-permanent UNSC member.
    The central-Asia nation joins the four other non-permanent members due to take their seat come January 2012, Morocco, Pakistan, Guatemala, and Togo.
    Elections for new UNSC members drew much attention this time around, over an expected vote in the Security Council over whether or not to accept the Palestinian bid for full UN membership.
    The newly elected non-permanent states seems to be more accommodating to U.S. policy, which opposes the Palestinian bid as unilateral, and less promising from the Palestinian point of view.
    This is especially true as result of the inclusion of Guatemala and Togo, who are considered pro western countries, and more supportive of U.S. moves than outgoing members Brazil and Nigeria.
    While Azerbaijan is a Muslim republic, it still operates very much under American influence, and receives aid from Washington. The United States, in turn, maintains a massive military base in the country, serving American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.


    En declaraciones al diario Prensa Libre, Rosenthal, a quien no debería regateársele su meritoria gestión, afirmó: “Aunque el impacto inmediato sobre el ciudadano de (a) pie no es discernible, nuestra economía es muy dependiente de las relaciones internacionales, de manera que si fortalecemos la presencia del país en el mundo, a través de un mayor protagonismo en el ámbito político, al menos existe el potencial de fortalecer nuestro protagonismo en el ámbito económico y financiero”. - El Periodico


    In statements to Prensa Libre, Rosenthal, who should not regateársele his outstanding management, said: "Although the immediate impact on the citizens of (a) foot is not discernible, our economy is very dependent on international relations, so that if we strengthen the country's presence in the world, through a greater role in the political arena, at least there is the potential to strengthen our role in the economic and financial field ".


    This,(Guatemala's new Gert Rosenthal controlled vote in the U.N. Security Council),is not
    a vote for Guatemala or the people of Guatemala and even less for indigenous Mayan people
    of Guatemala.This  is a vote for Israel using the name of Guatemala and controlled by the Zionist Gert Rosenthal, a friend of war criminal George W Bush  and racists and fascists in control of Israel or Palestine and fascist elites of Europe and the United States,NATO and the Rothschild family and other banking and military industrial and drug trafficking elites .
    While many know about  of culpability of the United States and the CIA in the the massacres of Guatemala military against their own people, few know the role of Israeli government fascists,( white people who lie about being  'Semitic' in order to justify taking land illegally from Palestinians using  a system of   religious 'apartheid' justify it),in Central America's anti-communist witch hunts,war crimes and arms and drug trafficking and their Iran Contra and Emmanuel Noriega connections..
    When will Guatemala have a representative  who is Guatemalan or even perhaps better,a Mayan, to represent Guatemala in the United Nations? If Mr. Gert Rosenthal was sincere about just representation for Guatemalan in the United Nations and had  an awareness of the  historic shameful role of of his Israeli  coreligionists in Central American arms trafficking and drug trafficking ,(which he must), he should send his immediate resignation to the government of Guatemala and  advocate for the first Maya representative to the United Nations since its formation.In fact it is not even clear that Mr.Gert Rosenthal was even born in Guatemala in the first place.Some sources state that Amsterdam was really his place of birth.
    Maybe if  not for the death of Catholic Father Juan José Gerardi Conedera,which put an end to his Truth Commission as well,the true history of Israeli as well as U.S.government and CIA role in drug and arms trafficking may have seen  the light of day.I believe the Ambassador of Guatemala or rather Israel to the United Nations Security Council, Gert Rosenthal, could tell us many more details about his coreligionists and  its partners and Israelis involvement in Iran-Contra as well as Guatemala but just as with the case of Bancafe he does not want to do ..
    Gert Rosenthal who admitted,(in Prensa Libre quote above),that the only advantage to Guatemala as a
    Security Council member was the ability to receive bribes for its Security Council vote, only wants to prostitute Guatemala for the purpose of right-wing elites of Israel and the United States and Europe or NATO.If on the other hand  the United States and Israel were forced to compensate for their war crimes  in Guatemala and Central America in the recent decades  this amount would exceed many times the bribes Rosenthal hopes to give some  Guatemala politicians to vote for the endless wars of Israel and the United States and NATO using  the United Nations as the tool .
    Gert Rosenthal is not ethically or culturally qualified to represent the true interests of the people of Guatemala and the CIA's Barack Obama, is not representing the interests of the United  States citizens and even less African-American citizens who are victimized by the same elites that Rosenthal is representing as Guatemala's Ambassador to the UN.Barack Obama is a cowardly and greedy prostitute of the CIA, Mossad and the interests of international bancaros and corrupt Zionistas including Goldman Sachs who are among his greatest contributors.Both Barack Obama and his corrupt Rhodes Scholar black Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, remain silent about the mistreatment of Ethiopian Jews in Israel who are victims of white racist  Zionists of European and NOT Semitic origen who are in control of both Israel amd Palestine as well !
    The notorious death squad leader, Major Roberto D'Aubuisson,
    was trained in Israel. D'Aubuisson and Mossad ordered the assassination of Archbishop
    Oscar Romero and thousands of other organizations the right D'Aubuisson
    Alliance Party Republicana.D Aubuisson sent his son to study in Israel.

     Death squad leader, Major Roberto D'Aubuisson, WAS Trained
    in Israel. I ordered the Mossad and assassination of El Salvador's
    archbishop, plus Thousands of Others. Later the D'Aubuisson Organized
    right-wing National Republican Alliance Party (ARENA). D'Aubuisson
    Sent to study historical are in Israel.

    In 1971, President Carlos Arana said: "If it is necessary to
    convert Guatemala into a cemetery in order to pacify, not
    hesitate to do so. "Mossad built a munitions factory
    Guatemala for Galil rifles manufactuer. Mossad also provides
    Arava armored vehicles and aircraft. In the ensuing war,
    200,000 Indians were killed and entire towns razed Indians.
    "The guerrilla is the fish resistance. If you can not catch the
    fish, you should empty the sea, "said the president of Guatemala, Rios
    Montt in 1982 ............ ~ virtualtruth / guatemal.htm
     1977, as a result of international publicity became
    thepattern revealed the torture and murder, president of
    U.S. Jimmy Carter suspended military aid open. However,
    money and weapons has yet to Guatemala through the CIA.
    Argentina and Chile also helped the Army of Guatemala. "Israel has
    played an important role in Guatemala since 1977, providing
    weapons, building munitions factories, and
    training of soldiers. "

    Israel and Guatemala



    ... The history of Israel's relations with Guatemala roughly parallels that of its ties with El Salvador except the Guatemalan military was so unswervingly bloody that Congress never permitted the ... Reagan Administration to undo the military aid cutoff implemented during the Carter years.

    Weaponry for the Guatemalan military is the very least of what Israel has delivered. Israel not only provided the technology necessary for a reign of terror, it helped in the organization and commission of the horrors perpetrated by the Guatemalan military and police. And even beyond that: to ensure that the profitable relationship would continue, Israel and its agents worked actively to maintain Israeli influence in Guatemala.

    Throughout the years of untrammeled slaughter that left at least 45,000 dead, and, by early 1983, one million in internal exile - mostly indigenous Mayan Indians, who comprise a majority of Guatemala's eight million people - and thousands more in exile abroad, Israel stood by the Guatemalan military. Three successive military governments and three brutal and sweeping campaigns against the Mayan population, described by a U.S. diplomat as Guatemala's "genocide against the Indians," had the benefit of Israeli techniques and experience, as well as hardware.


    Israel began selling Guatemala weapons in 1974 and since then is known to have delivered 17 Arava aircraft. In 1977 at the annual industrial fair, Interfer, Israel's main attraction was the Arava. "An operative Arava is to be parked outside the IAI pavilion for public inspection, although its silhouette in flight is a common sight over the capital and countryside."'

    Referring to the Aravas, Benedicto Lucas Garcia, chief of staff during the rule of his brother Romeo Lucas Garcia (1978-1982) said, "Israel helped us in regard to planes and transportation-which we desperately needed because we've had problems in transferring ground forces from one place to another. By 1982, at least nine of the Aravas had been mounted with gun pods.

    Among the other weapons sold by Israel were 10 RBY armored personnel carriers, three Dabur class patrol boats armed with Gabriel missiles, light cannons, machine guns and at least 15,000 Galil assault rifles. The Galil became Guatemala's standard rifle and Uzis were widely seen as well.

    According to Victor Perera, "Uzis and the larger Galil assault rifles used by Guatemala's special counterinsurgency forces accounted for at least half of the estimated 45,000 Guatemalan Indians killed by the military since 1978"


    When the Reagan Administration took office it was determined to do everything it could for Guatemala. It had promised as much during the election campaign. Never had Ronald Reagan seen a rightist dictatorship he didn't like; during his 1980 campaign he met with a representative of the right-wing business lobby Los Amigos del Pais, and, referring to the Carter Administration's aid cutoff, told him, "Don't give up. Stay there and fight. I'll help you as soon as I get in."

    The Guatemalan far-right apparently helped Reagan get in.

    Guatemalan business leaders reportedly pumped large illegal contributions into the Reagan campaign coffers. Their tentacles reached right into the core of the new administration through the lobbying activities of the Hannaford-Deaver law firm of White House troika member Michael Deaver. Within three days of the Republican victory on 7 November 1980, Hannaford-Deaver were busy arranging a Capitol Hill briefing for Amigos del Pais.

    Congress, however, did not change its attitude about Guatemala, and as late as 1985 remained adamant about denying it military aid. In 1981, Reagan's Secretary of State Alexander Haig "urged Israel to help Guatemala." In July 1985 Israel helped the administration move a shipment of 40 assault rifles with advanced night sights and 1,000 grenade launchers from Israel to Guatemala on a KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) flight.

    In late 1983, the Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP) issued a communiqué saying that the previous May a munitions factory producing bullets for Galil rifles and Uzi submachine guns had begun operation in Alta Verapaz. Subsequently the director of Army Public Relations confirmed that the military was producing Galil rifle parts, had begun armor plating its vehicles at the factory, and that the facility would soon be capable of building grenade launchers. The following year the factory began manufacturing entire Galil rifles under license from Israel.

    Israeli advisers set up the factory and then trained the Guatemalans to run it, said Gen. Benedicto Lucas Garcia, who had headed the army at the time. "The factory is now being run by Guatemalans," he added. There are hopes in Guatemala that 30 percent of the plant's output can be sold to Honduras and El Salvador.

    The EGP said in 1983 that there were 300 Israeli advisers in Guatemala, working "in the security structures and in the army." Other reports were less specific as to numbers, but suggested that these Israeli advisers, "some official, others private," performed a variety of functions. Israelis "helped Guatemalan internal security agents hunt underground rebel groups."

    Gen. Lucas said Israeli advisers had come to teach the use of Israeli equipment purchased by Guatemala. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s the Guatemalan police agencies had had extensive U.S. training in "riot control training and related phases of coping with civil disturbances in a humane and effective manner," a euphemism for the terror campaigns in which these forces participated that in 1967-1968 took 7,000 lives while ostensibly fighting a guerrilla force that never numbered more than 450. When Congress forbade U.S. forces to train the internal police forces of other countries-passed in 1974, this law was supplanted in 1985 by legislation that put the U.S. back in the police-guidance business - the Israelis stepped in and "set up their intelligence network, tried and tested on the West Bank and Gaza."

    Israeli noncommissioned officers were also said to have been hired by big landowners to train their private security details. (Under Marcos, Israel did the same in the Philippines. These private squads, together with "off-duty military officers formed the fearsome 'death squads' which later spread to neighboring El Salvador, where they have been responsible for an estimated 20,000-30,000 murders of left-wing dissidents."

    Not only did the Israelis share their experiences and their tactics, they bestowed upon Guatemala the technology needed by a modern police state. During the period Guatemala was under U.S. tutelage, the insurgency spread from the urban bourgeoisie to the indigenous population in the rural highlands; with Israeli guidance the military succeeded in suppressing ... the drive for land and political liberation. The Guatemalan military is very conscious of that achievement, even proud of it. Some officers argue that with the help of the U.S. they could not have quelled the insurgency, as Congress would not have tolerated their ruthless tactics.

    In 1979, the Guatemalan interior minister paid a "secret and confidential" visit to Israel, where he met with the manufacturers of "sophisticated police equipment." In March of the following year Interior Minister Donaldo Alvarez Ruiz was in Israel to conclude an agreement for police training. Following the overthrow of Lucas Garcia, the home of Interior Minister Alvarez was raided, "uncovering underground jail cells, stolen vehicles...[and] scores of gold graduation rings, wrenched from the fingers of police torture victims."

    Israeli advisers have worked with the feared G-2 police intelligence unit. overseen by the army general staff, the G-2 is the intelligence agency - sections charged with "the elimination of individuals" are stationed at every army base - which has been largely responsible for the death squad killings over the last decade. The present civilian government has dissolved the DIT, a civilian organization subordinate to G-2, but not G-2 itself.

    In 1981, the Army's School of Transmissions and Electronics, a school designed and financed by the Israeli company Tadiran to teach such subjects as encoding, radio jamming and monitoring, and the use of Israeli equipment was opened in Guatemala City. According to the colonel directing the school, everything in it came from Israel: the "teaching methods, the teaching teams, the technical instruments, books, and even the custom furniture...designed and built by the Israeli company DEGEM Systems."

    At the opening ceremony the Israeli ambassador was thanked by Chief of Staff Gen. Benedicto Lucas Garcia for "the advice and transfer of electronic technology" which, Lucas said, had brought Guatemala up to date. Calling Guatemala "one of our best friends" the ambassador promised that further technology transfers were in the works.

    Perhaps the most sinister of all the equipment supplied by Israel to Guatemala were two computers. One was in an old military academy and became, as Benedicto Lucas called it, "the nerve center of the armed forces, which deals with the movements of units in the field and so on." The other computer was located in an annex of the National Palace. The G-2 have a control center there, and, since the days of Romeo Lucas Garcia, meetings have been held in that annex to select assassination victims. According to a senior Guatemalan army official, the complex contains "an archive and computer file on journalists, students, leaders, people of the left, politicians, and so on. " This material is combined with current intelligence reports and mulled over during weekly sessions that have included, in their respective times, both Romeo Lucas and Oscar Mejia Victores.

    The bureaucratic procedures for approving the killing of a dissident are well-established. "A local military commander has someone they think is a problem," the officer explains. "So they speak with G-2, and G-2 consults its own archives and information from its agents and the police and, if all coincide, it passes along a direct proposition to the minister of defense. They say, 'We have analyzed the case of such and such a person in depth and this person is responsible for the following acts and we recommend that we execute them."


    Control of the Rural Population

    The aspect of Israeli cooperation with Guatemala with the most serious implications is the role played by Israeli personnel in the universally condemned rural "pacification" program. Extreme maldistribution of land-exacerbated by encroachment on indigenous land-was a major cause of the present rebellion. After trying several different approaches, the military, under Rios Montt, embarked on a resolution of the problem, substituting forced relocation and suppression for equitable land distribution.

    In 1982 Israeli military advisers helped develop and carry out 'Plan Victoria' the devastating scorched earth campaign which Rios Montt .unleashed on the highland population. In June 1983, the Guatemalan embassy in Washington confirmed that "personnel sent by the Israeli government were participating in the repopulation and readjustment programs for those displaced." Rios Montt himself told the Washington Times that the Israeli government was giving his administration help with the counterinsurgency plan called "Techo, tortilla y trabajo" (shelter, food and work). The "three T's" followed an earlier Rios program called Fusiles y Fridoles, or beans and bullets, where wholesale slaughter was combined with the provision of life's necessities to those willing to cooperate with the military.

    The success of the government's initially savage but sophisticated campaign against the rebels has come without significant U.S. military assistance, and top field commanders say that none is necessary now to finish the guerrillas.

    "We declared a state of siege so we could kill legally," Rios Montt told a group of politicians. The Roman Catholic Conference of Bishops called what Rios was doing "genocide." Following Rios' overthrow, his successor Mejia Victores continued the program, proclaiming that model villages would be extended throughout the country.

    As the army bombed, strafed and burned village after village, an estimated 100,000 peasants escaped across the border to Mexico or to the mountainous territory controlled by the guerrillas. Others were captured by the military. Many of those who went to the guerrillas were later forced by hunger to surrender themselves to the military. Their fate was confinement in model villages, what were called strategic hamlets during the U.S. assault on Vietnam.


    One of the most oppressive features of Guatemala's pacification program is the "civilian self-defense patrols" whose ranks are filled by coercion, with most joining out of fear of being called subversive, and thus marked for torture or execution.

    Those who do serve in the patrols must "turn in their quota of 'subversives."' Otherwise, "they will be forced to denounce their own neighbors and to execute them with clubs and fists in the village plaza."'

    The patrols are believed by most analysts to have been suggested by Israelis. They have had a profound effect on Mayan society, both psychologically, "a permanent violation of our values or a new negative vision," as the country's Catholic bishops charged, and practically, as long shifts on patrol prevent fulfillment of family and economic obligations

    In 1983 the Guatemalan government estimated that 850 villages in the highlands had "self defense" units. The following year the U.S. embassy inGuatemala estimated that 700,000 men had been enrolled in the units, armed with Israeli assistance. Currently 900,000 men are organized into the civil patrols.


    It is no accident that the Guatemalans looked to the Israelis for assistance in organizing their campaign against the Indians, and having followed their mentors' advice, wound up with something that looks quite a bit like the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza strip. As the Israelis wrecked the local economy and turned the occupied territories into a captive market and a cheap labor pool, the Guatemalan military has made economic activity in the occupied highlands all but impossible.

    As it is openly acknowledged in the Israeli media that the Palestinian population must not be allowed to exceed the Jewish population, it is common knowledge that the Guatemalan military would like to reduce the Mayan population to a minority.

    But most of all there is the unyielding violence of the suppression. The occupation regime Israel has maintained since 1967 over the Palestinians (and its occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, the Egyptian Sinai and Southern Lebanon) has trained "an entire generation of impose Israeli rule over subject peoples." "The Israeli soldier is a model and an example to us," Gen. Benedicto Lucas said in 1981.

    It was in the coercive resettlement program that Israel's activities in Guatemala intersected most directly with those of the Christian right surrounding the Reagan Administration. This was particularly true during the reign of Rios Montt. Montt was a so-called "born-again Christian," a member ("elder") of the Arcata, California based Church of the Word, a branch of Evangelical Gospel Outreach.

    In Guatemala, the Christian right was interested in converts by the end of 1982 reactionary Protestants had succeeded in recruiting 22 percent of the population to their theology of blind obedience and anti-communism. They were particularly hostile to Catholicism, especially "Liberation Theology," which many of the Guatemalan military deemed responsible for the insurgency.

    Right-wing Christian organizations seemed to be especially drawn to the harsh social control being exerted on the highland Mayans. During the Rios Montt period, foreign fundamentalists were permitted access to military operational zones, while Catholics were turned away-or attacked. During this period "many Catholic rectories and churches in Quiche [a highland province] [were] turned into Army barracks. In late 1983, the Vatican itself protested the murder of a Franciscan priest in Guatemala and the (exiled) Guatemalan Human Rights Commission (CDHG) charged that in the space of several months 500 catechists had been disappeared. In October the police caught and tortured some religious workers.

    Meanwhile, Rios Montt surrounded himself with advisers, both North American and Guatemalan, from his Verbo church, and what appeared to be a loose coalition of right-wing fundamentalist organizations, most notably Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, began an extensive fundraising drive and also started sending volunteers to Ixil Triangle villages under military control. Rios Montt chose Love Lift International, the "relief arm" of Gospel Outreach, Verbo's parent church, to carry the food and supplies purchased with the money raised. Verbo representatives, along with an older evangelical outfit, the Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT/SIL, the latter initials for the Summer Institute of Linguistics, an organization whose CIA connections are long and impeccable and which has often been charged with involvement in massacres of indigenous peoples throughout the Americas), arranged with the government "to take charge of all medical work in the Ixil Triangle, and for all education in Indian areas up to the third grade to be taught in Indian languages with WBT/SIL assistance," through the Behrhorst Clinic. WBT/SIL and the Clinic's parent, the Behrhorst Foundation, incorporated with Verbo Church into the Foundation for Aid to the Indian People (FUNDAPI), whose stated purpose was to channel international Christian donations to refugees and which coordinated volunteers from U.S. right-wing religious organizations.

    Although nothing has yet emerged which definitively ties Israeli activities in Guatemala to those of the religious right, it is reasonable to assume there is contact. Since the late 1970s the government of Israel has devoted considerable energy to befriending such political luminaries of rightist evangelism as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, having turned to these groups after the National Council of Churches passed some mildly reproving resolutions about the Middle East. The Christian extremists tell Israel what it wants to hear. Jerry Falwell found justification in the Bible for an Israelencompassing parts of "lraq, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan and all of Lebanon, Jordan, and Kuwait. Pat Robertson praised the Reagan Administration's veto of a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel's invasion of Lebanon with some gobbledygook tying the invasion to the fundamentalist superstition that Israel will be the site of the last battle, Armageddon: "Israel has lit the fuse, and it is a fast burning fuse, and I don't think that the fuse is going to be quenched until that region explodes in flames. That is my personal feeling from the Bible." Robertson urged his viewers to call the White House and voice their support for the Israeli invasion.

    Untroubled by the scene in Armageddon when all the Jews will be converted (or damned), Israel welcomed the "Christian Voice of Hope" radio station and its companion "Star of Hope" television to Southern Lebanon, and, even though proselytizing is illegal in Israel, provided the stations with Israeli government newscasts. Supported by donations from U.S. right-wing evangelicals, and in particular by Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, the stations were "used as a military tool" by the Israeli proxy South Lebanon Army.

    Aside from the religious right and their secular allies, the Guatemalan model villages have been universally condemned. Until 1985 a bipartisan majority opposed the granting of any U.S. aid that would strengthen the development poles. This, of course, stopped short of undercutting support for the "pacification" program, as funds received from U.S. AID and other foreign sources freed up government funds for use on the model villages. In 1984, U.S. AID granted Guatemala $1 million which was used for constructing infrastructure for the model villages. Americas Watch Vice Chairman Aryeh Neier pointed out that humanitarian assistance from the U.S. has "played an essential role in the Guatemalan Army's counterinsurgency programs," enabling the army to distribute (or withhold) food to exact compliance with its resettlement program.


    Abdication of Responsibility

    ... When the U.S. intervened in Guatemala and overthrew its liberal, democratically elected government in 1954, it effectively transferred rule to the country's military, which has held power ever since. Even the civilian presidency of Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro was (with U.S. acquiescence) immediately subjugated by the military. To cite only one example of the continuity that makes the last three tragic decades of Guatemala a U.S. responsibility: the dossiers that formed the basis of the intelligence unit G-2's death squad selection process also date back to 1954. After the fall of the government of Jacobo Arbenz, the army confiscated the membership lists of the many organizations which had blossomed during the all-too-short hiatus between repressive regimes- Guatemala was ruled by the oppressive dictator Jorge Ubico until 1945, when he was bloodlessly replaced by a popular government under Dr. Juan Jose Arevalo-and from these lists culled 70,000 "communists." These files were updated during the 1960s and used for assassinations during a U.S.-supported counterinsurgency. In the 1970s Israel stepped in and helped with the computerization of the whole bloody system.

    It does not take convoluted reasoning to conclude that "both the U.S. and Israel bear rather serious moral responsibility" for Guatemala.



    el salvador D'Aubuisson israel

    Israeli foreign policy: South Africa and Central America

     By Jane Haapiseva-Hunter, Jane Hunter'Aubuisson+israel&source=bl&ots=gX9Z8d2Qvp&sig=DhPSHsnCjH_DIAgxnCE8EG2UQ7w&hl=en#v=onepage&q=el%20salvador%20D'Aubuisson%20israel&f=false


    Guatemala: Three Generals Finally Arrested and Indicted for Genocide


    Tony Ryals says:
    July 9, 2010 at 10:17 Maldonado, Bancafe, Refco and BAWAG Bank Austria
    I, as an American defrauded in a money laundering operation in shares of a company called
    Endovasc in 2001, was surprised in 2004 by the collapse of Bancafe to discover that Bancafe was Connected to Refco with links to an Austrian bank BAWAG called. Bawag was used for many years by Refco in their illegal operations, but Protected by the corrupt U.S. SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission and international criminal influence and power in Washington, DC and also
    with Israelis as the Grin brothers and the thousand Austro-Jewish millionaire Martin Schlaff.
    This bank was bought by hedge fund Cerberus Group a little after the tragedy of Bancafe and then
    the CIA and the Department of Treasury of the United States was spying Financial transcaciones
    while in Belgium international SWIFT transactions alleged terrorists to seek ..

    International Bank Account Codes
    19 May 2006 ... SWIFT account code is used worldwide, and the IBAN account code,
    is used ... Belgium, 16, BE68 5390 0754 7034. Cyprus, 28 ...

    The former head
    Department of United States Treasury John Snow resigned from his government position a little
    time later to be an executive whom Cerberus bought BAWAG-one percent of Bank Leumi in Israel
    after this financial intelligence.
    Too bad that the former President of Guatemala who want to write threatens and know the truth about Bancafe and
    Gert Rosenthal hablar.Mi so little does not suspect is that Mr. Juan Carlos Maldonado went to Austria no
    only to visit her sister for many years but also because of the linkages between BAWAG and Refco
    Writing down a mine in 2006 on the subject:
    Jerry Weller, Rios Montt, Bancafe Guatemala, Austria BAWAG, Refco and 'Actions Cents'
    by Tony Ryals Monday, Nov. 13, 2006 at 9:14 PM


    H.E. Mr. Gert Rosenthal, Chairman of the Delegation

    28 September, 2010

    Statement Summary

    GERT ROSENTHAL (Guatemala) said the financial and economic crisis had had a strong impact on his country’s economic performance. Its national income grew less than one per cent in 2009 due to reduced exports, a contraction in remittances and the collapse of direct foreign investment. That had impacted tax receipts despite multiple initiatives by the Government to increase the tax ratio to deal with increasing demand for social services and public security. Although there had been a modest recovery this year, the intensity of that recovery would depend to a high degree on the uncertain evolution of the international economy.

    Also, during the last decade, a raft of illicit activities related to organized crime had taken root in Guatemala, he continued. Trafficking in persons, arms and drugs, as well as money laundering, had expanded in a manner that was quite worrisome, under the double banner born from organized crime’s capacity to co-opt and intimidate. Drug trafficking, in particular, had weakened democratic institutions. In response to that challenge, the Government had associated itself with the United Nations and friendly countries through bilateral and multilateral cooperation. A visible expression of that cooperation was the establishment of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala. In addition, the country had joined its neighbours in Central America and Mexico in combating regional criminal networks, as reflected in the decisions adopted during and intersectoral meeting of the region’s senior Foreign Relations Ministers, Attorneys-General and police officials, held in Antigua, Guatemala, only a few days ago.

    Continuing, he said Guatemala had been the victim of natural disasters with an unusual frequency, he stated. That reflected the country’s extreme vulnerability to the effects of climate change, given its location in a tropical isthmus. While not fully recovered from the effects of tropical storm Stan which hit at the end of 2005, it was affected by grave drought in 2009 and, in the last few months, the eruption of the Pacaya Volcano, which had caused extensive damage to agricultural production, and tropical storm Agatha in June, affecting 330,000 people and killing 100 people while causing damages estimated at close to a billion dollars.

    Guatemala had employed all the resources within its means to address those challenges but had also appealed for international cooperation. The United Nations had been among the first to respond to its call for assistance. Up till now, the focus had been on the emergency phase of those challenges, but it was imperative to also address the reconstruction and transformation phases as soon as possible. The Government had prepared a detailed plan to take on that task. It had convened an international conference of donors, to be held in Antigua, Guatemala, on 11 an 12 October, to introduce that plan. Finally, he said Guatemala harboured the hope that there would be tangible progress this year in the long-delayed reform of the Security Council. Such progress was crucial in order to provide greater legitimacy to the General Assembly. It would also benefit all the main organs of the United Nations and the Organization in its entirety. He then announced Guatemala’s candidature for Security Council membership for the biennium 2012-2013 in the hope of contributing to the work of the Council.