Monday, April 18, 2016

Israeli Trained Federal Police(Federales),Witnessed And Allowed Disappearance Of Mexican Sudents

Israeli Trained Federal Police(Federales),Witnessed And Allowed Disappearance Of Mexican Sudents

Israeli Trained Federal Police(Federales),Witnessed And Allowed Disappearance Of Mexican Sudents

'It Was the Feds': How Mexico's Federal Police Slaughtered ...
Apr 26, 2015 - "Kill them like dogs," the federal police screamed while opening fire on more than a hundred ... They carried three types of weapons: the 308-caliber Galil, the 7.62-caliber ..... Lesson of the Day: Don't bring sticks to a gun fight.

Honduran Police Galil? [Archive] - Page 5 - UZI Talk Forums
Apr 17, 2013 - 100+ posts - ‎11 authors
Another group of Mexican Federal Police march in line with Galil SAR's. Mexico has quite a bit of rifles in service along all the police branches, ...

Story image for mexico students disappeaRED from The Guardian

Federal police witnessed abduction of 43 missing Mexican students ...

The Guardian-Apr 14, 2016
Federal authorities have blamed the disappearance of the 43students on the Guerreros Unidos drug cartel with the help of local police.
Explore in depth (42 more articles)


IMI Negev - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
The Negev is an Israeli 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm light machine gun, developed by ... (nowIsrael Weapon Industries), as a replacement for the 5.56 mm Galil ARM ...; Mexican Federal Police Using IWI Negev Machine Gun ...

Mexican Federal Police Using IWI Negev Machine Gun ...
Aug 1, 2013 - Mexican Federal Police have adopted the IWI's next-gen lightweight ... than a rifle and can be configured to fire from a belt, an AR-15 or Galil ...

Abandoned by the Police, Mexican Villagers Fight to Take ...
The Daily Beast
Feb 13, 2016 - Soldiers and federal police patrol the highways in places like Guerrero, ... Galil assault rifle chambered for the high-powered 7.62 mm round. - MEXICAN FEDERAL POLICE SCORES ...
Mar 12, 2009 - MEXICAN FEDERAL POLICE SCORES, MORE WEAPONS SEIZED IN ... barrett rifle, two 7.62x51 galil rifles, one AK47 rifle, three AR15 rifles, ...

Michoacán: Contrary to Castillo's claim, Federal Police ...
Borderland Beat
Apr 20, 2015 - (meaning the two could have been killed by either the federal police ... There cannot be immunity for traitors to the Mexican people like himself.

Israel trains 50 Mexican troops each year

About 50 federal, state and municipal police? Including commanders and senior leaders? They are trained each year in Israel. Cooperation between security agencies is given not only in the Middle East; in Mexico, companies Israeli security service, even not equipped for the Mexican government in the context of the "war" against drug trafficking, aircraft declares the Israeli Embassy in Mexico, the voice of Eldad Golan, political adviser and aggregate press and culture. "With the exchange of information between security agencies, the ties between the two countries are strengthened," says Navarrete Prida PRI congressman Alfonso

3. July 2012 Author: Rogelio Velazquez Security , Week
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A fulfilled 60 years of bilateral relations between Mexico and Israel, cooperation on security is at its highest point. According to statements of Eldad Golan, political adviser and press attaché and culture in the Israeli Embassy in Mexico, more than 150 Mexican police trained in Israel for three years.
Interviewed by Contralínea at the headquarters of the Israeli representation in the Federal District, the official said that in training police officers have participated all three levels of government: "federal, state and municipal; even commanders and senior leaders have taken the course we teach there, which is in high demand in Mexico, and although it is limited to 20 people more involved. "
It refers to the ongoing Police and Community promoted by MASHAV international cooperation agency (created in 1958 as a division of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs), in cooperation with the Organization of American States.
The course objective is to strengthen the commitment of the police with the community; ie, "the police will carry out a policy of reciprocal approach with its citizens by establishing a coherent working model and the community," said the convening of the course. In the methodological part of it, the active participation of registered through lectures, workshops, panel discussions and practical work is encouraged.
It analyzes in detail the Community Police of Israel, the Unit for the Prevention of Crime Detection Unit Preventive in formal educational institutions, and the Public Council for Crime Prevention.
The course, with three weeks about, is taught in the Histadrut-Israel International Institute (located in the village Beit Berl); Hence cooperation and development programs are provided for more than 50 years.
In addition, the institute has five divisions of cooperation: Latin America and the Caribbean; Africa, Asia and the Pacific;Central and Eastern Europe; Middle East and North Africa. He has also worked at various times with the International Labour Organization, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the International Cooperative Alliance, among other international organizations.
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Secrets in security arrangements
In February 1997 -three years before they signed a treaty of free trade governments of Israel and Mexico signaron agreement on cooperation in combating illicit trafficking and notice of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and other serious crimes.
Article I of the agreement states that both countries will promote the exchange of information on drug trafficking and modalities to combat them; as well as coordination of activities of their respective services in the same field; and share their knowledge and experiences. In the same vein, the two nations should "mutually sent other reports of origin and analysis of seized narcotics and copies of research papers and also mutual exchange of information on this subject, to the extent lies with the other party," he says document.
Altogether, Article IV states that the cooperation activities to be carried out, must meet the standards and practices of Interpol, insofar as they apply under their national legislation.
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agents exchange of experts between the authorities of both countries within the framework of cooperation is also contemplated.
Finally, it is stated that "neither party shall disclose any confidential information relating to the other party, or transfer to third countries, unless it has received consent from the other party."
In an interview, Jesus Alfonso Navarrete Prida, federal deputy for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, says the agreement is very important in technology: "Many security systems are based on Israeli systems: it is one of the many areas where the exchange of information such as technology, strengthen the ties between the two countries. " -¿La Collaboration with Israel is part of the national security scheme Mexico? He also asks the president of the Friendship Group Mexico-Israel Chamber of Deputies.
-The Collaboration is internal. In national security, Mexico has its own sources of information and maintains international relations where multiple information intersect; but the internal affairs of the country, as far as I know, we solve the Mexicans.
How collaboration runs on security?
-Through The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also by the different corporations in which Mexico has signed agreements of cooperation and mutual assistance. It is not only an area of ​​the Mexican government, but many areas. Indeed, the Ministry of Public Security, by Genaro Garcia Luna, said in April 2009 that police from Israel, the United States and Colombia, among others, would train about 300 agents of the Federal Police, which would train about 9,000 university hired for intelligence and police investigation.
For example, Maribel Cervantes Guerrero, appointed last February by Felipe Calderon as the new commissioner of the Federal Police, is trained by the leading security agencies in the international arena in matters of information, operational crime analysis, intelligence, strategic planning , terrorism, investigation techniques and police in countries like Israel, Spain and the United States, indicates the Ministry of Public Security.
After emerging from the ranks of the Center for Investigation and National Security, Maribel Cervantes passed in 1999 to the intelligence of the then Federal Preventive Police; He was also responsible for establishing ties of cooperation, training and exchange of information with the Police Community of America and the European Police Office.
Since 2010, the government of the Federal District has also established agreements with the government of Israel for the capital's police training in handling explosives and flow control in public transport.
However, Eldad Golan mentioned in an interview with Contralínea, that "the security issue there are many things we do not know: are confidential, secret and are less exposed levels."
However, he adds that in Mexico there are different representatives of Israeli security companies. They offer services ranging from surveillance to non-equipped aircraft.
"Israel has here many representations in the field of security;pitifully by what is happening in Mexico, all this has a very large market. Therefore, Israelis are excellent providers for the Mexican customer, due to our security expertise. One result of that experience is the abundance of Israeli security companies in different areas. "
Expert on Middle East issues, Camila Pastor, PhD in sociocultural anthropology from the University of California, explained that collaboration Contralínea of ​​Israel in Mexico is meant by the experience of the first safety issues.
"The 1997 treaty was signed three years of the appearance of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, and in this context the Israeli collaboration is considered valuable. In the current context of the war against drug trafficking at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) it was performed a year ago a forum for [part of] the Israeli embassy in Mexico, where cooperation among specialists proposed security I Israeli with Mexican; were linked to senior officials of the two states, but the end result was not made public, "says researcher CIDE.
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60 years of bilateral relations
Bilateral cooperation is not only security; in April 2000, Mexico signed a free trade agreement with Israel. To say Eldad Golan, tariffs down and have a trade of 500 billion dollars a year: "Israel is the great partner of Mexico in the Middle East; still, we are trying to persuade the Mexican businessman and his Israeli counterpart to invest each in the other country.
"We have enough experience; for example, the coast of Tel Aviv was a, dangerous, arid dunes; in less than 60 years it has become the economic, cultural, educational, business center;Today it is known as the Miami of the Middle East. "
In 2011 they participated 2 000 638 109 professionals in 120 countries MASHAV activities of the agency in Israel. At the same time, 2 000 913 participated in courses and programs in 31 countries.
Mexico participated with 25 professionals in education; with eight courses for the development of small and medium enterprises; six in agriculture; five regional planning; three community development; two urban and rural development; and only one in the field of science and technology. This July 1 marks 60 years of relations between Mexico and Israel. The celebrations began since last February with a week of Israel in the Torre Mayor in Mexico City, where exhibitions on history, education and culture were mounted.
In addition, they have scheduled musical events, cultural, academic and culinary samples: "the competition was held to design the logo symbolizing the 60 years of relations between the two countries and won a student of Nuevo Leon. Now she will travel with all expenses paid to Israel and meet our ancient culture, "says the official.
Through the Israeli Embassy in Mexico, this country students receive scholarships to study his degree in Israel or take summer courses. Most of these issues is inclined to fight against terrorism and international relations.
"We have a delegation of Mexican archeology students who are excavating a biblical site, next to the Sea of ​​Galilee is the first time that archaeological Israeli authorities granted an authorization of such a team that is not Israeli," he explains the official Eldad Golan.
The official referred that the embassy takes an eye camp in marginalized communities in Chiapas. As part of its work, Israeli doctors perform? In a week? approximately 400 operations of cataract and glaucoma poor people.
"In rural tourism we apply a course in indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz and Durango; We give tools to those indigenous communities to develop their own project themselves through attracting tourists in order to convert their small houses in cabins that are a source of income. That help is the value of our people because the foundation of Judaism is " 'love your neighbor as yourself'."
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The Arab-Israeli conflict
In October 2011 the United Nations Organization for Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization accepted Palestine as the state 195. However, Mexico abstained in the vote (Contralínea 280).
Political advisor to the Israeli embassy, ​​Eldad Golan, this is a friendly, responsible and positive attitude of the Mexican government regarding the Middle East:
"Mexico and Israel belong to the group of Western countries. We share views on democracy, human development, welfare of the population and technology; the Arab-Israeli conflict does not affect in a direct way Israel's relations with Mexico. However, being a conflict that has reached international bodies like the UN, Mexico must take a stand for or against. "
What is needed to reach an agreement with the Palestinians? He asks you.
Before solving the territorial problem we must solve the psychological: trust, mutual respect; without it we can not advance a peaceful solution. The ball is right now in the court of the Palestinians;we do not have terrorist organizations sponsored by Iran and called the final and total destruction of Israel sponsored. How I can negotiate with someone who wants to kill me?
It refers to the resistance movement Islamic Hamas, who according to the official, no longer enjoys the popularity it had before: "Hamas, like Fatah, already corrupted: they are the same thing almost, and although the first were handed by our destruction, we are a very strong country militarily and technologically: not pose a real threat. "
To the diplomat, Israel is a victim of the media that convey information about the process manipulated adding that Israel has never denied the right to exist another Arab country:
"In 1947, the partition vote for the creation of two states was voted favorably by Israel, despite the resolution discriminates us a lot: they were going to give just a bit of our ancestral land. The Palestinians did not accept it; I did not have had to endure this war more than 60 years. "
In contrast, Ofer Casif, doctor in economics from the London School of Economics, England, told Contralínea that exists in Israel a militaristic culture based on the "paranoia" of Israeli society, and racism is a symptom of this: "most Israeli Jews think that security must be above human rights, democracy and equality. Security is like a god. "
He adds that in that country there is a regression in public policy: "Now there is more unemployment, poverty and pollution; carried out the privatization of education and minorities such as the Bedouin, infant mortality is like in the third world.
"The figures regarding the conflict with Palestine are alarming: more than 10 years Israel kills a Palestinian child every third day and virtually no industry Palestine in their cities, and all resources have them Israel;plus there are thousands of innocent Palestinian prisoners accused of terrorism, totally isolated ".
Randa Nablusi, Palestinian ambassador in Mexico, says Contralínea that "Israel makes life hell for the Palestinians; however, Palestine is committed to the peace process, but you can not know how much patience we have to achieve:
The ambassador said that "one of the main problems is the construction of the separation wall and 650 checkpoints, where the Israeli army stops for hours to Palestinians who go from one place to another. There have been cases of people dying at these checkpoints because they do not let them, even babies have been born in them. "
-¿Se Expect a change in the conflict after the US elections?
'We have heard, from the times of [George] Bush, the two-state solution, but it's funny to say this while occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.It matters who becomes president but also important congress; perhaps with changes in the Arab world the US policy towards us also change favorably.
regional perspectives
Camila Pastor mentioned that the future of the region is directly linked to whoever wins in the Egyptian elections, "which remains a leader in Egypt will be the interlocutor with Israel, as the Arab country was still one of its strongest allies in the zone. If that party changes, you could change the policy of alliances.
"Israel has to face a domestic economic and social demands of its citizens. This series of lawsuits has been linked them with global protests Indignados or Occupy Wall Street, although they look a lot more to the demands of its neighbors in the Arab spring. Israel must not forget the new states that are forming around them. "
In addition to state that Israel is the only democracy in the region, Eldad Golan located in the center of the debate on Iran, which he describes as a sponsor of global terrorism country, which has links with Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon:
"Iran is the big problem of the Middle East. It is a country with not only regional, but global aspirations, which becomes a global problem.Let us not forget that develop nuclear weapons very discreetly, publicly threatening the destruction of my country. " Therefore sentence, "until there is a change inside Iran there will be no stability in the Middle East.
"For free international community, Western, of which Mexico is part, things are very clear, it is very clear that we must solve the problem of Iran as soon as possible."
What is the vision of Israel's long-term?
We lived a process of profound political change in the Arab world, we have not yet reached the end result of popular uprisings that began a year ago. But he sees a new order [New Order] in which the people most directly involved in the decisions of their countries to be changing authoritarian schemes that had before. It would be very significant for Israel have democratic governments around.

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