Friday, June 4, 2021

Anthony Fauci - King Of Pain of Gain-of-Function Biowarfare - Crimes Against Humanity

Anthony Fauci backed virus experiments 'despite pandemic risk' America’s top medical adviser for the coronavirus, Anthony Fauci, argued that the benefits of experimenting on contagious viruses – manipulating and heightening their infectious potency – was worth the risk of a laboratory accident sparking a pandemic. Fauci once argued for risky viral experiments — even if they can lead to pandemic 'Gain-of-Function Godfather': Bombshell emails link Dr Fauci to Wuhan lab leak theory Sky News host Sharri Markson says Anthony Fauci is considered "the Godfather" of Gain-of-Function research after she uncovered a 2012 scientific paper of his that said the benefits of the research were worth the risk of a pandemic. Top US Medical Adviser Dr Anthony Fauci was informed in Feb 2020, COVID-19 exhibited characteristics that suggested it could have been genetically altered in a lab, according to bombshell emails published. "It is an extraordinary acknowledgement; it is incomprehensible for a public health official, charged with protecting public health to take this position, but that's what he has done," she said. "These emails show that in the very early stages of the pandemic - in early 2020 - he became concerned that the finding for gain-of-function research in the US had flown to Wuhan. "And we see there's a flurry of emails where he's trying to find out whether he could be responsible or whether the NIH could be responsible for funding the research that might have created the virus that has leaked." Ms Markson said it was "a real possibility" American funding under Anthony Fauci "funded a virus that might have leaked that has resulted in this global pandemic". "This is why we've seen such a cover-up from people like Anthony Fauci," she said.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wells Fargo Caught Financing Predatory Lenders Wells Fargo, Bank of America Finance Predatory Lenders and Their Outrageous Interest Rates by Derek MajorMay 25, 2021May 26, 2021 ........... The Payday Shark in Your Bank Account by Alex Mikulich Ph.D. NUMBER 20, APRIL 2012 A DDA disclosure by Wells Fargo warns of these consequences: “If there are insufficient funds in your Linked Consumer Checking Account at the time of Automatic Repayment, your account will become overdrawn when the outstanding advance is repaid and any other transactions posting on that day would be subject to overdraft or insufficient funds fees. If you cannot repay your overdrawn balance and fees, you risk closure of your Linked Consumer Checking Account and negative information may be reported to consumer reporting agencies. This may impact your future ability to open a deposit account or qualify for credit.” (Wells Fargo Bank statement quoted in Center for Responsible Lending, “Predatory Payday Lending by Banks on the Rise”.) Indeed, a Harvard Business School (HBS) study found that banks closed over 30 million debit/checking consumer accounts involuntarily between 2001 and 2005 for excessive overdrafts, with these former bank customers having limited or no subsequent access to the formal banking system. Utilizing county level data, the HBS study found that involuntary closures “are more frequent in counties with a larger fraction of single mothers, lower education levels, lower wealth, and higher rates of unemployment.” The HBS faculty also found that payday lending increases the odds that households will overdraft and ultimately lose their accounts. The study, “Bouncing Out of the Banking System: An Empirical Analysis of Involuntary Bank Account Closures,” is co-authored by Dennis Campbell, F. Asis Martinez Jerez, and Peter Tufano. A stunningly attractive new product is being offered by at least four banks nationwide. The product—to use an overly respectful term—is called a Direct Deposit Advance (DDA). The problem: DDAs work just like a predatory payday loan and appear to be even more deceptive. People who have their paycheck or social security benefits check deposited directly into their checking account with either Wells Fargo, US Bank, Fifth Third, or Regions are vulnerable to this deceptively simple form of a payday loan. Regions, based in Birmingham, Alabama is pushing its “Ready Advance” in Gulf South states. DDAs are attractive because banks make them easy to get at a branch, an ATM, or over the phone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “Ready Advance” is just a click away inside of an online account at Regions. Many borrowers assume they have gotten a low-cost cash advance rather than a loan. Borrowers may think that the 10% fee on $100 is cheaper than other credit (like 18% on a credit card) but $10 for a $100 loan repaid in ten days, which is a typical bank DDA (payday) loan term, is 365% APR. In a typical bank payday loan the bank pays itself back as soon as the next paycheck or benefit check is deposited on the account. The Center for Responsible Lending found that there was an average of ten days between a borrower taking out a loan and the borrower getting their next pay or benefit check. So the consumer may not “fall behind” on the DDA because the bank has paid itself from the borrower’s account; rather, they are current on the DDA but short on money to pay for other regular bills. If a borrower takes out more loans to pay existing bills, it only compounds their debt burden. Even worse, the borrower may see the problem as high overdraft or bank fees, not linking overdrafts on their account to the DDA. The bank does not actively “collect” the loan or warn borrowers of the approaching loan due date so borrowers frequently do not recognize the source of the overdrafts and the reason for their indebtedness. If 35 days pass without any deposits into a borrower’s account and the bank cannot pay itself, the bank may close the account. A DDA disclosure by Wells Fargo warns of these consequences: “If there are insufficient funds in your Linked Consumer Checking Account at the time of Automatic Repayment, your account will become overdrawn when the outstanding advance is repaid and any other transactions posting on that day would be subject to overdraft or insufficient funds fees. If you cannot repay your overdrawn balance and fees, you risk closure of your Linked Consumer Checking Account and negative information may be reported to consumer reporting agencies. This may impact your future ability to open a deposit account or qualify for credit.” (Wells Fargo Bank statement quoted in Center for Responsible Lending, “Predatory Payday Lending by Banks on the Rise”.) Indeed, a Harvard Business School (HBS) study found that banks closed over 30 million debit/checking consumer accounts involuntarily between 2001 and 2005 for excessive overdrafts, with these former bank customers having limited or no subsequent access to the formal banking system. Utilizing county level data, the HBS study found that involuntary closures “are more frequent in counties with a larger fraction of single mothers, lower education levels, lower wealth, and higher rates of unemployment.” The HBS faculty also found that payday lending increases the odds that households will overdraft and ultimately lose their accounts. The study, “Bouncing Out of the Banking System: An Empirical Analysis of Involuntary Bank Account Closures,” is co-authored by Dennis Campbell, F. Asis Martinez Jerez, and Peter Tufano. The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) finds that bank payday borrowers are in debt for 175 days per year, which is twice as long as the maximum length of time the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation advises is appropriate. DDA terms permit indebtedness for eleven months per year. Nearly 25% of bank payday borrowers are social security recipients. A DDA loan can be up to 50% of a paycheck or deposited benefits. See “Big Bank Payday Loans: High Interest Loans keep customers in long-term debt”. The payday sharks are no longer only at the street-corner store—they may be inside your bank account.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Erroneas Concepciones Del Papa En Cuanto A La Concepcion Y La Historia De La Ciencia El diez de Noviembre de 1979 La Academia Pontifical de la Ciencia sostuvo una reunion en Roma en honor de centenario del naciemiento de Albert Einstein.La reunion supuso la primera vez en la historia de la Iglesia,desde la formacion de su Academia de Ciencia,gue un papa habia presidido una sesion de este tipo. Esta reunion de la Academia Pontifical de la Ciencia tiene probablemente mas importancia para las delaraciones del papa en cuanto a la ciencia,Galileo y la Iglesia que para la conmemoracion del centenario del nacimiento de Albert Einstein.Discutiendo el caso de Galileo y la iglesia el papa Juan Pablo II se refirio a la Academia de la siquiente manera: ''Senor Presidente,usted correctamente dijo gue Galileo y Einstein caracterizaban distintas eras.Todo el mundo reconoce la grandiosidad de Galileo asi como la de Albert Einstein,pero mientras que hoy en dia el Colegio de Cardinales en el Palacio Apostolico rinde honores al segundo,el primero se vio obligado a sufrir mucho - no lo podemos negar - a causa de hombres y organizaciones Eclesiasticas.El Concilio Vaticano ha reconocido y deplorado interferencias injustificadas......'' Y asi la iglesia comenzo a reconocer oficialmente la precision de las medidas y puntos de vista de Galileo y los astronomos renacentistas que eventualmente permitio(con la precencia de gran cantidad de energia combustible fosilizada), la prospera navegacion del eqiuipo observatorio dirigido hacia los planetas del systema solar. Ahora que el presente papa ha perdonado a Galileo por decir a la iglesia que la Tierra esta en orbita alrededor del sol,es hora de decirle al papa que la otra mitad o cuatro quintos de la cosmologia de Aristotles que fue aprobada por la iglesia es ahora inadecuada.El concepto de los cuatro elementos(tierra,fuego,aire y agua)era la otra mitad de la teoria Aristoteliana que mantiene que el mundo es el centro del universo,y que fue adaptado por la iglesia de Tomas Aquinas en el siglo trece. Aunque los astronomos renacentistas desafiaron,(unos siglos despues),con exito la teoria geocentrica del universo sostenida por Aristotles y la iglesia los atomos no han sido descubiertos.Por esta razon,los Cuatro Elementos permanecen intactos mucho tiempo despues de la muerte de Galileo en 1642. El decrubrimiento de atomos en estos ultimos siglos ha transformado totalmente nuestro concepto de los elementos.Los primeros elementos, 'tierra' y 'aire' estan ambos compuestos de un variedad de elementos.Ahora sabemos que incluso el antiguo 'agua' puede puede ser dividido en los elementos hidrogeno y oxigeno.Y el elemento 'fuego' se concive ahora como una forma de radiacion. ¡ Justus Von Liebig,el padre de la quimica agricola del siglo 19,y los otros quimicos pioneros hicieron de los Cuatro Elementos de Aristotles lo mismo que los astronomos renacentistas hicieron de su concepto del universo - lo demoleron ! Liebig,en un principio,remarco que para que los plantas utilizen en su crecimiento el carbono dioxido,del aire,deben tener las adecuadas cantidades de nitrogeno,fosforo, y potasio en la tierra.Desgraciadamente popularizando el concepto 'N,P,K' de la agricultura quimica moderna,Liebig abrio las puertas para apoyarse en exceso en el consumo de la energia intensivo combustible fosilizada en la extraccion de fosforo y potasio asi como en la producion industrial de fertilizantes de nitrogeno. Ahora sabemos que por cada orbita de la tierra alrededor del sol,(un ano), el papa,cada miembro de la iglesia catolica y cualquier persona del planeta consumen en su comida y excrementan de sus cuerpos aproxidamente medio kilo de fosforo y varias cantidades de nitrogeno, potasio,calcio,hierro y otros microelementos.Generalmente todos estos elementos vuelven a los rios y mares incluso a los vertederos municipales sin haber usados por vez segunda enriqueciendo aun mas las industrias de fertilizantes las cual vendieron a los granjeros por mayor precio , a costo de los recursos minerales nutritivos no renovables de la tierra. Debemos ser concientes de la necesidad que hay de conservar nuestros cada dia mas escasas reservas de fosfatos para futuras generaciones.No hace mucho tiempo los Estados Unidos era exportador neto de petroleo pero ahora somos importadores.La misma situacion podria darse con los fosfatos si nos negamos a aprender del pasado. Algunos investigadores han sugerido el que nos hagamos dependientes de importaciones de fosforo de la misma forma que importamos petroleo,de un pais como Marruecos,el cual tiene unas reservas de roca fosfatica bastante grandes. Cuando los prevalecentes combustibles fosilizados,el gas metano en particular son estinquidos ,solo las bacterias y las algas azul y verdes que utilizan fosforo,potasio y microelementos en agricultura y aquacultura podran ser buenos candidatos para fijar nitrogeno atmosferico a la fertilizacion agricultural. Tanto el intercambio de granos,como el directo intercambio de fosfatos apresura el exterminio de nuestras limitados reservas de roca fosfatica en los Estados Unidos,la cual proviene principalmente de los operaciones mineras de Florida.Los depositos de Idaho estan tambien siendo minados en el presente y Armand Hammer(ahora muerto desde este escrito)de la compania Occidental Petroleum ha echado ojo a los terrenos publicos cerca de Ojai,California para despojar las minas de fosfatos.El senor Hammer fue tambien el que obtuvo mayores ganancias de nuestro intercambio de fosfatos para potasio con los Sovieticos. Aproxidamente un ano despues de que su Academia Pontifical de Ciencia expusiese su discurso sobre Galileo, el papa Juan Pablo II criticando lo que el llama metodos artificiales anticonceptivos hizo simultaneamente un notable informe sobre agricultura moderna.El papa dice : ''Hay ataques hacia la fecundidad misma con propositos que la etica humana y cristiana debe considerar ilicitos......En vez de incrementar la cantidad de pan sobre la mesa de un humanidad hambrienta como podrian hacer hoy en dia los medios de produccion modernos ,se piensa en disminuir el numero de aquellos sentados a la mesa por medio de metodos contrarios a la honestidad. Esto no es digno de la civilizacion. La aparente ignorancia del papa con respecto a la historia de la ciencia y a la technologia agricola moderna le impide ver las desastrosas consecuencias de su poliutica de crecimiento de la poblacion incontrolado en generaciones futuras, las cuales se encontraran sin comida en la mesa y sin los recursos para obtenerla.Esta ignorancia muestra tambien que el papa de hoy no tiene mas experiencia en los campos de la ciencia agricolade planificacion poblacional o del control natal que el papa de Galileo en el area de astronomia. El aparato gubernmental 'General Accounting Office' de los Estados Unidos estima hace decadas que nuestras reservas de fosforo en Forida quedaron exterminadas en cual quier momento el siglo que viene(este siglo).Esto conlleva inevitablemente hacia una crisis de la poblacion y alimentos que para hacer menor, comparativamente ,nuestra crisis de petroleo. Los elementos que subvencionan la vida del papa,sus feligreses ,y el resto de los habitantes del planeta son una fuente finita.A menos que el papa se de cuenta de la seriedad del flujo linear de elementos a traves suyo y de sus feligreses,sera en parte responsable por contrubuir al colapso de la agricultura moderna. Para finalizar,el presente papa esta tan confudido con respecto al movimiento de atomos a traves suyo y de sus feligreses como lo estaba el papa de la epoca de Galileo con respecto al movimiento de la tierra y los cuerpos celestiales.Basandanos en la rapidez con la que nuestros fertilizantes quimicos estan siendo agotados,el presente papa no tiene tre siglos para revisar sus opiniones sobre la agricultura moderna y los medios anticonceptivos.Lo que todavia esta por ver es por es por que la Academia Pontifical de Ciencia no le aclarado al papa este desastroso movimiento de los atomos.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Is Fauci's Reign Ending? You Won’t Believe Why! Millions to Starve!

Is Fauci's Reign Ending? You Won’t Believe Why! Millions to Starve!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

This Startup Seeks to Print Houses for $0 [WASP]

$0 HOUSE! This Startup Seeks to Print Houses for $0 [WASP]

Friday, February 12, 2021

Capitol Hill Officer Sicknick Cremated To Destroy Evidence Or Just Another False Flag ?

Mycommentary to attorney Robert Gruler Esq.'s blog on alleged death of Capital Wasington D.C. officer Brian Sicknick during Trump election protest as well as link to a very intersting video titled "Everything Wrong with the Capitol Shooting in 21 minutes" at the first link below.: Tony Ryals Hace 1 minuto Maybe I missed it but I believe you failed to mention that Sicknick's body was cremated perhaps at the family's request or perhaps by someones wishing to destroy the evidence, I remember they delayed displaying the funeral urn until at or near the new impeachment trial probably so the demos could try and get a little more anti-Trump traction out of his dead body or ashes.I remember Biden fingering the urn sort of like he used to finger every female within fingering reach. Google search 'brian sicknick cremated'. PHOTOS: Officer Sicknick laid to rest after lying in honor at ... Feb 3, 2021 — An honor guard carries an urn with the cremated remains of U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick down the steps of the U.S Capitol, ... Thanks for the heads up on that video.It's also on bitchute.I hope they let me post this link. Robert Gruler Esq.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Video Proof Of Joe,Hunter Biden Treason With China Agaist America:Riding The Dragon


The left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment knew how the Vice President of the United States was compromised, but refused to protect the United States by reporting the corruption that materialized.  The press ignored the corruption, instead in 2016, it focused on a false narrative planted by Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton, that then Donald Trump won his election and defeated Hillary Clinton by colluding with Russia.   Obama and Biden initiated a coup d’état to remove President Trump from office before he was even inaugurated.  The above listed video is an in-depth documentary, uncovering the dangerous relationship Joe Biden has with Communist China and the anti-American business dealings Hunter Biden entered into with Communist China

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI




Riding The Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets



By Capt Joseph R. John

For the last 15 years, America’s intelligence agencies have been concerned about the threat posed to the National Security Interest of the United States by Communist China Fifth Column.  The Communist Chinese Dictatorship views itself as being within striking distance of enabling the Socialists Democrat Party to defeat President Donald J. Trump and of having a much more friendlier Biden Presidency to come to power.  A Biden Presidency would not be as aggressive as the Trump administration has been in dismembering the Chinese Communist Fifth Column that has been operating in the United States for 20 years.  If Joe Biden is elected, China will win in its goal to change the Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State.

The US Constitutional Republic is at a “Point of No Return”, because if Biden/Harris are elected, many of the freedoms granted by the US Constitution will be eliminated or dramatically changed by the Socialist activists and Progressives appointed to key positions in the Biden Administration, by Biden’s handlers.  The Biden-Red China connection is a very serious threat to the National Security of the United States, and the Rule Of Law governed by the US Constitution.  Joe Biden  and his son Hunter have been recognized as two of the world’s strongest cheerleaders for Communist China for decades.

If the Nation elects Biden/Harris, China will be able to infiltrate various Washington Government Bureaucracies, like the Obama administration facilitated the infiltration of supporters of The Muslim Brotherhood into every US Government agency.  Biden’s coziness with China and his willingness, during the 8 years he was Vice President in the Obama administration, to help ship manufacturing operations of 60,000 companies to Communist China, resulted in the loss of millions of America’s jobs which was a major disaster for the American worker.

  1. Joe Biden championed a special trade status for Communist China as well as Communist China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, which cost the United States to lose 60,000 factories and millions of manufacturing jobs.
  1. Joe Biden is quoted in a New York Times story saying in 2001: “The United States welcomes the emergence of a prosperous, integrated China on the global stage, because we expect this is going to be a China that plays by the rules.” (Communist China has never played by the rules and has continued to steal proprietary knowledge and trade secrets from US Companies).
  1. The New York Times story also quotes Joe Biden welcoming Communist China’s emergence as, “a great power, because great powers adhere to international norms in the areas of nonproliferation, human rights, and trade.” (For 75 years, Communist China has had a terrible record on Human Rights.  It oppresses millions of its citizens, interns thousand Muslims and other ethnic minorities in concentration camps, has eliminated all of Hong Kong’s freedoms, oppresses Christians in Communist China, and uses high tech equipment, provided by Silicon Valley companies, to spy on and control its entire population).

In 2013, Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was hauled around on Air Force Two so then Vice President Joe Biden, could help Hunter make lucrative business deals with foreign powers like Ukraine and Communist China to benefit the Biden family.  Hunter openly “joked” about getting Beijing to help his father become the next US President.  Joe Biden corrupted the Office of the Vice President by working with Communist China to help facilitate Hunter’s ability to strike very lucrative business deals with Communist China.

That “collusion” will compromised Joe Biden’s ability to deal effectively from a strong position with the most dangerous Communist threat and enemy of the United States.  It is a well-known fact that Communist China intends to destroy the US Constitutional Republic.  Biden allowed himself to be compromised, while Communist China was aggressively building up its military strength, while stealing US Military secrets from the US, stealing business propriety secrets from US companies, and while not skipping a beat in becoming the most serious military threat to the very survival of the United States and its ally, Taiwan.

Hunter’s small company, Rosemont, was given $1.5 Billion to create a Chinese Equity Fund entitled Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity.  Hunter then got involved in many investment deals, outlined in the below listed video, including investing in companies under investigation by the FBI because they were stealing US Nuclear Secrets from the United States, and with companies intending to take control of rare earth minerals to the detriment of the US, and in order to serve the interest of the Chinese Communist Military.  Many of those deals would be detrimental to the US Armed Forces and the National Security Interests of the United States.

The shocking hidden story, of Joe Biden being compromised, has been covered up by the left of center Main Stream Media establishment.  The hidden relationship between the Biden family and the Chinese Communist Government at a time when Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, is still being hidden by the Main Stream Media establishment today.  In his own words, in the below listed video, Joe Biden states that he doesn’t see Communist China as a threat.

Biden’s son, Hunter, who has never been trained to manage investments, nor has he ever had the experience of dealing with the complexities of doing business in Communist China, yet flew into China on Air Force Two and was given a deal by Communist China that no one else in the world has ever received in history, not Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, B of A Securities, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, etc.: those firms do not believe that an inexperienced Hunter, or his small company can manage such a massive investment portfolio  Please click on the below listed link to watch the documentary about how Vice President Joe Biden was compromised, how he colluded with Communist China, in the corrupt dealings, that led to Hunter Biden’s receipt of $1.5 Billion.



The left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment knew how the Vice President of the United States was compromised, but refused to protect the United States by reporting the corruption that materialized.  The press ignored the corruption, instead in 2016, it focused on a false narrative planted by Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton, that then Donald Trump won his election and defeated Hillary Clinton by colluding with Russia.   Obama and Biden initiated a coup d’état to remove President Trump from office before he was even inaugurated.  The above listed video is an in-depth documentary, uncovering the dangerous relationship Joe Biden has with Communist China and the anti-American business dealings Hunter Biden entered into with Communist China.

The infiltration of the US Military Industrial Complex by Communist Chinese companies operating in the US is being supported and facilitated by Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s husband.   Douglas Emhoff  is employed by DLA Piper, the firm is the consultant on behalf of a bevy of Chinese Communist Party-owned companies and the firm employs former Chinese Communist Party Officials.  Douglas Emhoff has served as a partner in the firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology Practice Sector, and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment Sector since 2017.

Hunter Biden’s US Navy Commission was revoked and he was kicked out of the US Navy for failing a cocaine drug test. After a yearlong affair with his brother’s widow, Hunter divorced his wife, who was the mother of his three daughters, then he married his brother’s widow. WHO DOES THAT?  Over the course of his divorce, Hunter drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple’s assets by “spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he was having sexual relations with).  He left his wife and three children with no funds to pay legitimate bills.  It actually was worse than that; a stripper accused Hunter of being the father of her illegitimate child, and it appears Hunter is paying the stripper some funds as a result of a lawsuit.

Jill Ashley Biden Krein, Joe Biden’s daughter, was arrested several times on drug charges.  While Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, Jill Ashley Biden Krein was videotaped snorting cocaine, but with the pressure applied by Joe Biden and the compliance of the left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment the cocaine snorting incident was covered it up and that video did never saw the light of day.  Jill Ashley Biden Krein hid out in the Vice President Biden’s Delaware home until things calmed down.

Caroline Biden, Joe Biden’s niece, stole $100,000 through a credit card scam, aka, GRAND LARCENY, but she was able to cut a deal with New York DEMOCRAT prosecutors and got off scot-free without jail time or probation, because of the influence of Joe Biden.  That was her second arrest.  She was able to deal her way out of her first arrest too, because of the influence of Joe Biden.  Caroline Biden has been to drug rehab numerous times.

Since 2013, Joe Biden has been championing Communist China while minimizing the military threat they pose to the survival of the US.  Communist China intentionally compromised Joe Biden by giving $1.5 billion to the Biden family.  Biden colluded with Communist China while arranging for his son to receive $1.5 billion from Communist China, the plan was to invest the funds in US companies that would support the Communist Chinese Military.  Joe Biden is not mentally fit to handle the heavy daily rigors of The Office of President of the United States, and would be a serious danger to the National Security interest of the United States if he ever assumed The Office of President of the United States, because he is controlled and influenced by Far Left Radicals, Marxists, Socialists, Progressives, and the Organization For Action!


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

San Diego, CA 92108

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.