Here is a link to one of many of my posts over the years re National Taxáyers Union and Agora Inc Holding Company founder James Dale Davidson that mentions his Wharekauhau property bought with a number of other international government protected financial and money laundering elite criminals followed by the recent New Zealand article where his supposed 'Miss Brazil' wife is names as 'Taciana' and who he now blames as the reason he is either not paying his mortgage or is unable to for some reason.
Both James Dale Davidson as well as his alleged Brazilian prostitute should have all their ass-etts confiscated to repay James Dale Davidson II's many decades of stock frauds and money laundering thefts against Americans using his NTU or National Taxpayers Union near the main SEC office in Alexandria,Virginia as werll as his CIA and Rothschild connected Agora Inc OF BALTIMORE AS FRONTS FOR HIS FRAUDS.
Is James Dale Davidson using New Zealand ? | Aotearoa ...
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Runaway millionaire says NZ run by 'idiots'

SEIZED BY THE BANK: This Wharekauhau home has been put up for
mortgagee sale by Westpac after it was abandoned by its owner, US
businessman and investment guru James Dale Davidson.

GOOD TIMES OVER: James Dale Davidson enjoyed relaxing and dining at the lodge and shopping in Martinborough and Greytown.

TACIANA DAVIDSON: A former Miss Brazil
James Dale Davidson's $1.6 million mansion on the Wharekauhau Lodge estate will be sold in a mortgagee sale after he stopped paying his bank, despite having funds in the United States.
"In my view, it was more important to pay my children's private tuition than the bank . . . so that was that," he said from his Florida home yesterday.
He blamed the mortgagee sale on a break-up with his second wife, Taciana, who he says was a former Miss Brazil.
"I made the mistake of marrying a woman I thought was in love with me but who wasn't," he said. "When she divorced me she took a lot of money."
But he believed New Zealand was also to blame, with its hostility towards rich foreigners making it a terrible investment prospect.
"I've made millions in Argentina. I've made millions in Peru. I went to Brazil and made millions . . . and I've gone to New Zealand and lost millions and millions. I think your country is run by idiots."
He claimed he lost $5m investing in New Zealand and still owed about $1m.
"I love the house, I love the place. I think New Zealand is a lovely place to live, but it's just not a place that you can make money."
Instead of putting up barriers, it should be focusing on becoming a wealthy "retirement haven", he said.
But Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce said he wouldn't be losing any sleep over Mr Davidson's investment opinions.
The World Bank ranked New Zealand as the third-easiest country in which to do business, and other wealthy people, such as Hollywood director James Cameron, had invested in Wairarapa and elsewhere quite happily, he said.
"But we are old-fashioned - we like people to pay their mortgages."
Mr Davidson's sprawling 623-square-metre six-bedroom house is designed to be rented out to high-rolling visitors for up to $1840 a night.
Former Wharekauhau guests include Jack Black, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Meg Ryan, the Rolling Stones and Bill Gates.
Mr Davidson became involved in the lodge in the late 1990s when he and a group of other investors bought into Annette and Bill Shaw's sheep farm in South Wairarapa, sinking millions of dollars into expanding its Wharekauhau Lodge.
However, Mr Davidson said the group had difficulty gaining resource consent for a further expansion, blocking much-needed international investment. When the global financial crisis broke in 2008, his businesses in New Zealand and the United States were hit hard.
The lodge was eventually sold in 2009 to another American, billionaire William P Foley, his business partner and its Kiwi managers, for $24m.
The property is being sold by Bayleys real estate, with tenders closing on September 18.
An American investor and publisher of investment advice, who claims to have made millions investing in the United States and South America.
He has co-authored several books with William Rees-Mogg, former editor of The Times in London, including The Great Reckoning: Protecting Yourself in the Coming Depression.
He has been described as "very conservative politically and in his general nature, and very intelligent".
Former Finance Minister Sir Roger Douglas, a co-investor in Wharekauhau Lodge with Mr Davidson, described him as an interesting man, politically to the Right, with strong taxation views.
- © Fairfax NZ News
From 1995
Wharekauhau Lodge and Farm in the Wairarapa is being sold to four residents of theU.S.A. in order to "create one of the best and most exclusive lodges in the world". The lodge includes 931 hectares of land. The current owners, W. and A. Shaw, are retaining a 10% interest in the property and will "have an ongoing involvement in the development and management of the property".
The new owner is Wharekauhau Holdings Ltd (WHL). Initially this was owned 24.9% by J. Davidson, 24.9% by A. Miller, 24.9% by M. Baybak, 15.3% by J. Sevo (all of the U.S.A.) and 10% by the Shaws. However in March 1996 this approval was amended to change the shareholding to include in addition Sir R. Douglas (Aotearoa), Lord R. Mogg (U.K.) and J. Blanchard III (U.S.A.). With that change, the shareholding is24.6% by J. Davidson, 12.3% by A. Miller, 20.2% by M. Baybak, 12.3% by J. Sevo (all of the U.S.A.), 12% by the Shaws, 13.2% by J. Blanchard III, 4.4% by Lord R. Mogg, and 1% by Sir R. Douglas.
They are paying $4,800,000 for the property through the company Wharekauhau Station Ltd.
"The Commission is advised that the Wharekauhau lodge is one New Zealand’s leading lodges but currently has limited accommodation facilities.
The Commission is advised that WHL propose to implement a development plan that will create one of the best and most exclusive lodges in the world, while also enhancing the current scenic splendour of Wharekauhau. The Commission also is advised that the development plan envisages building new villas and estate homes and extending or replacing the existing lodge house.
It is also intended that the farm business will be maintained as a Romney sheep stud. This will be developed into a model farm with some hill facings being planted in trees and fencing and fertility being improved."
Sir Roger needs no introduction. Lord William Rees-Mogg is the former chief leader writer and editor of The Financial Times, city editor and deputy editor of The Sunday Times, and editor of The Times (1967-81), "by which time he had become an accepted establishment figure, on the boards of several companies", according to the Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia (1994, Cambridge University Press, A former Vice-Chairman of the BBC, in 1988 he became head of the new, controversial, Broadcasting Standards Council. He is an author, business commentator and "advisor to some of the world's wealthiest investors". His business interests include being Chairman of International Business Communications Group PLC (business publishers, conference organisers etc), and Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Limited, and a Director of The General Electric Company Plc, and St. James Place Capital Plc ( As the Encyclopaedia states, he is very much a central establishment figure in the British hierarchy. He is a favourite subject of conspiracy theorists. His government and business connections are likely to have brought him into contact with Douglas.
He has co-authored with one James D. Davidson two books on investment: "Blood in the Streets" by James Dale Davidson and Sir William Rees-Mogg, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), and "The Great Reckoning", revised and updated edition, by James Dale Davidson and Sir William Rees-Mogg, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993). The first takes its name from the advice given by Baron Nathan Rothschild in 1815: "the time to buy is when blood is running in the streets". The second predicts a major depression before the end of the century and advises investors how to prepare for it.
The two also edit and publish Strategic Investment, an investment newsletter described by Chapman Tripp Sheffield Young (CTSY, the shareholders’ solicitors) to the OIC as "the largest circulation (135,000 per month Wall Street newsletter". Significantly, it "has been heavily promoting investment in New Zealand", so they are no novices where Aotearoa is concerned. Davidson has written for the Wall Street Journal and numerous other U.S. publications, and is a principal of Strategic Advisors Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland.
The New Zealand Companies Office identifies the OIC’s J. Davidson as James D. Davidson of Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A.. The OIC files confirm this as Rees-Mogg’s associate, James Dale Davidson. Davidson is not simply an investment advisor: he is also a political activist after Roger Douglas’s heart, and as we have seen, with a standing interest in investment in Aotearoa. He is the chairman of the National Taxpayers Union (compare ACT), which he founded in 1969. It claims 250,000 members, with a budget of $3.5 million, and 20 staff at its headquarters in Washington DC ("Encyclopedia of Associations", 31st Edition, 1996, Part 2, p.2304.) "The National Taxpayers Union [is] a public interest advocacy organization dedicated to eliminating wasteful government spending and working to reduce taxes and balance the federal budget" (
One of the more fascinating sites on the Internet is "", which has a section,, devoted to Bermuda. There (presumably to attract others to the country), it lists some of the prominent businessmen who use Bermuda to avoid their taxes. It lists such names as Silvio Berlusconi, former far-right Italian Prime Minister, currently engaged in a drawn-out corruption trial ("an Italian media magnate, he was named in the Forbes Magazine billionaires list as being worth more than $2 billion. He owns the large, white home known as ‘Blue Horizons’ in Tucker’s Town, St. George’s Parish, near the home of former US presidential candidate Ross Perot. Signor Berlusconi regularly flies into Bermuda via a private jet aircraft, with his son Piersilvio and daughter Marina. He was the Italian Prime Minister a few years ago and in 1996 made an unsuccessful political bid to become so again. Like his immediate neighbours, the Perots, he has a passion for privacy."); Jack Carter, son of former US President Jimmy Carter ("his parents visited him in Bermuda for a week in mid October, 1995"); Ross Perot; George Soros; a raft of U.S. and British billionaires and millionaires (and one Australian); and James Dale Davidson:
"James Dale Davidson
"An investment author and consultant to a clutch of leading multinational companies with active Bermuda connections, he is a graduate of Oxford University…
"In his business dealings around the globe, he has observed financial service opportunities in many countries. Over the last few years in particular, he has increasingly used Bermuda as a primary conduit for the range of his financial dealings – from banking and brokerage accounts to incorporating internationally active, prominent companies."
Evidence for his (and Rees-Mogg’s) Bermuda activities comes in the shareholding of Wharekauhau Holdings Ltd: one of its shareholders is New Paradigm Capital Ltd of Hamilton, Bermuda. According to CTSY, this is a "Bermuda merchant bank" owned jointly by Davidson and Rees-Mogg "and a Jersey Island based trust" (Jersey is another tax haven). Presumably such tax avoidance is Davidson’s way of putting his anti-tax political views into action.
However Davidson’s activities move from just right-wing straight into conspiracy theory in an escapade in 1995. It’s a long story, but the apparent suicide of Vince Foster, a bit player in the Clintons’ Whitewater scandal, led to marginally credible theories that he was actually an NSA operative and a spy for Israel with million-dollar Swiss bank accounts, and was murdered after the CIA got on to him. Davidson dived in to the controversy by financing an examination of Foster’s suicide note by three forensic handwriting experts, which, they said, was a forgery ( "An Independent Forensic Examination Of a Torn Note Allegedly Written by Vincent W. Foster, Jr.", Prepared for Strategic Investment, James Dale Davidson, Editor, 25 October 1995). One suspicion was that Davidson was fanning the flames to help undermine Clinton.
A connection with our next character, James Ulysses Blanchard III, is that a writer forStrategic Investment is Jack Wheeler, of whom more below.
J. Blanchard III is, according to the New Zealand Companies Office record, James Ulysses Blanchard III. James Ulysses Blanchard III (where else but in the U.S.A. would parents call their children such names – and where else would the children use them!) is publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Gold Newsletter, Los Angeles, U.S.A. He writes business commentaries and advice on gold and silver investments – possibly a connection with Mogg (example: "Own a Masterpiece of the Old West in Pure Silver! … An Exclusive Offer … ingenious bonus strategy we’ve developed that will have the U.S. Treasury refund you the entire purchase price of this historic acquisition ...": ref However that is not his most interesting side.
The following comes from Africa News On-Line, 29/1/96 ( and was originally published in Mail and Guardian (Johannesburg), 19/1/96, as "Mozambique: US Millionaire Plans Indian Ocean Dreampark", by Eddie Koch. It is more than a little astounding.
"Johannesburg - "Yo! You and you! Yo!" The big Texan is standing beneath the thudding turbine of a chopper in the middle of the Mozambican bush. He is whooping and yelling and pointing at a group of bewildered peasants who huddle behind a tree to protect themselves from a sandstorm whipped up by the helicopter as it swooped into their settlement.
"Gradually, above the cacophony, the villagers realise the American is telling some of them to "stop fiddle fucking" (a phrase repeated so often it could be called his company's motto), get into the air and take a look at the natural beauty that surrounds them. This is John Perrott, general manager for flamboyant millionaire James Ulysses Blanchard III, and he is bringing his employer's version of rural development to one of the poorest countries in the world.
"The vision of Blanchard Mozambique Enterprises is to create a massive wildlife and tourism mecca stretching from Inhaca Island off Maputo through the staggeringly beautiful Machangulo Peninsula, across the Maputo Elephant Park, where one of Africa's last free-ranging elephant herds lives, and then down to the South African border in the south.
"The Machangulo Peninsula has the world's highest forested dunes which jut, south of the island, into a subtropical sea abounding with coral reefs, dolphins, rays, sharks, marine turtles and endangered dugongs (strange sea mammal which gave rise to the mermaid legend because it has breasts to suckle its young).
"The $800-million masterplan, outlined in a book called the Black Bible by Blanchard's men, includes hovercrafts to ferry jetsetting tourists from Maputo to Inhaca; a Mississippi Steamer which will become a floating hotel and casino off the island; a chain of upmarket lodges on the beaches and inland lakes that dot the pensinsula; a national park that will be supplied with the big five and other animals in the biggest game restocking exercise ever undertaken in human history; scuba diving schools; game fishing expeditions; an aquarium; and a steam train to ferry tourists through this wonderland of wild game and marine life.
"South African consultants have advised Perrott that his dream to import a group of Bushmen from the Kalahari into the Mozambican theme park is likely to discredit the project. So has he given up the idea? ‘Hell no! If I get my way, I'll bring some of them little guys out here. Can you imagine tourists on the steam train looking out of one window and seeing elephants and rhino? Then they'll look out of the other and see the little bastards running around with their loin clothes and poison-tipped arrows ... The way I see it we'll bring them rhino here and save them from going extinct so why not bring the little guys who are also going extinct?’
"It is unlikely that either the Botswana or Mozambique governments will grant permission for Bushmen to be part of the scheme. But the masterplan is being taken seriously by the government in Maputo.
"The biggest obstacle in Perrott's way is that in 1987, at the height of Renamo's civil war, the Frelimo-led government granted South African timber giant Sappi a concession to plant more than 30,000 hectares of land with a plantation of bluegum trees -- in partnership with two Mozambican firms.
"The Maputo government's aim was to bring a big South African business into the area as a bulwark against bands of Renamo rebels, who waged a destructive civil war in the area, with clandestine support from elements in the South African military.
"Little thought was given, at that stage, to the fact that the concession zone is part of an incredibly rich area of plant diversity, known as the Maputaland Centre of Endemism, and that the commercial plantation will destroy botanical species which occur no where else on Earth and also one of the last tropical grasslands left in southern Africa.
"An environmental impact study commissioned by Sappi has recognised that the plantation could have serious negative impacts on the biodiversity and water resources of southern Maputo province and has recommended the planted area be reduced from 32,000 to 21,000 hectares so the bluegums can be kept away from rivers and inland lakes in the area. The study points out that the plantation, which could earn Mozambique some R80-million (about $23-million) a year and create 12,000 new jobs (not all of them full-time), does not prevent other companies from implementing ecotourism programmes in the Elephant Park and on the Machangulo Peninsula.
"But Perrott will have none of this. The Blanchard proposal, he explains, could bring in an investment of $800-million and will create 20,000 jobs in the long run. However, it depends on "critical mass", a realisation of the grand plan, and it cannot have a patch of bluegums in the middle of it.
"So James Ulysses Blanchard III has presented an ultimatum to the Mozambicans. He will not go ahead unless Sappi is out. Perrott's job is to persuade the local population and the media that his boss is right, which is why he is now in the middle of the bush with a chopper and a convoy of four-by-fours conducting an exercise in what the newspaper contingent on the trip dubbed the Texas School of Community Communication.
"While the local chief, his wife and two other volunteers from the village are taking a flip in the helicopter, the Texan begins dishing out colourful T-shirts with a huge map of southern Mozambique on the front proclaiming that the area is now a national park. The logo on the back says – in English even though the villagers speak only Shangaan or Portuguese – ‘Nix to water guzzling bluegums’.
"Women, men and children scramble for the T-shirts while a group of men gather around Perrott and his Mozambican translator. ‘Tell them they gonna have shares in this project,’ says Perrott. ‘The elephants we bring here are gonna belong to them too. Now you tell them that in your best Shingaan (sic).’
"Perrott insists that a democratic approach is vital for conservation to work and that his company will treat the local communities as equal partners. ‘We're gonna put a fence up and make this place a national park and they will be able to choose. We gonna come here and say: "Okay, now you're in a national park. Your village can either get fenced in or you can have them wild animals walking right through your main street".’
"Early in February the Cabinet will meet in Maputo to decide on the bluegum-plantation-versus-ecotheme-park row. The debate has become Mozambique's equivalent of the St Lucia controversy in South Africa and is likely to be the biggest and most complex economic decision the Mozambican government has ever had to make.
"Cabinet members appear divided on the issue. The agriculture ministry favours the plantation because it is ready to proceed and will bring immediate jobs to the depressed area. The environment ministry wants the ecotourism plan because the plantation will cause irreversible damage to Mozambican wildlife while it provides raw materials for the South African paper industry.
"Another source of concern in the Cabinet is that Blanchard – a cold-war warrior from the 1980s with close links to far-right groups in the US – has good friends in Renamo and also the Inkatha Freedom Party in KwaZulu-Natal.
"For the time being though, it appears that opinion in Maputo's government and intellectual circles is swinging Blanchard’s way. The government will insist on a proper land-use plan and assurances that the ecotourism project will not be used to benefit Renamo during the next elections, or link up with seccessionist movements in KwaZulu-Natal. It also plans to set up a group of monitors to ensure that the rhetorical commitment to a partnership with the local landowners is put into practise.
"But it now seems that the man who once bankrolled a rebel army to wage a war of incredible destruction and brutality (the US State Department once described Renamo atrocities as worse than those of the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia) is likely to be rewarded with control over a huge chunk of Mozambique's richest province.
"It is just one of the many paradoxes that pervade this poor country. ‘To understand it,’ says one of the officials who works with Perrott on the project, ‘you must realise that Mozambique in the past hasn’t had bulldozers that work. Now we have one that does.’"
The New York Times (22/5/88, "Right-Wing U.S. Coalition Aiding Mozambican Rebels", p.14) reported that
"James U. Blanchard 3d, a Louisiana businessman, said he started providing assistance to Renamo in 1986 by purchasing medical supplies and radios for the rebel group. He said he contributes $3,000 a month to advance the guerilla group’s interests. For example, he said, he helps pay for the Washington operations of the Mozambique Research Center and provides cash payments to prominent Mozambican refugees sympathetic to Renamo.
"Mr Blanchard estimated that he had given a total of $50,000 to $75,000 to aid Renamo in the last two years."
The same article reported that the State Department had issued a report the previous month
"asserting that ‘100,000 civilians may have been murdered’ as a result of widespread violence and brutality by the rebel group [Renamo]. Victims were beaten, mutilated, starved, shot, stabbed or burned to death, the report said."
Renamo was heavily supported by the South African apartheid government. It was a terrorist group in the truest sense of the word.
Also mentioned in the same New York Times article is Jack Wheeler, director of the "Freedom Research Foundation" in La Jolla, California, and a writer for Davidson’sStrategic Investment. He is said to consider himself one of the fathers of the "Reagan Doctrine" which amounted to supporting anyone who opposed any friend of the Soviet Union. He
"visited the guerillas in Mozambique for two weeks in June 1985. When he got back, he urged Lieutenant Colonel Oliver L. North to use his influence to help Renamo. Colonel North, who was then on the staff of the National Security Council, turned aside the request. ‘Ollie was very sympathetic, but felt he had to concentrate his efforts on Central America,’ said Mr Wheeler, whose foundation studies anti-Soviet insurgents around the world."
Blanchard is a supporter of the extreme right Libertarians in the U.S.A. He was on the campaign committee of the Libertarian Party’s U.S. Presidential candidate in 1996, Harry Browne ( He is also an "advisor" to the Washington-based "Free Africa Foundation" (
"Africa is a continent in crises: famine, civil wars, AIDS, environmental degradation, economic disintegration, political tyranny, social destitution, and state-sponsored terrorism… The situation remains bleak despite noble efforts by multilateral lending institutions (World Bank, IMF, and UNDP) and Western donor governments to reverse Africa's economic atrophy… [The] solutions entail returning to Africa's roots and building upon its own indigenous institutions of participatory democracy based upon consensus, open borders (free movement of goods and people), freedom of expression, free trade and free markets."
The New Zealand Companies Office identifies M. Baybak as Michael Baybak of La Canada, California, U.S.A. He appears to own his shares through Star Financial Ltd of Hamilton, Bermuda. There are only two Baybaks in the entire on-line telephone directories of the U.S.A.: Michael Baybak of Clearwater, Florida; and Michael Baybak of La Canada, California. Standard and Poor’s Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives 1995 (Volume 1, p.205) lists a Michael Baybak as Chairman of Athena Gold Corporation of Reno, Nevada (famed for casinos and quick divorces, just across the border from California). This is where things get interesting.
In its 6/5/91 issue, Time published a story (p.46 of the Pacific edition) entitled "Mining Money in Vancouver", by Richard Behar, highly critical of a California businessman, Michael Baybak and his business practices ( Unsurprisingly, this item led to Baybak suing Time. The out-of-court settlement was scarcely a victory for him. It was resolved by Time agreeing to publish a brief statement which appeared in the 11/11/96 edition of Time (p.8 of the South Pacific edition). Its crucial sentence said "Time’s report on Mr. Baybak, a member of the Church, was not intended to suggest that Mr. Baybak was a ‘front’ for the Church of Scientology or that his actions were in violation of any law or regulation". Time would not comment as to whether any money changed hands, but said it was "very happy with the settlement". (Ref:
George Cross News Letter, Vancouver, no.193 (1996), 30/10/95, in reference to Minefinders Corporation Ltd, reports: "Minefinders has engaged National Media Associates (NMA), of Los Angeles, California, to provide investor relations services for an initial term of one year, effective immediately. Under this agreement, NMA, a company controlled by Michael Baybak, will be paid a fee of US$5,000 per month plus approved disbursements." (
In its Insider Trading Report for the period ending 24/5/96, the British Columbia Securities Commission included trading by a Michael Baybak with regard to International Avino Mines Ltd on 23/5/96 (
A Michael Baybak also appears on the Finance Committee of the Committee for the Nomination of Harry Browne as the Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. President in 1996 (
Both this and the gold interests (if all these Michael Baybaks are the same person) make a connection with Blanchard plausible.
Intriguingly, in the files the OIC released to CAFCA almost all details relating to Wharekauhau shareholder Michael Baybak have been blacked out. He may of course be an entirely different person from the above, but his penchant for secrecy is interesting.
Again, according to the New Zealand Companies Office, A. Miller is Andrew Scott Miller of Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., whose shareholding is via Wharekauhau Ltd of the same Colorado address. Miller is an active participant in this deal. For example, he acted as trustee for the purchasing companies before they were formally formed. The OIC file names Sevo as John Sevo. Judging by the shareholdings, Sevo and Miller jointly own the Colorado company Wharekauhau Ltd. According to the OIC file, the two "own and operate the largest real estate firm in Denver Colorado, Sevo Miller Inc. The business owns and operates 15,000 apartments and 38 shopping centres across America."
This may be only the beginning for the above investors. The OIC file notes that
"the investors or their associates … are expected to make other investments in New Zealand. [several words deleted] Investment projects in property development, hotel/resort development, forestry, dairy and vineyards are being researched."
These contacts will be useful for the lodge’s business. In June 1996 when the lodge expanded by a further 563 hectares (see the OIC decisions for that month), the reason for the new developments was said to be to provide "an exclusive retreat for diplomats and visiting heads of Government; … a corporate
retreat/conference centre for the Southern North Island; … a high class tourist facility."
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