9/11,ICTS Israel:Donald Trump Silent On Isralis Occupying U.S.-Mexico Border
No wonder Donald Trump opted to take a trip to Laredo,Texas to protest Mexican migrants rathr than to John McCain's Arizona where he would be fact to facewith both his and McCain's dangerous to America allies from Israel occupynig Mayor Rothschild's Tucson Arizona with various Israeli government military industrial parasite corporations sucking off the largesse of the Obama and Republican trsitrs who aid and abet these foreingn war criminls who allowed 911 to hapeen to the frst place and proved tht our real vulnerability isn'twith manly Catholic Mexicans sneaking across the border but foreign agents such as Menachem Atzmon and his Israeli government Shin Beit Mossad terrorists and corporate sababtuers and money launderers coming into the country questions unasked through our own airports !
2 days ago - Cohen is known as Trump's 'pitbull' and is the real estate mogul's most ... Donald Trump gives Israel political bear hug in midst of 'Mexican ...
No wonder Donald Trump opted to take a trip to Laredo,Texas to protest Mexican migrants rathr than to John McCain's Arizona where he would be fact to facewith both his and McCain's dangerous to America allies from Israel occupynig Mayor Rothschild's Tucson Arizona with various Israeli government military industrial parasite corporations sucking off the largesse of the Obama and Republican trsitrs who aid and abet these foreingn war criminls who allowed 911 to hapeen to the frst place and proved tht our real vulnerability isn'twith manly Catholic Mexicans sneaking across the border but foreign agents such as Menachem Atzmon and his Israeli government Shin Beit Mossad terrorists and corporate sababtuers and money launderers coming into the country questions unasked through our own airports !
Meet Michael Cohen - Donald Trump's Jewish enforcer ...
Meet Michael Cohen - Donald Trump's Jewish enforcer ...
2 days ago - Cohen is known as Trump's 'pitbull' and is the real estate mogul's most ... Donald Trump gives Israel political bear hug in midst of 'Mexican ...
On July 11, Cohen told CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish that Trump “has a great relationship with Latinos.” On July 12, Cohen asked CNN “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter, “Why does it matter?” when Stelter pressed him on Trump’s claim to have drawn a crowd of 20,000 to a venue in Phoenix that holds only 4,000. And on July 13, Cohen insisted to a deeply annoyed CNN weekday morning host Chris Cuomo that Trump “never made any derogatory or disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.”
Cohen, who is Jewish, has been Trump’s most loyal ally for nearly a decade, standing up for the real estate mogul in the media and filing lawsuits when Trump perceives he’s been wronged. A 2011 ABC News profile reported that within The Trump Organization he’s called the boss’s “pit bull.”
“If you do something wrong, I’m going to come at you, grab you by the neck and I’m not going to let you go until I’m finished,” Cohen, now 48, told the TV network.....
And in February 2011, when Trump was mulling a 2012 presidential run, Cohen twisted himself in knots to defend Trump’s newfound opposition to abortion, telling National Journal, “People change their positions all the time, the way they change their wives.” (Trump has changed his, twice.)........
John McCain Bows to Jewish Money - Radio Islam
The Republican Presidential hopeful, Senator John McCain of Arizona, knows that in order ... "In addition to her moral commitment to Israel's security, America must provide Israel with ... Mark Broxmeyer: New York Jewish Real Estate magnate.
McCain: Trump should apologize to U.S. military families ...
Donald Trump calls Obama Israel's greatest enemy - Haaretz
WTC,9/11,Logan,Boston,Israeli ICTS 'Security' Trials:U.S. ...
San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center
Christopher Bollyn Gilad Atzmon on 9/11,ICTS International
Feb 5, 2015 - Christopher Bollyn Gilad Atzmon on 9/11,ICTS International,Menachem Atzmon,Shaul Eisenberg,Israel Connection To Logan Airport,WTC ...
portland imc - 2008.06.29 - 9/11:Boston Logan Airport,Israeli ...
israelisecurity - whisleblower - Sites - Google
Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and ... at Logan International Airport, from which two of the 9-11 hijacked planes had ...Thanks to Israel, Illegal Aliens on Arizona's border with ...
Feb 6, 2015 - Thanks to Israel, Illegal Aliens on Arizona's border with Mexico Wont ... Israeli defense firm Elbit has been awarded a $145 million contract by ...
Apartheid Wall in Arizona? Israeli Company Contracted to ...
Arizona activists protest Israeli firms militarizing border of US ...
Watch Here Live: Donald Trump And Sheriff Arpaio Phoenix ...
Jul 11, 2015 - Watch Here Live: Donald Trump And Sheriff Arpaio Phoenix AZ Event ..... Israel and American Zionist Traitors are the main problem in America
20000 PATRIOTS Turn Out to See DONALD TRUMP in ...
Jul 11, 2015 - 20,000 PATRIOTS TURNED OUT TO SEE DONALD TRUMP IN ARIZONA!! trump az. Socialist Bernie Sanders had 10,000 liberals turn out for ...
AZ GOP Establishment Shuns Trump Ahead of MASSIVE ...
Jul 10, 2015 - Arizona's top Republicans are snubbing Donald Trump as he prepares to bring his surging GOP presidential campaign and brash talk on ...
Donald Trump Defiantly Rallies a New 'Silent Majority' in a ...
Jul 11, 2015 - Donald Trump, running for president, drew several thousand people in ... Arizona's senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, both Republicans, ...
The New York Times
Trump dividing Ariz. GOP in advance of campaign visit
USA Today
Trump: With Iran deal, 'Israel maybe won't exist very long ...
Donald Trump calls Obama Israel's greatest enemy - Haaretz
The Jewish Press » » Donald Trump Running to Be ...
www.jewishpress.com › News & Views › Elections
The Jewish Press
Trump: No Greater Enemy to Israel than Obama - Arutz Sheva
Arutz Sheva
1 Donald Trump: Iran Deal Horrible For U.S., Worse For Israel
Fox Business Network
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