- Danbury News Times STAMFORD -- The lawyer for the family of Miriam Carey has asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to look into Carey's fatal shooting in ... daughter with her when she tried to breach a White House barrier on Oct. 3 and then ...
Obama Arming Federal Agencies with Hollow-Point Bullets? - The ...
Obama Health Care Conspiracy to Destroy Second Amendment · President .... We're hearing that the National Weather Service also bought hollow-point ammo.1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A ...
Mar 11, 2013 - It's time for President Obama to practice what he preaches. ... I witnessed the solicitations for all 1.6 billion hollow points, different calibers, then ...When the family travelled to Washington D.C. THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO SEE THE BODY ONLY A PHOTOGRAPH ! - Reverend Manning
I highly recommend viewing the video below by Reverend Manning who tells of the doubts surrounding the shooting of unarmed female Miriam Carey and denounces the sick Congressional applause upon hearing that this unarmed woman with her child was blown away by D.C.policew and the Secret Service.
Reverend Manning also denounces Al Sharpton for remaining silent and briefly discusses near the first part of the video that the Carey family in fact were never even allowed to know the autopsy results that would tell,at least,what type or types of bullets were used by the police and prostitute chasing Secret Service of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton,et.al..,in the cold bloded murder of Miriam Carey.Did they use a few of those millions uypon millions of hollow poiunt bullets that they bought a while back or other bullets ? We don't even know even that as I pointed out at the time.
Little info or even reference to Miriam Carey autopsy either on blogsd or main stream news medias.:
Shot down like a dog: Why We Should Not Forget Miriam Carey ...
by dlindorffOct 15, 2013 - For the past week I've been talking with anyone I could shoehorn about the shooting death of Miriam Carey on the streets of Washington DC. As with any homicide -- and that's how it would be classified for the autopsy -- there ...
Miriam Carey's sisters question police use of deadly force - CTV News
by Larry NeumeisterOct 5, 2013 - But interviews with some of those who knew Miriam Carey, of Stamford, Connecticut, suggested she was coming apart well before she loaded her 1-year-old daughter into the car for the 275-mile (440-kilometre) drive to Washington on Thursday. Carey had suffered a head injury in a fall and had been fired as a dental ... He said the family would do its own investigation, beginning with an autopsy. Police have said they're confident Carey's actions weren't an accident.
Rev. Manning and Family of Slain Miriam Carey Calls for Paternity Test of Erica Carey
Monday, November 25, 2013 7:34
Rev. Manning is openly calling for a paternity test to determine if Eric Francis is actually the father of the child Miriam Carey took to D.C. on the fateful day she was executed. That day she took little Erica to the White House on the anniversary of the president’s wedding.
“And suddenly it occurred to me… the kid isn’t a side-note to the story… the kid is the story.” Oct. 4, 2013 Scott Creighton As I have stated from the very beginning, I think the child in the back of that car wasn’t just there by happenstance. You don’t take a 14 month old infant on a 270 road trip for nothing.
The child, Erica, is the point of all of this and we as a community have to back Rev. Manning’s and the family’s efforts at getting to the bottom of this horrendous crime.
The way the Secret Service was trying to keep Miriam from leaving the grounds at the White House and the way this case has unfolded (the DNA scrubbing of her condo and the police seizure of the child) goes a long way to suggest that this is not a case of a ‘delusional” woman (which she was not) getting shot after “ramming” her car into the White House gates (which she did not do)
Remember how they arrested Valarie’s lawyer right after he said “this isn’t finished” referring to a custody battle over little Erica? Now the courts have ruled that the family can only have very limited and supervised visitation with Erica. What exactly are they trying to keep control of? This is a 14 month old child being treated by state agencies as if she is made of plutonium. Why?
It is said that Miriam reported Obama was “communicating with her” and had agents from the White House “spying on her”. Was she crazy or was someone as interested in that child prior to the shooting as they seem to be now?
Is this a case where the Secret Service just “went crazy” chasing down a single mother and her infant to gun them down in broad daylight for no reason in the nation’s capitol? Or, was their action motivated by something darker?
Rev. Manning and the family of little Erica Carey have a right to ask for this test. Upon reflection on the facts of the case, there are far too many questions left unanswered. Questions that child end up asking as she grows older. Questions Miriam’s family has too struggle with today.
Have we become such a flock of sheep living under a tyrant that his Secret Police can gun-down 34 year old mothers in our streets while we have neither the courage or the care to demand answers… to demand justice?
Some would say the answer to that question is yes. I would not and I will go to my grave (or my cell in the re-education camps) with that conviction.
If the test proves that Eric Francis is indeed the father of the child, then he as the father should be given custody of her with provisions made that the rest of the family can be a part of her life as she grows.
But if this test proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that Erica is not his, then full custody should and must be granted to Valarie and the rest of Miriam’s family.
Either way, a full investigation into the wrongful shooting death of Miriam Carey must be conducted. We are a nation of laws, not icons.
Here is Rev. Manning addressing this deeply important effort which has my full support.

Source: http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/rev-manning-and-family-of-slain-miriam-carey-calls-for-paternity-test-of-erica-carey/
“And suddenly it occurred to me… the kid isn’t a side-note to the story… the kid is the story.” Oct. 4, 2013 Scott Creighton As I have stated from the very beginning, I think the child in the back of that car wasn’t just there by happenstance. You don’t take a 14 month old infant on a 270 road trip for nothing.
The child, Erica, is the point of all of this and we as a community have to back Rev. Manning’s and the family’s efforts at getting to the bottom of this horrendous crime.
The way the Secret Service was trying to keep Miriam from leaving the grounds at the White House and the way this case has unfolded (the DNA scrubbing of her condo and the police seizure of the child) goes a long way to suggest that this is not a case of a ‘delusional” woman (which she was not) getting shot after “ramming” her car into the White House gates (which she did not do)
Remember how they arrested Valarie’s lawyer right after he said “this isn’t finished” referring to a custody battle over little Erica? Now the courts have ruled that the family can only have very limited and supervised visitation with Erica. What exactly are they trying to keep control of? This is a 14 month old child being treated by state agencies as if she is made of plutonium. Why?
It is said that Miriam reported Obama was “communicating with her” and had agents from the White House “spying on her”. Was she crazy or was someone as interested in that child prior to the shooting as they seem to be now?
Is this a case where the Secret Service just “went crazy” chasing down a single mother and her infant to gun them down in broad daylight for no reason in the nation’s capitol? Or, was their action motivated by something darker?
Rev. Manning and the family of little Erica Carey have a right to ask for this test. Upon reflection on the facts of the case, there are far too many questions left unanswered. Questions that child end up asking as she grows older. Questions Miriam’s family has too struggle with today.
Have we become such a flock of sheep living under a tyrant that his Secret Police can gun-down 34 year old mothers in our streets while we have neither the courage or the care to demand answers… to demand justice?
Some would say the answer to that question is yes. I would not and I will go to my grave (or my cell in the re-education camps) with that conviction.
If the test proves that Eric Francis is indeed the father of the child, then he as the father should be given custody of her with provisions made that the rest of the family can be a part of her life as she grows.
But if this test proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that Erica is not his, then full custody should and must be granted to Valarie and the rest of Miriam’s family.
Either way, a full investigation into the wrongful shooting death of Miriam Carey must be conducted. We are a nation of laws, not icons.
Here is Rev. Manning addressing this deeply important effort which has my full support.

Source: http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/rev-manning-and-family-of-slain-miriam-carey-calls-for-paternity-test-of-erica-carey/
Attorney Requests Investigation Into Miriam Carey's Shooting At The ...
Attorney Requests Investigation Into Miriam Carey's Shooting At The ...Carey's boyfriend, Eric Francis, had contacted the police on several ...Infant in DC shooting at center of custody dispute
... Erica Francis and the family of her mother, Miriam Carey, formerly of ... leaving the girl in the custody of her father, Eric Francis of Vernon
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