To SEC Whistelblower Doug Casey From T.Ryals Re Ex Commissioner Chris Cox James Dale Davidson,Agora Inc, 'Naked Short Claim Fraud
........................also see more recent posts re James Dale Davidson and his naked short selling lie:
Charles Schwab,Thomas Stern,Jonathan Feldman:SEC,Mary Schapiro Create First(and only) 'Naked Short Selling' Case
OWS:Rolling Stone 'Naked Short Selling 'Reporter' Matt Taibbi Lies For Overstock.com Geico Billionaire Son Patrick Byrne and CIA Connected Agora Inc Founder James Dale Davidson -AGAIN
''If I were operating some sort of mafia in the United States,I would be only too delighted to have the leading news media insist to the public that many of my crimes could never have happened.It might even be worth hiring some goofballs to spread preposterous theories about nonexistent conspiracies in order to discredit persons who might stumble upon evidence of the real thing.'' - James Dale Davidson,Strategic Investment Newsletter,commenting on the Susan Schmidt article in the Wasington Post of 7/4/95
My first encounter with Washington,D.C. penny stock money launderer and founder of the National Taxpayers Union of billionaire's tax dodging and money laundering association,located a few blocks from the main U.S. Securities Exchange Commission office in Alexandria,Virginia came in 2002 when the Endovasc biotech penny stock fraud that I had invested in announcerd he was joining the board as an executive officer.
I had no idea that he had previously been a money launderer for George Herbert Walker Bush who brought us the Gulf War - as prelude to the more diasterous Iraq his son would visit upon us based upon the lie that Saddam Hussein had someting to do with the 9/11 WTC massacre carried out by our own government in collusion with other international war criminals,particularly Israelis but also their fascist Arab allies protected in Saudi Arabia,Dubai and Kuwait as well as European fascists and the criminals who run the UK and the City of London with its Rothschild Jewish Russian mafia connections.And of course the war cxriminal money laundering state of Switzerland that still hides money from these international right wing war,petroleum,drug and stock or 'securities criminals while pretending to be 'neutral'.
“If I were operating some sort of mafia in the United States, I would be only too delighted to have the leading voices of the news media insist to the public that many of my crimes could never have happened. It might even be worth hiring some goofballs to spread preposterous theories about nonexistent conspiracies in order to discredit persons who might stumble upon evidence of the real thing.” — James Dale Davidson, Strategic Investment Newsletter, 7/25/95, commenting on the Susan Schmidt article in the Washington Post of 7/4/95.
My first encounter with Washington,D.C. penny stock money launderer came in 2002 when he briefly became a member of the Stanford University connected 'biotech' stock fraud and money laundering operration called Agora Inc..
Dubai war AND MONEY LAUNDERING criminal Sheik Mohamed Al Rashid bin Maktoum whose country sent $100,000 from Pakistani Kalid Sheik Mohamed to Mohamed Atta, pre 9/11, in Venice,Florida where he was hanging out at Jeb Bush’s pal Wally Hilliard’s terrorist flight school,Huffman Aviation.This Snake of Dubai Sheik Mohamed al Rashid Maktoum was then rewarded with over 20% ownership of the U.S.NASDAQ FOR HIS MONEY LAUNDERING BUSINESS IN DUBAI AS A CONSOLATION PRIZE FOR NOT BEING ALLOWED TO BUY CONTROL OF U.S.PORTS THROUGH DUBAI PORTS.Asra Nomani and other phony ‘professional’ reporters made sure to not write about Sheikh Maktoum’s take over of 20%+ of NASDAQ and the Pro Israel Zionists SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro and IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman’s self dealing and millions of dollars for their treasonous act of selling it to him in their roles as FINRA execs before their retired to their Barack Osama Obama approved SEC and IRS positions in the U.S. ‘government’.
Below is a quote from a Newsmax article by Christopher Ruddy March 14, 2000.Ruddy is a British right wing 'journalist' who untited with James Davidson to accuse Clinton of killing his own boyhood friend and Washington,D.C. insider to Bil Clinton White House who FBI concluded committed suicide.However some also believe that Israelis murderered Foster and the reason involved Promis SOFTWARE.That's another story however but as we can see from Jim Dale Davidson's own involvement in and with U.S.penny stocks such as Endovasc that also included the Ukrainian Israeli Grin brothers with their connections to Israeli Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff and BAWAAG Bank as well as to the Pluristem penny stock fraud against Americans that even Israel's Technion Univerrsity aided and abetted,it is obvious that James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,UK Lord William Rees-Mogg,Porter Stansberry,et.al., and their CIA connected Agora Inc of Baltimore and the world wide internet are very Israeli government connected andf no doubt Rothschild crime family connected as well.
From Newsmax by Christopher Ruddy March 14, 2000: Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls.
Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."
Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.
"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"
Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man’s not president for one day and he’s already trying to figure out how to fix the books."
Since his inauguration Clinton has survived an avalanche of scandals that would have crushed any other mortal.
One factor cited by both Clinton critics and friends has been the booming U.S. economy and the longest bull market in the history of the world.
"It’s the economy, stupid!" was the Carville-inspired slogan of the Clinton-Gore ’92 campaign. The slogan has become the White House mantra for two terms.
So it is obvious from Davidson's own self glorifying
'newsmax' that Mr.Davidson's claim to fame in the Beltway is 'cooking the books' apparently for 'Poppy' Bush during his and Reagan's terms in office and if you know the history of that period of Iran-Contra and drugs for guns into Mena, Arkansas and elsewhere you would know Davidson's self admitted and fraudulent 'talents' were well received.
NASAA: Agora Inc.& James Dale Davidson started 'anti-naked shorting' scam
by Tony Ryals Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005 at 7:58 PM
endoscam@lycos.com (email address validated)
This story of penny stock fraud is Florida connected due to the number of penny stock 'companies' that reside in Florida.I have no idea how many of them have used the fraudulent 'naked short selling'claim to cover up their own illegal pump and dump activities in an effort to distract from their own massive dumping of U.S.penny stock shares.This may involve boiler rooms in another part of the world,such as Kuala Lumpur or Dubai and may serve the added or chief attraction of those U.S. penny stock shares,to launder money for criminal and or terrorist activities.
NASAA:Agora Inc.&James Dale Davidson's started 'anti-naked shorting' scam
Gary Valinoti and his Jag Media Holdings or 'jagh' of Boca Rotan is a fine example of insider and death spiral share dumping deals.'Management' cries 'naked shorting' all the way down,pointing at brokers or DTCC,but never documenting a single case,in order to draw attention from their own massive insider dumping as well as to protect their death spiral 'clients' who dump virtually free shares on retail or American investors.Gary Valinoti even had some relation with Mark Valentine of the 'Bermuda shorts' scandal which had everything with the dumping of very real penny stock 'company' shares not non-existent 'naked shorts'. Valinoti was recently cited by the SEC for his own dumping of 'jagh' shares in the past,all the while crying he and his company a victim of 'naked short selling'.
Gary Valinoti who touts various stocks through his jagnotes.com also seems to have a special relationship to ragingbull.com including a contract to co-promote various stock selling clients.He and Jag Media Holdings connected David Patch seem to have the run of ragingbull.com and besides its 'jagh' message board their various anonymous buddies post 'anti-naked short selling' propaganda on the various penny stock scam boards incessantly with links to such scammy 'naked shorting' sites as faulkingtruth.com, investigatethesec.com,buyins.com,and the newer ncans.net
of Patrick Byrne of Overstock.com and 'Bob O'Brien'.
This site(ncans.net) is suspiciously like the old NAANSS site of Davidson located in Blaine,Washington office GMXX or Genemax pump and dump was located in 2002-2003.(Do a google search of 'naanss ncans'.You may note ncans.net nor investigatethesec.com nor faulkingtruth.com nor buyins.com
never rail about shares dumped overseas nor illegal pump and dump of penny stocks that go on everyday.
Why ? Because the people promoting the distraction of 'naked shorting'are the very ones who run the'anti-naked short selling' websites.Illegal pump and dump scams and offshore deals with U.S.penny shares are what they live off of and regardless of their crocodile tears for the 'small investor',that's exactly who these penny stock bandits are out to get and its exactly through loopholes like SEC Reg.S shares and other aspects of using unaudited U.S. shares to hide and launder money that they live.
That they can virtually buy and sale penny stock shell companies and their shares for pennies on the penny and have pioneered internet penny stock fraud is how and why they open and close their scam penny stock sites overnight,yet maintain a longer audience and clientele through using ragingbull.com or Yahoo message boards or the many internet tentacles of James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc.
This story is Utah connected due to Senator Bennett who claimed along with his constituent Patrick Byrne of Overstock.com that there was a 'naked short selling' conspiracy and it was run by a 'Sith Lord' at war with Byrne and his Overstock.com. And Patrick Byrne now employs Brent Baker,ex-SEC attorney who let James Dale Davidson escape for illegal touting and dumping of penny stocks he manipulated.Brent Baker didn't even charge Davidson or Agora Inc. for making fraudulent claims about 'naked shorting' to divert attention from what in retrospect can only be seen as illegal pump and dump activities.
Below is both the announcement of North American Securities Administrators 'NASAA' to host a forum on November 30 in Washington D.C. on 'naked short selling' and my email to NASAA's Patricia D. Struck as well as to the California Dept.of Corporations.NASAA has members in every state who are in turn employed by the state's government securities offices whether they be a member of the Department of Corporations, as in the case of California, or the Dept. of the Secretary of State in some states or from the office of the Attorney General as in the case of Maryland.:
NASAA Member Contact Information
This link is to NASAA representatives in each state.
Unfortunately NASAA is also inviting some of the least credible experts on this subject.Not the least of which is James J. Angel of Georgetown whose quesionable involvement in an 'anti-naked short selling' infomercial
for Patrick Byrne (of Overstock.com)and 'Bob O'Brien'
who keeps his real identity hid and bought a $100,000
plus ad in the Washington Post with Byrne warning W.
Bush of the 'dangers' of 'naked short selling' to placing
SS funds in the markets.They also claimed that the ad-letter to Bush was paid for by 'mom and pop' investors before grudgingly admitting Patrick Byrne paid at least half the bill.I wonder if Nasdaq OTCBB officially agrees with their Georgetown University penny stock consultant James Angel ?
Does the OTCBB agree with James Angel that a huge amount of the stocks they host are being 'naked shorted' ? If so,by who,and what brokers or market makers are involved ? And does NASDAQ see a benefit in maintaining the smokescreen and pretending 'naked shorting' is the cause of what is obviously massive pump and dump activities of the very companies they host ? Does NASDAQ wish to aid in the pump and dump scams of many of its own OTCBB penny stock clients,or clean up its own and their corrupt operations ?
What they did not say in that letter to Bush was that this was only a claim of worthless penny stock companies,and what they their scammy http://www.ncans.net site also does not say, is that a fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim has been made for some years now by various irresponsible U.S. penny stock 'management' and their promoters.You don't hear from any Blue Chip stocks complaining of being 'naked shorted'. Why not ?
And in this post 911 era it is not likely any anonymous individual can place an ad-letter to W.Bush in the Washington Post with nary an FBI or Homeland Security investigation, much less a journalistic one from the paper(Washington Post) where the ad-letter was placed - unless one was an insider,but not just any kind of inside - a Beltway insider as Davidson was and is !
Further while all of these companies may not have a direct Agora Inc.of Baltimore connection the massive penny stock scam called 'anti-naked shorting' was first used on a two penny stocks in particular - Genemax promoting a supposed cancer cure vaccine and Endovasc a fraudulent 'biotech' using a Stanford University patent to use nicotine to 'grow new blood vessels' as another prop to tout or promote worthless shares for personal gain.And in both of these pump and dump scams Agora Inc.'s James Dale Davidson was an or the insider both touting and dumping.
James Dale Davidson not only created NAANSS or 'National Association Against Naked Short Selling',(just as he was creator of the National Taxpayers Union coincidentally), but also was CEO of Genemax as it was being pumped and dumped and an insider at Endovasc when massive amounts of shares were being sold or dumped,including his own.
And where was he promoting these two pump and dump scams besides using touters like David Patch of http://www.investigatethesec.com on the http://www.ragingbull.com genemax or gmxx message board ? Through his Agora Inc.'s 'Vantage Point' mailings,some of which sold for up to $1000, as well as any of Davidson's MANY Agora related or other less connected internet penny stock tout sites.It was Davidson who provided the link to NAANSS website in Agora Inc's 'Vantage Point' and decried the evils of 'naked shorting' as the SEC did a frivolous and wasteful litigation for his or Porter Stanberry's promotion of USEC a nuclear stock with supposed insider information. You can rest assured the illegal pump and dump of millions of unreported Genemax and Endovasc shares is where the real money was made,not in the selling of supposed 'insider information' on USEC as the has SEC maintained.
Although James Dale Davidson,for years a principal part of Agora Inc. was,if not the first to use the 'naked shorting' claim to divert attention away from his own illegal pump and dump of worthless,(and not even audited by the SEC in this day and age), penny stock shares,he was the first to take the claim to new levels as an organised penny stock scam.And to use the fraudulent claim that 'certs' or paper certificates were the only way to protect your investments in penny stocks from evil 'naked short'sellers who did their evil by way of 'electonic counterfeitting' of shares.
This is because Davidson and his ilk or very used to dealing in 'certs' through the penny stock companies he uses in his pump and dump scams.They could convert and sell their certs in no time with their experience and connections while their 'marks' shares devalue to nothing as the insiders dump.
While he and the other insiders dumped as they touted or promoted Genemax and Endovasc through Agora Inc.or even touting under various aliases on ragingbull.com,they also,at least Davidson,Grant Atkins and Brent Pierce, created NAANSS which was part of their ICI scheme to be the new penny stock touters on the block,and the false 'naked shorting' claim was one of the new 'tools' in their bag of dirty penny stock tricks.
And James Dale Davidson did bring the fraudulent 'naked short' claim that he used to defend the penny stock scams he pumped and dumped so recklessly and to blame their abrupt collapse in share value from a 'pump' or promotion up to $20 a share down to pennies per share as insiders unloaded their millions of worthless shares on defrauded investors.
And then what did James Dale Davidson and NAANSS and Agora Inc and penny stocks related to Davidson and thus to Agora Inc. through him blame it on(their illegal but still unprosecuted penny stock pump and dump activities ?) Naked short selling of course,their illegal pump and dump activity of penny stocks with little liquidity but millions of worthless shares to dump.
And what you will not find on NASAA's agenda that should be there rather than lending more time to these cheap penny stock hustlers who cry 'naked shorting' to divert attention from their illegal pump and dump and possible money lundering activities with U.S.penny stocks as far away as Dubai or Kuala Lumpur, and certainly not from Bill Bonner or James Dale Davidson and their Agora Inc. is the need to do away with SEC Reg S that virtually encourages money laundering with U.S. penny stocks ! Why !?
The SEC is deathly silent.Do they want U.S.penny stock companies to be money launderers through unregistered prenny shares in terrorist suspect money laundering havens ? And then cover it up with a fraudulent claim of being 'naked shorted' ?
Below is one bright spot from NASAA who a a 'friend
of the court',wrote in favor of Agora Inc. client who paid $100,000 for Agora Inc.'s supposed insider info in 2003.:
NASAA’s Amicus Brief in Support of the Maryland Securities Divisions in the Case of Lubin v. Agora, Inc.
November 17, 2005
NASAA to Host Forum on Naked Short Selling
Experts to Examine Efforts to Curb Market Manipulation
by Stemming Abusive Naked Short Selling Activity
WASHINGTON—The North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc. (NASAA) today announced plans to host a public forum to explore
possible market manipulation through naked short selling activity.
The “NASAA Listens” Forum is scheduled for November 30 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Paris Ballroom of the Sofitel Lafayette Square Hotel,
806 15th Street NW, in Washington, D.C.
“NASAA commends the SEC for its efforts to address short-selling abuses through Regulation SHO and we encourage the agency to consider additional measures to limit the detrimental impact of abusive naked short-selling on the stock of small businesses, the entrepreneurial engines that drive our nation’s economy,” said NASAA President and Wisconsin Securities Administrator Patricia D. Struck.
Naked short selling refers to a stock transaction in which the seller agrees to sell shares of stock that he or she neither owns nor has borrowed in time to make delivery to the buyer within the standard
three-day settlement period. When done in large volumes, this sales tactic can be used to manipulate a stock’s share value while allowing the seller to profit. The SEC adopted Regulation SHO in 2004 to
update short-sale regulation and, in part, to address problems associated with abusive naked short selling transactions. Industry compliance with Reg SHO began in January and in May the SEC launched
a pilot program to determine the effectiveness of the regulation.
“Since the pilot program has reached the midway point, we believe this Forum offers a timely opportunity for a thorough discussion of the effectiveness of Regulation SHO from a variety of perspectives,”
Struck said.
The “NASAA Listens” Forum will bring together a panel of leading financial and academic experts to examine problems associated with abusive naked short selling and the impact of Regulation SHO on naked short-selling transactions.
The Forum is free and open to the public on a first come, first serve basis. To reserve a seat, please contact Lonnie Martin, at 202-737-0900 or lm@nasaa.org, by November 28. NASAA is the oldest
international organization devoted to investor protection. Its membership consists of the securities administrators in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, and Mexico.
For More Information:
Bob Webster
Director of Communications
From: "WEBMASTER WEBMASTER" <WEBMASTER@corp.ca.gov> [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: endofscam@lycos.com
Subject: Re:
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 08:04:57 -0800
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Good Morning,
The California Department of Corporations has received your e-mail which has been forwarded to program staff for assistance.
>>> "Tony Ryals" <endofscam@lycos.com> 11/22/2005 9:09:11 PM >>>
Dear California Department of Corporations webmaster,
As I did several months ago with my previous communication to California Department of Corporations,I am asking your assistance in
forwarding thismaterial to both Wayne Strumpfer and Maria T Shimohara.
Thank you,
Tony Ryals
Dear Wayne Strumpfer and Maria T Shimohara,
Thank you for your reply of June 20,2005.Although as you know I am in Guatemala the letter sent to P.O.Box 216 Ben Lomond,Ca.95005 was forwarded to me.As I have said I resided in California for many years
before Guatemala and I bought the worthless Endovasc shares in question through Charles Schwab who hosted a pump and dump account of
'up to 30 million shares' for unnamed insiders who I believe may have used the Schwab LOM of Bermuda account because James Dale Davidson of
Agora Inc.and The NATIONALTaxpayers Union of Alexandria,Virginia was once a substantial
shareholder of LOM and recommended it in his book,'Sovereign Individual',with the Lord William Rees-Mogg.
You may realise I first complained to the California Dept.of Corporations in 2003 ? Why ? Because my situation was desperate then.
So I am now totally exhausted having used the internet since then both to warn others everyday on ragingbull.com ,evsc message board to stay clear and only now beginning to use the world wide internet and indymedias to expose the frauds as best one individual can.
Below is my recent communication with NASAA and Patricia Stuck and my email to Mr.Lambiase who was head of NASAA in the past.You may do a google search,'yahoo mafia cabby guatemala machete',to get some idea of threats I receive for trying to expose a major penny stock securities fraud whose ncans.net has a San Diego Wells Fargo account and San Diego attorneys Barrera & Sadr to represent them and their
fraud in California.I still can't say if Mr.Lmbiase is sincere in this November 30 'naked shorting forum' mentioed in correspondence below but David Patch of investigatethesec.com who is allied with 'Bob O'Brien of ncans.net just as he was with James Dale
Davidson in the past appears to be pulling his strings so far.
What I would like to know is,are any California Department of CORPORATIONSmembers going to attend ? Do google search,'ncans naanss',to see how
I claim ncans.net is just a reincarnation of Davidson's 'naanss'.Also do a google search,'daniel kadlec john o'quinn' and remember that Houston attorney John O'Quinn is part of litigation team of Patrick Byrne of Overstock.com who is presently litigating against hedge fund Rocker Partners in Marin.And ncans.net's 'Bob O'Brien'threatened Marc
Cohodes on Yahoo's NFI message board and released Marin address of Cohodes as well as his wife and handicapped son on Yahoo NFI board.So
my Endovasc problems are mixed up in that somewhat.Byrne is a major funder of NCANS.NET and claims Overstock.com is being 'naked shorted'
by a 'Sith Lord'!!!
I could give you so many google searches by now.Try google search 'james angel georgetown university lap dancers'.And while it may be in poor taste I didn't make it up,Bob O'Brien of ncans.net HAS listed
his address or that of nfi-info.com and ncans.net as Cheetah Club of Las Vegas !!! And the San Diego Cheetah Club bribed the San Diego
city council you may recall.These are the types who are promoting an 'anti-naked short' scam to mask their own penny stock pump and dump operations and Davidson as you might imagine has plenty of influence in the Beltway.Do google 'agora inc. bill bonner james dale davidson',also,'senator bennett cheetah club striptease'.
There is another suspicious California 'anti-naked short selling' websitecalled buyins.com by the way.It's promoter I belive has been in trouble for securities fraud previously.Why does the California Dept.
of Corporations let so much of this slide ? You must know the SEC DOES NOTHING,DON'T YOU ?
Immediately below before my communication with NASAA,is a letter from Mary Helburn titular head of 'BOB O'Brien's'and Patrick Byrne's 'ncans.net' with its San Diego bank account.It tears me up to hear of her brag of her Schwab account on Yahoo NFI board because she may be one who benefitted from ripping me off through that pump and dump account.Note how she makes suggestions about SEC and a 'scythe' and 'heads roll' or that if they were in 'Japan' they'd commit mass suicide !!?? Do you want these kinds of people running stock scams out of a San Diego bank account ?Another who posts on Yahoo NFI and OSTK boards has alias 'rev_jim_jones_lives if you can imagine that and they are the 'good guys' who are fighting 'naked shorting'!!!
Mr.Strumpfer and Maria Shimohara,do you not see the importance of having Schwab acknowledge that Endovasc pump and dump account ? It would prove that attorney O'Quinn,who is representing Byrne against Cohodes in Marin, lied about 'naked sorting' to conceal the pump and dump from Schwab.Why should Schwab be allowed to rob me and aid major
penny stock fraud and cover all this up ? Do a google,'attorney john o'quinn stock fraud money laundering'.Since I put it on internet O'Quinn has been silent,he has already been criticised in Texas by a
judge for faking 'silicosis' case histories. After reading the Mary Helburn letter below do a google,'mary helburn los altos'.She-it lied about NCANS as being in 'Ohio' below.
So please let me know if anyone from California Dept.of Corporations will attend and if so could you allow me to fill them in on what's really going on.Just do a google,'nasaa naked short' to see the
November 30 forum is really happening and remember ncans.net is in California to a great extent and also the Beltway I believe.And international in the sense that U.S. penny stocks are dumped and used
for money laundering everywhere.Please help me expose one of the largest penny stock scams in years.Or an ongoing one years in the making.
Remember I never would have bought into the EVSC fraud had it not been for a Stanford patent to use nicotine for 'angiogenesis',a virtual patent on the acetylcholine receptor I thought.Stanford profited from an illegal pump and dump and I lost everything.And if
you conclude that you can't help me get a simple acknowledgement from SCHWAB that they hosted a pump and dump account in November 2002,(I
know that's when it would have been dumped because that's when Davidson and Agora Inc.touted),what do you suppose I can do ? Can I
at least come to California and picket Schwab San Francisco ? You see this Stanford patent-Endovasc fraud has taken everything AND I PAID
years !!! So do you all at least agree I should have free speech to call a fraud a fraud right where it was committed,at Charles Schwab ?
Also do a google,'ragingbull lycos money laundering'.
Also I greatly appreciate that you send any communication to my email address.It was through the internet I was defrauded and it is still me prefered method of communication in dealing with it.I don't get prompt communication by letters to Ben Lomond.
Tony Ryals
Bare truth about naked shorting
A letter from Mary Helburn, USA
Dear JUST Response and Joel Hirschhorn,
Re: Economic corruption US style
Wall Street depends on volatility, and volatility is a function of news. Reuters owns Instinet. We should be able to invest in a company without worrying that its capitalization is going to be withdrawn by
short-sellers. We should be able to invest in a company without worrying about the DTCC watering down our investment with counterfeit shares. Bob O'Brien is a real person. I admire him so much for what he is doing and because of him I was willing to put my real name on this.
The rules have changed to suit the foxes. This one is the most subtle and lies at the heart of the fraud. A broker hires someone to locate a share to borrow. This gives him "reasonable expectation of
delivery". When the shares are not located and becomes an FTD, the system kicks in and the DTCC prints up a new counterfeit shares borrowed from the pool they control. Wham, bam, thank you, Mam! He
games the system by transferring the legitimate responsiblity to someone who is in place simply to help execute the fraud. The DTCC has committed fraud by lending shares rather than having the broker
buy-in the open market as the law requires. We have a sell-side bias then that allows the price to be manipulated down.
I think George Bush earnestly believes in this privatization and I also believe that Charles Schwab is behind it. Schwab was behind the tax cuts and consults with the President.
The whole system is pretty complex. People's eyes glaze over when you start talking about naked shorting. Two per cent doesn't sound like
much to start, but it is a huge amount to be administered by the banks and brokers. It is 2% more than the banks and brokers currently have. They are fighting for market share with decreased
commissions and that is why the market is becoming so nasty. There are going to be take-overs. The NYSE will probably go public and be owned by the seats. It will eliminate the specialists and compete in the pre/after hours.
I would like to ax everyone at the SEC since they have failed. I would like a prosecutor-type to come in with a scythe and cut off heads. In Japan, this kind of failure would call for suicide. Is there anyone that has the integrity to pull this off?
Your article was so good and so deep! Thank you.
Thanks again for taking a lead role in exposing a huge and important issue.
Mary Helburn
Executive Director
National Coalition Against Shorting
Cleveland, Ohio - USA
Note: This letter was published by JUST Response on February 27 2005.
From: "Tony Ryals" <endofscam@lycos.com> [Save Address] [Block
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To: patricia.struck@dfi.state.wi.us
Subject: Naked Short claim used for fraud.
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 21:49:31 -0500
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Dear Patricia Struck,
Below is email I sent to NASSA today.I can't believe after losing100% of my 'investment' between 2002-2003 in what I thought was alegit company with a Stanford University 'nicotine for angiogenesis'
patent that James Dale Davidson's and Agora Inc.'s 'anti-nakedshorting' fraud still goes strong.And David Patch of'investigatethesec.com' who is connected to Davidson at least sincethe pump and dump of Genemax on ragingbull.com and through AgoraInc.and who dominates ragingbull.com along with Mark Faulk of faulkingtruth.com' continue with their 'you're being naked shortedso buy a cert scam',which is really James Dale Davidson's and thus
Agora Inc.'s scam to mask his many penny stock pump and dump ops.
How can you all be so naive ?(I hope you are not and I will bepleasantly surprised.)I have been doing my best ever since 'BobO'Brien' appeared on the scene with Patrick Byrne and their 'ncans.net'to warn others it's a scam to tout worthless penny stocks mainly. Immediately below is a link to,'Senator Bennett is Patrick Byrne's ncans a fraud ?',that I first wrote for North Carolina indymedia but made the longer Utah version.
I do believe a plagiarism expert would agree with me that no one would have created two anti-naked shorting acronyms with 'National'in the title without having heard of the older one first.On top of it
all David Patch would surely have told 'Bob O'Brien' about NAANSS of James Davidson, yet 'Bob O'Brien',on blogmaverick in February,denied
ever hearing of NAANSS and went on and on about 'NCANS' or 'North CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF NURSING STUDENTS'!!
I'm in Guatemala broke.What I placed on Endovasc was what remained of an inheritance,my only retirement.I thought I was investing in
America, not a share-money laundering operation around the world including Kuala Lumpur and possibly Dubai !!If you do a google search
of 'schwab lom'or better 'schwab share money laundering' you will find a link to a pdf file that will show Endovasc,(that NASAA reported as early as 1999 was being touted by internet spam),in 2002 filled a Schwab account with 'up to 30 million shares' even before its supposed reverse split that should have left less than 3 million shares.And they paid the corrupt transfer agent Aexander Walker $200,000 in freely dumpable shares a year later as an 'insider' !!
And after Davidson touted through Agora Inc.in November 2002,which I didn't know then because I don't subscribe,the 'famed attorney O'Quinn' did a press release and claimed it was naked shorting BY
AS I DISCOVERED LATER.Schwab did not 'naked short' me,THEY PROVIDED THE PUMP AND DUMP ACCOUNT !! Capisce ? They all worked togather to
defraud me and I don't know,the SEC doesn't want me to either,but I suspect it was the Schwab LOM account.Davidson seems to have been using it to dump Genemax though even the SEC seems to be in on the cover up.
I believed 'famed attorney O'Quinn' then because Schwab would not reply so I bought a 'cert' from the fraud ex SEC employee Alexander Walker of the 'Nevada Agency and Trust Co'.Now I know the truth but what good does it do ? David Patch who wrote you to lobby for his 'anti-naked short' scam knows it too,meaning he is lieing and I have no idea of his means of income but I can guarantee you he does not
run that scammy investigatethesec.con out of the goodness of his heart.
Tony Ryals
P.S: Also do a google search of,'ragingbull lycos endoscam' or 'senator bennett's favorite constituent buys yahoo'.I can no longer post on ragingbull to warn others,nor on Yahoo.All my email gets deleted or confiscated on Yahoo along with posts.To me my experience with David Patch and James Dale DAVIDSON et.al.,is a form of terrorism.Do a google
seach,'yahoo mafia tony guatemala cabby machete'.No doubt David Patch, among others,is very pleased 'free speech' on ragingbull and Yahoo message boards should only be used for fraud.
I have been in shock ever since reading on the fraudulent ncans.net penny stock anti-'naked short' scam website that you were hosting a forum on naked shorting.And even more so when I read your
own site that seemed to say in the title you had already reached your conclusion that it was the problem rather than that many penny stock
touters have been using it for fraud.Such is the case with Endovasc for one that you in 1999 had already recocognized was a scam but I bought in 2001 not knowing that and felt its connection to Stanford
U.gave it credibility but I was wrong.
I have no idea who in NASAA organized this event but I do hope you don't bring in penny stock scammers like David Patch of 'investigatethesec' and lend them credibilty.That would be tragic.If it were not too late and you could entice Mark Cuban to speak,that
would be perfect.Then you would have an eloquent spokesman for the other side of the issue.He became interested shortly after thhe scammy letter to W.Bush appeared on February 8 in the Washington Post.
The letter was announced on ragingbull where David Patch holds forth and they give him all the space he needs to promote the 'you're being naked shorted so buy certs' fraud. Even those who criticise the scam such as myself are censored and our posts deleted on ragingbull and even Yahoo where 'Bob O'Brien's your being naked shorted so buy a cert' fraud is given full reign on NFI and OATK message boards among others.So why should you lend your credibilty to
him and 'Bob O'Brien' of ncans who will not even identify himself and uses the Cheetah Club striptease joint as his address ?
I was pleased to note you had represented yourself as 'friend of the court' in favor of an investor deceived by Porter Stansberry and Agora Inc.in 2003.The USEC deal though was actually one of their least controversial calls in the history of Agora Inc..I believe,in fact KNOW,that if you did you 'due diligence' you would find a connection between Agora,Inc. and what I term the 'anti-naked short' scam or fraud. James Dale Davidson claimed both Endovasc and Genemax were being 'naked shorted'.The truth is they were both being pumped and dumped by James Dale Davidson, CEO of Genemax and touter in chief
through his Agora Inc. Vantage Point.
I could write more about David Patch and investigatethesec connection to Davidson and Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins of Genemax and 'NAANSS' and the similarities to NCANS that Patch also
immediately became connected to after the letter in the Post appeared that cost Patrick Byrne and 'O'Brien over $100,000 though they fraudulently claimed it was paid by 'mom and pop' investors at first.
I have the 'select shareholders' agreement from Endovasc of 2002 to deposit 'up to 30 million shares' into ONE Schwab acccount even BEFORE they were promoting a 'reverse split' that should have left
fewer than 3 million !!! They hid the float for almost a year and attorney O'Quinn claimed he could prove Schwab was 'naked shorting' to further divert attention from James Dale Davidson's and Agora Inc.'s illegal, yet SEC IGNORED,PUMP AND DUMP.So I have proof the naked short claim has been used for masking illegal pump and dump activities including in terrorist suspect Kuala Lumpur by the Bellador Group with Dubai connections as well.
This IS major fraud but the fraud lies with those who are using the 'naked short selling' claim to promote fraudulent penny stocks and companies with failing or non-existent businesses that only sale shares for an income,at least for themselves and their promoters at
the expense of defrauding investors.PLEASE DO NOT HELP THEM !!
Below is the beginning of my email to Ralph Lambiase of sometime back when David Patch posted a letter from him and proudly announced he
had suckered him into his and 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne's you're being naked shorted so buy a cert' scam.You may do a number of google searches including 'schwab lom' or ' ncans naanss' to find
some of my writing including on the indymedias.No doubt I will be doing another after your November 30 forum and hope you don't join the 'Cheetah Club' naked short conspiracists that cover up illegal
pump and dump ops and possibble money laundering with that false claim.
Note links to 2 of my writings below including,'James Angel, GeorgetownUniversity,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia'.
Tony Ryals
Subject: Naked short claim is used mask illegal pumps and dumps
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:10:25 -0500
Dear Mr.Lambiase,
I read in shock the kind letter you wrote to 'Mr.David Patch',that he reposted under his present alias,'repeat05',(meaning to me yet another repeat of what to me is a vicious con much worse than any
Nigerian letter scam),what I call the 'naked short fraud',which is the opposite of what those who promote it claim it to be.
I had the most hits on spitzer2006,about 30 to 50 per day until that was closed down around the middle of June.I still plan to write and ask why and see if I can create another site with my old spitzer2006 material that was 'ss funds in manipulated markets.It appeared to be started by someone who wanted to promote the naked short fraud scam,which I feel is used to mask the pump and dump mainly of penny
stocks and to divert attention from shares that are unaudited by the SEC and may even be used for money laundering.
Daniel Kadlec duped by Wes Christian,John O'Quinn
James Angel,Georgetown,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a fraud ?
Did Utah SEC's Brent Baker cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder ?
Is Lycos RagingBull profiting from penny stock scams,money laundering ?
Pluristem Placentas,CIA-Carlyle's Frank Carlucci, NTU's James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud
Pluristem Placentas,CIA-Carlyle's Frank Carlucci, NTU's James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud
Leumi Bank Israel Hollocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
By Ezra Pound and James Dale Davidson laugh on 7/24/2007 5:14:48 PM
I guess it should be no surprise that the Leumi Bank of Israel that not will even return stolen monies in its possession to Israel's own Holocaust survivers would welcome 'investors' such as ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Dan Quayle, Stephen Feinberg,the KELLOGG BROWN AND ROOT BOYS AND THEIR CERBERUS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND.....And now the illustrious founder of Alexandria,Virginia's National Taxpayers Union and his slimy pals Jonathan Honig and ex CIA,etc. Frank Carlucci of George Herbert Walker Bush's and the bin Ladens,et.al.'s Carlyle Group......
Isn't James Dale Davidson a big fan of Ezra Pound ? Perhaps Leumi and 'MEITAV GEMEL LTD. ON BEHALF OF BANK LEUMI' and its illegal pump and dump scam of Pluristem Life Systems Inc. in criminal complicity with James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci and Jonathan Honig should host an Ezra Pound poetry reading for Holocaust survivors as a consolation for all that money stolen and not returned from their banker,Leumi !
Leumi Bank Israel Hollocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Give the money to those who need it; it’s theirs, anyway
By Jeanette Friedman | Published 07/20/2007 | Opinion |
Jeanette Friedman
View all articles by Jeanette Friedman and David Gold
In the 1950s, Israeli Holocaust survivors signed over their restitution monies to the Israeli government, which, in return, promised to care for them in their old age. The logic was that the state needed the money to establish itself and protect its citizens.
At the same time, when the state was created, the British handed Israel all the assets and bank accounts that belonged to Holocaust victims and their heirs. But the Israelis have never returned the assets in their custody, and continued to thwart the attempt to return them. Bank Leumi, which had custody of these assets, had no right to transfer those assets to the state. In 2004, a committee chaired by MK Collette Avital, a daughter of survivors, was established to look into the matter and located 2,500 Leumi accounts. The committee established that the bank owed the survivors in excess of 300 million shekels (about $68 million).
The bank recently offered a paltry 20 million shekels (approximately $4.5 million) to the Holocaust Survivors Fund run by Zev Factor and Noah Flug, the umbrella organization for survivors in Israel. When the bank applied pressure to the Avital committee, the committee rewrote the repayment formula so that the bank would owe the survivors only a small percentage of the real total, because something is better than nothing. If heirs are not found, a process that could take years, Bank Leumi will pay the remaining survivors NIS 35 million at most, and keep the rest.
More than 80,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel are living below the poverty line with very few services offered to them.........
Pluristem Life Systems Inc.
List of Investors
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S. Fraud
by Tony Ryals
endoscam (at) lycos.com
I'm sure that if James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci have vouched for the honorable origens of the Israeli penny stock touters' placental stem cell line or lines at Pluristem then they must meet their Master George W Bush's and his religious councils' approval.Still,I wish someone could bust them for their U.S. penny stock pumps and dumps and probable money laundering....
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud......... Ezra Pound and James Dale Davidson laugh
When you subsidise poverty and failure, you get more of both. - James Dale Davidson
When government susidizes scum like James Dale Davidson,it subsidizes fraud and worse.......
So why have James Dale Davidson,Frank Carlucci (of CIA,Carlyle Group,etc.),and their Israeli gang of U.S. penny stock and placenta stem cell promoters at Pluristem not disclosed the origens of their 'generic' stem cell line ? Are they so generic that the mother and baby originators of these cells can go unnamed and unmentioned ? Even when your promotions claim you would seek to get 'oil' from their 'placentas' ? !
Maybe they are the original generic gene lines of the Virgen Mary and her infant Jesus ? ! Or maybe ex CIA, Carlyle exec etc.,etc.,and now Pluritem board member of some sort,Frank Carlucci,grabbed a bunch of placentas on a trip through Iraq or Afghanistan ? !.......
Anyways I'm sure that if James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci have vouched for the honorable origens of the Israeli penny stock touters' placental stem cell line or lines at Pluristem then they must meet their Master George W Bush's and his religious councils' approval.Still,I wish someone could bust them for their U.S. penny stock pumps and dumps and probable money laundering....
Both placentas and stock investors should beware of James Dale Davidson and his international gang of penny stock(and placenta ?) thieves.
Pluristem Placentas,James D. Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud
Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares.
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud......... Ezra Pound and James Dale Davidson laugh
Note that James Dale Davidson,(infamous for his baseless claim that Bill Clinton killed his childhood friend Vince Foster),has even solicited vulnerable retired folks for 'donations' for his National Taxpayers Union in Alexandria,Virginia but requested the donations be sent to his own mail box rather than to the National Taxpayers Union address at 108 N. Alfred Street,Alexandria, Virginia 22314.But now he returns to the scene of many of his crimes ,(both political and economic),at the National Taxpayers Union office building in Alexandria that he now uses for his latest mail and cyber fraud penny stock operation that he calls,'Outside the Box',and where he now touts an Israeli 'biotech' penny stock pump and dump called Pluristem,(that is incorporated in the U.S. and not Israel where defrauding Israelis by Israelis would be frowned upon),that,according to Davidson,strives to get 'oil' from 'placentas' !
His and Steve Forbes' ,et.al.'s,National Taxpayers Union,is conveniently located near the Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's office in case any problems might arise during the pump and dump of any of his numerous uncounted U.S. penny stock frauds and money laundering operations over the many years since he and Bill Bonner and the Lord William Rees-Mogg opened their Agora Inc office in Baltimore in 1979 to do basically what Davidson is doing now from his NTU office - i.e.-running a penny stock pump and dump operation !
Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox,(who receives a monthly briefing from penny stock con artists at the CIA),has gone on record to warn of the dangers of 'naked short selling',which is really all a lie created by James Dale Davidson,David Patch,Patrick Byrne, et.al. to divert attention from massive illegal penny stock dumping and manipulation by a truly organized criminal operation around the world using unaudited and worthless U.S. penny stock shares as 'cash'.This may even have caused the collapse of Refco and banks connected to it such as Bawag of Austria and Bancafe Bank of Guatemala,etc........What are 'losses' on their books are fraudulent profits to the international U.S. penny stock and worthless paper industry that takes its fraudulent profits and leaves losses on the books of banks and brokerages it uses..
Al Jazeera has even allowed known Wall Street stock manipulator and hedge fund operator Max Keiser to do a video for their Qatar satelite television english site to fraudulently claim 'naked short selling' or counterfeit shares from some nebulous source is causing U.S.penny stocks to lose there share value.In truth an elite group are allowed to use worthless U.S.penny stocks for international fraud and money laundering particularly in the Middle East and Israel post 9/11 !
Actually the SEC Chair Christopher 'WMDS' Cox who lied as House Homeland Security chief about 'WMDS' in Iraq sending thousands to their deaths and whose Latham Watkins law firm in California represented Enron against California's citizens even taped his lie about the supposed dangers of 'naked short selling',(to cover up for penny stock criminals that includes many Republcan contributers),on a bloomberg.con video that is on youtube for the record.The sleezy business professor,James Angel of Georgetown University,who had already starred in a scammy
'naked short selling' penny stock video with Patrick Byrne,Senator Bob Bennett and a 'Bob O'Brien( who helped found NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling),also appeared with Cox and the corrupt Houston attorneys John O'Quinn and James Wes Christian in the bloomberg.con video on the dangers of 'naked shorting'.New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg should himself be ashamed.
Adnan Kashoggi of Iran Contra and Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush presidencies now claims collapse of his U.S. penny stock scam called GenesisIntermedia,(that the U.S.SEC should have prosecuted and convicted him for long ago), was not the result of his own stock manipulation and fraud but instead was a victim of 'naked short selling' ! And of course there is the Al Sabah royaly of Kuwait who owned and operated Securacom 'security' firm along with lesser known brother Marvin Bush that guarded both Dulles Airport as well as the WTC on 9/11 !
Even so I'm not sure Arab involvement in U.S.penny stock fraud even azpproximates that of Israelis using U.S. penny stocks for illegal pump and dump scams, money laundering and to defraud Americans even approximates that of Israelis.The U.S.SEC keeps this partially hidden,so maybe I would be surprised.It was an Israeli U.S. penny stock fraud,ICTS International, that was 'guarding' Logan Airport near Boston where two planes involved in the 9/11,WTC,Pentagon,etc. didaster flew out from.
Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance,he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington ! :
+++SPAM+++ How You Can Profit from "An Oil Field in the Placenta"
From: NewsMax.com
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 13:17:27 GMT
To: "test(*)testcompany.com"
Dear NewsMax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, James Davidson, Editor of Outside the Box. He has some important information to share with you.
Thank you.
How You Can Profit From:
“An Oilfield in the Placenta”
May 2007
New Discovery Lets You Make A Fortune Without Ethical Controversy With Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Blood
Why you could pocket 30 times more profit from an obscure Israeli biotech discovery than from a 40 billion barrel oil find at Prudhoe Bay…
By James Dale Davidson
If you have shied away from profiting from the immense promise of stem cells to treat disease because of moral concern over extracting stem cells from fetal tissue, pay close attention. You can now invest with a clear conscience. An Israeli entrepreneur, Zami Aberman, has discovered, "an oilfield in the placenta." His little company, Pluristem Life Systems (OTCBB: PLRS) has made a discovery which is potentially more valuable than Prudhoe Bay.
Sounds crazy, right? Not really. The exciting news is that you may be able to make more money from Pluristem’s "placental blood" stem cell discovery than you could have made four decades ago from ARCO’s discovery of a vast, untapped oil basin in Alaska’s remote Prudhoe Bay.
Back in 1968, when Atlantic Richfield, aka ARCO, discovered the Prudhoe Bay oil field, ARCO was already one of America’s largest oil companies. Its stock was selling for almost $100 per share. Even before the Prudhoe discovery, investors expected great things of ARCO, so most of its later success was already priced into the stock.
Yes, ARCO’s share price skyrocketed from $98.375 to $184.00 on news of what proved to be one of the major oil discoveries ever. The net result was that if you had rightly anticipated the discovery and invested soon enough, you could have almost doubled your money. $10,000 would have bought you about $100 shares of ARCO, which in turn, could have become $18,704, assuming no commission costs. So on an investment of $10,000 in 1968, you could have pocketed as much as $8,704 for anticipating the oil find of the century.
Doesn’t sound like much to get excited about, does it? Making $8,704 would hardly change your life. This is why it is actually misleading to compare Pluristem’s placental stem cell discoveries with striking oil, even a 40 billion-barrel field. The Pluristem opportunity really doesn’t compare – because it is so much bigger.......
This e-mail was sent by:
4152 West Blue Heron Blvd, Ste 1114
Riviera Beach, FL, 33404 USA
Mail to: Outside the Box
108 N. Alfred Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(Note the address above is the long term address of the pseudo prestigious National Taxpayers Union of James Dale Davidson,Steve Forbes,Richard Mellon-Scaife,Grover Norquist,et.al.,conveniently located near the main office of the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or SEC.)
'The best time to buy is when there is blood in the streets',is approximately what Nathan Rothschild is reputed to have advised perhaps in response to the French Revolution.Strange that James Dale Davidson
would use that phrase,'Blood In The Streets' as the title for a book he wrote with his co-author the Lord William Rees-Mogg of the UK several years ago.
Davidson who pretends to be repulsed apparently by
ALL 'Rothschilds' appears an unlikely candidate to name the title of a book after words of advise from one he claims to detest,Nathan Rothschild.But then again this hypocrite was running a U.S. penny stock scam called Nannaco with supposed,(a lie),Saudi property and contracts and now he is helping an Israeli U.S. penny stock fraud,with Leumi Bank of Israel connections called Pluristem,to do the same.
And this penny stock scam is yet another 'biotech',
one of Davidson's favorite penny stock frauds. Endovasc with its hailed or 'touted' Stanford University nicotine patents,(both for 'angiogenesis' as well as
'stem cell recruitment' )that was used to defraud American investors through vFinance and Charles Schwab and LOM of Bermuda as well as a CIA connected boiler room called Bellador Group in Kuala Lumpur with Dubai connections ! Endovasc was also used by Israeli purveyors or pimps of U.S. penny stock scams known as the Grin brothers,(Eugene and David and Abraham),with their Union Bank of Israel and Bawag Bank of Austria connections among others....Genemax was another James Dale Davidson 'biotech' pump and dump of worthless shares to defrauded investors using a supposed
'cancer vaccine' developed by the University of British Colombia.
And there have been more,so many illegal promotions of worthless shares in phoney fraudulent companies dating back MANY YEARS.After dumping millions of worthless Endovasc and Genemax shares on investors there was of course no SEC investigation and both fraudulent 'biotech' companies claimed they weren't an illegal 'pump and dump' but were 'naked shorted' with 'counterfeit' shares !
Below is from James Dale Davidson's own far right wing internet 'news' site called www.newsmax.com . While I highly don't recommend it and would use it as an example of using the media or internet for what I call ' cultural malnutrition' or disinformation,which is Mr. Davidson's specialty aside from stock fraud and I believe money laundering through stock manipulation,it is most telling for its hinting at Mr.James Dale Davidson's true role and power behind the scenes in the Beltway and why he seems to get by almost with murder there.
It should be noted that Davidson just used his right wing newsmax.com, that he has admitted or bragged of founding in the past,to promote the Israeli 'biotech' pump and dump scam,Pluristem.
Note however this was not disclosed in the promotion and newsmax only named Davidson as a 'sponser' while it graciously provided him space to promote the Israeli-U.S. penny stock fraud called Pluristem.He also disclosed the scammy 'company' gave him 20 million of their worthless shares for his efforts.I am still uncertain how much the Israelis and their stock promoters paid ex CIA Frank Carlucci but seeing as he has headed the Carlyle military-industrial hedge fund of George Herbert Walker Bush,et.al.,I would presume he has been handsomely rewarded for lending a hand to J.D. Davidson's,Jonathan Honig's and the Israelis' Pluristem illegal pump and dump scam and possible money laundering operation !
Note,while Davidson is full of himself and a liar and a major U.S. penny stock fraud,one can at times read between the lines of his dishonesty and his
'newsmax' with his selected writers writing copy of which he approves sometimes spill the beans without themselves realising it.Such is the case with Ruddy and Ryan below showing Davidson's disdain and delusions of superiority to his foe Bill Clinton in the this article from 2000.It must be remembered he claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.
And note below how newsmax writers make Clinton appear to be buttering up to James Dale Davidson,a fellow Oxford student Rhodes scholar, to try and get his 'economic secrets',( which as anyone who has done any investigation of his many penny stock pump and dump scams knows is simple fraud),usually penny stock fraud. And penny stock shares are perhaps if not the most significant manner of laundering money,(they are a multi billion dollar anual 'business')they are certainly one of the easiest, particularly with Beltway connections and a complicit SEC and connections in the SEC and the Beltway. Also a google search of the co-author below,
'Christopher Ruddy' and 'Clinton', will remind you it was Ruddy who was employed by Rupert Murdoch's New York Post and then by Richard Mellon Scaife and James Dale Davidson as their selected Clinton smear writer,particularly in their fraudulent political smear claim,'Clinton killed Vince Foster'. Penny stock fraud and political fraud or lying have a lot in common
which may explain why they go together so well.:
Economist: Inflation Rate Is Double Official Number
Christopher Ruddy and Ryan Troup
March 14, 2000
Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls.
Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."
Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.
"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"
Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man’s not president for one day and he’s already trying to figure out how to fix the books."
Since his inauguration Clinton has survived an avalanche of scandals that would have crushed any other mortal.
One factor cited by both Clinton critics and friends has been the booming U.S. economy and the longest bull market in the history of the world.
"It’s the economy, stupid!" was the Carville-inspired slogan of the Clinton-Gore ’92 campaign. The slogan has become the White House mantra for two terms.
So it is obvious from Davidson's own self glorifying
'newsmax' that Mr.Davidson's claim to fame in the Beltway is 'cooking the books' apparently for 'Poppy' Bush during his and Reagan's terms in office and if you know the history of that period of Iran-Contra and drugs for guns into Mena, Arkansas and elsewhere you would know Davidson's self admitted and fraudulent 'talents' were well received.
Coincidentally Mr.Davidson's and Bill Bonner's Agora Inc. of Baltimore with fraudulent websites coming and going all over the internet,began in 1979 before the internet and the invention of his more recent fraudulent new claim of shares being 'electronically counterfeitted' but just in time for a great need to 'cook the books' in the Reagan-Bush era that funded much of its illicit war efforts in Nicaragua,Central America and elsewhere with illicit or non Congressional budget and ' off the record ' income.Remember the Congress was controlled by the Democrats who did not approve or allocate funds for the Reagan-Bush war in Central America,etc..Also their was the Iraq-Iran war that was so good for the Beltway's 'masters of war' as Bob Dylan might call them with the Pakistani BCCI scandal and loot to be stolen,etc.........
Note below from James Dale Davidson's own newsmax.com that those around Davidson were expecting Colby's death months in advance and when it finally came Colby was still in the employ of James Davidson although Davidson tried to place the blame on his nemesis,(who he had supported to be the U.S. president after his no doubt successful years financially of backing Reagan-Bush and serving their money laundering activities),Bill Clinton,just as he had accused Clinton of killing Vince Foster a year before that !
William Colby's Death Mystery
It was March of 1996. My cell phone rang. My literary agent was on the line.
"Cross Colby off the list. He's dead."
"Colby is dead," I said with some shock.
"Yes, I just heard on the radio he died in a car crash," my agent said.
I did not know former CIA Director Bill Colby, nor did my agent. But we both knew James Dale Davidson, editor of the investment newsletter Strategic Investment. Davidson was not only an associate of Colby's, but Colby had worked for Davidson as a contributing editor for his newsletter.
At the time of my agent's call, he was attempting to find a publisher for my book on the Vince Foster case. We still had no publisher, and my agent had floated the idea of William Colby writing the proposed book's foreword. This would serve several purposes. Colby, as a former CIA chief, would give the book some credibility with a publisher.
Colby had been a key figure in the Watergate scandal after he refused to allow the CIA to block the FBI probe on the Watergate burglary. Colby could not be accused of being part of a right-wing conspiracy. After leaving the CIA, he argued for unilateral disarmament and became a fixture at the left-wing Institute for Policy Studies.
My agent thought Colby might be open to the idea. After all, he worked for Davidson and Davidson openly claimed Foster was murdered, pointing the finger at the Clinton White House.
But now the idea of a Colby foreword seemed lost.
I called Davidson and asked him if he had heard the news about Colby. His voice became strained. He sounded stunned when I told him.
But, of course, Colby had not died that March. He died a month later. My agent was wrong. To this day, he swears he heard something, and to this day, we laugh about the Jungian wrinkle in time. Davidson was peeved at me for the false report, as he well should have been.
On April 29, 1996, the wires flashed with hot news: Former CIA Director William Colby had disappeared from his country home on the Wicomico River in Maryland........
Subject : carlucci,davidson,honig,powerchannel
Frank Carlucci has joined Davidson and Fox New's 'Capitalist Pig', Jonathan Honig,in an Israeli
'placenta stem cells' penny stock scam incorporated in the U.S. of course because such fraud would not be so openly permitted upon Israeli citizens - only Americans,where the shares are ultimiately pumped and dumped.
And paradoxical that Davidson,Honig and Carlucci(of Carlyle) et.al. are touting the use of stem cells from placentas when the Rupublican Party and W Bush that Davidson's newsmax was formed to promote has blocked virtually all funding for stem cell research as it is !And just where do the boys from their Israeli mafia plan to get these placentas anyway - from the bodies of dead bombed Iraqi or Afghani women they find along the road ?
But note below that Davidson,Honig and Steve Lampert,et.al.'s PowerChannel did indeed make the fraudulent claim of PWRC's shares being 'naked shorted' just as Davidson made that same claim for Endovasc and Genemax,both of which were probably manipulated through t LOM of Bermuda's Charles Schwab and VFinance accounts among others.And in the case of Endovasc the corrupt SEC and its corrupter Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox allowed Bellador Group that probably has or had Davidson and CIA connections to deal the worthless shares of Endovasc,China Wireless and the CIA's and Washington D.C.'s on 'IT' public company SRA International in Kuala Lumpur,Dubai or Cyprus,etc..
Tony Ryals
Subject : garywiss re powerchannel,davidson,pluristem,leumi
Date : Thu, 26 Jul 2007 13:22:04 -0400 (EDT)
Sent to Gary Weiss,a Forbes writer who covers,(not very well),the penny stock naked short selling' scam but never mentions Steve Forbes pal James Dale Davidson and appears so far to be covering up for him.:
Below is a press release from PWRC, another James Dale Davidson,Jonathan Honig,et.al. pump and dump that claimed to be 'naked shorted'.This pr like the old NAANSS website once run out of Genemax's Blaine, Washington office has now been pretty much disappeared except for this.
At least we know that J.D.Davidson doesn't mind working with 'Jews' as long as they are corrupt and steal from Holocaust victims and U.S. penny stock fraud victims.
Gary do you think Davidson was running frauds through Israel previously or only since the Cerberus boys invested in the Leumi Bank ? Or do you believe Pluristem of those supposed Israeli researchers and J.D.Davidson and Frank Carlucci is legit ?
Oh it appears Jonathan Honig may not be Jonathan Hoenig of Fox but Fox is still promoting NEWSMAX and thus lending tacit support to all this fraud.
Tony Ryals
3 June 2004, 11:12am ET
Company One of Hundreds Listed on Exchange Without Prior Knowledge, Consent
and Authorization
NEW CITY, N.Y., June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PowerChannel, Inc. (BB:PWRC) today announced that it has been removed from the Berlin Stock Exchange. The Company learned late last week that it had been listed on the exchange without its prior knowledge, consent or authorization.
"As soon as we learned of the unsanctioned listing, our SEC counsel took the necessary steps to effect the successful removal from the Berlin Exchange," said Steve Lampert, PowerChannel CEO. "Apparently, information that we have come across has led us to believe that our Company, along with more than 200 U.S. publicly traded companies, were part of an organized effort by brokers to circumvent recent National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) restrictions against so-called naked short selling. We believe this unconscionable act against our Company and its shareholders may have had a negative impact on our recent share price, and we are optimistic that the removal from this Exchange will allow our stock to trade in a more customary, regulated manner."
Below quote from James Dale Davidson upon the death of Ezra Pound in the 1970's.:
Even though Pound employed a muddled definition of "usury", this is a valid liberation concern. He simply lacked a sound theoretical base from which to develop a solution. In studying the causes of World War I, Pound reached much the same conclusion as that achieved by revisionist historians. He felt that the war was brought on by international profiteers. Like the John Birch Society, Pound considered the Federal Reserve to be a private corporation, and agitated for "government" takeover of the money supply. This is why he admired Mussolini. He believed Fascism would end inflation. "Mussolini," Pound wrote,"followed
Andrew Jackson in opposing the tyranny of state debt." Too bad he never read What Has Government 'Done To Our Money? Pound was off the mark, but not that far off. Although he was accused of Anti-Semitism, he made clear he was not opposed to Jews, only to the Rothschilds, who remain the prototype of scheming bankers. He said, "I am accused of Anti-Semitism. Why then do I respect Spinoza, esteem Montaigne as a writer, and work to re-establish the fame of Alex del Mar, who I believe was a Jew?" Although he erred in believing Fascism could eliminate inflation, Pound had an essentially accurate view of the evils of state control. "Socialism," he said, "is synonymous for imbecility because it wants to govern by multiplying bureaucracies, tyrannicaly controlling all minor activities . . ." Yes, there is much in Pound to delight a libertarian. What man who said "I have a total contempt for Marx and Freud," could be all bad? His understanding of space exploration seems more to the point than that of some self-processed libertarians. "You cannot live in a Sputnik and you cannot find your food in a Sputnik. What mankind needs is an internal harmony, which may balance the increase of brutality and desperation we are living through." True enough. And in an age when Bleeding-Heart liberalism has permeated everything, with myriad crackpot groups seeking subsidy and "reparations" from the society which has "held them down," it is still refreshing to read Pound. "No one in society," he wrote, "has any right to blame his troubles on anyone else. Liberal thought has been a mess mush because of the tendency to produce this state of mind." He did have a talent for language.
- James Dale Davidson,Ezra Pound, RIP
Nope,you won't find no 'bleeding heart liberalism' in Mr.James Dale Davidson.If he could he would gladly
open a factory to turn poor and Holocaust victims to 'oil'
just as he would anyone's 'placenta' he could get his hands upon.Both placentas(Jewish or otherwise) and 'securities' or stock buyers should beware of James Dale Davidson and his gang of thieves who generally have Washington,D.C. connections.
J.D.Davidson's,Jonathan Honig's PowerChannel Fraud
By frank carlucci - It Was NOT naked shorted ! on 7/23/2007 9:29:57 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at) lycos.com
I looked all over for this PowerChannel press release on a google search before I found it again by searching this board for 'PowerChannel'.Of course this was posted by me on 8/15/2004.I don't know why a google search didn't find it here but I do know EVERY of copy of this has gone missing on the internet from the 'way back machine' to findarticles.com. Do 'companies' get their old scammy press releases removed from findarticles upon request ? I don't know but many I search for there,particularly related to James Dale Davidson,have gone missing.
Anyway Frank Carlucci has joined Davidson and Fox New's 'Capitalist Pig',Jonathan Honig,in an Israeli
'placenta stem cells' penny stock scam incorporated in the U.S. of course because such fraud would not be so openly permitted upon Israeli citizens - only Americans,where the shares are ultimiately pumped and dumped.
And paradoxical that Davidson,Honig and Carlucci(of Carlyle) et.al. are touting the use of stem cells from placentas when the Rupublican Party and W Bush that Davidson's newsmax was formed to promote has blocked virtually all funding for stem cell research as it is !And just where do the boys from their Israeli mafia plan to get these placentas anyway - from the bodies of dead bombed Iraqi or Afghani women they find along the road ?
But note below that Davidson,Honig and Steve Lampert,et.al.'s PowerChanneldid indeed make the fraudulent claim of PWRC's shares being 'naked shorted' just as Davidson made that same claim for Endovasc and Genemax,both of which were probably manipulated through t LOM of Bermuda's Charles Schwab and VFinance accounts among others.And in the case of Endovasc the corrupt SEC and its corrupter Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox allowed Bellador Group that probably has or had Davidson and CIA connections to deal the worthless shares of Endovasc,China Wireless and the CIA's and Washington D.C.'s on 'IT' public company SRA International in Kuala Lumpur,Dubai or Cyprus,etc..
Tony Ryals
J.D. Davidson's PowerChannel, Inc. Delisted From Berlin Stock Exchange
By were they gonna 'naked short' him again ? on 8/15/2004 7:37:58 PM
E-mail: biodog0 (at) yahoo.com
j.d. davidson's PowerChannel, Inc. Delisted From Berlin Stock Exchange
E-mail or Print this story
3 June 2004, 11:12am ET
Company One of Hundreds Listed on Exchange Without Prior Knowledge, Consent
and Authorization
NEW CITY, N.Y., June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PowerChannel, Inc. (BB:PWRC) today announced that it has been removed from the Berlin Stock Exchange. The Company learned late last week that it had been listed on the exchange without its prior knowledge, consent or authorization.
"As soon as we learned of the unsanctioned listing, our SEC counsel took the necessary steps to effect the successful removal from the Berlin Exchange," said Steve Lampert, PowerChannel CEO. "Apparently, information that we have come across has led us to believe that our Company, along with more than 200 U.S. publicly traded companies, were part of an organized effort by brokers to circumvent recent National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) restrictions against so-called naked short selling. We believe this unconscionable act against our Company and its shareholders may have had a negative impact on our recent share price, and we are optimistic that the removal from this Exchange will allow our stock to trade in a more customary, regulated manner."
Re: J.D.Davidson's,Jonathan Honig's PowerChannel Fraud
By Fox News' Jonathan Honig is a 'Capitalist Fraud' on 7/24/2007 2:04:49 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at) lycos.com
Do the 3 names in SEC filing (whose link is below),DAVIDSON JAMES,DAVIDSON JAMES D.,DAVIDSON JAMES DALE,all refer to just Davidson of National Taxpayers Union,etc.,or others ? Why would he or others use more than one form of his name on SEC filings ? Also just who is this
'WEINHOUSE,ISAAC' and hasn't he occasionally been a topic of conversationm on this board ? Is the
'COHEN LEONARD' listed herein the Canadian poet-musician !? I sure hope not but by now NOTHING would surprise me.
Davidson by the way is using his National Taxpayers Union address near the main SEC office in Alexandria,Virginia as his address for the Israel-U.S. Pluristem placenta penny stock pump and dump scam he is running with Frank Carlucci, Jonathan Honig and their Israeli mafia.....Just as he used that address for his MIVT or MIV Therapeutics pump and dump among others.Steve Forbes is no doubt proud and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News still uses Davidson's newsmax as a source.Ha.
Oh Davidson was mentioned as a 'sponser' of newsmax in its promotion of his and Honig's and Carlucci's and their Israeli mafia's placenta penny stock tout promotion.Was this similar to Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg recommending LOM of Bermuda to their clients and readers of 'The Sovereign Individual' without disclosing their investment interest in LOM ? After all Davidson is a if not THE founder of newsmax,not just a 'sponser' as the newsmax promo alludes.
Tony Ryals
“From what I’ve seen, it looks as if the SEC might have sanctioned some level of case-related document destruction,” Grassley said. “It doesn’t make sense that an agency responsible for investigations would want to get rid of potential evidence. If these charges are true, the agency needs to explain why it destroyed documents, how many documents it destroyed over what timeframe, and to what extent its actions were consistent with the law.”............
Grassley wrote in his letter to SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro, “If (the whistleblower’s) allegations are correct, the intentional destruction of at least 9,000 MUIs would appear to greatly handicap the SEC’s ability to create patterns in complex cases and calls into question the SEC’s ability to properly retain and catalog documents.”......
James Dale Davidson,fouinder of Agora Inc., stock money laundering 'company' of Baltimore,Maryland as well as founder of Steve Forbes,et.al., connected the National Taxpayers Union that he also used for stock fraud ops and the right pro Iraq war newsmax.com has been protected by the U.S.SEC for DECADES even though he has robbed Americans blind just as Israelis have been allowed to operate stock frauds for the sole purpose of funding their international terrorist operations and for bribing U.S.politicians !Mary Schapiro knows all this as an Israeli agent sabateur has herself been a much greater danger to American citizens than
Saddam Hussein or Moamar Gaddafi could have ever dreamed of being !That's because of the people she is connected to that includes not only scum like Davidson and his Israeli money laundering spies of the Israeli government but also her willingness to use her position in 'securities' BEFORE becoming Barry Soetoro's to sell NASDAQ to the 9/11 money laundering state of Dubai and its ciorrupt and dangerous Sheik Mohasmed Al Rashid bin Maktoum that illicitly further enriched both herself as well as the Iraeli agent and ex hedge fund criminal Douglas Shulman who heads W Bush's and Barack Barry Soetoro's corrupt IRS to this day !
Both Mary Schapiro and IRS Commisioner Doug Shulman should be in jail with their pal Bernie Madoff and Shulman should explain why he has protected Israeli terrorists of ICTS International who fraudulently filled claims for millions of dollars from the U.S. IRS even tough they had stolen hundreds of millions at least before their tragic role in allowing 9/11 to happen !
This is the prostitute,Mary Schapiro, our illegal 'President' Barack 'Barry Soetoro' Obama replaced the lieing money launderer Christopher Cox with.W Bush would be proud. :
Madoff also described current SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro as "a 'dear friend' and that she 'probably thinks I wish I never knew this guy.'" However, this appears to be a yet another Madoff make-believe: Inspector General Kotz, in a statement on Friday about the documents he released, said he found no evidence that Madoff had a close friendship with Schapiro.......
Note that H David Kotz who is treated like a hero by the main stream media also is part of a fraud of even larger proportions than Bernie Madoff's stealing from America to launder for Israel stock or 'securities' scams.He is directly implicated in lieing about major stocks being 'naked shorted' which is exactly the lie started by James Dale Davidson in 2002 to distract from his SEC protected penny stock 'biotech' frauds Genemax and Endovasc.SEC Chair Chrs Cox have lied on the very SEC 'investor education' website that is supposed to protect investors about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and myriad multi billion dollar banking and brokerage companies shares collapsing in 2008b because of 'naked short selling' !
And this is after the strange death of ex Agora employee Rey Rivera who ran the Rebound Report stock fraud promotion of Agora's Porter Stansberry and after their collusion with Goldman Sachs and international right wing criminals of the UK,Israel and the Middle East in shorting Fannie Me and Freddie Mac that removed untold billions stolen from U.S. investors to their and their criminal friends offshore accounts !And after James Dale Davidson's illigal promotions of the ongoing Israeli government connected stock and science fraud called Pluristem,(that claims to use stem cells for medicine but only scams more Americans to fill Israeli terrorists offshore accounts !) that illicitly further enriched ex CIA and Carlyle CEO and Patrice Lumumba murder suspect Frank Carlucci as well as Israel's Technion University connected Israeli money launders and
terrorist suspects.But then again the white trash who calls herself a 'Jew',Mary Schapiro,is nothing but a prostitute of Israel and puts Israeli criminals ahead of her presumed fellow Americans just as she learned all she knew about 'securities' on her knees before Bernie Madoff just as Monica Lewinski advanced herself on her knees before Bill Clinton !
For those who are apologists for Reagan Bush and Clinton money launderer and American traitor to Israel and the UK Lords,James Dale Davidson, and refuse to acknowledge the fact that he is a U.S. government and SEC protected repeat penny stock shares money laundering offender or even claim he is living in
Australia in poverty - all I can say is shameful.It is true as Davidson pointed out years ago,if he did not have legions of right wing nuts on the internet pretending that he like his pal Porter
Stansberry at Agora Inc are the new Nostradamus's for predicting stock
market manipulations they are involved in and profiting from the
manipulation of such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that Porter
Stansberry claims he 'predicted' rather than helped rig - both pumping
and dumping over the years - when in fact they are U.S. government and
SEC protected con artists that the powers that be have let run rampant
on the internet.
Her are just a few of the more recent scams since the Israeli
government and U.S.government protected money laundering operation
AGAINST AMERICAN INVESTORS Pluristem - was pumped by Davidson that ex
Carlyle CEO Frank Crlucci also profited from.The Israeli-James Dale
Davidson Pluristem fraud is still ongoing with press releases claiming
the Israeli government is giving them more money so that
the Davidson connected money launderers can use it to con more
Americans into putting money in their stem cell stock fraud.I only
wonder why Steve Forbes and Micheal Bloomberg,who continue to promote
Davidson on their digital rags, haven't ever noticed this repeat
securities offender who continues who they continue to promot as a
legit 'businessman' :
Top Executives at TurkPower Corp
Aykut Ferah CEO/CFO/Chief Accounting Officer/Director
Ismet Turan Chief Technology Officer
Ryan E. Hart Chairman of the Board/Director
James Dale Davidson Director
Richard Schaeffer Director
Board of Directors || California Gold Corp.
James Dale Davidson ... He is a director of TurkPower Corp., Passport
Potash and Cell Power Technologies Inc. He has a distinguished history
as a financial ...
Potash Inc. ("Passport" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:PPI)(OTCQX:PPRTF)
california gold corp message board
Passport Potash Adds Former United States Congressman to the Board of Directors
Passport Potash Inc. PPI
1/31/2012 8:30:05 AM
Passport Potash Adds Former United States Congressman to the Board of Directors
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 01/31/12 -- Passport
Potash Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PPI)(PINKSHEETS:PPRTF) ("Passport" or the
"Company") is pleased to announce that former U. S. Congressman
Matthew Salmon has been appointed to the Company's Board of Directors,
effective February 1, 2012.
Mr. Salmon began his career in public service as an Arizona State
Senator, a position in which he served from 1991 to 1995. While in the
Senate, he served as the Assistant Majority Leader and chaired the
Rules Committee.
From 1995 to 2001 Mr. Salmon represented Arizona in the United States
House of Representatives, where he served on the International
Relations, Education, Small Business, and Science Committees. He also
served for six years on the Helsinki Commission and the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) where he developed
myriad and key relationships with parliamentary members from OSCE. He
was an active and influential member of both those organizations. In
2000 Mr. Salmon did not stand for reelection, honoring a pledge made
in his first Congressional campaign to serve only three terms.
Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) anatolia james davidson
The Company has also appointed James Davidson, the founder of Anatolia
Minerals, as Director and non-executive chairman of Passport
James Davidson – Chairman
A founding director of Anatolia Minerals Development. Mr. Davidson
helped steward Anatolia’s growth from a penny stock to its recent
transformation into Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) with a
market cap of C$2.5 billion. Mr. Davidson is the author of five books,
is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Oxford University.
Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth
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Potash Stocks
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Mesa Exploration Corp. – Exploring for Energy Independence Read More »
Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth
Click to go to Passport Potash Inc.'s website
Passport Potash Inc. (CVE:PPI,OTCQX:PPRTF) is an exploration and
development company focused on advanced potash properties. The Company
has acquired a strategic position in Arizona’s Holbrook Basin with a
large land holding. Historical data on the property has shown an
estimated 2.5 billion tons of potash. In March 2011, Passport Potash
began trading on the OTCQX under the symbol “PPRTF”. Passport has
recently undergone some changes to its management team. Joshua Bleak
has been appointed President and CEO of the company, while John
Eckersley, a prominent US attorney has been made Vice President of
Legal and Corporate Affairs. The Company has also appointed James
Davidson, the founder of Anatolia Minerals, as Director and
non-executive chairman of Passport Potash.
Chief Properties
Holbrook Basin Potash Project, Arizona, Unites States
The Holbrook Basin Potash project is a 70,000 hectare, road accessible
property seven miles east of the town of Holbrook in the County of
Navajo in Arizona. Passport has also applied for mineral prospecting
permits on 7,000-plus acres of federal lands in the southwestern
portion of the basin.....
Passport Potash Inc’s current holdings could host 20.07% of the total
geological target or 140 million tonnes at 6% K2O to 500 million
tonnes at 20% K2O...
Following the closing of a $7.1 million financing, Passport was able
to complete the drill program that began in December 2010....
James Davidson – Chairman
A founding director of Anatolia Minerals Development. Mr. Davidson
helped steward Anatolia’s growth from a penny stock to its recent
transformation into Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) with a
market cap of C$2.5 billion. Mr. Davidson is the author of five books,
is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Oxford University.
James Davidson B.A., M.A., M. Litt. Return to YAMANA GOLD INC
Former Non-Executive Chairman and Member of Audit Committee, Passport
Potash Inc.
Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 0 board
members in 0 different organizations across 4 different industries.
61 $67,500
Mr. James Dale Davidson, III B.A., M.A., M. Litt., serves as President
of New World Premium Brands, Ltd. Mr. Davidson is a merchant banker
with New Paradigm Capital Ltd. He is a Private Investor and Analyst.
He is a principal for three money management firms-Strategic Advisors
Corporation, Strategic Advisors Overseas, Ltd., and L.G. Strategic
Asia, Hong Kong. Mr. Davidson served as Chief Financial Officer and
Secretary of TapImmune, Inc. (Alternate Name, Genemax Corp.) ...
Read Full Background
10333 East Dry Creek Road
Englewood, Colorado 80112
United States
Phone: 303-292-1299
Fax: 303-297-0538
Board Members MEMBERSHIPS*
Endovasc, Inc.
Former Director
Nanovation Technologies Inc.
Former Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, Director, Chief Financial
Officer of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals Inc., Secretary of GeneMax
Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Director of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals Inc
TapImmune, Inc.
Former Director, Member of Compensation Committee and Member of
Corporate Governance Committee
Alacer Gold Corp.
Former Director
Qualibou Energy, Inc.
Former Non-Executive Chairman and Member of Audit Committee
Passport Potash Inc.
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Master's Degree
University of Oxford
Endovasc, Inc.
Nanovation Technologies Inc.
Qualibou Energy, Inc.
TapImmune, Inc.
Alacer Gold Corp.
University of Maryland
University of Oxford
(How'd he forget Pluristem and Genemax and so many more 'off the
record' stock share ,money laundering scams he's run ?)
BCSC- New Letter 16-Jan-12 02:21 pm
Wanted to confirm that the Company received a recent (last 30 days)
letter from the BCSC not to issue any further promotional press
releases until they have a Resource 43-101 to give to investors. Can
anyone confirm or deny this statement?
0.29 Feb 3, 3:59PM EST
Passport Potash Inc.: Closing of Private Placement
Appoints James Davidson to Its Board of Directors. Founding Director
of Anatolia Minerals ...
CHANGE TODAY +0.03 0.32%
ASR On Other Exchanges
As of 4:00 PM 02/3/12 All times are local (Market data is delayed by
at least 15 minutes).
OverviewBoard MembersCommittees
James Davidson B.A., M.A., M. Litt. Return to YAMANA GOLD INC
Former Non-Executive Chairman and Member of Audit Committee, Passport
Potash Inc.
Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 0 board
members in 0 different organizations across 4 different industries.
61 $67,500
Mr. James Dale Davidson, III B.A., M.A., M. Litt., serves as President
of New World Premium Brands, Ltd. Mr. Davidson is a merchant banker
with New Paradigm Capital Ltd. He is a Private Investor and Analyst.
He is a principal for three money management firms-Strategic Advisors
Corporation, Strategic Advisors Overseas, Ltd., and L.G. Strategic
Asia, Hong Kong. Mr. Davidson served as Chief Financial Officer and
Secretary of TapImmune, Inc. (Alternate Name, Genemax Corp.) ...
Read Full Background
10333 East Dry Creek Road
Englewood, Colorado 80112
United States
Phone: 303-292-1299
Fax: 303-297-0538
Board Members MEMBERSHIPS*
Endovasc, Inc.
Former Director
Nanovation Technologies Inc.
Former Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, Director, Chief Financial
Officer of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals Inc., Secretary of GeneMax
Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Director of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals Inc
TapImmune, Inc.
Former Director, Member of Compensation Committee and Member of
Corporate Governance Committee
Alacer Gold Corp.
Former Director
Qualibou Energy, Inc.
Former Non-Executive Chairman and Member of Audit Committee
Passport Potash Inc.
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Master's Degree
University of Oxford
Endovasc, Inc.
Nanovation Technologies Inc.
Qualibou Energy, Inc.
TapImmune, Inc.
Alacer Gold Corp.
University of Maryland
University of Oxford
There is no Annual Compensation data available.
Exercised Options Value C$222,500
Total Value of Options C$222,500
Total Number of Options 100,000
Total Calculated Compensation C$67,500
*Data is at least as current as the most recent Definitive Proxy.
Board of Directors || California Gold Corp.
James Dale Davidson ... He is a director of TurkPower Corp., Passport
Potash and Cell Power Technologies Inc. He has a distinguished history
as a financial ...
Potash Inc. ("Passport" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:PPI)(OTCQX:PPRTF)
california gold corp message board
https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=california+gold+corp+message+board&pbx=1&oq=california+gold+corp+message+board&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=18211l27032l5l27456l27l21l0l0l0l4l268l3134l0.17.4l21l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw .,cf.osb&fp=20d79f0a81e4895c&biw=1280&bih=821
Passport Potash Adds Former United States Congressman to the Board of Directors
Passport Potash Inc. PPI
1/31/2012 8:30:05 AM
Passport Potash Adds Former United States Congressman to the Board of Directors
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 01/31/12 -- Passport
Potash Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PPI)(PINKSHEETS:PPRTF) ("Passport" or the
"Company") is pleased to announce that former U. S. Congressman
Matthew Salmon has been appointed to the Company's Board of Directors,
effective February 1, 2012.
Mr. Salmon began his career in public service as an Arizona State
Senator, a position in which he served from 1991 to 1995. While in the
Senate, he served as the Assistant Majority Leader and chaired the
Rules Committee.
From 1995 to 2001 Mr. Salmon represented Arizona in the United States
House of Representatives, where he served on the International
Relations, Education, Small Business, and Science Committees. He also
served for six years on the Helsinki Commission and the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) where he developed
myriad and key relationships with parliamentary members from OSCE. He
was an active and influential member of both those organizations. In
2000 Mr. Salmon did not stand for reelection, honoring a pledge made
in his first Congressional campaign to serve only three terms.
Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) anatolia james davidson
https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=+Alacer+Gold+Corporation%2C+%28ASR+%E2%80%93+Toronto%29+anatolia+james+davidson&pbx=1&oq=+Alacer+Gold+Corporation%2C+%28ASR+%E2%80%93+Toronto%29+anatolia+james+davidson&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=30125l35669l0l36100l15l15l0l0l0l0l283l2217l0.14.1l15l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw .,cf.osb&fp=20d79f0a81e4895c&biw=1280&bih=821
The Company has also appointed James Davidson, the founder of Anatolia
Minerals, as Director and non-executive chairman of Passport
James Davidson – Chairman
A founding director of Anatolia Minerals Development. Mr. Davidson
helped steward Anatolia’s growth from a penny stock to its recent
transformation into Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) with a
market cap of C$2.5 billion. Mr. Davidson is the author of five books,
is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Oxford University.
Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth
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Potash Stocks
More exclusive Potash Investing News Profiles
Mesa Exploration Corp. – Exploring for Energy Independence Read More »
Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth
Click to go to Passport Potash Inc.'s website
Passport Potash Inc. (CVE:PPI,OTCQX:PPRTF) is an exploration and
development company focused on advanced potash properties. The Company
has acquired a strategic position in Arizona’s Holbrook Basin with a
large land holding. Historical data on the property has shown an
estimated 2.5 billion tons of potash. In March 2011, Passport Potash
began trading on the OTCQX under the symbol “PPRTF”. Passport has
recently undergone some changes to its management team. Joshua Bleak
has been appointed President and CEO of the company, while John
Eckersley, a prominent US attorney has been made Vice President of
Legal and Corporate Affairs. The Company has also appointed James
Davidson, the founder of Anatolia Minerals, as Director and
non-executive chairman of Passport Potash.
Chief Properties
Holbrook Basin Potash Project, Arizona, Unites States
click to zoom
The Holbrook Basin Potash project is a 70,000 hectare, road accessible
property seven miles east of the town of Holbrook in the County of
Navajo in Arizona. Passport has also applied for mineral prospecting
permits on 7,000-plus acres of federal lands in the southwestern
portion of the basin. The property is in close proximity to a rail
line, and Interstate 40, which adds great potential to the project.
Power is also readily available through a nearby power station.
In the 1960s and 1970s Arkla Exploration and Duvall Corporation’s
exploration of the property consisted of over 100 drill holes. The
program identified approximately 600 square miles of potash, with
thickness ranging up to 40 ft. Based on the Arizona Geological
Survey’s open file report, the property hosts a potential 2.5 Billion
tons of potash. Passport Potash Inc’s current holdings could host
20.07% of the total geological target or 140 million tonnes at 6% K2O
to 500 million tonnes at 20% K2O.
Following the closing of a $7.1 million financing, Passport was able
to complete the drill program that began in December 2010. The program
was a combination of reverse circulation and diamond core drilling
program to verify the presence of the potash horizon and to provide PQ
size core through the horizon for chemical analysis. A gamma ray
survey was also conducted on each hole to confirm the potash content
to compliment the conventional assaying. An additional 25 holes are
currently being drilled. Results from the program are yet to be
In February, Passport contracted with Zonge International to complete
a 50 line-mile seismic survey on the Holbrook site. Zonge’s has
completed the survey and given the results to SRK. The survey results
will be used in evaluating geologic, stratigraphic and structural
information for the Holbrook Basin.
SRK Consulting is expected to release a NI 43-101 report on Potash’s
properties in Q2 2011. The report will incorporate the results of the
drill program, seismic survey and the historical data to develop a
geological model, construct a resource block models and estimate
in-situ resources which are compliant with CIM definitions of resource
classification for reporting purposes.
Mr. Joshua Bleak – President & CEO, Director
Mr. Bleak is experienced in the mining and exploration industry as
well as being fourth generation in a family with a rich mining and
exploration background. He currently serves as President and CEO of
American Energy Fields Inc, a U.S. public company that is exploring
and developing uranium prospects. As a part of North American
Environmental Corp., Mr. Bleak was responsible for the permitting and
overseeing of Passport’s initial round of drilling at the Holbrook
Basin potash project. He has worked with numerous exploration
companies to indentify and explore mining prospects located within the
southwestern U.S.
James Davidson – Chairman
A founding director of Anatolia Minerals Development. Mr. Davidson
helped steward Anatolia’s growth from a penny stock to its recent
transformation into Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) with a
market cap of C$2.5 billion. Mr. Davidson is the author of five books,
is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Oxford University.
Laara Shaffer – Director
Laara Shaffer has worked with publicly-traded companies in regulatory
compliance, administration and accounting for over 22 years. Ms.
Shaffer is also president and director of Glen Hawk Minerals Ltd., a
director of Nordic Gold Corporation (Chief Financial Officer) and
Passport Metals Inc. and she also serves as corporate secretary for
Yale Resources Ltd., Copper Reef Mining Corporation and Montello
Resources Ltd.
Gary F. Zak – Director
Mr. Zak has been active for the past 28 years providing Business
Development management to public resource companies. He has extensive
experience in funding early stage companies, organizing management,
corporate and investor relations groups and has successfully completed
several mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Zak is currently President and
CEO of Bold Ventures Inc. (BOL.V). Mr. Zak was also founder of Forum
Uranium Corp., and has been a director of Beaufield Resources Inc.
Steve Butrenchuk – P.Geol., President
Mr. Butrenchuk has over 40 years of experience in mining and mineral
exploration throughout Canada, United States, Chile and Peru. He has
substantial experience with industrial minerals and has authored
several publications with respect to various commodities while on
contract to the B.C. government. He is presently a Consulting
Geologist and a Director of Mega Copper Corp.
John Eckersley -Vice President Legal and Corporate Affairs
Mr. Eckersley served as corporate counsel focusing on the preparation
of SEC registration statements, limited offering exemption documents,
merger, and reverse merger documents. He received his Juris Doctorate
from University of Utah.
Mr. R. Timothy Henneberry, P.Geo. – Advisory Board, Professional Geologist
Tim Henneberry is a professional geoscientist with more than 28 years
experience in both exploration and production. His early career
centred on production, first from underground precious metal mines and
later from placer operations. He has been a consultant since 1985,
founding his own consulting firm in 1991. He has served both as a
director and as a senior manager and president for junior mining
companies. Mr. Henneberry is currently the President and CEO of
Appleton Exploration Inc. He has a long history of accomplishments in
professional geological assessments, capital management and the
implementation of successful mineral based operations.
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Latest News On Passport Potash Inc.
Former U. S. Congressman Matthew Salmon Appointed to the Passport
Potash Board of Directors
31 Ene 2012
Former U. S. Congressman Matthew Salmon has been appointed to the
Passport Potash Inc. (TSXV:PPI) Board of Directors, effective ...
Passport Potash Begins New Drilling in the Holbrook Basin
25 Ene 2012
Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced drill updates for its
Holbrook basin potash project. Passport Potash expect that the ...
Passport Potash Adds New Director to its Board
19 Ene 2012
Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced the appointment of R.Dennis
Ickes to the Company's Board of Directors.
David J.Salisbury Appointed to Passport Potash’s Board of Directors
17 Ene 2012
Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced the appointment of David
J.Salisbury as Chairman and Director to the Company's Board ...
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Share Information
PPI.V Price
Passport Potash Inc. on Yahoo Finance
Share Structure
Issued and Outstanding 122,786,032
Warrants 4,971,136
Options 5,126,000
Fully Diluted 132,883,168
Current Cash ~$10,500,000
Passport Potash Inc.'s Website
Passport Potash Inc.
Visit Passport Potash Inc.'s website
Anatolia Minerals Development Limited and Avoca Resources Limited
Completes Merger To Become Alacer Gold Corp.
Sunday, 20 Feb 2011 06:11pm EST
Anatolia Minerals Development Limited announced the completion of the
previously announced merger (the Merger) by which Anatolia, through a
wholly-owned Australian subsidiary (Anatolia Australia), acquired all
of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares and options of Avoca,
resulting in the creation of a new intermediate global gold producer
now called Alacer Gold Corp. (Alacer). Alacer has issued an additional
135,070,307 common shares, either directly or indirectly as CHESS
Depositary Interest (CDIs), through CHESS Depository Nominees Pty
Limited, as consideration under the Merger to the former shareholders
of Avoca (based on an exchange ratio of 0.4453 shares in Alacer for
each Avoca share held). As of February 18, 2011, there are 274,370,576
common shares in Alacer issued and outstanding. Common shares of
Alacer will now trade on the Australian Securities Exchange (as CDIs)
under the symbol AQG as well as on the Toronto Stock Exchange under
the TSX symbol ASR. Avoca is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Anatolia
Latest Developments for Alacer Gold Corp
Alacer Gold Corp. Issues FY 2012 Gold Production Guidance
Alacer Gold Corp. Revises FY 2011 Production Guidance
Alacer Gold Corp. Appoints Timothy Haddon As Chairman
Anatolia Minerals Development Limited Announces Admission To ASX
Official List
Latest Key Developments in Precious Metals / Minerals
Ring of Fire Resources Inc Closes Off Non Brokered Financing
Sprott Physical Gold Trust Announces Completion Of Follow-on
Offering Of Trust Units
Macusani Yellowcake Inc. And Southern Andes Energy Inc. Announces
Combination And Consolidation Of Major Uranium District
Gryphon Gold Corporation Announces Management Changes; Appoints
James T. O'Neil Jr. as Interim CEO and Director
These are just a couple of the myriad websites used by James Dale Davidson for propaganda and fraud.Newsmax was created by Davidson to promote far right CIA causes and to promote his financial frauds to readers as well.Its memberes have or do include deceased General Al haig,Lord William Rees-Mogg,etc..Jimbo Wales under the guise of an encyclopedia also aids stock frauds by giving the frauds legitimacy as real companies and any real bio of James Dale Davidson is censored and removed from Wikipedia as are those of other elite figures and criminls.
BCSC- New Letter 16-Jan-12 02:21 pm
Wanted to confirm that the Company received a recent (last 30 days)
letter from the BCSC not to issue any further promotional press
releases until they have a Resource 43-101 to give to investors. Can
anyone confirm or deny this statement?
0.29 Feb 3, 3:59PM EST
Passport Potash Inc.: Closing of Private Placement
Appoints James Davidson to Its Board of Directors. Founding Director
of Anatolia Minerals ...
CHANGE TODAY +0.03 0.32%
ASR On Other Exchanges
As of 4:00 PM 02/3/12 All times are local (Market data is delayed by
at least 15 minutes).
OverviewBoard MembersCommittees
James Davidson B.A., M.A., M. Litt. Return to YAMANA GOLD INC
Former Non-Executive Chairman and Member of Audit Committee, Passport
Potash Inc.
Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 0 board
members in 0 different organizations across 4 different industries.
61 $67,500
Mr. James Dale Davidson, III B.A., M.A., M. Litt., serves as President
of New World Premium Brands, Ltd. Mr. Davidson is a merchant banker
with New Paradigm Capital Ltd. He is a Private Investor and Analyst.
He is a principal for three money management firms-Strategic Advisors
Corporation, Strategic Advisors Overseas, Ltd., and L.G. Strategic
Asia, Hong Kong. Mr. Davidson served as Chief Financial Officer and
Secretary of TapImmune, Inc. (Alternate Name, Genemax Corp.) ...
Read Full Background
10333 East Dry Creek Road
Englewood, Colorado 80112
United States
Phone: 303-292-1299
Fax: 303-297-0538
Board Members MEMBERSHIPS*
Endovasc, Inc.
Former Director
Nanovation Technologies Inc.
Former Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, Director, Chief Financial
Officer of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals Inc., Secretary of GeneMax
Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Director of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals Inc
TapImmune, Inc.
Former Director, Member of Compensation Committee and Member of
Corporate Governance Committee
Alacer Gold Corp.
Former Director
Qualibou Energy, Inc.
Former Non-Executive Chairman and Member of Audit Committee
Passport Potash Inc.
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Master's Degree
University of Oxford
Endovasc, Inc.
Nanovation Technologies Inc.
Qualibou Energy, Inc.
TapImmune, Inc.
Alacer Gold Corp.
University of Maryland
University of Oxford
There is no Annual Compensation data available.
Exercised Options Value C$222,500
Total Value of Options C$222,500
Total Number of Options 100,000
Total Calculated Compensation C$67,500
*Data is at least as current as the most recent Definitive Proxy.
Board of Directors || California Gold Corp.
James Dale Davidson ... He is a director of TurkPower Corp., Passport
Potash and Cell Power Technologies Inc. He has a distinguished history
as a financial ...
Potash Inc. ("Passport" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:PPI)(OTCQX:PPRTF)
california gold corp message board
Passport Potash Adds Former United States Congressman to the Board of Directors
Passport Potash Inc. PPI
1/31/2012 8:30:05 AM
Passport Potash Adds Former United States Congressman to the Board of Directors
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 01/31/12 -- Passport
Potash Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PPI)(PINKSHEETS:PPRTF) ("Passport" or the
"Company") is pleased to announce that former U. S. Congressman
Matthew Salmon has been appointed to the Company's Board of Directors,
effective February 1, 2012.
Mr. Salmon began his career in public service as an Arizona State
Senator, a position in which he served from 1991 to 1995. While in the
Senate, he served as the Assistant Majority Leader and chaired the
Rules Committee.
From 1995 to 2001 Mr. Salmon represented Arizona in the United States
House of Representatives, where he served on the International
Relations, Education, Small Business, and Science Committees. He also
served for six years on the Helsinki Commission and the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) where he developed
myriad and key relationships with parliamentary members from OSCE. He
was an active and influential member of both those organizations. In
2000 Mr. Salmon did not stand for reelection, honoring a pledge made
in his first Congressional campaign to serve only three terms.
Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) anatolia james davidson
The Company has also appointed James Davidson, the founder of Anatolia
Minerals, as Director and non-executive chairman of Passport
James Davidson – Chairman
A founding director of Anatolia Minerals Development. Mr. Davidson
helped steward Anatolia’s growth from a penny stock to its recent
transformation into Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) with a
market cap of C$2.5 billion. Mr. Davidson is the author of five books,
is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Oxford University.
Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth
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Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth
Click to go to Passport Potash Inc.'s website
Passport Potash Inc. (CVE:PPI,OTCQX:PPRTF) is an exploration and
development company focused on advanced potash properties. The Company
has acquired a strategic position in Arizona’s Holbrook Basin with a
large land holding. Historical data on the property has shown an
estimated 2.5 billion tons of potash. In March 2011, Passport Potash
began trading on the OTCQX under the symbol “PPRTF”. Passport has
recently undergone some changes to its management team. Joshua Bleak
has been appointed President and CEO of the company, while John
Eckersley, a prominent US attorney has been made Vice President of
Legal and Corporate Affairs. The Company has also appointed James
Davidson, the founder of Anatolia Minerals, as Director and
non-executive chairman of Passport Potash.
Chief Properties
Holbrook Basin Potash Project, Arizona, Unites States
click to zoom
The Holbrook Basin Potash project is a 70,000 hectare, road accessible
property seven miles east of the town of Holbrook in the County of
Navajo in Arizona. Passport has also applied for mineral prospecting
permits on 7,000-plus acres of federal lands in the southwestern
portion of the basin. The property is in close proximity to a rail
line, and Interstate 40, which adds great potential to the project.
Power is also readily available through a nearby power station.
In the 1960s and 1970s Arkla Exploration and Duvall Corporation’s
exploration of the property consisted of over 100 drill holes. The
program identified approximately 600 square miles of potash, with
thickness ranging up to 40 ft. Based on the Arizona Geological
Survey’s open file report, the property hosts a potential 2.5 Billion
tons of potash. Passport Potash Inc’s current holdings could host
20.07% of the total geological target or 140 million tonnes at 6% K2O
to 500 million tonnes at 20% K2O.
Following the closing of a $7.1 million financing, Passport was able
to complete the drill program that began in December 2010. The program
was a combination of reverse circulation and diamond core drilling
program to verify the presence of the potash horizon and to provide PQ
size core through the horizon for chemical analysis. A gamma ray
survey was also conducted on each hole to confirm the potash content
to compliment the conventional assaying. An additional 25 holes are
currently being drilled. Results from the program are yet to be
In February, Passport contracted with Zonge International to complete
a 50 line-mile seismic survey on the Holbrook site. Zonge’s has
completed the survey and given the results to SRK. The survey results
will be used in evaluating geologic, stratigraphic and structural
information for the Holbrook Basin.
SRK Consulting is expected to release a NI 43-101 report on Potash’s
properties in Q2 2011. The report will incorporate the results of the
drill program, seismic survey and the historical data to develop a
geological model, construct a resource block models and estimate
in-situ resources which are compliant with CIM definitions of resource
classification for reporting purposes.
Mr. Joshua Bleak – President & CEO, Director
Mr. Bleak is experienced in the mining and exploration industry as
well as being fourth generation in a family with a rich mining and
exploration background. He currently serves as President and CEO of
American Energy Fields Inc, a U.S. public company that is exploring
and developing uranium prospects. As a part of North American
Environmental Corp., Mr. Bleak was responsible for the permitting and
overseeing of Passport’s initial round of drilling at the Holbrook
Basin potash project. He has worked with numerous exploration
companies to indentify and explore mining prospects located within the
southwestern U.S.
James Davidson – Chairman
A founding director of Anatolia Minerals Development. Mr. Davidson
helped steward Anatolia’s growth from a penny stock to its recent
transformation into Alacer Gold Corporation, (ASR – Toronto) with a
market cap of C$2.5 billion. Mr. Davidson is the author of five books,
is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Oxford University.
Laara Shaffer – Director
Laara Shaffer has worked with publicly-traded companies in regulatory
compliance, administration and accounting for over 22 years. Ms.
Shaffer is also president and director of Glen Hawk Minerals Ltd., a
director of Nordic Gold Corporation (Chief Financial Officer) and
Passport Metals Inc. and she also serves as corporate secretary for
Yale Resources Ltd., Copper Reef Mining Corporation and Montello
Resources Ltd.
Gary F. Zak – Director
Mr. Zak has been active for the past 28 years providing Business
Development management to public resource companies. He has extensive
experience in funding early stage companies, organizing management,
corporate and investor relations groups and has successfully completed
several mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Zak is currently President and
CEO of Bold Ventures Inc. (BOL.V). Mr. Zak was also founder of Forum
Uranium Corp., and has been a director of Beaufield Resources Inc.
Steve Butrenchuk – P.Geol., President
Mr. Butrenchuk has over 40 years of experience in mining and mineral
exploration throughout Canada, United States, Chile and Peru. He has
substantial experience with industrial minerals and has authored
several publications with respect to various commodities while on
contract to the B.C. government. He is presently a Consulting
Geologist and a Director of Mega Copper Corp.
John Eckersley -Vice President Legal and Corporate Affairs
Mr. Eckersley served as corporate counsel focusing on the preparation
of SEC registration statements, limited offering exemption documents,
merger, and reverse merger documents. He received his Juris Doctorate
from University of Utah.
Mr. R. Timothy Henneberry, P.Geo. – Advisory Board, Professional Geologist
Tim Henneberry is a professional geoscientist with more than 28 years
experience in both exploration and production. His early career
centred on production, first from underground precious metal mines and
later from placer operations. He has been a consultant since 1985,
founding his own consulting firm in 1991. He has served both as a
director and as a senior manager and president for junior mining
companies. Mr. Henneberry is currently the President and CEO of
Appleton Exploration Inc. He has a long history of accomplishments in
professional geological assessments, capital management and the
implementation of successful mineral based operations.
Permalink: "Passport Potash Inc. – Cultivating Global Growth"
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Passport Potash Inc.
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Latest News On Passport Potash Inc.
Former U. S. Congressman Matthew Salmon Appointed to the Passport
Potash Board of Directors
31 Ene 2012
Former U. S. Congressman Matthew Salmon has been appointed to the
Passport Potash Inc. (TSXV:PPI) Board of Directors, effective ...
Passport Potash Begins New Drilling in the Holbrook Basin
25 Ene 2012
Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced drill updates for its
Holbrook basin potash project. Passport Potash expect that the ...
Passport Potash Adds New Director to its Board
19 Ene 2012
Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced the appointment of R.Dennis
Ickes to the Company's Board of Directors.
David J.Salisbury Appointed to Passport Potash’s Board of Directors
17 Ene 2012
Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced the appointment of David
J.Salisbury as Chairman and Director to the Company's Board ...
Share this Profile
Share Information
PPI.V Price
Passport Potash Inc. on Yahoo Finance
Share Structure
Issued and Outstanding 122,786,032
Warrants 4,971,136
Options 5,126,000
Fully Diluted 132,883,168
Current Cash ~$10,500,000
Passport Potash Inc.'s Website
Passport Potash Inc.
Visit Passport Potash Inc.'s website
Anatolia Minerals Development Limited and Avoca Resources Limited
Completes Merger To Become Alacer Gold Corp.
Sunday, 20 Feb 2011 06:11pm EST
Anatolia Minerals Development Limited announced the completion of the
previously announced merger (the Merger) by which Anatolia, through a
wholly-owned Australian subsidiary (Anatolia Australia), acquired all
of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares and options of Avoca,
resulting in the creation of a new intermediate global gold producer
now called Alacer Gold Corp. (Alacer). Alacer has issued an additional
135,070,307 common shares, either directly or indirectly as CHESS
Depositary Interest (CDIs), through CHESS Depository Nominees Pty
Limited, as consideration under the Merger to the former shareholders
of Avoca (based on an exchange ratio of 0.4453 shares in Alacer for
each Avoca share held). As of February 18, 2011, there are 274,370,576
common shares in Alacer issued and outstanding. Common shares of
Alacer will now trade on the Australian Securities Exchange (as CDIs)
under the symbol AQG as well as on the Toronto Stock Exchange under
the TSX symbol ASR. Avoca is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Anatolia
Latest Developments for Alacer Gold Corp
Alacer Gold Corp. Issues FY 2012 Gold Production Guidance
Alacer Gold Corp. Revises FY 2011 Production Guidance
Alacer Gold Corp. Appoints Timothy Haddon As Chairman
Anatolia Minerals Development Limited Announces Admission To ASX
Official List
Latest Key Developments in Precious Metals / Minerals
Ring of Fire Resources Inc Closes Off Non Brokered Financing
Sprott Physical Gold Trust Announces Completion Of Follow-on
Offering Of Trust Units
Macusani Yellowcake Inc. And Southern Andes Energy Inc. Announces
Combination And Consolidation Of Major Uranium District
Gryphon Gold Corporation Announces Management Changes; Appoints
James T. O'Neil Jr. as Interim CEO and Director
These are just a couple of the myriad websites used by James Dale Davidson for propaganda and fraud.Newsmax was created by Davidson to promote far right CIA causes and to promote his financial frauds to readers as well.Its memberes have or do include deceased General Al haig,Lord William Rees-Mogg,etc..Jimbo Wales under the guise of an encyclopedia also aids stock frauds by giving the frauds legitimacy as real companies and any real bio of James Dale Davidson is censored and removed from Wikipedia as are those of other elite figures and criminls.
James Dale Davidson's Bold Predictions
blog.milesfranklin.com/james-dale-davidsons-bold-predictions2 days ago – Davidson has come out of retirement and I just received another of his bold predictions, one that I take quite seriously, based on his past history ...James Dale Davidson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Dale_DavidsonJames Dale Davidson is an American private investor and investment writer, co-writer of the newsletter Strategic Investment, and co-author with William ... James Dale Davidson to Moneynews: Brazil Will Be What America ...
www.moneynews.com/.../Davidson-Brazil.../458265Oct 1, 2012James Dale Davidson to Moneynews: Brazil Will Be What America Was.James Dale Davidson to Moneynews: Brazil Will Be ... - Newsmax.com
www.newsmax.com/StreetTalk/Davidson.../458265Oct 1, 2012James Dale Davidson to Moneynews: Brazil Will Be What America Was.
James Dale Davidson.
ReplyDeleteThe Petrodollar Was the Ultimate Monopoly
Capitalism is About to Find Itself
Without a Currency and Now
Obama Doesn't Care. All This to give the poor and needy health care . Who Needs smart people when
all together we have ruined The Constitution.
Our Grand Kids left with WHAT
That's correct,Barack Obama and his SEC Chair and Bernie Madoff protect James Dale Davidson decades of frauds and money laundering just as W Bush did and the Clintons did and GHW Bush and reagan regimes did and even before that he could have been arrested.Why wasn't he ? By the by the only Martinez I know who should be interested in all this but isn't is Karen Martinez who along with Utah SEC attorney Brent Baker removed his name from the litigation alsao involving Porter Stansberry.At the same time while removing his name they also removed the names of the biotech frauds Genemax and Endovasc that began this massive 'naked short selling' lie in the first place using Agora Inc websites to do it with.You remember all that don't you ?
DeleteAlso SEC attorney Karen Martinez allowed the death of Agora Inc Baltimore employee Rey Rivera be covered up and uninvestigated as well.Remember the Rebound Report ? Stansberry and Davidson and Bill Bonner attached Rivera's name to it and he certainly didn't 'rebound' from his 14 foot drop from the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore in 2006 did he ?
Both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama suck are Israeli prostitutes and both have been involved in Israeli stock fraud or covering them up which is the same thing.Romney is as much prostituted to Goldman Sachs and the CIA and Israel as Obama is and are guilty of covering up boyth 9/11 AS WELL AS BEING IN AGREEMENT OVER LEADING U.S. TO COMMIT WAR CRIMES WOULDN'T YOU SAY ?
PS What Constitution ? I thought it had been replaced with James Dale Davidson's and Michael Chertoff's Patriot Act.
Patriot "ACT" ... "A"- accuse all, "C"- concerned citizens ...as "TERRORISTS!" ...and "that" is the "act" perfomed toward "Patriots"...
ReplyDeleteHaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Bwaaaaaaah hahahahahahahah!