More recent incident since Schiphol Airport controlled by Israelis of ICTS International who allowed 9/11 to happen at Logan Airport Boston in 2001 and Israeli owned Gate Gourmet where needles turned up in sandwiches at Delta Airlines at Schiphol Amsterdam previous to the Air Canada incident mentioned just below.
Air Canada passenger finds needle in pre-packaged inflight sandwich
Vancouver Sun - 5 minutes agoIt is unknown whether a Gate Gourmet subsidiary caters Air Canada flights, but Mah said the airline uses more than one catering company.Needle found in sandwich served on Air Canada flight
Toronto Star - 2 hours agoAir Canada spokesman could not confirm who the airline's caterer is, but ... In 2010 Gate Gourmet'sparent company, gategroup, acquired ...
Now we receive news of needles in the food served on Delta Airlines flights originating out of Schiphol Airport and NOT just on one flight either ! It was only as recently Christmas 2009 that the Jewish Zionist haters of Christians,(and even us agnostics), who run ICTS International allowed the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' Mutallab to board flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit with his alledghed 'crotch bomb' that 'coincidentally allowed U.S.Homeland security Czarina and Zionist crypto-Jew,Janet Napolitano,who runs Barack Obama's Homeland Security to crack down on American children who were body searched by the pedophiles of her TSA as well as allowing ex Homeland Security Zsar Michael Chertoff who should be in jail for covering up Israeli involvement in 9/11,to profit from selling Israeli 'airport security technology' to U.S.airports based upon the Mutallab 'Islamic terrorism' scare.And it allowed the war criminals of the Barack Obama regime and cahoots with Isreali Juso-fascists an excuse to intervene in Yemen based upon the lie that Yemen Al Qaeda,(which is a CIA creation to begin with),provided the so-called non exploding 'crotch bomb' to Mutallab in the first place !
9/11 widow Ellen Mariani has tried and CONTINUES to try to warn us about ICTS International for ddecades and although her husband was one of the pilots of a 9/11 flight who was killed or disappeared that day neither W Bush nor Barack Obama have ever listened and certainly never posed with her for a photo op.She like the victims of 9/11 and us 'little people' are expendable to the terriorists who have taken over our governments both in the U.S. and Canada and elsewhere and who used 9/11 to unleash a campaign of unending wars in the Middle East.White fascists posing lied about being Semites in Israel and the UK Rothschild crime familty who created that terror state are equally or more so to blame for the war crimes as is Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands or Holland and Germany's Angela Merkel who allow Menachem Atzmon's and the Israeli governments ICTS International to continue to operate in Europe and particularly out of Schiphol Airport Amsterdam.I just learned that another Israeli 'security' company is also involved in Delta and Schiphol 'security'.It is as you can find below that the Israeli 'security' firm of CTS/Holkema Group
of Israeli director Dovi Arad, is also in control of Delta security in various locals as well as in Schiphol,Amsterdam airport.Americans were assured or lied to by our goverrnment that this scum and riff raff and terrorist-murder suspects would be removed from U.S.airport security.Yeah,sure.Gate Gourmet that is nearly the world's largest airline food provider and whose Schiphol Airport food is where the needles originated is, like ICTS International and CTSN/Holkema Group, also 'coincidentally' has Israeli connections and ex Israeli PM and mass murderer paved the way for them to provide food foor Israeli defense forces.I'll bet they never find needles in their Gate Gourmet food !
Florida family in the middle of Delta needles story
MANATEE, Fla. (MCT) — Worldly attention was not what the Drogt family of Bradenton, Fla., anticipated when they returned home Sunday from a two-week family vacation to Amsterdam.
But the sewing needles two members of the Drogt family nearly bit into in turkey and cheese sandwiches served on two separate Delta Air Lines flights from Amsterdam is a story that is getting plenty of ink and air time.
“What are the odds that two members of the same family on different flights would be served sandwiches with needles?” said family friend Manny Zafiros on Tuesday.
William Drogt, 16, who attends Bradenton’s St. Stephen’s Episcopal School and is a tennis student at IMG Academies, along with his mother, Bradenton’s Karen Drogt and his sister, IMG-Pendleton graduate Carolyn Drogt, 20, all boarded Delta Flight 175 at 9 a.m. Sunday from Amsterdam bound for Atlanta.
Meanwhile, William and Carolyn’s dad and Karen’s husband, Dr. Jack Drogt, an internationally-known orthopedic surgeon, boarded Delta Flight 259 an hour later bound for Minneapolis for a work appointment.
All four were served turkey and cheese sandwiches late in their flights as part of the airlines’ pre-arrival snack, the family said.
William and Dr. Drogt got one-and-one-quarter-inch-long sewing needles imbedded in their sandwiches.
Dr. Drogt put his needle in his mouth and told family members later he pulled it out thinking it was a bone.
Dr. Drogt told his story on a morning national TV show and the rest of the family may be asked to tell theirs later this week, the family said.
A Delta spokesperson told The Associated Press that needles were found on six sandwiches on four flights, two flights from Atlanta and one to Minneapolis and Seattle. Passengers found four of the needles. Half of the those passengers were members of the Drogt family from Bradenton.
The FBI and Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport have opened criminal investigations, but the U.S. Transportation Security Admnistration does not view the matter as a threat to national security, according to AP.
The sandwiches were made by Gate Gourmet, one of the world’s largest airline caterers, the AP report stated.
William is just thankful he didn’t swallow the needle in his sandwich.....
Gate Gourmet appears to have 'connections' to and in Israel just like ICTS International and Davi Arad's
“What are the odds that two members of the same family on different flights would be served sandwiches with needles?” said family friend Manny Zafiros on Tuesday.
William Drogt, 16, who attends Bradenton’s St. Stephen’s Episcopal School and is a tennis student at IMG Academies, along with his mother, Bradenton’s Karen Drogt and his sister, IMG-Pendleton graduate Carolyn Drogt, 20, all boarded Delta Flight 175 at 9 a.m. Sunday from Amsterdam bound for Atlanta.
Meanwhile, William and Carolyn’s dad and Karen’s husband, Dr. Jack Drogt, an internationally-known orthopedic surgeon, boarded Delta Flight 259 an hour later bound for Minneapolis for a work appointment.
All four were served turkey and cheese sandwiches late in their flights as part of the airlines’ pre-arrival snack, the family said.
William and Dr. Drogt got one-and-one-quarter-inch-long sewing needles imbedded in their sandwiches.
Dr. Drogt put his needle in his mouth and told family members later he pulled it out thinking it was a bone.
Dr. Drogt told his story on a morning national TV show and the rest of the family may be asked to tell theirs later this week, the family said.
A Delta spokesperson told The Associated Press that needles were found on six sandwiches on four flights, two flights from Atlanta and one to Minneapolis and Seattle. Passengers found four of the needles. Half of the those passengers were members of the Drogt family from Bradenton.
The FBI and Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport have opened criminal investigations, but the U.S. Transportation Security Admnistration does not view the matter as a threat to national security, according to AP.
The sandwiches were made by Gate Gourmet, one of the world’s largest airline caterers, the AP report stated.
William is just thankful he didn’t swallow the needle in his sandwich.....
Gate Gourmet appears to have 'connections' to and in Israel just like ICTS International and Davi Arad's
DailyJews - Gate opens in Israel
As well as supplying food to airlines, Gate Gourmet will be applying for contracts to supply for the Israel Defence Force. With a base in Israel, Siegel said the ...GATE OPENS IN ISRAEL by: Leslie Bunder FILED UNDER DAILY JEWS >> FOOD & DRINK | |
![]() | |
At a recent meeting between David Siegel, chairman of the catering giant and Israel acting prime minister Ehud Olmert, Siegel revealed details of his company's intentions which include building a brand new multi-million dollar factory to prepare meals and distribute them. As well as supplying food to airlines, Gate Gourmet will be applying for contracts to supply for the Israel Defence Force. With a base in Israel, Siegel said the company is also looking to include Israeli food products in the overall mix of meals that are made across the world. For more information: |
Unfortunately Christopher Bollyn delivers the bad news that Ellen Mariani's litigation presenting proof that the Zionist fascist 'white Jew', Alvin Hellerstin's, conflicts of interest in dominating the 9/11 cases and quashing them all of them over the last ten years plus since 9/11/01 has been backed up by the very court she appealed to and this very court is filled with Israeli 'judges' posing fraudulently as American judsges as well !And the New York Times or as some have cynically called it,The Jew York Times,( that lied about WMDS in Iraq while coverinbg up Israeli and Zionist involvement in 9/11 at the time it occured and up to this very date),actually has connections to the very court that just dismissed Ellen Mariani's asppeal !Having just come across this additional unending bad news about the German Jewish Nazis that control not only the White House and legislature but also our or better put THEIR judicial system,it appears that the very ICTS International whose members are responsible for more deaths since 9/11 than most Nazis could claim in WWII are still given a green light not only to continue their stock frauds against Americans in the U.S.but their mass murderers and airport terrorism disguised,(not so well),as 'security' around the world and particulary in the U.S. as Huntleigh and in Europe and the UK as ICTS Europe,ICTS International,ICTS
Norway etc..And they were operating in Russia in January 2011 when over 30 Russians died at the airport in Moscow as well.Vladmir Putin appears to be covering up for t5hem as well and major Airlines such as Delta and American Airlines are used by them as a way to enter airports such as De Gualle Paris France as their private security just as they were at Logan Airport Boston 9/11.As grave as the stock fraud that has impoverished many a former middle class American has been it is even more grave that these Israeli terrorists are still allowed to operate in areas of 'security'.Both Americans and European lives are threatened as long as they are allowed to in operation ! And yes the were part of the London subway bombings of 7/7/05 as well whose anniversary is comming up soon.And the self promoting anti-Zionist Gilad Atzmon who lives in London who is himself probably self enriching himself on stock frauds like the criminals of ICTS is a family relation to ICTS mass murderer Menachem Atzmon himself as well as to Tzipi Livni ! :
9-11 Defendant's Ties to Judge Ignored by U.S. Court of Appeals
July 12, 2012
This bastard judicial system is so corrupt.
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani

U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein handled all 9-11 wrongful death lawsuits and tort litigation. Hellerstein, however, has a conflict of interest in the 9-11 litigation: his son is an Israeli lawyer whose law firm works with the Rothschild-funded Mossad "passenger screening" company responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks. This hidden connection explains why Judge Hellerstein worked so hard to protect the Israeli culprits of the false-flag terrorism of 9-11 by preventing a trial for the victims. (NYT photo)
Ellen Mariani, the 9-11 widow who filed the first wrongful death lawsuit related to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, filed a motion earlier this year with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York seeking to introduce materials into the court record regarding the evident conflict of interest concerning U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, who handled all the 9-11 tort litigation lawsuits. The conflict of interest stems from the fact that the judge's son Joseph lives in Israel where he works as a lawyer for the law firm representing the parent company of ICTS, the key defendant in the 9-11 litigation in Hellerstein's court.
In a summary order handed down by a two-judge panel on June 26, Mariani's motion to supplement the record was denied. The judges concluded that the documents that Mariani's motion sought to introduce "do not reasonably call the district judge's impartiality into question."To understand the importance of Mariani's motion and the court of appeals decision, we need to understand that one of the key defendants in the 9-11 litigation was the Israeli-owned Huntleigh company that was responsible for passenger screening at the Boston airport on 9-11. This is the company that allowed the knife-wielding terrorists to board the two planes that smashed into the World Trade Center, at least according to the official explanation of events. If 9-11 was a false-flag terror attack, on the other hand, then the Israeli-owned ICTS and its passenger screeing company are part of the terror atrocity and the judge is protecting the true culprits of 9-11.
Judge Hellerstein's decisions in the 9-11 tort litigation effectively protected the Israeli defendants who owned Huntleigh USA by preventing any 9-11 case from going to trial. All of the wrongful death lawsuits were settled out of court. The problem is that Hellerstein's son Joseph works for the Israeli law firm that represents the parent company of ICTS and Huntleigh USA. That presents an obvious conflict of interest, but the Circuit Court judges Peter W. Hall and Susan L. Carney ignored the evidence and may even try to punish Mariani for having brought the motion to the court.

The summary order of Peter W. Hall and Susan L. Carney rejected the evidence of Judge Hellerstein's conflict of interest saying the documented connection was nothing more than "personal slurs" against the judge and his family.
To understand why the court of appeals refused to accept documents that show that Judge Hellerstein is connected through his son to the Israeli defendant in the tort litigation, we need to understand who controls the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Let's start with the chief judge for the court, Dennis G. Jacobs.

Jacobs (second from left) at Yeshiva University

Judge Jacobs (front row left with hand icon) participated in a "legal mission to Israel" in 2007...

where he was a "scholar-in-residence" at Hebrew University and met with Israeli politicians and "senior terrorism experts".
That Dennis G. Jacobs would participate in a "legal mission to Israel" with American Friends of the Hebrew University to discuss the "War on Terror" and government powers, visit an Israeli military base, and meet with a "senior terrorism expert," all suggest that Judge Jacobs is an active supporter of both Hebrew University and the state of Israel.
The three-judge panel who decided on the Mariani motion became a two-judge panel when Barrington D. Parker, Jr. recused himself from the panel. The two remaining judges were Peter Welles Hall and Susan Laura Carney.

Susan L. Carney, former legal counsel at Yale University, is married to Lincoln W. Caplan, a member of the New York Times editorial board.

Lincoln Caplan comes from a leading B'nai B'rith family from New Haven and covers the Supreme Court and judicial matters for the New York Times.
The decision to deny the Mariani motion and the harsh words in the summary order and the threats of sanctions against her and her lawyer suggest that there is a hidden hand controlling the judges. That is to say that the decision was made before the panel even saw her motion. Why was Mariani's motion dismissed as "frivolous conduct" when she is simply trying to show that the judge handling the 9-11 tort litigation has an obvious conflict of interest?
While little is known about Judge Peter W. Hall, Susan L. Carney is married to Lincoln Caplan, a member of the New York Times editorial board. Caplan's father, Lewis, and Russian-born grandfather Jacob Caplan were both members and leaders of the Zionist secret society, the B'nai B'rith. Jacob Caplan was president of the Horeb Lodge of New Haven and later president of the larger regional district for the secret society. The B'nai B'rith, founded in New York in 1843, is a secret Jewish order like Freemasonry, which allows only Zionist Jews to be members. While it describes itself as a "service" organization, this description masks the fact that it is a highly secretive Masonic-like organization dedicated to supporting the Zionist agenda and the state of Israel. The New York Times has long been a B'nai B'rith controlled newspaper owned by one of the founding families of Lodge 1 of the B'nai B'rith. The New York Times has also played a key part of the 9-11 cover-up by ignoring the evidence that the Twin Towers were destroyed using explosives and nanothermite. As a son of the secretive B'nai B'rith (probably a member in good standing) and a member of the editorial board of the New York Times, Lincoln Caplan is also part of the 9-11 cover-up.
These two connections go a long way in explaining why the Mariani motion was denied. It was not denied because it lacked merit or failed to prove Judge Hellerstein's conflict of interest. It was denied simply because it was being considered in a court that is anything but impartial when the subject being considered concerns the state of Israel. The chief judge of the court is an active supporter of the Zionist state and one of the judges who considered the motion is married to the state of Israel through her husband and his family's long-standing support for the secret society that is behind the Zionist enterprise.
The 9-11 victims have been robbed of justice and the guilty parties have been protected. It was highly unlikely that the same corrupt court system that put Judge Hellerstein in charge of the 9-11 litigation would accept any evidence showing that he had a conflict of interest in the process. What the denial of the Mariani motion demonstrates most clearly is that justice for the crimes of 9-11 is not to be expected from the corrupt federal courts of New York.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
“9-11 Widow's Motion Exposes Judge's Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS,” May 2, 2012
“Judge Forces Families to Settle Out of Court,” September 9, 2007
“Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit,” May 10, 2010
“B'nai B'rith - The Secret Society of Jews,” November 22, 2009 and Recommended Reading:
“9-11 Widow's Motion Exposes Judge's Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS,” May 2, 2012
“Judge Forces Families to Settle Out of Court,” September 9, 2007
“Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit,” May 10, 2010
“The Jewish Secret Society That Controls the U.S. Media,” December 1, 2009
Israeli ICTS Connection To Pollard & Schiphol Airport
2 Jan 2010 – "ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. ... liquid-Now we receive news of needles in the food served on Delta Airlines flights originatingf out of Schiphol Airport and NOT just on one flight either ! It was only as recently Christmas 2009 that the Jewish Zionist haters of Christians who run ICTS Inbternational allowed the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253
from Amsterdam to Detroit with his alledghed 'croytch bomb' that 'coincidentally allowed Zionist Janet Napolitano who runs Barack Obama's Homeland Security to crack down on American children who were body searched by the pedophiles of her TSA as well as allowing ex Homeland Security Zsar Michael Chertoff who should be in jail for covering up Israeli involvement in 9/11,to profit from selling Israeli 'airport security technology' to U.S.airports based upon the Mutallab 'Islamic terrorism' scare.And it allowed the war criminals of the Barack Obama regime and cahoots with Isreali Juso-fascists an excuse to intervene in Yemen based upon the lie that Yemen Al Qaeda,(which is a CIA creation to begin with),provided the so-called non exploding 'crotch bomb' to Mutallab in the first place !
It must not be forgotten that ICTS International whose CEOs particularly Menachem Atzmon should have been jailed long ago for stock fraud alone as well as negligence in the deaths of 3000 Americans and foreign national at the WTC on 9/11/01 at the least,have a contrat not only to protect Schiphol Airport itself but individual aitlines including Delta that flew out of their the needle laced food on board !I can say that Delta and other airlines who have experienced the 'break down' of ICTS International 'security' many times before appears to be as negligent as the airport security company itself.They should have fired ICTS Internatuioinal long ago and done their own investigations to detyermine if ICTS International's security breaches are more than mear inconmpetence above and beyond the usual and perhaps somethiung MUCH more sinister !
Barack Obama promised,(plagiarizing the idiot W Bush),to 'connect the dots',which is no more than an insider cliche for cover it up ! He could have only read Israel's Haaretz newspaper to know that it was ICTS International who not just allowed but facilitated Mutallab's boarding of flight 253 on Christmas 2009 and the U.S.Ambassador to The Netherlands in Amsterdam is non other thast the Jewish Senatotr from Michigan's cousin Senator Carl Levin who also covered up for the Rothschild crime family fdunded and protected war criminals and mass murder suspects of 9/11.They also alloed Richard Reid 'the shoe bomber' to board an AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT FROM DE GUALLE AIRPORT FRANCE ONLY ONE MONTH AFTER 9/11 WITH HIS SUPPOSED 'SHOE BOMB' SUPPOSEDLY GIVEN TO HIM BY THE ISLAMIC HAMAS ON PALKESINIAN TERRITORY ! But how did he get the alledged 'shoe bomb'
al the way in Israeli controlled Palestinian territory pre 9/11 in the first place to board with at Dew Gualle shortly after 9/11?! ICTS International and Israeli El Al Airlines and the Israeli government facilitated his flight to Israel so he could more easily get that crotch bomb from his aledged friends at Hamas !
Dutch, U.S. authorities investigating needles in airline sandwiches
updated 7:17 PM EDT, Tue July 17, 2012
(CNN) -- Dutch authorities have joined the FBI in conducting criminal investigations into the discovery of needles in six sandwiches aboard four Delta Air Lines flights from Amsterdam to the United States, a military police spokesman in the Netherlands said Tuesday.
Delta: Needles found in sandwiches
One person was injured when he bit into a sandwich containing a needle, Delta and Dutch officials said.
That passenger, James Tonjes, said he thought the object was a toothpick at first.
"When I pulled it out, then I found out it was a needle," he said Tuesday.

Tonjes said he has been placed on medication to prevent HIV.
A second passenger aboard the same flight, Jack Drogt, told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Tuesday that he not only found a needle, but he also discovered after landing that his son found one in his sandwich aboard another flight from Amsterdam.
The objects were discovered in the sandwiches as the planes were flying Sunday from Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands to Minneapolis, Seattle and two flights to Atlanta, according to Delta spokeswoman Kristin Baur. Two of the needles were found by passengers, she said. An air marshal aboard another flight found a needle.
Officials initially reported that four needles had been found. Baur said the two additional needles reported Tuesday were not new incidents but a clarification of earlier information.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued a brief statement Tuesday saying it had seized at least one item of food containing a "foreign object" and turned it over to the FBI, which has said it is conducting a criminal investigation.
On Tuesday, Robert van Kapel, spokesman for the military police in Schiphol, said detectives there were looking into who put the needles into the sandwiches and why. Military police provide police services at civilian airports in the Netherlands, according to the Defense Ministry.
Gate Gourmet, which provided prepared sandwiches to Delta, said the sandwiches originated at the firm's facility in Amsterdam. The company has been in business since 1992.
"This is a terribly upsetting situation," Gate Gourmet spokeswoman Christina Ulosevich said. "First and foremost is the safety of the traveling public. There's nothing more important to us at all than the safety of the passengers and crews."
Tonjes said it was about an hour before the flight was scheduled to land in Minneapolis when the flight crew served him a turkey and cheese sandwich.
He described the needle that punctured the roof of his mouth as being about an inch long. He said it looked like a sewing needle but did not have an eye.
"It happened so quick," he said. "I called the flight attendants, and they immediately took it. They didn't make an announcement, but they did go around and collect (the sandwiches)," he said.
FBI officials declined to comment Tuesday.
On Monday, Transportation Security Administration spokesman David Castelveter said the agency had notified all U.S. airlines with flights from Schiphol to the United States of the situation.
Castelveter said on Tuesday the agency has developed catering security procedures for airlines and their contractors, but he said he could not disclose those measures.
TSA conducts inspections to ensure compliance, he said.
It was unclear who is responsible for inspecting catered food loaded on airplanes and how and where it is screened.
The International Air Transport Association, an airline trade group, said each country is responsible for setting its own rules governing catering.
International Air Transport Association spokesman Perry Flint said the International Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency, also has standards and guidance on catering security.
Castelveter said the TSA evaluates the effectiveness of security protocols at international locations.
Delta is now serving sealed prepackaged food on the Amsterdam flights instead of the sandwiches, and no other needles have been found, said Baur, the Delta spokeswoman.
"Delta requires all its in-flight caterers to adhere to strict criteria in order to offer our customers the very best onboard meals," Baur said in a statement. "The safety and security of our passengers and crew is Delta's No. 1 priority."
Ulosevich said Monday that Gate Gourmet provides food to other airlines but that it had not received any other reports of tampering.
"We are absolutely cooperating fully with federal and local authorities who are involved, and concurrent with that, we'll be conducting our own full-scale investigation."
Frequent flier Gary Leff, who rakes in more than 100,000 miles each year, said he's taking a "wait and see attitude" but isn't planning to change the way he thinks about airline food.
"I mean, this isn't going to be the first thing ever found in airline food and certainly not the first thing found in restaurant food," he said.
Leff is a frequent domestic flier for work and redeems his miles for international vacations, sharing his cheap travel expertise on his blog, View from the Wing.
He expects others to be bothered by this incident "for about 15 minutes," Leff said. He referenced a number of occasions when unwanted ingredients or objects have been discovered in foods and medicines over the past few decades, incidents no one seems to worry about or even remember, he said.
"I think most people are just so happy to be served food in the sky that they'll forget it pretty quickly," he said.
Tom Fuentes, a former FBI assistant director, said he believes the incidents are "along the lines of a serious prank," rather than a terrorist act.
The discovery of needles does raise questions about oversight of off-site food preparation, where numerous people have access to food before containers are locked, he said.
Among those questions, Fuentes said, are, "Who is watching the people who are preparing the food? What kind of background checks are they going through? What kind of security exists at those locations?"
CNN's Stephanie Halasz, Melissa Abbey, Marnie Hunter, Carol Cratty, Aaron Cooper and John Branch contributed to this report.
Needles found in sandwiches, Delta says; FBI to investigate - CNN ... - Traducir esta página1 day ago – Delta says needles were found in sandwiches on four flights to the U.S.; All four flights originated at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam; One ...Dutch police investigate Delta sandwich needles - Associated Press hours ago – Police at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have opened a criminal ... into how needles got into turkey sandwiches served to passengers on Delta ...... - Traducir esta página Delta passenger thought needle was a toothpick - Associated Press minutes ago – Police at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have opened a criminal investigation ... Delta said what appear to be sewing needles were found in five ...... - Traducir esta página Needles found in sandwiches on Delta's flights to ... - Gulf Daily News - Traducir esta página2 hours ago – Needles were found on aircraft bound for Atlanta, Seattle and Minneapolis from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, Delta spokeswoman Kristin Baur ...Delta Airlines: NEEDLES found in sandwiches on four U.S.-bound ... - Traducir esta página1 day ago – Needle scare: Delta said sewing needles, like the ones seen here, were... to business class passengers on Delta flights out of Schiphol Airport.Dutch police investigate Delta sandwich needles | Deseret News - Traducir esta página11 hours ago – THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Police at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport needles got into turkey sandwiches served to passengers on Delta ...All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company(i.e.-ICTS Internationalwho even now control Schiphol Amsterdam Airport where needles turned up in Delta Airlines' passenger food ! from Christmas 2009 flight 253 from Schiphol Airport Amsterdam Amsterdam to Detroit phony 'Islamic terrorist' 'crotch bomber' event perpetrated by the same Israelis of ICTS International who controlled Logan Airport Boston on 9/11 and aided 9/11 to happen that murdered 3000 Americans with W Bush-Dick Cheney !
Underwear Bomber Redux - Was Mutallab An Israeli "Secret - Feb 2010 – Detroit attorney Kurt Haskell and his wife Lori. If US federal counterterrorism officials, aka the FBI, specifically requested that Mutallab be ...
Prison » Intelligence sources: Plane incident a false flag ... Jan 2010 – The eyewitness testimonies of Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell and his attorney wife ... Haskell and his wife witnessed a “well-dressed Indian man” arrange .... It is not known who bought Mutallab's ticket to Detroit in Accra and ...
TSA pat down then about to do a drug test on 6 year old ... - Alemania - Traducir esta páginaICTS International's own SEC filings and press releases(below) back up Barry ... hisICTS International's involvement on 9/11/01 with Logan Airport Boston ... out of airport security services provided for United Flight 175 out of Logan Airport in ...29 Jun 2008 – ICTS International's own SEC filings and press releases(below) back up Barry ... 9/11/01:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International ... provided for United Flight 175 out of Logan
Israeli firm blasted for letting would-be plane bomber slip through...
Screening system developed by ICTS International should have flagged Nigerian passenger as security threat.
Israeli firm blasted for letting would-be plane bomber slip ... - Haaretz - Traducir esta páginaThe Israeli firm ICTS International (not to be confused with ICTS Europe, which ... as are the authorities at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, the Federal Aviation.... just a little of waterboarding and Omar Farouk Abd El-Mutallab ...
The Flt 253 Bomber - Some
Components Made In Israel
By Barry Chamish
1-9-10- Israel is under deep threat from the diplomatically reckless Obama administration. Its saving bet is the American people; and their anti-Islamic attitude has to be enflamed again.
- The Islamic world is equally threatened by the medieval spread of sharia extremism. Israel monitors its planned attacks and when useful, gives them a push.
- It's a filthy underworld with innocent victims.
- Gathering intelligence from my past and from current informants, I smelled the rat lifting its head from the sewage, after the Christmas Day, Detroit plane bombing. Here's what I wrote:
- Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York.Without Atzmon in charge of Newark and Logan Airports, 9-11 could NOT HAVE HAPPENED. Later adding: The same goes for Schiphol on Dec. 24/09.
- Then, look what arrived at my desk:
- Israeli Firm Responsible For Amsterdam Airport Security Where Terrorist Boarded Airport
- "An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security, & operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries.
- "ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the Israeli expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers and employees. According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did undergo a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the information pertaining to the inspection.
- "When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to the aircraft, Langer responded, "You, too can set the seat on fire, using a lighter".
- "Schiphol is among the busiest airports in Europe, with many passengers from Africa and Asia passing through, making their way to North America. Security is reportedly stringent, and passengers are limited regarding quantities of liquids and other substances permitted on a flight."
- Two weeks before the rest of the investigators, I had it right. Then others saw the rat:
- WASHINGTON, DC -- Officials in the Obama White House are considering the possibility that the Christmas day attempt by Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Mutallab to blow up an airliner about to land in Detroit was deliberately and intentionally facilitated by unnamed networks inside the US intelligence community. This was the gist of a report by Richard Wolf delivered in this evening's edition of cable network MSNBC's Countdown program, hosted by Keith Olbermann. This report comes on the eve of a special White House interagency conference convoked by Obama to deal with the massive systemic failure of US intelligence in allowing the Yemen alumnus Mutallab to board the Amsterdam to Detroit flight while allegedly carrying a PETN explosive device on his person. Wolf attributed his account to top officials in the Obama White House. The intentional sabotage of US antiterrorist screening procedures would explain why Mutallab had been able to use his US visa, escape interrogation and special searches, and board his flight, even though he was festooned with every red flag in the annals of airport security...
house-probes-mole-network-behind-flt-595-terror-report/ - Wayne Madsen Report
- "ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. An ICTS board member, retired Major General Amos Lapidot, served as commander of the Israeli Air Force and authorized Israeli Air Force Colonel Aviem Sella, operating under official cover at the Israeli Consulate General in New York, and Rafael Eitan, head of LAKAM, an Israeli military technical intelligence gatherer, to accept U.S. Navy intelligence official Jonathan Pollard's offer to spy for Israel."
- December 26-29, 2009 -- Who let security fail at Schiphol Airport and why?
- Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the University College London student from Nigeria accused of trying to detonate a mixed liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight 253, as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Christmas Day appears to have received some special treatment from security at the Amsterdam airport. The Mutallab case also resembles that of another attempted plane bombing, that of the hapless "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.
- It has also been revealed that Mutallab is the son of Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, the former chairman of First Bank of Nigeria. According to This Day of Lagos, the elder Mutallab claims he reported the extremist views of his son to Nigerian security agencies, as well as to the U.S. embassy in Abuja, yet no attempt was made to prevent the radically-inclined Nigerian student to board the plane in Schiphol. The attempted plane bomber was schooled at the British International School in Lome, Togo and attended college in London and moved to Egypt and Dubai. The elder Mutallab is a frequent visitor to the United States and he is married to a Yemeni woman. ...
- For a number of years, passengers at Schiphol flying to the United States have been subjected to intense grilling by security personnel linked to an Israeli firm. In fact, these procedures were in effect even prior to the 9/11 attacks and many were put into place after the Pan Am 103 bombing in December 1998. U.S.-bound passengers at Schiphol are asked a number of personal questions, including where they have stayed either in the Netherlands or in their country of origin. Hotel receipts are routinely requested by security personnel and the addresses of private temporary residences are recorded. Mutallab boarded a KLM flight in Lagos for Schiphol where he transited for his onward flight to Detroit on Northwest/Delta.
- Six months prior to Reid's near shoe bombing of American Airlines flight 63 from Paris to Miami in December 2001, while memories of 9/11 were still fresh in everyone's mind, Reid attempted to board an El Al flight from Schiphol to Tel Aviv. Reid was taken aside by El Al security and identified as a terrorist suspect. Reid paid for a one-way ticket with cash and would not reveal what he planned to do in Israel. However, rather than turning Reid into Dutch security for further action, he was allowed to board the El Al flight by Israel's Shin Bet security so his movements during his five days in Israel could be monitored. Six months later, Reid attempted to ignite his shoe on the flight from Paris to Miami. Israel had not informed British, American, or any other security agency of the concerns about Reid. Reid's aunt, Claudette Lewis who raised Reid in south London, was quoted as saying she believed her nephew had been "brainwashed."
- Reid later said El Al failed to detect that he had explosives in his shoes on the flight to Tel Aviv, an amazing revelation considering the Israeli airline's tight security. .. The links between El Al security and Mossad are extremely close with abundant cross-pollination of senior personnel back and forth. The security company that allowed Reid to board American Airlines 63 at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris was ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security) International. ICTS's senior management are all ex-Israeli security officials, many of whom worked for El Al security. It was ICTS that largely developed the passenger "profiling" procedures used at Schiphol and other airports around the world through its subsidiary, ICTS Holland Products BV.
- --Barry Chamish
Note that Haaretz is 100% correct in stating that ICTS International is an Israeli company but 100% INCORRECT in stating that it is not to be 'confused' with ICTS Europe.ICTS International and ICTS Europe are both creations of Israeli government terrorist of Shin BET and or MOSSAD.AND HAARETZ WAS LESS THAN HONEST IN NOT EVEN MENTIONING THAT THEY ARE THE SAMECRIMINALS WHO 'GUARDED' LOGAN AIRPORT BOSTON ON 9/11/01 WHERE THE TWO PLANES,FLIGHT 11 AND FLIGHT 175 THAT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT ALLEGES THE TWO PLANES THAT HIT THE WTC IN NYC ON 9/11/01 ORIGINATED FROM ! However while Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro lied about 'connecting the dots' on Christmas 2009 when ICTS facilitated the 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit and the U.S. and European controlled news media DIDN'T EVEN MENTION ICTS INTERNATIONAL IN ANY OF ITS MANY ARTICLES ABOUT THE EVENT,THE HAARETZ AND JERUSLEM POST,AT LEAST ADMITTED THAT ICTS WAS BEHIND MUTALLAB'S BOARDING WITH HIS ALLEDGED 'CROTCH BOMB'.Now from SEC filings by ICTS AND MENACHEM ATZMON HIMSELF YOU CAN SEE THEY OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGE TO THE u.s.GOVERNMENT THEIR OWN CULPABILTY FOR AT LEAST FLIGHT 175 THAT LEFT LOGAN IN THE MORNING OF 9/11/01 TO HIT THE WTC !And yet the U.S.government of W Bush Aand now Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro both cover up any inverstigation while poor Ellen Mariani is exposed to the Zionist Kangaroo Court of Jewish Judge Alvin Hellerstein in New York !
La empresa de seguridad Israelí (ICTS) que dejó pasar al terrorista nigeriano fue la mísma que se encontraba al cargo en TODOS los vuelos del 11S
Cuantas casualidades ocurren últimamente, oiga.

Ahora resulta que la empresa encargada de la seguridad en el aeropuerto de Amsterdam (ICTS con sede en Israel), fue la mísma, que casualmente, dejó pasar a los terroristas del 11S, es decir, era la encargada de seguridad en TODOS los vuelos afectados aquel trágico día.
“Una empresa de seguridad israelí permitió a Abdulmutallab subir al avión en Ámsterdam saltándose su normativa. El supervisor de la empresa de seguridad israelí ICTS, encargada de monitorizar la seguridad en el aeropuerto holandés de Schiphol, permitió al nigeriano Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab abordar el vuelo 253 de la aerolínea Northwest con destino a Detroit pese a que la normativa instaurada por la propia empresa debería haber sospechado de pasajeros que, como el suicida, cumplían una serie de criterios de edad, nombre, ruta de viaje ilógica, billete caro y comprado en el último momento o ausencia de equipaje, según revela este domingo el diario israelí ‘Haaretz’.”
Recently our director Dovi Arad announced that CTSN/Holkema Group has signed a three year contract with Delta Air Lines for the provision of security services on airside and aircrafts at Schiphol Airport. Delta Air Lines operate 18 flights a day, 7 days a week for the entire year.
To get this job done CTSN/ Holkema Group established an operational security unit that's going to be 80 employees strong.
CTSN/Holkema Group successfully handles first job for Delta Air Lines

To get this job done CTSN/ Holkema Group established an operational security unit that's going to be 80 employees strong.

After a few hectic weeks CTSN/Holkema Group started the cabin checks for Delta Airlines on Sunday August 1, at Schiphol.

For our first new colleagues this meant the beginning of a busy and exciting time in their new working environment, but everything went on time and as planned. Around 04.00 hours on that Sunday morning the first group was already present at Schiphol, to make certain that they were on time. The atmosphere was tense but in a positive way. When the first airplane of Delta Air Lines took off safely, at 07.30 hours, a small applause was in order and everybody sighed with relief. The first job had been successfully finished, with the help of the colleagues from the UK and France, who assisted their new co-workers during the preparation and the cabin checks.
A week later the reports of our achievements are positive. As Tineke Lammers, Personnel, puts it: “This is also thanks to the enormous endeavors of our new colleagues at Schiphol. With an operation like this the start is always hectic and everybody pulls his weight to make certain that things go as planned. I am proud of that.”
A week later the reports of our achievements are positive. As Tineke Lammers, Personnel, puts it: “This is also thanks to the enormous endeavors of our new colleagues at Schiphol. With an operation like this the start is always hectic and everybody pulls his weight to make certain that things go as planned. I am proud of that.”
And then?
Then during that first night, a colleague calls Planning and says he unfortunately can't make it.
But Alex Bro had a legitimate excuse, because on that Saturday night he became the father of Danny Delta Bro. That second name, can it be a coincidence? We don't think so. Our first Delta job was finished and Danny Bro looked at the world for the first time. That can't be a coincidence.
Delta Bro, welcome to the CTSN/Holkema Group.
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British Aviation Expert Critical of Mossad backed ... - Eyre International
21 Apr 2012 – Actual aircraft landing at Schiphol 1440 Local Time 4 October 1992. Scene - deeply flawed ... Israeli owned Airport Security (ICTS International), Israel Government, MOSSAD and El Al Israeli Airlines. Firstly let's review the ...WTC,9/11:Blogger Joseph Cannon Slanders Then Plagiarizes - Yes
20 Mar 2012 – on his blog at the that time that ICTS International are the same .... A Google query on "Schiphol Mossad" will turn up a number of interesting stories. ..... services to be provided by ICTS to Delta Air Lines in most of Delta's ...Israeli ICTS Connection To Pollard & Schiphol Airport Jan 2010 – "ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. ... liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight ... The attempted plane bomber was schooled at the British International School in Lome, ... Harel, who started ICTS in 1982, retired in 2003 and was replaced by Elie ... Milfuegos: Who let security fail at Schiphol Airport and why? ICTS is ... Dec 2009 – US Belligerency Risks Global War by Stephen Lendm. ..... ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. ... to detonate a mixed liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight ... Harel, who started ICTS in 1982, retired in 2003 and was replaced by Elie Housman. israel_false_flag_flight_253_CIA_Mossad_RAW Jan 2010 – ICTS International, the security screening company at Schiphol, was founded ... liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight 253, .... ICTS in 1982, retired in 2003 and was replaced by Elie Housman.
Goon Squad
Thursday, August 12, 2010
ICTS & the Israeli SLASHER, 'Eli', Traveling with an EXPIRED Passport
Traveling on an EXPIRED passport, thru Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and boarding on Delta Airlines.
Just like another MOSSAD op, the Detriot 'Crotch Bomber,' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who boarded at another ICTS airport in the Netherlands, without a passport.
Who's the security provider to Delta? Our old friends at ICTS:
Did they get a good reaming in a US court?
NO, their buddy, Judge Alvin Hellerstein intervened and the Zionist owned US Congress granted them immunity.
'Eli' wasn't quite as lucky as that other Israeli murderer, Samuel Shenbein who fled to the Motherland to avoid prosecution.
Just like another MOSSAD op, the Detriot 'Crotch Bomber,' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who boarded at another ICTS airport in the Netherlands, without a passport.
Who's the security provider to Delta? Our old friends at ICTS:
Consolidated subsidiaries of ICTS International include Demco Consultants, Ltd. and International Tourist Attractions, Ltd. in Israel, as well as Procheck International B.V. and Ramasso Holdings B.V. in the Netherlands. ICTS International and its subsidiaries I-SEC International Security B.V. (I-SEC) and Pro-Check International (PI) supply aviation security services in 11 countries, including airports in the United States, Europe and the Far East. I-SEC was established in 2005 as the aviation security arm of the ICTS International. PI is a subsidiary of I-SEC, and is the preferred security service provider of Air Canada, Delta / Northwest Airlines, KLM, United airlines, and U.S. Airways.Need an ICTS refresher?
ICTS International and its two subsidiaries, ISEC and PI, provide security services to the Schipol airport and Delta Airlines. The firm's security system came under scrutiny and as part of the international investigation into how Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with explosive materials, garnering criticism for "its possible responsibility for the security failure at Schiphol." While this story was widely reported in the Israeli and European press, mainstream media outlets in the United States gave it no coverage.What happened to the Israeli owned firm, Huntleigh?
ICTS was also responsible for security at the Charles de Gaulle Airport where Richard Reid, the "shoe bomber", boarded American Airlines Flight 63 in December 2001
ICTS' subsidiary, Huntleigh, shared security duties at Boston's Logan Airport on September 11, 2001, where two of the four planes hijacked for use in the attacks originated.
Did they get a good reaming in a US court?
NO, their buddy, Judge Alvin Hellerstein intervened and the Zionist owned US Congress granted them immunity.
And why has the Israeli-owned airline security company involved in the shocking security lapses, which apparently enabled the attacks of 9-11, been granted complete immunity by the U.S. Congress?Gosh, that Judge Hellerstein is one busy judge, don't ya' think?
All of the relatives' wrongful death lawsuits, i.e. criminal cases, against the airlines and their security companies were consolidated by the presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which, as a civil case, is much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a jury.
All the 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against either American Air Lines (AA) or United Air Lines or any of the foreign-owned airport security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish), and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) have been handled by United States District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.
In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh USA, there would seem to be a serious conflict of interest for the judge because the airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by Israelis with clear ties to Israel's military intelligence agency, the Mossad.
Judge Hellerstein, on the other hand, has deep and long-standing Zionist connections and close family ties to the state of Israel. A Zionist is a supporter of the Jewish state of Israel.
'Eli' wasn't quite as lucky as that other Israeli murderer, Samuel Shenbein who fled to the Motherland to avoid prosecution.
- Maybe I haven't searched deep enough but is there a photo or video of this guy being taken into custody that's clear. There's a vid of him being driven away but you can't make him out. There's his mugshot and police drawing but I want to see if he matches up with them.
I don't think we ever saw a real photo of the crotch bomber after he was arrested either. - I haven't seen or found any.
He was talking on his cell phone right before he was picked up.
Talking to who, his handlers? - Video of court appearance.
Ron Paul: 9/11 prompted "glee" in Bush administration
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said Thursday evening that Bush administration officials were gleeful after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks because it gave them a pretext to invade Iraq.
"Just think of what happened after 9/11. Immediately before there was any assessment there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq," the Texas Republican told a group of mostly young
backers in Iowa. He went on to suggest officials are now setting the stage for an invasion of Iran.
From ICTS International SEC filing
We face significant potential liability claims. As a result of the September 11th terrorists attacks numerous lawsuits have been commenced against us and our U.S. subsidiary. The cases arise out of airport security services provided for United Flight 175 out of Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts which crashed into the World Trade Center. In addition, to the present claims additional claims may be asserted. The outcome of these or additional cases is uncertain. If there is an adverse outcome with respect to any of these claims which is not covered by insurance, then there may be a significant adverse impact on us.............
A U.S. judgment may not be enforceable in The Netherlands. A significant number of our assets are located outside the United States. In addition, members of the Management and Supervisory Boards [and certain experts named herein are residents of countries other than the United States ]. As a result, it may not be possible for investors to effect service of process within the United States upon such persons or to enforce against such persons judgments of courts of the United States predicated upon civil
liabilities under the United States federal securities laws.
There is no treaty between the United States and The Netherlands for the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments (other than arbitration awards) in civil and commercial matters. Therefore, a final judgment for the payment of money rendered by any federal or state court in the United States based on civil liability, whether or not predicated solely upon the federal securities laws, would not be directly enforceable in The Netherlands. In order to enforce any United States judgment obtained against us, proceedings must be initiated before a court of competent jurisdiction in The Netherlands. A court in The Netherlands will, under current practice, normally issue a judgment incorporating the judgment rendered by the United States court if it finds that (i) the United States court had jurisdiction over the original proceeding, (ii) the judgment was obtained in compliance with principles of due process, (iii) the judgment is final and conclusive and (iv) the judgment does not contravene the public policy or public order of The Netherlands. We cannot assure you that that United States investors will be able to enforce any judgments in civil and commercial matters, including judgments under the federal securities laws against us or members of the Management or Supervisory Board [or certain experts named herein] who are residents of The Netherlands or countries other than the United States. In addition, a court in The Netherlands might not impose civil liability on us or on the members of the Management or Supervisory Boards in an original action predicated solely upon the federal securities laws of the United
States brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in The Netherlands.
Fitting the photo from sfgate below of a Delta Airline jet landing at Logan Boston, where according to official government story re 9/11,THE TWO PLANES GUARDED BY ISRAELIS OF ICTS through their Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops that they bought through stock fraud against Americans,is used to highlight their recent article on needles found in Delta catered food from Schiphol Airport Amsterdam where ICTS Intrernational remains in full controll and who escorted Mutallab the 'Islamic terrorist crotch boimber' onto flight 253 from Schiphol Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009,(hoo hoo hoo Merry Christmas from the Israeli murdereers of Christians throughout the Middle East).Note below this article about recent needle 'terrorism' in Delta passenger food from Schiphol where ICTS has contract to provide security for ALL of Schiphol Airport as well as individuaL 'private' contracts for security of Delta and American Airlines,etc.,that Delta flight 1989 was also caughrt up in the tragedy of 9/11 as well which is why I say Delta managemnent is guily of terrorism and murder of its own passengers in the U.S.on 9/11/01 or incompetent to a point of being guiolty of negligent homicide in the deaths or missing persons of 9/11 aboard their flight 1989 for not denouncing and not severing all ties with the murder suspects and proven stock fraud money launderers of the Israeli government and Rothschild corpoate crime family at ICTS International !
Dutch police taking lead in sandwich needle probe
MIKE CORDER, Associated Press
Updated 08:15 a.m., Wednesday, July 18, 2012
- FILE- In this Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012, file photo, a Delta Airlines plane taxis past a gate at Logan Airport in Boston. Police at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have opened a criminal investigation into how needles got into turkey sandwiches served to passengers on Delta Air Lines flights from Amsterdam to the United States, a spokesman said Tuesday. July 17, 2012. The FBI also is investigating the incidents. Photo: Charles Krupa / AP
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Dutch police investigating how needles got into six turkey sandwiches on Delta Air Lines flights from Amsterdam to U.S. cities said Wednesday that the sandwiches and needles are being flown back to the Netherlands for tests.
Spokesman Robert van Kapel told The Associated Press that police at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport are taking the lead in the criminal investigation and cooperating with the FBI in the United States.
Van Kapel said the sandwiches will undergo forensic tests by experts in Amsterdam. Police also are interviewing staff at the catering company that made the sandwiches in a kitchen near Schiphol Airport as well as Delta staff.
"We are looking at the entire procedure and we of course are being helped by the catering service and of course the airline. We won't miss a thing," Van Kapel said. "We have to speak to a lot of people and we are checking those sandwiches — let's see what they can tell us."
A Delta spokeswoman said the needles were found Sunday in six sandwiches on flights to Minneapolis, Seattle and Atlanta. Passengers discovered four of them.
The sandwiches were made by Gate Gourmet, one of the world's largest airline caterers, with facilities on five continents. The company serves many airlines, but only Delta flights appeared to be affected. The company said it was investigating.
Delta Air Lines Inc. spokeswoman Kristin Baur said security has been stepped up at all of the Gate Gourmet facilities used by the airline. Delta is also using more prepackaged food.
Dutch authorities say catering companies that supply airlines with food are subject to tight security checks and all staff undergo vetting that includes a check of police records.
Passenger Jim Tonjes said Tuesday he was high above North America when he bit into a hot turkey sandwich aboard a Delta flight and felt a sudden jab in his mouth.
At first, he thought a toothpick meant to hold the sandwich together had punctured the roof of his mouth. When he pulled it out, "it was a straight needle, about one inch long, with sharp points on both ends."
Now Tonjes is on a 28-day course of pills aimed at warding off any infection, including hepatitis or HIV. His doctors have asked the FBI to tell them right away if they find any residue on the needle.

It has been widely reported that on September 11, 2001, four passenger aircraft were hijacked, and three of them subsequently hit their intended targets in New York and Washington. Less well known is that, during the two hours over which the 9/11 attacks occurred, air traffic controllers and military personnel had to devote significant time to a fifth plane that was incorrectly reported as hijacked. This aircraft was, in the words of one military official, "the first red herring of the day." [1]
The aircraft was Delta Air Lines Flight 1989, a Boeing 767 that had taken off from Boston. From around 9:30 a.m., it was repeatedly suspected of having been hijacked. Even though subsequent events had indicated the aircraft was fine, a police SWAT team and FBI agents were sent out to it after it made an emergency landing in Cleveland, Ohio, and it was not until about two hours after the plane landed that all its passengers had been allowed off.
While a person might dismiss the suspicions about Delta 1989 as understandable mistakes in the chaos and confusion of the attacks, there is another possible explanation for what happened. We know that the U.S. military and other government agencies were running various training exercises on September 11. At least one military exercise was scheduled to include the scenario of a plane being hijacked. In light of this, the possibility arises that Delta 1989 was playing the part of a hijacked aircraft in a training exercise, and this led to all the mistaken reports about it. Certainly, the number and nature of suspicious incidents around Delta 1989 make this possibility seem worthy of serious consideration.
While much remains speculative, if this explanation is correct, it would have serious implications. It would mean that, at the time the attacks took place, a "live-fly" exercise was being conducted, which involved a real aircraft pretending to be hijacked. It would imply that this exercise was not promptly canceled, but instead continued throughout the entire duration of the attacks. And it would raise a sinister possibility: that the role of Delta 1989--and the exercise it participated in--was to somehow help rogue individuals within the U.S. military and government to successfully perpetrate the 9/11 attacks.
There are two specific categories of evidence indicating that Delta 1989 was a mock hijacked aircraft in an exercise. Firstly, there were incidents where the plane and its pilots behaved unusually, such as failing to respond to radio communications. It was as if they were playing the part of a plane under siege, in order to test the ability of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and military personnel on the ground to recognize and respond to a hijacking. Secondly, there were incidents where some government personnel and members of the military alerted others that Delta 1989 had been hijacked, or was in danger of being hijacked, apparently with little justification for doing so. It is at least possible that these individuals were 'injecting' false information into the system, for the sake of the exercise, in order to create a realistic impression that Delta 1989 had been hijacked, when in reality it was fine.
I will describe this evidence later on, and then conclude by examining a military exercise that was held in mid-2002, which makes clear what kind of role Delta 1989 might have played in an exercise on September 11.
One thing that is notable about Delta 1989 is how much it resembled American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175--the first planes to be hijacked, which crashed into the World Trade Center. Like these aircraft, Delta 1989 was a Boeing 767, heavy with fuel, and making a transcontinental flight across America. Also like these two flights, it had taken off from Boston's Logan Airport, at around the same time as they had done. [2] And according to numerous accounts, it had the same destination as Flights 11 and 175, of Los Angeles, California. [3] (However, a few accounts have said its destination was Las Vegas. [4])
Some accounts have claimed that Delta 1989's similarity to Flights 11 and 175 contributed to it mistakenly being suspected as hijacked. But if Delta 1989 was involved in a training exercise, this would mean that an exercise was scheduled for 9/11 in which the mock hijacked aircraft had almost identical characteristics as two of the aircraft targeted in the real-world attacks. This would be an extraordinary "coincidence," to say the least, if not highly suspicious.
Not only did Delta 1989 resemble the first two hijacked planes, it also happened to be just 25 miles behind the fourth hijacked plane--United Airlines Flight 93--at the time this aircraft was apparently taken over by hijackers. This caused air traffic controllers at the FAA's Cleveland Center to initially conclude that Delta 1989, not United 93, had been hijacked. When, at 9:28, controller John Werth heard screaming over the radio, he was unsure which aircraft, out of seven or eight in the airspace he was monitoring, it had come from. When the Cleveland Center controllers then heard a voice with a heavy accent over the radio, saying "Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain. ... We have a bomb on board," they thought it had come from Delta 1989. They concluded that the Delta flight had been hijacked and started notifying their chain of command of this. It was only after Flight 93 was subsequently observed flying erratically and its pilots failed to respond to radio communications that Werth concluded this flight, and not Delta 1989, had been hijacked. [5]
It has been well established that the U.S. military and other government agencies were conducting training exercises at the time the 9/11 attacks occurred, and some of the exercise scenarios had uncanny similarities to the actual attacks. [6] One exercise, which was being conducted by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), was scheduled to include a simulated aircraft hijacking. As Vanity Fair described, this exercise "was designed to run a range of scenarios, including a 'traditional' simulated hijack in which politically motivated perpetrators commandeer an aircraft, land on a Cuba-like island, and seek asylum." [7]
When NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, New York, was notified of the first real-world hijacking at 8:38 a.m., its mission crew commander, Major Kevin Nasypany, thought this was part of the exercise, which he'd helped to design. He said out loud, "The hijack's not supposed to be for another hour." [8] NEADS was in fact alerted to the suspected hijacking of Delta 1989 almost exactly one hour later, at 9:39 a.m. [9] This was therefore around the time it was due to be notified of the simulated hijacking in the exercise, and supports the contention that Delta 1989 was playing the targeted aircraft in that exercise.
Delta 1989 made an emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins Airport shortly after 10:15 a.m. [10] Cleveland was one of six major Ohio cities that for several years had been part of a federal program to help defend against domestic terrorism. [11] A possibility therefore worth considering is that the decision to land Delta 1989 in Cleveland was made before 9/11, so that personnel on the ground there would be able to respond to a simulated hijacking, as part of a training exercise for this federal program.
As previously mentioned, there are two categories of evidence that suggest Delta 1989 was playing a hijacked aircraft in an exercise. The first category involves incidents where the plane and its pilots behaved suspiciously. These incidents are summarized below.
i) Just after 9:39 a.m., when a radio transmission was heard coming from the hijacked Flight 93 in which a hijacker said, "There is a bomb on board," Cleveland Center controller John Werth started handing off the flights he was dealing with to other controllers so he could devote his attention to Flight 93. But, according to author Lynn Spencer, the crew of Delta 1989 missed the hand-off to their new frequency. The new sector controller dealing with Delta 1989 called out to the plane several times but received no response from its pilots. According to Spencer, Delta 1989 "was out of radio contact for several minutes," and this news soon reached an FAA teleconference. [12]
ii) Cleveland Center controllers again became suspicious when, at 9:44 a.m., the pilot of Delta 1989, Captain Paul Werner, called and requested a change of course so he could land in Cleveland. As USA Today noted, "the captain's request comes before he can know that the FAA wants every flight down." [13] (The FAA Command Center instructed air traffic control centers to tell all aircraft to land at the nearest airport a minute later, at 9:45. [14]) USA Today continued: "On this day, the fact that the pilot requests to be rerouted before he is ordered to land seems suspicious. Why the urgency?" The reason was reportedly that Delta Air Lines had been alerted to the concerns about Flight 1989's safety and had been closely monitoring the aircraft. It had then sent the pilots an instruction to "Land immediately in Cleveland." But even though Cleveland Center was in charge of Delta 1989, for some reason it was not informed of this. [15] Its air traffic controllers then noticed Delta 1989 making a 30-degree turn back toward its new destination of the Cleveland airport. Spencer described, "An abrupt change of course for a transcontinental [Boeing] 767 out of Boston raises further suspicion." [16]
iii) As Delta 1989 descended toward Cleveland, controllers at the Cleveland Center became suspicious again because pilot Paul Werner failed to reply to a message. According to USA Today, the reason was simply that Werner was "busy." But the controllers grew "alarmed. Why didn't he respond? Have both jets--the United [Flight 93] and the Delta flights--been hijacked?" [17]
iv) A notable example of Delta 1989 behaving unusually--perhaps because it was playing a hijacked plane in an exercise--occurred while it was under the control of the Cleveland Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON). TRACONs are FAA facilities that guide aircraft approaching or departing an airport. The Cleveland TRACON was in contact with Delta 1989 as it descended from 9,000 feet down to 3,000 feet. [18]
According to a detailed chronology produced shortly after 9/11 by the Cleveland Airport air traffic control tower, "One anomaly that perpetuated concern" at the TRACON was that Paul Werner "never used the 'heavy' designator in his communications." [19] The term "heavy" notifies controllers that they need to provide extra space behind very large aircraft, which are above a certain weight, because these aircraft generate significant wake turbulence. [20] The TRACON controllers used this important term in their communications with Delta 1989, but "the pilot did not respond with it."
Although this may seem a minor technicality, it is of much significance. The control tower's chronology stated: "The use of 'heavy' in the terminal environment is of the highest importance. Increased separation standards are required, and misapplication of separation standards can be disastrous. For pilots, not referring to a heavy aircraft as 'heavy' is tantamount to calling a doctor 'Mister.'" Therefore, Werner's failure to use the term "kept everyone alert and skeptical of the security" of Delta 1989. [21]
Could the reason Werner failed to use the 'heavy' designator be that he was acting the part of a pilot who was surreptitiously trying to alert controllers that something was wrong on his flight, as part of an exercise?
v) A curious final incident occurred after Delta 1989 landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. The plane was directed to park at a remote area, and its pilots were told not to allow passengers off. Eventually, the Cleveland Police SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team and a team of FBI agents went out to the aircraft. [22] Members of the SWAT team, who'd taken up a position just behind the aircraft, saw Paul Werner with blood running down his face as he leaned out of the window to give them the "all clear" signal. The explanation Spencer has given for his bleeding face is that Werner accidentally knocked his head and cut it when he returned to his seat, after going to the cabin to speak to the plane's passengers. While this may be correct, in light of the evidence described above, might Werner's bloodied face alternatively have been simulated--using fake blood--because he was acting the part of the pilot of a plane under siege? Perhaps this was supposed to convey the impression that he had been assaulted by one of the exercise's mock hijackers. [23]
If Delta 1989 was taking part in a training exercise, the evidence above raises an important question: How aware were the pilots that real-world attacks had occurred in New York and Washington? Reportedly, at around 9:15 a.m., they heard over the radio that two aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center. According to USA Today, Werner figured these planes "must be small ones--not passenger jets like the Boeing 767 he commands." The pilots also heard the hijacker transmissions, apparently coming from Flight 93, between 9:28 and 9:39 a.m. [24] But did they think these hijacker communications and the news of the attacks in New York were real, or did they believe they were part of an exercise? The question remains uninvestigated and, therefore, unanswered.
The second category of evidence that Delta 1989 was playing a hijacked aircraft in an exercise is a series of incidents where personnel within the military and other government agencies reported that the flight had been hijacked, or was in danger of being hijacked, apparently without having much evidence that this was the case.
Again, individually these incidents could be dismissed as understandable results of the morning's confusion, or as concerns elicited by the unprecedented and shocking events taking place. But the number of incorrect reports suggests the possibility that false information was being deliberately 'injected' into the system for an exercise, to create a realistic impression that Delta 1989 was a hijacked aircraft. The incidents are summarized below.
i) The first three notable incidents occurred before anyone claimed Delta 1989 had been hijacked. Shortly after 9:03 a.m., when the second plane hit the World Trade Center, FBI agents called the FAA's Cleveland Center and warned its controllers to keep an eye on Delta 1989. According to USA Today, the FBI suspected "that terrorists plan to hijack [Delta 1989] next." Apparently they had seen no indications that the flight was in danger, but were concerned because of its similarities to the first two hijacked aircraft, such as it having taken off from Boston at around the same time as them. [25]
ii) Then, at 9:19 a.m., the FAA's New England regional office called the FAA's Command Center in Herndon, Virginia, and asked it to tell the Cleveland Center to contact Delta 1989 and advise its pilots to use extra cockpit security. It is unclear why the New England regional office made this request. In response to it, as the 9/11 Commission described, the Command Center "ordered controllers to send a cockpit warning to Delta 1989 because, like American 11 and United 175, it was a transcontinental flight departing Boston's Logan Airport." [26]
The FAA's Boston Center had previously asked the Command Center to contact all FAA centers, with the instruction to tell airborne aircraft to increase their cockpit security. What is curious is that the Command Center's instruction to the Cleveland Center regarding Delta 1989 was apparently an exception: the 9/11 Commission has said it found "no evidence to suggest that the Command Center acted on [the Boston Center's] request." [27]
iii) The third incident from before Delta 1989 was suspected as hijacked occurred at 9:27 a.m. Colonel Alan Scott, the former vice commander of the Continental United States NORAD Region, told the 9/11 Commission that, at this time, the FAA's Boston Center reported to NEADS "a fifth aircraft missing, Delta Flight '89." [28] Boston Center's report to NEADS was odd for two reasons. Firstly, Delta 1989 "never turned off its transponder," according to the 9/11 Commission, so it was never missing and should have been clearly visible on radar at all times. [29] Secondly, at 9:27, Delta 1989 was being handled by the FAA's Cleveland Center, not the Boston Center. [30] So why did the Boston Center contact NEADS about a flight that was not under its command?
iv) Boston Center called NEADS again at 9:39 a.m. regarding Delta 1989. Colin Scoggins, the center's military liaison, reported that the flight was a possible hijack. [31] Again, the question applies as to why the Boston Center made this call, since Delta 1989 was still under the control of the FAA's Cleveland Center. [32] And it appears that Scoggins had no evidence that the flight had been targeted. According to the 9/11 Commission, Boston Center simply "guessed that Delta 1989 might also be hijacked," apparently because--like Flights 11 and 175--it was a transcontinental 767 that had departed Boston's Logan Airport. [33]
v) At 9:45 a.m., one of the ID technicians at NEADS called the FAA's Cleveland Center and incorrectly said that Delta 1989 was "a confirmed hijack." This prompted a supervisor there to go "running back and forth" around the center, informing the controllers and managers of the news. [34]
The supervisor, Kim Wernica, spoke to John Werth, the controller who had been handling Delta 1989. She told him, "It's the Delta, it's the Delta!" She said a military liaison on the phone had confirmed that the Delta jet had been hijacked. However, due to its pilots' normal responses to his instructions, Werth had already concluded that Delta 1989 had not been hijacked. He told Wernica he was pretty sure that Flight 93, not Delta 1989, had been hijacked, and when she returned a few moments later, he said Delta 1989 was "fine, at least for now." But after Wernica consulted again on the phone, she came back and said to Werth, "They said it's a confirmed hijack and a bomb threat." Convinced that Delta 1989 was being confused with United 93, Werth responded, "Tell them they're full of it!" [35]
Although they turned out to be incorrect, the reports that Delta 1989 had been hijacked were taken seriously at the time and acted upon. NEADS commanders ordered their troops to call Air National Guard bases in the vicinity of the Delta aircraft, to see if any of them could launch fighter jets. [36] According to the 9/11 Commission, NEADS ordered jets from Ohio and Michigan to intercept Delta 1989. [37]
When Delta 1989 was coming in to land, Cleveland Hopkins Airport was evacuated. As Spencer wrote, this was because the flight was "confirmed hijacked," and air traffic controllers "believe it contains a bomb intended to detonate when the aircraft crashes into the terminal." [38] Furthermore, for the first time in his administration, Mayor Michael White ordered the evacuation of all federal and city buildings in Cleveland; a parking ban was issued downtown; and owners of large commercial high-rises in Cleveland were asked to evacuate their buildings. [39]
After it landed, Delta 1989 had to park at a remote area of Cleveland Airport, far away from the terminal. Its passengers were only allowed off after a police SWAT team came out, and FBI agents then carefully took the passengers off the plane in small groups. [40] Bomb-sniffing dogs were subsequently taken onboard and the aircraft was searched, but no explosives were found. [41]
If, as the evidence above indicates, Delta 1989 was part of a military exercise based around a fictitious aircraft hijacking, this raises serious questions about the events of 9/11 and the emergency response to the attacks.
The evidence casts doubt on the claim that a NORAD exercise that morning was canceled after Flight 175 hit the South Tower of the WTC at 9:03 a.m. According to Airman, the official magazine of the U.S. Air Force, "Shortly after the second airliner smashed into [the] World Trade Center ... the exercise ceased." [42] Larry Arnold, the commanding general of the Continental United States NORAD Region, said that after Flight 175 hit the South Tower, "I thought it might be prudent to pull out of the exercise, which we did." [43]
But if Delta 1989 was participating in it, then the evidence indicates that this exercise continued for much longer. For example, NEADS received the incorrect report that Delta 1989 was a possible hijacking at 9:39 a.m., and called the FAA's Cleveland Center to report the aircraft as a "confirmed hijack" at 9:45 a.m. These two communications could have been part of the exercise, intended to 'inject' a realistic impression of a hijacking into the system.
And it appears that Delta 1989 may still have been playing a hijacked aircraft while it came in to land (with the pilot failing to use the 'heavy' designator), and continued doing so after it landed at around 10:18 a.m. (when the pilot appeared out of the plane's window, apparently with blood running down his face). This would mean the exercise continued throughout the entire duration of the real-world attacks, ending only after the fourth aircraft to be targeted--Flight 93--supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. [44] If this was indeed the case, why was the simulated hijacking allowed to continue for so long? And who was responsible for this?
We can better understand the role Delta 1989 might have played on September 11 by examining a later NORAD training exercise. "Amalgam Virgo 02" was a "live-fly" exercise conducted in June 2002, although NORAD was planning it as early as July 2001. [45]
This exercise involved two real aircraft being "hijacked," with actors playing the terrorists. One aircraft, a Delta Air Lines 757, was bound from Utah to Alaska and was taken over by FBI agents acting as hijackers. The other was a Navy C-9 bound from Washington State to Vancouver, Canada, with members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police playing the hijackers. On both planes, military personnel acted as civilian passengers, but the 757 had actual Delta Air Lines pilots at the controls. According to a NORAD spokesman, "both aircraft ... were to receive instructions once in-air, detailing the hijacking scenario affecting them and the roles they were to play."
NORAD launched fighter jets in response to the simulated hijackings. CNN reported before the exercise: "We don't know exactly how these [simulated] hijackings will play out. Neither do the pilots. Even their bases from which the U.S. and military--the U.S.-Canadian jets will be scrambled, don't know they are." After NORAD ran through a number of scenarios, the mock hijacked planes landed and law enforcement officers on the ground ran through scenarios around dealing with the hijackers.
About 1,500 people participated in Amalgam Virgo 02, including employees of NORAD, the FAA, the FBI, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Delta Air Lines. The NORAD spokesman said the exercise was "very intense, very realistic." [46]
Could Delta 1989 have been taking part in a similar exercise on September 11? Were some of its passengers played by military personnel or other government employees? Only a thorough new investigation of the 9/11 attacks can answer these and the many other crucial questions that remain, around Delta Air Lines Flight 1989 and its possible involvement in a training exercise on September 11.
Spokesman Robert van Kapel told The Associated Press that police at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport are taking the lead in the criminal investigation and cooperating with the FBI in the United States.
Van Kapel said the sandwiches will undergo forensic tests by experts in Amsterdam. Police also are interviewing staff at the catering company that made the sandwiches in a kitchen near Schiphol Airport as well as Delta staff.
"We are looking at the entire procedure and we of course are being helped by the catering service and of course the airline. We won't miss a thing," Van Kapel said. "We have to speak to a lot of people and we are checking those sandwiches — let's see what they can tell us."
A Delta spokeswoman said the needles were found Sunday in six sandwiches on flights to Minneapolis, Seattle and Atlanta. Passengers discovered four of them.
The sandwiches were made by Gate Gourmet, one of the world's largest airline caterers, with facilities on five continents. The company serves many airlines, but only Delta flights appeared to be affected. The company said it was investigating.
Delta Air Lines Inc. spokeswoman Kristin Baur said security has been stepped up at all of the Gate Gourmet facilities used by the airline. Delta is also using more prepackaged food.
Dutch authorities say catering companies that supply airlines with food are subject to tight security checks and all staff undergo vetting that includes a check of police records.
Passenger Jim Tonjes said Tuesday he was high above North America when he bit into a hot turkey sandwich aboard a Delta flight and felt a sudden jab in his mouth.
At first, he thought a toothpick meant to hold the sandwich together had punctured the roof of his mouth. When he pulled it out, "it was a straight needle, about one inch long, with sharp points on both ends."
Now Tonjes is on a 28-day course of pills aimed at warding off any infection, including hepatitis or HIV. His doctors have asked the FBI to tell them right away if they find any residue on the needle.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Was Delta 1989 Part of a Live-Fly Hijacking Exercise on 9/11?

It has been widely reported that on September 11, 2001, four passenger aircraft were hijacked, and three of them subsequently hit their intended targets in New York and Washington. Less well known is that, during the two hours over which the 9/11 attacks occurred, air traffic controllers and military personnel had to devote significant time to a fifth plane that was incorrectly reported as hijacked. This aircraft was, in the words of one military official, "the first red herring of the day." [1]
The aircraft was Delta Air Lines Flight 1989, a Boeing 767 that had taken off from Boston. From around 9:30 a.m., it was repeatedly suspected of having been hijacked. Even though subsequent events had indicated the aircraft was fine, a police SWAT team and FBI agents were sent out to it after it made an emergency landing in Cleveland, Ohio, and it was not until about two hours after the plane landed that all its passengers had been allowed off.
While a person might dismiss the suspicions about Delta 1989 as understandable mistakes in the chaos and confusion of the attacks, there is another possible explanation for what happened. We know that the U.S. military and other government agencies were running various training exercises on September 11. At least one military exercise was scheduled to include the scenario of a plane being hijacked. In light of this, the possibility arises that Delta 1989 was playing the part of a hijacked aircraft in a training exercise, and this led to all the mistaken reports about it. Certainly, the number and nature of suspicious incidents around Delta 1989 make this possibility seem worthy of serious consideration.
While much remains speculative, if this explanation is correct, it would have serious implications. It would mean that, at the time the attacks took place, a "live-fly" exercise was being conducted, which involved a real aircraft pretending to be hijacked. It would imply that this exercise was not promptly canceled, but instead continued throughout the entire duration of the attacks. And it would raise a sinister possibility: that the role of Delta 1989--and the exercise it participated in--was to somehow help rogue individuals within the U.S. military and government to successfully perpetrate the 9/11 attacks.
There are two specific categories of evidence indicating that Delta 1989 was a mock hijacked aircraft in an exercise. Firstly, there were incidents where the plane and its pilots behaved unusually, such as failing to respond to radio communications. It was as if they were playing the part of a plane under siege, in order to test the ability of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and military personnel on the ground to recognize and respond to a hijacking. Secondly, there were incidents where some government personnel and members of the military alerted others that Delta 1989 had been hijacked, or was in danger of being hijacked, apparently with little justification for doing so. It is at least possible that these individuals were 'injecting' false information into the system, for the sake of the exercise, in order to create a realistic impression that Delta 1989 had been hijacked, when in reality it was fine.
I will describe this evidence later on, and then conclude by examining a military exercise that was held in mid-2002, which makes clear what kind of role Delta 1989 might have played in an exercise on September 11.
One thing that is notable about Delta 1989 is how much it resembled American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175--the first planes to be hijacked, which crashed into the World Trade Center. Like these aircraft, Delta 1989 was a Boeing 767, heavy with fuel, and making a transcontinental flight across America. Also like these two flights, it had taken off from Boston's Logan Airport, at around the same time as they had done. [2] And according to numerous accounts, it had the same destination as Flights 11 and 175, of Los Angeles, California. [3] (However, a few accounts have said its destination was Las Vegas. [4])
Some accounts have claimed that Delta 1989's similarity to Flights 11 and 175 contributed to it mistakenly being suspected as hijacked. But if Delta 1989 was involved in a training exercise, this would mean that an exercise was scheduled for 9/11 in which the mock hijacked aircraft had almost identical characteristics as two of the aircraft targeted in the real-world attacks. This would be an extraordinary "coincidence," to say the least, if not highly suspicious.
Not only did Delta 1989 resemble the first two hijacked planes, it also happened to be just 25 miles behind the fourth hijacked plane--United Airlines Flight 93--at the time this aircraft was apparently taken over by hijackers. This caused air traffic controllers at the FAA's Cleveland Center to initially conclude that Delta 1989, not United 93, had been hijacked. When, at 9:28, controller John Werth heard screaming over the radio, he was unsure which aircraft, out of seven or eight in the airspace he was monitoring, it had come from. When the Cleveland Center controllers then heard a voice with a heavy accent over the radio, saying "Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain. ... We have a bomb on board," they thought it had come from Delta 1989. They concluded that the Delta flight had been hijacked and started notifying their chain of command of this. It was only after Flight 93 was subsequently observed flying erratically and its pilots failed to respond to radio communications that Werth concluded this flight, and not Delta 1989, had been hijacked. [5]
It has been well established that the U.S. military and other government agencies were conducting training exercises at the time the 9/11 attacks occurred, and some of the exercise scenarios had uncanny similarities to the actual attacks. [6] One exercise, which was being conducted by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), was scheduled to include a simulated aircraft hijacking. As Vanity Fair described, this exercise "was designed to run a range of scenarios, including a 'traditional' simulated hijack in which politically motivated perpetrators commandeer an aircraft, land on a Cuba-like island, and seek asylum." [7]
When NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, New York, was notified of the first real-world hijacking at 8:38 a.m., its mission crew commander, Major Kevin Nasypany, thought this was part of the exercise, which he'd helped to design. He said out loud, "The hijack's not supposed to be for another hour." [8] NEADS was in fact alerted to the suspected hijacking of Delta 1989 almost exactly one hour later, at 9:39 a.m. [9] This was therefore around the time it was due to be notified of the simulated hijacking in the exercise, and supports the contention that Delta 1989 was playing the targeted aircraft in that exercise.
Delta 1989 made an emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins Airport shortly after 10:15 a.m. [10] Cleveland was one of six major Ohio cities that for several years had been part of a federal program to help defend against domestic terrorism. [11] A possibility therefore worth considering is that the decision to land Delta 1989 in Cleveland was made before 9/11, so that personnel on the ground there would be able to respond to a simulated hijacking, as part of a training exercise for this federal program.
As previously mentioned, there are two categories of evidence that suggest Delta 1989 was playing a hijacked aircraft in an exercise. The first category involves incidents where the plane and its pilots behaved suspiciously. These incidents are summarized below.
i) Just after 9:39 a.m., when a radio transmission was heard coming from the hijacked Flight 93 in which a hijacker said, "There is a bomb on board," Cleveland Center controller John Werth started handing off the flights he was dealing with to other controllers so he could devote his attention to Flight 93. But, according to author Lynn Spencer, the crew of Delta 1989 missed the hand-off to their new frequency. The new sector controller dealing with Delta 1989 called out to the plane several times but received no response from its pilots. According to Spencer, Delta 1989 "was out of radio contact for several minutes," and this news soon reached an FAA teleconference. [12]
ii) Cleveland Center controllers again became suspicious when, at 9:44 a.m., the pilot of Delta 1989, Captain Paul Werner, called and requested a change of course so he could land in Cleveland. As USA Today noted, "the captain's request comes before he can know that the FAA wants every flight down." [13] (The FAA Command Center instructed air traffic control centers to tell all aircraft to land at the nearest airport a minute later, at 9:45. [14]) USA Today continued: "On this day, the fact that the pilot requests to be rerouted before he is ordered to land seems suspicious. Why the urgency?" The reason was reportedly that Delta Air Lines had been alerted to the concerns about Flight 1989's safety and had been closely monitoring the aircraft. It had then sent the pilots an instruction to "Land immediately in Cleveland." But even though Cleveland Center was in charge of Delta 1989, for some reason it was not informed of this. [15] Its air traffic controllers then noticed Delta 1989 making a 30-degree turn back toward its new destination of the Cleveland airport. Spencer described, "An abrupt change of course for a transcontinental [Boeing] 767 out of Boston raises further suspicion." [16]
iii) As Delta 1989 descended toward Cleveland, controllers at the Cleveland Center became suspicious again because pilot Paul Werner failed to reply to a message. According to USA Today, the reason was simply that Werner was "busy." But the controllers grew "alarmed. Why didn't he respond? Have both jets--the United [Flight 93] and the Delta flights--been hijacked?" [17]
iv) A notable example of Delta 1989 behaving unusually--perhaps because it was playing a hijacked plane in an exercise--occurred while it was under the control of the Cleveland Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON). TRACONs are FAA facilities that guide aircraft approaching or departing an airport. The Cleveland TRACON was in contact with Delta 1989 as it descended from 9,000 feet down to 3,000 feet. [18]
According to a detailed chronology produced shortly after 9/11 by the Cleveland Airport air traffic control tower, "One anomaly that perpetuated concern" at the TRACON was that Paul Werner "never used the 'heavy' designator in his communications." [19] The term "heavy" notifies controllers that they need to provide extra space behind very large aircraft, which are above a certain weight, because these aircraft generate significant wake turbulence. [20] The TRACON controllers used this important term in their communications with Delta 1989, but "the pilot did not respond with it."
Although this may seem a minor technicality, it is of much significance. The control tower's chronology stated: "The use of 'heavy' in the terminal environment is of the highest importance. Increased separation standards are required, and misapplication of separation standards can be disastrous. For pilots, not referring to a heavy aircraft as 'heavy' is tantamount to calling a doctor 'Mister.'" Therefore, Werner's failure to use the term "kept everyone alert and skeptical of the security" of Delta 1989. [21]
Could the reason Werner failed to use the 'heavy' designator be that he was acting the part of a pilot who was surreptitiously trying to alert controllers that something was wrong on his flight, as part of an exercise?
v) A curious final incident occurred after Delta 1989 landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. The plane was directed to park at a remote area, and its pilots were told not to allow passengers off. Eventually, the Cleveland Police SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team and a team of FBI agents went out to the aircraft. [22] Members of the SWAT team, who'd taken up a position just behind the aircraft, saw Paul Werner with blood running down his face as he leaned out of the window to give them the "all clear" signal. The explanation Spencer has given for his bleeding face is that Werner accidentally knocked his head and cut it when he returned to his seat, after going to the cabin to speak to the plane's passengers. While this may be correct, in light of the evidence described above, might Werner's bloodied face alternatively have been simulated--using fake blood--because he was acting the part of the pilot of a plane under siege? Perhaps this was supposed to convey the impression that he had been assaulted by one of the exercise's mock hijackers. [23]
If Delta 1989 was taking part in a training exercise, the evidence above raises an important question: How aware were the pilots that real-world attacks had occurred in New York and Washington? Reportedly, at around 9:15 a.m., they heard over the radio that two aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center. According to USA Today, Werner figured these planes "must be small ones--not passenger jets like the Boeing 767 he commands." The pilots also heard the hijacker transmissions, apparently coming from Flight 93, between 9:28 and 9:39 a.m. [24] But did they think these hijacker communications and the news of the attacks in New York were real, or did they believe they were part of an exercise? The question remains uninvestigated and, therefore, unanswered.
The second category of evidence that Delta 1989 was playing a hijacked aircraft in an exercise is a series of incidents where personnel within the military and other government agencies reported that the flight had been hijacked, or was in danger of being hijacked, apparently without having much evidence that this was the case.
Again, individually these incidents could be dismissed as understandable results of the morning's confusion, or as concerns elicited by the unprecedented and shocking events taking place. But the number of incorrect reports suggests the possibility that false information was being deliberately 'injected' into the system for an exercise, to create a realistic impression that Delta 1989 was a hijacked aircraft. The incidents are summarized below.
i) The first three notable incidents occurred before anyone claimed Delta 1989 had been hijacked. Shortly after 9:03 a.m., when the second plane hit the World Trade Center, FBI agents called the FAA's Cleveland Center and warned its controllers to keep an eye on Delta 1989. According to USA Today, the FBI suspected "that terrorists plan to hijack [Delta 1989] next." Apparently they had seen no indications that the flight was in danger, but were concerned because of its similarities to the first two hijacked aircraft, such as it having taken off from Boston at around the same time as them. [25]
ii) Then, at 9:19 a.m., the FAA's New England regional office called the FAA's Command Center in Herndon, Virginia, and asked it to tell the Cleveland Center to contact Delta 1989 and advise its pilots to use extra cockpit security. It is unclear why the New England regional office made this request. In response to it, as the 9/11 Commission described, the Command Center "ordered controllers to send a cockpit warning to Delta 1989 because, like American 11 and United 175, it was a transcontinental flight departing Boston's Logan Airport." [26]
The FAA's Boston Center had previously asked the Command Center to contact all FAA centers, with the instruction to tell airborne aircraft to increase their cockpit security. What is curious is that the Command Center's instruction to the Cleveland Center regarding Delta 1989 was apparently an exception: the 9/11 Commission has said it found "no evidence to suggest that the Command Center acted on [the Boston Center's] request." [27]
iii) The third incident from before Delta 1989 was suspected as hijacked occurred at 9:27 a.m. Colonel Alan Scott, the former vice commander of the Continental United States NORAD Region, told the 9/11 Commission that, at this time, the FAA's Boston Center reported to NEADS "a fifth aircraft missing, Delta Flight '89." [28] Boston Center's report to NEADS was odd for two reasons. Firstly, Delta 1989 "never turned off its transponder," according to the 9/11 Commission, so it was never missing and should have been clearly visible on radar at all times. [29] Secondly, at 9:27, Delta 1989 was being handled by the FAA's Cleveland Center, not the Boston Center. [30] So why did the Boston Center contact NEADS about a flight that was not under its command?
iv) Boston Center called NEADS again at 9:39 a.m. regarding Delta 1989. Colin Scoggins, the center's military liaison, reported that the flight was a possible hijack. [31] Again, the question applies as to why the Boston Center made this call, since Delta 1989 was still under the control of the FAA's Cleveland Center. [32] And it appears that Scoggins had no evidence that the flight had been targeted. According to the 9/11 Commission, Boston Center simply "guessed that Delta 1989 might also be hijacked," apparently because--like Flights 11 and 175--it was a transcontinental 767 that had departed Boston's Logan Airport. [33]
v) At 9:45 a.m., one of the ID technicians at NEADS called the FAA's Cleveland Center and incorrectly said that Delta 1989 was "a confirmed hijack." This prompted a supervisor there to go "running back and forth" around the center, informing the controllers and managers of the news. [34]
The supervisor, Kim Wernica, spoke to John Werth, the controller who had been handling Delta 1989. She told him, "It's the Delta, it's the Delta!" She said a military liaison on the phone had confirmed that the Delta jet had been hijacked. However, due to its pilots' normal responses to his instructions, Werth had already concluded that Delta 1989 had not been hijacked. He told Wernica he was pretty sure that Flight 93, not Delta 1989, had been hijacked, and when she returned a few moments later, he said Delta 1989 was "fine, at least for now." But after Wernica consulted again on the phone, she came back and said to Werth, "They said it's a confirmed hijack and a bomb threat." Convinced that Delta 1989 was being confused with United 93, Werth responded, "Tell them they're full of it!" [35]
Although they turned out to be incorrect, the reports that Delta 1989 had been hijacked were taken seriously at the time and acted upon. NEADS commanders ordered their troops to call Air National Guard bases in the vicinity of the Delta aircraft, to see if any of them could launch fighter jets. [36] According to the 9/11 Commission, NEADS ordered jets from Ohio and Michigan to intercept Delta 1989. [37]
When Delta 1989 was coming in to land, Cleveland Hopkins Airport was evacuated. As Spencer wrote, this was because the flight was "confirmed hijacked," and air traffic controllers "believe it contains a bomb intended to detonate when the aircraft crashes into the terminal." [38] Furthermore, for the first time in his administration, Mayor Michael White ordered the evacuation of all federal and city buildings in Cleveland; a parking ban was issued downtown; and owners of large commercial high-rises in Cleveland were asked to evacuate their buildings. [39]
After it landed, Delta 1989 had to park at a remote area of Cleveland Airport, far away from the terminal. Its passengers were only allowed off after a police SWAT team came out, and FBI agents then carefully took the passengers off the plane in small groups. [40] Bomb-sniffing dogs were subsequently taken onboard and the aircraft was searched, but no explosives were found. [41]
If, as the evidence above indicates, Delta 1989 was part of a military exercise based around a fictitious aircraft hijacking, this raises serious questions about the events of 9/11 and the emergency response to the attacks.
The evidence casts doubt on the claim that a NORAD exercise that morning was canceled after Flight 175 hit the South Tower of the WTC at 9:03 a.m. According to Airman, the official magazine of the U.S. Air Force, "Shortly after the second airliner smashed into [the] World Trade Center ... the exercise ceased." [42] Larry Arnold, the commanding general of the Continental United States NORAD Region, said that after Flight 175 hit the South Tower, "I thought it might be prudent to pull out of the exercise, which we did." [43]
But if Delta 1989 was participating in it, then the evidence indicates that this exercise continued for much longer. For example, NEADS received the incorrect report that Delta 1989 was a possible hijacking at 9:39 a.m., and called the FAA's Cleveland Center to report the aircraft as a "confirmed hijack" at 9:45 a.m. These two communications could have been part of the exercise, intended to 'inject' a realistic impression of a hijacking into the system.
And it appears that Delta 1989 may still have been playing a hijacked aircraft while it came in to land (with the pilot failing to use the 'heavy' designator), and continued doing so after it landed at around 10:18 a.m. (when the pilot appeared out of the plane's window, apparently with blood running down his face). This would mean the exercise continued throughout the entire duration of the real-world attacks, ending only after the fourth aircraft to be targeted--Flight 93--supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. [44] If this was indeed the case, why was the simulated hijacking allowed to continue for so long? And who was responsible for this?
We can better understand the role Delta 1989 might have played on September 11 by examining a later NORAD training exercise. "Amalgam Virgo 02" was a "live-fly" exercise conducted in June 2002, although NORAD was planning it as early as July 2001. [45]
This exercise involved two real aircraft being "hijacked," with actors playing the terrorists. One aircraft, a Delta Air Lines 757, was bound from Utah to Alaska and was taken over by FBI agents acting as hijackers. The other was a Navy C-9 bound from Washington State to Vancouver, Canada, with members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police playing the hijackers. On both planes, military personnel acted as civilian passengers, but the 757 had actual Delta Air Lines pilots at the controls. According to a NORAD spokesman, "both aircraft ... were to receive instructions once in-air, detailing the hijacking scenario affecting them and the roles they were to play."
NORAD launched fighter jets in response to the simulated hijackings. CNN reported before the exercise: "We don't know exactly how these [simulated] hijackings will play out. Neither do the pilots. Even their bases from which the U.S. and military--the U.S.-Canadian jets will be scrambled, don't know they are." After NORAD ran through a number of scenarios, the mock hijacked planes landed and law enforcement officers on the ground ran through scenarios around dealing with the hijackers.
About 1,500 people participated in Amalgam Virgo 02, including employees of NORAD, the FAA, the FBI, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Delta Air Lines. The NORAD spokesman said the exercise was "very intense, very realistic." [46]
Could Delta 1989 have been taking part in a similar exercise on September 11? Were some of its passengers played by military personnel or other government employees? Only a thorough new investigation of the 9/11 attacks can answer these and the many other crucial questions that remain, around Delta Air Lines Flight 1989 and its possible involvement in a training exercise on September 11.
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