Note the confusing 'ssdi' acronym is here used to mean Social Security Death Index that registers anytime anyone eligible for Social Security or holding a social security card number dies.This index SHOULD document the deaths of well over 300 FDNY or New York Fire Department firemen on September 11, 2001 -BUT IT DOESN'T - it only lists 15%! of those firefighters who supposedly died whose deaths were the main reason for W Bush and Dick Cheney's U.S.military invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq immediately following the collapse of the WTC in NYC on 9/11/01! On the other hand 85% of those NOT on the Social Security Administrations death index recived a compensation, reward or bribe from Victim’s Compensation Fund created by the W Baush regime and administered 'coincidentally' by well paid peo Israel Jewish Zionists to compenste reward or bribe victim's families after 9/11 and block all their claims and demands for clarification of what really happened to their family members or loved ones!
Meanwhile real victims of the collapse of the WTC and demolition of Building 7,etc., from asbestos dust and other unknown or identified toxins never received anbythingh at all while Israeli Australian ral estate developer Frank Lowy and Jewish Zionist Israeli American Larry Silverstein who acknowledged in public that he ordered the city to 'pull it' or demolish Building 7 and trhen collected the insurance on it too - made a 'wind fall' of $100s of billions on collapse of all 3 buildings !
The Murderous Mossad and 9-11 - Christopher Bollyn
Full text of "9-11 Cop Breaks Silence - Israeli Mossad ...
Internet Archive
kenny's sideshow: Zionist Kenneth Feinberg, 9/11 Cover Up ...
Search Results
Goon Squad: Zionist Jew Kenneth Feinberg, Taking Care of ...
Each Memorial lists 343 Firefighters, the Official number from the FDNY.
However, there are 347 total firefighters and paramedics listed in the various Memorials, no two memorials totally in agreement.
In the following article, I will present data to show that;
1. Very few are listed in the Social Security Death Index (15%)
2. Nearly all received benefits from the Victim’s Compensation Fund(85%)
3. The distribution of the Firemen by Company is significantly different than what would be expected, and
4. The rank distribution is top-heavy.
The Firemen and the SSDI
The Social Security Death Index is the means by which the Social Security Administration keeps track of which issued numbers (persons) need to be removed from the Tax/Benefit rolls. Every death in the United States should be recorded in the SSDI, provided that person was issued a Social Security Number. Only 15% of the 9/11 Firemen are accounted for in the SSDI. This number is so significantly low, that no attempt can be made to explain it. All of the people I know to be dead show up in the SSDI under some form of their name. Yet only 15% of these Firemen can be found there.,
WTC,9/11:Did Exactly n 343 firefighters Really Die
What Happened To The 9/11 Firemen? The "Missing 347 ...
May 2, 2011 - 10 posts - 5 authors
9/11 Mysteries & the "Missing 347 FDNY Fireman" ... The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is generated from the U. S. Social Security ...9/11 NY Fire Department Fraud,Hoax - 85% oF 'Dead' Firemen Receive Benefitsfrom the Victim’s Compensation Fund!
The other 'ssdi' acronym stands for 'Social Security Disability Insurance':
FDNY, NYPD retirees who 'faked 9/11 illnesses in scam' not ...
New York Post
More arrested in FDNY, NYPD 9/11 pension scam | New ...
New York Post
DA Vance: 106 Defendants, Including 80 Nypd And Fdny ...
NYPD and FDNY Retirees Indicted in Social Security ...
The 9/11 Firemen’s Reference Guide
by Larry McWilliams and Phil Jayhan
The 9/11 Firemen have been at the center of the story since day one. They were the men, we are told, that rushed into the towers when everyone else fled. They were the consummate 9/11 heroes. They were the very symbol of American loss on that day.
That is why study of the 9/11 Firemen has remained, for nine long years, a subject taboo to research and even to discussion.
Yet, in the wake of plentiful research proving irregularities among the passengers and even the occupants of the Towers, the mystery of the Firemen remained.
The idea that these subjects were off limits to research and discussion was more than barrier enough to secure their shenanigans from being found out, and to keep them hidden in the dark. It would break all taboos of speaking ill of the dead, and the heroes of 9/11 to ask even the first question. As long as this spell lasted, there would be no questions asked, and no discoveries made, about what happened to the 343 Firemen on 9/11.
Taboos be damned, we had to have answers, so we began to assemble the necessary research to see what answers were available in the data. It didn’t take long for the trends to become crystal clear.
I collected information from all of the major Memorials.
Each Memorial lists 343 Firefighters, the Official number from the FDNY.
However, there are 347 total firefighters and paramedics listed in the various Memorials, no two memorials totally in agreement.
In the following article, I will present data to show that;
1. Very few are listed in the Social Security Death Index (15%)
2. Nearly all received benefits from the Victim’s Compensation Fund(85%)
3. The distribution of the Firemen by Company is significantly different than what would be expected, and
4. The rank distribution is top-heavy.
The Firemen and the SSDI
The Social Security Death Index is the means by which the Social Security Administration keeps track of which issued numbers (persons) need to be removed from the Tax/Benefit rolls. Every death in the United States should be recorded in the SSDI, provided that person was issued a Social Security Number. Only 15% of the 9/11 Firemen are accounted for in the SSDI. This number is so significantly low, that no attempt can be made to explain it. All of the people I know to be dead show up in the SSDI under some form of their name. Yet only 15% of these Firemen can be found there.
Here is the data, broken down alphabetically for organization’s sake.
For the rest of the story, charts, graphs and references, see here:
What Happened to the Fireman? The Missing 347?
Phil Jayhan
Perhaps you are familiar w/ AbelDanger? White's Club betting on body counts? SERCO spoilant of crime scenes to fix body counts?