The first two photos on left are allegedly Tiffany Frein from September.She is allegedly sister of alleged Jewish actor-suvivalist police shooter Eric Frein,who once had a girlfriend who later became a police officer),and on the right are new sexier photos of Tiffany that look like two different people to me.
Note that Sepember Main stream media and others who cite it mention she has 'pink' hair like the first photos on left and now look - no pink and her c omplexion is darker as well.Darker that German Jewish son of psychopathic father Army Major Eugene Michael Frein.
For Eric Frein's sister, a struggle understanding shooting ... Times‑Tribune
Suspect's sister doesn't see a killer - News - Citizens' Voice Citizens' Voice
Eric Frein False Flag Leftist Guerrilla Evades 1000+ police ...
Sep 28, 2014 - 15 posts - 4 authors
Exactly, she has pink hair and hangs out with urban clubbers. ... There is more toTiffany Frein's involvement with Alex Grey's CoSM than meets ...Eric Matthew Frein and Family - Topix
'Do us all a favor and turn yourself in': Sister of alleged Pennsylvania cop-killer calls manhunt stressful
Pennsylvania police confirm there was another possible sighting of survivalist Eric Frein on Sunday — Day 22 of the manhunt — and warned Poconos residents and restaurants to watch after garbage cans as the alleged killer's supplies may be running low.
Published: Sunday, October 5, 2014, 10:26 PM
Updated: Sunday, October 5, 2014

No one wants alleged cop-killer Eric Frein (right) apprehended more than his own family, according to 18-year-old sister Tiffany Frein (left), who told Reuters that if she could speak with her sibling she’s tell him to 'do us all a favor and turn yourself in.'
The 22-day manhunt for alleged cop-killer Eric Frein has enveloped the entire Pocono Mountain region in eastern Pennsylvania with a sense of anxiety — scaring hunters out of the woods, forcing residents and businesses to monitor their trash and keeping everyone on heightened alert at potential sightings and the constant police presence.
No one wants Frein apprehended more than his own family, according to 18-year-old sister Tiffany Frein, who told Reuters that if she could speak with her sibling she's tell him to "do us all a favor and turn yourself in."
She said Frein, 31, was a straight-A student in school and the family is at a loss for his deadly act.
"This is too much," Tiffany Frein said. "This is just too stressful."
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