Cognitive Dissonance Theory | Simply Psychology
por S McLeod - Mencionado por 4 - Artículos relacionadosCognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one ...
Cognitive infiltration - RationalWiki
The truth is that the international predomoinantly (white NOT 'Semitic')Jewish financial military industrial elites who brought the Bush crime family to power by control of media and even the rigged voting system also placed Barack Obama in power because he was and is exactkly as he decribed his Kenyan grandfather, a 'nigger',FOR PROSTITUTING HIMSELF TO THE BRITISH EMPIRIALISRS WHO ARE NOW IN GREAT PART DUE TO THE LEGACY OF THE INFAMOUS GERMAN JEWISH ROTHSHILD CRIME FAMILY MAINLY OF EATERN EUROPEAN 'JEWS' AND NOT BRITISH AT ALL!
It is no coincidence the Cass Sunstein coined his term 'cognitive infiltration'' by plagiarizing from the term cognitive dissonance' because what he proposes to due which was exactly Goebbels strategy is to tell lies to the American public by repeating thew 'official' government 9/11 story of Henry Kisseinger and others appoined by W Bush and his hidden masters to induce what psychiarty term 'cognitive dissonance' in the American and even world public opinion !
In other words Barack Obama and Cass Sunstein have pre-meditatively conspred to continue the W Bush regime of Goebbels 'big lies' in order to in effect induce a form of mass public amnesia or mental illness which is just a continuation of Nazi or National Zionist war crimes dating back to Hitler's's founding of Germany's National Zionist Party that led to the formation of Israel at any cost which is precisewly what the white Jewish supremicists who created it intended to do including terrorising Germnan Jews throughout Eatern Europe as a tactic of herding thwem like cattle to Palestine and turning them from German Jews iunto the monsters that Hitler and his Britih German Jewish Rothschild-ean mastyers and the Jewish Goebbels wanted them to become ! Heil Hitler! Heil Rothschild ! Heil Goebbels ! Heil Sunstein !aangirfan: GOEBBELS FAMILY - RICH AND JEWISH
Traducir esta página- Magda Goebbels was born Johanna Maria Magdalena Behrend.
- Magda married Günther Quandt, a rich German industrialist twice her age.Quandt's business later grew into VARTA batteries among other businesses.He also had large shareholdings in BMW and Daimler-Benz.Magda and Gunther produced a child called Harald.Harald, being touched by AdolfMagda became attracted to her 18-year-old stepson Helmut Quandt.[3]On a trip to the USA, Magda formed a relationship with a nephew of the U.S. President Herbert Hoover.[9]
- Magda divorced Gunther and married Joseph Goebbels.Joseph Goebbels had many affairs during his marriage to Magda.Reportedly, Joseph Goebbels had Jewish origins and was gay...
The Jew who was the perfect Aryan baby - Jewish ... - Haaretz
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Former Obama Administration Calls for Infiltration of ...
Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted by Luke ... - Traducir esta página2/5/2012 - 31 publicaciones - 6 autoresI hope he is real but people like him are removed before they get any real traction. ... i think Breitbart was a test run for the NWO, and it backfired big time. .... Cognitive infiltration by the gov. of conspiracy discussions has been happening ... who CassSunstein and Joseph Goebbels were and what they did. Nazi Goebbels' Step-Grandchildren Are Hidden Billionaires ...
Traducir esta páginaJoseph Goebbels' wife's descendants are Germany's richest ... - Traducir esta páginaGermany's richest family: Goebbels' descendents - Ynetnews
Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" | Jewish Virtual Library
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Big lie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Goebbels' Quote: Did He Really Say That? - The Thinklings
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Joseph Goebbels
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Cognitive Infiltration For the Masses | A NATION BEGUILED
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The Surlynewz Channel - Doomstead Diner
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9/11:U.S.Government Induced Cognitive Dissonance ...
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Meet OIRA – The Secretive White House Office With ...–-secretive-white-...
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Mark Dice youtube channel under attack - Freedoms Phoenix
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Joseph Goebbels at Gramercy Images News
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Cass Sunstein and Cognitive Dissonance « Northwest Front
Falta(n): goebbels
Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted on ...
1/5/2012 - Subido por WeAreChange
Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted on CognitiveInfiltration ... Watch as Luke confronts ...
Falta(n): goebbels
Cass Sunstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Falta(n): goebbels
Cognitive Infiltration For the Masses | A NATION BEGUILED
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The Surlynewz Channel - Doomstead Diner
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9/11:U.S.Government Induced Cognitive Dissonance ...
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Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Cognitive Dissonance Theory | Simply Psychology
por S McLeod - Mencionado por 4 - Artículos relacionados
Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one ...Cognitive Dissonance: Why Conflict Can Change Behavior
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Cognitive Dissonance - Changing Minds

Magda Goebbels and her children, including Harald.

Magda married Günther Quandt, a rich German industrialist twice her age.
Quandt's business later grew into VARTA batteries among other businesses.
He also had large shareholdings in BMW and Daimler-Benz.
Magda and Gunther produced a child called Harald.

Harald, being touched by Adolf
Magda became attracted to her 18-year-old stepson Helmut Quandt.[3]
On a trip to the USA, Magda formed a relationship with a nephew of the U.S. President Herbert Hoover.[9]

Harald being followed by a strange man.
Magda divorced Gunther and married Joseph Goebbels.
Joseph Goebbels had many affairs during his marriage to Magda.
Reportedly, Joseph Goebbels had Jewish origins and was gay.

Harald, Magda, Joseph.
"Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star." Website

Joseph Goebbels; wife Magda; In uniform -Harald Quandt, Magda's son by her first marriage; Magda's children, Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Hedwig, Holdine and Heidrun in 1942.Photograph: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
How Goebbels' step-grandchildren became billionaires
In the spring of 1945, Harald Quandt, Goebbel's stepson, was a prisoner-of-war, in Benghazi.
He received a letter from his mother Magda Goebbels.
Magda claimed that she, Joseph, and their six children, were going to die with cyanide capsules.

Goebbels Family or doubles?
Harald Quandt was released from captivity in 1947.
Seven years later, he and his half-brother Herbert, inherited the industrial empire built by their father, Guenther Quandt.
Harald's decendents now share a fortune worth at least $6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Who are the decendents?
Gabriele Quandt, who lives in Munich.
Katarina Geller-Herr, who is Jewish.
Colleen-Bettina Rosenblat-Mo, who is Jewish. Her first marriage was to Michael Rosenblat, a German-Jewish businessman.
Anette-Angelika May-Thies, whose first marriage was to Axel May, a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) international adviser for private banking, who managed the family’s investments for about 25 years.

Holding hands.
[1996] Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War - With Jews by Hennecke Kardel
"Igra...cites Hitler aides and close friends who were known homosexuals.
"He states that Hitler's chauffeur and one-time personal secretary, Emile Maurice, for example, was homosexual, as well as the pornographer Julius Streicher, who "was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him" (Igra:72f).
"SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's 'pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film' by Nazi filmmaker Walter Frenz (Washington City Paper, April 4, 1995).
"Reinhard Heydrich, mastermind of the first pogrom, Kristallnacht, and of the death camps, was homosexual (Calic:64).
"In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy (Grunberger:70).
"A recent biography of Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny speaks of a 'homo-erotic (not sexual) relationship' between Speer and Hitler (Newsweek, Oct. 30, 1995).
"Langer notes that Hitler's personal bodyguards were 'almost always 100 percent homosexuals' (Langer:179). Hitler's later public pronouncements against homosexuality never quite fit with the lifelong intimacy-sexual or otherwise-which he maintained with men he knew and accepted as homosexuals."
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.
"Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, and Adolph Hitler were all of Jewish extraction.
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
"In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy (Grunberger:70)."

In 1945 Albert Speer offered to have the Goebbels family smuggled out of Berlin.
Reportedly, Magda and her family retired to South America at the end of World War II.

Joseph Goebbels; wife Magda; In uniform -Harald Quandt, Magda's son by her first marriage; Magda's children, Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Hedwig, Holdine and Heidrun in 1942.Photograph: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
How Goebbels' step-grandchildren became billionaires
In the spring of 1945, Harald Quandt, Goebbel's stepson, was a prisoner-of-war, in Benghazi.
He received a letter from his mother Magda Goebbels.
Magda claimed that she, Joseph, and their six children, were going to die with cyanide capsules.

Goebbels Family or doubles?
Harald Quandt was released from captivity in 1947.
Seven years later, he and his half-brother Herbert, inherited the industrial empire built by their father, Guenther Quandt.
Harald's decendents now share a fortune worth at least $6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Who are the decendents?
Gabriele Quandt, who lives in Munich.
Katarina Geller-Herr, who is Jewish.
Colleen-Bettina Rosenblat-Mo, who is Jewish. Her first marriage was to Michael Rosenblat, a German-Jewish businessman.
Anette-Angelika May-Thies, whose first marriage was to Axel May, a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) international adviser for private banking, who managed the family’s investments for about 25 years.

Holding hands.
[1996] Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War - With Jews by Hennecke Kardel
"Igra...cites Hitler aides and close friends who were known homosexuals.
"He states that Hitler's chauffeur and one-time personal secretary, Emile Maurice, for example, was homosexual, as well as the pornographer Julius Streicher, who "was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him" (Igra:72f).
"SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's 'pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film' by Nazi filmmaker Walter Frenz (Washington City Paper, April 4, 1995).
"Reinhard Heydrich, mastermind of the first pogrom, Kristallnacht, and of the death camps, was homosexual (Calic:64).
"In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy (Grunberger:70).
"A recent biography of Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny speaks of a 'homo-erotic (not sexual) relationship' between Speer and Hitler (Newsweek, Oct. 30, 1995).
"Langer notes that Hitler's personal bodyguards were 'almost always 100 percent homosexuals' (Langer:179). Hitler's later public pronouncements against homosexuality never quite fit with the lifelong intimacy-sexual or otherwise-which he maintained with men he knew and accepted as homosexuals."
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.
"Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, and Adolph Hitler were all of Jewish extraction.
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
aangirfan: FASCISM, TOP FAMILIES, FALSE FLAG OPS 3, 2012 – "Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star." Website Google demonstrates that democracy is being ...aangirfan: HITLER ESCAPED 18, 2011 – (aangirfan: MENGELE, MOSSAD AND THE CIA ) ..... by Germans, that all the top Nazis excepting Goring and Goebbels had doubles (tho
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