- Child Rape,Mind Control,NY Horace Mann School CIA'sAllen Dulles, Sidney Gottlieb, MKULTRA,Rockefeller
Mind Control and the New World Order | Global Research - Centre ...
www.globalresearch.ca/mind-control-and-the-new-world-order/3156924 Jun 2012 ... The MK-ULTRA program was instituted on 13 April 1953 by CIA Director ... the
United States,” chaired by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller.Project MK-Ultra and the Rockefeller Commission
shop.hauntedcuriosities.com/Project-MK-Ultra-and-the-Rockefeller- Commission-21511014.htmOur Products >> Project MK-Ultra and the Rockefeller Commission ... The New
World Order has taken over the experiment, threatened to eliminate any risk ...MK-ULTRA - Psychological Warfare - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW76XRgIKcg30 Jan 2012 - 8 min -Uploaded by 44connected
http://www.facebook.com/44connected Project MKULTRA, ... and by a presidential commission ...- [PDF]
Project MKULTRA - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/.../pdf/.../13inmate_ProjectMKULTRA.pdf3 Aug 1977 ... Employees Terminated Because of Their Participation in MKULTRA .... ing the
Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee investigations ... Rockefeller & Mind Control - MK-Ultra : General Conspiracies ...
www.disclose.tv/.../rockefeller-mind-control-mk-ultra-t30403.htmlRockefeller & Mind Control - MK-Ultra. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Illuminated ... New
MK Ultra Mind Control Document by simpletruths10 » Thu Nov ...Project MKUltra - Wikispooks
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Project_MKUltra4 Jan 2015 ... Project MKULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the ... and
by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. .... He
commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at ...
The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life - Cholesterol
www.cholesterol-and-health.com/Rockefeller-Foundation-Social-Control- Eugenics.html
... to Rockefeller Foundation interests ... underground as the new CIA, ...
The greatest conspiracy theories in history - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk/news/.../The-greatest-conspiracy-theories-in-history. html?...
MK-ULTRA - The code name for a covert mind-control and chemical interrogation
... first to wide public attention in 1975 by Congress and by the Rockefeller
Commission. ... Receive updates every time we produce a new picture gallery.
MK-ULTRA - The CIA's Mind Control Program - Rense.com
16 Feb 2010 ... MK-ULTRA was the code name for a secret CIA mind control program, begun in
... by jumping 13 stories to his death through a New York hotel's closed window.
... The Rockefeller Commission, under vice president Nelson ...
Project MK-Ultra and the Rockefeller Commission
shop.hauntedcuriosities.com/Project-MK-Ultra-and-the-Rockefeller- Commission-21511014.htm
Project MK-Ultra and the Rockefeller Commission The 1970's was a very
controversial decade for America and the world in general. Perhaps, one of the
most ...
NY Horace Mann School CIA'sAllen Dulles, Sidney Gottlieb, MKULTRA

At the Horace Mann school, more than 64 children were sexually abused by nearly two dozen people between the 1960s and the 1990s.
more than 60 sexual abuse victims at elite New York school
The Horace Mann school has links to the CIA.
Horace Mann School is a top private school in New York.

The CIA's James Schlesinger (right)
Those who have attended Horace Mann include:
The CIA's Roy Cohn who ran a pedophile ring (Roy Cohn)
The CIA's James Schlesinger,
Former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer (Website)
James Murdoch of the Murdoch Empire.
(Horace Mann School alumni)

Those who have attended Horace Mann include:
The CIA's Roy Cohn who ran a pedophile ring (Roy Cohn)
The CIA's James Schlesinger,
Former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer (Website)
James Murdoch of the Murdoch Empire.
(Horace Mann School alumni)

Horace Mann boys 1958 Soccer Champions -1958. Among the abusers at Horace Mann were a headmaster and several senior administrators
Forbes Magazine ranked Horace Mann as the second best preparatory school in the country in 2010.[1]
On June 6, 2012, the New York Times Magazine published an article by former student Amos Kamil, class of 1982, alleging multiple instances of sexual abuse of students by teachers at the school.
The Horace Mann School's Secret History of Sexual Abuse
One student, who was abused for years, eventually killed himself.

Horace Mann School
John Mulholland taught industrial arts at the Horace Mann School.
The very same day that Allen Dulles approved the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control project, Sidney Gottlieb went to see John Mulholland.
John Mulholland went to work for the CIA and MK ULTRA.
The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland

Horace Mann, 1796 -1859, was a fan of Germany.
Mann traveled to Germany to investigate how the educational process worked. Upon his return to the United States, he lobbied heavily to have the "Prussian model" adopted.
Horace Mann

Roy Cohn attended the Horace Mann school.
Roy Cohn (1927 – 1986) was an American lawyer who became famous during the investigations by Senator Joseph McCarthy into alleged Communists in the U.S. government, especially during the Army-McCarthy Hearings.
Cohn was gay.
He openly frequented gay bars. (Cohn, Roy )
Cohn and McCarthy targeted people for alleged homosexual tendencies.
Many of those targeted lost jobs, families, and homes.
Reportedly when Cohn learned that one victim had killed himself, Cohn celebrated with a bottle of champagne.

During debates over New York City's first gay rights law, Cohn said homosexuals should not be allowed to be schoolteachers.
Cohn became an attorney in New York City.
His clients included Mafia figures Tony Salerno, Carmine Galante and John Gotti.

The charity Colonia Dignidad (above) was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider. Colonia Dignidad was used by the CIA and its allies to torture and mind control large numbers of children.
Cohn was an advisor to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
In 1986, a five-judge panel of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court disbarred Cohn for unethical and unprofessional conduct, including misappropriation of clients' funds, pressuring a client to amend his will, and lying on a barapplication.
He died in 1986, of complications from AIDS at the age of 59.

Reportedly, Roy Cohn run pedophile rings for the CIA.

Jean and William Vahey, who may have been working for the CIA and its friends. William Vahey drugged and sexually abused large numbers of boys in the many international schools in which he taught. Vahey taught at JIS. spooky teachers abusing kids at international
"The CIA’s first widespread use of sex came from a program to blackmail United States politicians conducted by Edwin Wilson.
"The political targets were enticed to live out their sexual fantasies in the flesh. With hidden cameras ready the unsuspecting politician would be filmed, which would later be used to blackmail him into supporting the agency’s projects and views.
"Wilson's skill in these matters dated back to the early 1950s, when he took over a network of homosexual and pedophile rings from CIA asset and McCarthy Committee counsel Roy Cohn...
"In the aftermath of Watergate, the CIA released voluminous documents under the Freedom of Information act on MK-ULTRA and other projects...
"CIA projects evolved to use trauma to induce control or the victim’s mind such as Project Monarch...

Forbes Magazine ranked Horace Mann as the second best preparatory school in the country in 2010.[1]
On June 6, 2012, the New York Times Magazine published an article by former student Amos Kamil, class of 1982, alleging multiple instances of sexual abuse of students by teachers at the school.
The Horace Mann School's Secret History of Sexual Abuse
One student, who was abused for years, eventually killed himself.

Horace Mann School
John Mulholland taught industrial arts at the Horace Mann School.
The very same day that Allen Dulles approved the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control project, Sidney Gottlieb went to see John Mulholland.
John Mulholland went to work for the CIA and MK ULTRA.
The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland

Horace Mann, 1796 -1859, was a fan of Germany.
Mann traveled to Germany to investigate how the educational process worked. Upon his return to the United States, he lobbied heavily to have the "Prussian model" adopted.
Horace Mann

Roy Cohn attended the Horace Mann school.
Roy Cohn (1927 – 1986) was an American lawyer who became famous during the investigations by Senator Joseph McCarthy into alleged Communists in the U.S. government, especially during the Army-McCarthy Hearings.
Cohn was gay.
He openly frequented gay bars. (Cohn, Roy )
Cohn and McCarthy targeted people for alleged homosexual tendencies.
Many of those targeted lost jobs, families, and homes.
Reportedly when Cohn learned that one victim had killed himself, Cohn celebrated with a bottle of champagne.

During debates over New York City's first gay rights law, Cohn said homosexuals should not be allowed to be schoolteachers.
Cohn became an attorney in New York City.
His clients included Mafia figures Tony Salerno, Carmine Galante and John Gotti.

The charity Colonia Dignidad (above) was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider. Colonia Dignidad was used by the CIA and its allies to torture and mind control large numbers of children.
Cohn was an advisor to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
In 1986, a five-judge panel of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court disbarred Cohn for unethical and unprofessional conduct, including misappropriation of clients' funds, pressuring a client to amend his will, and lying on a barapplication.
He died in 1986, of complications from AIDS at the age of 59.
Reportedly, Roy Cohn run pedophile rings for the CIA.

Jean and William Vahey, who may have been working for the CIA and its friends. William Vahey drugged and sexually abused large numbers of boys in the many international schools in which he taught. Vahey taught at JIS. spooky teachers abusing kids at international
"The CIA’s first widespread use of sex came from a program to blackmail United States politicians conducted by Edwin Wilson.
"The political targets were enticed to live out their sexual fantasies in the flesh. With hidden cameras ready the unsuspecting politician would be filmed, which would later be used to blackmail him into supporting the agency’s projects and views.
"Wilson's skill in these matters dated back to the early 1950s, when he took over a network of homosexual and pedophile rings from CIA asset and McCarthy Committee counsel Roy Cohn...
"In the aftermath of Watergate, the CIA released voluminous documents under the Freedom of Information act on MK-ULTRA and other projects...
"CIA projects evolved to use trauma to induce control or the victim’s mind such as Project Monarch...

Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive.
"A ... survivor, Paul Bonaci who survived two decades of torture under Project MONARCH has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of wide-scale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the White House.
"He has testified about sexually abused males selected from Boy's Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offutt AFB.
"At Offutt, they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino...
"Aquino founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan...
"Anton LaVey is Howard Levey, founder of the Church of Satan.

"His horrified family only found out about the abuse in 2007." - Yorkshire Post

"A ... survivor, Paul Bonaci who survived two decades of torture under Project MONARCH has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of wide-scale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the White House.
"He has testified about sexually abused males selected from Boy's Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offutt AFB.
"At Offutt, they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino...
"Aquino founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan...
"Anton LaVey is Howard Levey, founder of the Church of Satan.

"His horrified family only found out about the abuse in 2007." - Yorkshire Post

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Peter Lewis was adopted.
He was adopted by a man who worked in US Army Medical Research. (CIA MK-ULTRA Experiments on Mind-Controlled Children)
Peter's adoptive mother told Peter he was bought for $1000 and that the army owned him.
Certain substances were put in Peter's breakfast cereal.
If he refused to eat it, he was beaten.
Reportedly, Peter was given pills that caused hallucinations and nightmares.
Peter said, "My understanding is the sole purpose of adoption of me was for experiments.
"We have documents and hospital papers for much of this to back this up. Since my dad died, we were able to go through all the papers and find documents, papers, and photographs."
Peter has a picture of himself and other Boy Scouts at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in 1958 where radioactive experiments were done.
Who are the bad guys?
You could say they are the psychopaths and criminals who run tribes and corporations and countries.
They belong to all races and religions.

But let's look at the bad guys in the USA, the country with the biggest economy and the greatest power.
The US government's MK ULTRA mind control operation is evil.
It began in 1953.
It reportedly involves the kidnapping, torturing and murdering of American children.
MK ULTRA was set up by CIA chief Allen Dulles, a Protestant Christian, with a fascist viewpoint.
According to Karlheinz Deschner's book The Moloch, the Dulles bothers firm, gave financial support to the Nazi party in 1933 after Hitler's election.
According to Stephen Kinzer's 2006 book Overthrow, the Dulles's firm benefited from doing business with the Nazi regime; and in 1934, Dulles was a very public supporter of Hitler.

Among those who have been involved with MK ULTRA are Richard Helms, various former German Nazis, Dr Sidney Gottlieb, George Estabrooks, Dr Ewen Cameron, Dr Jose Delgado, Dr Harold Wolff, Dr William Sweet, Dr Martin Orne, Dr Harris Isabel, Allen Frey, J. F. Scapitz, and Dr Michael Aquino.
The majority of the MK ULTRA people appear to have origins that are Christian and fascist, rather than Jewish.

SIDNEY GOTTLIEB was Jewish in origin. (Obituary: Sidney Gottlieb - The Independent)
Gottlieb was the first boss of MK Ultra.
He was director of the project from 1953 to 1972.
Gottlieb set up CIA-controlled brothels in San Francisco.
Some of the customers were given the drug LSD.

Gottlieb oversaw the work of Dr Ewen Cameron who carried out Nazi-style mind control experiments on children.
Reportedly, this was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. (Sidney Gottlieb, the real-life "Q" @Everything2.com)
Some of the MK ULTRA experiments ended with the subjects becoming insane or dead.
Project MK-ULTRA involved eighty institutions, universities, colleges, hospitals, prisons and reportedly orphanages.
Reportedly, after he retired, Gottlieb spent 18 months in India running a leper hospital. At the end of his life he reportedly worked in a hospice.

It did not start with the CIA or the Nazis.
In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )
In Germany, similar research was being carried out by the Germans.
There were many links between the fascists in Germany and the fascists in Britain.
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )
In Germany, similar research was being carried out by the Germans.
There were many links between the fascists in Germany and the fascists in Britain.
For example, the Order of the Golden Dawn, a masonic-style secret society which had Aleister Crowley as a member, included German Nazis and British aristocrats. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

Dr. Josef Mengele studied mind-control at Auschwitz. Children were tortured and sometimes died. (MENGELE, MOSSAD AND THE CIA).
One of Mengele's reluctant assistants was Berthold Epstein, who was Jewish.

During World War II, at Colgate University in the USA, Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University was working on mind-control. (George Estabrooks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
After World War II, the U.S. military brought a large number of the top German Nazi scientists to the United States. The code name for this operation was Project Paperclip. (aangirfan: MENGELE, MOSSAD AND THE CIA )
The CIA's Project Bluebird, approved by director Allen Dulles in 1950, had the aim investigating the possibility of controlling a person by using certain interrogation techniques.
In 1953, the CIA set up Project MKULTRA to study mind-control. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Reportedly, the Nazis brought to America, after World war II, helped with this project.
The methods used to produce mind-control included 'electroshock'.
Operation Spellbinder was set up to create 'sleeper' assassins or 'Manchurian candidates'.
In the early 1960s, the US military began Project Monarch. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
With Monarch, torture is used to produce mind-control.
The people whose minds have been controlled are reportedly used by the military as sex slaves. They can be used to blackmail politicians.
The people whose minds have been controlled are reportedly used by the military as sex slaves. They can be used to blackmail politicians.
They can be used to infiltrate organisations. They can be used to carry out assassinations or suicide bombings.
Reportedly, when the military are looking for people whose minds they can control, they look for people connected to orphanages, foster care homes, families linked to military intelligence, families with adopted children, families interested in Satanism and families involved in child abuse.
Reportedly, many of the mind-control victims come from families linked to certain forms of Catholicism, Mormonism, or charismatic Christianity.
Reportedly, victims are often found to have scars or marks suggesting multiple electrical prods and mutilation by knives, branding irons, or needles. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Reportedly, victims are often found to have scars or marks suggesting multiple electrical prods and mutilation by knives, branding irons, or needles. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Names linked to US mind-control experiments include Dr Ewen Cameron, Lt Col Michael Aquino, a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum and Dr. Josef Mengele. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Survivors of abuse under the Nazis remember Mengele torturing and killing a small child in front of a child he was programming.
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron was the former head of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations.
He carried out torture experiments on children at several locations in Montreal, including McGill University, St Mary’s Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute.

Cameron used the technique called 'psychic driving,' where children were kept in a drug induced coma for several weeks and given electroshocks, while electronic helmets were strapped to their heads and repetitive auditory messages were transmitted at variable speeds.
(Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, 1989)
Many of the victims were abused children from Roman Catholic orphanages.
Many of the victims were abused children from Roman Catholic orphanages.
Project MKULTRA was publicly exposed in 1970, through lawsuits filed by Canadian survivors and their families. The CIA and Canadian government settled out of court.
(BBC documentary on Cameron Click here to watch. )
Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base day care scandal, in which he was accused child molestation.
Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base day care scandal, in which he was accused child molestation.
Dr. Sydney Gottleib and Lt. Col John Alexander are also said to be linked to MKULTRA.
The Monarch mind-control experiments reportedly took place at the following locations:
Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington D.C.), Bell Laboratories, Stanford Research Institute, Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories, General Electric, ARCO and Manking Research Unlimited.
China Lake Naval Weapons Center, The Presidio, Ft. Dietrick, Ft. Campbell, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Hood, Redstone Arsenal, Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB and Tinker AFB
Langley Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Tavistock Institute and areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las Vegas, NV. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
China Lake Naval Weapons Center, The Presidio, Ft. Dietrick, Ft. Campbell, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Hood, Redstone Arsenal, Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB and Tinker AFB
Langley Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Tavistock Institute and areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las Vegas, NV. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
One well known victim of CIA mind-control is Cathy O’Brien, who refers to abuse by her father, forced prostitution involving top people, and working as a drugs mule. (Trance-Formation.com - Cathy O'Brien's website /Google Videos of Cathy O'Brien)
Paul Bonaci has testified about sexually-abused boys from Boy’s Town in Nebraska being taken to nearby Offutt Air Force Base, where he says they were subjected to mind-control programming.
Bonnaci remembers being flown, with other boys, from the Air Force base to California and Bohemian Grove. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Some victims were apparently murdered.
It is supected that Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi may have been mind-control victims. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton )
In 1992, Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, in Alexandria, Virginia. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Hammond referred to the Nazi connection and military and CIA mind control research.
He is one of many people who have spoken out.
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