JFK Assassination:Lee Harvey Oswald Worked For FBI,CIA,Atomic ?;Not Shot By Jack 'Ruby' Rubenstein?
First the possible connection to FBI,CIA,Atomic Energy connection from jenniferlake.wordpress.com ,then
a theory Oswald was not killed at all that day in Dallas at the police department while being transfered........
Just as wild but not mentioned below is the statement by assassinated ex Israeli PM Yitzak Rain's wife that hwer husband was in Dallas on that day acting as a Mossad agent.....
Atomic Agent Oswald | Jennifer Lake's Blog
https://jenniferlake.wordpress.com/2015/03/.../atomic-agent-oswa...Traducir esta página
26 mar. 2015 - My choice is not to present new posts about Atomic Agent Oswald unless the subject changes significantly and benefits by a separate link.
Atomic Agent Oswald
Linked from Lewis Strauss and JFK
“We must always remember Bertrand Russell’s profound unanswered question after he had received an advanced copy of the Warren Report. ‘If, as we are told, Oswald was the lone assassin, where is the issue of national security?’ Russell’s question…has never been answered.” –John Chuckman (‘Forty Years of Lies’ November 12, 2003)
This post is a proposition to the field:
While there is no absolute proof of an “atomic agent Oswald”, decades of diligence in JFK assassination research has produced an abundance of evidence giving a high probability to such a case. It lacks only a voice and a statement, so I’m going to make that case here, as expansively as I can, incorporating “new knowledge” learned from radiation-caused polio and other sources of background that define a role for the atomic energy chief, Lewis Strauss, as well.
Here’s the deal.
(in no particular order)
—Oswald worked for the FBI, having pay vouchers in his possession (which provoked a secret session of the Warren Commission) because the FBI was required by law of the 1946 Atomic Energy Act to provide security and policing to the newborn nuclear industry. In 1949, due to discoveries about missing atomic materials, the FBI entered into a tentative “dual agent” program with AEC Commissioner Lewis L. Strauss (exclusively) which failed on its face. In a series of declassified memos, dated 1949-53, it appears that Hoover delegated his authority to develop such a program to Strauss after LLS became AEC chairman in 1953. The fate or function of any dual FBI/AEC counterintelligence program is unknown but the need for it was clearly demonstrated. Atomic plant security harbors a ghastly record; Strauss was the official “atomic plant” director after resigning his Commissioner’s seat in 1950, concurrent with his interim job as personal banker to the Rockefeller Brothers. It is unthinkable to suppose non-existing counterintelligence security for the industrial safety of atomic reactors and weapons. We should expect that measures were taken and nuclear allies assured, even as the Atomic Energy Commission prepared a drastic downsizing of its participation due to scheduled privatization. By 1960-62, the AEC was cutting many of its contractors loose, subject to the vagaries of commercial markets. Pending arms treaties with the Soviets hung in the balance.
—J.Edgar Hoover expressed official concern for Oswald’s welfare (and the disposition of his passport) in Russia to the State Department in June of 1960 prompted by a letter to the FBI from his mother Marguerite, received earlier in May. Hoover may have been “discharging his duty” to atomic security in displaying this interest.
—Oswald worked for the CIA, as sworn testimony suggests but does not describe, in preparing for his travel and stay in Russia which originated through his service with U-2 spy plane operations in 1957-58. The CIA’s U-2 program functioned under the security umbrella of the Atomic Energy Commission, initiated while Adm. Strauss was AEC chair. Strauss had full U-2 clearance and was additionally an extraordinary sponsor and friend to Edwin Land (of Polaroid), the key designer of U-2 program development.
–Oswald indeed, especially in New Orleans, became closely involved with the flow of small arms and ammunition and there is speculative evidence that nuclear materials were moved by that flow. Key persons and agencies connected to the JFK assassination had direct and profitable activities in atomic industry. Even a reframing of the U.S. Public Health Service particle accelerator story given by Ed Haslam in Dr. Mary’s Monkey, has more ominous implications used to “recharge” or transform nuclear fuel in a spent or raw state.
–Accepting the atomic agent premise, Oswald was a “special” special agent, perhaps on a solitary mission for the “common task” enunciated after the Kennedy-Krushchev talks to halt nuclear proliferation in anticipation of a long sought test-ban. Agent Oswald entered the USSR in October of 1959 for training, beyond the reach of the CIA, as the superpowers suspended atmospheric testing, with the consideration of a future treaty. Eisenhower described the suspension as a “moratorium on atomic weapons”.
–Creation of the false “Oswald” trail in New Orleans by the CIA began January 20, 1961, the day of Kennedy’s inauguration and two weeks before Oswald himself first petitioned to return to the U.S.
Getting a Clue
In February of 1962, ten months after the Bay of Pigs invasion, a medical team of Americans led by Dr. Albert Sabin launched a mass vaccination campaign in Cuba using his OPV, oral polio vaccine, that Sabin had co-developed with the Soviets. Historically, Cuba recorded its first cases of polio among U.S. residents living at the Isla de Pinos in 1906-09,(a likely after-effect of popular X-ray treatments in those days). “The epidemics subsequently intensified, by 1934 becoming periodic every four to five years… Between 1957 and 1961, the disease.. reached epidemic levels [during peak fallout from atomic tests!]… In 1962..using the Sabin oral vaccine and targeting the entire pediatric population in a single time period, five million doses were administered in the first campaign.”www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20133175944.html;jsessionid=F7B2770745445DAEA5B2E1EEB78586D1
Polio in Cuba, and the presence of the vaccinators, prior to the Missile Crisis of October 1962 was the first inkling to this researcher that uranium products, other than fallout or Russian rockets, were moving around the island. Inevitably, pursuit of explanations for polio records, be it in Cuba, Canada, San Francisco or New Orleans leads to some unusual territory. Precisely such a polio pursuit concerning a major epidemic in Brooklyn New York back in 1916, led to the career origin of a young law student named John J. McCloy who was later appointed by LBJ to the Warren Commission. McCloy, at the time of Kennedy’s death, was a chief nuclear disarmament negotiator. Additionally, McCloy had another shadowy role as the chairman of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif. Jonas Salk, president of his eponymous lab, announced in 1962 that cancer was going to be prevented by vaccines. It must have been a comforting litany to the many Manhattan Project scientists who worked for the Salk. One of the founding funders of the institute, Colorado oilman John King, failed to bribe Jim Garrison to drop the prosecution against Clay Shaw.
McCloy, ‘Seven Sisters’ lawyer (all seven oil majors) Truman’s Asst.Secretary of War and Kennedy’s arms negotiator, was alleged to be present in Texas at the Murchison family ranch meeting on Nov.21, 1963
Mid-way between the Cuban polio inoculations and the Missile Crisis, In June ’62, Lee H. Oswald made his homecoming after spending more than a year petitioning for his exit from the USSR. That same month of June, a Russian KGB officer named Yuri Nosenko made his first contact with the CIA in Switzerland. Nosenko, “since the age of twenty-two..had served in Soviet intelligence. In 1949 he joined Soviet naval intelligence… In 1953 he resigned..to work for the State Security Agency, known.. by the initials KGB… From February to June 1962 he was attached to the Soviet disarmament delegation in Geneva as chief security officer. It was then that he first contacted an American diplomat and asked to be taken to see a CIA officer.” [p.5,Legend, by Edward J. Epstein]. Nosenko initially agreed to remain an ‘agent in place’ and carry on his normal KGB routines but after JFK’s assassination, he urgently pressed the CIA to expedite his defection to the U.S. He again slipped out of a Geneva disarmament conference in January of 1964 and told his handlers he had information about Lee Harvey Oswald; “Nosenko explained that..he was the KGB officer appointed to make a ‘complete investigation’ of the Oswald affair… He could therefore testify from his firsthand inspection of the complete files that the KGB had no connection to Oswald.” [p.11,ibid.] “At Langley, [Richard] Helms realized..[the]CIA could not afford to lose a potentially valuable witness to Oswald’s activities in the Soviet Union. He took the matter to John McCone, the Director of the CIA.” [pp13-14, ibid.] and previously Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission under Eisenhower. Lewis Strauss, the AEC predecessor chairman, claimed to have hand-picked McCone.
“McCone was an ardent Cold War warrior and in 1956 attacked the suggestion made by Adlai Stevenson that there should be a nuclear test ban. McCone, a strong supporter of Dwight Eisenhower, accused American scientists of being “taken in” by Soviet propaganda and of attempting to “create fear in the minds of the uninformed that radioactive fallout from H-bomb tests endangers life.”
In 1958 President Dwight Eisenhower rewarded McCone by appointing him Chairman of the Atomic Energy commission. After the Bay of Pigs disaster, President John F. Kennedy sackedAllen W. Dulles as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Under pressure from right-wingers in the intelligence community, Kennedy appointed McCone as the new director of the CIA.” http://www.spartacus-educational.com/JFKmccone.htm
James Douglass wrote, “We have no evidence as to who in the military-industrial complex may have given the order to assassinate President Kennedy. That the order was carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency is obvious. The CIA’s fingerprints are all over the crime and the events leading up to it… Investigative journalist Joseph Trento testified in a 1984 court deposition that, according to CIA sources, James Angleton was the supervisor of a CIA assassination unit in the 1950s. The ‘small assassination team’ was headed by Army colonelBoris Pash… Trento testified that his sources confirmed, ‘Pash’s assassination unit was assigned to Angleton’. ” [p142, JFK and the Unspeakable, by James Douglass, 2008]
By the time of the Kennedy assassination, Pash had already made his mark on history: “Lt. Col. Boris T. Pash at G-2 Army Intelligence in San Francisco [was] Chief of Counterintelligence for the Ninth Army Corps on the West Coast… He had spent much of his career hunting communists… After America entered World War II, he assisted in the internment of Japanese-Americans [in a program authorized by Asst. Sec. of War John J. McCloy]...and then was assigned as theManhattan Project’s chief counterintelligence officer.” [pp.190-191, American Prometheus, by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, 2005]
“Pash served from 1949 through 1952 as the CIA’s Chief of Program Branch 7 (PB/7), a special operations unit within the Office of Policy Coordination [OPC], the original CIA clandestine service. Pash’s boss, the Director of Operations Planning for OPC, told the Senate [Church Committee] investigators that Colonel Pash’s Program Branch 7 unit was responsible for assassinations and kidnapping as well as ‘special operations’. Pash denied..responsibility for assassinations… Former CIA officer E. Howard Hunt Jr. told the New York Times on December 26, 1975 that in the mid-fifties he had been informed by his superiors that Boris T. Pash was in charge of a.. unit responsible for the ‘assassination of suspected double agents and similar low-ranking officials’…
“Despite the CIA’s claim that it had no records dealing with assassinations, the Senate committee staff investigators concluded that Pash’s unit was indeed assigned ‘responsibility for assassinations and kidnappings.’ It was documented, for example, that while working in the CIA’s Technical Services Division in the early 1960s, Pash was involved in the attempt to design poisoned cigars destined for Fidel Castro.” [p.254, ibid.]
Pash also denied ever having worked for the CIA, maintaining that his regular employer, the U.S. Army, loaned out his services. Over the course of 1953-54, Pash’s service was devoted to AEC Chairman Lewis Strauss in the cause of removing Robert Oppenheimer from any classified position of authority within the nation’s nuclear program. The Oppenheimer Case, which is the subject of American Prometheus by Bird and Sherwin, is also the title of a book by Philip Stern, the son of Edgar and Edith (Rosenwald) Stern of New Orleans, owners of NBC-affiliate WDSU TV and radio, and friends of Clay Shaw.

“In 1955, Allen was able to extend the CIA’s kingdom to the stratosphere. [Literally, with the U-2 aerial reconnaissance program, p.365] …But the trouble with the Agency was that there was such a multiplicity of small activities going on at any given time that no one could keep account of them all, except, perhaps, the finance department, which had to pay for them –sometimes in weird and wonderful ways.” [p.370, Dulles, A Biography of Eleanor, Allen, and John Foster Dulles and Their Family Network, by Leonard Mosley, 1978, Dial Press]

James Douglass contributes: “Jim Wilcott worked in the finance branch of the Tokyo CIA Station from 1960 to 1964. During the same years [his wife] Elsie Wilcott was a secretary at the Tokyo Station... [Wilcott recounted]..’a man I knew and had worked with before showed up to take a disbursement and told me Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA employee. I didn’t believe him until he told me the cryptonym under which Oswald had drawn funds when he returned from Russia to the U.S…. It was a cryptonym..that I was familiar with… It was common knowledge in the Tokyo CIA Station that Oswald worked for the Agency.’ In an article based on what he learned at the Tokyo Station, Jim Wilcott wrote: “He had been trained at Atsugi Naval Air Station, a plush super secret cover base for Tokyo Station special operations… Oswald was recruited from the military for the express purpose of becoming a double agent assignment to the USSR… More than once I was told something like ‘so-and-so was working on the Oswald project back in the late ’50s.” [pp 146-147, JFK and the Unspeakable]
The image of Boris Pash and LBJ together in Dallas on 11-22-63 at the Parkland suggests the immediacy of an Oswald problem. The above link to Jim Fetzer’s Real Deal program features a description of what happened to the next famous patient brought to the hospital:
(minute 36:30)
“LBJ, or an LBJ top aide..called Henry Wade in Dallas [to insist] ‘You have your man…just move forward’…
“Charles Crenshaw, who was one of the trauma room physicians when JFK’s moribund body was brought in… he closed JFK’s eyelids… was responsible two days later to take care of Oswald…[during which] he was notified he had a phone call from the President of the United States… There was that all too familiar voice of Lyndon Johnson saying he wanted a deathbed confession from the assailant. Crenshaw explained to him that actually Oswald seemed to be doing better and he thought [Oswald] was not going to die. Lyndon told [Crenshaw] there’d be a man in a trench coat there waiting to take the confession… and when Crenshaw returned to the room there was a sinister-looking guy in a trench coat whom I believe was David Sanchez Morales –but [then] Oswald took a turn for the worse and died. There was no deathbed confession. But, it’s really a fascinating aspect revealing how much LBJ was personally involving himself in covering up the case.”
This Real Deal episode, incidentally, concerns the Murchison ranch ‘party’ the night before JFK’s murder, attended by witness Madeleine Brown –LBJ’s mistress– who swore to the occurrence there of a secret high-level closed-door meeting at which J.Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, John McCloy, LBJ and others were present. The Murchison meeting is the presumed green light for the next-day assassination.
An additional Real Deal program recorded in April 2015 with Alan Salerian, discussing the altered Zapruder film, mentions that Oswald’s arrest report was filed by the Dallas police at 1:40 pm, charging him with the murders of Officer Tippet and President Kennedy, ten minutes beforeOswald was actually arrested (minute 1:16). The same program offers the location of one of the sniper teams in the open window office of Dallas Uranium and Oil (DUO), a CIA front company in the Dal-Tex building where the shooter had “George [H.W.] Bush supervising him.” (minute 33) http://www.radiofetzer.blogspot.com......
The Hidden King: Camelot ruled from the Cave of Merlin (What Happened To John Kennedy)
Miles Mathis highlights some undeniable inconsistencies.
Oswald why the black sweater, it hides blood especially if there isn’t any. Have you ever seen prisoners transferred with a black sweater you were given a choice to wear, especially with his face looking beaten up?
Oswald why the black sweater, it hides blood especially if there isn’t any. Have you ever seen prisoners transferred with a black sweater you were given a choice to wear, especially with his face looking beaten up?
Ever notice most of our leaders are war heroes? Bush one a pilot in WWII who bailed out, Kerry and the swift boats, McCain beat by the Vietcong as a prisoner, Joe Kennedy the pilot, John Kennedy swimming through shark infested waters, Jimmy Carter the Naval “nuclear engineer”, and well Ronnie Reagan the actor …. well he saved Bonzo right?
Oswald reacted before the sound of the shot and there is a microphone hanging from the rafters where the shooting took place. It was pre-miced. The shooting scene also shows powerful lights.
We already know that other Oswald photos were faked. For instance, the famous photo of Oswald with his gun, from LIFE magazine, was proved to be a fake by contemporary experts. The head is too big for the body.
Malcolm Thompson, a 30-year veteran of the forensics science laboratory in the British Police Force and specialist in fake photos, stated in a 1978 BBC documentary these photos were fakes. In the same documentary, the head of the Canadian Airforce Photographic department came to the same conclusion. I could tell that immediately, since his head is too big for his body.
I don’t remember John Kennedy having such a jutting jaw.
I will tell you a bit more about Oswald before we move on. One of Oswald’s government handlers is known: his name was George de Mohrenschildt. Of Russian heritage, his father had been a major- general in the Tsar’s army, before Lenin took over.
Oswald\s brother George lived in Venezuela for a time, working for Pantepec Oil, which was owned by the family of William F. Buckley. Of course Buckley is now known to have been CIA himself. De Mohrenschildt was also a personal friend of Clint Murchison, H. L. Hunt, George Bush, Sr., and Ted Dealey.
Because de Mohrenschildt was also a close personal friend of the Kennedys and Bouviers.
So what happened to John Kennedy? Did anybody check the compound afterwards? Kennedy had lots of enemies, did he go underground for his own protection? Remember there is no proof anybody was killed that day.
The question was asked, how many body doubles did Kennedy have? Connolly indicates the motorcade stopped a couple or three times. That is long enough for body double to climb in for the final leg. Connolly is also seen on the wrong side of the car several times. In some photos, Connolly’s head shrinks.
Publisher Phillip Graham supposedly killed himself months before the Asassination. He shared girls with Kennedy and was maybe blabbing about taking the presidency underground? When newspaper owners get shot, it tends to have a quieting effect on the rest of them and insures secrecy.
Mary Pinchot Meyer, one of the Kennedy mistresses, was once married to Cord Meyer, one of the highest ranking CIA agents. Was Kennedy still visiting her? Did she talk too much after a few drinks.
Then there is Bobby Kennedy, the death photos show he switched sides in the parting of his hair after death.
And then there is this:
“You might also want to remind yourself what kind of Presidents we have had since Nixon. Ford, the non-entity, ruled by his Rockefeller Vice President. Carter, the peanut farmer who came out of nowhere. Reagan, the actor. Bush, his sniveling VP and ex-CIA director. Clinton, the snake-oil salesman from Arkansas. Bush, Jr., the monkey in a suit. It was not a coincidence that all of them were mainly actors. As Sting said in a song, “They all look like game-show hosts to me.” This was not true before Nixon. Why was it true after Nixon?
It is because the Presidency had by then become only a front. Johnson and Nixon had taken the part semi-seriously. They had tried to slake their ambition in an old-fashioned way, despite knowing that everything had changed. But after Nixon was taken down, the Presidency was only an empty charade, and everyone knew that. It was an opportunity for sleeping, with Ford, for grinning and shucking with Carter, for posing on horses for Reagan. After Reagan, the position became standardized. It was just a series of photo ops and canned Teleprompter speeches aboard aircraft carriers and on ranches, such as any circus barker could have done. “
Need more? How about the fact that one of the little known losses of the World Trade Center demolitions is the loss of all the negatives of Kennedy’s own photographer, Jacques Lowe. The entire archive, over 40,000 frames, was “lost” at WTC5
They all seem to die on the eve before the election!
They all seem to die on the eve before the election!
JFK, Jr., was supposedly cremated and buried at sea and he was not a sailor or had ever been in the Navy. There will be no autopsy here on either him or Osama Bin Laden. No wonder Ethel Kennedy drank. The bad photoshopping is enough drive her over the edge.
The tale leads on into Roosevelt and Truman.
The tale leads on into Roosevelt and Truman.
And now for the best
“You will say, “Wait, are you telling me JFK, Jr., is still living in the Kennedy Compound in Hyannisport?” Yes, among other places. One of those places is on Chappaquiddick. For evidence of that, ask yourself why Presidents still vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. Every year, Obama goes on vacation there. Why would he do that? When there, he is probably the only black person on the entire island. It is not a common resort for black families. And he is not the only President to vacation or visit Martha’s Vineyard for no reason. Clinton is known to have “vacationed” there, although he had no ties to Massachusetts, Cape Cod, or the Island. In fact, every other President since Kennedy has either vacationed or visited Martha’s Vineyard while in office—usually on a yearly basis. What do you think they are all doing there?
Anyone who researches Martha’s Vineyard will uncover many red flags. Just as a teaser, did you know John Belushi bought a home there just before he “died”? It is still in the family, since it is now said to be in his brother’s name (although Jim doesn’t live there or spend any time there). Curious, as I think you will admit. Did you know Martha’s Vineyard is the largest island on the East Coast not connected to the mainland by a bridge or tunnel? Do you think they can’t afford one? You have to ride two ferries to get to Chappaquiddick, or copter in.
We are told Teddy was “hosting a party” on Chappaquiddick the night of his accident. At whose house? We aren’t told. But we are told that when leaving the party, Ted “requested the keys to his mother’s car from his chauffeur, Crimmins”. Which means his mother’s car was at the party. We aren’t told Rose was at the party, so why was her car there? If her car was there, we must assume the party was being given at another Kennedy compound on Chappaquiddick. Take time to let that sink in, please.
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