Logan Airport Boston,9/11,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS
International,VeteransToday Agent Provocateurs Gilad Atzmon,Alan
Sabrosky,Gordon Duff
'' I don't think Gilad is Hungarian. He may or may not be related to
the Atzmon you name, but he IS related to Tzipi Livni, which he openly
states. He also is NO refugee (!!!!) in London. He went there for his
career, liked it and stayed, like many Israelis do. He owns a lot of
property there, is doing very well, so refugee is seriously the most
mistaken word you can choose. I doubt he has anything at all to do
with too many persons who will not benefit his career which is his
priority. He also is very interested in his image as "a radical
figure", so he does tend to repeat the same points he has for many
years, as he can add on a handful at a time of new fans who had not
yet heard the message in the first place. As to burning down
synagogues, that one is an old line that actually has been placed
firmly in context I don't know HOW many times in the past... he is no
threat to Jews whatsoever. Indeed, he is judeocentric and always
keeps Jews in the centre of the discourse as if they are the most
interesting and important people on the planet. It gets tired quick,
it just took me longer to get bored with the focus on them, since I
realise they are not as important as he wishes to make them out (this
is part of the whole "I am special" thing... it would take a shrink to
really define it all correctly, or someone with a lot of time on their
hands. To the rest of us, it gets a bit redundant!)'' - quote from
Mary Rizzo former palestinianthinktank.com employee of VeteransToday's
Gilad Atzmon who has never shown remorse or even criticized his mass
murder suspect and stock fraud money laundering relative Menachem
Atzmon of ICTS International whose role in 9/11/01 LED TO THE DEATH OF
3000 PEOPLE AT THE WTC IN NYC ! His role at Gordon Duff and Allan
Sabrosky's VeteransToday is not only an insult and fraud against
American veterans but highlights the fact that veteranstoday.com,far
from being the 'anti-Israeli' website they pretend it to be,is in fact
a site run by Jewish Israeli agent provocateurs and international
criminals and money launderers !
VeteransToday first came on my radar in early 2010 when editor and presumed
ex military Major Gordon Duff began denouncing the Israeli ICTS International
that had got away with bloody murder and stock fraud for nearly 10 for their role in allowing the two planes that hit the WTC on 9/11/01 from leaving the airport with the supposed Saudi terrorists led by Egyptian Mohamed Atta in the first place.Now they had really blown it or so I thought at the time and would finally be 'brought to justice'.While I and others emphasized that
ICTS International was still controlled by convicted Israeli money launderer Menachem Atzmon,Major Gordon Duff remained completely silent about that fact,just like the 9/11 disinfo
'conspiracy theorist' Alex Jones always did coincidentally.It would only be recently that I would discover that both had connections to ex CIA DIA George Tenet's international money laundering pals at Agora,Inc. in Baltimore and on the world wide internet where they run their stock and investment frauds.It was in fact when Duff and Veterans Today announced that he was making Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva who had written a CIA approved disinfo book about Abhu Graib as well as co-authored another frauduent investment book with Agora's Bill Bonner that he disclosed to me in email communication his close ties to the corrupt ex CIA DIA George Tenet in the first place.
And the CIA does NOT represent military veterans,if anything it uses them for cannon fodder while self enriching the CIA 'employees' ! So it is sick that they continue to fraudulently pretend to represent the voice of U.S. military veterans up to this this day ! And their prostitute Sibel Edmonds who was billed by the U.S.government as a possible whistle blower is really anti-American agent saboteur of the W Bush and now Barack Barry Soetoro Obama Zionist regimes as well.Maybe now that it has been exposed that Obama-Soetoro's Kenyan uncle is in the U.S.illegally using a social security card he is not entitled to that Barack Barry Soetoro Obama's
social security number fraud will be investigated,but I doubt it.It is a shame the U.S.government and CIA allow such rabid anti-American prostitutes like Lila Rajiva who has hounded me for years because of my writing aboutr Agora Inc.,and Sibel Edmonds are allowed in the U.S.in the first place but their easy CIA approved status only shows why it was so easy for the perpetrators of 9/11 to enter with George Tenet's,et.al.'s approval.
It was a Karen Nakamura posting on the now disappeared
palestinianthinktank of Mary Rizzo and Gilad Atzmon who first
mentioned the term, ´´Agents Provocateurs´´,in regards to Veterans
Today and their associated Salem-News member Ken
O´Keefe although I had come to that suspicion before she uttered the
term.Her reason for doing so was in regards to O´Keef,an ex-marine
Gulf War Vet,(just like Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh
coincidentally or not)and founder and former leader in Iraq of the
so-called 'human shields' who volunteered to remain in Iraq before and
during the massive bombing and mass murder of Iraqi citizens unleashed
upon Iraqi civilians based upon the lies promoted by the Zionist
controlled NY Times,Rupert Murdoch´s Fox News,Wolf Blitzer,et.al.'s
CNN,(that purposefully covered up Ehud Olmert's and Moshe Katzav's
involvement in stock fraud money laundering to defraud Americans)CNBC,
CBS,ABC,BBC and the mass media in general under the control
of the elite war criminals and profiteers whose lies were the basis
for the mass murder of Iraqi and in the end the near or complete
holocaust or culturacide of Aramaic Christians that unlike the U.S.
and the UK War Lords and the Rothschild and Israeli Zionists,Saddam
Hussein protected and gave important positions in Iraqi society and
government.Iraqi Christian diplomat now languishing away in some
dungeon under Shiite and 'Coaltion' forces control is a testament to
that fact,while the U.S.and NATO fascists of Europe have
'democratically' established an Islamic Shiite fundamentalist state
where Saddam's much more secular Iraqi government had once ruled.
Just as all those that the U.S. government and military complex have always
supported in the Middle East have been Islamic, or in the case of Israel,Zionist
fascist religio-police states.No one the U.S.has encouraged any 'Arab spring' in
Saudi Arabia,Kuwait or Dubai even though all 3 of those countries,like
Israel,had,or their citizens or governments had,some role in 911 and
thus the mass murder of 3000 people on American soil 10 years ago.
Veterans Today members have lied continually to readers as if they
think it's cute and add facts just to further confuse.The term agent
provocateurs easily comes to mind because all involved at
VeteransToday.com have some government or military past even though
the use of the term 'veterans' is a deceptive lie.And some who are
billed as veterans like Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli ex soldier and even
then from Israel's financial Zionist elite.He has stated that bombing
a synagogue might not be a bad idea.Also Veterans Today's Alan
Sabrosky whose father or mother has European Jewish heritage has
stated that 911 was an Israeli planned terrorist attack,(which is greatly
true in light of both participants and beneficiaries),and that "Israel
should be scrubbed off the face of this Earth" .I believe in light of
the fact that Veterans Today is dominated in great part by writers
with Jewish family histories as well as U.S. and foreign military
intelligence ties that they are indeed agent provocateurs who should
be warned against.Due to Gordon Duff's connections with ex CIA DIA
George Tenet and CIA and international stock fraud money laundering
operation Agora Inc. of Baltimore with James Dale Davidson, Bill
Bonner,Porter Stansberry,UK Lord William Rees-Mogg,Steve Forbes,Ron
Paul,Lila Rajiva,Alex Jones,Bud Burrell et.al. - I know he is a
professional.liar and money launderer and cowardly scumbag only
interested in filling his own offshore accounts.He brags of being a
bank or adviser to the 'banking industry' but never discloses just
what bank or banks he 'advises'.
On setting fire to synagogues, Gilad Atzmon:
Re: Congress, AIPAC-Israel and 9/11
“I’m not going to say whether it is right or not to burn down a
synagogue, I can see that it is a rational act.”
It may be that VeteransToday's and US Army War College's Alan
Sabrosky's threts to murder innocent Israeli citizens which I believe
like Gilad Atzmon's statement about bombing a synagogue and
VeteransToday's and Gulf War Veteran Ken 0'Keefe's leading the human
shields movement in Iraq and his actions as a Palestinian anti-Gaza
blockade activist are all acts of U.S.government agent
provocateurs,has been removed from youtube in order to protect the
guilty.All of those phony macho posers and particularly money thief
and launderer Gordon Duff whose pal Bud Burrell an ex Viet Nam war
criminal and money launderer for the UK Rothschild CRIME FAMILY ARE
Former Director US Army War College Alan Sabrosky: "Israel should be
scrubbed off the face of this Earth" 100% mossad operation
I have heard the rumor repeated over and over in comments from readers
on veterantoday Gordon Duff's posts there that his mother is or was
Jewish.In other circumstances this would mean little,that that more
than likely she was a woman whose ancestors came from some place in
Eastern Europe and that they were white and NOT OF 'SEMITIC'
ORIGEN,which is the case of the majority of those who erroneously call
themselves Jewish today.He's as white as Snow White.
Perhaps Snow White was part of a Zionist 'sleeper cell' for all I know
cause just about all 'Jews' I've met look like their ancestors
suffered Vitamin D deficiency in their northern agrarian past and thus
could never have originated in Palestine or Israel or anywhere in the
Middle East regardless of what their families religious mythologies
'taught' them in the first place.But it is important to the question
of whether or not he is an agent provocateur using his anti-Israel or
even anti-Jewish tirades to deceive and manipulate his audience in the
same way Alex Jones does to lead people away from Zionist
perpetrators of 911,particularly Menachem Atzmon's ICTS International
that 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston on 911.Gordon Duff got on his
Veterans Today soapbox after ICTS allowed Mutallab,the Islamic
Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 from Schiphol Airport
Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 but carefully ommited to
mention Gilad Atzmon's relative Menachem Atzmon's role in both 911
Logan Airport as well as his continued control of ICTS International
and or ICTS Europe on Christmas 2009!
Wow, Gordon, you must have struck a ‘nerve’ to have the zionists
calling you a ‘jew’ and hence, a disinformation agent of Israel....
Keep up the good work, Gordon. I now and then take issue with things
you say but though I had heard you have a jewish mother, it would
never occur to me to lay that on you as a means to diminish your
Perlman, aka Gadahn, and whatever other names that Rita Katz might
call him, is a MOSSAD asset.
Israel has one purpose. To destroy what is left of the United States.
It’s like the parasite that has used up the host and now wants to EAT
when it gets so bad that these a-holes have to use your jewish lineage
against you, you know you’ve struck a nerve.
Thanks for your work! By the way, if I am in error about your mom
being jewish, it does not matter. You’ve proven yourself to be far
from a zionist in your writings. Far from the one propaganda shill
who’s financially propped up by Rita Katz and her zionist jew network
of bansters…who won’t touch 9/11 truth with a ten foot yarmulke.
The Heretics' Hour: Gordon Duff, Prescott Bush and the interview ...
6 Dec 2010 – this Gordon Duff character did not hang up because you
did not “know” enough, .... It's no secret that Duff is at least 1/4
Jewish, from his mother. ...
Remember that brief story of the "second 9/11 whistleblower", Sibel
Edmonds, a Jewish woman who was approached by another member of the
Tribe in an attempt to recruit her for nefarious ends, and who went
to the FBI, reporting the entire story?
The daughter of an Azerbaijani doctor,[4][5] Edmonds lived in Iran and
then Turkey before coming to the United States as a student[2] in
1988. Fluent in Turkish, Persian, English and Azerbaijani,[2][6]
Edmonds earned her bachelor's degree in criminal justice andpsychology
from George Washington University[2] and her master's in public policy
and international commerce from George Mason University.[6]
(I will try to add and further improve this blog post with time and
of course anyone mentioned here is welcome to comment..- Tony Ryals)
It appears that Zionist in drag or sheeps clothing and agent
provocateur,Israeli Gilad Atzmon,who is part of Jewish Zionist Israeli
provocateurs of CIA DIA George Tenet connected Gordon Duff's,et.al.'s
veteranstoday.com was paying for Miss Mary Rizzo's 'pro-Palestinian'
website all along.And this group of stock fraudsters and money
launderers posing as concerned American veterans has a number of
mirror websites such as Salem-News and one with the title 'Palestine'
in it as well to replace Gilad's and Mary Rizzo's closed palestinian
think tank' website.They have also added some scam 'business' website
touting gold to their repertoire just like their and George Tenet's
CIA pals at Agora Inc,Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson,Porter
Stansberry,UK Lord or Lard William Rees-Mogg,et.al.
And Major 'bankster' Gordon Duff who has never disclosed which bank or
banks he has been a consultant or adviser or whatever for,is connected
to a Mr.Bud Burrell who has threatened my life which goes to show just
what a 'good' and 'patriotic' scumbag he is.And Bud Burrel in turn is
connected to ex African American FBI agent Don Clarke who was in
charge of the Achilles Lauro cruise ship high jacking of a boat full
of Jews in the 1980's, I believe it was,as well as the WTC bombing in
1993 that involved FBI agent provocateurs that he covered up for.And
as head of the San Antonio FBI office as a reward for his corruption
where he met corrupt Houston attorneys John O'Quinn and Wes Christian
and along with Duff's pal who threatens my life,Bud Burrell.They
both began to lie for O'Quinn and Christian as 'experts' on so-called
'naked short selling',a term used by right wing Beltway and CIA
connected criminals to distract from illegal stock manipulation and
money laundering with stock shares.Duff's pal Bud Burrell is also
connected to a Rothschild attorney named Greystock of the UK AND NO
TZIPI LIVNI.The family connection to 9/11 murderer Menachem Atzmon is
obvious,there aren't many Atzmons either in Israel or Hungary or the
U.S.or Russia.
It was Mary Rizzo who told me of VeteransToday's Gilad Atmon's family
connections to Tzipi Livni before she and he shut their
palestinetodaythinktank down.
Veterans Today's Gordon Duff was careful not to mention Menachem
Atzmon's name when he decided to use
the Christmas 2009 flight 253 incident to show case just how anti
Israeli he is.He left my comments up for a while after his early 20010
tirade against ICTS International that added Menachem Atzmon as
integral to any mention of ICTS International's crimes.Then he quietly
deleted all mention of VeteranToday's relative Menachem Atzmon.I
wonder why ?
Gordon Duff's pal Bud Burrel l is also connected to Utah Moron
Republican Jon Huntsman Jr. who was governor of Utah and also lied
about stocks being 'naked shorted' for spoiled Geico billionaire's son
Patrick Byrne who sponsored thesanitycheck.com,(I kid you not),where
Bud Burrell issed his death threats to me until I got it closed down
by changing my name with U.S.Guatemala Ambasador Stephen G
McFarland's name and posted it to the internet.The threat to McFarland
from Burrel is still Gordon Duff's pal Bud Burrell is also connected to Christian
Financial Radio Network that colluded with offshore boiler rooms to defraud
American and British investors and send their money to their own
offshore accounts that probably included Israel ! And besides
claiming-lying recently that Israel didn't want to mass murder Libyans
and that's why we should be in favor of doing so ! Anyone who would do
the things Gordon Duff does or collide with him are themselves lying
cheating cowards.
Based upon Gordon Duff's disclosures to me that he has a direct line
of communication or 'speed dial' to ex CIA DIA George Tenet who
helped pull off 9/11 or at the very least helped cover it up for W
Bush and Dick Cheney and their Zionista crime family,at the very
least,and this led to untold numbers of permanently wounded and
crippled and dead American veterans,I consider the use of the word
veterans in the title to sick and I'm just an American who has never
been a veteran.
And Gilad Atzmon who bills himself as an anti-Zionist Israeli or Jew
and who writes for Veterans Today has never publicly admitted or
denounced his family connection to the
Atzmons or Israel and particularly to Menachem Atzmon who is the CEO
of ICTS International whose Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops 'guarded'
Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11/01 in the first place that led not
only to the 3000 dead at the NYC WTC on that day but also to the
untold numbers of dead and wounded Americans soldiers as a result !
Those are the scumbags who write for Veterans Today while pretending
to be anti-Israeli government veterans !
The blog with link below is still in progress and unfinished,
however Mary Rizzo who ran the palestinianthinktank.com with Gilad
Atzmon acknowledges that he is related to Tzipi Livni but somehow
never knew or deducted that Veterans Today's Gilad Atzmon is perhaps
even more closely related to Israeli mass murderer and convicted money
launderer Menachem Atzmon whose ICTS International was the main cause
of the deaths of 9/11 and consequent deaths and wounding of thousands
of U.S.veterans in the first place and war profits for Israel and
their treasonous stooges within the U.S.government that includes many
associated with Veterans Today !
I wonder if the scumbag ex DIA George Tenet is a veteran ? I doubt it.
Logan Airport Boston,9/11,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS
International,VeteransToday Agent Provocateurs Gilad Atzmon,Alan
Sabrosky,Gordon Duff
'' I don't think Gilad is Hungarian. He may or may not be related to
the Atzmon you name, but he IS related to Tzipi Livni, which he openly
states. He also is NO refugee (!!!!) in London. He went there for his
career, liked it and stayed, like many Israelis do. He owns a lot of
property there, is doing very well, so refugee is seriously the most
mistaken word you can choose. I doubt he has anything at all to do
with too many persons who will not benefit his career which is his
priority. He also is very interested in his image as "a radical
figure", so he does tend to repeat the same points he has for many
years, as he can add on a handful at a time of new fans who had not
yet heard the message in the first place. As to burning down
synagogues, that one is an old line that actually has been placed
firmly in context I don't know HOW many times in the past... he is no
threat to Jews whatsoever. Indeed, he is judeocentric and always keeps
Jews in the centre of the discourse as if they are the most
interesting and important people on the planet.
- - quote from Mary Rizzo former palestinianthinktank.com employee of
VeteransToday's Gilad Atzmon
Also Pakistan's General Hamid Gul who Gordon Duff, et.al., proudly
announced as a new VeteransToday.com 'journalist' on their staff a
while back has been fingered as a possible anti-American terrorist
involved in the deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan !I'd say
the scumbag money launderer Gordon Duff who is in turn connected to
Bud Burrell, who is in turn connected to Rothschild stock fraud money
laundering attorney Andrew Greystock and has made threats against my
life,should be sued for fraud by American veterans for purposefully
using the term veterans to promote his own military political agenda
and distract from his own true criminal activities.It has been claimed
that CMKX Diamonds penny stock fraud of Bud Burrell actually defrauded
American military men or soldiers.That should be investigated as well.
Np wonder Gordon Duff,who claims the U.S.Constitution should be
replaced with the British legal system, and Israeli con artist and
probably securities criminal Gilad Atzmon are such big Anglophiles
when you consider their connections to
international money launderers with Rothschild connections like Bud
Burrell and Andrew Greystock.In fact now that I think about it - it
was or is the Rothschild financial crime
family that helped finance Gilad Atzmon relative,Menachem Atzmon and
his ICTS International, that started the chain reaction that led to
9/11 from the Boston Logan Airport on 9/11/01 in the first place !
4 Aug 2010 – Veterans Today (www.veteranstoday.com) is pleased to
announce the appointment of Lt. General Hamid Gul, former head of
Pakistan's ISI ...
Leaked Afghan War Documents
Former Pakistan ISI Chief Gul Denies US Accusations
The name Hamid Gul appears more often than virtually any other in the
almost 92,000 classified American documents leaked this week.The
former Pakistani general and head of the country's ISI intelligence
service from 1987 until 1989 is regarded as someone who has a lot of
sympathy for the Taliban's fight against the United States and its
allies. In previous interviews with SPIEGEL and SPIEGEL ONLINE, he has
said that Sharia, or Islamic law, should be introduced as a generally
applicable legal system in Pakistan as well, not just in
But the 91,731 Afghanistan documents published on the WikiLeaks
Internet platform and analyzed by SPIEGEL, the Guardian and the New
York Times suggest that Gul is more than just a garrulous old man. If
the accusations are true, Gul isn't just an ally of the Taliban in
spirit, but is also supplying them with weapons and thereby actively
taking part in the fight against Western forces. Gul is effectively
being accused of being an important helper of the Taliban, and
possibly even one of their leaders....
According to the logs obtained by Wikileaks, he is believed to have
supplied munitions to insurgents and maintained contacts with
high-ranking veterans -- not only within the Taliban, but also from
al-Qaida and the notorious Haqqani network, the groups Washington
considers to be the deadliest threats to US soldiers in Afghanistan
There is a new comment on the post "Karen Nakamura - The Question of
Agents Provocateurs".
Author: Mary Rizzo
Tony, there is so much JUNK in your comment, I wouldn't know where to
begin. I will state a couple of things though that might help you out
of your confusion. I used to be very close to Atzmon, but our
friendship ended due to personality conflicts (I hate bossy people who
at 9 am tell you one thing and at 9.30 are bitching at you because you
haven't done the opposite of what they wanted... I can't keep up with
that kind of personality. He was once a very funny and amiable person,
but when he gets irritable, he is too unpleasant and life is short
enough without people bossing you around. I wanted out and I
especially wanted to be far away from a person who hung out with a
person who was a known informant, though he insisted it could not be
true, but I'd trust a Palestinian from Palestine before I would an
Israeli from Israel any day of the week.) I also have avoided writing
about him entirely, though folks have asked and asked and a lot of
interesting stories have arisen out of people's speculation! However,
I have read about 3 pieces by him in the past year, so I don't know
what he's saying or writing these days. I can't imagine it's that much
different! I can only say one thing; I ran accidentally into a comment
of his that made me laugh out loud at how he views his "departure"
from this site, and sooner or later, hope he will come to terms with
the truth and facts, though it seems all of that is a variable in a
lot of activists' worlds.
1) I don't think Gilad is Hungarian. He may or may not be related to
the Atzmon you name, but he IS related to Tzipi Livni, which he openly
states. He also is NO refugee (!!!!) in London. He went there for his
career, liked it and stayed, like many Israelis do. He owns a lot of
property there, is doing very well, so refugee is seriously the most
mistaken word you can choose. I doubt he has anything at all to do
with too many persons who will not benefit his career which is his
priority. He also is very interested in his image as "a radical
figure", so he does tend to repeat the same points he has for many
years, as he can add on a handful at a time of new fans who had not
yet heard the message in the first place. As to burning down
synagogues, that one is an old line that actually has been placed
firmly in context I don't know HOW many times in the past... he is no
threat to Jews whatsoever. Indeed, he is judeocentric and always keeps
Jews in the centre of the discourse as if they are the most
interesting and important people on the planet. It gets tired quick,
it just took me longer to get bored with the focus on them, since I
realise they are not as important as he wishes to make them out (this
is part of the whole "I am special" thing... it would take a shrink to
really define it all correctly, or someone with a lot of time on their
hands. To the rest of us, it gets a bit redundant!)
2) I don't think he writes for Veteran's Today. Like all the sites
that publish him, he sends out a copy to everyone on his mailing list
and some insert them all and also credit him as editor or contributor.
He only puts stuff (or has someone put it for him) on his personal
site. He was at one time an extremely close friend and also a
co-founder of this site and editor/contributor. This means, after
discussing his ideas and the news for a while each day on the phone
with me, he'd then write a version of it which I would clean up and
edit. If my changes were acceptable, he'd say, good. I'd find artwork,
fact check, link test, etc., format it, give it a title, set it up,
circulate it, get it sent for translation, then it would go elsewhere.
He does not ever like to credit things that people give to him, (he
thinks he deserves it, I suppose) and I even saw him once claim credit
for the name of his spoof band, The Promised Band, which I thought of,
and he did not even blush when people were complimenting him at how
clever that was. It seems he tends to take a lot of stuff and then
assimilate it and believe it actually is his own invention. He's a
good musician, at times can be funny, but let's say, sometimes his
best lines come from other people....
At a certain point, I stopped wanting to do all that free work for
various reasons, which you can maybe begin to understand..., and
Haitham and I asked him to be more cooperative with the group effort
or leave. He has been saying he left due to lack of shared political
ideas, but that's bunk. It was that he didn't want to accept the 3
tiny conditions we gave because I was fed up with his constant
bitching: 1) find someone else to do the actual editing work, since I
had no time or interest for it anymore, at least in the short term, as
I was physically ill, 2) circulate once a month any article by anyone
except himself, 3) stop insulting people on comments because as the
person moderating them, I could not accept his name calling of
commenters and block others from doing the same to him. He said (even
though a normal editor would actually realise these conditions were
the bare minimum to cooperate with other busy people who also wanted
to focus on their own writing and promoting some more writers and
translate more Palestinian writers) "I don't take conditions!" so, we
dropped him. We later "hid" his articles and kept them stored in
archives along with all the comments because he started to publish
them without crediting PTT, which we told him was not correct and
could not be accepted. So, that is the Gilad Story with PTT.
As an Israeli, he has a right to invent his own narrative like "he
left due to the political differences", as actually, this site has
always been the same and it's pretty clear to anyone who does not have
a weird agenda: ie., it's Patriotic to Palestinen, Arab Nationalist,
accepts the primacy of the Palestinian voice, critical of anyone in
activism who is making their work "the Solidarity Industry" (making
money or fame off of the misery of another people), intolerant of
gatekeepers, respectful of the diversity of Palestinian society,
(secular, religious, socialist, whatever, it does not matter one iota,
as long as the persons support and seek the full ROR and liberation
from zionist occupation, they will have space to be heard here and to
have their thoughts freely expressed and discussed, no matter how
critical of any other faction or party. Palestinian society is diverse
and varied, and this is how it will remain. Discussion and dissent is
encouraged at all times, not gatekept or punished.
Discussion on a site like this allows anyone to freely hold any
particular religious belief, because it doesn't matter what someone
believes unless they use it as a wedge to divide. Gilad himself
started telling me it was fine to have religious people express, but I
should "shut up" on my own views, since in his mind it would drive
Palestinians away if they were not getting the lip service about
Islam, also culminating in him promoting some "Muslim scholar" also
famous for pimping the Iraq war!! That was unacceptable, though we
allowed it... PTT was not gatekeeping one of its editors.
But PTT can't support admitting any kind of intolerance to people's
beliefs. I respect those who believe, just as I expect those who
believe to respect my own beliefs! Any gatekeeping of that kind is not
acceptable and this was also a position shared by my contacts who are
actually DOING resistance in Lebanon and Palestine. They saw the whole
thing as his sucking up and asked me what that was about. I could only
shrug my shoulders. I only hope he has grown out of his drive to feed
a culture clash since nobody but the neocons and the fanatics want it.
He invented the narrative that he left and asked us to remove his
content. well, "If it makes you happy, Gilad! say what you want. We
know the truth and so do you!" <we have all the emails>
3) VT is an odd combination of people, let me just say that. Some are
ok, they seem ok, others I have no idea about. They are American
Patriots, so what they print will reflect that, obviously. If they are
now busy slamming Wikileaks, I don't know what to say.. I haven't seen
any evidence, just speculation, but I don't read that site, I find it
pretty useless and repetitive. Some writers there, though, I've had
some good discussions with and consider as friendly acquaintances. My
personal radar though happened about a year ago, long before they
started to attack me -if they are, I actually haven't checked, and if
Salem News attacks me, I laugh. They have published some junk pieces
that can line a litter box for how full they are of bad (and I mean
BAD) journalism, with zero due diligence, zero fact checking (even a
title they had to change because they don't check a basic fact... That
the editor gets angry when I mention he was embedded, says it all.. HE
is the guy who admits it, it's evidently fine with him). But VT has
Jeff Gates (who also contributes here... but I am reading his stuff
with a fine tooth comb these days) who actually had endorse his book
that looked like it came out of the Republican Party Economic Plan no
less that Amitai Etzioni. So, if a person writes a book on the Jewish
lobby and has Etzioni pimp his previous book, can I rightly assume he
really is as up to scratch on the lobby as he wants us to believe? I
dunno... maybe he is? All I can say is, my antennae went up a few
4) the word Goyim is used by Jews to mean "non-Jews"... I don't
understand your fit you are having over it.
5) I have decided, there is no such thing as an ex-mil who is REALLY
ex. Some have an agenda, I am still trying to figure out what it is. I
do know that every single one of them KNOW things they dare not
actually state, such as what daddy does for a living and how this
impacts REALLY the Palestinians. Things like that I hope one day they
can really look in the mirror and say... I should have done what my
heart prevented me from doing, but I didn't... family and tribe came
first. I hope I can be forgiven for being such a fake.
but I don't count on it.
Just like I don't believe any real narcissist has a grasp on how
others do see him, and that is what makes it actually rather
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Tony Ryals to Palestine
show details Jan 4
Mary Rizzo,
Thanks for the feedback.Paradoxical that I have always gotten along
well with my fellow Americans of Jewish origens even long before I put
together the fact that although I hardly discussed religion with
them,they were NOT 'semites'.In fact regardless of how many jews
died in Europe,it is erroneous to claim any significant amount of Euro
Jews have any semitic origen.I still think the Atzmon name has a
Hungarian origen but I could be wrong.One of my favorite
writers,Arthur Koestler,was Hungarian Jewish though I believe his
family emigrated late into Hungary from another Eastern European
country.Yes I am amazed he would have never discusesed his famliy
history with you which has everything to do with all this religious
and racial apartheid that is IsraHell.
But on reading the story about him in Haaretz his right wing nut
Zionista family sound like just the kind of home environment that
created Menachem Atzmon of ICTS International who I personally see
right up there with any high ranking Nazi of WWW II era..
And your description of Gilad fits my perception of a well connected
Israeli in London,not one who is really ostracized by his fellow
Israelis,especially the far right.
Gilad was indeed officially announced as a writer for Gordon 'got
George Tenet on speed dial' Duff shortly after Lila Rajiva who I have
been dueling with for years over her involvement with stock fraud
money launderers of Agora Inc which has both a CIA as well as a George
Tenet connection.So again it appears that Gilad is naive beyond all
belief or he is knowingly putting his name and approval on a group
Veterans Today,with both a George Tenet connection but also a stock
fraud connection which really pisses me of because stock fraud and
corporate espionage is what allowed his relative Menachem to buy
Huntleigh and the contracts out on Logan and Newark airports pre
9/11.Below is Gilad's first post as a writer for Veterans Today.If
they are saying all Russian,Israeli,German or American soldiers or
officers are better than us who chose not to 'serve' then to heil with
them.They are all chicken hawk stock fraudsters as for as I can tell.
Also Lila Rajiva is not the only alleged Indian female that I have
locked horns with.Hee Hee Ther is also Asra Nomani who was the WSJ
reporter and friend of Daniel Pearl when he was beheaded in
Pakistan.You would just have to google her name with mine to see that
the Pearl incident in Pakistan that she is covering up for Israel,has
both a Richard Reid 'the UK shoebomber' connection but also an ICTS
International thus Menachem Atzmon connection !In fact Asra Nomani is
one of the only 'Muslims' I know of who was iven VIP treatment in
Israel besides Richard Reid the shoe bomber.
Oh I know I drum on and on but did you know that Gen. Hamid Gul of
Pakistan is also part of the Veterans Today and while he pretends to
want to get to the bottom of 911 and that 'the Israelis did it all',he
seems very linked to some of the very terrorist actions that may
really endanger the lives of U.S.soldiers that one would think Duff
and Gilad Atzom would want to distance themselves from and
yet.......Also Gilad Atzmon and Veterans Today may give us who have
been researching it for years in our different but honest ways,a bad
rep or rap....
Tony Ryals
Gilad Atzmon: Milton Friedman's 'Capitalism and the Jews ...
18 hours ago by Gilad Atzmon
This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeff Rense and Veterans Today.
Veterans Today said: Post Edited: Gilad Atzmon: Milton Friedman's
'Capitalism and the Jews' Revisited http://bit.ly/hBipGD [...] ...
Hamid Gul Among The “Retired” Pakistani ISI Generals Who Endorse ...
26 Dec 2010 by mah29001
Say…isn't Hamid Gul also quite close to 9/11 “Truthers” like Alex
Jones and Jew-hating websites like VeteransToday.com which lies to
suggest Israel is behind Islamic terrorism and al-Qaeda? Why is their
friend Hamid Gul ...
Blowing the Whistle on Sibel Edmonds « The Equal Party Blog
Sibel Edmonds, Whistleblower
Not In A League Of Her Own
Sibel Edmonds is perhaps our most famous American whistleblower since
Daniel Ellsberg. Right?
Sibel Edmonds says she was “born in Iran” in 1970 yet is “from Turkey
originally.” Her Azerbaijani father was a high level doctor in Iran.
However, in her deposition of 8 Aug. 2009, she said she “was always a
Turkish citizen because my parents were Turkish.” By the age of 18,
she had lived about seven years in Iran and 11 years in Turkey. She
graduated from high school in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1988. Then she
received her higher education in a college and two universities in and
around Washington DC. That’s expensive. Who paid for that? She married
Matthew Edmonds, apparently an American, in 1992, and then worked from
1993 in Russia for the Rostropovich-Vishnevskaya Foundation (RVF).
Mstislav Rostropovich was a famous cellist whose career looks like
that of a successful spy, likely double-agent, for Russia and the USA
(both of which supply the intell to the Rothschilds. If you don’t know
that yet, well, you’re welcome). He was born to Russian parents in
Azerbaijan (a major oil and gas producer on the Caspian Sea). If we
are to believe his bio on Wikipedia, the fabulous musician invited the
famous dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to hide in his home in 1970;
he was a friend of both Boris Yeltsin and Vladmir Putin; and he was an
ambassador for UNESCO. Plus this: President Ronald Reagan gave him the
U.S. Medal of Freedom.Foundation
Mstislav Rostropovich was a famous cellist whose career looks like
that of a successful spy, likely double-agent, for Russia and the USA
(both of which supply the intell to the Rothschilds. If you don’t know
that yet, well, you’re welcome). He was born to Russian parents in
Azerbaijan (a major oil and gas producer on the Caspian Sea). If we
are to believe his bio on Wikipedia, the fabulous musician invited the
famous dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to hide in his home in 1970;
he was a friend of both Boris Yeltsin and Vladmir Putin; and he was an
ambassador for UNESCO. Plus this: President Ronald Reagan gave him the
U.S. Medal of Freedom.
While Sibel Edmonds has never mentioned anything that I have been able
to find regarding her growing up in Islamic countries and her parents
religion or views on religion we must assume she grew up as a very
priviledged girl and woman considering her father's employment as a
doctor for the Sha of Iran,and thus a very right wing elite
environment.My first real disillusuionment with her came when she used
Veteran Today to joke about TSA and Janet Napolitano's draconion post
IN BETWEEN.-Yet Sibel didn't even mention these plain and simple facts
that allowed Homeland Security Jew and Zionist Janet Napolitano to
foister her Homeland Security Czar predecessors Israeli security
clients upon us once again ! Whether she is Jewish or not as is hintrf
by some or related to the Turkish politician or both,it is clear that
she is a privedged liar and prostitute for the very perpetraitors of
9/11 and war crimes that she claims to whistleblow against !
"Whistleblower Number Two resurfaces..."
Remember that brief story of the "second 9/11 whistleblower", Sibel
Edmonds, a Jewish woman who was approached by another member of the
Tribe in an attempt to recruit her for nefarious ends, and who went
to the FBI, reporting the entire story?
Re: Road to Hope Ken o'keefe ,human shields iraq veteranstoday , fraud
On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Tony Ryals <wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ken O'Keefe's photos aboard the MV Strofades IV
> http://palestinethinktank.com/2010/12/10/ken-okeefes-photos-aboard-the-mv-strofades-iv/
> # Karen Nakamura on December 16th, 2010 at 19:04:
> When I read Mary's account of it left me shaken.
> Ken's actions are just too extreme to be granted a leadership position.
> 1) He had no right to take control of operations. If he didn't like
> the leadership he should have taken it to higher ups and debated why
> the leadership should be replaced or form another flotilla.
> 2) He's a loose canon and doesn't analyze his actions pass the moment.
> This is shown by testimony from others respected in the movement. He's
> saying Greta Berlin doesn't know what she's doing?
> 3) The only way to help the Palestinians is to have good relations
> with officials whose countries the aid has to pass through. He
> violated that trust time and again.
> 4)This is a dangerous undertaking. He ignores that. He's either
> seeking fame or has alternative motives. While he calls everyone else
> Israelis spies, maybe he's one himself? Agent provocateurs are not
> uncommon. That needs to be examined too.
> Road to Hope site
> Robin on December 24th, 2010 at 15:35:
> Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Dykusarov has said."A
> group of members from the pro-Palestinian organization Road to Hope
> boarded the ship during unloading operations in the Libyan port of
> Derna on November 10. The vessel was blocked. Among the attackers are
> the citizens of Britain, Morocco and Algeria. They said that a cargo
> of humanitarian aid, which they planned to load, was intended for the
> Palestinians, but no preliminary agreements were reached with the
> ship's owner in this regard," he said.Dykusarov said that since Libyan
> port police officers and law enforcers had not provided effective
> assistance in resolving the conflict, the captain of the ship, a
> Ukrainian citizen, had brought the ship out of the port at the order
> of the ship's owner, with Libyan policemen and unauthorized
> persons remaining on board.
> http://www.ukrainians.ca/hot/30232-ukrainian-sailors-from-strofades-iv-become-hostages-to-conflict-in-middle-east.html
> This statement was issued by a spokesman from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry
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> Ukrainian sailors from Strofades IV become hostages to conflict in
> Middle East PDF Print E-mail
> newsflash
> Wednesday, 17 November 2010 03:30
> KYIV, November 17 /UKRINFORM/. Ten Ukrainian sailors, the crewmembers
> of the Strofades IV, a Maltese-flagged cargo vessel, have in fact
> become hostages to a conflict in the Middle East, Ukrainian Foreign
> Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Dykusarov has said."A group of members
> from the pro-Palestinian organization Road to Hope boarded the ship
> during unloading operations in the Libyan port of Derna on November
> 10. The vessel was blocked. Among the attackers are the citizens of
> Britain, Morocco and Algeria. They said that a cargo of humanitarian
> aid, which they planned to load, was intended for the Palestinians,
> but no preliminary agreements were reached with the ship's owner in
> this regard," he said.Dykusarov said that since Libyan port police
> officers and law enforcers had not provided effective assistance in
> resolving the conflict, the captain of the ship, a Ukrainian citizen,
> had brought the ship out of the port at the order of the ship's owner,
> with Libyan policemen and unauthorized persons remaining on board. The
> cargo is also on board the ship.According to the Ukrainian Embassy in
> Greece, the Strofades IV arrived in the Greek port of Piraeus,
> informing the Greek coast guard of the situation."The Greek
> authorities have no claims to the Ukrainian part of the crew, but
> during the investigation into this case Greek law enforcers questioned
> the captain (a citizen of Ukraine) and the owner (a citizen of Greece)
> as witnesses. The Greek side opened a criminal case over the situation
> with the loading of the Strofades IV and the presence of unauthorized
> persons on board the ship," Dykusarov said.He also noted that Road to
> Hope's representatives considered actions by the crew to be unlawful.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Maidhc Ó Cathail,Gordon Duff,CIA George Tenet,Menachem Gilad Atzmon,veteranstoday,ICTS International 9/11 Mass Murder,Norway
I posted comments to Maidhc Ó Cathail in response to his recent blog post of August 29, 2011 titled, 'Exploiting Terror'.Strangely he who should be the first to be shocked by the use of his writing by Gordon Duff and veteranstoday.com to further the dark pro-Libyan war of NATO,chooses to censure my comment and polite communication to him instead,so I post it here instead.
At least I have informed him that his pals at veteranstoday.com are either sponsored or encouraged by the very Zionists of the Israeli government he claims to criticse in the first place.In fact that's exactly what they themselves do.They spew all sorts of anti-Israel pap while it appears obvious that besides an association with ex CIA DIA George Tenet,who covered up for Israelis and Zionists involved in 9/11, JUST AS MICHAEL CHERTOFF DID,they also have Israeli Gilad Atzmon on their staff who appears to be an agent sabateur who has advocated blowing up a synagogue ! Worse,he has hidden and never acknowledged his obvious
family relationship to Menachem Atzmon,who continues even after his 9/11 terrorist role as head of ICTS International that allowed the two planes the U.S.government claims his the WTC in the first place,to operate particularly in Europe out of the Rothschild's,Geert Wilders,Uri Rosenthal's and Queen Beatrix's Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam where among other things they allowed Nigerian Islamic terrorist Mutallab to board flight 253 on Christmas 2009 that gave Barack Barry Soetoro Obama and the Methodist Jewish Zionist Janet Napolitano who replaced Chertoff as head of Homeland Security,to virtually rape Americans from young children,to 90 year old ill patients,to even a former Miss America in 2010 ! ,Maidhc Ó Cathail's at veteranstoday besides yelling about bombing innocents in Israel to give thermselves 'credibilty',have also had both Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva and Pakistan General Hamid Gul, SUSPECT IN THE MURDER OF U.S.
SOLDIERES IN AFGHISTAN,as members of their writing staff ! This is why
By alligning himself to Gordon Duff and thus to ex CIA DIA George Tenet who besides covering up mass murder on 9/11,also runs stock and money laundering operations with Duff and Agora Inc., of Baltimore, etc.,Maidhc Ó Cathail only shows his own cedibility can't be trusted any more than his dangerous friends can.
Still I found Maidhc Ó Cathail of interest and will post a portion of it below my letter to him with a link.But my years of experience in following the internet investigating stock fraud and later 911,WHEN IT BEGAN TO BE APPARENT THAT THAT WAS HOW IT WAS GREATLY FUNDED,has accustomed me to not be surprised when the very poeple who are least reputable,are coincidentally most aware of valuable 'intelligence' and subject matter of interest to me.My first contact with Gordon Duff in fact occured after the Christmas 2009 'crotch bomber' incident when the Nigerian Islamic Mutallab took flight 253 from Sciphol to Detyroit with his supposed 'crotch bomb' that failed to go off but led to all sorts of business for Israeli connected airport 'security' companies that ex Homeland Security Czar and Israeli terrorist Michael Chertoff promoted and present Homeland Security Czarina Janet Napolitano and her TSA bought with our increased international debt rather than investigating ICTS International that brought us 9/11 in the first place !
Dear Maidhc Ó Cathail,
ICTS Europe,(the same as ICTS International),was also doing some
‘security’ work during the London subway bombings and also allowed
both Richard Reid the shoe bomber to board a flight from De Gualle
shortly after 911 as well as the Islamic crotch bomber Mutallab to
board flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 and had a
‘security’ role at Moscow airport earlier this year when a supposed
Islamic bomber killed over 30 people – I thought you would find it of
some interest that according to ICTS’ own website,they also play some
unexplained ‘security’ role in Norway as well.
Because I respect and appreciate your investigative writing that has
also been posted on Gordon Duff’s,et.al.’s,veteranstoday.
con website I
also wanted to bring to your attention the fact that their writer Gilad
Artzmon appears to be a relative of both Menachem Atmon of ICTS infamy
as well as Tzipora (Tzipi) Malka Livni of Israeli war crimes
infamy.Gordon Duff appears himself connected to ex CIA George Tenet
with all his ties to lies of 911 as well as to the CIA stock fraud and
money laundering In Q Tel and Agora Inc of Baltimore,,(that may or not
be related to Agora newspaper monopoly of Poland), which explains
why Duff placed Agora´s Lila Rajiva as a staff writer until I raised
internet hell about it.Certainly not your fault that they would use
your good investigative reporting to bolster their credibility but in
light of Gilad Atzmon’s undisclosed relations to the upper levels of
Israeli fascism and to people who had direct roles in 911 and probably
London subway bombings as well as Richard Reid the shoe bomber and
Mutalab the Islamic crotch bomber and possibly a role in Moscow
airport bombing earlier this year,etc,such as his relative Atzmon of
ICTS International or ICTS Europe,it would be in all our interest if
you investigated my contentions and verify for yourself.
Contact ICTS Europe Systems
http://www.ictseuropesystems.com/contact.html If you would like to
receive further information about ICTS Europe Systems, or have us
contact you in relation to … Norway, ICTS Norway S/A,
http://www.ictsnorway.no …
ICTS Norway – [ Translate this page ]
http://www.ictsnorway.no/ – Cached Marknadskommunikation med fokus på
Internet och varumärken.:
ICTS-International Consultants Wed Targeted Security has long been
synonymous with air safety – Aviation Security. ICTS is a world leader
in this area and has during the last two decades gained a prestigious
reputation for its professional integrity, service, quality,
innovation and commercial success in their various businesses.
ICTS was formed in 1982 and has since become the market leader when it
comes to safeguarding services within the aviation industry. Year 2003
encompassed ICTS Europe for more than 700 000 flights.
August 30, 2011, 11:38 pm
Mr. and Mrs. Sikorski’s War on “Dangerous Emotions”
By Maidhc Ó Cathail
August 29, 2011
In the wake of any major terrorist event, it’s generally worth noting who is especially quick off the mark to exploit the tragedy.
Within hours of planes striking the World Trade Center on 9/11, the then former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak was in the BBC’s London studios calling for a “war on terror” against “rogue states” which just happened to be enemies of Israel (none of whose agents, unlike Israel’s, were seen filming and celebrating as the twin towers collapsed into their own footprint). And two years ago, soon after ICTS International, an Israeli security firm established by former intelligence officers, allowed a young Nigerian without a passport to “slip through” Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport to board Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff, the son of a suspected Mossad operative, was on CNN touting one of his client’s full-body scanners as the answer to America’s airline security problems.
In the case of the July 22 twin terror attacks in Oslo and on Utøya Island, however, some of Israel’s more provocative propagandists appear to have been wrong-footed by Anders Behring Breivik’s apparent admiration for their Islamophobic rants. While the likes of Bat Ye’or, Daniel Pipes and Pamela Geller were seen scrambling to distance themselves from Breivik, Norway’s massacre has indeed been seized upon by others with their own, albeit less transparent, ties to the Jewish state............
The Polish foreign minister’s legal crusade against “dangerous emotions” had already received a significant endorsement in a May 11 op-ed piece in The Economist magazine from someone writing under the pseudonym “E.L.,” who described Sikorski as “an old friend of mine.” Reproducing one such comment in Polish which was considered “simply too unpleasant to translate,” E.L. cited “another rather milder one” which “merely accuses Mr Sikorski of being the ‘husband of an orthodox Jew, an enemy of Poland controlled by his father-in-law,’ bent on the ‘the destruction and destabilisation of Poland’ and a ‘hidden, ruthless traitor.’” Having disclosed that Sikorski was an “old friend,” E.L. somehow neglected to mention that the Polish foreign minister’s wife accused of betraying Poland to foreign interests is a former editor of The Economist. As for the op-ed writer’s own identity, it may be more than a coincidence that the name of the holding company owned by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, which manages its investments in The Economist Group, owner of The Economist magazine, is E.L. Rothschild.
Sikorski’s allegedly influential father-in-law, Harvey Applebaum, is a partner in Covington and Burling, an international law firm which advises multinational corporations on significant transactional, litigation, regulatory, and public policy matters. Among its more controversial clients are Chiquita, the first major U.S. corporation to be convicted of financing terrorism; and Halliburton and Xe Services (formerly Blackwater), two of the biggest beneficiaries of the “war on terror.” Its current and former attorneys include such proficient pro-Israeli warmongers as John Bolton, senior fellow at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (a former employer of both Mr. and Mrs. Sikorski); Stuart Eizenstat, Special U.S. Envoy for Holocaust Issues during the Clinton administrations; and the aforementioned Michael Chertoff.
Having covered the demise of the Soviet Union as a Warsaw-based correspondent for The Economist during the late 1980s,
Anne Applebaum has long been one of the most prominent anti-Russian advocates of economic and political “liberalisation” in the former Soviet Bloc and beyond. In a 2004 op-ed in The Washington Post, she dismissed as “Freedom Haters” those who saw “insidious neocon plots” behind the supposedly disinterested “democracy promotion” of George Soros and what she sarcastically referred to as “the evil triumvirate” of the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute and Freedom House, which she praised for “diligently training judges, helping election monitors and funding human rights groups around the world for decades, much of the time without getting much attention for it.” Prefiguring her husband’s current concerns, Applebaum bemoaned “the international echo chamber that the Internet has become” in which such cynical ideas “have traction.”
In the wake of Norway’s terror, Anne Applebaum’s response was as swift as it was revealing. Within 48 hours, she had an op-ed piece in The Washington Post entitled “Norway massacre and anti-government obsession.” Sounding a similar note to Sikorski, she opined that Breivik’s obsessions “sprang from an insane conviction that his own government was illegitimate.” Applebaum, however, seemed more concerned about Americans who might think like Breivik. Coining the term “illegitimists” to describe Breivik’s supposed American analogues, she cited Birthers, who claim that Barack Obama isn’t American-born, as the contemporary right-wing manifestation. “It is not accidental,” Applebaum observed, “that the one note of sympathy for Breivik in the U.S. media came from the birtherist and illegitimist Glenn Beck, who helpfully compared the young Norwegians murdered by Breivik to Hitler youth. Presumably if they are Hitler youth, then they deserved to die?”
It is hardly accidental either that Applebaum, who has lauded Daniel Pipes as “one of the best” American analysts of the Middle East, omitted to mention that the Birther movement is spearheaded by Orly Taitz, a Soviet Jewish emigré and pro-Israel activist who had lived in Israel for years prior to her inciting Americans against their president; or that Glenn Beck — whose over-the-top exposés of influential figures such as George Soros conveniently serve to discredit more measured critiques — is engaged in a mutual love affair with the Israeli right-wing, whose backing has been crucial to his lucrative career of demagoguery.
After the Norway massacre, of course, it’s going be even harder for genuine critics of government to publicly express their displeasure. From now on, anyone who questions the bona fides of such avid “freedom lovers” as the Sikorskis and their powerful transnational associates risks being labelled a potential “Breivik” whose “dangerous emotions” need to be kept in check.
Maidhc Ó Cathail is an investigative journalist and Middle East analyst.
Since this video by Dr. Sabrosky is very very popular right now, I thought I would look into it a bit.
Will quote Dr. Sabrosky -- "I had strong suspicions that something was very wrong"
Dr. S. continually uses the term "secondary explosions" as do all the phony news reporters in the YouTube video referenced below, all coincidentally parotting the same phrases "secondary explosions" "devices" etc...
Dr. Fetzer has already shown that the explosions were not "secondary.".......
Fetzer says Dr. Jones says
“beyond the impact of the planes and the modest fires required tremendous energy of precisely the kind produced by controlled demolitions. His best guess as to the explosives used is that they were probably an enhanced form of thermate.”
Indeed, there are multiple reports of unusual "security lapses" in the Twin Towers during the two weeks before 9/11. Sections of floors were shut off and normal security practices were breached, while teams of "engineers" were given free access. Professor Jones has estimated that it would have taken 40 men only 10 trips each to plant sufficient thermate to bring one of them down.
Transcript: The Dynamic Duo radio show of May 17, 2007, Genesis Communications Network – www.gcnlive.com.
Dr. Fetzer critiqued a 2007 study of Dr. Jones published in the online only Journal of 9-11 studies, I think the first official "research paper" put out by Dr. Jones. The following of quotes from the paper that Dr. Fetzer talks about as well as Dr. Fetzer's comments.
“An investigation well beyond the scope of this paper would look for
purchases of aluminum and iron-oxide powders (and sulfur) in multi-ton-quantities prior to 9/11/2001.”
Steven Jones quote re. his 2007 first paper.........
While Dr. Fetzer a very long time ago suggested that maybe the reason for the pre-explosions were to loosen the core beams, Dr. Fetzer has now come to believe that the pupose of the pre-explosions, which though measurable and measured by Columbia U., was to drain the sprinkler systems of all their water, as the basement filling with water after the pre-explosions was noted by people present there. That way, the fires, which maybe started from the "fire balls" that we saw right after the alleged plane crash, could continue burning and perhaps spread about the building. The idea was to have those scattered small superficial fires play a very large role in the official story. The alleged plane crashes were supposed to happen at the exact same time as the pre-explosions in the sub-basements so that the pre-explosions would not be taken account of and noticed and would be thought just to be a result of the plane crash. But they miscalulated that Columbia Univ. as well as FAA and radar data would prove that the pre-explosions actually happened several seconds BEFORE the alleged plane crashes and fireballs.
So the big boom explosions that destroyed the towers really was not a procedure that required preliminary, absolutely crucial, steps. The building were blown to kinddom come in one fell swoop. Any "pre" things we observed were for the purpose of supporting the official story and making it seem more believable.
We do not have to prove what actually happened. We just have to rule out things that are suggested that seem highly implausible and we need to say why. What chuck does is present KNOWN substances and their actions that could provide just as strong an explanation of the data, or the "evidence" as does the DEW hypothesis. For that reason, his information is extremely valuable, but again we know nothing about DEWs except that they act in mysterious ways, and we have no proof that "thermite or nano-thermite" was present or if present played any substantive role other than perhaps being inserted "red herring" data to keep us off investigation more true ideas. Remember, the JFK assassination, according to Dr. Fetzer, was heavily salted with fake evidence to make investigation almost an impossible task. But even though we cannot prove what did happen, we can do a whole lot through open discussion by making strong arguments for what most probably did not happen. IT is just a process of ruling out things.........
Because people are either not smart enough or too lazy to study the stuff Prof. Fetzer taught for 30 years, the end result is that the truth on most everything in this society is getting lost. And the oligargarchs are sitting back and enjoying the ride. Even when all hell breaks loose, guess where everyone is going to end up: the rest of us in their concentration camps and the oligargarchy under the Denver airport in the very best emergency bunkers.
At least I have informed him that his pals at veteranstoday.com are either sponsored or encouraged by the very Zionists of the Israeli government he claims to criticse in the first place.In fact that's exactly what they themselves do.They spew all sorts of anti-Israel pap while it appears obvious that besides an association with ex CIA DIA George Tenet,who covered up for Israelis and Zionists involved in 9/11, JUST AS MICHAEL CHERTOFF DID,they also have Israeli Gilad Atzmon on their staff who appears to be an agent sabateur who has advocated blowing up a synagogue ! Worse,he has hidden and never acknowledged his obvious
family relationship to Menachem Atzmon,who continues even after his 9/11 terrorist role as head of ICTS International that allowed the two planes the U.S.government claims his the WTC in the first place,to operate particularly in Europe out of the Rothschild's,Geert Wilders,Uri Rosenthal's and Queen Beatrix's Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam where among other things they allowed Nigerian Islamic terrorist Mutallab to board flight 253 on Christmas 2009 that gave Barack Barry Soetoro Obama and the Methodist Jewish Zionist Janet Napolitano who replaced Chertoff as head of Homeland Security,to virtually rape Americans from young children,to 90 year old ill patients,to even a former Miss America in 2010 ! ,Maidhc Ó Cathail's at veteranstoday besides yelling about bombing innocents in Israel to give thermselves 'credibilty',have also had both Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva and Pakistan General Hamid Gul, SUSPECT IN THE MURDER OF U.S.
SOLDIERES IN AFGHISTAN,as members of their writing staff ! This is why
By alligning himself to Gordon Duff and thus to ex CIA DIA George Tenet who besides covering up mass murder on 9/11,also runs stock and money laundering operations with Duff and Agora Inc., of Baltimore, etc.,Maidhc Ó Cathail only shows his own cedibility can't be trusted any more than his dangerous friends can.
Still I found Maidhc Ó Cathail of interest and will post a portion of it below my letter to him with a link.But my years of experience in following the internet investigating stock fraud and later 911,WHEN IT BEGAN TO BE APPARENT THAT THAT WAS HOW IT WAS GREATLY FUNDED,has accustomed me to not be surprised when the very poeple who are least reputable,are coincidentally most aware of valuable 'intelligence' and subject matter of interest to me.My first contact with Gordon Duff in fact occured after the Christmas 2009 'crotch bomber' incident when the Nigerian Islamic Mutallab took flight 253 from Sciphol to Detyroit with his supposed 'crotch bomb' that failed to go off but led to all sorts of business for Israeli connected airport 'security' companies that ex Homeland Security Czar and Israeli terrorist Michael Chertoff promoted and present Homeland Security Czarina Janet Napolitano and her TSA bought with our increased international debt rather than investigating ICTS International that brought us 9/11 in the first place !
Dear Maidhc Ó Cathail,
ICTS Europe,(the same as ICTS International),was also doing some
‘security’ work during the London subway bombings and also allowed
both Richard Reid the shoe bomber to board a flight from De Gualle
shortly after 911 as well as the Islamic crotch bomber Mutallab to
board flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 and had a
‘security’ role at Moscow airport earlier this year when a supposed
Islamic bomber killed over 30 people – I thought you would find it of
some interest that according to ICTS’ own website,they also play some
unexplained ‘security’ role in Norway as well.
Because I respect and appreciate your investigative writing that has
also been posted on Gordon Duff’s,et.al.’s,veteranstoday.
also wanted to bring to your attention the fact that their writer Gilad
Artzmon appears to be a relative of both Menachem Atmon of ICTS infamy
as well as Tzipora (Tzipi) Malka Livni of Israeli war crimes
infamy.Gordon Duff appears himself connected to ex CIA George Tenet
with all his ties to lies of 911 as well as to the CIA stock fraud and
money laundering In Q Tel and Agora Inc of Baltimore,,(that may or not
be related to Agora newspaper monopoly of Poland), which explains
why Duff placed Agora´s Lila Rajiva as a staff writer until I raised
internet hell about it.Certainly not your fault that they would use
your good investigative reporting to bolster their credibility but in
light of Gilad Atzmon’s undisclosed relations to the upper levels of
Israeli fascism and to people who had direct roles in 911 and probably
London subway bombings as well as Richard Reid the shoe bomber and
Mutalab the Islamic crotch bomber and possibly a role in Moscow
airport bombing earlier this year,etc,such as his relative Atzmon of
ICTS International or ICTS Europe,it would be in all our interest if
you investigated my contentions and verify for yourself.
Contact ICTS Europe Systems
receive further information about ICTS Europe Systems, or have us
contact you in relation to … Norway, ICTS Norway S/A,
http://www.ictsnorway.no …
ICTS Norway – [ Translate this page ]
http://www.ictsnorway.no/ – Cached Marknadskommunikation med fokus på
Internet och varumärken.:
ICTS-International Consultants Wed Targeted Security has long been
synonymous with air safety – Aviation Security. ICTS is a world leader
in this area and has during the last two decades gained a prestigious
reputation for its professional integrity, service, quality,
innovation and commercial success in their various businesses.
ICTS was formed in 1982 and has since become the market leader when it
comes to safeguarding services within the aviation industry. Year 2003
encompassed ICTS Europe for more than 700 000 flights.
August 30, 2011, 11:38 pm
from Maidhc Ó Cathail's,'Exploiting Terror',with link,that led to my communication to him above.:
http://maidhcocathail.wordpress.com/2011/08/29/exploiting-norway%E2%80%99s-terror/Mr. and Mrs. Sikorski’s War on “Dangerous Emotions”
By Maidhc Ó Cathail
August 29, 2011
In the wake of any major terrorist event, it’s generally worth noting who is especially quick off the mark to exploit the tragedy.
Within hours of planes striking the World Trade Center on 9/11, the then former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak was in the BBC’s London studios calling for a “war on terror” against “rogue states” which just happened to be enemies of Israel (none of whose agents, unlike Israel’s, were seen filming and celebrating as the twin towers collapsed into their own footprint). And two years ago, soon after ICTS International, an Israeli security firm established by former intelligence officers, allowed a young Nigerian without a passport to “slip through” Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport to board Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff, the son of a suspected Mossad operative, was on CNN touting one of his client’s full-body scanners as the answer to America’s airline security problems.
In the case of the July 22 twin terror attacks in Oslo and on Utøya Island, however, some of Israel’s more provocative propagandists appear to have been wrong-footed by Anders Behring Breivik’s apparent admiration for their Islamophobic rants. While the likes of Bat Ye’or, Daniel Pipes and Pamela Geller were seen scrambling to distance themselves from Breivik, Norway’s massacre has indeed been seized upon by others with their own, albeit less transparent, ties to the Jewish state............
The Polish foreign minister’s legal crusade against “dangerous emotions” had already received a significant endorsement in a May 11 op-ed piece in The Economist magazine from someone writing under the pseudonym “E.L.,” who described Sikorski as “an old friend of mine.” Reproducing one such comment in Polish which was considered “simply too unpleasant to translate,” E.L. cited “another rather milder one” which “merely accuses Mr Sikorski of being the ‘husband of an orthodox Jew, an enemy of Poland controlled by his father-in-law,’ bent on the ‘the destruction and destabilisation of Poland’ and a ‘hidden, ruthless traitor.’” Having disclosed that Sikorski was an “old friend,” E.L. somehow neglected to mention that the Polish foreign minister’s wife accused of betraying Poland to foreign interests is a former editor of The Economist. As for the op-ed writer’s own identity, it may be more than a coincidence that the name of the holding company owned by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, which manages its investments in The Economist Group, owner of The Economist magazine, is E.L. Rothschild.
Sikorski’s allegedly influential father-in-law, Harvey Applebaum, is a partner in Covington and Burling, an international law firm which advises multinational corporations on significant transactional, litigation, regulatory, and public policy matters. Among its more controversial clients are Chiquita, the first major U.S. corporation to be convicted of financing terrorism; and Halliburton and Xe Services (formerly Blackwater), two of the biggest beneficiaries of the “war on terror.” Its current and former attorneys include such proficient pro-Israeli warmongers as John Bolton, senior fellow at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (a former employer of both Mr. and Mrs. Sikorski); Stuart Eizenstat, Special U.S. Envoy for Holocaust Issues during the Clinton administrations; and the aforementioned Michael Chertoff.
Having covered the demise of the Soviet Union as a Warsaw-based correspondent for The Economist during the late 1980s,
Anne Applebaum has long been one of the most prominent anti-Russian advocates of economic and political “liberalisation” in the former Soviet Bloc and beyond. In a 2004 op-ed in The Washington Post, she dismissed as “Freedom Haters” those who saw “insidious neocon plots” behind the supposedly disinterested “democracy promotion” of George Soros and what she sarcastically referred to as “the evil triumvirate” of the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute and Freedom House, which she praised for “diligently training judges, helping election monitors and funding human rights groups around the world for decades, much of the time without getting much attention for it.” Prefiguring her husband’s current concerns, Applebaum bemoaned “the international echo chamber that the Internet has become” in which such cynical ideas “have traction.”
In the wake of Norway’s terror, Anne Applebaum’s response was as swift as it was revealing. Within 48 hours, she had an op-ed piece in The Washington Post entitled “Norway massacre and anti-government obsession.” Sounding a similar note to Sikorski, she opined that Breivik’s obsessions “sprang from an insane conviction that his own government was illegitimate.” Applebaum, however, seemed more concerned about Americans who might think like Breivik. Coining the term “illegitimists” to describe Breivik’s supposed American analogues, she cited Birthers, who claim that Barack Obama isn’t American-born, as the contemporary right-wing manifestation. “It is not accidental,” Applebaum observed, “that the one note of sympathy for Breivik in the U.S. media came from the birtherist and illegitimist Glenn Beck, who helpfully compared the young Norwegians murdered by Breivik to Hitler youth. Presumably if they are Hitler youth, then they deserved to die?”
It is hardly accidental either that Applebaum, who has lauded Daniel Pipes as “one of the best” American analysts of the Middle East, omitted to mention that the Birther movement is spearheaded by Orly Taitz, a Soviet Jewish emigré and pro-Israel activist who had lived in Israel for years prior to her inciting Americans against their president; or that Glenn Beck — whose over-the-top exposés of influential figures such as George Soros conveniently serve to discredit more measured critiques — is engaged in a mutual love affair with the Israeli right-wing, whose backing has been crucial to his lucrative career of demagoguery.
After the Norway massacre, of course, it’s going be even harder for genuine critics of government to publicly express their displeasure. From now on, anyone who questions the bona fides of such avid “freedom lovers” as the Sikorskis and their powerful transnational associates risks being labelled a potential “Breivik” whose “dangerous emotions” need to be kept in check.
Maidhc Ó Cathail is an investigative journalist and Middle East analyst.
On setting fire to synagogues, Gilad Atzmon:
Re: Congress, AIPAC-Israel and 9/11
“I’m not going to say whether it is right or not to burn down a
synagogue, I can see that it is a rational act.”
It may be that VeteransToday's and US Army War College's Alan
Sabrosky's threts to murder innocent Israeli citizens which I believe
like Gilad Atzmon's statement about bombing a synagogue and
VeteransToday's and Gulf War Veteran Ken 0'Keefe's leading the human
shields movement in Iraq and his actions as a Palestinian anti-Gaza
blockade activist are all acts of U.S.government agent
provocateurs,has been removed from youtube in order to protect the
guilty.All of those phony macho posers and particularly money thief
and launderer Gordon Duff whose pal Bud Burrell an ex Viet Nam war
criminal and money launderer for the UK Rothschild CRIME FAMILY ARE
Former Director US Army War College Alan Sabrosky: "Israel should be
scrubbed off the face of this Earth" 100% mossad operation
I have heard the rumor repeated over and over in comments from readers
on veteranstoday Gordon Duff's posts there that his mother is or was
Jewish.In other circumstances this would mean little than that more
than likely she was a woman whose ancestors came from some place in
Eastern Europe and that they were white and NOT OF 'SEMITIC'
ORIGEN,which is the case of the majority of those who erroneously call
themselves Jewish or 'Semitic' today.He's as white as Snow White.
Perhaps Snow White was part of a Zionist 'sleeper cell' for all I know
cause just about all 'Jews' I've met look like their ancestors,as is the case of
most Europeans,
suffered Vitamin D deficiency in their northern agrarian past and thus
could never have originated in Palestine or Israel or anywhere in the
Middle East regardless of what their families religious mythologies
'taught' them in the first place.But it is important to the question
of whether or not he is an agent provocateur using his anti-Israel or
even anti-Jewish tirades to deceive and manipulate his audience in the
same way Alex Jones does to lead people away from Zionist
perpetrators of 911,particularly Menachem Atzmon's ICTS International
that 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston on 911.Gordon Duff got on his
Veterans Today soapbox after ICTS allowed Mutallab,the Islamic
Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 from Schiphol Airport
Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 but carefully ommited to
mention Gilad Atzmon's relative Menachem Atzmon's role in both 911
Logan Airport as well as his continued control of ICTS International
and or ICTS Europe on Christmas 2009!
WTC,,9/11,Logan Airport Boston,VeteransToday Agent Provocateurs Gilad Atzmon,Gordon Duff,Menachem Atzmon, ICTS International
By Tony RyalsOn setting fire to synagogues, Gilad Atzmon:
Re: Congress, AIPAC-Israel and 9/11
“I’m not going to say whether it is right or not to burn down a
synagogue, I can see that it is a rational act.”
It may be that VeteransToday's and US Army War College's Alan
Sabrosky's threts to murder innocent Israeli citizens which I believe
like Gilad Atzmon's statement about bombing a synagogue and
VeteransToday's and Gulf War Veteran Ken 0'Keefe's leading the human
shields movement in Iraq and his actions as a Palestinian anti-Gaza
blockade activist are all acts of U.S.government agent
provocateurs,has been removed from youtube in order to protect the
guilty.All of those phony macho posers and particularly money thief
and launderer Gordon Duff whose pal Bud Burrell an ex Viet Nam war
criminal and money launderer for the UK Rothschild CRIME FAMILY ARE
Former Director US Army War College Alan Sabrosky: "Israel should be
scrubbed off the face of this Earth" 100% mossad operation
I have heard the rumor repeated over and over in comments from readers
on veteranstoday Gordon Duff's posts there that his mother is or was
Jewish.In other circumstances this would mean little than that more
than likely she was a woman whose ancestors came from some place in
Eastern Europe and that they were white and NOT OF 'SEMITIC'
ORIGEN,which is the case of the majority of those who erroneously call
themselves Jewish or 'Semitic' today.He's as white as Snow White.
Perhaps Snow White was part of a Zionist 'sleeper cell' for all I know
cause just about all 'Jews' I've met look like their ancestors,as is the case of
most Europeans,
suffered Vitamin D deficiency in their northern agrarian past and thus
could never have originated in Palestine or Israel or anywhere in the
Middle East regardless of what their families religious mythologies
'taught' them in the first place.But it is important to the question
of whether or not he is an agent provocateur using his anti-Israel or
even anti-Jewish tirades to deceive and manipulate his audience in the
same way Alex Jones does to lead people away from Zionist
perpetrators of 911,particularly Menachem Atzmon's ICTS International
that 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston on 911.Gordon Duff got on his
Veterans Today soapbox after ICTS allowed Mutallab,the Islamic
Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 from Schiphol Airport
Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 but carefully ommited to
mention Gilad Atzmon's relative Menachem Atzmon's role in both 911
Logan Airport as well as his continued control of ICTS International
and or ICTS Europe on Christmas 2009!
Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, VeteransToday, 9-11 Israel / Mossad / PNAC Neocons Connections
Will quote Dr. Sabrosky -- "I had strong suspicions that something was very wrong"
Dr. S. continually uses the term "secondary explosions" as do all the phony news reporters in the YouTube video referenced below, all coincidentally parotting the same phrases "secondary explosions" "devices" etc...
Dr. Fetzer has already shown that the explosions were not "secondary.".......
Fetzer says Dr. Jones says
“beyond the impact of the planes and the modest fires required tremendous energy of precisely the kind produced by controlled demolitions. His best guess as to the explosives used is that they were probably an enhanced form of thermate.”
Indeed, there are multiple reports of unusual "security lapses" in the Twin Towers during the two weeks before 9/11. Sections of floors were shut off and normal security practices were breached, while teams of "engineers" were given free access. Professor Jones has estimated that it would have taken 40 men only 10 trips each to plant sufficient thermate to bring one of them down.
Transcript: The Dynamic Duo radio show of May 17, 2007, Genesis Communications Network – www.gcnlive.com.
Dr. Fetzer critiqued a 2007 study of Dr. Jones published in the online only Journal of 9-11 studies, I think the first official "research paper" put out by Dr. Jones. The following of quotes from the paper that Dr. Fetzer talks about as well as Dr. Fetzer's comments.
“An investigation well beyond the scope of this paper would look for
purchases of aluminum and iron-oxide powders (and sulfur) in multi-ton-quantities prior to 9/11/2001.”
Steven Jones quote re. his 2007 first paper.........
While Dr. Fetzer a very long time ago suggested that maybe the reason for the pre-explosions were to loosen the core beams, Dr. Fetzer has now come to believe that the pupose of the pre-explosions, which though measurable and measured by Columbia U., was to drain the sprinkler systems of all their water, as the basement filling with water after the pre-explosions was noted by people present there. That way, the fires, which maybe started from the "fire balls" that we saw right after the alleged plane crash, could continue burning and perhaps spread about the building. The idea was to have those scattered small superficial fires play a very large role in the official story. The alleged plane crashes were supposed to happen at the exact same time as the pre-explosions in the sub-basements so that the pre-explosions would not be taken account of and noticed and would be thought just to be a result of the plane crash. But they miscalulated that Columbia Univ. as well as FAA and radar data would prove that the pre-explosions actually happened several seconds BEFORE the alleged plane crashes and fireballs.
So the big boom explosions that destroyed the towers really was not a procedure that required preliminary, absolutely crucial, steps. The building were blown to kinddom come in one fell swoop. Any "pre" things we observed were for the purpose of supporting the official story and making it seem more believable.
We do not have to prove what actually happened. We just have to rule out things that are suggested that seem highly implausible and we need to say why. What chuck does is present KNOWN substances and their actions that could provide just as strong an explanation of the data, or the "evidence" as does the DEW hypothesis. For that reason, his information is extremely valuable, but again we know nothing about DEWs except that they act in mysterious ways, and we have no proof that "thermite or nano-thermite" was present or if present played any substantive role other than perhaps being inserted "red herring" data to keep us off investigation more true ideas. Remember, the JFK assassination, according to Dr. Fetzer, was heavily salted with fake evidence to make investigation almost an impossible task. But even though we cannot prove what did happen, we can do a whole lot through open discussion by making strong arguments for what most probably did not happen. IT is just a process of ruling out things.........
Because people are either not smart enough or too lazy to study the stuff Prof. Fetzer taught for 30 years, the end result is that the truth on most everything in this society is getting lost. And the oligargarchs are sitting back and enjoying the ride. Even when all hell breaks loose, guess where everyone is going to end up: the rest of us in their concentration camps and the oligargarchy under the Denver airport in the very best emergency bunkers.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Was Anders Behring Breivik Norway Terrorism funded by CIA or Israeli fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stock frauds ?
Was Anders Behring Breivik Norway Terrorism funded by CIA or Israeli
fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stocks ?
I ask this question in light of antiwar.com 'libertarian' blogger
Justin Raimondo recent mention in his blog that Anders Behring
Breivik claims 'to have been the "managing director" of "E-Commerce
Group AS," which is described as a "part investment company – 50%,
part sales/outsourcing company – 50%," with a "total of 7 employees: 3
in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US."
Was Anders Behring Breivik Norway Terrorism funded by CIA or Israeli
fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stock frauds ?
Norway police to track killer’s funds in year-long probe
Cops seek financial trail in Caribbean banking havens
In a manifesto Breivik boasted that he earned 4 million crowns
($743,200) for his plot by 2005 and channeled some through the
Caribbean and eastern Europe before losing about half in “stock
speculation” by 2008.
Oslo police said they were collaborating with authorities in United
States, Britain and the Nordic countries.
Norwegian Police “Seeking Clues” In Bermuda
August 3, 2011 by bernews
According to a report from Reuters, investigators are checking whether
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik had “financial help” and are
“seeking clues” in Bermuda and Antigua. The right-wing extremist
killed 76 people last month in twin attacks that shocked the
Was Anders Behring Breivik Norway Terrorism funded by CIA or Israeli
fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stocks ?
I ask this question in light of antiwar.com 'libertarian' blogger
Justin Raimondo recent mention in his blog that Anders Behring
Breivik claims 'to have been the "managing director" of "E-Commerce
Group AS," which is described as a "part investment company – 50%,
part sales/outsourcing company – 50%," with a "total of 7 employees: 3
in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US."
Like Breivik Geofarm, he says:
"This was a front (milking cow) with the purpose of financing
resistance/liberation related military operations. The company was
successful although most of the funds were channeled through a
Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European
countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank
accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce
Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channeled in
an ‘unorthodox manner’ to Norway available to the coming intellectual
and subsequent operations phase."
There is no online record of Breivik’s "E-Commerce Group AS," as far
as I can see: an odd happenstance for an e-commerce outfit, wouldn’t
you say? As for Brentwood Solutions Limited, there is no record of
those guys, either: however, there is a Brentwood Solutions LLC in
Naples, Florida. In any case, what I want to know is how did Breivik
manage to get his hands on the equivalent of nearly $115,000 added to
his account in 2007? If the money was legitimately earned, then why
hide it in Caribbean and Eastern European banks and why go through
"unorthodox" procedures in order to sneak it into Norway?
Justin Raimondo whose own blogging I sometimes find informative is
nonetheless a supporter of Texas 'Libertarian Republican' Ron Paul
even after Paul's recent financial disclosure shows he owns shares of Goldcor
that rapes Mayan land and people in Guatemala and has
used at least one U.S.incorporated ' penny stock',Petrol Oil and Gas
or POIG, to profit from illegal 'pump and dump' and subsequent
OFFSHORE money laundering of the illegal proceeds - probably through
offshore accounts just like Bill and Hillary Clinton,among other
corrupt U.S.politicians,use themselves ! And so far according to
Breiveck's own murky tale,he himself was allowed or taught to do by
someone(s).However far right fascist Israelis that these same
politicos allow and encourage to run such frauds and to defraud
Americans particulary with American penny stocks,(now chiefly
controlled offshore and even in Dubai through NASDAQ owned in great
part by Dubai Sheik Mohamed Al Rashid Maktoum WHO ALLOWED KALID
DUBAI TO VENICE,FLORIDA PRE 9/11)and himself cooperates with politically
connected Israeli,American and British,et.al.,far right in defrauding
Americans or others naive enough to invest in these worthless
'securities'.I'm not saying this of Raimondo but it has been my
experience that many who proudly wear the 'libertarian' political
badge in the U.S.and on the internet are themselves either far right
or even connected to the CIA.The Baltimore penny stock promoting and
dumping 'company' Agora Inc of Baltmore that his hero Ron Paul and
Paul's promoter Alex Jones of prisonplanet.com are intimately
connected to is not only infested with CIA MONEY LAUNDERING CRIMINALS
Agora Inc.'s Porter Stansberry,suspect in the strange death of his own
employee and old Florida school chum Rey Rivera in 2006,(who Ron
Paul's promoter Alex Jones is connected to through doing a voice over
for his endofamerica2001.com scam), brags of being the only American
ever to be the Fleet Street stock tout editor. And Stansberry's Agora
Inc. financial crime bosses James Dale Davidson and Bill Bonner have
been partners in stock fraud and money laundering with UK Lord William
Rees-Mogg through Agora Inc and the infamous Golcor-Oxford Club
scandal as well as Lines Oversaeaes Mangement or LOM of Bermuda for
decades ! And of course the Lord William Rees-Mogg former editor of
The London Times is very Rupert Murdoch connected as it appears is
Agora Inc's James Dale Davidson whose far right newsmax.com is
occasionally given pr or cited at Fox News.
And paradoxically the CIA connected Agora Inc stock fraudster and money
launderer Lord William Rees-Mogg is an intimate of Lord Pearson who in turn is :
''Someone who is now behind the English Defence League is directly
linked to Breivik and Fjordman, I am just conveniently ideologically
linked and implemented and the authorities know this. Those who are
linked to Fjordman are now using Breivik’s act to further their online
political agenda and ideals. That small group is linked to Geert
Wilders and Lord Pearson via Civil Liberties Alliance and the European
anti-jihad movement.'' .....'It is said that Breivik attended the
London EDL demo in support of Geert Wilders whilst Lord Pearson was
hosting him in the House of Lords inside.' - Lion Heart
If you or I were to open offshore accounts for the purpose of using
stocks for manipulation and fraud and money laundering we would
probably at best be used as examples of the U.S.SEC's 'diligence' and
thrown in jail after a the estasblished media and the SEC proudly put
us on display,a very rare occurence.If we were CIA or Israelis or UK
Lords and far right elites however or their employees,Bernie Madoff
cronie,and now SEC Chair, Mary Schipiro, and her corupt SEC attorneys
would pretend not to notice a thing just like ex SEC Chair Christopher
Cox before her who aided and abetted Goldman Sachs and the CIA and
probably MI 5 or MI 6 connected scumbags of Bill Bonner's,James Dale
Davidsion's and the Lord William Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. penny stock
promoting and dumping 'company' of Agora Inc and the worldwide
internet with its thedailyreckoning and many more also connected stock
frauds and gold fraud and mortgagew fraud and oil fraud promotion
websites.Billionaire Steve Forbes and 'libertarian'Republican 'peace
candidate' Ron Paul among many others are part of the CIA connecterd
Agora Inc motely crew as well and Agora's James Dale Davidson of
'Clinton killed Vince Foster' fame and the UK LORD William Ress-Mogg
of The Times of London and Rupert Murdoch and 'Iron Lady' Margarot
Thatcher fame were both founders of Agora Inc ands well as major
owners of LOM or Lines Overseas Management that is infamous for its
major stock fraud and money laundering operations over the decades.
The Grin brothers of Israel, (and the Stassi and Ukraine before that),
have run so many stock frauds with Austrian Israeli Jewish billionaire
Martin Schlaff they must be a long running joke at the U.S.SEC between
the SEC attorneys' on line porno website surfing......And so it would
be no surprise at all if Breivik funded his Norway terrorism and mass
murder of innocent young people using stock fraud and just as in his
Oslo bombing and island murder rampage was NOPT acting alone but had
friends in high places.Even his EDL or English Defence League founder
pal in England or the UK, Alan Lake, that funds violence and hate
thoughout the UK,Europe and the world,seems to have come by his
'miilionaire' status through unexplained sources.And since a Mr.Paul
Ray being blamed or framed by the media with headlines such as ,'Paul
Ray (Lionheart) of the English Defence League may be one of the
favourites to be ”Richard” the UK mentor of Anders Behring Breivik' -
he has since come out firing on the internet in defence of himself and
naming names - not only that of his accuser Alan Lake but of Lord
Pearson of Rannoch who has ties to Lord William Rees-Mogg himself who
Linden LaRouche accused of funding right wing militias in the U.S.some
years back .These ties are not only as elite UK Lords but also Mogg
has used his blogging to promote Lord Pearson's anti-Islamic
political party that invited Dutch wingnut Geert Wilders to incite
hatred in the UK a while back.
War and stock fraud criminals such as Lord William Rees-Mogg and
Israelis such as the Grin brothers with their Stassi communist and
Russian mafia connections even to Vlamir Putin and the Israelis of
ICTS International implicted in 9/11 through their ICTS International
securities,(stock),and security,,(safety),fraud that 'guarded Logan
Airport Boston on 9/11 and still control Schiphol Amsterdam Airport
even after their role in allowing the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' board
flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 only make it
appear more likely than ever that Norwegian terrorist Breivik was
purposefully allowed to accumulate money in offshore accounts through
stock and financial frauds to fund his operations in Oslo Norway as
And although the Lord William Rees-Mogg and his Agora Inc co-author
who wrote such scammy offshore banking books as 'The Sovereign
Individual' and 'Blood In The Streets' together,they know that only
the political and financial elite are allowed to really get away with
mass financial fraud and money laundering using offshore accounts.
With a focus on the Plutocrats, Goldsmiths, Super-Rich Insiders, and
their Allies and
what they are conspiratorially doing to manipulate the financial
markets, make more
profits, rip us off and install a world government under their control
London Times columnist Lord William Rees-Mogg is also on the board of
Rothschild's St. James Place Capital. “A frequent business partner of
Soros in various
Note Lord Pearson's overriding concern to back the bimbo daughter
Annunziata Rees-Mogg of Lord William Rees-Mogg over all other
political concerns below.Like her brother
UKIP: More on Lord Pearson's betrayal of UKIP
Report Email
Written by Junius on May-2-10 7:21am
From: juniusonukip.blogspot.com
Lord Pearson said: "Although of course I want as many people as
possible to vote UKIP nationwide, there are a few marginal
constituencies where I do not want us to prevent committed
Eurosceptics from entering the House of Commons, where they will fight
for our common cause.
"These are three such seats, and so I must ask the electorate to vote
for the Conservative candidates, David Heathcoat-Amory, Annunziata
Rees-Mogg and Mark Formosa. They have not asked for this help, but it
is part of my national strategy. I am trying to put our country above
party policies......
Jacob was penning letters to the 'Financial Times' when he was 12.
Annunziata joined the Tory party at the age of five. Now they have
their sights set on becoming MPs. By Guy Adams
19 Oct 2006 – ... Somerton and Frome selected the Honourable
Annunziata Rees-Mogg to fight ... happens to be the youngest daughter
of the former Times editor, William. ... the elderly lady helping him
canvass was in fact his former nanny. ... Like her brother before her,
she was ably assisted by Lord Rees-Mogg, ...
The rub, so to speak, is that Ms Rees-Mogg happens to be the youngest
daughter of the former Times editor, William. Her brother, Jacob, is
the headline-prone 37-year-old banker who in May was selected by the
Tories to contest North-east Somerset, the next-door seat to Somerton
and Frome..........
Just two weeks ago, a case in point: the Eton and Oxford-educated
Jacob was interviewed on Newsnight about his party's efforts to
install more women and ethnic minority candidates.
"The Tory party when it's elected has to be able to form a government,
and it's not going to be able to form a government if it has potted
plants as candidates simply to make up quotas," he said. "We don't
want to make it harder for intellectually able people to be
After leaving Eton, he studied history at Trinity College, Oxford, and
became president of the
University Conservative Association. Contemporaries recall a fogeyish
young man, with a cut-glass
accent and a nifty line in blazers, tweed jackets, and pinstripe suits....
Voters in the gritty former mining seat, which at the time had an
unemployment level of 9 per cent,
were somewhat bemused to see the thick-skinned Rees-Mogg canvassing
from a luxury car (some
reports said Bentley, others Rolls-Royce)....
He further caught the public imagination when the media reported that
the elderly lady helping him canvass
was in fact his former nanny. And with extraordinary panache, he
denied suggestions from reporters that he
alter his charcoal suit and tie, saying: "I think a flat cap would be
rather transparent, don't you?"...
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
14 Sep 2008 – Annunziata Rees-Mogg suffered an allergic reaction ...
an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite at the Republican convention
in Minneapolis. ...
At the beginning of this year, an influential member of the British
ruling class, Lord Rees-Mogg, publicly called for limiting education
to the top five percent of the population, the same level of literacy
as existed before the Fifteenth-century Renaissance. His Times of
London article of January 5, 1995, was unabashedly entitled, “It’s the
Elites Who Matter.”
British Snob and Royalist / Druid Infiltration of Pentecostalism
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City. Just before the April 19,
1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the London Times's
strategist of ...
Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake Assassination ...
7 Apr 2010 – Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake
Assassination Attempt on Obama ... to stir up militia, white
supremacists, and the right wing into a ... British Lord William
Rees-Mogg, has predicted that either a fake ...
Mysterious Death of UK Lord William Rees-Mogg's,Bill Bonner's,Porter Stansberry's and James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc employee Rey Rivera in Baltimore,Maryland could have been the result of his getting close to the Masonic Lodge's involvement with stock fraud money laundering in cahoots with this CIA and UK elite connected crime gang that is Agora Inc of Baltimore and the worlds wide internet.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Masonic murder mystery or bizarre suicide? After a year, police still baffled
It happened a year ago — May 16, 2006. A Masonic murder mystery. Or maybe it was a suicide. Police haven't figured it out yet.
Rey Rivera, age 32. Married (but the last person to see him alive was a female houseguest on May 16). Former editor of a financial newsletter. Aspiring filmmaker. Masonic wannabe?
His decomposing body was found a week later in a locked conference room on the lower floors of the Belvedere hotel. Next to him were his sandals and his still-working cell phone. Experts don't believe the phone would have survived the impact intact.
He apparently crashed through the roof of the lower level of the hotel, and it's assumed he killed himself by jumping from 14 stories up. Or maybe he was pushed......
(Surveillance video in the Belvedere condominium convenientluy not working that day.)
At his home, family members found a cryptic note, typed in miniscule print, folded up in a plastic bag, taped to Rivera's computer screen along with a blank check.
Police called it "bizarre, really bizarre."
It wasn't a suicide note, the FBI concluded.
"What it does appear to be is a weird stream of conscious writing," Baltimore Police Department Cmdr. Fred Bealefeld said. "The other thing I thought of... is if he's writing some type of code to someone about something. That's possible."
The note was addressed to brothers and sisters and referred to a well-played game. It named people who had died, including actor Christopher Reeve and filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. It also contained a long list of people Rivera knew and was related to, with a request to make them and himself five years younger, WBAL-TV reported.
The note began and ended with unnamed phrases used in Freemasonry.
Rivera's family and friends said he was fascinated with Masonic "secrets."
On the weekend before his disappearance, he spent time reading the book The Builders. On the day he disappeared, Rivera talked with a member of a lodge in Maryland about joining.
On the day he disappeared, he went to a bookstore and bought Bro. Hodapp's book Freemasons for Dummies.
"Based on what we've seen, his interest in the Masonic order was not to do charitable work," Bealefeld said. "Somehow it was linked to his interest in the movie industry and this theory that somehow there was control being exerted by the Masonic order."
Rivera had worked for Agora Publishing, editing a financial newsletter called Rebound Report. His family said he'd been unhappy that many of the stocks he had recommended were not performing as he had predicted.
Six months before his death, he'd stopped working as a writer/editor, and had become a contract worker for the same company, producing videos for them.
What do you think was going on? The police don't have a clue.
I think he felt guilty that people, perhaps his brothers and sister to whom the bizarre note was addressed, had invested in stocks based on his recommendations, and then lost money. The blank check was his way of paying them back, and wishing them five years younger a way of going back before the stock purchase.
Perhaps his interest in Freemasonry came from a belief that we do, as the conspiracy theorists proclaim, indeed rule the world, and our secret power at controlling world financial markets had caused the stocks he'd recommended not to rebound as he believed they should. We're so sinister that way.
If he believed that, he certainly was a Dummy.
my comment:
I was unaware until recently regarding this tragedy and it inspired me to write more of my experiences with Agora Inc., particularly in light of the fact that the recent Pentagon shooting involved John Berrell who turns out to be a Ludwig Van Mises fan just like the Agora Inc and Lew Rockwell-ian cult members with their Beltway and CIA connections.One only wonders if his father, also named John Bedell,is a fan of the old Austrian economist and quack Ludwig Van Mises as well,particularly as his Hollister business SagePoint in Hollister,California appears to have been purchased by AIG
execs who are trying to deceive future investors-suckers that they aren't AIG execs.
While members of Masonic Lodge may be involved in sectretive stock scams and penny stocks and money laundering for all I know and the CIA as well just like Agora Inc money laundering op of Baltimore,etc.,I have really not heard much of their finances nor any particular criminal activity.And so until you find something of a Masonic-Agora connection I'm not convinced they would have a motive.Agora Inc and its 'management that includes his evil 'friend' Porter Stanberry, Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson,UK's Lord William Rees-Mogg,et.al., on the other hand is very suspicious and it is they who he wrote or put his name to the Reboud Report for in the first place.It is they that Rey Rivera would have known to much about...
Pentagon Shooter,Death In Baltimore:Agora Inc.,Rey Rivera,Porter Stansberry,James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,Lila Rajiva,SEC
And Agora also has its Israeli money laundering and CIA connections.......:
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel ...
29 Jul 2007 – Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust ..... Coincidentally Mr.Davidson's and Bill Bonner's Agora Inc. of ...
UK Indymedia - Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack on Barack Obama
Also James Dale Davidson reappears on Agora Inc's Bill Bonner's Lord .... Even ex CIA Chief William Colby was employed by Davidson and the Lord William ... Israeli penny stock scam Pluristem along with James Dale Davidson and his Agora ...
CIA Frank Carlucci,Patrice Lumumba, Pluristem and Stock Fraudster Bill ...
8 Nov 2008 – enrichment with the U.S. incorporated Israeli penny stock scam Pluristem along with James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc crime family in ...
Agora Inc.,CIA George Tenet in New Orleans :Stock fraud : NOLA ...
lord pearson william rees mogg
The House Of Lords
Astor, William, Viscount (Con) Astor of Hever, John, Lord (Con)
Attenborough, Richard, Lord (Lab) .....
Pearson of Rannoch, Malcolm, Lord (Other) Peel, William, Earl (XB) ...
Rees-Mogg, William, Lord (XB)
Reid of Cardowan, Lord (Lab)
In his Mail on Sunday column William Rees-Mogg notes the strength of
UKIP and the Green Party in Norwich North. Unlike the main parties
they increased the number of votes they received (Greens from 1,252 to
3,350 and UKIP 1,122 to 4,068) and predicts they will become major
features of British politics if a pure form of proportional
representation was introduced:
UKIP: More on Lord Pearson's betrayal of UKIP
Report Email
Written by Junius on May-2-10 7:21am
From: juniusonukip.blogspot.com
Lord Pearson said: "Although of course I want as many people as
possible to vote UKIP nationwide, there are a few marginal
constituencies where I do not want us to prevent committed
Eurosceptics from entering the House of Commons, where they will fight
for our common cause.
"These are three such seats, and so I must ask the electorate to vote
for the Conservative candidates, David Heathcoat-Amory, Annunziata
Rees-Mogg and Mark Formosa. They have not asked for this help, but it
is part of my national strategy. I am trying to put our country above
party policies.
Someone who is now behind the English Defence League is directly
linked to Breivik and Fjordman, I am just conveniently ideologically
linked and implemented and the authorities know this. Those who are
linked to Fjordman are now using Breivik’s act to further their online
political agenda and ideals. That small group is linked to Geert
Wilders and Lord Pearson via Civil Liberties Alliance and the European
anti-jihad movement.
Video: Lord Pearson
It is said that Breivik attended the London EDL demo in support of
Geert Wilders whilst Lord Pearson was hosting him in the House of
Lords inside.
The very first meeting in London when Steven Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy”
assumed the leadership role of the English Defence League with Chris
Knowles (CLA) and others present whose names I have, Jeff Marsh aka
Joe Cardiff from Wales was due to attend the meeting but Chris Renton
EDL alias John Sheridan prevented him from attending by arranging to
meet him about buying hooligan books on the same day. I was sent a
picture from them of a clock that was in the pub they were sitting in
having their meeting, which you can see below.
It is not going to be very long until the Norwegian police know
everyone in Alan Lakes little London flat that day, and who the
professor talking about military strategies was. I am sure he was not
English, I might be mistaken though, but I think he came from a
Scandanavian Country. Chris Knowles of Civil Liberties Alliance knows
each of them because I invited him and he invited them, which includes
him inviting Lake to the EDL table. If they have any form of humanity
and human decency, for the sake of those innocent murdered children
they have no alternative but to expose those behind this atrocity.
UK Indymedia - EDL Funding - show me the money!
www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/473155.html?c=on - Cached
31 Jan 2011 – Try Lord Pearson (UKIP) Alan Lake is a fake. We put this
together after a Seff Indy meeting was invaded by EDL on 13th July
2010 ...
Lionheart: Who is Fjordman & where is Alan Lake?
4 days ago – The same as Lord Pearson of Rannoch who is directly
linked to Alan Lake and Fjordman. He has a choice, make the right move
now and take the ...
Ukip leader Lord Pearson avoided capital gains tax on sale of home
Direct Link Open in New Window
Lord Pearson claimed for his £3.7m "second home" while also living in
a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
submitted by Telegraph on 1st Dec 2009 (via telegraph.co.uk)
Tags: · on sale · 000 · 12 · Estate · Living · Sale · Scotland · Tax · UKIP
Interesting little thought Direct Link Open in New Window
William Rees Mogg muses over the electoral battleground of Somerset.
In the Somerset marginals a vote for UKIP will help to elect Lib Dem
candidates to Westminster. Which means that the UKIP vote will
determine whether Jacob and or Annunziata Rees Mogg make it into the
next parliament. They’re two of the tribe that I didn’t go
submitted by TimWorstall on 30th Nov 2009 (via timworstall.com)
Tags: · Help · Lib Dem · Parliament · UKIP · Westminster
UKIP leader Lord Pearson claimed £100,000 allowances for £3.7m London
home Direct Link Open in New Window
Lord Pearson claimed for his £3.7m "second home" while also living in
a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
The divine mission of UKIP’s new leader Direct Link Open in New Window
Lord Pearson, the new leader of the UK Independence Party certainly
does "do God" - and claims a personal connection with the Almighty
which is more direct than any political leader, certainly since
Gladstone, after a religious experience in which he believes a
messenger from God appeared to him while he was being operated on to
have varicose veins removed in 1977. Pearson says that the
submitted by LiberalConspiracy on 28th Nov 2009 (via liberalconspiracy.org)
Tags: · personal · political · political · UK · UK Independence Party · UKIP
Lord Pearson is new UKIP leader
150px-Malcolm_Pearson I like Lord Pearson. He is a good and principled
man but he does not have the charisma of Nigel Farage. The leadership
race has also shown UKIP to be divided and lacking in talent. The
party's large libertarian element may not share their new leader's
reported determination to add "the battle against Islamic
fundamentalism to the party’s main goal of withdrawing Britain from
the European Union."
UKIP is not going to be the force it was.
Tim Montgomerie
3.30pm: A further thought... Lord Pearson's lack of democratic
legitimacy hardly helps UKIP's central claim about people being able
to vote out unelected politicians.
5.30pm WATCH: New UKIP leader, Lord Pearson, says his party's aim is a
hung parliament and he will champion issues that mainstream parties
think "too smelly too touch"
Posted at 15:13 in UKIP | Permalink | Comments (254) .....................
As for Lucianne Goldberg herself, who walks, talks, and acts like one
of Chotiner's gangster molls, she wrote Madame Cleo's Girls, a 1992
novel with lurid details about a trio of high-class prostitutes.
Still, before Goldberg became the den mother for Bush-leaguer Linda
``Bad'' Tripp, she had reportedly represented Dolly Kyle Browning for
a potential book deal about an alleged, early Clinton love affair, but
critics debunked Browning's story.
Next, Goldberg tried to get a book deal for the Arkansas state
troopers who alleged that they had procured women for then-Gov. Bill
Goldberg and her son, Joshua, also confirmed that she has been a
frequent collaborator of the two leading British intelligence
operatives assigned to trash Clinton: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and Lord
William Rees-Mogg. .......................
Lucianne Goldberg admitted to this author that she knows another
leading British opponent of President Clinton, Lord William Rees-Mogg,
the former editor of the London Times now owned by Rupert Murdoch.
``Of course I know Lord William Rees-Mogg,'' she said. ``I think he's
been doing a great job against Clinton.'' Rees-Mogg's attacks upon the
Clinton administration either appear in the London Times or in the
U.S.-based newsletter Strategic Investment, which Lord Rees-Mogg
co-edits with James Dale Davidson, founder of the right-wing National
Taxpayers Union.
No sooner did the Goldberg-Tripp-Lewinsky scandal break, than Lord
William Rees-Mogg sped to the United States, apparently in search of
DNA samples and other dirt dished up by his admirer, Lucianne ``Ma
Barker'' Goldberg.
The mystery deepens….
Check out Breivik’s resume here, wherein he claims to have been the
"managing director" of "E-Commerce Group AS," which is described as a
"part investment company – 50%, part sales/outsourcing company – 50%,"
with a "total of 7 employees: 3 in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in
Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US." Like Breivik Geofarm, he says:
"This was a front (milking cow) with the purpose of financing
resistance/liberation related military operations. The company was
successful although most of the funds were channeled through a
Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European
countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank
accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce
Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channeled in
an ‘unorthodox manner’ to Norway available to the coming intellectual
and subsequent operations phase."
There is no online record of Breivik’s "E-Commerce Group AS," as far
as I can see: an odd happenstance for an e-commerce outfit, wouldn’t
you say? As for Brentwood Solutions Limited, there is no record of
those guys, either: however, there is a Brentwood Solutions LLC in
Naples, Florida. In any case, what I want to know is how did Breivik
manage to get his hands on the equivalent of nearly $115,000 added to
his account in 2007? If the money was legitimately earned, then why
hide it in Caribbean and Eastern European banks and why go through
"unorthodox" procedures in order to sneak it into Norway?
Okay, now let’s summarize what we know about Breivik’s money trail,
based not on what he says in his diary but on what little
investigative reporting has been done on the matter. It boils down to
this: His tax records show a small income in 2007 – the year all that
money miraculously appeared in his bank account – and a bit more in
2008. He had no reported income in 2006 and 2009. Prior to that, there
is no evidence of his "first million" anywhere to be seen.
While his diary emphasizes that he saved every penny to finance his
terrorist operation, there had to be some income coming in from
somewhere. And then there’s that mysterious $115,000 – did he rob a
bank? Or did he have a benefactor? Here is where Breivik’s money trail
simply … trails off.
The idea that Breivik acted alone is absurd: he had to have help, just
on logistical matters, never mind the financial side of such an
operation. Furthermore, it’s hard – nay, impossible – to believe he
kept the secret to himself for nine years. In order to escape
detection, and have the means to carry off such a complicated
operation, Breivik must have had some organized assistance – and not
from amateurs, by any means. At this point, we don’t know from whom.
However, we can see in the reaction to his murderous assault a kind of
support network that has sprung up, if not to defend him personally
then to defend his motivations and the ethos from which his hatred
welled up. As I have said in my other columns on this subject, the
so-called counter-jihadist milieu – whose writings were copiously
cited in the online manifesto – provided the theoretical basis for
Breivik’s horrific actions. The "anti-jihadist" pro-Israel blogosphere
played an important role in reinforcing and elaborating Breivik’s
crazed worldview, and there is even some frightening evidence that
they played more of an activist role than that.
In a post dated June 24, 2007, Pamela Geller, a leading light of the
counter-jihadi movement, posted the following on her web site:
"I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It
is devastating in its matter-of-factness.
"Well, yes, the situation is worsening. Stepping up from 29 000
immigrants every year, in 2007 we will be getting a total of 35 000
immigrants from somalia, iran, iraq and afghanistan. The nations
capital is already 50% muslim, and they ALL go there after entering
Norway. Adding the 1.2 births per woman per year from muslim women,
there will be 300 000+ muslims out of the then 480 000 inhabitants of
that city.
"Orders from Libya and Iran say that Oslo will be known as Medina
at the latest in 2010, although I consider this a PR-stunt
nevertheless it is their plan.
"From Israel the hordes clawing at the walls of Jerusalem proclaim
cheerfully that next year there will be no more Israel, and I know
Israel shrugs this off as do I, and will mount a strike during the
summer against all of its enemies in the middle east. This will make
the muslims worldwide go into a frenzy, attacking everyone around
"We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment.
This is going to happen fast.
"Before, I thought about emigrating to Britain, Israel, USA, South
Africa, etc. for taxes and politics, but instead (although I believe
we are the very last generation on earth before the return of God) I
will stay and fight for the right to this country and indeed the
entire peninsula, for the God-fearing people, just in case this isn’t
the end of the world after all. Doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan.
"It’s far from impossible to achieve, after all my people has done
it every time before, in feats that match the ancient Greek, hebrew
and british ‘legends’.
"Oslo and the southeast may fall easily, but there are other lines
than ‘state’-borders drawn across this country since long before there
was even a single muslim in the world, and we have held them this
long, against everyone else too. We are entering a new golden age for
my people, and those of a handful other countrys, but only through
"Never fear, Pamela. God is with you too in this coming time."
In the comments, one of Geller’s readers warns that the author of the
letter could be prosecuted by Norewegian authorities. Geller replies:
"Yes … which is why I ran it anonymously."
So here is some nut stockpiling "weapons, ammunition, and equipment,"
because "this is going to happen fast" – with Geller’s enthusiastic
encouragement. Indeed, she’s so concerned her correspondent might be
arrested that she’s protecting his identity.
Anders Behring Breivik , Brentwood Solutions Ltd , E-Commerce Group AS
Late in 2002 I was working full time as a mid level leader in a
customer service company.
At the same time, I started a company that focused on outsourcing of programming
services. It went quite well. And around May 2003 I quit my day job to
focus entirely on
my business. The next three years i worked an average 12 hours per day with my
company; E-Commerce Group. At one point I had 6 employees, 2 in
Norway, 2 in Russia,
1 in Romania and one in Indonesia. I registered an off shore company
and several off
shore bank accounts in order to avoid excessive state taxation
(anonymous debit cards
and ATM`s ftw). This way, I could build up funds faster. My initial
plan was to earn at
least 5 million, then use the acquired funds to start a pan-European
movement or plan an advanced operation. It started out great and I
earned my first mill
(NOK) at the age of 24 which peaked at 4 million, 12 months later. In
2005 and 2006,
recession hit my industry which resulted in lower income margins. As a
result I decided
to discontinue my company and instead salvage all the funds I could.
The most cost
efficient way of doing this in my country is to file for bankruptcy,
which I did. I had now
completed my goal and I had enough funding to proceed with planning of
an assault
I spent three years were I focused on writing the compendium, 2083.
During a 12 month
period in the beginning, I also played World of Warcraft part time
(which had been a
dream for some time – hardcore raiding:). I lived very ascetic and
relatively isolated in
this period. These three years would also contribute to detach myself
from my “old life”.
It’s a process I used in order to isolate myself from most of my
network, in preparation
for the coming operation. I feel that this period was needed in order
to completely
”detach myself from “the game”, my “former shallow consumerist
lifestyle ” in order to
ensure full focus on the matters at hand.
Comment: Normally I find it quite pathetic to brag about how much one
has earned. The
only reason I mentioned it is because the cultural Marxist/
multiculturalist government
will likely try to attempt to “assassinate my character” by labelling
me as an “insane,
inbred, pedophile Nazi loser”.
I guess it should also be noted that I did in fact lose 2 million NOK
on stock speculation
during the period 2005-2008 leaving me with approximately 2 million
(half a million went
to tax). Most of my funds were channelled through the company;
Brentwood Solutions
Ltd (and four other offshore accounts) which again channelled the funds to my
Norwegian corporation; E-Commerce Group AS and to anonymous debit cards. Despite
the fact that I used an offshore company/accounts. In retrospect I see
that I made
certain mistakes which has pressured my budget. I had approximately
one million NOK
(170 000 Euro) to spend on both writing the book and finance the
operation. I spent
more funds during the creation of the compendium leaving me with approximately
40 000 Euro plus credit for the operation.
9:50 PM
Anonymous said...
a) There are several companies called "Brentwood Solutions LLC" in the
USA (google it)
b) Connected to this "Brentwood Solutions LLC" is a "Solutions
Plumbing Inc" located at the same address.
c) Both companies are owned/managed by one David B Ross and a Lyn M
Ross, probably husband/wife.
See here http://www.corporationwiki.com/Florida/Naples/david-b-ross-P4563946.aspx
and here (Map)
This might be a family plumbing business. In google maps the place
looks like an industrial/commercial quarter.
Other observations:
- The place is located quite near an airport, what is among
preferences displayed by shady businesses from the letter soup.
- Florida, mostly East coast, is full of filthy rich jews of the ilk
which finances the west bank settlements.
- Florida (West) contains several rather big military sites, among
them one connected via "Tim Osman" to 9/11.
10:30 PM
..HPrice said...
Found this on the internets whilst digging around:
Looks like it maybe the only record of Breivik's company??
From the information there, I got the wayback machine to show me his
"website" which goes back to 2002 I believe:
Anyway just some bits and pieces,
Best wishes
Harvey aka paraschtick.
ps looking up Brentwood Solutions et al in Naples, Florida, and
specifically David Ross, there are a tonne of "neurological/medical
institutes" and whatnot in the area. I thought that was ...
interesting (a lot of them with a David Ross involved with them,
though I'm not too sure it is the same guy as mentioned already).
Alan Lake Jewish ?,(i.e.-white guy who thinks he's a semite ?):
Nachum Shifren surfing rabbi connected to alan lake:
Rabbi Nachum Shifren, also known as the surfing rabbi, is an Orthodox
Lubavitcher Chassidic rabbi and accomplished surfer. Active in
conservative politics, Shifren was the candidate in 2010 of the
California Republican Party in the California state senate's 26th
[edit] BiographyA native of southern California, Shifren grew up in
the San Fernando Valley, where he learned to surf as a youth.[2] He
worked as a lifeguard in Malibu as a young man, a time in his life
when he was not religious. He began his path to religiosity when he
met an Australian rabbi who liked to bodysurf and performed sacraments
at the beach.[3] At the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, Shifren went
to Israel to volunteer on a kibbutz, and in 1977 he emigrated to
Israel. Shifren served in the Israeli Defense Forces and received a
degree in Combat Fitness Training at the Wingate Institute for Sports
in Netanya, Israel.
Shifren received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of
California of Santa Barbara in Spanish and German Literature. He
continued graduate studies in West Germany at the University of
Goettingen. Shifren is fluent in Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Yiddish.
He attended Toras Chayim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and Yeshivat Tomchei
Tmimim in Kfar Chabad, Israel, where in 1990 he was ordained to the
rabbinate.[4] While studying in Israel, Shifren lived in the Kfar
Tapuah settlement on the West Bank. When he returned to the United
States, Shifren worked as a teacher in Los Angeles.
[edit] Far right linksShifren has been reported to have links with far
right groups in Europe and is known to have marched with the far-right
In October, 2010, he traveled to England to speak at a rally. In his
speech, he called Muslims "dogs" and told the EDL that "[h]istory will
be recorded that on this day, read by our children for eternity, one
group lit the spark to liberate us from the oppressors of our two
governments and the leftist, fifth column, quisling press, and that it
was the EDL which started the liberation of England from evil."[6]
[edit] Surfing RabbiNumerous print and broadcast media have done
stories about Shifren and his "Surfing Rabbi" persona. He founded
Jewish Surfers International and the Surf & Soul newsletter. He
frequently uses surfing imagery to make religious points. "There's no
way a skier can get the same connection with the Creator," Shifren
told Salon in 1999. "The ocean is the first act of creation, while
snow is not an act of creation. Skiers don't have the mountain chasing
them, but the mountain of a wave chases surfers. They struggle against
currents as they ride waves that have been around since time
He leads annual "Kosher Surf Camp" trips to Costa Rica. He has written
two books, Surfing Rabbi: A Kabbalistic Quest for Soul and Kill Your
Teacher: Corruption And Racism in Los Angeles City Schools.[7] A movie
based on Shifren is currently in development.
Norway gunman claims he had nine-year plan to finance attacksAnders
Behring Breivik says in manifesto he started a business, played the
markets and used nine credit cards to fund massacre
Share reddit this Matthew Taylor
guardian.co.uk, Monday 25 July 2011 19.48 BST
Article history
Anders Behring Breivik at one point sets out his funding requirements,
including €30,000 for armour and weapons and €100,000 for explosive
materials. Photograph: Scanpix Norway/Reuters
Anders Behring Breivik's meticulous plans for Friday's atrocities
include a detailed description of how he says he raised the money to
prepare for and carry out the twin assaults.
His 1,500-page "manifesto" claims that as far back as 2002 he launched
a nine-year plan that saw him start his own business, dabble
unsuccessfully in the markets and use at least nine credit cards to
fund the attack.
Breivik says that he started a "computer programming" business,
E-Commerce Group, in 2002, when he was working full-time at a customer
services company. He claims the company grew and at one time had six
employees and "several offshore bank accounts", and he made his "first
mill" by 24. However, he writes that a combination of a downturn in
2005-06 and 2m Norwegian krone (£227,000) lost on stock speculation
meant that he was forced to file for bankruptcy. Despite this Breivik
claims that by 2008 he was left with around 2m NOK which allowed him
to "proceed with planning the assault operation."
Breivik then sets out how he devised "an overview of various providers
of credit" to avoid sending multiple credit card applications to the
same organisation. He says he identified 25 credit cards but traced
them back to 12 providers and in the end was successfully granted nine
cards – giving him access to €26,000 in credit.
"It was more than I expected to get considering the fact that I had a
weak platform to acquire from," he wrote. "This credit will serve as a
buffer amount/emergency funds in the later phase of the operation if
At one point he sets out his funding requirements, estimating he
needed up to €30,000 (£26,462) for armour and weapons, up to €100,000
for explosive materials, €20,000 for "logistics/transport/lodging" and
"€140,000 for the creation of the compendium".
By January 2010 he states his funds are "depleting gradually ...
€50,000 plus €30,000 in credit limits".
On 23 June, a month before the attacks, Breivik says he paid the
outstanding amount on his nine credit cards to ensure he would have
access to funds as he continued his preparations.
For Anders Breivik,the only 'good' European is a fascist European,the
only 'good Jew' is a a fascist one who is white and of European
physical characteristics.Hitler and the Nazis were also pro-Zionist
and hated 'liberal' Germanic Jews so Breivik could be seen as an 'old
fashioned Nazi' because his
views are the same including the pro Zionist views held by Nazi elite who
simultaneously despised real 'German Jews' who saw themselves as Germas
more so than as 'Semites' and had no wish to emigrate to Palestine as the Nazis
and Zionists wished to force them to.
Anders Breivik's Zionist hero,Avigdor Lieberman,is part of the international
money launderers and economic terrorists in collusion with the
Rothschild crime family in manipulating world economies and financial
markets and currencies
and who should be arrested by Interpol and Europe as well as by Russia
and the U.S.for international financial crimes alone.
Also it may seem strange or 'crazy' to hear BREIVIK BABBLING NOT ONLY
AND WAR FRAUD AND MURDER.Agora Inc employee Cuban American Rey Rivera
was made to appear somewhat crazy himself for his investigations of
the local Masonic Lodge.after his body was found over a week after
falling 14 floors from the Belvedere Hotel condominium in
Baltimore,Maryland on.May 15 2006 when 'concidentally' the
surveillence video systemj failed.However it must be remembered that
another strange death of a Mr.Calvi and a connected huge financial
scandal involving the Catholic Church and its Banco Ambrosiano was all
mixed up with Masonic Lodge money laundering and 8nernational
organized crime as well with tentacles in government and religion.
Anders Breivik, Norwegian Terror Suspect, Admirer of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman
The death toll from the savage attack in Norway has risen to 92 today.
Anders Breivik, a radical rightist who posted regularly to a neo-Nazi
internet forum, is the only suspect arrested so far in the killings.
Electronic Intifada published excerpts of a 1,500 page magnum opus, A
European Declaration of Independence, written by Breivik which portray
his political philosophy. Here, CNN covers the story of manifesto
from a slightly different vantage than the one below. For example,
given the killer’s use of steroids and testosterone supplements, one
speculates on the role they may’ve played in his rage-filled spree.
Chief among his enemies are Muslims and those non-Muslims who, in his
mind, facilitate the triumph of Islam in the west. That’s why he
specifically attacked the seat of national government and a youth camp
sponsored by the ruling Labor Party. The Norwegian terrorist has an
obsession with Marxism, and apparently equates the current left of
center government with that ideology. Alex Kane notes that the day
before the attack on the island camp, it held a Palestine solidarity
rally (an event which would’ve repelled the killer). He viewed the
country’s leaders as aiding and abetting Muslim terror, and
multiculturalism as the poison by which Islam could spread itself
throughout the west.........
Breivik viewed Israel as an ally in the war against Islam. Alex Kane
tweets that he wrote:
“Let’s end stupid support for Palestinians…start supporting our
cultural cousin, Israel.”
He also wrote this:
Cultural conservatives believe Israel has a right to protect
itself against Jihad…Sensible people should support Zionism (Israeli
nationalism) which is Israel’s right to self-defence against Jihad.
More excerpts from his manifesto:
* If one acknowledges that Islam has always oppressed the Jews,
one accepts that Israel was a necessary refuge for the Jews fleeing
not only the European but also the Islamic variety of anti-Judaism.
* Since the break-up of the Islamic Empire following World War I,
various jihads have been fought around the globe by the independent
Muslim nations and sub-state jihadist groups. The most sustained
effort has been directed against Israel, which has committed the
unpardonable sin of rebuilding dar al-harb on land formerly a part of
dar al-Islam.
* How can anyone delete the horror of Muslim oppression over
Christians and Jews which lasted for centuries and stretched over
* Western Journalists again and again systematically ignore
serious Muslim attacks and rather focus on the Jews, [which] only adds
to the stockpile of proof that all Western journalists support the
EU’s Eurabia project, [and] their enemy (based on coverage) is the
* Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes,
at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today
that oppose nationalism/Zionism and support multiculturalism. Jews
that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel
and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight
together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all
anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists….So,
are the current Jews in Europe and US disloyal? The multiculturalist
(nation-wrecking) Jews ARE, while the conservative Jews ARE NOT.
Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox.
50% of Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we
must embrace the remaining loyal Jews as brothers rather than
repeating the mistake of the NSDAP. Whenever I discuss the Middle East
issue with a national socialist he presents the anti-Israeli and
pro-Palestine argument. He always seem unaware of the fact that his
propaganda is hurting Israeli nationalists (who want to deport the
Muslims from Israel) and that he is in fact helping the Israeli
cultural Marxists/multiculturalists with his
Ali Abunimah notes he especially admires Avigdor Lieberman and his
Yisrael Beitenu Party. Outside Israel, he also follows the writing of
Pam Geller, Robert Spencer (referenced 46 times in the Breivik
manifesto) and Daniel Pipes (11 times). Yesterday, I quoted a
Norwegian website which claimed that Breivik had identified himself as
Fjordman, a regular contributor to the anti-jihadi blogs mentioned
above. Geller has denied a connection, as has Gates of Vienna, and
it’s possible they are right. I haven’t seen definitive evidence that
either proves Breivik and Fjordman are the same or that they aren’t.
I will say though that Breivik’s writings under his own name show a
much greater predilection toward violence; Fjordman’s, while equally
radical, seem satisfied to remain in the realm of political theory,
rather than action.
But even if they are not one and the same, the fact that Breivik’s
intellectual-political philosophy is inspired by each of them is a
sign of the cesspool of hate found there. Just as settler rabbis held
a pulsa di nura excommunicating Yitzhak Rabin before his
assassination; just as Bibi Netanyahu fired up a crowd featuring
pictures of Yitzhak Rabin dressed in an SS uniform shortly before the
assassination, so did the intellectual content of these websites shape
the world-view of the assassin.........
Avigdor Liebermann involved with ex 'Stassi Nazi' Jewish Zionist and
Rothschild crime family financial manipulator Martin Schlaff
who is clouded by mysterious death in New York and his decades of
U.S.SEC stock frauds and money laundering through offshore accounts
with Ukranian Israeli Grin brothers who operte in concert with Israeli
money laundering banks such a Union Bank to defraud and rob U.S.
investors as well as Russian and probably European victims with the
corrupt EU government's blessing as well.Vladmir Putin is allied
through his past Stassi business dealings and allegience to Russian
Jewish Chabad Lubavitch crime familty who appeared mysteriously at the
time of the Moscow airport bommbing as 'first responders'.:
The Schlaff Saga / Probe finds Austrian billionaire helped Lieberman
fund his party
Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff helped his confidant Avigdor
Lieberman finance his party, Yisrael Beiteinu, by gaining a $1 million
guarantee from Vienna-based Erste Bank to set up the party in 1999.
By Gidi Weitz
VIENNA - Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff helped his confidant
Avigdor Lieberman finance his party, Yisrael Beiteinu, by gaining a
$1 million guarantee from Vienna-based Erste Bank to set up the party
in 1999.
"I spoke to Bobby and it left the place in Vienna on Friday," Schlaff
told Lieberman in fluent Hebrew, a source involved in the
investigation said. "Talk to your schmuck at the bank and tell him
you've had confirmation that it went out on Friday."
"Bobby" is Robert Nowikovsky, a Viennese businessman close to Schlaff,
whose name has been mentioned in a number of media reports about trade
between Eastern and Western Europe.
The investigation raised the suspicion that Schlaff was behind the
guarantee and was using Nowikovsky as a front.
Schlaff and Lieberman gave the police an identical version regarding
Schlaff's role in transferring the money. Schlaff and Lieberman both
said that Schlaff served as a translator between the two, the source
This was the only time Schlaff had met with Israeli police detectives.
The case against Lieberman was closed for lack of evidence.
At the end of 1997, Lieberman made some $3.3 million when he was hired
as a special consultant to Bank Austria. The bank was looking at
losses of hundreds of millions of dollars following speculative deals
in the Russian financial derivatives market. Lieberman was allegedly
supposed to see to the appreciation of the Russian ruble just before
the futures expired, thus decreasing Bank Austria's losses.
The contract between Lieberman and the Austrians was written on a
napkin, and Lieberman received the money shortly afterward. Police
investigated the possibility that Schlaff was involved in this deal
and mediated between the bank and Lieberman, a senior source involved
in the probe said. This case too was closed for lack of evidence.
This story, as well as other intelligence reports, led the police to
open a covert investigation against Lieberman. Lieberman had founded
Yisrael Beiteinu and was planning to run for the Knesset for the first
time. The police found that Lieberman had forged close ties with
Schlaff, who opened a casino in Jericho in 1998 and was well connected
to senior figures in the Palestinian Authority. ....................
The mysterious death of an Orthodox Jewish millionaire – murder or suicide?
The New York medical examiner ruled Solomon Obstfeld's June 9 death a
suicide, but family and friends insist Obstfeld was murdered after a
dispute with an Israeli rabbi.
By Natasha Mozgovaya
According to the police investigation, no ladder or chair was found
near the spot from which Obstfeld plunged to his death, a fact that
bolsters the family's belief that he was murdered.
At this point, however, it does not appear that police are taking the
family's suspicions seriously.
Many in New York's Jewish community are wondering whether a devout
Orthodox father of five would take his own life...
The New York Daily News reported that Obstfeld was connected with
former Israeli prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert and also
had ties with Austrian businessman Martin Schlaff, who attended
Obstfeld's funeral.
Israeli police suspect Schlaff of having bribed Sharon and want to question him.
It has also been reported that Olmert visited Obstfeld's office two
weeks before Obstfeld's death.
Below from Christopher Bollyn regarding U.S. cover up and protection of the Israeli scumbags Menachem Atzmon and ICTS International who controlled Boston Logan Airport on 9/11/01 and who control Gert Wilders',Queen Beatrix's and Dutch Israeli FM Uri Rosenthal's and the Rothschild crime family's Schiphol Amsterdam Airport today even though they allowed the Nigerian 'Islamic crotch bomber' Mutallab to board flight 253 on Christmas bound for Detriot with his 'crotch bomb' and appear to have played a role in 'security during the 7/7/05 London subway bombings as well as Moscow airport bombing earlier this year !:
Dutch FM: Ties with Israel are like our bond with NATO - Haaretz ...
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
17 Dec 2010 – A hardened scientist specialized in analyzing and managing national crises, Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has limited patience for ...
Judge Hellerstein's Connection to Israeli 9-11 Defendant
by Christopher Bollyn
May 7, 2010
9-11 Judge is Connected to Rothschild-Funded Mossad Culprit ICTS
It is very crass and it probably will come back to be critical of me,
but there is an expression that is sometimes very useful, 'Money is
the universal lubricant.' It makes it easier to go on with one's life.
- Alvin K. Hellerstein
This bastard judicial system is so corrupt,
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani
Alvin K. Hellerstein is the judge who handles all 9-11 litigation.
His son is an Israeli lawyer who emigrated to Israel in 2001 and whose
law firm works for and with the Rothschild-funded Mossad company
responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks. This presents a clear
conflict of interest that explains why Hellerstein is protecting the
Israeli culprits by preventing a 9-11 trial and blocking legal
discovery of what really happened. (Photo - NYT)
He can't understand our loss. He sees the solution in a very cold and
pragmatic way - in dollars and cents. He thinks everybody should take
the money and go away.
- Mike Low, father of Sara, a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11
U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, the Orthodox Jew who
oversees all 9-11 related cases, is seldom discussed in the news.
While his name does appear occasionally in the press, for example when
he sentenced a "terrorism financier" to prison in April, the secretive
judge who handles all 9-11 tort litigation is virtually unknown to
most Americans. This is intentional, of course, because any
discussion of the Bronx-born judge would reveal his Zionist roots and
close relationship to the state of Israel, where his son Joseph Z.
Hellerstein lives on a Jewish settlement on the West Bank and
practices law with one of Israel's most important law firms, Amit,
Pollak & Matalon.
Joseph Z. Hellerstein
Judge Hellerstein is the subject of a recent article in the New York
Times. The May 2 article by Mireya Navarro, "Empathetic Judge in 9/11
Suits Seen by Some as Interfering", is an overly positive ("puff")
piece written for a sympathetic newspaper (i.e. one which is involved
in the 9-11 cover-up) yet Hellerstein "declined repeated requests for
an interview" with the Times. Why would "the compassionate jurist"
who has "shepherded" the 9-11 litigation process for years, and who is
said to be "driven by a sense of social responsibility", refuse to be
interviewed by the New York Times? Why is such an important judge
avoiding the national media at such a critical point in the 9-11 saga
- and U.S. history?
The "puff piece" in the New York Times went so far as to end with a
quote saying that Judge Hellerstein "is now like Elvis in the 9/11
community." The article is clearly designed to cast Hellerstein in a
glowing light before an increasingly skeptical public (before he
closes the book on the 9-11 tort litigation - without a single case
going to trial). If Hellerstein were truly motivated by "a high
standard of morality and decency" as his former co-partner at Stroock,
Stroock & Lavan said, why is he so unwilling to discuss the 9-11 tort
litigation? There is, of course, only one reason for him to avoid the
media - he has something to hide and wishes to avoid the spotlight.
Alvin Hellerstein is certainly not a hero. He has completely
obstructed justice for the 9-11 relatives - for eight years - by
blocking any discovery and preventing the families from getting the
one thing they all wanted - an open trial to find the truth of who was
responsible for the terror attacks that caused the loss of their loved
ones. Hellerstein has played a key role in the 9-11 cover-up by
blocking legal discovery and preventing a trial from occurring.
Having worked for years on the hypothesis that Israeli intelligence
was involved in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11, I have pointed
out in my online book, Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the
World (and numerous articles) that the key players in the 9-11 saga
are all closely connected to Israeli intelligence (i.e. Mossad).
Michael Chertoff, for example, supervised the non-investigation by the
F.B.I. in which more than 99 percent of the steel evidence from the
World Trade Center was hastily shipped to China and other Asian
nations to be destroyed. Chertoff, an Orthodox Jew who is affiliated
with the same Zionist organizations in New York as Hellerstein, is an
Israeli national whose mother was one of the first agents of the
Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. Hellerstein, who has presided
over the 9-11 litigation process, has a similar connection to the
Mossad through his son, Joseph.................
Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort
litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon,
the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman &
Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by
Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the
Edmond de Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank.
He has also served as the chairman of several venture capital funds
established by the Rothschild Group. One of these funds, the Catalyst
Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing partner of private equity at
Cukierman & Co. - and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11. The
Rothschild/Cukierman Catalyst Fund is also invested in a company
called Cyalume, which is run by the SCP Partners of Ehud Barak. The
Israeli Mossad corporate network may seem large but it always involves
the same small group of people at the top. Many of the names are
easily recognized by a researcher who is familiar with the Zionist
criminal network. One of the head people of the Catalyst Fund and
Cyalume, for example, is Yair Shamir, the son of the well-known
terrorist-cum-prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.
Boaz Harel of ICTS is a partner at Cukierman & Co.
Judge Hellerstein's son, Joseph, works for a firm that represents and
works with the company that owns one of the key defendants in the 9-11
tort litigation. This presents an obvious (and probably criminal)
conflict of interest that cannot be ignored or allowed.
Both Alvin Hellerstein and his son Joseph worked for the well known
Jewish law firm of Stroock, Stroock & Lavan before moving to the
positions they now hold. President Bill Clinton appointed Alvin
Hellerstein to the U.S. District Court in New York in 1998 and Joseph
moved to Israel in 2001. They both know that the conflict of interest
exists, which is why they don't want to be interviewed by the media.
Stroock, Stroock & Lavan played a key role in the setting up of 9-11.
They represented Silverstein Properties when Larry Silverstein
acquired the lease for the World Trade Center in July 2001. They also
represented Goldman Sachs, A.I.G., and Cerberus Capital Management,
three of the key fraudulent companies involved in the trillion dollar
bail-out of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Stroock has a long history of representing the Rothschild's and other
high-level Zionists:
Firm historian Jethro Lieberman wrote: 'It was the 'Our Crowd'
German-Jewish clientele for which the firm was mostly, and justly,
noted in those days.' That included Otto H. Kahn, Felix M. Warburg,
Walter N. Rothschild, and Jacob Schiff. The three early Jewish
partners contributed to many Jewish organizations, such as the
Educational Alliance founded in 1889, the Montefiore Hospital for
Chronic Invalids, the Jewish Board of Guardians, the Federation for
the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, and
the Jewish Theological Seminary of America [where the Chertoff family
is deeply connected]. -Christopher Bollyn
Roberto Calvi Milanese banker, chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, dealt not
only with offshore tax havens, cold war politics, the Cosa Nostra, but
also with the Vatican's financial arm, the Institute for Religious
Works and P2, a highly influential sinister group of high-ranking
officials in a rogue Masonic lodge of which Calvi was a member. Banco
Ambrosiano laundered money made largely from the heroin trade for the
mafia. He knew the dark financial secrets of the Vatican. Letters of
comfort to offshore companies which he created were signed by
Archbishop Marcinkus, a Chicago-born prelate and key Vatican insider
who has never faced an interview or charges. Calvi was a disciple of
Michele Sindona and a member of P2, ominously Calvi had intimate
knowledge of regular payments made by large Italian companies to
political parties which went through his bank. Calvi was on the point
of going to prison for violating exchange controls. It was Michele
Sindona, once Calvi's mentor, who ratted on him. Calvi had one chance
to avert humiliation. Tell the world what he knew and it was this
which led to his death. Calvi as relieved of his duties at Banco
Ambrosiano and his secretary jumped to her death, 17 June 1982.
1.God's banker Nickname of Banco Ambrosiano's chairman, Roberto Calvi
claimed to have “disposed of large sums of money in favor of many
Eastern and Western countries and political-religious organizations.”
Calvi also said he had, “coordinated all over Central and South
America the creation of numerous banking operations for the purpose of
halting, above all, the penetration and expansion of Marxist and
related ideologies.”
2.Calvi murder Roberto Calvi who was found hanging from scaffolding
under Blackfriars Bridge, central London, on 18 June 1982, two months
before the bank collapsed.
1.Calvi inquest Initial inquest finding of suicide was overturned by a
second inquest that recorded an open verdict. Subsequent analysis of
the forensic evidence pointed to his murder. Flavio Carboni, a
Sardinian businessman and two alleged mafia bosses were charged with
involvement in a plot to kill Calvi, January 1999.
2.Freemason symbols Logo of leading legal Freemasons’ lodge in Italy
is a blackfriar and bricks, some of which were stuffed into Calvi’s
pockets and down the front of his trousers, along with a length of
orange rope woven into a lover's knot around his neck and $30,000 in
cash in his pockets as he hanged from London’s Blackfriars Bridge on
18 June 1982.
3.Fratelli Neri (It, = Blackfriars) Nickname for the Italian
Freemasons, who swear that those who betray the brotherhood will be
weighed down with stones and drowned.
4.Mafia murder It was argued that Calvi was murdered by the Mafia for
failing to honor mounting debts to the Cosa Nostra and because he knew
too much about alleged links between the Mafia and the Vatican’s
5.Frank the Strangler Francesco Di Carlo who specialized in the
incaprettati method. No mafia killing in London could happen unless it
were ordered by Francesco di Carlo. He was one of the first of the
Cosa Nostra to realize the need to “clean” criminal profits through
the financial system. Sentenced to 25 years in prison for heroin
Istituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR) (Italian, = Institute for
Religious Works) (infl, Vatican Bank) Founded by a special charter, a
chirografo, of Pope Pius XII, 27 June 1942. The IOR was not the
Vatican Bank as it was to become known, it was the Pope’s bank.
1.IOR/ Banco Ambrosiano Pope’s bank was enmeshed in the Banco
Ambrosiano affair, whose president Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, a
cardinal, was protected from prosecution in Italy by the Concordat
between the Italian state and the Holy See (Marcinkus remained head of
the bank until 1989, after which he returned to the US for his
retirement). Ambrosiano’s missing funds were lent to ten overseas
dummy companies, owned directly or indirectly by the Vatican Bank,
which were located in the Bahamas, South America and elsewhere.
2.IOR dealings Vatican funds were allegedly used to finance the
Solidarity Movement in Poland, while the former Nicaraguan dictator,
General Somoza is alleged to have benefited from Calvi’s dealings.
3.IOR tangentopoli Vatican bank returned to the headlines in 1993 when
magistrates said they suspected it was used to filter bribes in
Italy’s vast corruption scandal. Allegations were made in November
1994 by a former Mafia figure, Vincenzo Calcara, that the IOR helped
the Mafia to launder millions of dollars derived from drugs in early
1980s. ..............
Re: Dear SEC or Was 'naked short scam' invented in Washingtion,D.C. ?
By David Marchant on 3/25/2005 5:56:47 AM
E-mail: editor@kycnews.com
What Lord William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson failed to mention
when recommending LOM so whole-heartedly to their readers is that they
were also shareholders in LOM (Holdings) Ltd.
David Marchant
British Snob and Royalist / Druid Infiltration of Pentecostalism
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City. Just before the April 19,
1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the London Times's
strategist of ...
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City
Just before the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William
Rees-Mogg, the London Times's strategist of the Conservative
Revolution, issued a false report designed to provoke armed clashes
between "citizen militias" and the U.S. government. Rees-Mogg's report
was in the March 22, 1995 Strategic Investment newsletter, which is
published jointly by himself and James Dale Davidson, the head of the
U.S.-based National Taxpayers Union. The Rees-Mogg provocation was
very widely circulated, by fax and other means, among populists in the
U.S. Western states. It read as follows:
"The slaughter of dozens of women and children in Waco by government
storm troopers under the command of Field Marshal Reno may pale in
comparison to what has been planned for late March [elsewhere the date
is given as March 25]: a nationwide BATF/FBI assault on private
militias as the prelude to a possible declaration of martial law
throughout the United States. All leaves have been canceled for BATF/
FBI personnel.. . . Government agent provocateurs are set to plant
fully automatic and heavy weapons, like rocket launchers, on the
property of militia leaders. Every militia in the country--and there
are dozens, many of which are well armed and well-led by former or
even active duty officers-is on a state of Red Alert. Should Reno be
stupid enough to actually attack them militarily, there is going to be
a lot of blood.
"The establishment media is programmed to immediately thereafter
thunderously bellow for nationwide gun confiscation and even martial
In a later interview with this reporter, Soldier of Fortune writer
James Fate claimed credit for originating the story put out by Lord
Rees-Mogg; Fate pretended it was fed to him by a source in the
Treasury Department Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).
Colorado-based Soldier of Fortune magazine, a global recruitment
channel for mercenaries and assassins, was started up in the 1970s
with seed money from British Special Air Services operatives in
Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake Assassination ...
7 Apr 2010 – Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake
Assassination Attempt on Obama ... to stir up militia, white
supremacists, and the right wing into a ... British Lord William
Rees-Mogg, has predicted that either a fake ...
IDF Arrests Jenin Freedom Theater Actor, Audience Now Awaits Godot…and Pozo
August 7th, 2011
The Jenin Freedom Theater, whose founder Juliano Mer-Khamis was
murdered several months ago, is about to perform Waiting for Godot
under famed Israeli director and human rights activist, Udi Aloni.
But after arrest of the production’s leading actor, it will now be
waiting for Pozo as well. Over the past week, the IDF has arrested
the Theater’s manager, the board chair, and now one of its leading
young actors. Today’s arrest of 20 year-old Rami Awni Hwayel at a
West Bank checkpoint indicates that Israeli authorities are less
interested in finding Mer-Khamis’ killer/s than they are in destroying
the Theater itself.
The Theater released this statement:
Today at approximately 15:00 hrs one of the third-year graduating
students at The Freedom Theatre was taken by the Israeli army at the
Shave Shomeron checkpoint between the Palestinian cities, Jenin and
Nablus. The student’s name is Rami Awni Hwayel, age 20. He was
travelling from Ramallah to Jenin together with his fellow students.
Batool Taleb, one of the female acting students who was in the car
with Rami describes what happened: “When they got to our car, they
took all our IDs and when they saw Rami’s ID they told him to get out
of the car. Once he was out they immediately handcuffed and
blindfolded him and put him in the army jeep.”
The students had been rehearsing for their final graduation
project directed by the Israeli-American Director Udi Aloni in
“This is devastating. Rami is playing the main role in ‘Waiting
for Godot’ and doing an amazing job, he’s so dedicated to the work. He
just left rehearsals today for the weekend to see his family for
It’s terrible, we want our Pozo back!”, says Udi Aloni..............
Add to all this, that the IDF has placed the news of Hwayel’s arrest
under strict gag and Israeli media may not report it. This has to be
the worst kept gag order in Israeli history as Israeli journalists and
activists have been posting Facebook updates and tweeting about it for
The world must demand of the IDF: what are you doing and why are you
doing it? Solve the crime and if you can’t do that–hands off the
Freedom Theater. FREE Rami Hwayel! Find the telephone number of the
nearest Israeli consulate or embassy and call them demanding Rami’s
freedom. It’s bad enough that Freedom Theater will never see Godot in
this production. Let them at least see their Pozo.
Barack Obama,Hillary Clinton,U.S.Zionist Ambassador Barry White Spy on Norwegians,then they die.....Coincidence ?
For Whom The NobelTolls:Barack Obama,9/11,UK 7/7/05,Norway
May Day,WTC,9/11:U.S.Resident Barack Obama cries,'Osama bin Laden',
U.N.Ambassador Susan Rice liies ' Viagra Rape !'
9/11,WTC:Osama bin Laden on FBI Unwanted List;Barack Obama A Skinny Idi Amin ?
Barack Obama may turn out to be a skinny Idi Amin.I knew of course all
the Zionists and outright mafiosi and rapers of the U.S .economy that
helped fund him and that he was following the Zionist PARTY line that
Afghani peasants caused 9/11 and thus don't investigate the Israelis
Menachem Atzmon,Ezra Harel, et.al., criminals of ICTS International
pro Israeli connections or Securacom of Marvin Bush and the Kuwait Al
Sabah royalty at Dulles Airport Washington,D.C. and the WTC in New
York or the real cause for collapse of the WTC which may well turn out
to be super thermite rather than the planes themselves.But as it turns
out Idi Amin was backed and brought to power by Israeli Zionist war
and financial criminals just as Barack Obama appears to have been !
Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff is A
CIA,George Tenet Prostitute,So is Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva
No matter what one thinks of Julian Assange and Wikileaks he and it
could in no way be more evil than ex CIA Chief George Tenet who
helped W Bush and Dick Cheny et.al. to start their mass murder and
probable radioactive nuclear poisoning of Iraq,the or a major 'cradle
of agriculture and civilization.
So when Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff bragged about knowing the
scumbag and at the same time he told me that Agora Inc or CIA(same
difference) connected Lila Rajiva was joining Veterans Today as a ha
journalist even though he had just
previously told me she was 'gone',I almost barfed.In a real country of
law this Indian
foreign national would be facing plenty of jail time for her
involvement with the stock fraud money launderers and murder suspects
of Agora Inc who not only employ scumbags like CIA 'economist' Mark
Skousen who touted or promoted over the
internet to sell worthless shares of the CIA's In-Q-Tel penny stock
fraud called Ionatron that claimed-lyed about having technology to
remove improvised explosive devices from roads of Iraq and
-Tony Ryals
U.S.Resident Barack Obama,Secretary of State CocaineTrafficker Hillary
Clinton and Argentina's U.S. Military Coup Scandal
Submitted by Tony Ryals on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 23:25
WTC,9/11,Moscow Domodedovo Airport Bombing:Barack Obama,Medvedev Both
cover up ICTS Israeli Mass Murder
9/11 Barack Obama Chabad Lubavitch Dick Armey Dmitry Medvedev
Domodedovo Airport Bombing ICTS Europe israel Menachem Atzmon Moscow
News Russia WTC Anti-War
By Tony Ryals, submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 12:51am
9/11:Boston Logan Airport,Israeli ICTS International,Marvin Bush
Securacom SEC Filings
9/11:Boston,Logan Airport,ICTS,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert Money Launderer
Menahem Atzmon
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Armstrong,ICTS Israel, Securacom
Kuwait,ragingbull Stock Fraud
9/11,ICTS,WeCu,:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff
Promotes Dangerous Israeli 'Security' Fraud
9/11,Florida,Mohamed Atta:Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution
by Tony Ryals Thursday, Jan 24 2008, 11:32pm
Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl
EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Lebanon:Wanted Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp for 9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
from Tony Ryals - 15.05.2006 00:44
Makram Chams although Lebanese is more connected to the U.S. military
- industrial complex,to Titan Corp whose employees raped and tortured
innocent Iraqis than anything.In other words he is A George W Buysh
kind of guy and a Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in
Makram Majid Chams of Titan Corp ,9/11 fame sues Daniel Hopsicker
November 16, 2006
Westfield Group,Frank Lowy,WTC,9/11:ICTS International 'Security'
Trials A U.S.Judge Alvin Hellerstein Cover Up ?
Republicans,Drugs and Money: Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine,
Homeland 'Security',Money Laundering,Stock Fraud
Mexico Drug Bust,Tom DeLay,A.Khashoggi, Jeb Bush,Wally Hilliard
Terrorist Flight School
by Tony Ryals Sunday, Apr 23 2006, 1:08am
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,ICE,Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects armed racists,money launderers Bud Burrell,Dewayne Reeves of CFRN,Why ?
May 13 (Bloomberg) -- The founding partner of a London law firm will be fined 400,000 pounds ($591,000) for aiding a multimillion-pound illegal share scam, Britain’s Financial Services Authority said today in a statement.
Andrew Greystock, a former investment banker at NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd. and senior partner of Atlantic Law LLP, will also be banned by the FSA from working in financial services for signing off on advertising from four Spanish firms that were boiler rooms, the FSA said. Around 130 British consumers lost a total of 3 million pounds in the scam, according to the regulator.
Here are links to just a couple of articles I've written on CNN and
Wolf Blizer's cover up up Israeli stock fraudsters and mass
murderers.Rupert Murdoch's Fox News and the Zionist 'liberal' NY Times
journalistic crimes against Americans and humanity are perhaps even
more transparent.:
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up of Michael Zwebner,Air Water Corp Fraud
Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
by Tony Ryals | 07.04.2008
Long before Morris Talansky came on the radar in an Israel National
Fraud investigation(do 'ehud olmert morris talansky global
technologies' google search)this past May,CNN and Wolf Blitzer and
their legal representative in Florida, Holland & Knight LLP,covered up
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert's Criminal Ties to U.S. Air Water Corp Stock
Fraud and British Israeli con artist Michael Zwebner which Enabled the
corrupt Olmert to become Israeli PM in the first place !
9/11:Boston Logan Airport,Israeli ICTS International,Marvin Bush
Securacom SEC Filings
Tony Ryals e-mail:e-mail: wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com
ICTS International's own SEC filings and press releases(below) back up
Barry Chamish, Christopher Bollyn and myself,(re Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert's convicted money launderer,Menachem Atzmon,and
his ICTS International's involvement on 9/11/01 with Logan Airport
Boston,Massachusetts and the New York WTC tragedy).My only critique of
both of the feuding investigative reporters, Chamish and Bollyn,is
omission of the fact that the Kuwait-American Company and its
Securacom,controlled by Marvin Bush,Wirt Walker III and members of the
Al Sabah royalty of Kuwait were also involved in providing 'security'
at Dulles Airport and the WTC at the same time and they WERE BOTH
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,9/11/01,SwissAir 111 Crash,9/2/98
fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stocks ?
I ask this question in light of antiwar.com 'libertarian' blogger
Justin Raimondo recent mention in his blog that Anders Behring
Breivik claims 'to have been the "managing director" of "E-Commerce
Group AS," which is described as a "part investment company – 50%,
part sales/outsourcing company – 50%," with a "total of 7 employees: 3
in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US."
Was Anders Behring Breivik Norway Terrorism funded by CIA or Israeli
fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stock frauds ?
Norway police to track killer’s funds in year-long probe
Cops seek financial trail in Caribbean banking havens
In a manifesto Breivik boasted that he earned 4 million crowns
($743,200) for his plot by 2005 and channeled some through the
Caribbean and eastern Europe before losing about half in “stock
speculation” by 2008.
Oslo police said they were collaborating with authorities in United
States, Britain and the Nordic countries.
Norwegian Police “Seeking Clues” In Bermuda
August 3, 2011 by bernews
According to a report from Reuters, investigators are checking whether
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik had “financial help” and are
“seeking clues” in Bermuda and Antigua. The right-wing extremist
killed 76 people last month in twin attacks that shocked the
Was Anders Behring Breivik Norway Terrorism funded by CIA or Israeli
fraud,money laundering with U.S. penny stocks ?
I ask this question in light of antiwar.com 'libertarian' blogger
Justin Raimondo recent mention in his blog that Anders Behring
Breivik claims 'to have been the "managing director" of "E-Commerce
Group AS," which is described as a "part investment company – 50%,
part sales/outsourcing company – 50%," with a "total of 7 employees: 3
in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US."
Like Breivik Geofarm, he says:
"This was a front (milking cow) with the purpose of financing
resistance/liberation related military operations. The company was
successful although most of the funds were channeled through a
Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European
countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank
accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce
Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channeled in
an ‘unorthodox manner’ to Norway available to the coming intellectual
and subsequent operations phase."
There is no online record of Breivik’s "E-Commerce Group AS," as far
as I can see: an odd happenstance for an e-commerce outfit, wouldn’t
you say? As for Brentwood Solutions Limited, there is no record of
those guys, either: however, there is a Brentwood Solutions LLC in
Naples, Florida. In any case, what I want to know is how did Breivik
manage to get his hands on the equivalent of nearly $115,000 added to
his account in 2007? If the money was legitimately earned, then why
hide it in Caribbean and Eastern European banks and why go through
"unorthodox" procedures in order to sneak it into Norway?
Justin Raimondo whose own blogging I sometimes find informative is
nonetheless a supporter of Texas 'Libertarian Republican' Ron Paul
even after Paul's recent financial disclosure shows he owns shares of Goldcor
that rapes Mayan land and people in Guatemala and has
used at least one U.S.incorporated ' penny stock',Petrol Oil and Gas
or POIG, to profit from illegal 'pump and dump' and subsequent
OFFSHORE money laundering of the illegal proceeds - probably through
offshore accounts just like Bill and Hillary Clinton,among other
corrupt U.S.politicians,use themselves ! And so far according to
Breiveck's own murky tale,he himself was allowed or taught to do by
someone(s).However far right fascist Israelis that these same
politicos allow and encourage to run such frauds and to defraud
Americans particulary with American penny stocks,(now chiefly
controlled offshore and even in Dubai through NASDAQ owned in great
part by Dubai Sheik Mohamed Al Rashid Maktoum WHO ALLOWED KALID
DUBAI TO VENICE,FLORIDA PRE 9/11)and himself cooperates with politically
connected Israeli,American and British,et.al.,far right in defrauding
Americans or others naive enough to invest in these worthless
'securities'.I'm not saying this of Raimondo but it has been my
experience that many who proudly wear the 'libertarian' political
badge in the U.S.and on the internet are themselves either far right
or even connected to the CIA.The Baltimore penny stock promoting and
dumping 'company' Agora Inc of Baltmore that his hero Ron Paul and
Paul's promoter Alex Jones of prisonplanet.com are intimately
connected to is not only infested with CIA MONEY LAUNDERING CRIMINALS
Agora Inc.'s Porter Stansberry,suspect in the strange death of his own
employee and old Florida school chum Rey Rivera in 2006,(who Ron
Paul's promoter Alex Jones is connected to through doing a voice over
for his endofamerica2001.com scam), brags of being the only American
ever to be the Fleet Street stock tout editor. And Stansberry's Agora
Inc. financial crime bosses James Dale Davidson and Bill Bonner have
been partners in stock fraud and money laundering with UK Lord William
Rees-Mogg through Agora Inc and the infamous Golcor-Oxford Club
scandal as well as Lines Oversaeaes Mangement or LOM of Bermuda for
decades ! And of course the Lord William Rees-Mogg former editor of
The London Times is very Rupert Murdoch connected as it appears is
Agora Inc's James Dale Davidson whose far right newsmax.com is
occasionally given pr or cited at Fox News.
And paradoxically the CIA connected Agora Inc stock fraudster and money
launderer Lord William Rees-Mogg is an intimate of Lord Pearson who in turn is :
''Someone who is now behind the English Defence League is directly
linked to Breivik and Fjordman, I am just conveniently ideologically
linked and implemented and the authorities know this. Those who are
linked to Fjordman are now using Breivik’s act to further their online
political agenda and ideals. That small group is linked to Geert
Wilders and Lord Pearson via Civil Liberties Alliance and the European
anti-jihad movement.'' .....'It is said that Breivik attended the
London EDL demo in support of Geert Wilders whilst Lord Pearson was
hosting him in the House of Lords inside.' - Lion Heart
If you or I were to open offshore accounts for the purpose of using
stocks for manipulation and fraud and money laundering we would
probably at best be used as examples of the U.S.SEC's 'diligence' and
thrown in jail after a the estasblished media and the SEC proudly put
us on display,a very rare occurence.If we were CIA or Israelis or UK
Lords and far right elites however or their employees,Bernie Madoff
cronie,and now SEC Chair, Mary Schipiro, and her corupt SEC attorneys
would pretend not to notice a thing just like ex SEC Chair Christopher
Cox before her who aided and abetted Goldman Sachs and the CIA and
probably MI 5 or MI 6 connected scumbags of Bill Bonner's,James Dale
Davidsion's and the Lord William Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. penny stock
promoting and dumping 'company' of Agora Inc and the worldwide
internet with its thedailyreckoning and many more also connected stock
frauds and gold fraud and mortgagew fraud and oil fraud promotion
websites.Billionaire Steve Forbes and 'libertarian'Republican 'peace
candidate' Ron Paul among many others are part of the CIA connecterd
Agora Inc motely crew as well and Agora's James Dale Davidson of
'Clinton killed Vince Foster' fame and the UK LORD William Ress-Mogg
of The Times of London and Rupert Murdoch and 'Iron Lady' Margarot
Thatcher fame were both founders of Agora Inc ands well as major
owners of LOM or Lines Overseas Management that is infamous for its
major stock fraud and money laundering operations over the decades.
The Grin brothers of Israel, (and the Stassi and Ukraine before that),
have run so many stock frauds with Austrian Israeli Jewish billionaire
Martin Schlaff they must be a long running joke at the U.S.SEC between
the SEC attorneys' on line porno website surfing......And so it would
be no surprise at all if Breivik funded his Norway terrorism and mass
murder of innocent young people using stock fraud and just as in his
Oslo bombing and island murder rampage was NOPT acting alone but had
friends in high places.Even his EDL or English Defence League founder
pal in England or the UK, Alan Lake, that funds violence and hate
thoughout the UK,Europe and the world,seems to have come by his
'miilionaire' status through unexplained sources.And since a Mr.Paul
Ray being blamed or framed by the media with headlines such as ,'Paul
Ray (Lionheart) of the English Defence League may be one of the
favourites to be ”Richard” the UK mentor of Anders Behring Breivik' -
he has since come out firing on the internet in defence of himself and
naming names - not only that of his accuser Alan Lake but of Lord
Pearson of Rannoch who has ties to Lord William Rees-Mogg himself who
Linden LaRouche accused of funding right wing militias in the U.S.some
years back .These ties are not only as elite UK Lords but also Mogg
has used his blogging to promote Lord Pearson's anti-Islamic
political party that invited Dutch wingnut Geert Wilders to incite
hatred in the UK a while back.
War and stock fraud criminals such as Lord William Rees-Mogg and
Israelis such as the Grin brothers with their Stassi communist and
Russian mafia connections even to Vlamir Putin and the Israelis of
ICTS International implicted in 9/11 through their ICTS International
securities,(stock),and security,,(safety),fraud that 'guarded Logan
Airport Boston on 9/11 and still control Schiphol Amsterdam Airport
even after their role in allowing the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' board
flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas 2009 only make it
appear more likely than ever that Norwegian terrorist Breivik was
purposefully allowed to accumulate money in offshore accounts through
stock and financial frauds to fund his operations in Oslo Norway as
And although the Lord William Rees-Mogg and his Agora Inc co-author
who wrote such scammy offshore banking books as 'The Sovereign
Individual' and 'Blood In The Streets' together,they know that only
the political and financial elite are allowed to really get away with
mass financial fraud and money laundering using offshore accounts.
With a focus on the Plutocrats, Goldsmiths, Super-Rich Insiders, and
their Allies and
what they are conspiratorially doing to manipulate the financial
markets, make more
profits, rip us off and install a world government under their control
London Times columnist Lord William Rees-Mogg is also on the board of
Rothschild's St. James Place Capital. “A frequent business partner of
Soros in various
Note Lord Pearson's overriding concern to back the bimbo daughter
Annunziata Rees-Mogg of Lord William Rees-Mogg over all other
political concerns below.Like her brother
UKIP: More on Lord Pearson's betrayal of UKIP
Report Email
Written by Junius on May-2-10 7:21am
From: juniusonukip.blogspot.com
Lord Pearson said: "Although of course I want as many people as
possible to vote UKIP nationwide, there are a few marginal
constituencies where I do not want us to prevent committed
Eurosceptics from entering the House of Commons, where they will fight
for our common cause.
"These are three such seats, and so I must ask the electorate to vote
for the Conservative candidates, David Heathcoat-Amory, Annunziata
Rees-Mogg and Mark Formosa. They have not asked for this help, but it
is part of my national strategy. I am trying to put our country above
party policies......
Jacob was penning letters to the 'Financial Times' when he was 12.
Annunziata joined the Tory party at the age of five. Now they have
their sights set on becoming MPs. By Guy Adams
19 Oct 2006 – ... Somerton and Frome selected the Honourable
Annunziata Rees-Mogg to fight ... happens to be the youngest daughter
of the former Times editor, William. ... the elderly lady helping him
canvass was in fact his former nanny. ... Like her brother before her,
she was ably assisted by Lord Rees-Mogg, ...
The rub, so to speak, is that Ms Rees-Mogg happens to be the youngest
daughter of the former Times editor, William. Her brother, Jacob, is
the headline-prone 37-year-old banker who in May was selected by the
Tories to contest North-east Somerset, the next-door seat to Somerton
and Frome..........
Just two weeks ago, a case in point: the Eton and Oxford-educated
Jacob was interviewed on Newsnight about his party's efforts to
install more women and ethnic minority candidates.
"The Tory party when it's elected has to be able to form a government,
and it's not going to be able to form a government if it has potted
plants as candidates simply to make up quotas," he said. "We don't
want to make it harder for intellectually able people to be
After leaving Eton, he studied history at Trinity College, Oxford, and
became president of the
University Conservative Association. Contemporaries recall a fogeyish
young man, with a cut-glass
accent and a nifty line in blazers, tweed jackets, and pinstripe suits....
Voters in the gritty former mining seat, which at the time had an
unemployment level of 9 per cent,
were somewhat bemused to see the thick-skinned Rees-Mogg canvassing
from a luxury car (some
reports said Bentley, others Rolls-Royce)....
He further caught the public imagination when the media reported that
the elderly lady helping him canvass
was in fact his former nanny. And with extraordinary panache, he
denied suggestions from reporters that he
alter his charcoal suit and tie, saying: "I think a flat cap would be
rather transparent, don't you?"...
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
14 Sep 2008 – Annunziata Rees-Mogg suffered an allergic reaction ...
an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite at the Republican convention
in Minneapolis. ...
At the beginning of this year, an influential member of the British
ruling class, Lord Rees-Mogg, publicly called for limiting education
to the top five percent of the population, the same level of literacy
as existed before the Fifteenth-century Renaissance. His Times of
London article of January 5, 1995, was unabashedly entitled, “It’s the
Elites Who Matter.”
British Snob and Royalist / Druid Infiltration of Pentecostalism
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City. Just before the April 19,
1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the London Times's
strategist of ...
Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake Assassination ...
7 Apr 2010 – Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake
Assassination Attempt on Obama ... to stir up militia, white
supremacists, and the right wing into a ... British Lord William
Rees-Mogg, has predicted that either a fake ...
Mysterious Death of UK Lord William Rees-Mogg's,Bill Bonner's,Porter Stansberry's and James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc employee Rey Rivera in Baltimore,Maryland could have been the result of his getting close to the Masonic Lodge's involvement with stock fraud money laundering in cahoots with this CIA and UK elite connected crime gang that is Agora Inc of Baltimore and the worlds wide internet.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Masonic murder mystery or bizarre suicide? After a year, police still baffled
It happened a year ago — May 16, 2006. A Masonic murder mystery. Or maybe it was a suicide. Police haven't figured it out yet.
Rey Rivera, age 32. Married (but the last person to see him alive was a female houseguest on May 16). Former editor of a financial newsletter. Aspiring filmmaker. Masonic wannabe?
His decomposing body was found a week later in a locked conference room on the lower floors of the Belvedere hotel. Next to him were his sandals and his still-working cell phone. Experts don't believe the phone would have survived the impact intact.
He apparently crashed through the roof of the lower level of the hotel, and it's assumed he killed himself by jumping from 14 stories up. Or maybe he was pushed......
(Surveillance video in the Belvedere condominium convenientluy not working that day.)
At his home, family members found a cryptic note, typed in miniscule print, folded up in a plastic bag, taped to Rivera's computer screen along with a blank check.
Police called it "bizarre, really bizarre."
It wasn't a suicide note, the FBI concluded.
"What it does appear to be is a weird stream of conscious writing," Baltimore Police Department Cmdr. Fred Bealefeld said. "The other thing I thought of... is if he's writing some type of code to someone about something. That's possible."
The note was addressed to brothers and sisters and referred to a well-played game. It named people who had died, including actor Christopher Reeve and filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. It also contained a long list of people Rivera knew and was related to, with a request to make them and himself five years younger, WBAL-TV reported.
The note began and ended with unnamed phrases used in Freemasonry.
Rivera's family and friends said he was fascinated with Masonic "secrets."
On the weekend before his disappearance, he spent time reading the book The Builders. On the day he disappeared, Rivera talked with a member of a lodge in Maryland about joining.
On the day he disappeared, he went to a bookstore and bought Bro. Hodapp's book Freemasons for Dummies.
"Based on what we've seen, his interest in the Masonic order was not to do charitable work," Bealefeld said. "Somehow it was linked to his interest in the movie industry and this theory that somehow there was control being exerted by the Masonic order."
Rivera had worked for Agora Publishing, editing a financial newsletter called Rebound Report. His family said he'd been unhappy that many of the stocks he had recommended were not performing as he had predicted.
Six months before his death, he'd stopped working as a writer/editor, and had become a contract worker for the same company, producing videos for them.
What do you think was going on? The police don't have a clue.
I think he felt guilty that people, perhaps his brothers and sister to whom the bizarre note was addressed, had invested in stocks based on his recommendations, and then lost money. The blank check was his way of paying them back, and wishing them five years younger a way of going back before the stock purchase.
Perhaps his interest in Freemasonry came from a belief that we do, as the conspiracy theorists proclaim, indeed rule the world, and our secret power at controlling world financial markets had caused the stocks he'd recommended not to rebound as he believed they should. We're so sinister that way.
If he believed that, he certainly was a Dummy.
my comment:
I was unaware until recently regarding this tragedy and it inspired me to write more of my experiences with Agora Inc., particularly in light of the fact that the recent Pentagon shooting involved John Berrell who turns out to be a Ludwig Van Mises fan just like the Agora Inc and Lew Rockwell-ian cult members with their Beltway and CIA connections.One only wonders if his father, also named John Bedell,is a fan of the old Austrian economist and quack Ludwig Van Mises as well,particularly as his Hollister business SagePoint in Hollister,California appears to have been purchased by AIG
execs who are trying to deceive future investors-suckers that they aren't AIG execs.
While members of Masonic Lodge may be involved in sectretive stock scams and penny stocks and money laundering for all I know and the CIA as well just like Agora Inc money laundering op of Baltimore,etc.,I have really not heard much of their finances nor any particular criminal activity.And so until you find something of a Masonic-Agora connection I'm not convinced they would have a motive.Agora Inc and its 'management that includes his evil 'friend' Porter Stanberry, Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson,UK's Lord William Rees-Mogg,et.al., on the other hand is very suspicious and it is they who he wrote or put his name to the Reboud Report for in the first place.It is they that Rey Rivera would have known to much about...
Pentagon Shooter,Death In Baltimore:Agora Inc.,Rey Rivera,Porter Stansberry,James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,Lila Rajiva,SEC
And Agora also has its Israeli money laundering and CIA connections.......:
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel ...
29 Jul 2007 – Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust ..... Coincidentally Mr.Davidson's and Bill Bonner's Agora Inc. of ...
UK Indymedia - Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack on Barack Obama
Also James Dale Davidson reappears on Agora Inc's Bill Bonner's Lord .... Even ex CIA Chief William Colby was employed by Davidson and the Lord William ... Israeli penny stock scam Pluristem along with James Dale Davidson and his Agora ...
CIA Frank Carlucci,Patrice Lumumba, Pluristem and Stock Fraudster Bill ...
8 Nov 2008 – enrichment with the U.S. incorporated Israeli penny stock scam Pluristem along with James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc crime family in ...
Agora Inc.,CIA George Tenet in New Orleans :Stock fraud : NOLA ...
lord pearson william rees mogg
The House Of Lords
Astor, William, Viscount (Con) Astor of Hever, John, Lord (Con)
Attenborough, Richard, Lord (Lab) .....
Pearson of Rannoch, Malcolm, Lord (Other) Peel, William, Earl (XB) ...
Rees-Mogg, William, Lord (XB)
Reid of Cardowan, Lord (Lab)
In his Mail on Sunday column William Rees-Mogg notes the strength of
UKIP and the Green Party in Norwich North. Unlike the main parties
they increased the number of votes they received (Greens from 1,252 to
3,350 and UKIP 1,122 to 4,068) and predicts they will become major
features of British politics if a pure form of proportional
representation was introduced:
UKIP: More on Lord Pearson's betrayal of UKIP
Report Email
Written by Junius on May-2-10 7:21am
From: juniusonukip.blogspot.com
Lord Pearson said: "Although of course I want as many people as
possible to vote UKIP nationwide, there are a few marginal
constituencies where I do not want us to prevent committed
Eurosceptics from entering the House of Commons, where they will fight
for our common cause.
"These are three such seats, and so I must ask the electorate to vote
for the Conservative candidates, David Heathcoat-Amory, Annunziata
Rees-Mogg and Mark Formosa. They have not asked for this help, but it
is part of my national strategy. I am trying to put our country above
party policies.
Someone who is now behind the English Defence League is directly
linked to Breivik and Fjordman, I am just conveniently ideologically
linked and implemented and the authorities know this. Those who are
linked to Fjordman are now using Breivik’s act to further their online
political agenda and ideals. That small group is linked to Geert
Wilders and Lord Pearson via Civil Liberties Alliance and the European
anti-jihad movement.
Video: Lord Pearson
It is said that Breivik attended the London EDL demo in support of
Geert Wilders whilst Lord Pearson was hosting him in the House of
Lords inside.
The very first meeting in London when Steven Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy”
assumed the leadership role of the English Defence League with Chris
Knowles (CLA) and others present whose names I have, Jeff Marsh aka
Joe Cardiff from Wales was due to attend the meeting but Chris Renton
EDL alias John Sheridan prevented him from attending by arranging to
meet him about buying hooligan books on the same day. I was sent a
picture from them of a clock that was in the pub they were sitting in
having their meeting, which you can see below.
It is not going to be very long until the Norwegian police know
everyone in Alan Lakes little London flat that day, and who the
professor talking about military strategies was. I am sure he was not
English, I might be mistaken though, but I think he came from a
Scandanavian Country. Chris Knowles of Civil Liberties Alliance knows
each of them because I invited him and he invited them, which includes
him inviting Lake to the EDL table. If they have any form of humanity
and human decency, for the sake of those innocent murdered children
they have no alternative but to expose those behind this atrocity.
UK Indymedia - EDL Funding - show me the money!
www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/473155.html?c=on - Cached
31 Jan 2011 – Try Lord Pearson (UKIP) Alan Lake is a fake. We put this
together after a Seff Indy meeting was invaded by EDL on 13th July
2010 ...
Lionheart: Who is Fjordman & where is Alan Lake?
4 days ago – The same as Lord Pearson of Rannoch who is directly
linked to Alan Lake and Fjordman. He has a choice, make the right move
now and take the ...
Ukip leader Lord Pearson avoided capital gains tax on sale of home
Direct Link Open in New Window
Lord Pearson claimed for his £3.7m "second home" while also living in
a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
submitted by Telegraph on 1st Dec 2009 (via telegraph.co.uk)
Tags: · on sale · 000 · 12 · Estate · Living · Sale · Scotland · Tax · UKIP
Interesting little thought Direct Link Open in New Window
William Rees Mogg muses over the electoral battleground of Somerset.
In the Somerset marginals a vote for UKIP will help to elect Lib Dem
candidates to Westminster. Which means that the UKIP vote will
determine whether Jacob and or Annunziata Rees Mogg make it into the
next parliament. They’re two of the tribe that I didn’t go
submitted by TimWorstall on 30th Nov 2009 (via timworstall.com)
Tags: · Help · Lib Dem · Parliament · UKIP · Westminster
UKIP leader Lord Pearson claimed £100,000 allowances for £3.7m London
home Direct Link Open in New Window
Lord Pearson claimed for his £3.7m "second home" while also living in
a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
The divine mission of UKIP’s new leader Direct Link Open in New Window
Lord Pearson, the new leader of the UK Independence Party certainly
does "do God" - and claims a personal connection with the Almighty
which is more direct than any political leader, certainly since
Gladstone, after a religious experience in which he believes a
messenger from God appeared to him while he was being operated on to
have varicose veins removed in 1977. Pearson says that the
submitted by LiberalConspiracy on 28th Nov 2009 (via liberalconspiracy.org)
Tags: · personal · political · political · UK · UK Independence Party · UKIP
Lord Pearson is new UKIP leader
150px-Malcolm_Pearson I like Lord Pearson. He is a good and principled
man but he does not have the charisma of Nigel Farage. The leadership
race has also shown UKIP to be divided and lacking in talent. The
party's large libertarian element may not share their new leader's
reported determination to add "the battle against Islamic
fundamentalism to the party’s main goal of withdrawing Britain from
the European Union."
UKIP is not going to be the force it was.
Tim Montgomerie
3.30pm: A further thought... Lord Pearson's lack of democratic
legitimacy hardly helps UKIP's central claim about people being able
to vote out unelected politicians.
5.30pm WATCH: New UKIP leader, Lord Pearson, says his party's aim is a
hung parliament and he will champion issues that mainstream parties
think "too smelly too touch"
Posted at 15:13 in UKIP | Permalink | Comments (254) .....................
As for Lucianne Goldberg herself, who walks, talks, and acts like one
of Chotiner's gangster molls, she wrote Madame Cleo's Girls, a 1992
novel with lurid details about a trio of high-class prostitutes.
Still, before Goldberg became the den mother for Bush-leaguer Linda
``Bad'' Tripp, she had reportedly represented Dolly Kyle Browning for
a potential book deal about an alleged, early Clinton love affair, but
critics debunked Browning's story.
Next, Goldberg tried to get a book deal for the Arkansas state
troopers who alleged that they had procured women for then-Gov. Bill
Goldberg and her son, Joshua, also confirmed that she has been a
frequent collaborator of the two leading British intelligence
operatives assigned to trash Clinton: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and Lord
William Rees-Mogg. .......................
Lucianne Goldberg admitted to this author that she knows another
leading British opponent of President Clinton, Lord William Rees-Mogg,
the former editor of the London Times now owned by Rupert Murdoch.
``Of course I know Lord William Rees-Mogg,'' she said. ``I think he's
been doing a great job against Clinton.'' Rees-Mogg's attacks upon the
Clinton administration either appear in the London Times or in the
U.S.-based newsletter Strategic Investment, which Lord Rees-Mogg
co-edits with James Dale Davidson, founder of the right-wing National
Taxpayers Union.
No sooner did the Goldberg-Tripp-Lewinsky scandal break, than Lord
William Rees-Mogg sped to the United States, apparently in search of
DNA samples and other dirt dished up by his admirer, Lucianne ``Ma
Barker'' Goldberg.
The mystery deepens….
Check out Breivik’s resume here, wherein he claims to have been the
"managing director" of "E-Commerce Group AS," which is described as a
"part investment company – 50%, part sales/outsourcing company – 50%,"
with a "total of 7 employees: 3 in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in
Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US." Like Breivik Geofarm, he says:
"This was a front (milking cow) with the purpose of financing
resistance/liberation related military operations. The company was
successful although most of the funds were channeled through a
Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European
countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank
accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce
Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channeled in
an ‘unorthodox manner’ to Norway available to the coming intellectual
and subsequent operations phase."
There is no online record of Breivik’s "E-Commerce Group AS," as far
as I can see: an odd happenstance for an e-commerce outfit, wouldn’t
you say? As for Brentwood Solutions Limited, there is no record of
those guys, either: however, there is a Brentwood Solutions LLC in
Naples, Florida. In any case, what I want to know is how did Breivik
manage to get his hands on the equivalent of nearly $115,000 added to
his account in 2007? If the money was legitimately earned, then why
hide it in Caribbean and Eastern European banks and why go through
"unorthodox" procedures in order to sneak it into Norway?
Okay, now let’s summarize what we know about Breivik’s money trail,
based not on what he says in his diary but on what little
investigative reporting has been done on the matter. It boils down to
this: His tax records show a small income in 2007 – the year all that
money miraculously appeared in his bank account – and a bit more in
2008. He had no reported income in 2006 and 2009. Prior to that, there
is no evidence of his "first million" anywhere to be seen.
While his diary emphasizes that he saved every penny to finance his
terrorist operation, there had to be some income coming in from
somewhere. And then there’s that mysterious $115,000 – did he rob a
bank? Or did he have a benefactor? Here is where Breivik’s money trail
simply … trails off.
The idea that Breivik acted alone is absurd: he had to have help, just
on logistical matters, never mind the financial side of such an
operation. Furthermore, it’s hard – nay, impossible – to believe he
kept the secret to himself for nine years. In order to escape
detection, and have the means to carry off such a complicated
operation, Breivik must have had some organized assistance – and not
from amateurs, by any means. At this point, we don’t know from whom.
However, we can see in the reaction to his murderous assault a kind of
support network that has sprung up, if not to defend him personally
then to defend his motivations and the ethos from which his hatred
welled up. As I have said in my other columns on this subject, the
so-called counter-jihadist milieu – whose writings were copiously
cited in the online manifesto – provided the theoretical basis for
Breivik’s horrific actions. The "anti-jihadist" pro-Israel blogosphere
played an important role in reinforcing and elaborating Breivik’s
crazed worldview, and there is even some frightening evidence that
they played more of an activist role than that.
In a post dated June 24, 2007, Pamela Geller, a leading light of the
counter-jihadi movement, posted the following on her web site:
"I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It
is devastating in its matter-of-factness.
"Well, yes, the situation is worsening. Stepping up from 29 000
immigrants every year, in 2007 we will be getting a total of 35 000
immigrants from somalia, iran, iraq and afghanistan. The nations
capital is already 50% muslim, and they ALL go there after entering
Norway. Adding the 1.2 births per woman per year from muslim women,
there will be 300 000+ muslims out of the then 480 000 inhabitants of
that city.
"Orders from Libya and Iran say that Oslo will be known as Medina
at the latest in 2010, although I consider this a PR-stunt
nevertheless it is their plan.
"From Israel the hordes clawing at the walls of Jerusalem proclaim
cheerfully that next year there will be no more Israel, and I know
Israel shrugs this off as do I, and will mount a strike during the
summer against all of its enemies in the middle east. This will make
the muslims worldwide go into a frenzy, attacking everyone around
"We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment.
This is going to happen fast.
"Before, I thought about emigrating to Britain, Israel, USA, South
Africa, etc. for taxes and politics, but instead (although I believe
we are the very last generation on earth before the return of God) I
will stay and fight for the right to this country and indeed the
entire peninsula, for the God-fearing people, just in case this isn’t
the end of the world after all. Doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan.
"It’s far from impossible to achieve, after all my people has done
it every time before, in feats that match the ancient Greek, hebrew
and british ‘legends’.
"Oslo and the southeast may fall easily, but there are other lines
than ‘state’-borders drawn across this country since long before there
was even a single muslim in the world, and we have held them this
long, against everyone else too. We are entering a new golden age for
my people, and those of a handful other countrys, but only through
"Never fear, Pamela. God is with you too in this coming time."
In the comments, one of Geller’s readers warns that the author of the
letter could be prosecuted by Norewegian authorities. Geller replies:
"Yes … which is why I ran it anonymously."
So here is some nut stockpiling "weapons, ammunition, and equipment,"
because "this is going to happen fast" – with Geller’s enthusiastic
encouragement. Indeed, she’s so concerned her correspondent might be
arrested that she’s protecting his identity.
Anders Behring Breivik , Brentwood Solutions Ltd , E-Commerce Group AS
Late in 2002 I was working full time as a mid level leader in a
customer service company.
At the same time, I started a company that focused on outsourcing of programming
services. It went quite well. And around May 2003 I quit my day job to
focus entirely on
my business. The next three years i worked an average 12 hours per day with my
company; E-Commerce Group. At one point I had 6 employees, 2 in
Norway, 2 in Russia,
1 in Romania and one in Indonesia. I registered an off shore company
and several off
shore bank accounts in order to avoid excessive state taxation
(anonymous debit cards
and ATM`s ftw). This way, I could build up funds faster. My initial
plan was to earn at
least 5 million, then use the acquired funds to start a pan-European
movement or plan an advanced operation. It started out great and I
earned my first mill
(NOK) at the age of 24 which peaked at 4 million, 12 months later. In
2005 and 2006,
recession hit my industry which resulted in lower income margins. As a
result I decided
to discontinue my company and instead salvage all the funds I could.
The most cost
efficient way of doing this in my country is to file for bankruptcy,
which I did. I had now
completed my goal and I had enough funding to proceed with planning of
an assault
I spent three years were I focused on writing the compendium, 2083.
During a 12 month
period in the beginning, I also played World of Warcraft part time
(which had been a
dream for some time – hardcore raiding:). I lived very ascetic and
relatively isolated in
this period. These three years would also contribute to detach myself
from my “old life”.
It’s a process I used in order to isolate myself from most of my
network, in preparation
for the coming operation. I feel that this period was needed in order
to completely
”detach myself from “the game”, my “former shallow consumerist
lifestyle ” in order to
ensure full focus on the matters at hand.
Comment: Normally I find it quite pathetic to brag about how much one
has earned. The
only reason I mentioned it is because the cultural Marxist/
multiculturalist government
will likely try to attempt to “assassinate my character” by labelling
me as an “insane,
inbred, pedophile Nazi loser”.
I guess it should also be noted that I did in fact lose 2 million NOK
on stock speculation
during the period 2005-2008 leaving me with approximately 2 million
(half a million went
to tax). Most of my funds were channelled through the company;
Brentwood Solutions
Ltd (and four other offshore accounts) which again channelled the funds to my
Norwegian corporation; E-Commerce Group AS and to anonymous debit cards. Despite
the fact that I used an offshore company/accounts. In retrospect I see
that I made
certain mistakes which has pressured my budget. I had approximately
one million NOK
(170 000 Euro) to spend on both writing the book and finance the
operation. I spent
more funds during the creation of the compendium leaving me with approximately
40 000 Euro plus credit for the operation.
9:50 PM
Anonymous said...
a) There are several companies called "Brentwood Solutions LLC" in the
USA (google it)
b) Connected to this "Brentwood Solutions LLC" is a "Solutions
Plumbing Inc" located at the same address.
c) Both companies are owned/managed by one David B Ross and a Lyn M
Ross, probably husband/wife.
See here http://www.corporationwiki.com/Florida/Naples/david-b-ross-P4563946.aspx
and here (Map)
This might be a family plumbing business. In google maps the place
looks like an industrial/commercial quarter.
Other observations:
- The place is located quite near an airport, what is among
preferences displayed by shady businesses from the letter soup.
- Florida, mostly East coast, is full of filthy rich jews of the ilk
which finances the west bank settlements.
- Florida (West) contains several rather big military sites, among
them one connected via "Tim Osman" to 9/11.
10:30 PM
..HPrice said...
Found this on the internets whilst digging around:
Looks like it maybe the only record of Breivik's company??
From the information there, I got the wayback machine to show me his
"website" which goes back to 2002 I believe:
Anyway just some bits and pieces,
Best wishes
Harvey aka paraschtick.
ps looking up Brentwood Solutions et al in Naples, Florida, and
specifically David Ross, there are a tonne of "neurological/medical
institutes" and whatnot in the area. I thought that was ...
interesting (a lot of them with a David Ross involved with them,
though I'm not too sure it is the same guy as mentioned already).
Alan Lake Jewish ?,(i.e.-white guy who thinks he's a semite ?):
Nachum Shifren surfing rabbi connected to alan lake:
Rabbi Nachum Shifren, also known as the surfing rabbi, is an Orthodox
Lubavitcher Chassidic rabbi and accomplished surfer. Active in
conservative politics, Shifren was the candidate in 2010 of the
California Republican Party in the California state senate's 26th
[edit] BiographyA native of southern California, Shifren grew up in
the San Fernando Valley, where he learned to surf as a youth.[2] He
worked as a lifeguard in Malibu as a young man, a time in his life
when he was not religious. He began his path to religiosity when he
met an Australian rabbi who liked to bodysurf and performed sacraments
at the beach.[3] At the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, Shifren went
to Israel to volunteer on a kibbutz, and in 1977 he emigrated to
Israel. Shifren served in the Israeli Defense Forces and received a
degree in Combat Fitness Training at the Wingate Institute for Sports
in Netanya, Israel.
Shifren received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of
California of Santa Barbara in Spanish and German Literature. He
continued graduate studies in West Germany at the University of
Goettingen. Shifren is fluent in Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Yiddish.
He attended Toras Chayim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and Yeshivat Tomchei
Tmimim in Kfar Chabad, Israel, where in 1990 he was ordained to the
rabbinate.[4] While studying in Israel, Shifren lived in the Kfar
Tapuah settlement on the West Bank. When he returned to the United
States, Shifren worked as a teacher in Los Angeles.
[edit] Far right linksShifren has been reported to have links with far
right groups in Europe and is known to have marched with the far-right
In October, 2010, he traveled to England to speak at a rally. In his
speech, he called Muslims "dogs" and told the EDL that "[h]istory will
be recorded that on this day, read by our children for eternity, one
group lit the spark to liberate us from the oppressors of our two
governments and the leftist, fifth column, quisling press, and that it
was the EDL which started the liberation of England from evil."[6]
[edit] Surfing RabbiNumerous print and broadcast media have done
stories about Shifren and his "Surfing Rabbi" persona. He founded
Jewish Surfers International and the Surf & Soul newsletter. He
frequently uses surfing imagery to make religious points. "There's no
way a skier can get the same connection with the Creator," Shifren
told Salon in 1999. "The ocean is the first act of creation, while
snow is not an act of creation. Skiers don't have the mountain chasing
them, but the mountain of a wave chases surfers. They struggle against
currents as they ride waves that have been around since time
He leads annual "Kosher Surf Camp" trips to Costa Rica. He has written
two books, Surfing Rabbi: A Kabbalistic Quest for Soul and Kill Your
Teacher: Corruption And Racism in Los Angeles City Schools.[7] A movie
based on Shifren is currently in development.
Norway gunman claims he had nine-year plan to finance attacksAnders
Behring Breivik says in manifesto he started a business, played the
markets and used nine credit cards to fund massacre
Share reddit this Matthew Taylor
guardian.co.uk, Monday 25 July 2011 19.48 BST
Article history
Anders Behring Breivik at one point sets out his funding requirements,
including €30,000 for armour and weapons and €100,000 for explosive
materials. Photograph: Scanpix Norway/Reuters
Anders Behring Breivik's meticulous plans for Friday's atrocities
include a detailed description of how he says he raised the money to
prepare for and carry out the twin assaults.
His 1,500-page "manifesto" claims that as far back as 2002 he launched
a nine-year plan that saw him start his own business, dabble
unsuccessfully in the markets and use at least nine credit cards to
fund the attack.
Breivik says that he started a "computer programming" business,
E-Commerce Group, in 2002, when he was working full-time at a customer
services company. He claims the company grew and at one time had six
employees and "several offshore bank accounts", and he made his "first
mill" by 24. However, he writes that a combination of a downturn in
2005-06 and 2m Norwegian krone (£227,000) lost on stock speculation
meant that he was forced to file for bankruptcy. Despite this Breivik
claims that by 2008 he was left with around 2m NOK which allowed him
to "proceed with planning the assault operation."
Breivik then sets out how he devised "an overview of various providers
of credit" to avoid sending multiple credit card applications to the
same organisation. He says he identified 25 credit cards but traced
them back to 12 providers and in the end was successfully granted nine
cards – giving him access to €26,000 in credit.
"It was more than I expected to get considering the fact that I had a
weak platform to acquire from," he wrote. "This credit will serve as a
buffer amount/emergency funds in the later phase of the operation if
At one point he sets out his funding requirements, estimating he
needed up to €30,000 (£26,462) for armour and weapons, up to €100,000
for explosive materials, €20,000 for "logistics/transport/lodging" and
"€140,000 for the creation of the compendium".
By January 2010 he states his funds are "depleting gradually ...
€50,000 plus €30,000 in credit limits".
On 23 June, a month before the attacks, Breivik says he paid the
outstanding amount on his nine credit cards to ensure he would have
access to funds as he continued his preparations.
For Anders Breivik,the only 'good' European is a fascist European,the
only 'good Jew' is a a fascist one who is white and of European
physical characteristics.Hitler and the Nazis were also pro-Zionist
and hated 'liberal' Germanic Jews so Breivik could be seen as an 'old
fashioned Nazi' because his
views are the same including the pro Zionist views held by Nazi elite who
simultaneously despised real 'German Jews' who saw themselves as Germas
more so than as 'Semites' and had no wish to emigrate to Palestine as the Nazis
and Zionists wished to force them to.
Anders Breivik's Zionist hero,Avigdor Lieberman,is part of the international
money launderers and economic terrorists in collusion with the
Rothschild crime family in manipulating world economies and financial
markets and currencies
and who should be arrested by Interpol and Europe as well as by Russia
and the U.S.for international financial crimes alone.
Also it may seem strange or 'crazy' to hear BREIVIK BABBLING NOT ONLY
AND WAR FRAUD AND MURDER.Agora Inc employee Cuban American Rey Rivera
was made to appear somewhat crazy himself for his investigations of
the local Masonic Lodge.after his body was found over a week after
falling 14 floors from the Belvedere Hotel condominium in
Baltimore,Maryland on.May 15 2006 when 'concidentally' the
surveillence video systemj failed.However it must be remembered that
another strange death of a Mr.Calvi and a connected huge financial
scandal involving the Catholic Church and its Banco Ambrosiano was all
mixed up with Masonic Lodge money laundering and 8nernational
organized crime as well with tentacles in government and religion.
Anders Breivik, Norwegian Terror Suspect, Admirer of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman
The death toll from the savage attack in Norway has risen to 92 today.
Anders Breivik, a radical rightist who posted regularly to a neo-Nazi
internet forum, is the only suspect arrested so far in the killings.
Electronic Intifada published excerpts of a 1,500 page magnum opus, A
European Declaration of Independence, written by Breivik which portray
his political philosophy. Here, CNN covers the story of manifesto
from a slightly different vantage than the one below. For example,
given the killer’s use of steroids and testosterone supplements, one
speculates on the role they may’ve played in his rage-filled spree.
Chief among his enemies are Muslims and those non-Muslims who, in his
mind, facilitate the triumph of Islam in the west. That’s why he
specifically attacked the seat of national government and a youth camp
sponsored by the ruling Labor Party. The Norwegian terrorist has an
obsession with Marxism, and apparently equates the current left of
center government with that ideology. Alex Kane notes that the day
before the attack on the island camp, it held a Palestine solidarity
rally (an event which would’ve repelled the killer). He viewed the
country’s leaders as aiding and abetting Muslim terror, and
multiculturalism as the poison by which Islam could spread itself
throughout the west.........
Breivik viewed Israel as an ally in the war against Islam. Alex Kane
tweets that he wrote:
“Let’s end stupid support for Palestinians…start supporting our
cultural cousin, Israel.”
He also wrote this:
Cultural conservatives believe Israel has a right to protect
itself against Jihad…Sensible people should support Zionism (Israeli
nationalism) which is Israel’s right to self-defence against Jihad.
More excerpts from his manifesto:
* If one acknowledges that Islam has always oppressed the Jews,
one accepts that Israel was a necessary refuge for the Jews fleeing
not only the European but also the Islamic variety of anti-Judaism.
* Since the break-up of the Islamic Empire following World War I,
various jihads have been fought around the globe by the independent
Muslim nations and sub-state jihadist groups. The most sustained
effort has been directed against Israel, which has committed the
unpardonable sin of rebuilding dar al-harb on land formerly a part of
dar al-Islam.
* How can anyone delete the horror of Muslim oppression over
Christians and Jews which lasted for centuries and stretched over
* Western Journalists again and again systematically ignore
serious Muslim attacks and rather focus on the Jews, [which] only adds
to the stockpile of proof that all Western journalists support the
EU’s Eurabia project, [and] their enemy (based on coverage) is the
* Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes,
at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today
that oppose nationalism/Zionism and support multiculturalism. Jews
that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel
and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight
together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all
anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists….So,
are the current Jews in Europe and US disloyal? The multiculturalist
(nation-wrecking) Jews ARE, while the conservative Jews ARE NOT.
Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox.
50% of Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we
must embrace the remaining loyal Jews as brothers rather than
repeating the mistake of the NSDAP. Whenever I discuss the Middle East
issue with a national socialist he presents the anti-Israeli and
pro-Palestine argument. He always seem unaware of the fact that his
propaganda is hurting Israeli nationalists (who want to deport the
Muslims from Israel) and that he is in fact helping the Israeli
cultural Marxists/multiculturalists with his
Ali Abunimah notes he especially admires Avigdor Lieberman and his
Yisrael Beitenu Party. Outside Israel, he also follows the writing of
Pam Geller, Robert Spencer (referenced 46 times in the Breivik
manifesto) and Daniel Pipes (11 times). Yesterday, I quoted a
Norwegian website which claimed that Breivik had identified himself as
Fjordman, a regular contributor to the anti-jihadi blogs mentioned
above. Geller has denied a connection, as has Gates of Vienna, and
it’s possible they are right. I haven’t seen definitive evidence that
either proves Breivik and Fjordman are the same or that they aren’t.
I will say though that Breivik’s writings under his own name show a
much greater predilection toward violence; Fjordman’s, while equally
radical, seem satisfied to remain in the realm of political theory,
rather than action.
But even if they are not one and the same, the fact that Breivik’s
intellectual-political philosophy is inspired by each of them is a
sign of the cesspool of hate found there. Just as settler rabbis held
a pulsa di nura excommunicating Yitzhak Rabin before his
assassination; just as Bibi Netanyahu fired up a crowd featuring
pictures of Yitzhak Rabin dressed in an SS uniform shortly before the
assassination, so did the intellectual content of these websites shape
the world-view of the assassin.........
Avigdor Liebermann involved with ex 'Stassi Nazi' Jewish Zionist and
Rothschild crime family financial manipulator Martin Schlaff
who is clouded by mysterious death in New York and his decades of
U.S.SEC stock frauds and money laundering through offshore accounts
with Ukranian Israeli Grin brothers who operte in concert with Israeli
money laundering banks such a Union Bank to defraud and rob U.S.
investors as well as Russian and probably European victims with the
corrupt EU government's blessing as well.Vladmir Putin is allied
through his past Stassi business dealings and allegience to Russian
Jewish Chabad Lubavitch crime familty who appeared mysteriously at the
time of the Moscow airport bommbing as 'first responders'.:
The Schlaff Saga / Probe finds Austrian billionaire helped Lieberman
fund his party
Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff helped his confidant Avigdor
Lieberman finance his party, Yisrael Beiteinu, by gaining a $1 million
guarantee from Vienna-based Erste Bank to set up the party in 1999.
By Gidi Weitz
VIENNA - Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff helped his confidant
Avigdor Lieberman finance his party, Yisrael Beiteinu, by gaining a
$1 million guarantee from Vienna-based Erste Bank to set up the party
in 1999.
"I spoke to Bobby and it left the place in Vienna on Friday," Schlaff
told Lieberman in fluent Hebrew, a source involved in the
investigation said. "Talk to your schmuck at the bank and tell him
you've had confirmation that it went out on Friday."
"Bobby" is Robert Nowikovsky, a Viennese businessman close to Schlaff,
whose name has been mentioned in a number of media reports about trade
between Eastern and Western Europe.
The investigation raised the suspicion that Schlaff was behind the
guarantee and was using Nowikovsky as a front.
Schlaff and Lieberman gave the police an identical version regarding
Schlaff's role in transferring the money. Schlaff and Lieberman both
said that Schlaff served as a translator between the two, the source
This was the only time Schlaff had met with Israeli police detectives.
The case against Lieberman was closed for lack of evidence.
At the end of 1997, Lieberman made some $3.3 million when he was hired
as a special consultant to Bank Austria. The bank was looking at
losses of hundreds of millions of dollars following speculative deals
in the Russian financial derivatives market. Lieberman was allegedly
supposed to see to the appreciation of the Russian ruble just before
the futures expired, thus decreasing Bank Austria's losses.
The contract between Lieberman and the Austrians was written on a
napkin, and Lieberman received the money shortly afterward. Police
investigated the possibility that Schlaff was involved in this deal
and mediated between the bank and Lieberman, a senior source involved
in the probe said. This case too was closed for lack of evidence.
This story, as well as other intelligence reports, led the police to
open a covert investigation against Lieberman. Lieberman had founded
Yisrael Beiteinu and was planning to run for the Knesset for the first
time. The police found that Lieberman had forged close ties with
Schlaff, who opened a casino in Jericho in 1998 and was well connected
to senior figures in the Palestinian Authority. ....................
The mysterious death of an Orthodox Jewish millionaire – murder or suicide?
The New York medical examiner ruled Solomon Obstfeld's June 9 death a
suicide, but family and friends insist Obstfeld was murdered after a
dispute with an Israeli rabbi.
By Natasha Mozgovaya
According to the police investigation, no ladder or chair was found
near the spot from which Obstfeld plunged to his death, a fact that
bolsters the family's belief that he was murdered.
At this point, however, it does not appear that police are taking the
family's suspicions seriously.
Many in New York's Jewish community are wondering whether a devout
Orthodox father of five would take his own life...
The New York Daily News reported that Obstfeld was connected with
former Israeli prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert and also
had ties with Austrian businessman Martin Schlaff, who attended
Obstfeld's funeral.
Israeli police suspect Schlaff of having bribed Sharon and want to question him.
It has also been reported that Olmert visited Obstfeld's office two
weeks before Obstfeld's death.
Below from Christopher Bollyn regarding U.S. cover up and protection of the Israeli scumbags Menachem Atzmon and ICTS International who controlled Boston Logan Airport on 9/11/01 and who control Gert Wilders',Queen Beatrix's and Dutch Israeli FM Uri Rosenthal's and the Rothschild crime family's Schiphol Amsterdam Airport today even though they allowed the Nigerian 'Islamic crotch bomber' Mutallab to board flight 253 on Christmas bound for Detriot with his 'crotch bomb' and appear to have played a role in 'security during the 7/7/05 London subway bombings as well as Moscow airport bombing earlier this year !:
Dutch FM: Ties with Israel are like our bond with NATO - Haaretz ...
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
17 Dec 2010 – A hardened scientist specialized in analyzing and managing national crises, Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has limited patience for ...
Judge Hellerstein's Connection to Israeli 9-11 Defendant
by Christopher Bollyn
May 7, 2010
9-11 Judge is Connected to Rothschild-Funded Mossad Culprit ICTS
It is very crass and it probably will come back to be critical of me,
but there is an expression that is sometimes very useful, 'Money is
the universal lubricant.' It makes it easier to go on with one's life.
- Alvin K. Hellerstein
This bastard judicial system is so corrupt,
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani
Alvin K. Hellerstein is the judge who handles all 9-11 litigation.
His son is an Israeli lawyer who emigrated to Israel in 2001 and whose
law firm works for and with the Rothschild-funded Mossad company
responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks. This presents a clear
conflict of interest that explains why Hellerstein is protecting the
Israeli culprits by preventing a 9-11 trial and blocking legal
discovery of what really happened. (Photo - NYT)
He can't understand our loss. He sees the solution in a very cold and
pragmatic way - in dollars and cents. He thinks everybody should take
the money and go away.
- Mike Low, father of Sara, a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11
U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, the Orthodox Jew who
oversees all 9-11 related cases, is seldom discussed in the news.
While his name does appear occasionally in the press, for example when
he sentenced a "terrorism financier" to prison in April, the secretive
judge who handles all 9-11 tort litigation is virtually unknown to
most Americans. This is intentional, of course, because any
discussion of the Bronx-born judge would reveal his Zionist roots and
close relationship to the state of Israel, where his son Joseph Z.
Hellerstein lives on a Jewish settlement on the West Bank and
practices law with one of Israel's most important law firms, Amit,
Pollak & Matalon.
Joseph Z. Hellerstein
Judge Hellerstein is the subject of a recent article in the New York
Times. The May 2 article by Mireya Navarro, "Empathetic Judge in 9/11
Suits Seen by Some as Interfering", is an overly positive ("puff")
piece written for a sympathetic newspaper (i.e. one which is involved
in the 9-11 cover-up) yet Hellerstein "declined repeated requests for
an interview" with the Times. Why would "the compassionate jurist"
who has "shepherded" the 9-11 litigation process for years, and who is
said to be "driven by a sense of social responsibility", refuse to be
interviewed by the New York Times? Why is such an important judge
avoiding the national media at such a critical point in the 9-11 saga
- and U.S. history?
The "puff piece" in the New York Times went so far as to end with a
quote saying that Judge Hellerstein "is now like Elvis in the 9/11
community." The article is clearly designed to cast Hellerstein in a
glowing light before an increasingly skeptical public (before he
closes the book on the 9-11 tort litigation - without a single case
going to trial). If Hellerstein were truly motivated by "a high
standard of morality and decency" as his former co-partner at Stroock,
Stroock & Lavan said, why is he so unwilling to discuss the 9-11 tort
litigation? There is, of course, only one reason for him to avoid the
media - he has something to hide and wishes to avoid the spotlight.
Alvin Hellerstein is certainly not a hero. He has completely
obstructed justice for the 9-11 relatives - for eight years - by
blocking any discovery and preventing the families from getting the
one thing they all wanted - an open trial to find the truth of who was
responsible for the terror attacks that caused the loss of their loved
ones. Hellerstein has played a key role in the 9-11 cover-up by
blocking legal discovery and preventing a trial from occurring.
Having worked for years on the hypothesis that Israeli intelligence
was involved in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11, I have pointed
out in my online book, Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the
World (and numerous articles) that the key players in the 9-11 saga
are all closely connected to Israeli intelligence (i.e. Mossad).
Michael Chertoff, for example, supervised the non-investigation by the
F.B.I. in which more than 99 percent of the steel evidence from the
World Trade Center was hastily shipped to China and other Asian
nations to be destroyed. Chertoff, an Orthodox Jew who is affiliated
with the same Zionist organizations in New York as Hellerstein, is an
Israeli national whose mother was one of the first agents of the
Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. Hellerstein, who has presided
over the 9-11 litigation process, has a similar connection to the
Mossad through his son, Joseph.................
Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort
litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon,
the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman &
Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by
Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the
Edmond de Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank.
He has also served as the chairman of several venture capital funds
established by the Rothschild Group. One of these funds, the Catalyst
Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing partner of private equity at
Cukierman & Co. - and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11. The
Rothschild/Cukierman Catalyst Fund is also invested in a company
called Cyalume, which is run by the SCP Partners of Ehud Barak. The
Israeli Mossad corporate network may seem large but it always involves
the same small group of people at the top. Many of the names are
easily recognized by a researcher who is familiar with the Zionist
criminal network. One of the head people of the Catalyst Fund and
Cyalume, for example, is Yair Shamir, the son of the well-known
terrorist-cum-prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.
Boaz Harel of ICTS is a partner at Cukierman & Co.
Judge Hellerstein's son, Joseph, works for a firm that represents and
works with the company that owns one of the key defendants in the 9-11
tort litigation. This presents an obvious (and probably criminal)
conflict of interest that cannot be ignored or allowed.
Both Alvin Hellerstein and his son Joseph worked for the well known
Jewish law firm of Stroock, Stroock & Lavan before moving to the
positions they now hold. President Bill Clinton appointed Alvin
Hellerstein to the U.S. District Court in New York in 1998 and Joseph
moved to Israel in 2001. They both know that the conflict of interest
exists, which is why they don't want to be interviewed by the media.
Stroock, Stroock & Lavan played a key role in the setting up of 9-11.
They represented Silverstein Properties when Larry Silverstein
acquired the lease for the World Trade Center in July 2001. They also
represented Goldman Sachs, A.I.G., and Cerberus Capital Management,
three of the key fraudulent companies involved in the trillion dollar
bail-out of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Stroock has a long history of representing the Rothschild's and other
high-level Zionists:
Firm historian Jethro Lieberman wrote: 'It was the 'Our Crowd'
German-Jewish clientele for which the firm was mostly, and justly,
noted in those days.' That included Otto H. Kahn, Felix M. Warburg,
Walter N. Rothschild, and Jacob Schiff. The three early Jewish
partners contributed to many Jewish organizations, such as the
Educational Alliance founded in 1889, the Montefiore Hospital for
Chronic Invalids, the Jewish Board of Guardians, the Federation for
the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, and
the Jewish Theological Seminary of America [where the Chertoff family
is deeply connected]. -Christopher Bollyn
Roberto Calvi Milanese banker, chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, dealt not
only with offshore tax havens, cold war politics, the Cosa Nostra, but
also with the Vatican's financial arm, the Institute for Religious
Works and P2, a highly influential sinister group of high-ranking
officials in a rogue Masonic lodge of which Calvi was a member. Banco
Ambrosiano laundered money made largely from the heroin trade for the
mafia. He knew the dark financial secrets of the Vatican. Letters of
comfort to offshore companies which he created were signed by
Archbishop Marcinkus, a Chicago-born prelate and key Vatican insider
who has never faced an interview or charges. Calvi was a disciple of
Michele Sindona and a member of P2, ominously Calvi had intimate
knowledge of regular payments made by large Italian companies to
political parties which went through his bank. Calvi was on the point
of going to prison for violating exchange controls. It was Michele
Sindona, once Calvi's mentor, who ratted on him. Calvi had one chance
to avert humiliation. Tell the world what he knew and it was this
which led to his death. Calvi as relieved of his duties at Banco
Ambrosiano and his secretary jumped to her death, 17 June 1982.
1.God's banker Nickname of Banco Ambrosiano's chairman, Roberto Calvi
claimed to have “disposed of large sums of money in favor of many
Eastern and Western countries and political-religious organizations.”
Calvi also said he had, “coordinated all over Central and South
America the creation of numerous banking operations for the purpose of
halting, above all, the penetration and expansion of Marxist and
related ideologies.”
2.Calvi murder Roberto Calvi who was found hanging from scaffolding
under Blackfriars Bridge, central London, on 18 June 1982, two months
before the bank collapsed.
1.Calvi inquest Initial inquest finding of suicide was overturned by a
second inquest that recorded an open verdict. Subsequent analysis of
the forensic evidence pointed to his murder. Flavio Carboni, a
Sardinian businessman and two alleged mafia bosses were charged with
involvement in a plot to kill Calvi, January 1999.
2.Freemason symbols Logo of leading legal Freemasons’ lodge in Italy
is a blackfriar and bricks, some of which were stuffed into Calvi’s
pockets and down the front of his trousers, along with a length of
orange rope woven into a lover's knot around his neck and $30,000 in
cash in his pockets as he hanged from London’s Blackfriars Bridge on
18 June 1982.
3.Fratelli Neri (It, = Blackfriars) Nickname for the Italian
Freemasons, who swear that those who betray the brotherhood will be
weighed down with stones and drowned.
4.Mafia murder It was argued that Calvi was murdered by the Mafia for
failing to honor mounting debts to the Cosa Nostra and because he knew
too much about alleged links between the Mafia and the Vatican’s
5.Frank the Strangler Francesco Di Carlo who specialized in the
incaprettati method. No mafia killing in London could happen unless it
were ordered by Francesco di Carlo. He was one of the first of the
Cosa Nostra to realize the need to “clean” criminal profits through
the financial system. Sentenced to 25 years in prison for heroin
Istituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR) (Italian, = Institute for
Religious Works) (infl, Vatican Bank) Founded by a special charter, a
chirografo, of Pope Pius XII, 27 June 1942. The IOR was not the
Vatican Bank as it was to become known, it was the Pope’s bank.
1.IOR/ Banco Ambrosiano Pope’s bank was enmeshed in the Banco
Ambrosiano affair, whose president Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, a
cardinal, was protected from prosecution in Italy by the Concordat
between the Italian state and the Holy See (Marcinkus remained head of
the bank until 1989, after which he returned to the US for his
retirement). Ambrosiano’s missing funds were lent to ten overseas
dummy companies, owned directly or indirectly by the Vatican Bank,
which were located in the Bahamas, South America and elsewhere.
2.IOR dealings Vatican funds were allegedly used to finance the
Solidarity Movement in Poland, while the former Nicaraguan dictator,
General Somoza is alleged to have benefited from Calvi’s dealings.
3.IOR tangentopoli Vatican bank returned to the headlines in 1993 when
magistrates said they suspected it was used to filter bribes in
Italy’s vast corruption scandal. Allegations were made in November
1994 by a former Mafia figure, Vincenzo Calcara, that the IOR helped
the Mafia to launder millions of dollars derived from drugs in early
1980s. ..............
Re: Dear SEC or Was 'naked short scam' invented in Washingtion,D.C. ?
By David Marchant on 3/25/2005 5:56:47 AM
E-mail: editor@kycnews.com
What Lord William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson failed to mention
when recommending LOM so whole-heartedly to their readers is that they
were also shareholders in LOM (Holdings) Ltd.
David Marchant
British Snob and Royalist / Druid Infiltration of Pentecostalism
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City. Just before the April 19,
1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the London Times's
strategist of ...
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City
Just before the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William
Rees-Mogg, the London Times's strategist of the Conservative
Revolution, issued a false report designed to provoke armed clashes
between "citizen militias" and the U.S. government. Rees-Mogg's report
was in the March 22, 1995 Strategic Investment newsletter, which is
published jointly by himself and James Dale Davidson, the head of the
U.S.-based National Taxpayers Union. The Rees-Mogg provocation was
very widely circulated, by fax and other means, among populists in the
U.S. Western states. It read as follows:
"The slaughter of dozens of women and children in Waco by government
storm troopers under the command of Field Marshal Reno may pale in
comparison to what has been planned for late March [elsewhere the date
is given as March 25]: a nationwide BATF/FBI assault on private
militias as the prelude to a possible declaration of martial law
throughout the United States. All leaves have been canceled for BATF/
FBI personnel.. . . Government agent provocateurs are set to plant
fully automatic and heavy weapons, like rocket launchers, on the
property of militia leaders. Every militia in the country--and there
are dozens, many of which are well armed and well-led by former or
even active duty officers-is on a state of Red Alert. Should Reno be
stupid enough to actually attack them militarily, there is going to be
a lot of blood.
"The establishment media is programmed to immediately thereafter
thunderously bellow for nationwide gun confiscation and even martial
In a later interview with this reporter, Soldier of Fortune writer
James Fate claimed credit for originating the story put out by Lord
Rees-Mogg; Fate pretended it was fed to him by a source in the
Treasury Department Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).
Colorado-based Soldier of Fortune magazine, a global recruitment
channel for mercenaries and assassins, was started up in the 1970s
with seed money from British Special Air Services operatives in
Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake Assassination ...
7 Apr 2010 – Rees-Mogg Partner, Jack Wheeler, Predicted Fake
Assassination Attempt on Obama ... to stir up militia, white
supremacists, and the right wing into a ... British Lord William
Rees-Mogg, has predicted that either a fake ...
IDF Arrests Jenin Freedom Theater Actor, Audience Now Awaits Godot…and Pozo
August 7th, 2011
The Jenin Freedom Theater, whose founder Juliano Mer-Khamis was
murdered several months ago, is about to perform Waiting for Godot
under famed Israeli director and human rights activist, Udi Aloni.
But after arrest of the production’s leading actor, it will now be
waiting for Pozo as well. Over the past week, the IDF has arrested
the Theater’s manager, the board chair, and now one of its leading
young actors. Today’s arrest of 20 year-old Rami Awni Hwayel at a
West Bank checkpoint indicates that Israeli authorities are less
interested in finding Mer-Khamis’ killer/s than they are in destroying
the Theater itself.
The Theater released this statement:
Today at approximately 15:00 hrs one of the third-year graduating
students at The Freedom Theatre was taken by the Israeli army at the
Shave Shomeron checkpoint between the Palestinian cities, Jenin and
Nablus. The student’s name is Rami Awni Hwayel, age 20. He was
travelling from Ramallah to Jenin together with his fellow students.
Batool Taleb, one of the female acting students who was in the car
with Rami describes what happened: “When they got to our car, they
took all our IDs and when they saw Rami’s ID they told him to get out
of the car. Once he was out they immediately handcuffed and
blindfolded him and put him in the army jeep.”
The students had been rehearsing for their final graduation
project directed by the Israeli-American Director Udi Aloni in
“This is devastating. Rami is playing the main role in ‘Waiting
for Godot’ and doing an amazing job, he’s so dedicated to the work. He
just left rehearsals today for the weekend to see his family for
It’s terrible, we want our Pozo back!”, says Udi Aloni..............
Add to all this, that the IDF has placed the news of Hwayel’s arrest
under strict gag and Israeli media may not report it. This has to be
the worst kept gag order in Israeli history as Israeli journalists and
activists have been posting Facebook updates and tweeting about it for
The world must demand of the IDF: what are you doing and why are you
doing it? Solve the crime and if you can’t do that–hands off the
Freedom Theater. FREE Rami Hwayel! Find the telephone number of the
nearest Israeli consulate or embassy and call them demanding Rami’s
freedom. It’s bad enough that Freedom Theater will never see Godot in
this production. Let them at least see their Pozo.
Barack Obama,Hillary Clinton,U.S.Zionist Ambassador Barry White Spy on Norwegians,then they die.....Coincidence ?
For Whom The NobelTolls:Barack Obama,9/11,UK 7/7/05,Norway
May Day,WTC,9/11:U.S.Resident Barack Obama cries,'Osama bin Laden',
U.N.Ambassador Susan Rice liies ' Viagra Rape !'
9/11,WTC:Osama bin Laden on FBI Unwanted List;Barack Obama A Skinny Idi Amin ?
Barack Obama may turn out to be a skinny Idi Amin.I knew of course all
the Zionists and outright mafiosi and rapers of the U.S .economy that
helped fund him and that he was following the Zionist PARTY line that
Afghani peasants caused 9/11 and thus don't investigate the Israelis
Menachem Atzmon,Ezra Harel, et.al., criminals of ICTS International
pro Israeli connections or Securacom of Marvin Bush and the Kuwait Al
Sabah royalty at Dulles Airport Washington,D.C. and the WTC in New
York or the real cause for collapse of the WTC which may well turn out
to be super thermite rather than the planes themselves.But as it turns
out Idi Amin was backed and brought to power by Israeli Zionist war
and financial criminals just as Barack Obama appears to have been !
Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff is A
CIA,George Tenet Prostitute,So is Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva
No matter what one thinks of Julian Assange and Wikileaks he and it
could in no way be more evil than ex CIA Chief George Tenet who
helped W Bush and Dick Cheny et.al. to start their mass murder and
probable radioactive nuclear poisoning of Iraq,the or a major 'cradle
of agriculture and civilization.
So when Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff bragged about knowing the
scumbag and at the same time he told me that Agora Inc or CIA(same
difference) connected Lila Rajiva was joining Veterans Today as a ha
journalist even though he had just
previously told me she was 'gone',I almost barfed.In a real country of
law this Indian
foreign national would be facing plenty of jail time for her
involvement with the stock fraud money launderers and murder suspects
of Agora Inc who not only employ scumbags like CIA 'economist' Mark
Skousen who touted or promoted over the
internet to sell worthless shares of the CIA's In-Q-Tel penny stock
fraud called Ionatron that claimed-lyed about having technology to
remove improvised explosive devices from roads of Iraq and
-Tony Ryals
U.S.Resident Barack Obama,Secretary of State CocaineTrafficker Hillary
Clinton and Argentina's U.S. Military Coup Scandal
Submitted by Tony Ryals on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 23:25
WTC,9/11,Moscow Domodedovo Airport Bombing:Barack Obama,Medvedev Both
cover up ICTS Israeli Mass Murder
9/11 Barack Obama Chabad Lubavitch Dick Armey Dmitry Medvedev
Domodedovo Airport Bombing ICTS Europe israel Menachem Atzmon Moscow
News Russia WTC Anti-War
By Tony Ryals, submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 12:51am
9/11:Boston Logan Airport,Israeli ICTS International,Marvin Bush
Securacom SEC Filings
9/11:Boston,Logan Airport,ICTS,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert Money Launderer
Menahem Atzmon
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Armstrong,ICTS Israel, Securacom
Kuwait,ragingbull Stock Fraud
9/11,ICTS,WeCu,:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff
Promotes Dangerous Israeli 'Security' Fraud
9/11,Florida,Mohamed Atta:Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution
by Tony Ryals Thursday, Jan 24 2008, 11:32pm
Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl
EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Lebanon:Wanted Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp for 9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
from Tony Ryals - 15.05.2006 00:44
Makram Chams although Lebanese is more connected to the U.S. military
- industrial complex,to Titan Corp whose employees raped and tortured
innocent Iraqis than anything.In other words he is A George W Buysh
kind of guy and a Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in
Makram Majid Chams of Titan Corp ,9/11 fame sues Daniel Hopsicker
November 16, 2006
Westfield Group,Frank Lowy,WTC,9/11:ICTS International 'Security'
Trials A U.S.Judge Alvin Hellerstein Cover Up ?
Republicans,Drugs and Money: Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine,
Homeland 'Security',Money Laundering,Stock Fraud
Mexico Drug Bust,Tom DeLay,A.Khashoggi, Jeb Bush,Wally Hilliard
Terrorist Flight School
by Tony Ryals Sunday, Apr 23 2006, 1:08am
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,ICE,Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects armed racists,money launderers Bud Burrell,Dewayne Reeves of CFRN,Why ?
May 13 (Bloomberg) -- The founding partner of a London law firm will be fined 400,000 pounds ($591,000) for aiding a multimillion-pound illegal share scam, Britain’s Financial Services Authority said today in a statement.
Andrew Greystock, a former investment banker at NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd. and senior partner of Atlantic Law LLP, will also be banned by the FSA from working in financial services for signing off on advertising from four Spanish firms that were boiler rooms, the FSA said. Around 130 British consumers lost a total of 3 million pounds in the scam, according to the regulator.
Here are links to just a couple of articles I've written on CNN and
Wolf Blizer's cover up up Israeli stock fraudsters and mass
murderers.Rupert Murdoch's Fox News and the Zionist 'liberal' NY Times
journalistic crimes against Americans and humanity are perhaps even
more transparent.:
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up of Michael Zwebner,Air Water Corp Fraud
Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
by Tony Ryals | 07.04.2008
Long before Morris Talansky came on the radar in an Israel National
Fraud investigation(do 'ehud olmert morris talansky global
technologies' google search)this past May,CNN and Wolf Blitzer and
their legal representative in Florida, Holland & Knight LLP,covered up
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert's Criminal Ties to U.S. Air Water Corp Stock
Fraud and British Israeli con artist Michael Zwebner which Enabled the
corrupt Olmert to become Israeli PM in the first place !
9/11:Boston Logan Airport,Israeli ICTS International,Marvin Bush
Securacom SEC Filings
Tony Ryals e-mail:e-mail: wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com
ICTS International's own SEC filings and press releases(below) back up
Barry Chamish, Christopher Bollyn and myself,(re Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert's convicted money launderer,Menachem Atzmon,and
his ICTS International's involvement on 9/11/01 with Logan Airport
Boston,Massachusetts and the New York WTC tragedy).My only critique of
both of the feuding investigative reporters, Chamish and Bollyn,is
omission of the fact that the Kuwait-American Company and its
Securacom,controlled by Marvin Bush,Wirt Walker III and members of the
Al Sabah royalty of Kuwait were also involved in providing 'security'
at Dulles Airport and the WTC at the same time and they WERE BOTH
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,9/11/01,SwissAir 111 Crash,9/2/98
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