Thursday, January 31, 2019

Elliott Abrams,Israel Profits From Guatemala Maya Holocaust - Same For Venezuela,Trump ?

When Congress cut off funds to the Contras, an anti-Sandinista guerrilla force created by the U.S., Abrams successfully persuaded the Sultan of Brunei to cough up $10 million for the cause. Unfortunately, Abrams, acting under the code name “Kenilworth,” provided the Sultan with the wrong Swiss bank account number, so the money was wired instead to a random lucky recipient-.

Abrams' efforts to push for pro-Israel policies in the 1990s dovetailed with his appointment to the NSC. When Abrams was appointed the Reagan administration point man on Latin America, he came to the State Department with no expertise in the region and did not speak Spanish. Similarly, Abrams became the NSC's Middle East specialist without any real expertise in the region—other than his family ties to Israel, his polemical writings for neoconservative publications, his right-wing Zionism, and his experience overseeing the Iran-Contra arms trade, in which Israel functioned as the major broker -

Note that virtually all arms sells profits in Guatemala as well as the  Iran Contra arms deals brokered under the eyes of Israeli agent Elliott Abrams ensconced in all Repulican administarations including Trump's is always working for Israel's interests which are the same as those of Jewish Russian-Israeli  oligarch i the end as well as to the Jewish financial elite of the City of London and the U.S. and U.S.citizens are just pawns to those interests just like so many Latin Americans and Guatemala Maya victims of his and his Israeli masters were and still are.
In the case of Guatemala, Abrams and the Reagan administration were approving the shipment of weapons, money, intelligence and the provision of political cover to the army of Guatemala as they were sweeping through the northwest Mayan highlands, wiping out 662 rural villages, by the army’s own count, decapitating children, crucifying people, using the tactics that in this era we associate with ISIS. In one particular case, in 1985, an activist for the relatives of the disappeared, named Rosario Godoy, was abducted by the army. She was raped. Her mutilated body was found alongside that of her baby. The baby’s fingernails had been torn out. The Guatemalan army, when asked about this atrocity, said, “Oh, they died in a traffic accident.” When Elliott Abrams was asked about this accident, he affirmed also that they died in a traffic accident. This activist raped and mutilated, the baby with his fingernails pulled out, Abrams says it’s a traffic accident.
It’s very parallel to the stance Abrams took on Panama. When Noriega, the CIA-backed dictator of Panama, who was involved in the drug traffic, who the U.S. later decided to overthrow—when the forces of Noriega abducted the Panamanian dissident Hugo Spadafora and cut off his head with a kitchen knife, Jesse Helms, of all people, tried to investigate in the U.S. Congress, and Elliott Abrams stopped him, saying, “No, we need Noriega. He’s doing a very good job. He’s working with us.”
In the case of El Salvador, after the massacre in El Mozote, where a U.S.-trained battalion massacred more than 500 civilians, slitting the throats of children along the way, Abrams took the lead in denying that such a thing had ever happened. And he later described the results of the Reagan administration policy, his policy, in El Salvador as a fabulous achievement. He said this even after the El Salvador Truth Commission had issued a report saying that more than 85 percent of the atrocities had been committed by the armed forces and its death squads, death squads which had a particular practice of cutting off the genitals of their victims, stuffing them in their mouths and putting them on open display on the roadsides of El Salvador.
When I appeared on the Charlie Rose TV show with Elliott Abrams, I suggested that he be put on trial, that he be brought before a Nuremberg-style tribunal and tried for his role in facilitating war crimes and crimes against humanity. He dismissed the idea of him being put on trial as “ludicrous,” but he did not actually deny any of the facts of what he has done—what he had done. He said it was all necessary in the context of the Cold War. So, this is Elliott Abrams, who has now been put in charge of key aspects of the U.S. policy toward Venezuela......

May 10, 2013 - Elliott-Abrams ... humanity committed against the indigenous Mayan Ixil population as a result ... Guatemala: Rios Montt Convicted of Genocide.

While I know it took a willing U.S. government for Elliott Abrams' beloved apartheid state of Israel to arm and train Guatemalan soldiers to use and massacre using Israel's Galil rifles and Galil bulletts as forensic science has documented ovr and again where these massacres took place,the profits for these massacares and rapes came from Israel.But where is the holocaust memorial to and for the Maya who were holocausted by Israel ? although the world almost has as many Jewish holocaust memorials as Starbucks has coffee shops - where even in Guatemala is a Maya holocaust memorial that explains the forensic facts and that 100% OF  Mayan bodies autopsied  IN Guatemaqla as a result of 1980's miliitary massacres against them during the REAGAN-BUSH REGIME THAT MR. ABRAMS  PRESIDED OVER and gave his 'human rights' seal of the great Zionist Christian General ,(just as Henry Kissinger took  before him took care of Richard Nixon's and his political clients' bloody coup against Allende in Chile)
Elliott Abrams was a defender of El Salvador Army Major Roberto  D'aubuisson implicsted in the brutal assassination of Archbishop and a boastful admirer of Israeli military who although not Jewish was able to send a son to school   in Israel.This shows that Israelis and their infiltaters within the U.S. government such as Elliott Abams are able to represent Israel's interests,particularly arms sells to Latin America, over interests of Americans and of  course against peace because Israel would not hsve been able to sell weapons to Iran  and the most fascist right wing  Zionist  pro Israel military
regimes of Guatemala,El Salvador,Honduras et.cetara

to be continued

Feb 2, 2017 - Elliott Abrams spent the Reagan years abetting genocide—now, he has ... to ensure that General Efraín Ríos Montt, Guatemala's then-dictator, 

Elliott Abrams ,Iran Contra,Israel War Crimes,Profits In Central America,Trump,Venezuela

Donald Trump knows Israelis were involved in 9/11 and that they were the main beneficiaries of this false  flag that could only be carried out with sympathetic agents within the U.S. government itself.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

9/11:Why Is FAFT Covering Up Israel's World Wide Money Launding Scandal ?

FAFT acronym for Financial Action Task Force

Israel PM Ehud Olmert, Menachem Atzmon, ICTS International, Morris Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC, 9/11/01, SwissAir 111 Crash, 9/2/98
What is even stranger is the coincidence of another Israeli controlled U.S. or NASDAQ penny stock, ICTS International, that guarded Logan Airport, Boston on 9/11, was controlled and managed by Menachem Atzmon who was also convicted of money laundering for his and Netanyahu's and Ehud Olmert's Likud Party...............

Israel’s rapid transformation from blacklisted trouble spot to FATF member, and the justice minister’s glowing characterization of the country’s fight against money-laundering, however, is hard to square with numerous economic realities that suggest abiding problems in this field.
If Israel is doing such a good job combating money laundering, how does one account for the astonishingly high number of ghost apartments(apartments that remain empty for most of the year) in the country, and the surge in sales of ultra-high-end luxury cars — both seen as a tell-tale sign of money launderers in action? What about the relatively mild punishments (Hebrew link) for those convicted in fraud cases involving billions of dollars? Not to mention complaints from law enforcement in places like France and the United States that Israel is not cooperating sufficiently on international financial crimes?
Furthermore, how can the officially asserted claim of having effectively faced down money laundering be reconciled with estimates that 20-25 percent of Israel’s economy is off the books? Or the law that allows new immigrants and returning residents to earn income “abroad” (even from shell companies) for ten years without paying taxes on it or, still more problematically, even reporting it — a law that remains on the books despite Israeli tax officials’ relentless efforts to have it amended? What about the fact that for over a decade Israeli law enforcement failed to crack down on, and appears to continue to turn a blind eye to, Israel’s semi-underground investment scam industry, which defrauded victims all over the world out of billions, and also serves as a conduit for criminals to move their money around the world under the guise of online trading?...............

Jan 11, 2010 - Memory: ICTS International guarded Logan Airport, Boston on 9/11, was ... of money laundering for his and Netanyahu's and Ehud Olmert's Likud Party. ... Israeli plutocrat MenachemAtzmon was co-treasurer of the Likud, ..

British Israei money launderer Michael Zwebner was aided by ex Jerusalem Mayor aqnd ex Iranian
Israeli President of Israeli Moshe Katsav to promote his worthless shares of UCSY or Air Wter Corp incorporated in Nevada and run out of Miami Floriada in the early and mid 2000's.
Menachem Atzmon convicted of money laundering there for traansfering money from Israeli government to Netenyahu and Olmert's and his own Likud Party in the 1990's still was allowed to not only enter the U.S. but incorporate the money laundering stock fraud ICTS International and then use it to buy Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops and the contract to guard Logan airpot Boston just in time to allegedly according to the official story accidentally allow Mohamed Atta and his Saudi terrorists to board flights 11 and 175 or both AND COLLIDE INTO THE WTC ON THAT INFAMOUS MORNING ON SEPTEMBER 11,2001 !

Ehud Olmert's Criminal Ties to U.S. Air Water Corp Stock Fraud and. British Israeli con ..... that both Israel President Moshe Katsav as well as ex Jerusalem Mayor ... speech as well as have takenMichael Zwebner Ehud Olmert ,Moshe Katsov 

ICTS executive Menachem Atzmon was even convicted in his own country of ..... into ,the New YorkWTC or World Trade Center on the morning of 9/11/01 !!

Jul 18, 2007 - WTC,9/11,Boston Logan Trial:Israeli ICTS 'Security';Frank,Kennedy, ..... Menachem Atzmon of ICTS International has had direct familiar and ..

Israel’s rapid transformation from blacklisted trouble spot to FATF member, and the justice minister’s glowing characterization of the country’s fight against money-laundering, however, is hard to square with numerous economic realities that suggest abiding problems in this field.
If Israel is doing such a good job combating money laundering, how does one account for the astonishingly high number of ghost apartments(apartments that remain empty for most of the year) in the country, and the surge in sales of ultra-high-end luxury cars — both seen as a tell-tale sign of money launderers in action? What about the relatively mild punishments (Hebrew link) for those convicted in fraud cases involving billions of dollars? Not to mention complaints from law enforcement in places like France and the United States that Israel is not cooperating sufficiently on international financial crimes?
Furthermore, how can the officially asserted claim of having effectively faced down money laundering be reconciled with estimates that 20-25 percent of Israel’s economy is off the books? Or the law that allows new immigrants and returning residents to earn income “abroad” (even from shell companies) for ten years without paying taxes on it or, still more problematically, even reporting it — a law that remains on the books despite Israeli tax officials’ relentless efforts to have it amended? What about the fact that for over a decade Israeli law enforcement failed to crack down on, and appears to continue to turn a blind eye to, Israel’s semi-underground investment scam industry, which defrauded victims all over the world out of billions, and also serves as a conduit for criminals to move their money around the world under the guise of online trading?...............

Now a member of anti-money-laundering body, has Israel truly cleaned up its act?

Blacklisted 16 years ago, Israel has gained entry to the Financial Action Task Force, yet new immigrants can bring in unreported income for 10 years and vast scams go unprosecuted


Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked speaks at a press conference about Israel joining the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), in 
Tel Aviv on December 10, 2018. (Flash90)

Last month, Israel announced that it had been accepted as a full member of the 
Financial Action Task Force, an international body that sets standards in the fight 
against money laundering and terror financing. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who 
presided over a December 10 press conference announcing the event, told reporters 
that Israel’s acceptance into the FATF was a strategic achievement as significant as its 
2010 accession to the OECD, the 36-member policy-setting body of relatively wealthy 
countries committed to democracy and free market economies.
“The FATF has 35 full-member countries and we are number 36,” Shaked said at the 
press conference. “This puts us in the company of a small number of countries — the 
G20 and additional countries that are leading the world in the battle against money 

Last month, Israel announced that it had been accepted as a full member of the Financial Action Task Force, an international body that sets standards in the fight against money laundering and terror financing. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who presided over a December 10 press conference announcing the event, told reporters that Israel’s acceptance into the FATF was a strategic achievement as significant as its 2010 accession to the OECD, the 36-member policy-setting body of relatively wealthy countries committed to democracy and free market economies.

The achievement is all the more significant, she pointed out, because only 16 years ago Israel was on the organization’s blacklist.
“We are the first country that got into the FATF on its first attempt,” Shaked said. “We were ranked third in terms of the effectiveness of our anti-money laundering regime, after the United States and Britain.”

Executive secretary of the Financial Action Task Force David Lewis (left) poses with Dr. Shlomit Wagman, head of the Israel Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority on the occasion of Israel’s acceptance as a member of the FATF, Tel Aviv, December 10, 2018. (Justice Ministry)
Shaked also predicted that joining the organization would be good news for the Israeli economy.
“This will help our financial sector become an international player. It will help our economy and business sector and situate Israel as a safe place to invest.”
Israel’s rapid transformation from blacklisted trouble spot to FATF member, and the justice minister’s glowing characterization of the country’s fight against money-laundering, however, is hard to square with numerous economic realities that suggest abiding problems in this field.
If Israel is doing such a good job combating money laundering, how does one account for the astonishingly high number of ghost apartments(apartments that remain empty for most of the year) in the country, and the surge in sales of ultra-high-end luxury cars — both seen as a tell-tale sign of money launderers in action? What about the relatively mild punishments (Hebrew link) for those convicted in fraud cases involving billions of dollars? Not to mention complaints from law enforcement in places like France and the United States that Israel is not cooperating sufficiently on international financial crimes?
Furthermore, how can the officially asserted claim of having effectively faced down money laundering be reconciled with estimates that 20-25 percent of Israel’s economy is off the books? Or the law that allows new immigrants and returning residents to earn income “abroad” (even from shell companies) for ten years without paying taxes on it or, still more problematically, even reporting it — a law that remains on the books despite Israeli tax officials’ relentless efforts to have it amended? What about the fact that for over a decade Israeli law enforcement failed to crack down on, and appears to continue to turn a blind eye to, Israel’s semi-underground investment scam industry, which defrauded victims all over the world out of billions, and also serves as a conduit for criminals to move their money around the world under the guise of online trading?
Could it be that the authors of the FATF report were not aware of these phenomena? Some experts suggest that they were aware, but that in other countries the situation is even worse — so that Israel is indeed, relatively speaking, among the global leaders in the fight against money laundering and terror financing.

‘A very positive report’

Money laundering serves an essential function in any crime motivated by financial gain. It is the process that allows beneficiaries of crime to disguise the source of their funds, reintroduce those funds into the legitimate economy and, if successful, spend their ill-gotten gains with impunity.
“Money laundering is the thing that permits drug traffickers to stay in business and sell Fetanyl, that allows criminals to pay off people in government, to engage in human trafficking or worse,” Kieran Beer, the editor-in-chief of, the news site of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMs), told The Times of Israel by phone from New York.
“We don’t want crime to pay, and the way crime pays is through laundered funds,” he said.

Kieran Beer (Twitter)
The FATF was founded in 1989 by the G-7 summit in Paris and grew out of the United States’s efforts to crack down on the global drug trade and the realization that international cooperation was needed to track and forfeit the proceeds of transnational crime in a global economy.
Global awareness of the need to combat money laundering increased after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States and after several high-profile leaksabout the way high net worth individuals store their money offshore.
Countries wishing to join the FATF are subject to an on-site evaluation in which their anti-money laundering regime is evaluated on the basis of 40 critera, including how seriously the judicial system takes the crime of money laundering, whether the country confiscates proceeds of crime, whether banks and financial institutions know the names of the beneficiary owners of bank accounts, and whether financial and other institutions are properly regulated and supervised. The idea behind these recommendations is to plug every possible hole that criminals could use to introduce dirty money into the financial system. Since criminals can be creative, the FATF recommendations are continually being updated.
Traitor Trump Tells American Jews 'Israel Is Your Country'

Trump tells American Jews: 'Israel is your country'

Arutz Sheva-3 hours ago
At White House Hanukkah party, Pres Trump told Jews present Israel is 'your country'. Interview with Machon Shilo head Rabbi David Bar- ..

Trump,GOP Rush To Aid Russian Aluminum Industry...Maybe we should send itsubsidies,it's run by such nice people.....

'Global Aluminum Industry'Israeli Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska ,Putin,TrumpAnd Mueller

2 days ago - Trump lifts sanctions on Russia oligarch Oleg Deripaska in 'huge gift to Putin' ... Mr Deripaska, a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin, remains ...... Robert Mueller investigates whether Mr Trump's 2016 presidential ...
Missing: israel ‎| ‎Must include: ‎israel

Trump administration officials and many Republicans who opposed the effort to keep the sanctions in place said they worried about the impact on the global aluminum industry.

So now the U.S.,particulalry Trump's Treasury Jew Munchkin and Conressional Republicans who are decrying iron and steel imports are telling us to buyaluminum globally and particularly from Jewish
Russian oigarchs !

18 hours ago - ... deal the Treasury secretary struck with an oligarch linked to Oleg Deripaska. ...Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Treasury secretary, speaks during an interview ... Questions regarding DonaldTrump's relationship with Russia include, .
Certainly Jewish Zionist mafia billionaire Deripaska who certainly doesn't look 'Jewish' because he's - he's just more Eurotrash pretending he's some sort of special white super Jew just another crime boss con artist united in that greatest mafia of all run by elite white 'JEWS' and just as Trump has pardoned every Jewish Zionist criminal he has had the privililege to free(from Israeli spy Pollard to Chabad Lubavitch crime boss Rubuskin,etc.) in order to continue preying on the U.S,Russian. and world population, - Mr.Trump takes liberties to do  the same for his and Putin's lucky Jewish oligarch Deripaska.
I have little doubt that Purin like Trump both know the real pertetrators of 9/11 they are decendants of Eastern European Judaism and  they have control of both U.S. and  Russia in effect the world's deep state government and are themselves so confused and fucked up they are taking us tohell in their handbasket.

Jan 3, 2019 - The countless Israeli connections to Mueller's probe of Trump and .... together with Blavatnik and oligarch Oleg Deripaska – who has also been ...


1 day ago - Trump lifts sanctions on firms linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska ... Mueller'snew mid-January court filing was the first evidence that ... “Deripaska is a key lieutenant and a significant oligarch in Putin's oligarch system,” ...
Missing: israel ‎| ‎Must include: ‎israel

Jun 20, 2018 - A longtime US lobbyist for the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska ... as part of its effort to sway the 2016 election in favour of Donald Trump. ... Robert Mueller into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Trump lifts sanctions on firms linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

  • Democrats in Congress opposed move to lift restrictions
  • Deripaska is ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin
Oleg Deripaska seen in Moscow in 2015.
 Oleg Deripaska seen in Moscow in 2015. Photograph: Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP

The Trump administration has lifted sanctions on three companies, including the aluminum giant Rusal, linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Democrats had led a push in Congress to continue the restrictions.

Earlier this month, Senate Republicans blocked an effort to keep the sanctions on Rusal, En+ Group and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Some lawmakers from both parties have said it is inappropriate to ease sanctions on companies tied to Deripaska, an ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin, while special counsel Robert Mueller investigates whether Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Moscow.
Deripaska had ties with Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager. Manafort pleaded guilty in September 2018 to attempted witness tampering and conspiring against the United States.
Trump administration officials and many Republicans who opposed the effort to keep the sanctions in place said they worried about the impact on the global aluminum industry................................

Apr 7, 2018 - Among those hit by the penalties was Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire aluminum magnate who once had ties to former Trump campaign chairman ... to special counsel Robert Mueller and congressional investigators looking into whether ... Deripaska is considered among the Russianoligarchs closest to Putin.
Jan 3, 2019 - The countless Israeli connections to Mueller's probe of Trump and .... together with Blavatnik and oligarch Oleg Deripaska – who has also been ...
Sep 3, 2018 - Report: US investigators probing Trump sought to cultivate Russian oligarchs ... President Vladimir Putin, left, and Russian metals magnate Oleg Deripaska, ... Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible Trump ...

The New York City mansion of Oleg Deripaska—the Russian oligarch very closely linked to ... How Team Trump Blunder Led to Sanctions for Putin Oligarch .... A 21-year-old Israeli exchange student was murdered in Australia earlier this week while ... The charge is reportedly unrelated to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's ...
Apr 6, 2018 - Russian oligarchs and elites who profit from this corrupt system will no longer be insulated from the ... center of the Middle East, and borders five U.S. allies, including Israel. ... Another target of the new sanctions is Oleg Deripaska, a Putin adviser and ... Deripaska figures prominently inMueller's inquiry, too.