Afghanistan 'Liberation':Barack Obama,Joe Lieberman blow vodka out
their aholes with U.S. Embassy's Wackenhut slave prostitute
Sure I thought if cleaning up my title butt it would be better if
Barack Osama Obama and his white semite paretner in Afghan and Iraq
crime would clean up their act and stop lieing about bringing women's
liberation to
Afghanistan when they appear to be worse than the
Taliban they warn about.
It is just fact that Wackenhut private 'security' under the alias of
ArmourGuard who also guard strategic U.S. nuclear energy sites in the
U.S. such as the disgraceful Senator Carl Levin's state of Michigan as
well as Peach Tree nuclear in Pennsylvania where they were filmed
sleeping on te job and where on accident copuld take out all of the
northeast corridor of America also guard the U.S. Embassy in
Afghanistan at Madame Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's pleasure
while simultaneously organizing orgies as as cultural contribution to
Afghanistan 'democracy' of the scumbag Iraqi dictator we put in place
their whose brother has done so much to get the opium production up
and running since the Taliban had put a stop to it.The Wackenhut or
Armourguard embassy guards just love to drink vodka out of each other
aholes for some reason when they are not 'guarding' the U.S.Embassy or
buying sex slaves probably local as well as Chinese and bragging of
making over $20,000 off selling their services in as little as a
months time.Certainly beats guarding outr nuclear plants back home I
guess or running our private for their profit prisons and getting in
trouble for raping and murdering innocent American women back home.
Barack Osama Obama like Joe 'the white semite'Lieberman is turning out
to be a real sicko.Just as he is a 9/11 holocaust denier he is also a
denier of what he is doing to Afhanis including women in
by exposing them to the low lives of America he and the Bush-Cheney
regime imported there before him.His lies like those of W Bush about
protecting women in Iraq and
Afghanistan should be answered by a
massive puking session by American men and women outside the White
House.Norway embarrasses itself by giving the scumbag anything but
their middle finger.
Afghanistan talks should be held in Kabul: Bildt
Published: 15 Sep 09 16:03 CET
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Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt has said the EU would like to see
Kabul host an impending international conference on
Troops ransack Afghan hospital: Swedish charity (7 Sep 09)
Israel: Bildt to scrap scheduled visit (6 Sep 09)
'No time line for
Afghanistan exit': Bildt (1 Sep 09)
"If it's possible to have a conference in Kabul I would prefer that,"
said Carl Bildt after talks in Brussels on Tuesday with his EU
Earlier this month Europe's big three -- Britain, France and Germany
-- unveiled proposals for the conference in order to press Afghans to
take more responsibility for their own country.
The conference, at which the United Nations and the United States are
expected to be represented, will be focused on three areas: security,
government and development, according to the British side.
The proposal comes as the international mission grows unpopular in
some of the 42 countries that make up the 100,000-strong foreign
contingent in
Afghanistan, 65,000 from the NATO-led International
Security Assistance Force.....
Yeah,sounds like quiet a party.Who could think of a better
place.Wackenhut Services' Armorguard will have Chinese sex slaves all
ready for Mr.Bildt upon his arrival and he can even have her in the
U.S. Embassy in Kabul in exchange for services rendered.Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton will play host as madame of the U.S.Embassy
And just to think these pimps(Wackenhut and Armorguard) are also the
ones who guard Michigan's nuclear reactors as well,just in case
anyone,Israelis or otherwise,or interested in bribing the Zionazi
AIPAC REP IN CONNECTICUT Senator Joe Lieberman who thinks he's a
'semite' assures us we must 'stay the course' until all Moslems are
all dead and the only left alive in
Afghanistan are the prostitutes
and their pimps and clients.....Bildt are you aiding and abetting
these enemies of 'Americans' as well ?
Whistleblowers vs. the 101st Tequila Brigade
By Nathan Hodge September 11, 2009 |
Gordon’s lawsuit
alleges he was shut out of an investigation into the solicitation of
prostitutes at the behest of Armor Group’s London-based parent
company, despite recurring evidence that ArmorGroup employees
continued to solicit prostitutes and perhaps even run their own
prostitution services. A trainee boasted to Gordon “that he could
purchase a girl for $20,000 and turn a profit after a month.”
Lieberman Gave State IG Whistleblower Documents on ArmorGroup in 2007
John Gorman, the former ArmorGroup Kabul project manager turned
whistleblower whose allegations against the company I wrote about
yesterday, met with aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2007
See Also:
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and
State Department Says It Never Got ArmorGroup Whistleblower Info From Lieberman
I asked in an earlier post just what the State Department did with
information provided by ArmorGroup whistleblower John Gorman that the
office of Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said it gave to the
department’s inspector general in November 2007. Gorman, a former
project manager of the contract ArmorGroup holds to protect the U.S.
embassy in Kabul, alleged a variety of fraudulent and dangerous
State’s response? It never got a word of it. I received this reply from State:
We have confirmed that no letters regarding these allegations were
sent from the relevant Congressional offices to OIG [Office of the
Inspector General] and we have no record of these allegations.
I’ve placed a call to Lieberman staffers to find out how they like
being called liars.
Michigan Messenger » Afghan incident raises questions about ...4 Sep
2009 ... A 2008 Washington Post report found that that despite the
many security problems at Wackenhut guarded nuclear facilities, ...
Official: Kabul Embassy Hazing Covered Up
Wackenhut7 May 2009 ... Wackenhut's primary service divisions include
Security Services, Nuclear Security and Energy Consulting Services,
Government Services, ...
Wackenhut Nuclear Security Guards Sleeping!
radiation from Peach bottom could kill peple as far as New York and
Washington,D.C. AND leave 188 square miles COMPLETLY UNINHABITABE !
wackenhut rape
$20,000 IN ONE MONTH OFF THEIR BODIES.This video shows them drinking
vodka in Islamic
Afghanistan from each others butts or asses ! This is
what perverts such as Democratic Zionazi from Connecticut Joe
Lieberman who if he is not related to Russian mafios Finance Minister
of Israel Avigdor Lieberman he might as well be......
Blackwater murderers also a part of this....
General McCrystal ?
Whistleblowers vs. the 101st Tequila Brigade
By Nathan Hodge September 11, 2009 |
Gordon’s lawsuit
alleges he was shut out of an investigation into the solicitation of
prostitutes at the behest of Armor Group’s London-based parent
company, despite recurring evidence that ArmorGroup employees
continued to solicit prostitutes and perhaps even run their own
prostitution services. A trainee boasted to Gordon “that he could
purchase a girl for $20,000 and turn a profit after a month.”
Lieberman Gave State IG Whistleblower Documents on ArmorGroup in 2007
John Gorman, the former ArmorGroup Kabul project manager turned
whistleblower whose allegations against the company I wrote about
yesterday, met with aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2007
See Also:
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and...
High Court Urged to Reject White House Appeal to Keep Abuse Photos ...
OpEdNews - Jason Leopold - Sep 11, 2009
Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham informing them that he would work
with Congress to ensure legislation is passed that would block the
release of the ...
Lindsey Graham, Joseph Lieberman, and John McCain: Only Decisive ...
21 Aug 2009 ... Lindsey Graham, Joseph Lieberman, and John McCain:
Only Decisive Force . ... says the private security contractor hired
to protect the U.S. Embassy in
Afghanistan was ... ACORN Video:
Prostitution Scandal in New York, NY ...
mccain-only/ -
See Also:
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and
Speaking of 'naked shorts' or naked something,I wonder if Joe The
Aryan I mean The Semite Liarman,I mean Lieberman,spread his snow white
aryan I mean semitic cheeks for the big bad Kabul Embassy Security
guards or had one of the female Chinese sex slaves at his service
cause when he came back from Kabul to report to the U.S. public he
sure thought everything was
real 'kosher' over there.I just hope if he can get it up his wife
makes him use a rubber.Ha.And Secretary Hillary Clinton says she's
just shocked....
Or you all sure Saddam Hussein wasd worse than these sleezy scumbags ?
Whistleblowers vs. the 101st Tequila Brigade
Last week, allegations surfaced that the contracted guard force at the
U.S. Embassy in Kabul had descended into a booze-soaked debauch. The
drunken antics weren’t the worst part: An investigation by the Project
on Government Oversight and previous congressional testimony raised
larger concerns about the State Department’s management of its private
security guards in
Afghanistan, and ArmorGroup, which holds the $187
million embassy security contract, was accused of cutting corners to
put in the winning bid.
Perhaps most seriously, Gordon said that he found out that both guards
and even ArmorGroup program manager Nick Du Plessis were regularly
frequenting brothels in Kabul. “Many of the prostitutes in Kabul are
young Chinese girls who were taken against their will to Kabul for
sexual exploitation,” Gordon said.Federal contracting regulations
designed to support the Trafficking in Victims Protection Act prevents
contractors from “procuring commercial sex acts during the period of
performance of the contract,” meaning that ArmorGroup could lose its
contract if State learned of the violation. Yet Gordon’s lawsuit
alleges he was shut out of an investigation into the solicitation of
prostitutes at the behest of Armor Group’s London-based parent
company, despite recurring evidence that ArmorGroup employees
continued to solicit prostitutes and perhaps even run their own
prostitution services. A trainee boasted to Gordon “that he could
purchase a girl for $20,000 and turn a profit after a month.”
Lieberman Gave State IG Whistleblower Documents on ArmorGroup in 2007
John Gorman, the former ArmorGroup Kabul project manager turned
whistleblower whose allegations against the company I wrote about
yesterday, met with aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2007,0,1434315.story
Clinton expresses outrage over wild parties, sexual misconduct by
Afghanistan embassy guards
Any employees of ArmorGroup North America who created what a watchdog
group described as a "Lord of the Flies" environment at the guard's
living quarters "will be removed and taken out of the country and will
find a new line of work," he said. The "Lord of the Flies" reference
is to a novel about a group of British schoolboys stranded on a desert
island who try, but fail, to govern themselves in a chaotic setting.
The State Department launched an investigation following the
allegations from the Project on Government Oversight, the
Washington-based independent watchdog group.
In at least one case, supervisors allegedly brought prostitutes into
the quarters where the guards live, a serious breach of security and
discipline, the group said.....
Joe Lieberman,Afghan Embassy
Afghan incident raises questions about private security at Mich. nuclear sites
Wackenhut, the private security company whose ArmorGroup employees
were recently caught partying and neglecting security at the U.S.
Embassy in Kabul, is also responsible for guarding many nuclear
facilities in the United States including Michigan’s Palisades power
plant near South Haven. For several years, government oversight
bodies, labor groups and whistleblowers have warned that the company’s
lax behavior at nuclear plants endangers public safety.
In a 2005 letter to then-U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, U.S.
Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee, called Wackenhut guards “the corporate equivalent
of the Keystone Cops” and asked that use of the company at nuclear
facilities be reconsidered.A frightening reality of this orgy of
intoxication is that this same corporate sanctioned culture is
guarding nuclear power reactors,” Michael J. Keegan of Don’t Waste
Michigan said after learning of Wackenhut’s ArmorGuard scandal in
Afghanistan. “The focus appears to be on creating the illusion of
’security’ not actually providing it.”
wayne madsen joe lieberman wayne madsen
afghanistan embassy chinese
prostitution armor group
joe lieberman
afghanistan embassy chinese prostitution
Whistleblowers Unveil More ArmorGroup Allegations
Former Company Officials Say State Department Contractor Involved in
Myriad Fraudulent Schemes
By Spencer Ackerman 9/10/09 2:08 PM
Former employees of ArmorGroup, the private security company that
holds a State Department contract to protect the U.S. Embassy in
Kabul, unveiled new allegations against the besieged contractor a week
after photographic evidence emerged of its guards engaged in physical
and sexual harassment. In a press conference revolving around an
unlawful-termination lawsuit filed against ArmorGroup, former senior
company officials said ArmorGroup was aware of widespread fraud;
intentional use of non-English speaking guards to save money at the
expense of embassy security; operations of a shell corporation in
order to win contracts intended only for American companies; and even
involvement in prostitution — and that the State Department knew about
at least some of the company’s illicit practices.
Illustration by: Matt Mahurin
The allegations came from John Gorman, a former manager of
ArmorGroup’s Kabul contract, and James Gordon, the former director of
operation’s at ArmorGroup’s North American branch, headquartered in
McLean, Va. Gordon, who yesterday sued the company for wrongful firing
in federal court, spoke by teleconference from Kabul, where he said he
was employed by an unspecified security company. Gorman and Gordon’s
revelations come after the Project on Government Oversight wrote to
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton last week detailing
accusations of fraud in ArmorGroup’s $189 million contract; and a year
after their former colleagues and fellow whistleblowers, James Sauer
and Peter Martino, filed a similar lawsuit.
Both Gorman and Gordon said ArmorGroup intentionally misrepresented
its cost requirements to the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic
Security in order to win the contract to protect the embassy when it
was initially put up for bid in 2006. Gordon’s lawsuit alleges that
Michael O’Connell, ArmorGroup North America’s vice president of
operations, emailed Sauer on March 11, 2007, “AGNA bid this at a very
low price and a very low margin,” adding the next day that the
timelines and resources given to State in its proposal “don’t match
up,” but it wasn’t “a big deal unless” the State Department
contracting officer’s representative “calls us on it.”
One immediate consequence of the emphasis on hiding fraud, Gordon
said, was hiring Nepalese guards, known as Gurkhas, who did not speak
adequate English to guard the embassy. “It was impossible to safeguard
the embassy with a guard force that couldn’t communicate with one
another,” he said. “I was told that no language test had ever been
given. I immediately reported this violation to the Department of
State. To this day, AGNA has not corrected the problem.”
re Pakistan
However, the other cause for chaos can be resolved more readily – that
of the growing intrusiveness and questionable role of the US within
Pakistan. For some time now one has been raising questions about the
strange US presence in areas around Tarbela and in Peshawar. Then
there was the news of the assassination squads controlled by the US
Department of Defence rather than the CIA, of which the new US
commander in
Afghanistan, General McChrystal was a central actor. This
information helped to link up differing pieces of a growing puzzle
about the increasing US personnel in Pakistan. A cause for concern,
given these developments, is the US plan to spend $1 billion to expand
its presence in Islamabad – especially, since central to this plan is
the importation of almost 400 Marines with hundreds of APCs. There is
absolutely no logic to this, but who will tell our rulers who seem
hell-bent on kowtowing before Washington? Incidentally already the US
contingent in Pakistan is way over the sanctioned strength of 350 but
does anyone in the corridors of power in Pakistan care?
Nor is the US Marines presence restricted to Islamabad. As some of us
had been writing much earlier, they had been spotted in and around
Tarbela also – where our military’s Special Operation Task Force is
located. It now transpires that there are already 300 plus US military
personnel in this area – the so-called “trainers”. Of course, given
the poor counter insurgency record of the US, heaven knows what
training they will impart to our much better trained army! Also, if
they were only “trainers” why would the US buy a large plot of land
around Tarbela and send twenty large containers there according to an
investigative Asia Times Online report (3August 2009).
As if all these US military and undercover officials crawling all over
the sensitive parts of the country were not enough, it appears that
the US is also using private covert setups to further a dubious and
threatening agenda within Pakistan. The centre of these suspicious
covert operations is Peshawar, and the central organisation is
Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII – as opposed to CIA),
which refers to itself as an NGO on its website but on further
investigation it transpires that the organisation is registered as a
private incorporated company in Washington D.C – not an NGO! A 27 July
2009 report by Sarwar and Yousafzai for Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA)
reveals that CAII has been terrifying the residents of University Town
Peshawar because of its US security guards – ostensibly from that
notorious US security contractor Blackwater (now renamed Xe Worldwide)
whose employees already face charges of murder, arms smuggling and
child prostitution in Iraq.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
US Embassy Kabul: POGO Story Day 2
Should U.S. Military Supervise Private Security in Kabul?
by chris
Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 05:25 PM EDT
An article in TIME magazine today continues the coverage of the sorry
private security situation at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. First there
were the photos of security contractors behaving ingloriously and the
scathing report of the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) and its
letter to Sec. of State Clinton.
Yesterday (9/10) Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent
detailed the ArmorGroup contract former senior company officials said
ArmorGroup was aware of widespread fraud; intentional use of
non-English speaking guards to save money at the expense of embassy
security; operations of a shell corporation in order to win contracts
intended only for American companies; and even involvement in
prostitution — and that the State Department knew about at least some
of the company’s illicit practices.
Troops ransack Afghan hospital: Swedish charity
Published: 7 Sep 09 17:49 CET
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A Swedish charity has claimed that foreign troops entered its hospital
Afghanistan, smashed doors and tied up staff and patients'
relatives, violating agreements between aid workers and the military.
Sweden looks to boost
Afghanistan force (30 Sep 09)
Woman 'not a suspect' in Pakistan terror probe (17 Sep 09)
Terror suspect Swedes still detained: Pakistan (16 Sep 09)
The Swedish Committee for
Afghanistan (SCA) said troops entered the
hospital in Shaniz, in Wardak province south of Kabul, late on
Wednesday "without giving any reason or justification".
"They searched all rooms, even bathrooms, male and female wards," the
SCA said in a statement on its website, quoting country director
Anders Fange.
"Rooms that were locked were forcefully entered and the doors of the
malnutrition ward and the ultrasound ward were broken by force to gain
"Upon entering the hospital they tied up four employees and two family
members of patients at the hospital. SCA staff as well as patients,
even those in beds, were forced out of rooms (and) wards throughout
the search," it said.
Describing the incident as unacceptable, the SCA said the military
action was "a clear violation of globally recognized humanitarian
principles about the sanctity of health facilities and staff in areas
of conflict".
04:58 September 8, 2009 by Tony Ryals
Any fool I would have said other than the U.S. would know from the
Viet Nam experience if nothing else or from Russia's experience in
Afghanistan that the era of occupying colonial style other countries
was for another era when at least the populations who were being
colonized and suppressed were smaller and less armed with modern
weapons we provide them for heroine,etc.,than today's over populated
impoverished third world countries.But the Europoids have fallen in
line and march to the irrythmic drum beat of Barack Osama and his Zio
Nazis in the White House led by Rahm Emanuel the Eastern European
money launderer and raper of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that he sould
be in jail for alone now that the killer kkklow W Bush has set the
beat.The money from rape of Freddie Mac mortgage pump and dump fraud
probably went to his Zionazi allies in Israel anyway so they should be
paying the bill for our war crimes if our governments are so insistent
that the war crimes must continue.Don't let Barack Osama's skin color
fool you.Remember Idi Amin ? You Europoids who cheered him on just
because his skin was black should now write the White House and remind
him of Idi Amin and how much he's beginning to look like a skinny
version...I love real African Americans such as Cynthia McKinney who
was jailed in Israel bringing crayons to poor Palestinian children,the
Reverend Jeramiah Wright who Barack Obama used and stepped upon to
reach the White House as well as the assassinated Martin Luther King.
But Barack Osama is NOT one of them though I wish he would have a
change of heart and ADOPT THEM AS ROLE MODELS.
Iraqis were bombed and raped due to 9/11 war fraud of Israelis
Menachem Atzmon,Ezra Harel running the ICTS International stock
and security fraud at Logan Airport and Marvin Bush,cousin Wirt Walker
III and the Kuwait Al Sabah royals running the Dulles Airport security
and securities fraud at Dulles Airport on 911.
Knowing these facts Sweden and Bildt should NEVER go to Israel and
Swedish troops should be withdrawn from
Afghanistan if not NATO
And it appears it is Israel who has a greater interest in the Afghhan
oil pipeline more than anyone else.The CIA is probably only in it for
the heroine.Remember white guys from Israel aren't semites and they
are out and out liars or under the influence of a dangerous religious
cult if they claim to be.
Prosecute American,Isrealis and their war criminal Arab allies in
Kuwait,Dubai,Saudi Arabia - don't rape and torture and murder more
Afghanis and Iraqs....Iraqi women in Baghdad could the streets in
safety without a chador and even weapons searchers and tourists could
walk the streets of Baghdad before you brought them 'Shiite
Democracy'.Do you all want 'Shiite Democracy' ?
417 Votes
Buzzed Up!
Buzzed Down
First buzzed by: P
2 American, 2 British troops killed in
Afghanistan (AP)
Yahoo! News - Submitted: Aug 31, 2009 AP - Bombs killed four NATO
troops Monday - two Americans and two Britons - ending the deadliest
month of the war for U.S. forces as the top NATO commander called for
a new strategy to confront the Taliban. » Full Story on Yahoo! News
was behind Nicholas Biddle and the attempt to have a central bank in
the United States?
The blunt reality is that the Rothschild banking dynasty in Europe was
the dominant force, both financially and politically, in the formation
of the Bank of the United States. — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature
from Jekyll Island, American Opinion Publishing, p. 331.
(1) Reply posted Aug 31, 2009 |
Reply to above conversation
Over the years since N.M. [Rothschild], the Manchester textile
manufacturer, had bought cotton from the Southern states, The
Rothschilds had developed heavy American commitments. Nathan… had made
loans to various states of the Union, had been, for a time, the
official European banker for the U.S. government and was a pledged
supporter of the Bank of the United States. — Derek Wilson,
Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty, Charles Scribner’s
Sons, p. 178.
The Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American
financial laws. The law records show that they were the power in the
old Bank of the United States. — Gustavus Myers, History of the Great
American Fortunes, Random House, p. 556.
Re: what countries DONT have a rothschild controlled central bank yet? Quote
Before 9/11 guess what 2 countries DID NOT have a Rothschild owned and
started Central Bank,
Afghanistan and Iraq
World Trade Center is an act by Israel with the complicity of Britain
and America, under the orders of the Rothschild. Why? Reason 1. To
establish Rothschild central banks in the Middle East. (By now, only a
few countries in the world DO NOT have Rothschild owned banks!
Countries such as,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Sudan. And now, today,
Afghanistan and Iraq have Rothschild central banks after the United
States invaded!) 2. To take away rights and freedoms of the American
peoples, us giving up liberties for safety. 3. To follow Albert Pike’s
plan for the beginning of the 3rd world war, to begin racial strife
against the Islamic world. 4. To create a massive amount of wars to
generate more money from it, while again, setting up their banks!
Now! Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on September 5th, the
so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made
a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist,
Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats, but no investigation was
ever made of this.
It is discovered that US drug agents’ communications have been
penetrated and suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse
Infosys. Who are both owned by Israelis, AMDOCS generates billing data
for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of
who is talking to whom. Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment
used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls,
but suspicion forms that Comverse Infosys, which gets half of its
research and development budget from the Israeli government, has built
a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli
intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction
efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers. The investigation by the
FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever
uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel and half of the
suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens. On 9-11, 5
Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade
Towers collapse, they were employed by Urban Moving Systems, and the
Israelis are caught with multiple passports and thousands of dollars
on each of them. Two of them are later revealed to be a part of
Mossad, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency and Police force. As
witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it happens to be
that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact,
suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come, the Israelis are
interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel.
Still Think The Afghan
And Iraq Wars
Weren't About Oil?
By Michael Shore
Five months before the Israeli/Arab war in 1973, there was a meeting,
on a Swedish island, of the Bildeberg Group, another one of the secret
organizations connected to this web of "Elitists". Prince Bernhard of
the Netherlands, a founder of the Bildebergers, brought together 84
key leading financial and political manipulators, whose main agenda
At this meeting were Henry Kissinger {one of the most ruthless
manipulators and killers of human beings in the world today}, Robert O
Anderson, owner of Atlantic Richfield, Sir Eric Drake, the chairman of
British Petroleum, Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Royal Dutch Shell,
Lord Roll of Ipsen from the huge old established S.G. Warburg banking
interests.and of course one of the Rothschilds, Baron Edmund de
Rothschild. just to name a few. You probably never heard of these very
wealthy men before and this important meeting was never reported in
the corporate controlled mass media. At this meeting a presentation
was made that was to effect the ENTIRE WORLD. Within five months after
this meeting, Syria and Egypt unsuccessfully invaded Israel. It was
the "excuse" given by the oil companies to raise the price of oil by
400% because of the Bilderberger member's"manipulation", whereby the
Arabs cut production and announced an oil embargo against the USA for
supporting Israel. The oil companies at the Bildeberger meeting had
someone to blame for this extremely high rise in the price of oil --
the Arab oil producing countries. The architect of the Yom Kippur War
was the US National Security Adviser and Secretary of State at the
time under Nixon,Henry Kissinger. All of this, including the Yom
Kippur War, had been planned well in advance.The poor countries of the
Third World were devastated, as is happening now with oil over $40 a
barrel With domestic supplies so low, the US economy collapsed
immediately following the 1973 war.This scenario is being repeated
again today right in front of the American people and the people of
the world without them seeing this CON.
Clinton Aide Takes Responsibility in Afghan Embassy Hazings
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By Janine Zacharia
Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- The State Department’s personnel chief took
the blame for lewd acts by the guard force at the U.S. Embassy in
Afghanistan, a hazing scandal that has raised questions about the
outsourcing of diplomatic security.
“As the State Department’s senior management officer, I take
responsibility for having failed to prevent them and for not having
uncovered them earlier,” Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary of state for
management, told an oversight panel today of the incidents documented
in photographs, testimony and e-mails...
Kennedy, who reports to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spoke
before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and
Afghanistan, born out of legislation signed last year by President
George W. Bush.
Commission co-chairman Chris Shays, a former Republican congressman
from Connecticut, said the incidents in Kabul “undermine American
efforts to build a stable, peaceful and democratic
Afghanistan” and
they “provide free recruiting material to the Taliban.”
Abu Ghraib
Commissioner Dov Zakheim, a former undersecretary of defense, called
the scandal “the equivalent of Abu Ghraib for
Afghanistan,” referring
to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. personnel at a facility west
of Baghdad.
Afghan embassy scandal compared to Abu Ghraib
(AFP) – Sep 14, 2009
WASHINGTON — Scandalous photographs of contractors at the US embassy
in Kabul Monday could hurt US interests in the same way as images of
abuse in Iraqi prisons, the head of a US investigating panel said
"This is the equivalent of Abu Ghraib," said Dov Zakheim, who chairs
the Congress-appointed commission on war-time contracts, referring to
the notorious photos of abuse at the US-run jail in Baghdad, which
emerged in 2004.
Samuel Brinkley, the vice-president of Wackenhut Services, appeared
before investigators to explain photos showing embassy security staff
in various states of undress and inebriation, but said he would not
try to justify their conduct.
"Let me say that I am not here to defend the indefensible," Brinkley
told the panel.
"I am personally embarrassed by their misbehavior and I am embarrassed
to be here speaking about their poor judgment and inappropriate
actions," he said.
Employees of the Wackenhut subcontractor ArmorGroup are accused of
undermining security at the embassy by engaging in a series of hazing
rituals and offending local customs.
The State Department's head of management, Patrick Kennedy, told the
commission that US diplomats should have done more to monitor the
contractors' behavior.
"There's no question that we could have done more," he said.
"As the department's senior management officer, I take responsibility
for having failed to prevent them and for having not uncovered them
Meanwhile, panel commissioner Linda Gustitus urged officials to end
ArmorGroup's contract to send the message that such behavior would not
be tolerated.
State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters that 165 employees
of ArmorGroup had been interviewed during the investigation, adding
that 12 guards had either been removed or had resigned.
"As you know, alcohol has been banned there," Kelly said, adding that
a US embassy security officer had also been assigned to oversee the
contractor's camp.
Kelly said Kennedy's briefing had stressed that Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, US ambassador to
Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, and
senior State Department leadership "were outraged by the misconduct of
these contractors, and of course, they have ordered... immediate and
strong action."
But he added the State Department had not uncovered any security
breaches despite the contractor behavior, and that department
employees in Kabul had not been put at risk.
Copyright © 2009 AFP. All rights reserved. More »
Personally I suspect that Joe Lieberman drank to much vodka served or
squirted from thwe assholes of the Wackenhut U.S.Embassy 'Security'
Guards which is rumored to be one of the highlights of NATO and
U.S.officials trips to Afganistan where they can alsdo buy the
Armorguiards' slave prostitutes so win they return to America or
Europe they fill lie 'real men' and can brag of their untiring support
of the war against the phantom 'Al Qaeda' who targweted only Israeli
security at Logan Airpot Boston and Marvin Bush and Kuwaait Al Sabah
family roylaty 'security' at Dulles Airport in Washinton,D.C. on 9/11
when in fact you would have thought that 'Osama bin Laden' in his
wisdom would have been the last to select to attack given the fact
that the Israelis are infamous for never having had their airlines
attacked in Israel by Arabs or Muslims and the Al Sabah family working
with Marvin Bush could certainly identify suspicious Arabs Muslims
seeing who they were suspicious Arabs and Muslims themselves that
somehiow 'our' government inexplicably allowed to guard ione of the
most important airports in the U.S. named for own own CIA boogeymen
the Dulles brothers themselves !
Tuesday June 9, 2009 05:10 EDT
Defeat of Graham-Lieberman and the ongoing war on transparency
[Updated below - Update II - Update III (interview with Rep. Louise
Slaughter) - Update IV - Update V]
Yesterday, there was a potentially temporary though still quite
significant victory for those who believe in open government and
transparency: as Jane Hamsher first reported, House leaders and the
White House were forced to remove the Graham-Lieberman photo
suppression amendment from the war supplemental spending bill, because
widespread opposition to that amendment among progressive House
Democrats was jeopardizing passage of the spending bill. Readers here
and those of various blogs who bombarded House members with opposition
calls on Friday obviously played an important role in forcing the
withdrawal of this pernicious amendment. Successes of this sort are
rare enough that -- even if fleeting -- they warrant some
Delegation of U.S. Senators Talking About What They Have Found in Trip
Afghanistan and Pakistan
Aired January 8, 2002
Senator Lieberman, I'm going to start with you to just give you a
chance to clarify something that came out of the Afghan foreign
ministry yesterday. They quoted you as saying that the U.S. owed
Afghanistan an apology for its inactivity after the Soviet withdrawal.
I know one of your aides came out after the fact and said that was not
true, that is not what you said. Can you clarify for us this morning
what exactly you told the foreign ministry spokesperson?
said - we had a very good meeting with Chairman Karzai and most of his
cabinet. What I said is basically what we've all been saying here on
this trip, which is that we learned on September 11 the terrible cost
of being disengaged from
Afghanistan. And I think we all have regrets
that the United States and the rest of the world just walked away from
this part of the world after the fall of the Soviet Union after the
Russians left
Afghanistan. And we let a weakness occur that the
Taliban entered and bin Laden and al Qaeda entered.
And these people who we were meeting with last night, Karzai and his
cabinet, are people who were fighting them here alone for a long time.
So I expressed my regret that we had not been with them earlier. And,
of course, the United States suffered a terrible pain as a result of
that disengagement.....
The Scumbag white Zionazi who lies about being a semite and calls
whoever disagrees with his war frauds an 'antisemite' continues to
cover up along with all U.S. AIPAC bribed Congress the fact that it
was Israelis Menach Atzmon Ezra Harel and ex Israeli military officers
running a corporate sabotage(security fraud) and NASDAQ
stock(securities fraud, against Americans at Logan Airport with their
Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops that caused 9/11 - NOT AFGHAN PEASANTS
as he and his master Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu who poked fun at
the deaths of those 3,000 victims of ICTS International that allowed
9/11 to happen and those planes to take off from Logan Airport Boston
and crash into the WTC or World Trade Center on 9/11 in the first
place.The scumbag 'white semite' Joseph Lieberman should be
incarcerated in a Wackenhut 'private prison' himself rather than
covering up for its ArmorGuard U.S.Embassy'security' in
who buy and run Chinese and I would presume Afghani female prostitutes
from that very U.S.Embassy in
Afghanistan they guard while the State
Department whore and embassy Madame In Chief Hillary Clinton smiles on
and spews her hoary lies about democracy and women's rights around the
world.What rifghts - to be pimped by State Departmant and U.S. Embassy
guards if a woman is poor ? What a biiitch this sleezebag Hillary is
just like her whore mongering husband who allowed himself to be caught
whoring qwith Monica Lewinski under his Oval Office desk and thus
pimped in return by that
'white semite' Zio-nazi ballet dancer Rahm Emanuel who now pimps
Barack Osama I mean Obama out of that same White House Oval Office !By
now I could only wish the U.S.soldiers would revolt against both
Bararack Obama and his pimp Rahm Emanuel and their decadent Afghan
prostitute and Viagra and opium and heroine pimping General's like
that scumbag McChrystal whose name reminds one of the methamphetamines
made by that
'kosher' right wing 'Jewish'Chabad Luba-bitch,I mean Lubavitch
Zio-nazi cult of Iowa - the same cult run by the Russian mafia
Rubashkin family whose Agriprocessors was also found with illegal
Rabbis from Israel and Eastern Europe and Guatemalan slave labor and
who seemed to be raising cows with 'mad cow' disease on purpose for
som,e reason in Iowa !
Amd the sumbag 'white semite' Joe Lieberman tells us we are in danger
of Afghan peasants ? No we are in danger of his Zionazi and Israeli
allies all white Europeans who lie abourt being 'semites' in order to
kill semites or Palestinians ansd steal their lands just as they are
steakling U.S. ssetas through corporate crimes and sabatage just as
ICTS International that 'guarded Logan Airport in Boston,Massachusetts
on 9/11/01 so well documents !
Joe Lieberman's visits to
so many times and flaunting his elite status as a white semite there
just as his fellow Zio-nazis do on Palestinian lands is proof NOT OF
Afghanistan and U.S. neccessity to
wage war there - but more so proof that he knew all along of women
being sold into forced prostitution by the very same Wackenhut or
Armourguard rent-a-cops who guard his U.S.Emassy and drink vodka from
each others assholes ! Thses 'men' are mentally ill and so is Joe
Lieberman who should be given psychiatric advise himself rather than
being interviewed on major U.S. pro-Israel media monopolies or
propaganda operations
that pretend to be concerned about international prostitution and yet
have never confromnted their little white Zionazi SDenator Joe
Liberman about his cover ups of sex slavery by U.S. Embassy guards in
Afhanistan.How nmuch else is this 'white semite' asshole keeping from
the American public !?
So Where is the CNN 'investigative reporter' Wolf Blitzer whose rabbi
lauds him as such 'a good jew' when you need him !? He thinks running
AFGHANISTAN IS 'KOSHER' AS WELL ? No wonder they allowed
Jonathan Idema to tortuire Afganis in his house in Kabul pre Abu
Graibe !
I'd say both Americans and Afghanis both have a lot in common bnow.WE
to discriminate we also need to confront Bush-Cheney allies the Al
Sabah royals of Kuwait who 'guarded' Dulles Airport on 9/11 with
lesser known W Bush brother Marvin as well as money launder Sheikh
Mohamed who quietly was allowed to take over the NASDAQ after
Americans over whelmingly rejected his taking over 'protection' of our
ports through his Dubai Ports scam !Yes CNN and Fox News and mass
media kept quite while Bush-Cheney ceeded him the U.S.NASDAQ for
Dubai's and his role in sending monet to Mohamed Atta in
Venice,Florida just prior to 9/11!
Terror Threat Meeting Held In Washington
WBKO - 3 hours ago
On Capitol Hill, Senator Joseph Lieberman asked Homeland Security
Secretary Janet Napolitano if she considered raising the threat level.
FBI director says Zazi case poses no imminent threat 9NEWS
A War President?
New York Times - Ross Douthat - Sep 28, 2009
Now, while Obama weighs his options, Lieberman is waiting to find out
if he's going to be the president's ally on
Afghanistan or one of his
sharpest critics ...
Opposition Grows to Sending More Troops to
Afghanistan U.S. News & World Report
Senate Panel Says Terrorism Threat to US Remains
Voice of America - Cindy Saine - 10 minutes ago
Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Independent Democrat from Connecticut,
said recent weeks have shown very clearly that there is no room for
complacency eight ...
State Department Says It Never Got ArmorGroup Whistleblower Info From Lieberman
I asked in an earlier post just what the State Department did with
information provided by ArmorGroup whistleblower John Gorman that the
office of Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said it gave to the
department’s inspector general in November 2007. Gorman, a former
project manager of the contract ArmorGroup holds to protect the U.S.
embassy in Kabul, alleged a variety of fraudulent and dangerous
State’s response? It never got a word of it. I received this reply from State:
We have confirmed that no letters regarding these allegations were
sent from the relevant Congressional offices to OIG [Office of the
Inspector General] and we have no record of these allegations.
I’ve placed a call to Lieberman staffers to find out how they like
being called liars.
Michigan Messenger » Afghan incident raises questions about ...4 Sep
2009 ... A 2008 Washington Post report found that that despite the
many security problems at Wackenhut guarded nuclear facilities, ...
Official: Kabul Embassy Hazing Covered Up
Wackenhut7 May 2009 ... Wackenhut's primary service divisions include
Security Services, Nuclear Security and Energy Consulting Services,
Government Services, ...
Wackenhut Nuclear Security Guards Sleeping!
radiation from Peach bottom could kill peple as far as New York and
Washington,D.C. AND leave 188 square miles COMPLETLY UNINHABITABE !
wackenhut rape
$20,000 IN ONE MONTH OFF THEIR BODIES.This video shows them drinking
vodka in Islamic
Afghanistan from each others butts or asses ! This is
what perverts such as Democratic Zionazi from Connecticut Joe
Lieberman who if he is not related to Russian mafios Finance Minister
of Israel Avigdor Lieberman he might as well be......
Blackwater murderers also a part of this....
General McCrystal ?
Whistleblowers vs. the 101st Tequila Brigade
By Nathan Hodge September 11, 2009 |
Gordon’s lawsuit
alleges he was shut out of an investigation into the solicitation of
prostitutes at the behest of Armor Group’s London-based parent
company, despite recurring evidence that ArmorGroup employees
continued to solicit prostitutes and perhaps even run their own
prostitution services. A trainee boasted to Gordon “that he could
purchase a girl for $20,000 and turn a profit after a month.”
Lieberman Gave State IG Whistleblower Documents on ArmorGroup in 2007
John Gorman, the former ArmorGroup Kabul project manager turned
whistleblower whose allegations against the company I wrote about
yesterday, met with aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2007
See Also:
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and...
High Court Urged to Reject White House Appeal to Keep Abuse Photos ...
OpEdNews - Jason Leopold - Sep 11, 2009
Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham informing them that he would work
with Congress to ensure legislation is passed that would block the
release of the ...
Lindsey Graham, Joseph Lieberman, and John McCain: Only Decisive ...
21 Aug 2009 ... Lindsey Graham, Joseph Lieberman, and John McCain:
Only Decisive Force . ... says the private security contractor hired
to protect the U.S. Embassy in
Afghanistan was ... ACORN Video:
Prostitution Scandal in New York, NY ...
mccain-only/ -
See Also:
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and
Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force Mercs Gone
Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos … U.S. Plans $200
Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and
Speaking of 'naked shorts' or naked something,I wonder if Joe The
Aryan I mean The Semite Liarman,I mean Lieberman,spread his snow white
aryan I mean semitic cheeks for the big bad Kabul Embassy Security
guards or had one of the female Chinese sex slaves at his service
cause when he came back from Kabul to report to the U.S. public he
sure thought everything was
real 'kosher' over there.I just hope if he can get it up his wife
makes him use a rubber.Ha.And Secretary Hillary Clinton says she's
just shocked....
Or you all sure Saddam Hussein wasd worse than these sleezy scumbags ?
Whistleblowers vs. the 101st Tequila Brigade
Last week, allegations surfaced that the contracted guard force at the
U.S. Embassy in Kabul had descended into a booze-soaked debauch. The
drunken antics weren’t the worst part: An investigation by the Project
on Government Oversight and previous congressional testimony raised
larger concerns about the State Department’s management of its private
security guards in
Afghanistan, and ArmorGroup, which holds the $187
million embassy security contract, was accused of cutting corners to
put in the winning bid.
Perhaps most seriously, Gordon said that he found out that both guards
and even ArmorGroup program manager Nick Du Plessis were regularly
frequenting brothels in Kabul. “Many of the prostitutes in Kabul are
young Chinese girls who were taken against their will to Kabul for
sexual exploitation,” Gordon said.Federal contracting regulations
designed to support the Trafficking in Victims Protection Act prevents
contractors from “procuring commercial sex acts during the period of
performance of the contract,” meaning that ArmorGroup could lose its
contract if State learned of the violation. Yet Gordon’s lawsuit
alleges he was shut out of an investigation into the solicitation of
prostitutes at the behest of Armor Group’s London-based parent
company, despite recurring evidence that ArmorGroup employees
continued to solicit prostitutes and perhaps even run their own
prostitution services. A trainee boasted to Gordon “that he could
purchase a girl for $20,000 and turn a profit after a month.”
Lieberman Gave State IG Whistleblower Documents on ArmorGroup in 2007
John Gorman, the former ArmorGroup Kabul project manager turned
whistleblower whose allegations against the company I wrote about
yesterday, met with aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2007,0,1434315.story
Clinton expresses outrage over wild parties, sexual misconduct by
Afghanistan embassy guards
Any employees of ArmorGroup North America who created what a watchdog
group described as a "Lord of the Flies" environment at the guard's
living quarters "will be removed and taken out of the country and will
find a new line of work," he said. The "Lord of the Flies" reference
is to a novel about a group of British schoolboys stranded on a desert
island who try, but fail, to govern themselves in a chaotic setting.
The State Department launched an investigation following the
allegations from the Project on Government Oversight, the
Washington-based independent watchdog group.
In at least one case, supervisors allegedly brought prostitutes into
the quarters where the guards live, a serious breach of security and
discipline, the group said.....
Joe Lieberman,Afghan Embassy
Afghan incident raises questions about private security at Mich. nuclear sites
Wackenhut, the private security company whose ArmorGroup employees
were recently caught partying and neglecting security at the U.S.
Embassy in Kabul, is also responsible for guarding many nuclear
facilities in the United States including Michigan’s Palisades power
plant near South Haven. For several years, government oversight
bodies, labor groups and whistleblowers have warned that the company’s
lax behavior at nuclear plants endangers public safety.
In a 2005 letter to then-U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, U.S.
Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee, called Wackenhut guards “the corporate equivalent
of the Keystone Cops” and asked that use of the company at nuclear
facilities be reconsidered.A frightening reality of this orgy of
intoxication is that this same corporate sanctioned culture is
guarding nuclear power reactors,” Michael J. Keegan of Don’t Waste
Michigan said after learning of Wackenhut’s ArmorGuard scandal in
Afghanistan. “The focus appears to be on creating the illusion of
’security’ not actually providing it.”
wayne madsen joe lieberman wayne madsen
afghanistan embassy chinese
prostitution armor group
joe lieberman
afghanistan embassy chinese prostitution
Whistleblowers Unveil More ArmorGroup Allegations
Former Company Officials Say State Department Contractor Involved in
Myriad Fraudulent Schemes
By Spencer Ackerman 9/10/09 2:08 PM
Former employees of ArmorGroup, the private security company that
holds a State Department contract to protect the U.S. Embassy in
Kabul, unveiled new allegations against the besieged contractor a week
after photographic evidence emerged of its guards engaged in physical
and sexual harassment. In a press conference revolving around an
unlawful-termination lawsuit filed against ArmorGroup, former senior
company officials said ArmorGroup was aware of widespread fraud;
intentional use of non-English speaking guards to save money at the
expense of embassy security; operations of a shell corporation in
order to win contracts intended only for American companies; and even
involvement in prostitution — and that the State Department knew about
at least some of the company’s illicit practices.
Illustration by: Matt Mahurin
The allegations came from John Gorman, a former manager of
ArmorGroup’s Kabul contract, and James Gordon, the former director of
operation’s at ArmorGroup’s North American branch, headquartered in
McLean, Va. Gordon, who yesterday sued the company for wrongful firing
in federal court, spoke by teleconference from Kabul, where he said he
was employed by an unspecified security company. Gorman and Gordon’s
revelations come after the Project on Government Oversight wrote to
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton last week detailing
accusations of fraud in ArmorGroup’s $189 million contract; and a year
after their former colleagues and fellow whistleblowers, James Sauer
and Peter Martino, filed a similar lawsuit.
Both Gorman and Gordon said ArmorGroup intentionally misrepresented
its cost requirements to the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic
Security in order to win the contract to protect the embassy when it
was initially put up for bid in 2006. Gordon’s lawsuit alleges that
Michael O’Connell, ArmorGroup North America’s vice president of
operations, emailed Sauer on March 11, 2007, “AGNA bid this at a very
low price and a very low margin,” adding the next day that the
timelines and resources given to State in its proposal “don’t match
up,” but it wasn’t “a big deal unless” the State Department
contracting officer’s representative “calls us on it.”
One immediate consequence of the emphasis on hiding fraud, Gordon
said, was hiring Nepalese guards, known as Gurkhas, who did not speak
adequate English to guard the embassy. “It was impossible to safeguard
the embassy with a guard force that couldn’t communicate with one
another,” he said. “I was told that no language test had ever been
given. I immediately reported this violation to the Department of
State. To this day, AGNA has not corrected the problem.”
re Pakistan
However, the other cause for chaos can be resolved more readily – that
of the growing intrusiveness and questionable role of the US within
Pakistan. For some time now one has been raising questions about the
strange US presence in areas around Tarbela and in Peshawar. Then
there was the news of the assassination squads controlled by the US
Department of Defence rather than the CIA, of which the new US
commander in
Afghanistan, General McChrystal was a central actor. This
information helped to link up differing pieces of a growing puzzle
about the increasing US personnel in Pakistan. A cause for concern,
given these developments, is the US plan to spend $1 billion to expand
its presence in Islamabad – especially, since central to this plan is
the importation of almost 400 Marines with hundreds of APCs. There is
absolutely no logic to this, but who will tell our rulers who seem
hell-bent on kowtowing before Washington? Incidentally already the US
contingent in Pakistan is way over the sanctioned strength of 350 but
does anyone in the corridors of power in Pakistan care?
Nor is the US Marines presence restricted to Islamabad. As some of us
had been writing much earlier, they had been spotted in and around
Tarbela also – where our military’s Special Operation Task Force is
located. It now transpires that there are already 300 plus US military
personnel in this area – the so-called “trainers”. Of course, given
the poor counter insurgency record of the US, heaven knows what
training they will impart to our much better trained army! Also, if
they were only “trainers” why would the US buy a large plot of land
around Tarbela and send twenty large containers there according to an
investigative Asia Times Online report (3August 2009).
As if all these US military and undercover officials crawling all over
the sensitive parts of the country were not enough, it appears that
the US is also using private covert setups to further a dubious and
threatening agenda within Pakistan. The centre of these suspicious
covert operations is Peshawar, and the central organisation is
Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII – as opposed to CIA),
which refers to itself as an NGO on its website but on further
investigation it transpires that the organisation is registered as a
private incorporated company in Washington D.C – not an NGO! A 27 July
2009 report by Sarwar and Yousafzai for Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA)
reveals that CAII has been terrifying the residents of University Town
Peshawar because of its US security guards – ostensibly from that
notorious US security contractor Blackwater (now renamed Xe Worldwide)
whose employees already face charges of murder, arms smuggling and
child prostitution in Iraq.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
US Embassy Kabul: POGO Story Day 2
Should U.S. Military Supervise Private Security in Kabul?
by chris
Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 05:25 PM EDT
An article in TIME magazine today continues the coverage of the sorry
private security situation at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. First there
were the photos of security contractors behaving ingloriously and the
scathing report of the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) and its
letter to Sec. of State Clinton.
Yesterday (9/10) Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent
detailed the ArmorGroup contract former senior company officials said
ArmorGroup was aware of widespread fraud; intentional use of
non-English speaking guards to save money at the expense of embassy
security; operations of a shell corporation in order to win contracts
intended only for American companies; and even involvement in
prostitution — and that the State Department knew about at least some
of the company’s illicit practices.
An anonymous poster,'here for the summer' commenting on the
article,Guantánamo Swede' arrested in Pakistan,stated that all
terrorists are Islamic.Here's my reply:
First note recent guilty or defensive response to Aftonbladet article
and 9/11 by Israeli Ambassador to Sweden.
Then story on Israelis who knew events of 9/11 ahead of time.
Israel’s ambassador in Stockholm, Benny Dagan, when asked by a Swedish
reporter why Israel did not investigate the Aftonbladet report on
organ harvesting, replied with an unusual answer: “Why don’t we
investigate why the Mossad and the Jews were behind the bombing of the
twin towers?”....
A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.
The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set
up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on
Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.
Police received several calls..claiming "middle-eastern" men with a
white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and
"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" ..
[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the
World Trade Center ruins..
Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like
Palestinians and going around a building.
Caller: There's a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the
guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh
He has what?
Caller: He's dressed like an Arab.
....the suspicious "middle-easterners" were apprehended. Imagine the
surprise of the police officers when these
terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!
According to ABC’s 20/20..the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told
the officers:
"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our
problems. The Palestinians are your problem."
Why did he feel Palestinians were a problem for the NYPD?...
..the New York Post, and the New Jersey Bergen Record all clearly and
unambiguously reported that a white van with Israelis was intercepted
on a ramp near Route 3, which leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel...
A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner,
Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for
Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an
Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men,..,
'Our purpose was to document the event."
See Israelis freed for filming and laughing about WTC MASS MURDER SAY
deported for immgration violations':
Personally I suspect that Joe Lieberman drank to much vodka served or
squirted from thwe assholes of the Wackenhut U.S.Embassy 'Security'
Guards which is rumored to be one of the highlights of NATO and
U.S.officials trips to Afganistan where they can alsdo buy the
Armorguiards' slave prostitutes so win they return to America or
Europe they fill lie 'real men' and can brag of their untiring support
of the war against the phantom 'Al Qaeda' who targweted only Israeli
security at Logan Airpot Boston and Marvin Bush and Kuwaait Al Sabah
family roylaty 'security' at Dulles Airport in Washinton,D.C. on 9/11
when in fact you would have thought that 'Osama bin Laden' in his
wisdom would have been the last to select to attack given the fact
that the Israelis are infamous for never having had their airlines
attacked in Israel by Arabs or Muslims and the Al Sabah family working
with Marvin Bush could certainly identify suspicious Arabs Muslims
seeing who they were suspicious Arabs and Muslims themselves that
somehiow 'our' government inexplicably allowed to guard ione of the
most important airports in the U.S. named for own own CIA boogeymen
the Dulles brothers themselves !
Tuesday June 9, 2009 05:10 EDT
Defeat of Graham-Lieberman and the ongoing war on transparency
[Updated below - Update II - Update III (interview with Rep. Louise
Slaughter) - Update IV - Update V]
Yesterday, there was a potentially temporary though still quite
significant victory for those who believe in open government and
transparency: as Jane Hamsher first reported, House leaders and the
White House were forced to remove the Graham-Lieberman photo
suppression amendment from the war supplemental spending bill, because
widespread opposition to that amendment among progressive House
Democrats was jeopardizing passage of the spending bill. Readers here
and those of various blogs who bombarded House members with opposition
calls on Friday obviously played an important role in forcing the
withdrawal of this pernicious amendment. Successes of this sort are
rare enough that -- even if fleeting -- they warrant some
Delegation of U.S. Senators Talking About What They Have Found in Trip
to Afghanistan and Pakistan
Aired January 8, 2002
Senator Lieberman, I'm going to start with you to just give you a
chance to clarify something that came out of the Afghan foreign
ministry yesterday. They quoted you as saying that the U.S. owed
Afghanistan an apology for its inactivity after the Soviet withdrawal.
I know one of your aides came out after the fact and said that was not
true, that is not what you said. Can you clarify for us this morning
what exactly you told the foreign ministry spokesperson?
said - we had a very good meeting with Chairman Karzai and most of his
cabinet. What I said is basically what we've all been saying here on
this trip, which is that we learned on September 11 the terrible cost
of being disengaged from Afghanistan. And I think we all have regrets
that the United States and the rest of the world just walked away from
this part of the world after the fall of the Soviet Union after the
Russians left Afghanistan. And we let a weakness occur that the
Taliban entered and bin Laden and al Qaeda entered.
And these people who we were meeting with last night, Karzai and his
cabinet, are people who were fighting them here alone for a long time.
So I expressed my regret that we had not been with them earlier. And,
of course, the United States suffered a terrible pain as a result of
that disengagement.....
The Scumbag white Zionazi who lies about being a semite and calls
whoever disagrees with his war frauds an 'antisemite' continues to
cover up along with all U.S. AIPAC bribed Congress the fact that it
was Israelis Menach Atzmon Ezra Harel and ex Israeli military officers
running a corporate sabotage(security fraud) and NASDAQ
stock(securities fraud, against Americans at Logan Airport with their
Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops that caused 9/11 - NOT AFGHAN PEASANTS
as he and his master Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu who poked fun at
the deaths of those 3,000 victims of ICTS International that allowed
9/11 to happen and those planes to take off from Logan Airport Boston
and crash into the WTC or World Trade Center on 9/11 in the first
place.The scumbag 'white semite' Joseph Lieberman should be
incarcerated in a Wackenhut 'private prison' himself rather than
covering up for its ArmorGuard U.S.Embassy'security' in Afghanistan
who buy and run Chinese and I would presume Afghani female prostitutes
from that very U.S.Embassy in Afghanistan they guard while the State
Department whore and embassy Madame In Chief Hillary Clinton smiles on
and spews her hoary lies about democracy and women's rights around the
world.What rifghts - to be pimped by State Departmant and U.S. Embassy
guards if a woman is poor ? What a biiitch this sleezebag Hillary is
just like her whore mongering husband who allowed himself to be caught
whoring qwith Monica Lewinski under his Oval Office desk and thus
pimped in return by that
'white semite' Zio-nazi ballet dancer Rahm Emanuel who now pimps
Barack Osama I mean Obama out of that same White House Oval Office !By
now I could only wish the U.S.soldiers would revolt against both
Bararack Obama and his pimp Rahm Emanuel and their decadent Afghan
prostitute and Viagra and opium and heroine pimping General's like
that scumbag McChrystal whose name reminds one of the methamphetamines
made by that
'kosher' right wing 'Jewish'Chabad Luba-bitch,I mean Lubavitch
Zio-nazi cult of Iowa - the same cult run by the Russian mafia
Rubashkin family whose Agriprocessors was also found with illegal
Rabbis from Israel and Eastern Europe and Guatemalan slave labor and
who seemed to be raising cows with 'mad cow' disease on purpose for
som,e reason in Iowa !
Amd the sumbag 'white semite' Joe Lieberman tells us we are in danger
of Afghan peasants ? No we are in danger of his Zionazi and Israeli
allies all white Europeans who lie abourt being 'semites' in order to
kill semites or Palestinians ansd steal their lands just as they are
steakling U.S. ssetas through corporate crimes and sabatage just as
ICTS International that 'guarded Logan Airport in Boston,Massachusetts
on 9/11/01 so well documents !
Joe Lieberman's visits to Afghanistan
so many times and flaunting his elite status as a white semite there
just as his fellow Zio-nazis do on Palestinian lands is proof NOT OF
HIS SELF PROCLAIMED expertise on Afghanistan and U.S. neccessity to
wage war there - but more so proof that he knew all along of women
being sold into forced prostitution by the very same Wackenhut or
Armourguard rent-a-cops who guard his U.S.Emassy and drink vodka from
each others assholes ! Thses 'men' are mentally ill and so is Joe
Lieberman who should be given psychiatric advise himself rather than
being interviewed on major U.S. pro-Israel media monopolies or
propaganda operations that pretend to be concerned about international
prostitution and yet have never confromnted their little white Zionazi
SDenator Joe Lieberman about his cover ups of sex slavery by U.S.
Embassy guards in Afhanistan. How much else is this 'white semite'
asshole keeping from the American public !?
So Where is the CNN 'investigative reporter' Wolf Blitzer whose rabbi
lauds him as such 'a good jew' when you need him !? He thinks running
Kabul,AFGHANISTAN IS 'KOSHER' AS WELL ? No wonder they allowed
Jonathan Idema to torture Afganis in his house in Kabul pre Abhu
Graibe !
I'd say both Americans and Afghanis both have a lot in common bnow.WE
to discriminate we also need to confront Bush-Cheney allies the Al
Sabah royals of Kuwait who 'guarded' Dulles Airport on 9/11 with
lesser known W Bush brother Marvin as well as money launder Sheikh
Mohamed who quietly was allowed to take over the NASDAQ after
Americans over whelmingly rejected his taking over 'protection' of our
ports through his Dubai Ports scam !Yes CNN and Fox News and mass
media kept quite while Bush-Cheney ceeded him the U.S.NASDAQ for
Dubai's and his role in sending monet to Mohamed Atta in
Venice,Florida just prior to 9/11!
Terror Threat Meeting Held In Washington
WBKO - 3 hours ago
On Capitol Hill, Senator Joseph Lieberman asked Homeland Security
Secretary Janet Napolitano if she considered raising the threat level.
FBI director says Zazi case poses no imminent threat 9NEWS
A War President?
New York Times - Ross Douthat - Sep 28, 2009
Now, while Obama weighs his options, Lieberman is waiting to find out
if he's going to be the president's ally on Afghanistan or one of his
sharpest critics ...
Mo’ Fundamentalism Mo’ Problems
Posted by Keith Hahn, Jul 13, 2007, 12:02pm
The silly Great Satan West is at it again, naming institutions after
words that sound a little bit like Arabic words. Really holy Arabic
words, like the ones used to refer to the traditional biographies of
Muhammed. No, the combination of NASD and NYSE regulation was not
going to be called, “Spend a Little Time in a Cave and People will
Believe Anything” but rather, “SIRA,” or the Securities Industry
Regulatory Authority. Sensitivity trainers also advise against using
the term IRA after words that end in “s.”
How the great wrath of men with really strong convictions and really
pointy things was averted, from the Washington Post:
When NASD chairman Mary Schapiro announced the name SIRA at a luncheon
in June, she was not aware that it “could create confusion or be
considered offensive because of its similarity to an Arabic term used
to refer to the traditional biographies of Muhammad.”
“Because of this feedback, we determined that it was appropriate to
select the alternative name of Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, or FINRA, for our new organization,” she wrote in a note to
NASD employees.
Muhammed has a series of less traditional biographical works including
the very popular culinary guide, “The Meccan Caravan Raiding Diet”
along with the self-help book “Deities are from Mars, Their Six Year
Old Wives are from Venus.” Fortunately the West has not named any
institutions after the Arabic words for these titles, meaning we’re
that much closer (a few hundred years and an enlightenment) to Arab
countries liking us.
In the same semi-retarded spirit, I propose the Germans eliminate the
word for “six” from their vernacular, because it sounds slightly like
the English word used to refer to the traditional biographies of Hugh
Hefner and Jenna Jameson.
Broker watchdog to change its name [Washington Post]
read bits of story on Israelis who knew events ahead of time were
there to 'record' it and who later said on Israeli TV they were there
'to document the event." Does this mean Al Qarda is headquartered in
Israel ?
of Israel's Ambassador
Israel’s ambassador in Stockholm, Benny Dagan, when asked by a Swedish
reporter why Israel did not investigate the Aftonbladet report on
organ harvesting, replied with an unusual answer: “Why don’t we
investigate why the Mossad and the Jews were behind the bombing of the
twin towers?”....
A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.
The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set
up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on
Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1)
Police received several calls..claiming "middle-eastern" men with a
white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and
mockery. (2)
"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" ..
[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the
World Trade Center ruins..
Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like
Palestinians and going around a building.
Caller: There's a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the
guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh
He has what?
Caller: He's dressed like an Arab.
....the suspicious "middle-easterners" were apprehended. Imagine the
surprise of the police officers when these
terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!
According to ABC’s 20/20..the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told
the officers:
"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our
problems. The Palestinians are your problem."
Why did he feel Palestinians were a problem for the NYPD?...
..the New York Post, and the New Jersey Bergen Record all clearly and
unambiguously reported that a white van with Israelis was intercepted
on a ramp near Route 3, which leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel...
A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner,
Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for
Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an
Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men,..,
'Our purpose was to document the event."
See Israelis freed for filming and laughing about WTC MASS MURDER SAY
deported for immgration violations':