''There's only one person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives and the kids upon the death of their loved one. Others hug but having committed the troops, I've got an additional responsibility to hug and that's me and I know what it's like.'' - George W Bush
'Frauds-R-Us'The Bush Family Saga: Viva Zapata!
05/11/03: (Information Clearing House) Zapata is the story of oil and the Bush clan and of course, Texas. This is the company GW Bush Snr founded in 1953 and ..................
Altough George Herbert Walker Bush and the CIA formed their Zapata
corporation or corporations before the John F Kennedy assassination
and I believe for the purpose of overthrowing Fidel Castro, Zapata
Engineering that played a hand in murdering American male and female
soldiers and planting IEDS in Iraq to foment hatred and increase their
anti-bomb business was formed by a Jewish Chilean American Zionist
fascist named Manuel Zapata who should have been on death row years ago,
along with Israelis he employed with U.S.taxpayers money,for his company's role
in murdering Americans as well as Iraqis.But instead he is still being
pampered by the Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro regime just as he was
by W Bush with American taxpayers money and international debt accrued
on the backs of America's working poor.
Below is a quote from the Corp Watch link you already provided that
tells a little bit about this sleazebag and murderer Mannnie
Zapata.I'm not sure but believe Zapata Petroleum,that was founded by
GHW Bush and the CIA,was cynically named for Mexican Zapotec Indian
revolutionary Emiliano Zapata.:
Zapata Engineering is one among scores of military contractors in Iraq
that perform duties ranging from cooking food to conducting
interrogations. The company was started in 1991 in North Carolina by
Manuel Zapata, a Chilean-born immigrant. Initially he worked for
contacts he made while serving as head of an international business
development committee at the Charlotte Chamber in the mid-1980s.
Zapata soon discovered that the company qualified for preferential
treatment in government contracts because, as a Hispanic citizen, he
is considered a minority. "A project manager told me about it," Zapata
told the Charlotte Business Journal at the time. "I had no idea it
On July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah. A number of them had their throats cut.
Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis
could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah
at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and roadside bombs (IEDs) are false flag operations.
The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David
necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.)
The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which
is a CIA/Mossad front company that conducts interrogations, and also
manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint.
In 2005 U.S. Marines arrested 16 members of the Zapata Engineering Security Convoy for firing on Marine guard towers.
Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - War Crimes
See: The Reason Bush Is Pushing For Syria's Invasion PDF ...... They own Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv. ... in 1990 by an unemployed Jewish Chilean immigrant accountant, Manuel Zapata, who suddenly decided ...
Israeli Snipers Killing US Troops In Iraq
Source: Joanna Francis and CNN 11-11-6.............................
W Bush's Daddy or George Herbert Walker 'Poppy' Bush and Zapata Petroleum Corporation that eventually became,in part, 'Zapata Engineering' and was used by the CIA and Israeli Mossad to 'engineer' the death and murder of American soldiers in Iraq,(using Improvised Explosive Devies or IEDS that were then blamed on Iran),including sedistic murders of American female soldiers documented further below !:
Kennedy: The George Bush Connection
by Mark TurnerIn 1977 and 1978, the government released nearly 100,000 pages of documents on the Kennedy assassination. One which slipped out by mistake was from the FBI to the State Department written a few days after the assassination. The State Department was worried that anti- Castro groups in Miami might stage another invasion of Cuba in the aftermath of the JFK murder. The FBI informed them that they had questioned both pro-Castro and anti-Castro groups and could find no information about such plans. The memo went on to state that the information was passed along to "George Bush of the Central Intelli- gence Agency" the day after the assassination.......
Another Bush connection involved George de Mohrenschildt, a rich Russian oil man who lived in Texas when Lee Harvey Oswald settled there after his trip to the Soviet Union. De Mohrenschildt was a long-time CIA agent and quite possibly served as a CIA control officer for Oswald. The Warren Commission described him and his wife as being the two people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the assassination. De Mohrenschildt's son-in-law told the Warren Commission that if anyone had helped with the assassination it was most likely de Mohrenschildt. De Mohrenschildt was also the man who moved Oswald to Dallas.
Shortly before the House Select Committee on Assassinations started meeting in the late 1970's a new doctor appeared in de Mohrenschildt's town. De Mohrenschildt started seeing him and quickly became mentally unstable. His wife convinced him to stop seeing the doctor. The doctor then moved away and left a false forwarding address. The very day the Committee tried to contact de Mohrenschildt about testifying, he was found dead of a gun shot wound. His personal address book was found and it contained the entry "Bush, George H. W. (Poppy) 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petroleum Midland." Bush's full name is George Herbert Walker Bush which matches the initials given and his earlier oil company was named Zapata Petroleum Corp................. CIA documents reveal that during the planning phase of Operation Zapata, de Mohrenschildt made frequent trips to Mexico and Panama and gave reports to the CIA. His son-in-law told the Warren Commission that he believed de Mohren- schildt was spying for the planned Cuban invasion.
David Phinney | Marines Jail Contractors in Iraq
Zapata Engineering began its work in Iraq on September 30, 2003 as one of five ... The company was started in 1991 in North Carolina by Manuel Zapata, .... "..................
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag operations. He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. And indeed In 2005 U.S. Marines arrested 16 members of the Zapata Engineering Security Convoy for firing on Marine guard towers. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which is a CIA/Mossad front company that conducts interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
IEDs in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank. Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles. Zapata Engineering (which employs CIA & Mossad agents) makes this exact kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
Rumsfeld said the IEDs come from Iran, but Richard said they come from The CIA/Mossad, and are not “improvised” at all. The Israeli company, Rafael, makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. On the side of the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionists/Neo-cons. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Mossad/CIA murdered U.S. troops in Iraq
January 21, 2011 by POPEYE
Filed under Featured Stories, Iraq
(FEDERALJACK) Back in 2006 a story made its rounds through the internet and the worlds media that Israel snipers were killing U.S. Troops in Iraq and pinning the blame on “insurgents” in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continued. After a thorough investigation into this older story there is more than enough evidence to point to the fact that Mossad (with the CIA) is operating inside Iraq and has been for years. I used the original material and new updated info that has come out that proves what it says is true. I rewrote the article and sourced it with links to click on see the original article that backs up each claim or a video showing evidence backing up each claim. My hope is that more people will see this larger, better sourced article and take this more serious than they did the original back in 2006. On October 18, 2006 Anderson Cooper of CNN showed a video of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq. CNN says it obtained the video from a “representative” of an unnamed “insurgent leader.” Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA. Interesting side note, If you go to Anderson Coopers “blog” and look at Anderson Cooper’s Archives you will see that there is a huge missing gap of video from December 2005 – January 2008. That is two years of missing video reports. Interesting that it happens to be the same time this report aired and the same time that the sectarian violence in Iraq was raging and attacks by “insurgents” on our troops increased in number and brutality.
And remember special forces have been caught pretending to be Arab insurgents running around shooting people in Iraq.
Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad/CIA agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.
At the very beginning of the original (now missing) video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera. But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle. Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. Something this sophisticated points to CIA/Mossad.
The CIA/Mossad are masters at false flag operations, e.g., The Oklahoma City bombing, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, the July 7, the 9/11 attacks in New York & Washington D.C., the assassination of the Prime Minister in Beirut, the bombing of the Hassan al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, etc.
Mossad & CIA Agents freely move among US and UK troops in Iraq, and have access to top-level US intelligence. Until July 2003, the head of all US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan was General Tommy Franks, a Zionist NWO lapdog. He was on the board of directors for Bank of America, a position he held until resigning on June 11, 2009 for unspecified reasons but as part of an “exodus” of ten directors from April to August, 2009. On November 7, 2006 another NWO stooge with Zionist beliefs became a principle liaison between Mossad and US forces in Iraq: Major General Richard F. Natonski of the Marine Corps. His title was Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations.
Because of this access, the “insurgents” (i.e., CIA/Mossad agents) know exactly where US vehicles will be and who will be inside them. This allows them to target for maximum false flag effect.
For example, on July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah to check Iraqi women for bombs. An IED blew up their truck. Two of the young American women were killed, five were critically wounded, and four were captured. The bodies of the four captured women turned up later in a garbage dump with their throats cut. Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad liaison.
Americans are supposed to believe that rag-tag “insurgents” use IEDs powerful enough to kill three US troops per day, on average and flip over up-armored vehicles. An American soldier even set up a blog on how “Intel” is betraying and targeting US troops. The blog has long since been taken down, one can only assume by the Pentagon.
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag operations. He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. And indeed In 2005 U.S. Marines arrested 16 members of the Zapata Engineering Security Convoy for firing on Marine guard towers. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which is a CIA/Mossad front company that conducts interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
IEDs in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank. Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles. Zapata Engineering (which employs CIA & Mossad agents) makes this exact kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
Rumsfeld said the IEDs come from Iran, but Richard said they come from The CIA/Mossad, and are not “improvised” at all. The Israeli company, Rafael, makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. On the side of the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionists/Neo-cons. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Whenever The CIA/Mossad carry out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an “unnamed source” that is “close to al-Qaeda.” Sometimes they say “the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified.” These videos have been widely proven to be false and the CIA has even admitted that they faked Bin-Laden and Saddam Hussein videos.
We know the CIA is evil but Israel is our ally and would never kill any of our soldiers, sailors, or marines in cold blood, would they? After all, the USS Liberty massacre was “an accident!”
As for the CIA the list is larger than the national debt. One must understand that the CIA & Mossad are controlled at the very top by the same people. The citizens of Israel are being used by their government, and their government is controlled by the Rothschild family. The very same people who control our government. For more information on the U.S.S. Liberty watch the two films below.
Israeli Snipers Killing US Troops In Iraq
Source: Joanna Francis and CNN 11-11-6
Baker harkens back to the 1953's when Bush Sr founded Zapata Oil, Zapata Off-Shore, Zapata Petroleum, under Zapata Corporation (holding company) with CIA associates the Liedtkes, Bush's Nazi father Prescott, William Stamps Farish III (whose father was a Nazi traitor alongside Bush's father Prescott) and others. In 1954, Zapata Off-Shore Company was formed as a subsidiary, with Bush as president. (He raised some startup money from Eugene Meyer, publisher of the Washington Post, and his son-in-law, Phillip Graham a CIA media asset in Operation Mockingbird.) Zapata's access included wells 40 miles north of Isabela, Cuba.
Zapata became a front for CIA's Operation 40 terrorism in the Carribean, aimed at overthrowing Castro after Castro's takeover in 1959. Operation 40 members like CIA agents Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt (another Bush ally) were linked to the Kennedy assassination.
Baker also harkens back to Harken Energy, Bush Jr's oil company funded by a Binladen. (google Baker+Saudi and "It's a Baker-Botts World" below) Zapata Petroleum merged in 1963 with South Penn Oil and other companies to become Pennzoil.
Zapata's filing records with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are intact for the years 1955-1959, and again from 1967 onwards. But records for the years 1960-1966 are missing. "The records were inadvertently placed in a session file to be destroyed" by a federal warehouse explains SEC records officer Suzanne McHugh, noting that a total of 1,000 boxes were pulped in this procedure. The destruction of records occurred either in October 1983 (according to McHugh) or in 1981, shortly after Bush became Vice President of the United States (according to SEC record analyst Wison Carpenter).............
ASIDE: I just now learned that Zapata Petroleum was "lawyered" by James Baker. What's Zapata?
Bush's Zapata Petroleum was implicated in running the anti-Castro Cubans and CIA's secret Operation Zapata, (yes, he named his fictitious oil company after the CIA op, and named the boat "Barbara") arming terrorist attacks against Cuba in 1961-62, with the help of Watergate burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, who were at the scene of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas, along with Bush and Nixon. Both Hunt and Sturgis later "semi-confessed" to the JFK conspiracy, Hunt in jail, Sturgis on his deathbed.
This incredible story is scrupulously-documented, with memos, govt reports, etc.
On 21 April 2012, we read about how the CIA and Mossad have murdered US troops in Iraq.
Roman generals often killed their own troops. The earliest documented 'decimation' occurred in 471 BC.
The 1957 movie Paths of Glory depicts a few World War I soldiers randomly selected to be executed as punishment for a failure by their group.
Why would the CIA want to kill American soldiers and blame the killings on Moslems?
Filed under Featured Stories, Iraq
(FEDERALJACK) Back in 2006 a story made its rounds through the internet and the worlds media that Israel snipers were killing U.S. Troops in Iraq and pinning the blame on “insurgents” in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continued. After a thorough investigation into this older story there is more than enough evidence to point to the fact that Mossad (with the CIA) is operating inside Iraq and has been for years. I used the original material and new updated info that has come out that proves what it says is true. I rewrote the article and sourced it with links to click on see the original article that backs up each claim or a video showing evidence backing up each claim. My hope is that more people will see this larger, better sourced article and take this more serious than they did the original back in 2006. On October 18, 2006 Anderson Cooper of CNN showed a video of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq. CNN says it obtained the video from a “representative” of an unnamed “insurgent leader.” Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA. Interesting side note, If you go to Anderson Coopers “blog” and look at Anderson Cooper’s Archives you will see that there is a huge missing gap of video from December 2005 – January 2008. That is two years of missing video reports. Interesting that it happens to be the same time this report aired and the same time that the sectarian violence in Iraq was raging and attacks by “insurgents” on our troops increased in number and brutality.
And remember special forces have been caught pretending to be Arab insurgents running around shooting people in Iraq.
Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad/CIA agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.
At the very beginning of the original (now missing) video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera. But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle. Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. Something this sophisticated points to CIA/Mossad.
The CIA/Mossad are masters at false flag operations, e.g., The Oklahoma City bombing, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, the July 7, the 9/11 attacks in New York & Washington D.C., the assassination of the Prime Minister in Beirut, the bombing of the Hassan al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, etc.
Mossad & CIA Agents freely move among US and UK troops in Iraq, and have access to top-level US intelligence. Until July 2003, the head of all US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan was General Tommy Franks, a Zionist NWO lapdog. He was on the board of directors for Bank of America, a position he held until resigning on June 11, 2009 for unspecified reasons but as part of an “exodus” of ten directors from April to August, 2009. On November 7, 2006 another NWO stooge with Zionist beliefs became a principle liaison between Mossad and US forces in Iraq: Major General Richard F. Natonski of the Marine Corps. His title was Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations.
Because of this access, the “insurgents” (i.e., CIA/Mossad agents) know exactly where US vehicles will be and who will be inside them. This allows them to target for maximum false flag effect.
For example, on July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah to check Iraqi women for bombs. An IED blew up their truck. Two of the young American women were killed, five were critically wounded, and four were captured. The bodies of the four captured women turned up later in a garbage dump with their throats cut. Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad liaison.
Americans are supposed to believe that rag-tag “insurgents” use IEDs powerful enough to kill three US troops per day, on average and flip over up-armored vehicles. An American soldier even set up a blog on how “Intel” is betraying and targeting US troops. The blog has long since been taken down, one can only assume by the Pentagon.
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag operations. He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. And indeed In 2005 U.S. Marines arrested 16 members of the Zapata Engineering Security Convoy for firing on Marine guard towers. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which is a CIA/Mossad front company that conducts interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
IEDs in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank. Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles. Zapata Engineering (which employs CIA & Mossad agents) makes this exact kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
Rumsfeld said the IEDs come from Iran, but Richard said they come from The CIA/Mossad, and are not “improvised” at all. The Israeli company, Rafael, makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. On the side of the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionists/Neo-cons. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Whenever The CIA/Mossad carry out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an “unnamed source” that is “close to al-Qaeda.” Sometimes they say “the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified.” These videos have been widely proven to be false and the CIA has even admitted that they faked Bin-Laden and Saddam Hussein videos.
We know the CIA is evil but Israel is our ally and would never kill any of our soldiers, sailors, or marines in cold blood, would they? After all, the USS Liberty massacre was “an accident!”
As for the CIA the list is larger than the national debt. One must understand that the CIA & Mossad are controlled at the very top by the same people. The citizens of Israel are being used by their government, and their government is controlled by the Rothschild family. The very same people who control our government. For more information on the U.S.S. Liberty watch the two films below.
Israeli Snipers Killing US Troops In Iraq
Source: Joanna Francis and CNN 11-11-6
- Anderson Cooper of CNN showed this video of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq on his October 18, 2006 show. CNN says it obtained the video from a "representative" of an unnamed "insurgent leader." Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA.
- Richard Wilson's hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.
- Proof: At the very beginning of this video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera. But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle. Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. I mean, it's not exactly an easily obtainable Saturday night special! Something this sophisticated points to Mossad.
- Mossad is a master at false flag operations, e.g., Oklahoma City, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, the July 7, 2005 London bombings, the 9-11 attacks in New York, the assassination of the Prime Minister in Beirut, the stoking of Muslim riots in France last year, the bombing of the Hassan al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, etc.
- Israelis freely move among US and UK troops in Iraq, and have access to top-level US intelligence. Until July 2003, the head of all US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan was General Tommy Franks, a Zionist Jew. (He is now on the board of directors for Bank of America.) On November 7, 2006 another Zionist Jew became a principle liaison between Mossad and US forces in Iraq: Major General Richard F. Natonski of the Marine Corps. His title is Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations.
- Because of this access, the "insurgents" (i.e., Mossad agents) know exactly where US vehicles will be and who will be inside them. This allows them to target for maximum false flag effect.
- For example, on July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah to check Iraqi women for bombs. An IED blew up their truck. Two of the young American women were killed, five were critically wounded, and four were captured. The bodies of the four captured women turned up later in a garbage dump with their throats cut. Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad liaison.
- Americans are supposed to believe that rag-tag "insurgents" use IEDs powerful enough to kill three US troops per day, on average. An American soldier even set up a blog on how "Intel" is betraying and targeting US troops. But sometimes Mossad bomb-makers accidentally blow themselves upin Iraq.
- According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag operations. He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested 19 Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which helps the CIA conduct interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
- IEDs in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank. Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles. Zapata Engineering (which employs Mossad agents) makes this exact kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
- Rumsfeld says the IEDs come from Iran, but Richard says they come from Mossad, and are not "improvised" at all. The Israeli company, Rafael (see above), makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. Beside the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionist Jews. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
- Whenever Mossad carries out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an "unnamed source" that is "close to al-Qaeda." Sometimes they say "the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified."
- But Israelis would never kill anyone in cold blood, would
they? After all, the USS Liberty massacre was "an accident!"
Baker harkens back to the 1953's when Bush Sr founded Zapata Oil, Zapata Off-Shore, Zapata Petroleum, under Zapata Corporation (holding company) with CIA associates the Liedtkes, Bush's Nazi father Prescott, William Stamps Farish III (whose father was a Nazi traitor alongside Bush's father Prescott) and others. In 1954, Zapata Off-Shore Company was formed as a subsidiary, with Bush as president. (He raised some startup money from Eugene Meyer, publisher of the Washington Post, and his son-in-law, Phillip Graham a CIA media asset in Operation Mockingbird.) Zapata's access included wells 40 miles north of Isabela, Cuba.
Zapata became a front for CIA's Operation 40 terrorism in the Carribean, aimed at overthrowing Castro after Castro's takeover in 1959. Operation 40 members like CIA agents Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt (another Bush ally) were linked to the Kennedy assassination.
Baker also harkens back to Harken Energy, Bush Jr's oil company funded by a Binladen. (google Baker+Saudi and "It's a Baker-Botts World" below) Zapata Petroleum merged in 1963 with South Penn Oil and other companies to become Pennzoil.
Zapata's filing records with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are intact for the years 1955-1959, and again from 1967 onwards. But records for the years 1960-1966 are missing. "The records were inadvertently placed in a session file to be destroyed" by a federal warehouse explains SEC records officer Suzanne McHugh, noting that a total of 1,000 boxes were pulped in this procedure. The destruction of records occurred either in October 1983 (according to McHugh) or in 1981, shortly after Bush became Vice President of the United States (according to SEC record analyst Wison Carpenter).............
ASIDE: I just now learned that Zapata Petroleum was "lawyered" by James Baker. What's Zapata?
Bush's Zapata Petroleum was implicated in running the anti-Castro Cubans and CIA's secret Operation Zapata, (yes, he named his fictitious oil company after the CIA op, and named the boat "Barbara") arming terrorist attacks against Cuba in 1961-62, with the help of Watergate burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, who were at the scene of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas, along with Bush and Nixon. Both Hunt and Sturgis later "semi-confessed" to the JFK conspiracy, Hunt in jail, Sturgis on his deathbed.
This incredible story is scrupulously-documented, with memos, govt reports, etc.
On 21 April 2012, we read about how the CIA and Mossad have murdered US troops in Iraq.
Roman generals often killed their own troops. The earliest documented 'decimation' occurred in 471 BC.
The Italian General Luigi Cadorna applied decimation to under-performing units during the First World War.
In his book Stalingrad, Antony
Beevor recounts how, during the Second World War, a Soviet commander
practised decimation on retreating soldiers by walking down the line of
soldiers at attention, and shooting every tenth soldier in the face
until his pistol ran out of ammunition.
The 1957 movie Paths of Glory depicts a few World War I soldiers randomly selected to be executed as punishment for a failure by their group.
Why would the CIA want to kill American soldiers and blame the killings on Moslems?
"To enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues".
ACCORDING TO FEDERAL JACK (http://www.federaljack.com/?p=19311):
Special forces have been caught pretending to be Arab insurgents running around shooting people in Iraq.
On July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah. A number of them had their throats cut.
On July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah. A number of them had their throats cut.
Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis
could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah
at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad
He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint.
In 2005 U.S. Marines arrested 16 members of the Zapata Engineering Security Convoy for firing on Marine guard towers.
The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David
necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.)
The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which
is a CIA/Mossad front company that conducts interrogations, and also
manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
Roadside bombs (IEDs) in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank.
Roadside bombs (IEDs) in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank.
Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered
by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles.
Zapata Engineering (which employs CIA Mossad agents) makes this exact
kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
The Israeli company, Rafael, makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. On the side of the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionists/Neo-cons. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Whenever The CIA/Mossad carry out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an “unnamed source” that is “close to al-Qaeda.” Sometimes they say “the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified.” These videos have been widely proven to be false and the CIA has even admitted that they faked Bin-Laden and Saddam Hussein videos.
The Israeli company, Rafael, makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. On the side of the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionists/Neo-cons. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Whenever The CIA/Mossad carry out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an “unnamed source” that is “close to al-Qaeda.” Sometimes they say “the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified.” These videos have been widely proven to be false and the CIA has even admitted that they faked Bin-Laden and Saddam Hussein videos.
- Zapata Corporation:
George H. W. Bush : Biography
Zapata Corporation split in 1959 into independent companies Zapata Petroleum and Zapata Off-Shore, headed by Bush, who moved his offices from Midland to ...
http://careandwashingofthebrain. blogspot.com/2008/04/bizarre- case-of-zapata-engineering. html
Goon Squad
Where Brains are Tenderly Washed, Disinfected and Made Usable Again
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The bizarre case of Zapata Engineering, murdered U.S. Marines and Iraqi IED's
What country would have an interest in hiring a mercenary company to
shot at Iraqi's and US Marines? This same company was given a
lucrative contract to "manage" ammunition storage depots containing
captured Iraqi munitions.
Some of these captured munitions, more than likely, have been used as
IED's to attack American patrols in Iraq, with the American MSM
pointing the blame for those attacks at Iran.
What nation would benefit from having America stay in Iraq for an
indefinite period, helping secure that nation's prosperity and safety?
Part of the riddle is answered by looking at the company, Zapata
Engineering, who had 19 of their contractors arrested in Iraq for
spraying small-arms fire at Iraqi civilians and U.S. forces from their
cars in Fallujah on May 28.
The Marines did not take this incident lightly and gave chase to these
armed thugs, eventually stopping and arresting them.
They were taken into custody and a lawyer hired by some of the men,
Mark Schopper, says "Marines put their knees on the backs of their
necks and ripped off religious medallions."
Religious medallions? As in the Star of David?
Not to fear, the company spokesperson, Gail Rosenberg , says the
incident will be investigated. Uh-huh.
After being held for three days, these hired guns, who had been seen
shooting at Marines and Iraqi civilians, were let go to vanish from
Only three days? Some Iraqi civilians have been languishing in
American run prisons for years only on suspicion and these jokers get
out in three days?
Who has the power to pull these strings and whitewash incidents?
Again, what ME country is benefiting from the carnage and destruction
of one of their avowed "existential" enemies?
Here's a hint: This same country has launched a full scale media
campaign against another of their "existential" enemies, Iran, in
order to get the U.S. to fight another war for this nation.
Still don't know the name of that nation?
Here's another clue:
It can now be reported that Zapata Engineering has hired these Israeli
Mossad-types into Iraq for the purposes of alleged counter-insurgency
However, the alleged Israeli engineers have now been fingered for
sniping at U.S. Soldiers and the murder of two female American Marines
who had their throats slit and then placed in garbage dumps.
These female Marines had been investigating the origins of the I.E.D.
(Improvised Explosives Devices). And of course it gets worse. It can
now be reported that the origin of the I.E.D.’s, come not from Iran,
but come from Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel
And now of course, it really gets worse. The projectiles discovered by
American Special Forces have depleted uranium tips which connects
directly to the Israeli company Rafael, which of course is owned by
Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv.
Connect the dots, from the munitions allegedly "guarded" by a firm
with links to Tel Aviv, with their employees shooting at both Iraqi
civilians and U.S. Marines, to the female Marines who were
investigating the origin of the IED's who were murdered to the real
reason the USA is in Iraq and all the dots lead to Israel.
Arriesga Chile represalias por acción de mercenarios
Hernán Uribe
Centenares de ex soldados y policías actúan en colaboración con invasores yanquis
Aunque el gobierno del presidente Ricardo Lagos se opuso en Naciones Unidas a la invasión estadounidense de Iraq, la acción de mercenarios chilenos armados junto a las tropas ocupantes podría provocar represalias en forma de atentados en el territorio del país austral, según advertencias de analistas.
La presencia en Iraq de unos 600 ex militares y ex policías chilenos se hizo evidente cuando luego de materializarse la ocupación, Washington recurrió al método de privatizar la guerra al estilo de cualquier empresa del libre mercado. El objetivo ha sido el de evitar bajas estadounidenses con el traspaso a mercenarios de diversas tareas tales, como la búsqueda de armas y la ubicación de minas explosivas.
La participación de chilenos en Iraq es la mayor y junto con colombianos son los únicos contratados en la región latinoamericana. Muchos de ellos, miembros del ejército y de la policía uniformada en los tiempos del dictador Augusto Pinochet que permaneció hasta 1990, han sido enrolados por la empresa del también chileno Manuel Zapata, “Zapata Engineering”, instalada en la ciudad de Charlotte (Carolina del Norte, EE.UU.)
La firma del ingeniero Zapata funciona bajo el lema de “ingeniería de apoyo a los combatientes de guerra” y se ha especializado en la búsqueda y destrucción de armamentos de la resistencia. Es un ente con carácter de subcontratista del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de Estados Unidos” de modo que es clara su connivencia con la fuerza invasora.
En plan tragicómico de “benefactor”, el l6 de junio este mismo Zapata declaraba al diario “El Mercurio” (Santiago de Chile): “Estamos muy orgullosos de la labor realizada, porque hemos contribuido a la paz en Iraq. Cada bomba que destruimos fue una bomba que no cayó en manos insurgentes". Lo que no dijo, empero, es que otras bombas podrían explosionar en territorio chileno.
En una enredada madeja de contratistas y subcontratistas surgen los nombres de disímiles empresas enfiladas a emplear a los mercenarios, aunque todos dependen financiera e instructivamente del aparato castrense norteamericano. En esa selva provista de infinitas cantidades de dólares que paga el pueblo estadounidense, figura José Miguel Pizarro, oficial del ejército chileno hasta 1995 y quien oficia como operador del antes mencionado Zapata.
Pizarro es el principal enganchador de mercenarios para Iraq y una vez intentó entregar entrenamiento militar a sus “soldados” en Chile, pero se lo impidió la Dirección General de Movilización Nacional, organismo estatal que junto con los cuerpos castrenses son los únicos autorizados para tales fines. Este sujeto es el mismo a quien la cadena televisiva CNN ha presentado en sus noticiarios como “experto en guerras” aunque en la vida real no es más que un comerciante de las armas.
Pizarro ha protagonizado asimismo un episodio singular cuando fue acusado por mercenarios chilenos que regresaron a Chile del no cumplimiento en el pago de salarios, además de recibir malos tratos en Iraq. Para proteger a esos quejosos, los diputados chilenos Alejandro Navarro y Antonio Leal, ambos de la coalición gobernante, han presentado ante los tribunales una querella por “asociación ilícita”, sin percatarse entonces del peligro mayor que representa el contingente mercenario.
La miope visión de los parlamentarios que sólo reconocen en el tema un asunto laboral, se extiende a los entes estatales, a los medios de comunicación predominantes y a los círculos políticos, a todos los cuales no parece importarles el carácter criminal que es inherente a esa guerra privada. Para ejemplo, la constancia de que los contratados, supuestamente civiles, han participado incluso en las torturas de Abu Ghraib.
¿Cómo explicarse esta actitud contemplativa ante la manifiesta violación de los derechos humanos que se practica cotidianamente por los ejércitos privados? Chile no es un desconocido para Iraq pues en la guerra contra Irán (1980-1988) y cuando regía la dictadura militar compró abundante armamentos en fábricas privadas y estatales chilenas y de manera especial, bombas de racimo. (Recuérdese que entonces el Iraq de Sadam Hussein contó con el decidido respaldo de Washington).
Si la acción bélica estadounidense ha sido y es un escarnio moral, la ilegalidad de la guerra privada es también notoria. Como escribió Eduardo Febbro, la pasividad de las organizaciones multilaterales es escandalosa, pues ninguna institución internacional se ha pronunciado de manera firme contra el empleo de asesinos privados. (1)
En estos días y hasta el 22 de junio se realizan en Chile unos llamados “Ejercicios militares antiterroristas Comando 2005” a los cuales concurren delegaciones de l7 países de Latinoamérica. Mas, es dudoso que se remitan al terrorismo real pues a cargo de la dirección de los ejercicios se encuentra el Comando de Operaciones Especiales Sur de los Estados Unidos.
(1) Eduardo Febbro, Los mercenarios sueltos en Iraq, Rebelión, 24/5/04
- Hernán Uribe es periodista chileno - Respuestas:
Respuestas [7] | |||
Se muestran las respuestas por orden de llegada. | |||
Es lamentable que haya argentinos apoyando a los yankees,ya mandaron
colaboraciòn en la guerra del Golfo en 1991 (colaboraciòn para los
yankees) y ahora encima apoyan.Que triste un paìs sin memoria,ellos se
olvidan que sòlo 9 años antes (en 1982) Iraq respaldò a Argentina en la
guerra de Malvinas,enviando incluso armamento.
Y nuevamente apoyò a Argentina hace poco,cuando Inglaterra presentò ante la ONU un mapa en el cual confirmaba que la isla es "inglesa". Que làstima que el pueblo argentino tenga tan poca memoria e ignorancia y apoye a los yankees. |
Rosanna * (Rosanna_29) | Argentina | #74800 | |||
7/12/2005 2:57:00 PM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
Amigo (perico)alcasotro :
de los chilenos, del gobierno chileno , nada me extraña . Si mal no recuerdo, el señor Lagos - fiel representante de la economía de mercado heredada como hueso santo por los gobiernos concertacionistas (pretendidamente autodenominados de izquierda..)del mil veces desaforado y otras tantas perdonado,el genocida, el que no merece que enchastre vuestras vistas con su nombre impreso - , coqueteó hasta más no poder en el consejo de seguridad de la ONU antes de pronunciarse sobre la intervención gringa, porque claro , por esos días estaba a punto de sellarse el famoso TLC con los EEUU , y se sentían chantajeados por Bush ( el propio presidente Lagos, hoy por hoy bastante caído en desgracia por acusaciones de tráfico de influencias por parte de la UDI, bastión político del asesino, y la en ese entonces canciller, hoy malograda precandidata a la presidencia por la DC, Alvear, así lo reconocieron :" si me vetás en el consejo te quedás sin tratado de libre comercio,macho"). Es más : no quisiera pecar de extremista si digo que en este artículo periodístico de más arriba se comete un error .Por la misma razón de toma y daca , estoy casi seguro que CHILE NO SE OPUSO A LA INVASION, SINO QUE LO QUE HIZO FUE ABSTENERSE, EN LA VOTACION DEL CONSEJO DE SEGURIDAD . Habría que ir a las actas o la prensa de esos días. Y de la prensa de este país, ni hablar : el 90 % de los espacios de dominio público son un gran somnífero chabacano e insoportable, que apunta certeramente a los anémicos cerebros chilensis con reallitys,chismes,matinales peor que mediocres,y análisis chauvinistas que siempre concluyen en que Argentina sólo sabe robarle territorio, que los peruanos son pardos y feos y que los uruguayos tenemos por capital a una "ciudad tropical llamada Asunción..."!!!!!!(sic) Esto para ir haciendo boca, y poder entender desde adentro los misterios del "milagro chileno" Un abrazo flaco |
jorge miranda (flacomiranda) | Chile | #74856 | |||
7/12/2005 10:23:00 PM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
Personalmente no conozco mucho de la realidad chilena actual. Me hacia
ilusion que fuese gente de izquierda. Con lo que escribis Flaco me
confirmas cosa leidas aca y alla. Y sobre todo en una percepcion que sin
ser una novedad, va confirmada en esta y otras situaciones. La
cuestion es cada vez menos ideologica y mas economica.
Rossana tu mencionas lo de Argentina y su falta de memoria, de gestos solidarios de Irak ante su reclamo por Malvinas. Irak es una oportunidad excelente de negocio para determinados sectores. Gracias a la invasion. Malvinas sigue siendo un reclamo romantico, que se toca cada tanto para motivar el nacionalismo criollo. |
Enrique Correa (alcasotro) | EE.UU. - Este | #74967 | |||
7/13/2005 9:19:00 AM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
eso de que Iraq es un excelente "negocio" Mario,es obvio y lamentable que sea asì.
Lo del reclamo de Argentina sea romàntico o no,el punto al que voy es que los argentinos no deberìan olvidarse de ciertas cosas,te copio un post hecho por un argentino en un foro de Terra. Se titula "Mala memoria" : Es lamentable que los argentinos tengamos tanta mala memoria.Debemos recordar que Iraq nos apoyò en la guerra de las Malvinas,mandando armamento incluso,eso fue en 1982. Y còmo le agradecimos nosotros? Mandando apoyo a EEUU en 1991 en la guerra del golfo Por si esto no fuera suficiente hace poco,cuando Inglaterra presentò el famoso "mapita" atribuyèndose las Malvinas para ellos,Iraq volviò a apoyarnos en reivindicar las islas como nuestras. Iraq nos apoyò en màs de una oportunidad,y EEUU todo lo contrario apoyò a Inglaterra cuando nos vinieron a masacrar acà. No hay que olvidarse de esas cosas. Te mando saludos Mario y gracias por responderme |
Rosanna * (Rosanna_29) | Argentina | #75006 | |||
7/13/2005 1:28:00 PM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
Rosanna, sabes que tenes razon en lo que decis, de todas maneras aun
compartiendo la valoracion etica que haces... me viene a la cabeza una
frase (no recuerdo de quien) que dice algo como "las personas tienen
amigos, los estados tienen intereses comunes".
Creo que ese es el principio que rige en general el trato entre los estados. Mas alla de otras valoraciones posibles, el hecho es que a Irak le intereso desde siempre tender lazos hacia los paises supuestamente "no alineados". Es un hecho tambien que no encontro reciprocidad ni siquiera en la comunidad arabe, menos aun en Argentina. Ni en 1991, ni en el 2004. Obviamente porque hay otros intereses y urgencias en nuestros paises. Lo realmente lamentable es que principios de "etica internacional" consolidados en otra epoca hoy van en picada: por ejemplo el de no intervencion, de no injerencia de un pais en los asuntos internos de otro, de no agresion, de reciprocidad dentro de los integrantes de un mismo bloque. Las mismas instituciones que fueron logros en su epoca, hoy son sombras de lo que fueron, baste la ONU como ejemplo. Donde esta el Consejo de seguridad, que ni siquiera opina acerca de la ocupacion del territorio iraki por parte de una fuerza invasora extranjera. Donde estan los organismos que reclaman por la vigencia y cumplimiento de los tratados internacionales en defensa de los DDHH, con lo que sucedio y sucede en las carceles y lugares de detencion irakies. Retomando el punto inicial, me parece que los argentinos recuerdan mal o bien todo eso que mencionamos. Quien no honra esa memoria es el estado argentino, simplemente porque hoy por hoy los intereses son otros. Un abrazo y nos leemos. |
Enrique Correa (Alcasotro) | EE.UU. - Este | #75267 | |||
7/14/2005 9:01:00 AM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
Mario muy interesante tu reflexiòn,te cuento que vi la tu galerìa de
fotos,y tienes una familia preciosa.Felicitaciones.Espero dentro de
poquito publicar mi foto y la de mi esposo.
Saludos. | |||
Rosanna * (Rosanna_29) | Argentina | #75298 | |||
7/14/2005 12:28:00 PM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
Gracias Rosanna por el concepto. Lo mas grande y lindo que tengo son
esos bichitos y mi compañera Laura que es la que banca en la diaria. Me
hiciste acordar que tengo que renovar esas fotos del año pasado.
Gracias otra vez. Un abrazo y nos leemos. |
Enrique Correa (alcasotro) | EE.UU. - Este | #75367 | |||
7/14/2005 3:56:00 PM • Reportar este mensaje como ofensivo | |||
Blackwater y Latinoamérica: ayer mercenarios, mañana ¿teatro de operaciones?
October 5th, 2010 → 1:00 am
@ elpuercoespín
JEREMY SCAHILL: El hombre de Blackwater en Latino… bueno, ya no es su hombre en Latinoamérica, sino el hombre que ha estado trabajando para Blackwater en Latinoamérica, es un individuo llamado José Miguel Pizarro, y es un ciudadano de doble nacionalidad de Estados Unidos y Chile. En realidad, lo tengo en mis archivos y lo entrevisté durante varias horas. Y el señor Pizarro creció en el Chile de Pinochet con sueños de servir en las fuerzas Armadas chilenas. Y es un gran defensor de Augusto Pinochet y un defensor del historial de Pinochet y dice que vivió bajo el gobierno militar durante diecisiete años y que no vio ninguna dictadura y, sabes, suma y sigue. Y explico en detalle en el libro hasta qué punto es un entusiasta de Pinochet.Así que cumplió sus sueños. Sirvió en las fuerzas armadas chilenas y llegó a conocer –porque era bilingüe y también era ciudadano norteamericano– llegó a conocer a gente de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos y realmente los admiró y los respetó. Y así, cuando abandonó las fuerzas armadas chilenas, se unió a las fuerzas armadas norteamericanas y trabajó como traductor para el Comando Sur de los Estados Unidos. Y viajó por toda Latinoamérica y se reunió con todos esos funcionarios militares.
Y entonces, en 1999, ofreció sus servicios a General Dynamics, vendiendo, esencialmente, productos militares de General Dynamics a los gobiernos latinoamericanos. Y tuvo tanto éxito que en 2001 abandonó General Dynamics y abrió su propia consultoría y fue y se presentó a todos los agregados militares de las naciones latinoamericanas y comenzó a venderles lo que calificó de “inteligencia empresarial”. Dice: “Yo no era un traficante de armas”. Y así, lo que hacía Pizarro era ir a ver a los agregados militares de casi cada nación latinoamericana y les decía: “Puedo ponerlo en contacto con gente que puede ofrecer servicios a sus fuerzas armadas con nuevos equipamientos y armas, etc.” Así que andaba por ahí y en cierto modo era un intermediario entre los fabricantes de armas de los Estados Unidos y gobiernos latinoamericanos. Y formó una operación muy exitosa.
Cuando comenzó la guerra de Irak en 2003, Pizarro fue contratado por CNN en español como comentarista sobre la guerra, y estableció una amistad con Wesley Clark, y dijo que iba a la cafetería – tanto él como Clark estaban basados en Atlanta – y si no sabía qué decir sobre un tema en particular, le preguntaba a Wesley Clark: “¿Qué debería decir sobre esto?” Y el general Clark le respondía: “Bueno, José, te lo diré,” y entonces decía exactamente en español lo que Clark le había dicho en inglés. Y así trabajaba Pizarro y seguía realizando su asesoría militar.
Conoció a una representante de Blackwater, a quien describió como una mujer atractiva, en una exposición profesional en 2003. Y se acercó a ellos. En realidad, nunca había oído hablar de Blackwater. Y su idea inicial fue que quería ayudar a Blackwater a vender sus sistemas de objetivos en Latinoamérica, como los había hecho para todas esas otras compañías. Y así, terminó por ir al complejo de Blackwater, y dio que fue como si entrara a un plató cinematográfico, a una base militar privada. Lo enloqueció esa propiedad de 28 kilómetros cuadrados en Moyock, Carolina del Norte. Y, sabes, habló al respecto como un niño que ve su primera película en la gran pantalla.
Y así tuvo de inmediato esa visión de que “no voy a vender sus sistemas de objetivos. Quiero conseguirles algunos soldados chilenos”. Y así, comenzó a hacer lobby ante funcionarios de Blackwater diciendo, sabes, los chilenos están verdaderamente bien entrenados y, sabes, existe el sistema de los Estados Unidos y tenemos tremendas fuerzas especiales. Y, desde luego, hablaba de las fuerzas armadas establecidas con el apoyo de los Estados Unidos en el Chile de Pinochet, sabes, ese régimen asesino, ese régimen brutal en Chile. Y así, el presidente de Blackwater, Gary Jackson, dice Pizarro, no estaba convencido en absoluto. Y costó semanas y meses de trabajo para llegar a una proposición real.
Pizarro obtuvo una reunión con Erik Prince, fue y le dijo: “Sabe, señor Prince, quisiera cinco minutos de su tiempo”. Prince, dice, le respondió: “Te doy tres minutos.” Resultó, según Pizarro, que Erik Prince había servido con los Seals de la Marina en Chile y tenía un gran respeto por las fuerzas chilenas. Así le dijo esencialmente a Pizarro: “Si puedes conseguirme aunque sea un solo Seal de la Marina de Chile, me vale la pena. Así que hazlo, anda para allá, y junta a tus muchachos. Y llámame cuando estés listo.”
Pizarro fue a Chile, comenzó a hablar con la gente, gente ex militar, etc. Puso un aviso en el periódico, lo inundaron las solicitudes de antiguos miembros de las fuerzas especiales chilenas. Y establecieron un campo, en el que comenzaron a evaluar. Dice: “No estábamos entrenando. Estábamos evaluando soldados.” Y utilizaban rifles simulados, etc., en el campo chileno.
Y para acortar la historia, Blackwater envió a evaluadores. Tres evaluadores fueron a Chile en noviembre de 2003, y consideraron las fuerzas de Pizarro. Y finalmente, en febrero de 2004, Pizarro fue a Moyock, Carolina del Norte, con su primer grupo de chilenos. Y dice que suministró unos 750 chilenos a Blackwater y a otras firmas militares privadas que operan en Iraq. Fueron las primeras fuerzas internacionales cuyo uso es admitido por Blackwater. Entonces citó a Gary Jackson, que se opuso originalmente, después de la llegada de sus chilenos a Irak, diciendo: “Fuimos al confín del mundo a la busca de profesionales, y los chilenos encajan bien en el sistema de Blackwater”.
Texto original, aquí.
Los hechos ocurrieron en Faluya el 28 de mayo. Dado el gran riesgo de ser atacado en las rutas iraquíes, los desplazamientos son a toda velocidad. Si un auto no se aparta o se acerca al convoy, sus ocupantes disparan tiros de advertencia o incluso directamente contra el vehículo sospechoso. Rige aquello de tirar primero y preguntar después. Esto es lo que habría ocurrido con una caravana que transportaba 19 empleados detenidos por los infantes, acusados de haber disparado contra sus instalaciones. Fueron internados en Camp Faluya, donde, según Mark Schopper, abogado de dos de los detenidos, sus clientes sufrieron abusos físicos y sicológicos. Encañonados, debieron arrodillarse mientras perros ladraban en sus caras. Desnudos y esposados, a uno de ellos “le apretaron los testículos”. El abogado añadió que a uno de sus defendidos, un infante de Marina norteamericano en retiro le preguntó a gritos “¿Qué sientes ahora sobre ser un rico contratista?”. Dave Lapan, vocero de la Infantería de Marina, negó todo y dijo que los detenidos fueron “tratados de manera humana y respetuosa”.
El chileno Manuel Zapata, que emigró a Estados Unidos en 1967 y creó en 1991 la empresa Zapata Engineering, dijo que investigan el incidente. Añadió que no puede imaginar que sus hombres hayan disparado contra efectivos de su ejército. En realidad, resulta difícil explicar que lo hayan hecho, dado que casi todos eran miembros en retiro de las Fuerzas Armadas norteamericanas. La compañía viene de ganar un contrato con el Pentágono por 120 millones de dólares para recolectar y destruir munición abandonada por el Ejército de Sadam Husein. Todos los detenidos fueron liberados tres días más tarde y los norteamericanos debieron abandonar Irak.
El mercado manda
El negocio de las empresas privadas que realizan tareas de apoyo militar en Irak es enorme. La primera fuerza militar extranjera en el país árabe es el contingente norteamericano, con unos 135 mil efectivos. La segunda son los contratistas, que emplean cerca de 20 mil, de los cuales unos 600 son chilenos. En un distante tercer puesto se ubican los británicos, con menos de 10 mil. La aludida molestia de los infantes de Marina con sus ex compañeros de armas por los salarios es comprensible. Los ingresos top de Blackwater, para la cual recluta en nuestro país el chileno José Miguel Pizarro, pueden llegar hasta los 18 mil dólares mensuales. El salario promedio pagado a hombres de armas de países desarrollados es en promedio 100 mil dólares anuales y gozan de mayores beneficios, amén de mayor libertad que los uniformados. Un policía estadounidense retirado puede aspirar a 60 ó 70 mil dólares.Los chilenos y otros tercermundistas contratados para trabajos similares a sus contrapartes norteamericanos no pasan de los 30 mil dólares anuales. Los atractivos sueldos repercuten al interior de las Fuerzas Armadas estadounidenses que, con sus operaciones en Irak y Afganistán, tienen cada vez más dificultades para reclutar. En especial les cuesta retener a oficiales de fuerzas especiales altamente calificados. En algunos casos, ya se ofrecen primas de 150 mil dólares para reenganchar a los que salen a retiro prematuro.
Nadie escapa a las leyes del mercado. Las externalizaciones están a la orden del día. Todas las tareas que las Fuerzas Armadas norteamericanas pueden delegar a empresas privadas, llamadas private military companies, o compañías militares privadas (CMP), son transferidas apenas ello es posible a tres campos: construcción, transporte y mantención. Pero en tiempos recientes se ha extendido a la seguridad de instalaciones militares, el abastecimiento, desminado, entrenamiento de tropas locales, e incluso tareas de recolección de inteligencia. Un empleado de la Titan Corporation estuvo involucrado en las denuncias de tortura en la prisión de Abu Ghraib. Un sinnúmero de misiones que antes recaían en las fuerzas regulares, hoy se distribuyen entre más de 60 CMP que operan en Irak. Sus empleados prefieren llamarse “soldados privados”, aunque, en un sentido tradicional, calzan con la definición de un mercenario.
Texto original, aquí.
A través de un comunicado, el Ministerio de Defensa expresó que por instrucciones del titular de esa cartera, Jaime Ravinet, “el Ministerio Público Militar formalizó hoy (ayer) ante los tribunales una denuncia en contra del particular José Miguel Pizarro Ovalle por los delitos de formación de grupo de combate armado y usurpación de funciones propias de las Fuerzas Armadas y de Orden”.
La presentación, señala el texto, “se fundamenta en los hechos presentados en la última edición del programa ‘Informe Especial’ de Televisión Nacional en que, en un reportaje calificado como “preciso y concluyente” se muestra “a un grupo de ex militares que se adiestra y prepara para una guerra, con armamento de puño y eventualmente de guerra”. “La formación de grupo de combate armado infringe el artículo 8º de la ley 17.789 sobre control de armas”, señala la secretaría de Estado (…)
En las imágenes “se puede apreciar –comenta- la presencia de al menos un extranjero de habla inglesa, y cuya nacionalidad pareciera ser de Estados Unidos, el cual interactúa con las otras personas en el entrenamiento y ejecución de ciertas acciones ofensivas y defensivas junto a José Miguel Pizarro Ovalle. Del contexto del reportaje, se desprendería que podría ser un ex militar de las FF.AA. de dicho país” (…)
El aludido empresario José Miguel Pizarro reaccionó entablando querellas contra el programa Informe Especial. Según el ex militar, el programa lo “injurió” y “manipuló la información”.
“Tú no puede formar un grupo terrorista, un grupo paramilitar, un grupo guerrillero, con pistolas de agua”, aseguró, al defender la versión de que en los videos mostrados por TVN no había armamento real sino “fusiles de goma, hule, plástico o cerámica”.
Pizarro también acusó que los periodistas del canal consiguieron videos que le fueron robados, en los que se representan acciones de seguridad y que utiliza para captar clientes.
Texto original, aquí.
Gaspar aseguró que el reclutamiento de personal en retiro, por parte de Pizarro, para contratarlo como personal de seguridad en Irak “en realidad es una forma encubierta de contratar paramilitares y, al mismo tiempo, en condiciones de mucho riesgo para el personal, porque son empresas de muy dudosa legalidad”.
Texto original, aquí.
En un fallo unánime, la Sexta Sala de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago resolvió confirmar la condena impuesta al ex oficial de las Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA) y empresario José Miguel Pizarro Ovalle por el reclutamiento y envío de chilenos a Irak, quienes debían cumplir labores de vigilancia en ese país.El dueño de la empresa Blackwater -encargada de la selección y de preparar a los mercenarios- recibió una pena de 61 días de presidio remitido y una multa de 200 Unidades Tributarias Mensuales (UTM), esto es 7.530.400 dólares.
Además de la inhabilitación perpetua para realizar cualquier función que esté especificada en la ley de vigilantes privados.
Así lo establecieron los ministros Jorge Dahm, Juan Eduardo Fuentes y el abogado integrante Nelson Pozo tras considerar que con su negocio, Pizarro Ovalle infringió disposiciones del DL 3.607 que regula esta materia.
Los magistrados precisaron, en su fallo, que la norma prohíbe la contratación de ex miembros de las FFAA o de guardias de seguridad para realizar labores de vigilancia privada.
Por exigirlo el interés nacional, prohíbese a toda persona natural o jurídica proporcionar u ofrecer, bajo cualquier forma o denominación, vigilantes privados. Esta prohibición se extiende a las convenciones destinadas a proporcionar personal para cumplir labores de vigilantes privados, reseña el inciso 2º del artículo 5 bis de la normativa.
La defensa del sentenciado alegó que la sede de la empresa Blackwater se encuentra en Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos, y que allá se contrataría a las personas seleccionadas en Chile por lo que dentro del territorio nacional sólo se había realizado un casting.
No obstante, los jueces estimaron que si bien es cierto que no se ha demostrado que en Chile se los hubiera contratado, lo cierto es que era para que viajaran a Estados Unidos y de allí a Irak para desempeñarse como tales (vigilantes privados), consigna el dictamen.
La investigación en contra del empresario fue dirigida por el 17 Juzgado del Crimen de la capital que lo condenó en 2006 luego que la Dirección General de Movilización Nacional denunciara los hechos.
Texto original, aquí.
Scahill presentó este lunes (8 de febrero de 2010) en España, junto a la editorial “Paidós” , esta historia no autorizada sobre el imparable ascenso de Blackwater desde los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en EE.UU. y sobre su conversión en uno de los poderes fácticos más poderosos e influyentes del complejo militar-industrial estadounidense.
En declaraciones a Efe, este periodista de 32 años que colabora habitualmente con el semanario progresista “The Nation”, comenta que Blackwater ha conseguido beneficios récord en los últimos dos trimestres, pero que su objetivo es diversificar el negocio para adaptarse a nuevas realidades y que eso pasa por América Latina.
“Blackwater podría terminar en América Latina” , dice Scahill, quien destaca que el Pentágono ha instado a la compañía que preside Erik Prince, un ex militar de familia rica y muy conservadora, a optar a un plan de lucha contra la droga, principalmente para México y Colombia, que tiene un presupuesto de 15.000 millones de dólares.
Es a través de estas empresas privadas como Washington quiere garantizar su presencia en la región sin “dejar una huella militar”, explica el periodista, quien sostiene que los miles de millones de dólares que EEUU ha invertido en los últimos 15 años en la lucha antidroga en la región han sido para “la lucha contrainsurgente”.
El caso de Colombia es ideal, pues recibe de Estados Unidos 630 millones anuales para luchar contra el narcotráfico, de los cuales, a su vez, Bogotá destina buena parte a pagar los servicios de empresas de las mismas características que Blackwater, como DynCorp.
“El futuro pasa por el entrenamiento y la preparación de militares latinoamericanos, con el objetivo de tener pequeños equipos paramilitares trabajando para estas compañías en América Latina. Veremos un incremento de la presencia de estas empresas que deciden radicarse en la región”, pronostica Scahill.