If The Semitic God Yahwe Returns All White Honkey 'Jews' Better Run
And when Yahew sees what these white honkies have done to his Semitic chosen people particularly the poor Palestinians - I sure hope I'm not in the line of fire and he don't mistake me for one of the imposters just because I'm white.
Reminds me of that play by Bruce J Friedman called 'Steambath' where god turns out to be a New York Puerto Rican.Actually I'd like to believe that that God won't be too pleased about what Israeli mass murderers and holocausters did to the Mayan people of Guatemala either..........
The tall dark and handsome Yahwe may be amused for a short while seeing a bunch of white honkey Europoids speaking a strange almost unrecognizable Hebrew ,(they spoke the Semitic language Aramaic the last time he showed up to give his only son a little support to mount that Roman cross while all his fellow Jews around him cheered and egged on the ROMAN SOLDIERS TO GET ON WITH THE CRUCI -FICTION ),with an accent somewhat like the mass murderer W Bush spoke Spanish.However turning his attention to the blood and gore of what these palid white new comers call Isra-hell and seeing the torure chamber conditions that his formers Jews the Palestinians and now Christian Aramaic speakers had undured under these Zionist,many of whose ancestors prouding boased of being Nazis only a few decades before -and seeing how some of the
inhabitants who lived among them were indeed actually dark complected Semites who at least were relegated to a second class Isra-helli citizenship for claimed to also be 'Jews' like their white masters who they joined rank in the military to kill their own fellow SEMITES -Yawe is pissed and on seeing the Jordan River that trhses white parasites had dried and turned into a veritable sewer pit and how since his last visit 2,000 years ago the former arable and still green landscape was low buta bare skeleton of its former self producing no grains or real nutritional crops to sustain the former population and at that the only way these newcomer Isara-hellis sustained themselves was by producing more 'modern' weapons of war usually used to kill moreof his chosen people the Caucasian Semites - Gawd is he pizzed........
I believe white skin is the effect of Vitamin D deficiency that occurred as
grains from the Near East,lacking Vitamin D, were taken up to around where
the Ukraine is today and darker babies all died of rickets before reproductive
age.Which is to say white folks had become white long before the
mythological Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea only to discover
he was still on Egypian territitory or the child abuser Abraham almost murdered
his son after hearing an audio hallucination from 'god' ordering him to do
so.Certain formerly dark complected Caucasians moving north with their grains
from the Tigris Euphrates and or what is now Anatolia in Turkey had become light complected
due to combining an agrarian grain diet created in southern climes to the north western steppes
where the forests of what will become Europe millenia later,meet.
It would also appear that these probably proto Indo Aryan or Hindu European
speakers with a language related to what we now know as Lithuanian,(which is the closet 'living' language
in Europe to the Sanskrit that Budha and his Hindu relatives spoke in India when the language was first written), were the first or among the first to domesticate and use the horse for tansportation taking them
relatively flying over the steppes invading and setting into what is now Pakistan Afghainstan
and Iran and India and bringing what would become the 'Arab stallion' down south to the Tigris Euphates region that they first immigrated from with their grains when they were once dark complected Caucasiand themselves and almost as far as China several thousand years before the Christian era.
In Sanskrit Arya may be defined in a number of ways but it appears to be accepted to refer to tilling the soil and in Lithuanian to till the soil is 'arsti' and in Spanish it is 'arar' and in Italian to till the soil is 'arare il terreno' but the word doesn't exist in German or Nordic languages !
So in effect most 'Jews' I've met have been white and so could not possibly be related to any myrthological characters in the Torah or Bible even if such characters could be proven to exist.While agriculture was brought to the Ukraine from the direction of the Middle East after the last ice age and the horse was then domesticated by white Caucasians who brought those grains from the Middle East - their formerly darker babies died before reproductive age due to rickets that caused osteoporois and bone strength problems due Vitamin D deficiency that in the Middle East would not have been a problem due to the sun crating Vitamin D due to its reacting with oils on the skin that were then reabsorbed into the body as Vitamin D.
So all I'm saying is that if the Semitic god of Moses or the the mad
man Abraham who almost murdered his son and according to the Torah
DID rape his wife's maid ever returns as these white ass honkies who now call themselves 'Jews' claim,
then they better run cause that dark complected Caucasian God is without doubt gonna be real pissed when he sees a buch of white honkies pretending to be 'Jews' when he gets back.
And when nhew sees what these white honkies have done to his Semitic chosen people particularly the poor Palestinians - I sure hipe Im not in the line of fire and he don't mistake me for one of the imposters just because I'm white.
Reminds me of that play by Bruce J Friedman called Steambath where
god turns out to be a New York
Puerto Rican.Actually I'd like to believe that that GHod won't be too pleased about what Israeli mass murderers and holocausters did to the Mayan people of Guatemala either..........
Mar 29, 2013 - If he can find the evil gene in Adam Lanza he shouldn't be able to miss the one in Menachem Atzmon and probably in his relative Gil Atzmon at ...
Which came first the chicken or the egg ? Obviously the dinosaur and Gawd knows what other creatures were laying eggs long before the chicken and the so-called mis-named cohenim gene evolved tens of thousands of years before any Hebrew or Jewish priests or witch doctors or Abraham hallucinated a command from Gawd to kill his son and rape the maid.......
Another real bright bulb at Albert Einstein U with the same last name as Israeli government mass murderer and money launderer Menachem Atzmon of ICTS International holds to the theory that something called a 'cohenim gene' exists and has been passed on to all Jewish priests since Methusaleh or something like that but the geneticists of India hold to the fact that Dr.Atzmon is farting against the wind and that long before any Non Semitic Caucasians of his ancestry became white from Vitamin D Deficiency by taking grains from the Tigris Euphrates up north towards the Ukraine,in fact even before the Hebrew priest Aaron's sons pissed off Gawd and led to Gawd assassinating his sons,there were groups of male Non Jewish dark complected Caucasians making their way east from that general area into what would become India who were far from 'Jewish' whether of the original dark Jewish complexion or the later Vitamin D deficiency lighter model,(who were converts and thus never really real 'Jews' in the first place),created by that great northern agrarian migration into the Ukraine and points further north and west.
The truth is that what the egotitistal Jewish Nazi Gil Menachem of Albert Einstein Medical Center identifies as the 'cohenim gene' predates any 'cohenims' ,or Jewish witch doctors,by about 40,000 years !
Mar 28, 2013 - Maybe it's located near Dr.Caever stupid gen e or his fraud gene. .... Bronx, NY, ... indicates the Jewish priesthood, the Cohanim, was established by . ... wolfblitzzer0: Logan Airport Boston,9/11,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS .
Jan 5, 2013 - As for the 'Dr.'Atzmon who disgraces the name off Albert Einstein by associating ... maybe he'll isolate the rabbi 'gene' for pedophilia which does indeed to ... indicates the Jewish priesthood, the Cohanim, was established by .
Jul 1, 2013 - aangirfan ... Ekklesia. There were only about 50,000 Jews in Palestine in 1918. (Cached) ... The Palestinians are most likely the original Jews.
During the 1980s there were new discoveries in archaeology.
The story of the 13th century BC exodus from Egypt into the PROMISED LAND was shown to be a myth.
Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, because the Promised land was Egyptian territory at the time.
The archaeologists say there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the Egyptian empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders.
Nor is there any trace or memory of the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon.
Just a parable.
"Biblical promises about the land of Israel were never intended to be taken literally, or as applying to a defined geographical territory, the report argued...
"Biblical promises about the land of Israel are a way of speaking about how to live under God so that justice and peace reign, the weak and poor are protected, the stranger is included, and all have a share in the community and a contribution to make to it.
"The 'promised land' in the Bible is not a place, so much as a metaphor of how things ought to be among the people of God.
"This 'promised land' can be found - or built - anywhere."
THE 2013 REPORT is from the Church of Scotland.
The inheritance of Abraham? A report on the ‘promised land’ (*.PDF document)
The Israeli Ambassador commented
negatively on the report.
Representatives of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Movement for Reform Judaism, and Rabbis for Human Rights held a meeting with the Church of Scotland.
At this meeting, it was agreed that the report would be withdrawn and revised
(Church statement is available
here. The
revised report)
Assessing the Kirk's report on theologies of land in the ... - Ekklesia
General assembly
The revised version was debated at the Church of Scotland's annual General Assembly in Edinburgh.
Rev Sally Foster-Fulton said: "This is primarily a report highlighting the continued occupation by the state of Israel and the injustices faced by the Palestinian people as a consequence.
"It is not a report criticising the Jewish people. Opposing the unjust policies of the state of Israel cannot be equated to anti-Semitism. "
The revised report was overwhelmingly accepted by the Assembly.
Kirk backs controversial Israel report | Herald Scotland
In 2010, there was debate in the Church of Scotland about the possibility of boycotting Israeli goods.
The Rev Ian Galloway withdrew the proposed boycott call as a result of the threat to the Church’s work in the region from Israeli laws designed to
make boycott calls illegal.

There were only about 50,000 Jews in Palestine in 1918. (Cached)
On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from Seattle to Orlando and from Boston to Los Angeles - the land of the Apache, the Huron, the Blackfeet...."
Genesis 15:18-21
The Palestinians are most likely the original Jews.
Most of the Jews in Israel are not the original Jews of the Bible, but people who converted to the Jewish religion.
Most of the Jews in Israel are descended from people in countries such as Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, Yemen, and Morocco who were not originally Jewish.
The Palestinians are most likely the original Jews.
Schlomo Sand, professor of history at Tel Aviv university, wrote about the Zionist myth at Le Monde Diplomatique, in September 2008.
Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile: Israel deliberately forgets its history)
Palestinians - who probably converted from the Jewish religion to Islam.
Among the points made by Professor Sand:
1. In 70 AD, the Jews were
allegedly exiled and went to live in countries such as Yemen, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Poland and Russia.
2. At the end of the 19th century, people claiming to be Jews began to talk about setting up a Jewish state.
The 'Jews' who invaded Palestine were terrorist gangsters from places such as New York, Warsaw and Belarus.
3. Is the Bible historically accurate?
The first modern Jewish historians, such as Isaak Markus Jost (1793-1860) and Leopold Zunz (1794-1886), did not think so.
They saw the stories of the Old Testament as being useful parables.
Victim of an Israeli rocket.
4. During the 1980s there were new discoveries in archaeology.
The story of the 13th century BC exodus was shown to be a myth.
Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, because the Promised land was Egyptian territory at the time.
The archaeologists say there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the Egyptian empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders.
Nor is there any trace or memory of the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon.
Many of the Nazi leaders were part Jewish.
5. The Kingdom of Israel was a tiny little place.
6. Were the Jews exiled in 70 AD?
The Romans never exiled any nation from anywhere on the eastern seaboard of the Mediterranean.
The Jewish population of Judea continued to live on their lands after 70AD.
Some converted to Christianity in the 4th century, while the majority became Moslems during the 7th century.
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this.
Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime minister,
accepted it.
Both stated on several occasions that the Palestinians were the descendants of the Jewish inhabitants of ancient Judea.
So, the Palestinians are the real Jews.
Begin and his Betar members wore brown shirts and used the fascist salute. (Cached )
7. So, what about the people in Europe and elsewhere who claimed to be Jews?
From the 2nd century BC onwards, many people were forcibly converted to the Jewish religion.
Many Europeans, Africans and Asians were converted to Judaism.
For example, in the 1st century AD, in Kurdistan, there was the Jewish kingdom of Adiabene.
In the 5th century, in Yemen, a Jewish kingdom emerged.
Arab chronicles tell of North African berber tribes becoming Jewish, during the 7th century.
Israel tries to control the politicians.
8. In the 8th century, the most important mass conversion took place.
This was in the huge Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.
Judaism spread from the Caucasus into the Ukraine, then into Eastern Europe, and on to Germany.
The Yiddish culture of Europe involved people who had converted to the Jewish religion.
9. The Israeli forces who seized Jerusalem in 1967 may have been descendents of Germans, Yemenis, Berbers and Khazars.
Victims of Israel
At Haaretz, on 21 March 2008, Ofri Ilani wote about shattering a 'national mythology'.
Shattering a 'national mythology' - Haaretz - Israel News
Ilani refers to Dahia al-Kahina, a leader of the Berbers in the Aures Mountains.
Al-Kahina was the daughter of a Berber tribe that had converted to Judaism.
According to the Tel Aviv University historian, Prof. Shlomo Sand, author of "Matai ve'ech humtza ha'am hayehudi?" ("When and How the Jewish People Was Invented?"), the queen's tribe and other local tribes are the main sources from which Spanish Jewry sprang.
Nov 15, 2009 - aangirfan ... Sand's book is directed against those who assume "that all Jews are ... The Palestinian Arabs probably have Jewish origins.
Jun 2, 2010 - Turns out that Jews the world over share many genetic traits that are ... say, a Y chromosome shared by many kohanim, but Atzmon said that his ...
Mixing Reggae and Torah, But Don’t Call Them Jews
A powerful African drumbeat pounded through the small room, as a
singer with a Bob Marley-like voice clicked two small wooden sticks to
the rhythm of his words. “When I walk, I walk with love.” Every one of
the 25 African-American men, women and children in the room sang and
danced along with him.......
And don't dare call Ethiopian Jews,Jews either and heaven forbid that
they reproduce in the white apartheid state of Isra-hell.
Israel's treatment of Ethiopians 'racist', The National, 6 January ...
4 Feb 2010 ... Figures show that 57 per cent of Depo Provera users in
Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community accounts for less than
two per cent ...
Not that I believe that black Africans are literally Semites but then
again neither are 'whites semites' of European origen Semites
either just because they .The semitic languages were created by caucasians
of Middle East
origen I believe and so none would have had blond or even red or brown
hair.And it is not only 'Europoid Jews' who keep repeating the lie
that they are 'semites' and that 6 million semites died in Europe in
WW II but also the Catholic Church as well as Martin Luther inspired
Protestant fundamentalists who still feel threatened about its own
mythology if they had to deal with the fact that for centuries they
mistook and robbed and looted and raped a bunch of equally confused
white folks in Europe who erroneously thought that they were Jesus'
and Abraham's relatives - and also incidentally the killers of Christ
! And Zionistas and Israeli and or Rothschild agents such as Geert
Wilders and Germany's Stasi agent Angela Merkel cling to this myth for
their paranoid political agendas as well.
I don't know anymore how many Jews died in Europe during WW II,(in my
rhyme,' Euro - Judeo Christianity', that can be found online by doing
a google search using that title),I say 'Millions of Jews in Europe
died,Only by fools or fascists could that be denied,This twentieth
century high tech genocide,'......However to clarify,I believe that
hardly any real 'semites' died in Europe in WW II - they were all
white folks from Europe,which is in great part why they were called
'German Jews' even if that is a partial misnomer as well.
It is paradoxical that one of my favorite writers of all time, Arthur
Koestler, was a Zionista himself for a time before becoming a
communista and he was even the inventor of the Hebrew crossword
Yes he wrote Thirteenth Tribe that inspired that rhyme and it is a
wonderful book and I still have a copy but he was VERY European,one
its great intellectuals,
and the book that made me a fan forever was,The Watershed', about
Johannes Kepler who dicovered eliptical orbits of the planets and so
far as I can tell an the history of archeo-astronomy that had never
been done before anywhere in the world...
The Maya nor the Egyptians nor any other ancient civilization had
defined eliptical orbits before that time to my knowledge which is
still hard for me to believe even now....
I believe white skin is the effect of Vitamin D deficiency that occurred as
grains from the Near East were taken up to around where the Ukraine
is today and darker babies all died of rickets before reproductive
age.Which is to say white folks ain't very directly related to the mad
man Abraham and if Yawe, or whatever that jewish
god is called, came
back and found a bunch of white guys impersonating his 'chosen
people', or 'semites',my guess is he'd be pizzed.Reminds me of that
play by Bruce J Friedman where
god turns out to be a New York