Thursday, June 18, 2020


"Yeah that's true, that's real," Raz told MTV News with a bit of a frog in his throat on January 20 when he came to New York to announce his partnership deal with Lyor Cohen, Todd Moscowitz and Kevin Liles' new label,

Rapper Raz Simone accused of leading armed 'police-free ...

6 days ago - Rapper Raz Simone is accused of being a 'warlord' within Seattle's ... gun-owners to guard the area and allegedly assaulted a protester for ..

When-some-bloggers-began-showing-video-of-black-millionaire-rapper-'Raz'-or-Solomon Samuel Simone -distributing-guns-in-the-newly-occuppied-and-renamed-'Chaz'-or-'Chop'-area-of-Seattle-and-said-he-was-receiving-money-from-Dubai-I-immediately-thought-of.Israel-because-the-pervert-Sheik-of-Dubai,-Mohamed-Al-Rashid-bin-Maktoum,-has-been-in-bed-with-Israeli-Zionist-government-for-a-long,long-time.However-much-money-Raz-Simone-
-may-or-may-not-have_received-from-the-terrorist-King-of-Dubai-(maybe-even-at-the-behest-of-the-Israeli-government-or-its-Mossad-or-'our'-CIA-THAT-WORKS-FOR-THEM),-HE-WAS-FIRST-MADE-RICH-BY-ISRAELIS-WHO-HAVE-INFILTRATED-AND-TAKEN-OVER-BOTH-RAP-AND-HIP-HOP-IN-THE-USA-!-Most-particularly-I-amreferring-to-Israeli-American-Zionists-Lyor Cohen, Todd Moscowitz and Kevin Liles'. Samuel Simone-has-been-in-'partnership deal with Lyor Cohen, Todd Moscowitz and Kevin Liles' new label, 300'-since-at-least-2014.If-you-dig-deeper-you-find-complaints-from-other-rappers-about-Jews-and-Israelis-in-particular-who-have-moved-into-positions-of-control-using-their-financial-and-mafia-style-business-strategies-to-enrich-and-popularize-those-few-rappers-that-they-favor-and-impoverishing-and-even-hurling-racist-epitats_at-those-who-they-disfavor.While-further-enriching-themselves-in-the-bargain-of-course.

The Story of Lyor Cohen: Little Lan$ky and the Big Check ...

How the Israeli-raised president of Island Def Jam Records became one of the most important men in hip-hop, and why he may now become one of the most important men in rock & rollJun 21, 2001 - Bored, he followed a flier to one of the first rap shows on the West ... He was born in New York, where his father, an Israeli, worked in the consulate. ... When Cohen's mother remarried, to a psychiatrist, Lyor moved in with them


"Yeah that's true, that's real," Raz told MTV News with a bit of a frog in his throat on January 20 when he came to New York to announce his partnership deal with Lyor Cohen, Todd Moscowitz and Kevin Liles' new label, 300.
"That was my dad and my mom. My mom was a virgin, so that's what happened," he continued to explain. "They were friends for a little bit and then, you know, that was that."


Solomon Samuel Simone (aka Raz from CHAZ or CHOP) is the proclaimed warlord of CHAZ, the multi-block area located in Seattle. Raz reportedly owns luxury automobiles and millions in real estate, and even received a grant for $82,000 from the city of Seattle to open his own studio. He also owns multiple guns, including six semi-automatic guns and an Uzi. He was caught on video handing out long guns to Antifa members from the trunk of his car. Curiously, Raz also is supported by the Islamic government in Dubai. -GEG

Solomon Samuel Simone (aka RAZ from CHAZ or CHOP) is the proclaimed warlord of CHAZ, the multi-block area located in Seattle.  Raz hates America but owns multiple guns, luxury automobiles, millions in real estate.

More importantly, Raz is supported by the Islamic government in Dubai.

The leader of CHAZ, Warlord Raz Simone was previously identified running guns in the newly formed country in the center of Seattle.  Today we have more on RAZ thanks to the work of Yaacov Apelbaum.
Raz the warlord, doesn’t only run guns, he owns guns.  Raz owns a couple of handguns, which were somehow ‘restored’ through a special intervention after a conviction.
Raz also owns six semi-automatic rifles, including an AR-15 and AK-47 and an Uzi.
He has armor piercing bullets for these guns as well.
Raz somehow received a grant for $82,000 from the city of Seattle to open his own studio in a building he purchased with another loan.
And Raz owns multiple luxury cars, including a Tesla, a BMW and a Jaguar XJ.
He also owns some prime real estate and rental properties.
He owns the RAZ fashion line, the Aurora Smoke Shop, a social club called “The Spot”, the Black Umbrella Corporation. All this came from funding in sweetheart deals.
Read full article here…

Attacked Inside Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP Protest Zone - YouTube

Kalen D'Almeida from Scriberr was filming Raz Simone, the alleged warlord of the autonomous zone, when he ...
7 hours ago - Uploaded by America Uncovered
9/11,CIA,𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚏𝚏,Agora-Inc.Airline-Options Hotline and 9/11

9/11,CIA,Bill-Bonner,James-Dale-Davidson,Porter-Stansberry,Ron-Paul,,Agora-Inc.Airline-Options Hotline and 9/11

Options Hotline and 9/11[edit]

In the investigations following 9/11, the SEC determined that an unusual number of investors had purchased put options on American Airlines immediately prior to September 11, 2001. Further investigation found Agora's Options Hotline newsletter and its editor Steve Sarnoff as responsible for faxing some 2,000 subscribers the recommendation to buy put options on American Airlines on September 9, 2001.[43] Sarnoff was investigated for insider trading with the SEC eventually concluding “all suspicious trades were checked out, and the SEC satisfied itself that the traders had no advance knowledge of 9/ll.”[44]


Search Results

29 The leak connecting the pre9/11 purchase of put options to Krongard and A.B. ... that faxed its 2,000 subscribers a recommendation to buy put options on American Airlines ... Also see The newsletter was Steve Sarnoff's Options Hotline, published by a Baltimorebased company known as Agora ...
Mark Gaffney - 2016 - ‎Political Science

May 25, 2016 - United Airlines stock fell even more, a whopping 44%. ... On the day prior to 9/11, the purchase of call options for Raytheon had ... In 1999, BT Alex Brown was in turn acquired by Deutsche Bank, the firm that placed the UAL put options. ... also named Agora, one of whose founders, the late Gregory Barnhillwas a protégé and close associate of Buzzy Krongard. (Barnhill reportedly committed suicide in 2012.) .....

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Brazil parliament Members break into hospitals find No patients

Video.Brazil parliament Members break into hospitals find No patients

5 Members of #Brazil parliament went to hospitals under encouragement by #Bolsonaro to break into hospitals & check to see the number of patients there. This hospital late to be finished but claiming 5000 ppl with COVID19 and 200 dead, so need this hospital Officials broke in to check it & found the hospital is an absolute mess, not finished, and no patients. The governor is defrauding the state and nation and taxpayers & LYING about the numbers to pad the numbers. Embezzlement scheme & to help bring down the country &push #vaccine

2020:Obama’ brother releases his Kenya birth certificate

2020:Obama’ brother releases his Kenya birth certificate

Obama admitted years ago he was born in Kenya .Harvard commited-treason to to cover cover up records but overlooked his his Harvard Review admission and 1991 Acton & Dystel literary agency book promotion.

 Obama’ brother releases his Kenya birth certificate

Obama siblings tear each other apart over former US President’s place of birth
By Nahashon Musungu June 16th, 2020

Letter: Obama’s words may have created birther movement

Fact: In 1990 Obama was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, a student publication featuring analysis of important legal matters. The review’s student yearbook includes a biography of Obama, stating “born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”
Fact: In 1991 Obama hired a literary agency, Acton & Dystel, to help promote sales of his upcoming book, “Dreams of My Father.” The agency published a promotional booklet listing its 90 client/authors, including Obama. His biography states “born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” Twenty years later an Acton & Dystel employee claims she wrote Obama’s biography but neglected to fact check it. What are the odds that two individuals would have both mistakenly chosen Kenya as Obama’s country of birth? I find it impossible to believe that an author would not write their own biography.
Obama believed it was to his advantage to promote himself as a foreign born, man of the world … until it wasn’t. When he decided on a political career, he needed to be U.S. born to get elected......

Obama siblings tear each other apart over former US President’s place of birth

By Nahashon MusunguJune 16th, 2020  2 min read

The Obama family in Kenya is at war on Twitter.
It all started when former US President Barack Obama’s half  brother Malik, whose decisions within the family are known to go against the grain, posted what appeared to be a birth certificate suggesting his famous brother was born in Kenya.
The document, titled ‘Certified Copy of registration of Birth’ indicates one Barack Hussein, was born at the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, to Barack Hussein Obama aged 26, who listed his profession as a student, and 18-year-old Ann Dunham from Kansas City, in the US.
The document indicates the said Barack was born on August 4, 1961.

But in a swift response Malik’s younger sister Auma blasted him for being ‘bitter’ and ‘jealous’.
An angry Auma, who is particularly close to Barack, minced no words as she took her controversial elder brother head on.
“You are blindly consumed by jealousy and bitterness that you will go to any length to slander your younger brother’s name – literally! Just because he has outshone you in every single aspect of his life. Seek relevance elsewhere big brother!” Auma tweeted.

So blindly consumed by and that you will go to any length to slander your younger brother’s name - literally! Just because he has outshone you in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of his life. Seek relevance elsewhere big brother! 

In another tweet, Auma chided her elder brother for being a turncoat while reminding him how many years ago before Obama became president, Malik embraced and welcomed him when he visited the family’s ancestral home in Kenya.

Even exiled Kenyan politician Miguna Miguna has been sucked into this family feud, although he is clearly on Barack’s side.

Chief: Let your brother live in peace. Stop helping @realDonaldTrump - a white supremacist - smear your brother in the mud.

If this document is legit, it would raise questions about Barack Obama’s nationality, and consequently his his decision to vie for the Senator and Presidency of the United States of America.
He won the two political seats which are exclusively reserved for American citizens.
The Kenyan law makes one a citizen automatically at birth in the country, and considering there was no dual citizenship at the time, it means Barack Obama who is married and has two kids in the USA, would have to change citizenship to qualify to vie in the USA.
The development comes days after Malik backed Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency in 2022.