Six Aerial Bombs Found In Paris
Associated Press-LONDON, September 7 1947
The Paris police today arrested a number of persons after discovering six home-made aerial bombs with which, it is suggested, the Stern Gang intended to bomb London in reprisal for the transport of Jewish migrants to Hamburg.
Rabbi Baruch Korff, chairman of the American Political Action Committee for a Free Palestine, was also arrested near Paris today, together with two others,when about to board an aircraft...
08 Sep 1947 - JEWISH PLOT TO RAID LONDON Six Aerial Bombs.

The real terrorists are people like Irgun and the Stern Gang. has an article entitled: Searchlight: Political Violence and Terrorism
Here is a brief extract:
In the early hours of the 12th of July, 1947, two British field security NCOs, Sergeants Paice and Martin, were held up by five armed members of Irgun and driven off to a secret hiding place.
Three weeks later their bodies were found hanging from a eucalyptus tree...
By 1948, some 200 British Soldiers and 90 British policemen had been murdered by Jewish terrorist gangs such as Irgun...

Marvin Paice and Clifford Martin, the two british sergants who were hanged in Palestine, 1947, by the Irgun.
The nationalist ‘fight’ was also extended to acts of terrorism in Britain and against British people and property in Europe.
The terrorist groups Irgun and the Stern Gang (known as Lehi in Hebrew) were active in Britain throughout the late 1940s.
It is a matter of record, for example, there were plans to crash an aircraft into the House of Commons, and to murder members of the British armed forces.
The British Embassy in Rome was bombed.
Lord Moyne
In November 1944 Lord Moyne was murdered by members of the Stern gang in Cairo and there are reliable reports of the existence of plans to assassinate Government Ministers, including the Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevan.
In 1946 a female agent of Irgun planted a bomb at the Colonial Office in London.
According to Commander Leonard Burt of Special Branch this would have “blown the sort of hole that was blown in the King David Hotel”.
It was only by good fortune that a failure of the pocket-watch timer prevented detonation.
Another Irgun terrorist operating in Britain at the time was Monty Harris.
Harris was sentenced to seven years imprisonment after being convicted of making thermite incendiary bombs on his premises at Gravel Street near Petticoat Lane.
The use to which these devices were to be put was never established.

Livni and friend
Tzipora Livni was Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
She is the daughter of Eitan Livni, born in Poland, and Sara Rosenberg, both of whom were members of the anti-British, Jewish terrorist organisation called Irgun.
Journalist Louis Heren (Media Lens Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote in The Times, 11 February 1992:
"The Irgun Zwai Leumi was a terrorist oganization, and a particularly nasty one.

Deir Yassin - Jewish terrorists, called Irgun, massacred women and children
"Even its defenders, who argued that the end could justify the means at decisive moments in history, were horrified by the massacre at Deir Yassin and the hanging of the British sergeants."
Irgun killed British people.
In The New York Times, 5 February 2006, Steven Erlanger (Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote:
"Tzipi Livni, 47, is ... the daughter of Zionist guerrillas - terrorists in some eyes -who met in the Irgun, the underground organization that fought the British... and that blew up the British headquarters in the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 people.

Jewish terrorists bombed the King David Hotel, killing many British people.
"Her father, Eitan, was the Irgun's head of operations, and on his gravestone is the map of greater Israel, extending over both sides of the Jordan River...
"She served in the army, becoming a lieutenant, and at the age of 22 began working for the Mossad, the intelligence service, where she stayed for four years."

Greater Israel
According to The Times Obituary, 5 February 1992:
"Eitan Livni was born Yerucham Bzozowitch in Gerodna, Poland, in 1919.
"Livni... in August 1947 was dispatched by Begin to organise Irgun's military activities against British targets in Europe...

Jews tried to bomb the British parliament
The Stern gang (Lehi) were Jewish terrorists.
They tried to bomb the British Parliament.
In 1946 the British security services issued this warning: "Members of the Stern group are now being organised and are under training.It is expected that they will be sent to the United Kingdom to assassinate important members of his majesty’s government, particularly, Mr Bevin."
In 1946 a number of bombs exploded in London and an attempt was made to drop on a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane.
The House of Commons was saved when French Police discovered members of the Stern Gang preparing to fly across the channel in a plane containing a large bomb.
Source: BBC - Radio 4 Document - A Laudable Invasion
In 1940, The Stern Gang (Lehi) proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hamas, working for Mossad, the CIA and NATO.
A. Peasant comments:
Hamas has been the inside enforcers for Israel, making lots of money shaking down the Palestinians and controlling the tunnels.
Gaza's Millionaires Funding the Hamas Regime through underground smuggling...
How Many Millionaires Live in the "Impoverished" Gaza Strip ...
Mohammed Dahlan, the former Palestinian Authority security commander of the Gaza Strip, further said last week that Hamas was the only party that was laying siege to the Gaza Strip; that it is Hamas, and not Israel or Egypt, that is strangling and punishing the people there.
The Palestinian millionaires, according to the report, have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
Again, makes sense once one understands that Hamas was created and supported by the Mossad and friends.
Newsletter on child abuse
In November 1944 Lord Moyne was murdered by members of the Stern gang in Cairo and there are reliable reports of the existence of plans to assassinate Government Ministers, including the Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevan.
In 1946 a female agent of Irgun planted a bomb at the Colonial Office in London.
According to Commander Leonard Burt of Special Branch this would have “blown the sort of hole that was blown in the King David Hotel”.
It was only by good fortune that a failure of the pocket-watch timer prevented detonation.
Another Irgun terrorist operating in Britain at the time was Monty Harris.
Harris was sentenced to seven years imprisonment after being convicted of making thermite incendiary bombs on his premises at Gravel Street near Petticoat Lane.
The use to which these devices were to be put was never established.

Livni and friend
Tzipora Livni was Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
She is the daughter of Eitan Livni, born in Poland, and Sara Rosenberg, both of whom were members of the anti-British, Jewish terrorist organisation called Irgun.
Journalist Louis Heren (Media Lens Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote in The Times, 11 February 1992:
"The Irgun Zwai Leumi was a terrorist oganization, and a particularly nasty one.

Deir Yassin - Jewish terrorists, called Irgun, massacred women and children
"Even its defenders, who argued that the end could justify the means at decisive moments in history, were horrified by the massacre at Deir Yassin and the hanging of the British sergeants."
Irgun killed British people.
In The New York Times, 5 February 2006, Steven Erlanger (Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote:
"Tzipi Livni, 47, is ... the daughter of Zionist guerrillas - terrorists in some eyes -who met in the Irgun, the underground organization that fought the British... and that blew up the British headquarters in the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 people.

Jewish terrorists bombed the King David Hotel, killing many British people.
"Her father, Eitan, was the Irgun's head of operations, and on his gravestone is the map of greater Israel, extending over both sides of the Jordan River...
"She served in the army, becoming a lieutenant, and at the age of 22 began working for the Mossad, the intelligence service, where she stayed for four years."

Greater Israel
According to The Times Obituary, 5 February 1992:
"Eitan Livni was born Yerucham Bzozowitch in Gerodna, Poland, in 1919.
"Livni... in August 1947 was dispatched by Begin to organise Irgun's military activities against British targets in Europe...

Jews tried to bomb the British parliament
The Stern gang (Lehi) were Jewish terrorists.
They tried to bomb the British Parliament.
In 1946 the British security services issued this warning: "Members of the Stern group are now being organised and are under training.It is expected that they will be sent to the United Kingdom to assassinate important members of his majesty’s government, particularly, Mr Bevin."
In 1946 a number of bombs exploded in London and an attempt was made to drop on a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane.
The House of Commons was saved when French Police discovered members of the Stern Gang preparing to fly across the channel in a plane containing a large bomb.
Source: BBC - Radio 4 Document - A Laudable Invasion
In 1940, The Stern Gang (Lehi) proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hamas, working for Mossad, the CIA and NATO.
A. Peasant comments:
Hamas has been the inside enforcers for Israel, making lots of money shaking down the Palestinians and controlling the tunnels.
Gaza's Millionaires Funding the Hamas Regime through underground smuggling...
How Many Millionaires Live in the "Impoverished" Gaza Strip ...
Mohammed Dahlan, the former Palestinian Authority security commander of the Gaza Strip, further said last week that Hamas was the only party that was laying siege to the Gaza Strip; that it is Hamas, and not Israel or Egypt, that is strangling and punishing the people there.
The Palestinian millionaires, according to the report, have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
Again, makes sense once one understands that Hamas was created and supported by the Mossad and friends.
Newsletter on child abuse
aangirfan 7 hours ago – aangirfan:
"KASAB WAS INTERROGATED BY HEADLEY" · aangirfan: ..... Peter Power, who was also involved in the London Bombings of 7/7 ... Was there Advanced Knowledge of the 7/7 London Bomb Attacks ... A fictional “scenario” of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005. Peter Power ... Peter Power and the London Bombings;read... Feb 14, 2008 – At the time of the London bombings, Peter Power was Managing Director of Visor ... company involved in the drills being done on July 7, 2005..... ................... In yet another astonishing coincidence, the camera on the number 30 Stagecoach bus that exploded in Tavistock Square ‘wasn’t working’ either. The security system for London’s buses was provided by another Israeli company: ICTS International. To make matters even more suspicious, a week after the event a Stagecoach employee claimed that the bus had been ‘inspected’ for 20 hours over the previous weekend. Was this bus being rigged with military grade explosives and its CCTV sabotaged? Right-wing Israeli newspaper Ynet later reported that Mossad’s office in London received advance warning of the attacks. Were they the ones who warned Benjamin Netanyahu not to leave his London hotel that morning? Hill theorises that the ‘bombers’ received their final instructions at an ICTS office next to Luton rail station, before boarding the train to London. ICTS international is an Israeli transport security company that, in addition to London’s bus system, also runs security for: ■Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport (remember Richard Reid the Shoe Bomber?) ■Boston Logan Airport (one of the 9/11 airports, and also the airport that Richard Reid’s plane was diverted to after his failed attempt at lighting the bomb) ■Amsterdam Schipol (remember Umar ‘Fizzlepants’ Farouk Abdulmutallab?) Indeed, ICTS does have an office in Luton, make of that what you will...... London-Bombs: The London bombs, Israel and ICTS - Christopher Jul 30, 2005 – Peter Power, former high-ranking employee of Scotland Yard and ... "Was ICTS International, or one of its affiliates, involved in the July 7 terror ... ................... Sunday, November 18, 2012 JEWISH TERRORISTS? Six Aerial Bombs Found In Paris Associated Press-LONDON, September 7 1947 The Paris police today arrested a number of persons after discovering six home-made aerial bombs with which, it is suggested, the Stern Gang intended to bomb London in reprisal for the transport of Jewish migrants to Hamburg. Rabbi Baruch Korff, chairman of the American Political Action Committee for a Free Palestine, was also arrested near Paris today, together with two others,when about to board an aircraft... 08 Sep 1947 - JEWISH PLOT TO RAID LONDON Six Aerial Bombs. The real terrorists are people like Irgun and the Stern Gang. has an article entitled: Searchlight: Political Violence and Terrorism Here is a brief extract: In the early hours of the 12th of July, 1947, two British field security NCOs, Sergeants Paice and Martin, were held up by five armed members of Irgun and driven off to a secret hiding place. Three weeks later their bodies were found hanging from a eucalyptus tree... By 1948, some 200 British Soldiers and 90 British policemen had been murdered by Jewish terrorist gangs such as Irgun... Marvin Paice and Clifford Martin, the two british sergants who were hanged in Palestine, 1947, by the Irgun. The nationalist ‘fight’ was also extended to acts of terrorism in Britain and against British people and property in Europe. The terrorist groups Irgun and the Stern Gang (known as Lehi in Hebrew) were active in Britain throughout the late 1940s. It is a matter of record, for example, there were plans to crash an aircraft into the House of Commons, and to murder members of the British armed forces. The British Embassy in Rome was bombed. Lord Moyne In November 1944 Lord Moyne was murdered by members of the Stern gang in Cairo and there are reliable reports of the existence of plans to assassinate Government Ministers, including the Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevan. In 1946 a female agent of Irgun planted a bomb at the Colonial Office in London. According to Commander Leonard Burt of Special Branch this would have “blown the sort of hole that was blown in the King David Hotel”. It was only by good fortune that a failure of the pocket-watch timer prevented detonation. Another Irgun terrorist operating in Britain at the time was Monty Harris. Harris was sentenced to seven years imprisonment after being convicted of making thermite incendiary bombs on his premises at Gravel Street near Petticoat Lane. The use to which these devices were to be put was never established. Livni and friend Tzipora Livni was Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs. She is the daughter of Eitan Livni, born in Poland, and Sara Rosenberg, both of whom were members of the anti-British, Jewish terrorist organisation called Irgun. Journalist Louis Heren (Media Lens Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote in The Times, 11 February 1992: "The Irgun Zwai Leumi was a terrorist oganization, and a particularly nasty one. Deir Yassin - Jewish terrorists, called Irgun, massacred women and children "Even its defenders, who argued that the end could justify the means at decisive moments in history, were horrified by the massacre at Deir Yassin and the hanging of the British sergeants." Irgun killed British people. In The New York Times, 5 February 2006, Steven Erlanger (Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote: "Tzipi Livni, 47, is ... the daughter of Zionist guerrillas - terrorists in some eyes -who met in the Irgun, the underground organization that fought the British... and that blew up the British headquarters in the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 people. Jewish terrorists bombed the King David Hotel, killing many British people. "Her father, Eitan, was the Irgun's head of operations, and on his gravestone is the map of greater Israel, extending over both sides of the Jordan River... "She served in the army, becoming a lieutenant, and at the age of 22 began working for the Mossad, the intelligence service, where she stayed for four years." Greater Israel According to The Times Obituary, 5 February 1992: "Eitan Livni was born Yerucham Bzozowitch in Gerodna, Poland, in 1919. "Livni... in August 1947 was dispatched by Begin to organise Irgun's military activities against British targets in Europe... Jews tried to bomb the British parliament The Stern gang (Lehi) were Jewish terrorists. They tried to bomb the British Parliament. In 1946 the British security services issued this warning: "Members of the Stern group are now being organised and are under training.It is expected that they will be sent to the United Kingdom to assassinate important members of his majesty’s government, particularly, Mr Bevin." In 1946 a number of bombs exploded in London and an attempt was made to drop on a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane. The House of Commons was saved when French Police discovered members of the Stern Gang preparing to fly across the channel in a plane containing a large bomb. Source: BBC - Radio 4 Document - A Laudable Invasion In 1940, The Stern Gang (Lehi) proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany. Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hamas, working for Mossad, the CIA and NATO. A. Peasant comments: Hamas has been the inside enforcers for Israel, making lots of money shaking down the Palestinians and controlling the tunnels. Gaza's Millionaires Funding the Hamas Regime through underground smuggling... How Many Millionaires Live in the "Impoverished" Gaza Strip ... Mohammed Dahlan, the former Palestinian Authority security commander of the Gaza Strip, further said last week that Hamas was the only party that was laying siege to the Gaza Strip; that it is Hamas, and not Israel or Egypt, that is strangling and punishing the people there. The Palestinian millionaires, according to the report, have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Again, makes sense once one understands that Hamas was created and supported by the Mossad and friends. ..................... Wednesday, November 21, 2012 INNOCENT PATSY HANGED Kasab - innocent patsy. Ajmal Kasab, the innocent patsy framed for the Mumbai Attacks of 2008, has been hanged. The Mumbai Attacks were designed to get India and Pakistan into a war. David Headley. The Mumbai attacks were organised by an American, David Headley, who worked for the US government, presumably as a CIA asset or agent. There is evidence of involvement by Israelis and officials of the Indian and Pakistan governments. HEADLEY'S JEWISH LINKS India, like Pakistan, is a corrupt, feudal, fascist state. It is run by politicians in league with the CIA and Mossad? Fake evidence was presented in the Lockerbie trial (Police officer said that he planted the Lockerbie bomb) and in the trial of Kasab in Mumbai. Both Megrahi and Kasab were framed. Not Ajmal Kasab. 1. We were told that 8 gunmen were arrested and then we were told that only Ajmal Kasab was arrested. “The Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh told Associated Press that two British-born Pakistanis were among the eight gunmen arrested by Indian authorities.” Four Mumbai terrorists ‘had links with Britain’ Many British Pakistanis reportedly work for MI6. The reports about Kasab are contradictory and confusing. 2. We are told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men and yet Ajmal Amir is reportedly from Pakistan. (BBC NEWS Mumbai attackers create 'killing zone' /Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men' ) 3. One moment we were told Kasab stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment we were told he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree. ( Terrorists stayed in room 630, had many visitors) 4. There are reports that Kasab had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds. (No bullet hit Kasab, no active treatment on, says hospital's dean) There are reports that one of his fellow gunmen was arrested at Cana Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there. (According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." (BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack) 5. There were reports that Kasab speaks fluent English and reports that he is rather illiterate and poorly educated. According to the BBC, "Indian officials originally portrayed him as a middle-class boy who spoke good English. "But subsequent reports suggested he came from a remote village called Faridkot, where his father sold food. "He had received little education, the reports said, and had spent his youth alternating between labouring and petty crime." (Profile: Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab) According to "Who Killed Karkare? The Real Face Of Terrorism In India" by M Zeyaul Haque, former Maharashtra Inspector General of Police , some of the terrorists are Hindus with links to the government of India. Karkare had discovered the Hindu links to terrorism in India. 6. We are told that the gunmen who shot Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare spoke Marathi (Not from Pakistan) and then we are told that it was Pakistani Ajmal Amir and his Pakistani friend who shot Karkare. The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. (i.e. they were not from Pakistan) Reportedly, traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad. 7. There are reports that one gunman was arrested at Cama Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there. (According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." - BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack) Ajmal Kasab Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab claimed he was framed by the Israelis. And by India's secret service (RAW). Ajmal Kasab alleged that the TV footage recorded by a Pakistani channel GeoTV (which was shown in the special court) "was made at the behest of RAW and Israeli officials." Kasab said he learnt this from crime branch officials. (Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying) On 25 December 2010, The Washington Post reported that Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab "told the judge he came to Mumbai as a tourist and was arrested 20 days before the siege began. "On the day the attacks started, Kasab said police took him from his cell because he resembled one of the gunmen. "They then shot him to make it look as if he had been involved in the attacks and re-arrested him..." (Mumbai gunman demands trial by international court ) Ajmal Kasab claimed that the the Indian secret service, RAW, took him into custody on 6 November 2008, and later handed him over to the Mumbai police. The Mumbai attacks were on 26 November 2008. (Kasab claims RAW custody ) Not Kasab. Kasab said he arrived from Pakistan by the Samjhauta Express and travelled to Mumbai as a tourist 20 days before the November 26, 2008, assault. He said he was detained while strolling on Juhu beach and falsely implicated in the 26/11 case as he had facial similarities with one of the Mumbai attackers. The 22-year-old Kasab told the court: "I would like to consult the Pakistani authorities," including passport officials. The judge rejected Kasab's plea for trial by an international court. (Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying) Reportedly, India's spy service RAW, copying Israel's Mossad, kidnaps people in order to create patsies. "The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW, for the past many years is following the policies of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad... "Mossad has managed to create many fake terrorists out of the innocent Palestinians and made them to confess the crimes they never committed. "The Daily Mail’s finding indicate that these tactic were adopted by RAW in the late 90s and suddenly the number of Pakistanis, arrested in India with terror charges started increasing dramatically by the late 90s while Ajmal Kasab being the latest in the series." (The Daily Mail - from Pakistan) More dead patsies in Mumbai. Ajmal Kasab said that the American David Headley, who is alleged to be a CIA agent, interrogated him, with four whitemen, in his cell at the Mumbai police custody after he was captured. (Mumbai attacker Kasab retracts confession, claims meeting US terror suspect) Kasab claimed he was interrogated by FBI officials and that David Headley was one of them. (26/11 trial: Kasab was interrogated by Headley ) According to Ajmal Kasab, "The police have killed the main accused, who resembles me, and they told me that his name was Abu Ali." "I am his look alike. His height and face resembles mine," Kasab said. (Kasav's U-turn, retracts 26/11 statement ) SONIA GANDHI OF THE CIA? The Guardian has reported on the framing of innocent people in India. In 2008, in The Guardian, we read:"It was after the 2001 parliament attack that the first serious questions began to be raised. "A campaign by a group of lawyers and activists exposed how innocent people had been framed by the police and the press, how evidence was fabricated, how witnesses lied, how due process had been criminally violated at every stage of the investigation."(Arundhati Roy: Mumbai .) Triple Canopy was founded in Chicago in 2003 by U.S. Army Special Forces veterans. Triple Canopy has experience managing cases in India, Nigeria and Somalia. (Experience Triple Canopy ) In the Mumbai attacks of 2008, eyewitnesses said some of the attackers "included Nigerian or Somali mercenaries." (Bloodbath in Mumbai - "It appears that the Obama administration has decided on its hired guns of choice: Triple Canopy, a Chicago company... "Triple Canopy has ... a record of hiring mercenaries from countries with atrocious human rights records..." (Triple Canopy, 'Obama's Blackwater' / ISN Triple Canopy Takes Over ...) Wayne Madsen reports that a 'mercenary firm' working for the US government has been carrying out 'false flag' terrorist attacks in Asia, with the assistance of Mossad and India's spy service RAW. (Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa?) Not Kasab According to The Hindu, 16 January 2010, (Headley attended Lashkar training camps in Pakistan): Starting November 26, 2008, and continuing for the next two days, attackers carried out assaults against multiple targets in Mumbai, each of which David Headley allegedly had scouted in advance. Headley befriended Indian celebrity Rahul Bhatt. According to Bhatt, Headley claimed to have done a stint with the US army. Headley told Bhatt about the US military's Delta Force and the CIA's top-secret force called Special Activities Division which carries out covert political action and paramilitary operations. (IndiaDaily - Rahul Bhatt hints Headley may be a dual CIA-ISI agent ...) Headley was operating from a Training Gym extremely close to the US Consulate at Bridge Candy. (Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair ) "He was also very friendly with the personnel at the US consulate and was on a first name basis with a number of US Consulate officials that he met at the gym." (Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair ) Headley of the CIA? David Headley is from Chicago. Two of the Americans reportedly killed during the Mumbai attacks have links to Chicago. These are Ben Zion Chroman or Kruman (his father is from Chicago) Sandeep Jeswani (An American of Indian origin. He is from Chicago; killed at the Oberoi) A federal grand jury indictment in Chicago says that in 2002 and 2003, Headley attended training camps in Pakistan, and conspired with Abdur Rehman, in planning and executing the attacks in India. Major (retired) Abdur Rehman? Military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas told The Hindu that there was as yet no formal communication from the U.S. about his indictment, nor any requests for questioning him. According to Wayne Madsen (Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa?) There is a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi. Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Mumbai suspect David Headley visited the Osho Ashram in Pune twice during 2008 and 2009. (Police claim Headley visited Pune’s Osho Ashram) Some people believe that Osho Rajneesh was a CIA agent. (set up in Pune.) When Osho Rajneesh died in Pune in 1990, rumours spread that he had been poisoned by the CIA. (OSHO ; BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH / MUMBAI SUSPECT DAVID HEADLEY INTRODUCED HIMSELF AS A CIA AGENT.) Osho Rajneesh drives by. (Source: © 2003 Samvado Gunnar Kossatz) In 1985, The Portland Oregonian published a series linking the Osho Rajneesh cult to the CIA. The Oregonian also linked the Osho Rajneesh cult to opium trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, arson, slave labour, mass poisonings, illegal wiretaps and the stockpiling of guns and biochemical warfare weapons. (The Strange Legacy of Osho - eMusic Spotlight) The Oregonian investigation revealed the cult had ties to CIA-trained mercenaries in El Salvador and the Far East. According to the Oregonian investigation, Rajneesh's secret police force worked with CIA operatives. NOT KASAB On 22 January 2010, it was reported that Ajmal Kasab said that the Mumbai police, and the FBI, made up all the evidence: Kasab According to Kasab, the Mumbai police Crime Branch, who had the help of the FBI, fabricated the evidence against him. This faked evidence included the FBI's alleged retrieval of data from a global positioning system. Does the FBI fake evidence? (aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence ) ~~ aangirfan: "KASAB WAS INTERROGATED BY HEADLEY" aangirfan: KASAB FRAMED BY ISRAELIS? .......................... Friday, November 16, 2012 COMMON PURPOSE CABAL Sir Evelyn de Rothschild On 15 November 2012, there was a by-election in the UK, in Manchester Central. In Manchester Central, the voter turnout was 18.16%. A growing number of people know that elections are a waste of time, as the 'big decisions' are made by secretive cabals. These cabals appear to have links to the security services and to Israel. Sir David Bell who attended the University of Pennsylvania Members of the board of directors of The Economist Group have included: Sir David Bell and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. On 16 November 2012, the Daily Mail names some of the secret rulers in the UK. Common Purpose is a 'spooky' charity that runs leadership courses. "Until last year, Common Purpose's David Bell sat on the committee that appointed Britain's 'Top 200' civil servants." The 'international communications agency' was founded and is owned by Alan Donnelly. Donnelly lives with Peter Power, an ex-spokesman for and close associate of the former Business Secretary Lord Mandelson. Jacob Rothschild and Peter Mandelson Sir David Bell is on the panel of assessors assisting Lord Justice Leveson with his inquiry into press standards. Sir David is a trustee of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the group behind the BBC Newsnight report which failed to mention the names of any powerful child abusers. Sir David heads an organisation called Common Purpose which sends public servants on ‘leadership’ courses. Jean Charles de Menezes Among senior police officers linked to Common Purpose is Cressida Dick, the police commander in charge of the operation that ended with the 2005 shooting of innocent Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes. aangirfan: DICK IN CHARGE OF TERROR Dick chose Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers to head the investigation into phone-hacking and payments to police and public officials at Murdoch's News International. Read more: Blair and Savile, friends of Israel Some people want the UK print media to be firmly controlled by Ofcom, the media regulatory body. Ofcom is largely staffed by friends of Tony Blair. One of these is Ed Richards, who was senior policy adviser on the media to Tony Blair. Other names to note include Baroness Helena Kennedy, linked to Common Purpose, and Robert Peston, BBC business editor and Common Purpose 'cheerleader'. Common Purpose Exposed Back Up and Running /Common Purpose Exposed - Sir Bob Kerslake, head of the Home Civil Service, is a Common Purpose graduate. Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust, is linked to Common Purpose. Jon Williams, the BBC's World News Editor, is a graduate of Common Purpose. Professor Richard Sambrook, who was the BBC's Head of News and director of the World Service, is a fan of Common Purpose. Read more: The secretive cabals try to keep us in the dark. The Waterhouse Inquiry examined child abuse at children's homes in North Wales. A former Deputy Director of the Bryn Alyn children's home, Des Frost, was not called as a witness, despite reporting abuse at the home to the police. A year after the report was completed a former ITV Wales journalist had a private meeting with Sir Ronald in which he says he told him about Des Frost's claim. "More and more instead of it being a conversation between the two of us, it was me telling him things and my impression is that he was stunned, shocked, by the Des Frost allegations. I got the impression he knew nothing about it." - FORMER ITV JOURNALIST PADDY FRENCH Child abuse inquiry 'may not have heard key evidence' .................................... Note Peter Powers is covering up for a lot of people below and Elsevier Publishing appears to bve used as a detraction to avoid naming real names,including the Israeli government terrorists of ICTS International who both 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston on 9/11/01 and its CEO Menachem Atzmon who has connections o and with the highest levels of Israeli government who through their Rothschild crime family connections also own and control the City of London the Queen Bitch of England and the House of Lords or Lards.Paradoxically enough Alex Jones out of Austin,Texas who runs infowars where this interview is found on is also Rothschild as well as CIA connected through his financial crimes pals such as Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc. : Peter Power Reveals More Details of 7/7 Terrorist Bombing Drills Names the company he was working with on the morning of London Bombings Steve Watson Monday, April 6, 2009 TwitThis StumbleUpon Related Content Peter Power, the former Scotland Yard official Anti-Terrorist Branch official, who oversaw drills of the very events of the London bombings on the morning of 7/7 as they were happening, has revealed more details behind the events for the first time in three and a half years. A statement, apparently from Mr Power, has appeared in the comments section of a recent blog posting regarding comments Power made on the BBC last week. As we highlighted, the “crisis management expert” revealed that some companies used the shut down of the city of London on Wednesday, during the G20 protests, as a dress rehearsal for an influenza pandemic. In response to an explanation of who Peter Power is, which was added by the Uncensored Magazine blog, Mr Power himself posted a lengthy statement in which he reveals that the company he was working with on 7/7 was London based information giant Reed Elsevier. The company is most notable for its ownership of the Lexis/Nexis legal database, as well as many other information sources. As Elsevier, it runs a vast number of science journals, including some of the biggest and most reputable ones. Reed is also known as a host of large exhibitions. The company part owns the ExCel Centre in London's Docklands area, where the G20 summit was held this past weekend. Here is Peter Power's statement in full: There has been much nonsense written about why my company ran an exercise on 7 July 2005 that had very close parallels to the real thing that day. Since then I have made several attempts to add my own comments to numerous sites that seem to get increasingly excited about their own conspiracy theories and in the process exclude any rational debate. It seems those who occupy the world of finding conspiracy theories to replace just about any coincidence, do not want to have any dialogue with those offering a different view, but I have not yet given up hope. I am therefore hoping, perhaps naively, that someone might like to read an honest and factual account about a particular exercise my company ran in London three years ago. Unfortunately, the BBC had postponed in 2008 a programme in their ‘conspiracy files’ series that would have done this. Our client three years ago agreed to be named in the BBC programme since the attitude of the producer and his team was very balanced (several conspiracy theorists were also invited to take part). We even allowed our complete exercise material to be made available to the BBC. Regrettably broadcasting in 2008 might have jeopardised an ongoing court case, so they had little choice about postponing it to 2009. Early in 2005 Reed Elsevier, an organisation specialising in information and publishing that employs 1,000 people in and around London, asked us to help them prepare an effective crisis management plan and rehearse it before sign-off. Several draft scenarios were drawn up and the crisis team themselves set the exercise date and time: 9.00am on 7 July. The test was planned as a table-top walk through for about six people (the CM team) in a lecture room with all injects simulated. Everything was on MS PowerPoint. The location of their Central London office near to Chancery Lane was chosen as one test site. With many staff travelling to work via the London underground system, the chosen exercise simulated incendiary devices on three trains, very similar to a real IRA attack in 1992, as well as other events. As there had been eighteen terrorist bomb attacks on tube trains prior to 2005, choosing the London Underground was logical rather than just prescient. With this in mind it was hardly surprising that Deutsche Bank had run a similar exercise a few days before and, prior to that, a multi-agency (and much publicised) exercise code-named Osiris II had simulated a terrorist attack at Bank tube station. Moreover, I had also taken part in a BBC Panorama programme in 2004 as a panellist alongside Michael Portillo MP et al, in an unscripted debate (we had no idea at all what the scenario was to be?) on how London might once again, deal with terrorist attacks, only this time it was fictional (created entirely by the BBC). In short, some of the research for our exercise had already been done. The scenario developed for our client even started by using fictitious news items from the Panorama programme then, as with any walk through exercise, events unfolded solely on a screen as dictated by the facilitator without any external injects or actions beyond the exercise room. Also factored into the scenario was to be an above ground fictitious bomb exploding not far from the head office of the protected Jewish Chronicle magazine where for exercise purposes, our imagined terrorists would have been aware that commuters would now be walking to work (past a building already considered a target) as some tube stations would have been closed. Of just eight nearby tube stations that fell within possible exercise scope, three were chosen that, by coincidence, were involved in the awful drama that actually took place on 7 July 2005. A level of scenario validation that on this occasion, we could have done without. An exercise that turns into the real thing is not that unusual. For example, in January 2003, thirty people were injured when a tube train derailed and hit a wall at speed. At the same time, the City of London Police were running an exercise for their central casualty bureau where the team quickly abandoned their plans and swung into action to cope with the real thing. For a surprising number of people such coincidents cannot be accepted as such. There just has to be a conspiracy behind them, despite the obvious point that painstaking research will always identify probable above possible scenarios. By the way, the only reason I was asked to speak on TV news that day, when there was still much confusion about the real tragedies, was to encourage more organisations to thoroughly plan their own exercises knowing the threat of terrorism is and remains, very real. One tragic consequence being Islam, a great Abrahamic, monotheistic faith (along with Judaism and Christianity), has undeservedly become vilified by some people. Peter Power Visor Consultants (Article continues below) To re-cap the situation, on the afternoon of July 7th, 2005, Power told a BBC radio interviewer that his company was running an exercise for an unnamed group that revolved around three bombs going off at precisely the same tube stations and precisely the same time as those that were hit that morning. The transcript is as follows. PETER POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now. HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise? POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don’t want to reveal their name but they’re listening and they’ll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they’d met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on. The odds of such a coincidence are absolutely staggering, which led some to charge that Power’s drill was set up ahead of time, or used by people with insider foreknowledge of 7/7. Just as happened on 9/11, when exercises involving hijacked aircraft overlapped with the real attacks, some charge that the drill was a cover for the real attack in case any of its perpetrators were caught. Power alluded to the nature of the simulations in the days after 7/7, in an effort to downplay the significance of the mock-versus-real events. Less than one week after the bombings, as Power and his company Visor consultants received correspondence and questions, mostly stemming from our articles on the drills, a short statement was issued, concluding with the following comments: "Beyond this no further comment will be made and based on the extraordinary number of messages from ill informed people, no replies will henceforth be given to anyone unable to demonstrate a bona fide reason for asking (e.g. accredited journalist / academic)." Power's culpability is seemingly minimal - after all why would he announce the drill on national radio hours after the attack? - but his reaction to questions regarding the drills highlighted that he was not comfortable discussing the subject further. Indeed, in December 2007, when Power was approached politiely by members of the We Are Change group, who explained who they were and what they were doing, he refused to answer any of their questions on camera, saying he would not tolerate the approach. Watch the video: Other journalists and writers have been met with the same response from Mr Power. In addition we at Infowars and prisonplanet have sought to contact Mr Power over the years to engage in discussion and to invite Mr Power to be interviewed on Alex Jones' nationally syndicated radio show. This invitation remains open, but as yet unanswered. It must therefore be asserted that Mr Power's latest contention that we "do not want to have any dialogue" is not an accurate statement. In fact, it is Mr Power who has declared that he does not want to engage in dialogue on the matter. FLASHBACK: London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack
… machine-translated: .
"we had no choice"
"it was self defense"
"you would do the same thing"
the israelis even have a saying for the way they rationalize killing palestinians: shooting and crying.
Gilad: "Even before we went in, the battalion commander made it clear to everyone that a very important lesson from the Second Lebanon War was the way the IDF goes in - with a lot of fire. The intention was to protect soldiers' lives by means of firepower. In the operation the IDF's losses really were light and the price was that a lot of Palestinians got killed."
Perhaps hamas forces Using parts smuggled in through hamas controlled tunnels, and sending rockets relatively harmlessly into israel, justifying iof deadly use of force in response...?
Just guessing.
Now according to stratfor, use of long range rockets virtually assures ground invasion
These showed Rothschild connivance with Jewish terror tactics, and the planned attacks on London.
This was kept quiet by MI5 who were in constant contact with the Rothschilds.
One MI5 operative told us angrily
we fought W W II for Rothschilds jews, and they treat us like this,
we would have done better to have let the Germans deal with them as many in Britian and the USA wanted.
Heavens, Aang, perish the thought! Are these not just good Talmudic Communist Zionists doing what they are supposed to be doing?
Keep this up and you might get called anti semitic. Now that threat should scare you into line!