And the Jewish Zionists who run the City of London and also like Israelis profited both from 9/11 and the Iraq war etc.,are also of course enmeshed in offshore accounts NOT just for tax avoidance but for financial scams that defraud their fellow citizens.......
Panama Papers: Ex-MPs, Lords And David Cameron's Father ...
Huffington Post UK-Apr 4, 2016
Former Conservative MPs, peers and David Cameron's late father are among scores of people and politicians whose financial affairs have ...
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Panama Papers psy-op will encourage the elite to move their money to the USA.
Rothschild has a trust company in Reno, Nevada.
Rothschild has been moving the elite's money out of offshore havens such as Bermuda, which are subject to the new international disclosure requirements, and into Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada, which are exempt.
Trident Trust Co., one of the world's biggest providers of offshore trusts, has moved accounts out of Switzerland, Grand Cayman, and other such places and into Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The World's Favorite New Tax Haven Is the United States

Jürgen is the son of the late Erhard Mossack who worked for the CIA.
They could have gotten Israelis at the highest levels from convcted rapist ex Israel President Moshe Katsav to Ehud Olmert for their role in British Israeli Michael Zwebner's UCSY or Air Water Corp or even 9/11
terrorist money launderer Menachem Atzmon and his and Israeli Mossad or Shin Beit ICTS International
that allowed alleged Saudi terrorists to board flights 11 and 175 on September 11,2001.Or the Israeli Ukranian Grin or Grinshpon brothers who along with Austrian Jewish billionaire Martin Schlaff ran so many U.S.penny stock scams using BAWAG Bank of Austria and Leumi Bank of Israel to do it! Or they could have closed the CIA and UK Rothschild connected Agora Inc of Baltimore where Bill Bonner now occupies the former place of City of London Russian Jewish billionaire mafia prostitute and U.S.traitor James Dale Davidson where Poter Stansberry's ex employee Rey Rivera took that 14 foot fall off the Belvedere Hotel in 2006..........
Years of experience in researching and investigating U.S.penny stock fraud and their use for international mainly pro Israel Zionist people and causes has led me to the logical conclusion that the CIA and FBI are on the side of the very international mainly Jewish Zionist stock and financial criminals who have defrauded Americans in innumerable offshore based U.S. stock pump and dump schemes and for corporate sabotage and theft of American inventions and innovations by Israel........Promis software was just on example of that .........James Dale Davidson founder of Agora Inc as well as that billionaire's club called the NTU or National Taxpayers Club,next to the main SEC headquarters in Alexandria,Virginia has among his decades of running
U.S.incorporated penny stock scams has had dealings not only with City of London elite such as the deceased Lord William Rees Mogg but also to Israel as demonstrated by his involvement in the Technion University connected Pluristem stem cell stock pump and dump along with ex CIA and Carlyle CEO Frank Carlucci and their Israeli gov mafia pals who ran the scam.
Panama Papers A CIA,Israel,Rothschild City Of London Psy-Op

Jürgen Mossack (above) runs the Panama firm which helps the elite to avoid tax.
Jürgen is the son of the late Erhard Mossack who worked for the CIA.
During World War II, Erhard was an officer in the Nazi SS.


Jürgen is the son of the late Erhard Mossack who worked for the CIA.
During World War II, Erhard was an officer in the Nazi SS.
Erhard may have been recruited for the CIA's Operation Gladio which carried out acts of terrorism in Europe.
There is a belief that the CIA is run by an alliance of Nazis, Zionists and the Mob.
There is a belief that the leak of the Panama Papers is designed to assist Soros, Rockefeller and the American banks against their enemies such as the Swiss banks, British banks, Putin and Assad.
There is a belief that the leak of the Panama Papers is designed to assist Soros, Rockefeller and the American banks against their enemies such as the Swiss banks, British banks, Putin and Assad.

The CIA makes full use of dodgy banks?
Osama bin Laden had an account at the bank that was known as BCCI, which was 'run by the CIA'.

A 'massive' leak of files, from a firm called Mossack Fonseca in Panama, has exposed the use of offshore companies, allegedly for tax-avoidance and money laundering, by a number of politicians.
There is nothing unlawful about using offshore companies.
The leaked records were obtained from an anonymous source by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Leaks on the mega-rich / Dirty Little Secrets / Billionaires Outed For Offshore Wealth
The leaks may be designed to embarrass countries which the CIA wishes to destabilise.
The leaks appear to be being used to attack Assad of Syria, Putin of Russia and other enemies of the CIA and mossad.
The U.S. "has had a big hand in shaping Panama's destiny."

Craig Murray writes:
Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% .
"There is no mention at all of use of Mossack Fonseca by massive western corporations or western billionaires – the main customers.
"And the Guardian is quick to reassure that 'much of the leaked material will remain private.'
"What do you expect? The leak is being managed by the grandly but laughably named 'International Consortium of Investigative Journalists', which is funded and organised entirely by the USA’s Center for Public Integrity. Their funders include
"Ford Foundation
Carnegie Endowment
Rockefeller Family Fund
W K Kellogg Foundation
Open Society Foundation (Soros)"
Among those listed in the leaked files are:
MAURICIO MACRI - President of Argentina
Macri - who has vowed to fight corruption - is listed as a director of Fleg Trading Ltd., incorporated in the Bahamas in 1998, a financial connection Macri didn't disclose on asset declarations when he was mayor of Buenos Aires.
IAN CAMERON - Father of David Cameron
“Cameron helped create and develop Blairmore Holdings Inc. in Panama in 1982”
AYAD ALLAWI - Former Iraqi PM
Allawi helped lead the push for war with Saddam Hussein. Allawi has a Panama-registered company I.M.F. Holdings Inc. I.M.F. and another offshore company, Moonlight Estates Ltd.
Gunnlaugsson led the Progressive Party to victory after the financial crisis of 2008.
Gunnlaugsson and his wealthy wife owned a British Virgin Islands shell company called Wintris Inc., that held nearly $4 million in bonds in Iceland’s three major banks.
He failed to declare his ownership of Wintris on entering the Parliament in 2009.
KING SALMAN AL SAUD - King of Saudi Arabia
Through a series of British Virgin Islands shell companies, the Saudi king appears to have taken out several luxury mortgages for houses in London and held “a luxury yacht the length of a football field.”
PETRO POROSHENKO - President of Ukraine
Poroshenko became the sole shareholder of Prime Asset Partners Limited in 2014.

RAMI AND HAFEZ MAKHLOUF - Cousins of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad
They appear to have used multiple offshore accounts to avoid freezes on their assets.
KOJO ANNAN - Son of ex-U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
Kojo's firm won a big contract under the U.N.’s Oil-for-Food humanitarian program in Iraq. Koji Annan has held several offshore shell companies.
Offshore companies 'are operated by Sharif’s children, Mariam, Hussein and Hasan.'
ARKADY AND BORIS ROTENBERG - friends of Vladimir Putin
They ran at least seven British Virgin Islands shell companies.
"Involved in everything from investing in a major pipeline construction company… to buying equipment for the construction of an Italian villa in Tuscany for Arkady’s son."
XI JINPING - Chinese President Xi
Has links to offshore accounts
1. UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
2. Former prime minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili
3. Former prime minister of Jordan Ali Abu al-Ragheb
4. Former prime minister of Qatar Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani
5. Former Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
6. Former president of Sudan Ahmad Ali al-Mirghani
6. Convicted former Ukraine prime minister Pavlo Lazarenko
Lord Ashcroft, Baroness Pamela Sharples and former Tory MP Michael Mates are among the British politicians named in the data release
Just more psyops designed to get dumbass Americans PO so they'll support more wars and murder in the Arab world, and if it gets Putin also, that's a bonus.
Send them an email, letting them know you want the dirt on Wall Street, I did.
Mossad-tied fraud 'ICIJ - International Consortium of Investigative Journalists', is another rat-trap magnet for whistleblowers who will be identified & maybe silenced & killed after contacting ICIJ
ICIJ is funded by numerous Jewish & CIA groups including Pierre Omidyar, patron of Rothschild employee Glenn Greenwald in the hoax of Dick Cheney's pal, 'Edward Snowden' joining Assange against the truth of 11 Sep 2001
Another agenda in pumping these Panama Papers is to support global surveillance / NWO governance, as the 'only way to stop money laundering & to tax the rich' ... oligarchs will pay a Buffett-touted nominal percentage & then get it all back by controlling the world
More colour on the Panama papers intel operation from Gordon Duff on Veterans Today:
"The Panama Papers are a scam, real documents turned over to a Mossad-run organisation that now has dirt on even more people & more power to make a very nasty world an even darker & nastier place. This is what Wikileaks was & is, as exposed by VT & Zbigniew Brzezinski in December 2010.
"The filth of the world will be protected & the innocent, should such things exist, can be targeted ... Like Britain’s paedophile scandals, this one will lead the same way, the very old or targeted folks who got 'out of line' will be thrown to the wolves The Mossad loves this dump, it gives them dirt on thousands of political leaders around the world they can now control even better.
"Nearly every defense & intelligence contractor, from 'Google Idea Groups' to the Blackwater network & hundreds more, were all tied to interlocking Panamanian corporations with ownership by members of congress, key Federal judges, &all of this run through a legal advocacy group known as the Federalist Society.
"Mitt Romney & Carlos Salinas, former president of Mexico, met at Harvard Business School, & together built an empire out of the drug cartels that, through buying 5 US Supreme Court Justices who passed 'Citizens United,' legalized drug cartel bribery, done through corporations set up in Panama.
"The biggest single set of interlocking corporations that should have been exposed are tied to the nearly 3 trillion dollars missing from the US Department of Defense, money 'disappeared' when the investigative records were mysteriously the victim of an aircraft accident on 9/11/2001 at the Pentagon, one of the most defended buildings on earth. Not only were all trecords destroyed but the 35 investigators were killed as well, having been asked to gather for a meeting with a White House official who never showed up. But that’s another story."
FBI Probing Rep. Michael Grimm, Not Skinny-Dipping
Highly Cited-Politico-Aug 19, 2012