Re Potter's Field Antigua Guatemala's Calvary Chapel St.Petersburg Florida partners :
Who is Pastor Scott Rodriguez? He's an Ex-Convict Murderer, now a ...
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12 abr. 2014 - UPDATE (April 12, 2014): It has come to my attention Pastor Scott Rodriguez resigned from Calvary Chapel St.Petersburg. Here is the letter he ...Traducir esta página
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I started going by tape to Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg back in 1999 and ...... Pastor Art Dykstra update on Potters Field Center and Calvary Chapel Antigua.RWW News: Pat Robertson Hails Dictator Accused Of Genocide Efraín ...
27 oct. 2015 - Subido por RWW Blog ... RWW News: Pat Robertson Hails Dictator ...iglesia: Centro Luterano Antigua Guatemala Controlado Por Culto Estraño Llamado ´Potters Field´
I taught one of the members of their cult who gives his name as ´Sheldon´´and who never disclosed his connection to this cult until he returned with a sample of my cacao honey and said he was selling it as his own without disclosing he got the concept from us at the Tostaduria Antigua,confirms my belief that I have been targeted by far right American religious fundies,(religious fundamentalists), and the theft of our old Tostaduria Antigua location on corner of 6th Calle and 7 Avenida by another far right protestant fundie named Gabor Siklosi that these ´people´ behave like a pack of wild dogs
upon people they take a dislike to.So much for ´turn the other cheek etc these jerks are rabid eye for eyers and anyone who criticizes them,(or Israel) can be targeted.
If one does a Google search of ´ iglesia lutherano antigua guatemala potters field ´' no mention is made iof the Lutherean Center they somehow took over and they have so far left ´Lutheran Center´
sign on front entrance but have big signs saying ´`Potters Field´´ WHICH IS A LITTLE KNOWN TERM MAINLY FOR A PAUPER´S OR POOR PERSON´S CEMETARY! SICK! If they aren´t CIA or Israeli connected as the Potters House cults'churches of the U.S.,ARIZONA AND TEXAS AND INDIA ETC ARE, THEY might as well be
Note this religious con artist named Pastor Art Dykstra never explains how he and his cult came to take over the Lutheran Center.I clearly remember a Lutheran minister there in the 1990´who used to buy coffee from us at the Tostaduria Antigua......
Pastor Art Dykstra Potters field and Calvary Chapel Guatemala ...
17 mar. 2013 - Subido por Art Dykstra
Art Dykstra 600 views · 1:18:47 · Pastor Art Dykstra update on Potters FieldCenter and Calvary Chapel ...Note the Lutheran Center they have takwen ovewr is not mentioned in an
english google search of words 'lutheran center antigua guatemala potters field'
Additionally, the Potter's Field Center is home to Calvary Chapel Antigua (a church plant of Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg) pastored by Luis Sanchez, and ...Potter's Field Center Guatemala - Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepequez ... › ... › Campus Building
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The Lutheran Center in Antigua Guatemala is actually quite luxurious and I'm
sure the Potters Field far right Zionist fundamentalists will keep the poor
far away from their luxurious former Lutheran Center lest of course they
might wish to invite a few Guatemalan poor people for a chance at a photo op
to show the folks back home how humble they've Antigua the richest city in Guatemala.Ha.I wonder just where they and their followers get the money to buy out the Lutherans ? I do know the CIA which runs an in finite variety of money theft and laundering operations turned to rel.igion for mind cointrol after their unethical drug and hallucinogenics experimenyts on unsuspecting victims in SF and ewnd ewlsewhere in the 1960-s etc.,finding religion much more conducive for their mind control needs than drugs.Remember what that white ass pseudo Jew and Rothschild cousin said,'Religion is the LSD of the masses...'
In fact speaking of 'Potters Fields' or pauper graveyards the CIA and Israel both of whome no doubt the far right fundies of Potters Field loves,left a lot of 'Potters Fields here in Guatemala in the 1980's mainly feeled wityh innocent Mayan bodies all with Galil rifle bullets laying around that you can be sure these right wing fascists of Potters Field Prorestqant cult have no vintention of uncovering.......
In fact speaking of 'Potters Fields' or pauper graveyards the CIA and Israel both of whome no doubt the far right fundies of Potters Field loves,left a lot of 'Potters Fields here in Guatemala in the 1980's mainly feeled wityh innocent Mayan bodies all with Galil rifle bullets laying around that you can be sure these right wing fascists of Potters Field Prorestqant cult have no vintention of uncovering.......
José Efraín Ríos Montt: A Guatemalan Nightmare - ISU ReD ...
by R Melson - 2016 - Related articles
Jul 15, 2016 - 2 The CIA World Factbook, s.v. “Guatemala” (New York: Skyhorse ... Since the militarygovernment had identified poor Guatemalans as the ...... against the Maya with the intention to destroy the Maya in whole or in .... must be purely evangelical Protestantism. ...... When Developing their GalilAssault Rifle,.Zionism,UN,Guatemala,Israel,Ambassador Gert Rosenthal,Maya ...
Oct 31, 2011 - Zionist UN Guatemala-Israeli Ambassador Gert Rosenthal and Maya .... States and theCIA in the the massacres of Guatemala military against their .... The Galil became Guatemala's standard rifle and Uzis were widely seen as well. .... the end of 1982 reactionary Protestants had succeeded in recruiting 22 ...Israel's role in the Guatemalan genocide – Tony Greenstein – Medium
Feb 14, 2017 - The Galil assault rifle, an Israeli-made weapon, was standard issue for the ... Israel's work in providing Guatemala with military advisors and technical .... Since the CIA-sponsored coup in 1954,Guatemala has been ruled by a ...... the great respect of Guatemalan Indians for the ancient Maya-Quiche gods, ...When the CIA ran a LSD sex-house in San Francisco - San Francisco ...
Apr 1, 2016 - The first field test in 1943 was administered to a New York mobster by ... When the technical branch of the CIA learned about this drug, the ...Operation Midnight Climax - Wikipedia
Operation Midnight Climax was an operation initially established by Sidney Gottlieb and placed ... The project consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York City. ... Hersh exposed the CIA's illegal spying on U.S. citizens and how the CIA had conducted non-consensual drug experiments.Operation Midnight Climax: How the CIA Dosed S.F. Citizens with LSD ...
Aug 13, 2015 - There were at least three CIA safe houses in the Bay Area where experiments went on. Chief among them was 225 Chestnut on Telegraph Hill, ...
Let us welcome you to our retreat center where you can rejoice in a tranquil atmosphere while being taken care of by your brothers and sisters from our staff. Volunteers and missionaries will find our accommodations and grounds, as a perfect spot after a long day of work. To make your reservations, Email us to in English or en Español. Send us a fax: 502-7832-1140 or phone us to: 502-7832-0225.

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As a team from Potter's Field met up with the group in Guatemala in June 2012 to ... American headquarters – the “Potter's Field Center” in Antigua, Guatemala.Traducir esta página
Calvary Chapel Antigua, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala -
Address: Centro Luterano, 1a Avenida Norte, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala Coordinate: ... Also on sight is the Potter's Field program and Calvary Chapel Bible College. Alvydas V. ... Es una iglesiahermosa para toda la familia. La iglesia es ...iglesia luterano guatemala historia
Iglesia Luterana “La Resurrección”
1a. Ave. Norte No.35, Antigua Guatemala
Tel. 78321140, 78322308, Fax. 78320225
El 19 de Septiembre de 1946, los Pastores Luteranos Herman A. Mayer y Bernard J. Pankow, se encontraban en Guatemala por primera vez en respuesta a una solicitud hecha al Rev. Elmer J. Moeller, de North Dakota, por algunos guatemaltecos de descendencia alemana trasladados a EE.UU. durante la segunda guerra mundial.
La segunda solicitud presentada al Rev. Harry H. Smith, pastor de una iglesia Luterana de Browsville, Texas se originó desde la ciudad de Zacapa, por un grupo de señores: Jose Alfredo Vasquez Aldana, Manuel Franco, Jesús Pérez, y las familias Flores y Barahona.
La tercer llamada provino de un grupo de morenos emigrantes de Jamaica instalados en la ciudad de Puerto Barrios, Izabal. El día 25 de septiembre en su visita a Zacapa donde ya fungía una especie de capilla, luego de varias reuniones, se inició la Iglesia Luterana allí..
Los siguientes 3 viajes (Noviembre 18 a Noviembre 29, 1946, Marzo 4 a Marzo 13, 1947, Agosto 17 a Agosto 23 1947), especialmente a Zacapa y Puerto Barrios, sirvieron para nutrir los esfuerzos implementadoS en el primer viaje.
Durante el último viaje el autor instaló al Rev. Robert F. Gussick como el primer misionero de la Iglesia Luterana en Guatemala, sirviendo en las ciudades de Zacapa y Puerto Barrios. El Dr. Fred Pankow fungió como liturr gista y encargado de la Iglesia Luterana de Puerto Barrios.
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