I just noted that CIA,Mossad et.al. controlled Google has allowed hackers if that´s the right term to make it very hard to find my warning to Texans and Americans regarding CIA connected stock shyster and stock fraud money launderer who has taken stock fraud to new terrorist heights by allowing duped investors to fund CIA and James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc,CIA's Douig CaseyPorter Stansberry,Canadians Grant Atkins,Brent Pierce,Canadian ASrab Terrorist and money launderer Amir Adnani whose allowed by SEC to frack for uranium in Goliad grounwater ..... Lord William Rees-Mogg - Rothschild and thus City of London connected ..
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani: Another CIA Asset Bites the Dust
https://www.activistpost.com › Politics
Aug 31, 2016 - By Kurt Nimmo. The establishment media reports Abu Muhammad al-Adnani was killed in Syria this week. It's said al-Adnani was the Islamic State's number two man. He became infamous after he issued an edict calling on lone wolves to kill Americans an Europeans. Abu fit the standard CIAtemplate of a ...Why does blogger continue to harass me for criticizing fascism and ...
Dec 22, 2017 - 3 posts - 2 authors
I can't say for sure but I think perhaps my recent blogging about a 'Canadian' named Amir Adnani whose UEC or Uranium Energy Corp is now fracking the earth and groundwater of Goliad Texas for uraniumand is promoted by Agora Inc's CIA connected Doug Casey and Porter Stansberry(former editor of ...wolfblitzzer0: CIA Connected Arab Terrorist Amir Adnani Securities ...
CIA Connected Arab Terrorist Amir Adnani Securities Fraudster Fracking For Uranium In TexasConnected To CIA's,J.D.Davidson's Agora Inc .... 2015 - Marin Katusa forgets about Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) ... guy that even a rogue like Porter Stansberry wouldn't hire because he's ... Today's news sees Casey Research ...
Here's just one example of how Google 'works' or doesn't work for bloggers and individuals researchering and attempting to share strategis info that effects our countries and our world as the case may be.
While a Googler search of the words 'cia arab terrorist uranium texas goliad agora' should bring my blog up immeiateltly to the top as I am the only one using all those words and names in an article INSTEAD one gets an unending string of questionable websites that are hardly identifiable and should be warned about that apperar instead of mine !
Google word seacrch brings up numerous sites LACKING the search terms to bring up my blog
Google word seacrch brings up numerous sites LACKING the search terms to bring up my blog
Search Results
[PDF]iraq: the uses of terror - CIA
developments that could again alter Iraq's choice of targets and its means of terrorism. Syria and Saudi Arabia are making new initiatives aimed at. Arab leadership. Iraq's bid to defeat Iran and establish its own hegemony in the Gulf is failing and there is no end in sight to the war, which has weakened Iraq's economic base.
Missing: uranium texas goliad agora
[PDF]the islamic summit: a preview - CIA
Several Arab terrorist groups also have threatened attacks at the summit (See Annex C). 25X1. Prospective Developments on Priority Issues. The Iran-Iraq War. The OIC Peace Committee will be unable to find a formula to settle the war that would satisfy both sides. Iraqi disillusionment with the lack of progress by the Peace ...
Missing: uranium texas goliad agora
CIA Director Pompeo Lashes Out at Iran, Compares It to ISIS - NBC ...
Oct 12, 2017 - On the eve of President Trump's decision on the certification of the Iran nuclear deal, CIADirector Michael Pompeo lashed out Thursday at the Islamic Republic in a speech at the University ofTexas, calling it "a thuggish police state" and a "
Missing: arab uranium goliad agora
0 000999888 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 007rohitarora 008 009 ...
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... whenever increasingly beneath impression constitutional colour reactions corporate fifteen begun rain wilson texas extra arguments organic gray driven noise ... storm expensive mistake genetic marine ears destroy influences discrimination drinking elections soldier requirement match hath beat varying leg arabwoods ...The Of And To A In For Is On That By This With I You It - GitHub
... z latest something road gift question changes night ca hard texas oct pay four poker status browse issue range building seller court february always result audio .... vary hundreds rome arab lincoln helped premier tomorrow purchased milk decide consent drama visiting performing downtown keyboard contest collected nw ...passwordgen: src/words/words.txt - pypkg.com beta
https://pypkg.com › PyPI › passwordgen › src/words/words.txt
... ,qu,qv,qy,ra,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,rm,rn,ro,rs,rt,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,Windsor Palace Hotel Alexandria Egypt - 9 - javascriptexamples.info
CDATA[ var langCodes = { "af": "Afrikaans", "sq": "Albanian", "ar": "Arabic (were Stock Footage - Footage.net
The world's premier resource for stock footage discovery. Access to millions of video clips from the world's great stock video, archival footage and news footage libraries. Search over 30 footage collections. View stock video clips.GC: edu / stanford / nlp / models / dcoref / inanimate.unigrams.txt ...
Galion Gardens Geometry Goliad Goodyear Gq Gradebook Grampians Grob Guildford Guildhall Gull HCA HDT HECB HHMI HPV00 HR HSE HUJI Hamptons .... TRE TSX TULF TX-0 Tabgha Tales Taliban Tallaght Tanganyika Tarn Tcl_CreateChannel Terraza Thame That’s Thebaid Thecla Theobroma Thunderbolt ...
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