Israel Secretly Probed Whether Family Members of Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi Are Non-related 'Light-skinned' Actors
Deputy minister Michael Oren says the probe never reached a definitive conclusion, but calls the family 'actors,' and 'what's known as Pallywood'
Ahed Tamimi: Palestinian heroine or trouble-maker? - CNN -
Jan 8, 2018 - Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi is a heroine to some, but others view her as an opportunist. ... Ahed has been called "Shirley Temper" because of her long ginger curls, and has been accused of starring in carefully choreographed "The blue-eyed poster girl of Palestinian propaganda - Ynetnews,7340,L-5062038,00.html
Dec 27, 2017 - Op-ed: Ahed Tamimi's success in the Western public opinion stems from the fact that she doesn't look like a typical Muslim or Palestinian woman; she ... Daily Mail and the American Tower—have exposed the real story of Tamimi and her parents as part of a propaganda machine in Pallywood'sservice.
The teenage girl Ahed Tamimi was attacked by the Israeli military.
"The slap that was delivered to Ahed Tamimi before she slapped back, is hardly mentioned at all - and it represents a grand pathology of denial."
Brabantian3 January 2018 at 12:30
Important story ... Ahed Tamimi has been documented challenging Israeli soldiers since the age of 9 ... given her youth back then, and appealing looks recalling those of the famous Hollywood child actress, plus her feisty character, Israelis nick-named her as 'Shirley Temper'
Israel's famous pro-Palestinian peace activist, Uri Avnery, still going strong in his 90s now, reminds us of the demographics:
« In today’s Hebrew Empire, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, there is already a slight Palestinian majority – something like 8.2 million Arabs to 7.8 million Jews »
It is thus clearly and directly Israeli Apartheid against the majority now
Israel's famous pro-Palestinian peace activist, Uri Avnery, still going strong in his 90s now, reminds us of the demographics:
« In today’s Hebrew Empire, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, there is already a slight Palestinian majority – something like 8.2 million Arabs to 7.8 million Jews »
It is thus clearly and directly Israeli Apartheid against the majority now

The major ad firm Outfront Media has censored the above 'free Ahed Tamimi' billboard.
A businessperson wanted to pay $5,350 for a billboard calling to free Ahed Tamimi.
The ad firm's Chicago office said yes, but it was overruled by higher ups.
Major ad firm Outfront Media censors "free Ahed Tamimi" billboard.

Ahed Tamimi
The teenage girl Ahed Tamimi was attacked by the Israeli military.
"The slap that was delivered to Ahed Tamimi before she slapped back, is hardly mentioned at all - and it represents a grand pathology of denial."
Ahed Tamimi was actually slapped first, but it's hardly mentioned
"Just before Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi slapped one of the soldiers who'd invaded her yard, she learned that her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed had been shot in the head at close range."
The story behind Ahed Tamimi's slap: Her cousin's head shattered by ...
Ahed Tamimi, a 16-year-old girl was arrested by Israeli forces and may spend 10 years in jail for slapping an Israeli soldier in her village.
This is the whole story behind that viral video.