Fake News:CNN,Fox News,CNBC,Bloomberg,et.al. Colluded With Alex Jones In CIA,Agora Inc. Gold Price Pump Manipulation
Among others the death of Rey Rivera who was an employee of Stansberry and Agora at the time of his 14 floor plunge off the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore in 2006 when the video surveillence conveniently wasn't functioning.Ex CIA Chief William Colby was also employed at Agora Inc by founder James Dale Davidson and British Rothchild connected scumbag,the deceased Lard William Rees-Mogg at the time of his mysterious death in the 1990s,.And then there was the Agora Inc connected Goldcor that claimed to get gold from black beach sand in Coasta Rica that became Oxford club after 'suicide' of one of its execs......etc..etc.....
It's so phony to hear CNNand mainstream news decry Alex Jones as a 'fake news' promoter which he is...But when he tells the truth about the London subway bombing or Sandy Hook or the recent Broward County school shootings in Parkland,Florida they scream and use HIM as their poster child for 'fake news' in order to discredit the more credible bloggers who blog against main stream media's lies and cover ups of inconsistences in their pro government censorship of the truth in such events.And there have been plenty such events coincidentally since the Israeli government's Shin Bet guarded Logan Airport on September 11,2001 through their stock and airport security fraud called ICTS International and the Israeli software company Odigo that controlled software dangerous to our national security and who had been warned in advance by 'Al Qaeda' of the event but did nothingwas also a public company stock fraud......But Alex Jones never mentions Jewish Zionists connections to those events any more than he does re the London subway bombings or Sandy Hook or the recent Broward COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING HOSTED BY JEWISH ZIONIST SHERIFF SCOTT 1SRAEL......In Truth Alex Jones is in perfect collusion with mass media elites in covering up who was really behind 911 and in ongoing financial military industrial elites crimes against American and world citizens...
"9-11/Israel did it" - Wikispooks
Another point indicating ICTS's complicity is that a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted onto the statute book, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11, immune to lawsuits. This effectively prevents American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over surveillance ..."9-11/Israel did it" - Wikispooks
Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting. .... Most computerized systems likely to have been involved in jet-Alex Jones CNN ET.AL.COLLUDING WITH THIS KNOWN CIA AND ZIONIST CITY OF LONDON CONNECTED SCUMBAG PORTER STANSBERRY AND HISENDOFAMERICA2011
GOLD PROMOTION SCAM WAS ALSO COLLUDING WIH A MURDER SUSPECT.Among others the death of Rey Rivera who was an employee of Stansberry and Agora at the time of his 14 floor plunge off the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore when the video surveillence conveniently wn'rt functioning.Ex CIA Chief William Colby was lso employed at Agora Inc by founder James Dale Davidson and British Rothchild connected scumbag,the deceased William Rees-Mogg at the time of his mysterious death in the 1990s,.And the thrir was the AgorA Inc connected Goldcor
wolfblitzzer0: CIA-Agora Inc.'s William Colby,James Dale Davidson ...
Apr 8, 2017 - CIA-Agora Inc.'s William Colby,James Dale Davidson,Nugan Hand Ex CIA Diector William Colby who died in a mysterious incident at his rural retreat near Washington,D.C. in the early 1990's was a Nugan Hand money launderer as well as CIA in Viet Nam and later at the time of his death an AgoraInc.wolfblitzzer0: Goldcor,Bill Bonner,Agora Inc.,Oxford Club ,Mark Ford ...
The following article titled,'Turning Beach Sand Into Gold - The Goldcor Swindle', was removed from mindbodypolitic.com website by its author Lila Rajiva who appears to have originally posted it, not with intent to expose her Agora Inc. crime boss and co-author Bill Bonner,( 'Mobs,Markets and Messiahs' ), whose partner in ...Why does blogger continue to harass me for criticizing fascism and ...
Dec 22, 2017 - 3 posts - 2 authors
Porter Stansberry invited me to tour their Baltimore office in 2005 only one year before Rey Rivera took his plunge off Belvedere.Ex CIA Chief Colby was employed by Lord William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson's Strategic Investments,part of Agora Inc,at the time of his unexplained drowning near .Yes CIA connected Agora Inc or now 'The Agora' or financial frauds and terrorists who began the made up post 911 'naked short selling' lie that claimed penny stock frauds whose shares they owned and were promotinbg and dumping were according to them being 'naked shorted' or as they defined it 'counterfeited'.In 2005 to take attention off Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson also founder of National Taxpàyers Union...
Most mention of Alex Jones' voice being the voice used by CIA Agora Inc's Porter Stansberry in in his 2011 pump of the price of gold using paid ads on CNN,Fox New,CNBC,etc. HAVE3 BEEN REMOVED OR DISAPPEARED FROM INTERNET ALTHOUGH GOOGLE MUST SURELY HAVE COPIERS AND HIDDEN CAches somewhere BUT THEY WORK FOR AND ARE PART OF THE INTERNATIONAL 'DEEP STATE' GOVERNMENT RUN BY FOR AND OF THE FINANCIAL MILITARY INDUSTRIAL ELITES AS WELL.....But you can put the pieces together yourself with links provided below.:
to be continued
Alex Jones's EndofAmerica2011.com Commercial - LunaticOutPost
Post: #3. RE: Alex Jones's EndofAmerica2011.com Commercial. I seen it on CNN or Fox news a few days ago. I don't trust the minions that want everyone to buy gold. Somethin tells me if he was telling the whole truth he'd of been in 'an accident' long ago!Why Are CNBC, Bloomberg, And Other Major Financial Outlets ...
Mar 13, 2015 - Media outlets like CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, and Bloomberg Television have been giving a platform to a disgraced financial firm that was ... The Daily Caller called Stansberry founder Porter Stansberry a "fraudster" and noted the firm engages in "questionable marketing tactics" and ...wolfblitzzer0: endofamerica gold fraud,CNN,CNBC,Fox 'News ...
Chicago Indymedia: Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva ... chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/89587/index.php. Apr 27, 2010 - Pentagon Shooter,Death In Baltimore:Agora Inc.,
Rey Rivera,Porter Stansberry,James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,Lila Rajiva,SEC ...
Chicago Indymedia: Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva ... chicago.indymedia.Stansberry's Investment Advisory#1 - YouTube
Jan 12, 2011 - Uploaded by seattlepatriot1776
(8 of 12) 12-14-10 The Alex Jones Show: Wall Street: record profits on the backs of American people ...Alex jones GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
Explore and share the best Alex Jones GIFs and most popular animated GIFs here on GIPHY. Find Funny GIFs, Cute GIFs, Reaction GIFs and more.
Missing: endofamerica2011
Megyn Kelly Reports on Alex Jones and 'Infowars' - NBC News
1 day ago
Megyn Kelly reports on the incendiary conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and “
Missing: endofamerica2011
Alex Jones
Alex Jones Blood Runs Deep Vol 2, released 03 September 2016 1. Angels 2. Keep Grinding 3. Leave a Message 4. NZT (Limitless) 5. My Time Part 2 6. No Comment Ft Di Apprentice, Flowz, Son of Sam 7. All I Know 8. Hellz Kitchen Ft Sky High, Son of Sam & Blake Galera-Holliss 9. Rewind 10. Nutty Violinz Ft Fraksha 11.
Missing: endofamerica2011
wolfblitzzer0: sec corruption,james dale davidson,alex jones, agora ...
I began perusing Google search for 'alex jones porter stansberry' to see where my article about their working together in promoting UK Rothschild and CIA connected Porter Stansberry's and Agora Inc'sendofamerica2011.com fraud that they bought television and major newspaper ads for with al the money Agora andProphets of Doom - Paranormal Message Board provided by ...
The man who made that video, "endofamerica2011" is Porter Stansberry. There is a lot of stuff on ... I had heard Alex Jones encouraging people to watch the video, so I 'thought' his endorsement was good enough for me. Since then I've ... I also noticed that the voiceover for the commercial was Alex Jones. Out of curiosity, I ...just watched endofamerica2011 video, Phish Discussion Topic on ...
Dec 19, 2011 - LOL I just saw this commercial on MNF and googled Endofamerica2011. This thread was on the 2nd page of google. » yrtnevoc • Mon Dec 19, 2011 09:03 pm. Which means of course that I still have no f****** clue what this is about. Sounded like Alex Jones on the commercial so it is probably some ...political and science rhymes: Barack Obama and CIA,Rothschild ...
May 12, 2013 - Remember that Alex Jones the 'conspiracy theorist', or disinfo agent to be more precise, is also part of the Agora Inc crime family and did the voice for Stanberry'sendofamerica2011.com that was a Rothschild-like gold advertisement based upon fear mongering, and unfortunately among some in this ...So I Was Watching Fox News Channel.......... - Northeast Shooters
https://www.northeastshooters.com › Home › Forums › General › Off-Topic
All of the sudden I am being told to go to www.endofamerica2011.com I did and watched a presentation . Whats the story about this guy Porter... ... And I'm 99% positive that Alex Jones did the voice-over for those ads. I'm a bit disappointed in him because of this, stooping to that level to help sell someone's crap service.