If Google was really concerned about 'fake news' the NY Times would be permanently banned from internet after its collusion with U.S..UK, and Israeli governments,ET.AL, to lie about WMDS in Iraq THAT LED TO HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF WAR DEAD AND STILL ONGOING WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST !
Google and msm's phony war on what they generically call 'fake news' is really a war on individual public bloggers not controlled by msm who question the established news media's collusion with the very government and police authorities they have a responsibility to investigate as much as the news event that brings them to the public's attention.As one person below comments on aangirfan website,:
"It's interesting that I couldnt find one result when using key words 'false flag and Douglas Stoneman high school'; there are No results of anyone speaking about a potential false flag.
"That is impossible unless google has filtered all searches regarding a 'false flag'".
6. Crime Scene Demolition. Less than two days after the tragic shooting Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie proposed demolishing Building 12—the crime scene itself. The Florida State Legislature almost immediately agreed to help fund the tear down. One must ask why, just hours after the brutal deaths of 17 youths, plans for evidence destruction and a new memorial are even being pondered. “Just looking at that building and talking about it now, I have goosebumps out to my head [sic],” Runcie said. “I don’t know how teachers, students could get back in that building. I don’t even know how we’re going to open the whole campus, period.” Stoneman Douglas will join a long line of mass casualty event scenes, including Columbine, Aurora, and Sandy Hook, that have been destroyed. - Quote from Florida Professor James Tracy who has been unendingly stalked and harrassed and lost his job due to viscious attacks by Chabad Lubavitch connected Leonard and Veronique Pozner alleged parents of Noah Pozner suposedly shot by Adam Lanza cildhood boyfriend of Alexis Israel,(related to Broward Sheriff Scott Israel ?) of Sandy Hook Newtown.One even wonders if Adam Lanza was Jewish as Alexis Israel,the Pozners and so many inhabitants of CIA infested Sandy Hook turned out to be.
Vernoique Pozner made a killing raising money on gofundme and even went out to get a tattoo with her daughtwer in celebration of or as a strange way of grieving for her supposedly murdred son.Later she also pressured government to destroy all evidence of the event at Sandy Hook just as the government is now doing at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School,Parkland, Florida, Browrad County right now !

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Principal Ty Thompson (above) says of his students: "I promise you I will hug each and every one of you as many times as you need and I will hold you as long as you need me." Florida shooting.
"Police maintain the suspect Nikolas Cruz arrived via an Uber ride at 2:19 p.m. and initiated his attack within 1 minute.
"If true, that would mean that Cruz, within one minute, would have had to suit up into full metal body armor, put on a full helmet and the whole nine yards, all the while assembling an AR-15 rifle which was purportedly packed into a duffle bag with a number of fully-loaded magazines."
'Shooter was in full metal body armor'
"If true, that would mean that Cruz, within one minute, would have had to suit up into full metal body armor, put on a full helmet and the whole nine yards, all the while assembling an AR-15 rifle which was purportedly packed into a duffle bag with a number of fully-loaded magazines."
'Shooter was in full metal body armor'
"It's interesting that I couldnt find one result when using key words 'false flag and Douglas Stoneman high school'; there are No results of anyone speaking about a potential false flag.
"That is impossible unless google has filtered all searches regarding a 'false flag'".
"The Broward County School District is withholding video taken during the 14 February 2018 mass shooting at the school that could reveal exactly how the event transpired.
"In numerous interviews Stoneman Douglas students asserted there was more than one shooter in Building 12 as the event proceeded.
"Crime Scene Demolition - Less than two days after the tragic shooting Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie proposed demolishing Building 12 - the crime scene itself. The Florida State Legislature almost immediately agreed to help fund the tear down."
"The Broward County School Board and District Superintendent entered into a political agreement with Broward County Law enforcement officials ...

Above, we see James Hogg speaking about the school massacre.

Above we see Anderson Cooper (left), who has been linked to the CIA, and James Hogg (centre), 'whose father has been linked to both the FBI and CIA'.

James Tracy
According to Professor James Tracy:
"The Broward County School District is withholding video taken during the 14 February 2018 mass shooting at the school that could reveal exactly how the event transpired.
"In numerous interviews Stoneman Douglas students asserted there was more than one shooter in Building 12 as the event proceeded.
"Crime Scene Demolition - Less than two days after the tragic shooting Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie proposed demolishing Building 12 - the crime scene itself. The Florida State Legislature almost immediately agreed to help fund the tear down."
Parkland Shooting: Reasons For Deeper Interrogation

According to THELASTREFUGE2:
"The Broward County School Board and District Superintendent entered into a political agreement with Broward County Law enforcement officials ...
"Violent felonies (armed robberies, assaults and worse) were being excused.
"Six cops blew the whistle on severe criminal conduct they were being instructed to hide. The sheriff and police Chiefs were telling street cops and school cops to ignore ever worsening criminal conduct.
"Criminal gangs in Broward and Miami-Dade to realize the benefit of using students for their criminal activities.
"The most corrupt police officers within the system became the police inside the schools."..
"Criminal gangs in Broward and Miami-Dade to realize the benefit of using students for their criminal activities.
"The most corrupt police officers within the system became the police inside the schools."..

Dunblane Primary School. '16 children from this class were shot dead.'
The official story is that, on 13 March 1996, a mad loner called Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children at a primary school in Dunblane in Scotland.

Dunblane Primary School. '16 children from this class were shot dead.'
The official story is that, on 13 March 1996, a mad loner called Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children at a primary school in Dunblane in Scotland.
It has been suggested that Thomas Hamilton was a brainwashed patsy and that the real shooters were working for the security services.

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book.
Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein live near to the site of the Florida School Shooting.

Meadow Pollack
What have you noticed about the children at the Parklands school?

Above (left) we see 'Nikolas Cruz' with a snub nose, a spotty face and pointy ears.
Above (right) we see 'Nikolas Cruz' with an apparently straighter nose, apparently smoother face, and possibly more rounded ears?
It may well be the same person in both photos.
However, in terror attacks, the 'patsy' usually has a body-double or lookalike.
However, in terror attacks, the 'patsy' usually has a body-double or lookalike.

Above we see Nikolas Cruz (right) and his brother Zachary (left) at the November 2017 funeral of Lynda Cruz, the woman who adopted them.
After Lynda Cruz's death, Nikolas stayed briefly with Rocxanne Deschamps.
Paul Gold, Rocxanne Deschamps' former fiance, says he drove Nikolas to Lynda Cruz's funeral.
Nikolas reportedly told Gold: 'I'm upset because nobody came to the funeral, and nobody cares about my mother.''
Rocxanne Deschamps filed court papers the day after the massacre trying to claim control of Nikolas Cruz's $800,000 inheritance.

Elizabeth Scherer
Elizabeth Scherer is the Broward Circuit judge overseeing the case of Florida teenager Nikolas Cruz.
Elizabeth's husband back in 2009, Anthony Mercer, was arrested for being involved in the cocaine trade.
Elizabeth's father is Bill Scherer, the powerful Republican lobbyist.
Elizabeth's husband back in 2009, Anthony Mercer, was arrested for being involved in the cocaine trade.
Elizabeth's father is Bill Scherer, the powerful Republican lobbyist.
Rothstein claimed that he had flight logs showing that Jeffrey Epstein flew extremely prominent people on his private jet.
The most serious charges against Anthony Mercer were dropped.
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