Monday, March 30, 2020

Video:Trump,NY Times Lie About Coronavirus, at-Bronx Elmhurst,Hospital ,NY

NYTimes Coronavirus-FAKE NEWS

NYTimes has NOT CEASED-FROM-CREATING AND DISIMMINATING-FAKE NEWS SINCE. 9/11 AND THEIR WMDS IN IRAQ WAR CRIMES.If  Google and Fakebook and Twitter,etal. really were fair arbiters of fake news then theNYTimes would be banned by them in perpetuity. some on the other “side” are doing similar things.Just take the link below to watch,Amazing Polly’s shocking expose of NYTimes’ collusion with a Ms.Colleen Smith who appears to have been given a ‘license’ to lie about being a doctor at Elmhurst hospital,Bronx who appear to be using the coronavirus as an excuseto allow patients to whim by simply denying medical treatment. TheNYTimes’and Ms Smith’s“ Elmhurst fakenews video also claims young. auto accident victims are turning up at Elmhurst who appear to show signs of-coronavirus after a lung X-Ray!
In truth Gov.Cuomo,his perverted CNN employed brother Chris Cuomo as well as Trump,
appear to be lieing.
Real World or Simulation
Amazing Polly

177,805 vistas
hace 2 días
I don’t believe the news from Elmhurst hospital. Let me show you why not, and why it is IMPERATIVE that we ask questions and …

Jason Goodman exposes NYTimes’and Colleen Smith’s and Donald,Trump’s fake news about Elmhurst,Hospital,Bronx.
Colleen Smith who doesn’t even work at Elmhurst,Hospital ,NY and NYTimes admit filming is illegal at hospital knowingly brake the law to make fake coronavirus ‘news’!
Note:that the source,of Times for-Trump,and-NY Times Lies About Coronavirus
at-Bronx Elmhurst,Hospital is ‘Dr. Colleen Smith who:doesn’t,appear to be a doctor
at, Elmhurst,Hospital but runs emergency ‘simulations’instead!:
Colleen Smith, MD – FemInEM
Video:Trump,NY Times Lie About Coronavirus
Trump Describes Seeing Body Bags At NYC hospital: ‘I’ve …
10 hours ago – President Trump described scenes from Elmhurst Hospital near his native home in Queens, N.Y. The president explained seeing television reports showing “body bags” in trucks and said, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”». … TRUMP BREAKING NEWS
Trump Describes Seeing Body Bags At NYC hospital: ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything
Truth-about-Trump ‘s-Elmlhust-Hospital-in-Queens.Trump-lies-about-NY–CORONAVIRUS-HOAX-JUST-AS-HE-DID-ABOUT-ARABS-CELEBRATING-IN-NY-ON-9/11-WHEN-INSTEAD-THEY-WERE-iSRAELIS! Trump-and-NY-Times-and-the-Demorats-WORK’-TOGETHER-AGAINST-US-!.



Colleen Smith who doesn't even work at Elmhurst,Hospital ,NY and NYTimes who admit filming is illegal at hospital knowingly brake the law to and make fake coronavirus 'news'!

People are dying and we can't look after them': ER doctor risks her job to film coronavirus victims inside an overstretched NYC hospital - as dozens of new patients line up outside

Note:that the source,of Times for-Trump,and-NY Times Lies About Coronavirus
at-Bronx Elmhurst,Hospital is 'Dr. Colleen Smith who:doesn't,appear to be a doctor
at, Elmhurst,Hospital but runs emergency 'simulations'instead!:

Colleen Smith, MD - FemInEM

Video:Trump,NY Times Lie About Coronavirus

Trump Describes Seeing Body Bags At NYC hospital: 'I've ...

10 hours ago - President Trump described scenes from Elmhurst Hospital near his native home in Queens, N.Y. The president explained seeing television reports showing “body bags” in trucks and said, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”». ... TRUMP BREAKING NEWS



Trump Describes Seeing Body Bags At NYC hospital: ‘I've Never Seen Anything


Truth-about-Trump 's-Elmlhust-Hospital-in-Queens.Trump-lies-about-NY--CORONAVIRUS-HOAX-JUST-AS-HE-DID-ABOUT-ARABS-CELEBRATING-IN-NY-ON-9/11-WHEN-INSTEAD-THEY-WERE-iSRAELIS! Trump-and-NY-Times-and-the-Demorats-WORK'-TOGETHER-AGAINST-US-!.


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