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(CNN) A wave of relief swept through Brussels -- and the Belgian security services -- when Salah Abdeslam was detained on Friday. France will finally be able to hold to account one man allegedly involved in the Paris attacks in November.

One of the people above is Abdelhamid Abaaoud, suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud is on the left.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud is on the left.

One of the people above (the one on the left) is an innocent gentleman living in Tel Aviv, in Israel.
Salah Abdeslam
The Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has appeared before a Belgian judge.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Moroccan Jew?
Abdelhamid Abaaoud became a petty criminal spent time in prison.
The security services recruit people in prison.
In Autumn 2014, Abdelhamid Abaaoud died.

Body doubles - Victoria Beckham, Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham and Ricky Gervais
Abdelhamid Abaaoud attended one of the most exclusive colleges in Brussels, Saint-Pierre College, but he was expelled.
A former classmate says: 'He was a little jerk.'
Like the reportedly gay King of Morocco, Abdelhamid Abaaoud loved Brussels' bars and nightclubs.
No one can remember him having a serious girlfriend.
Among his friends were the brothers Salah and Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Salah's friend Abdelhamid Abaaoud (Abou Omar el-Belgiki), is now suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was privately educated at Saint-Pierre College and was spoilt by his parents.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was privately educated at Saint-Pierre College and was spoilt by his parents.
He was a nightclub-loving playboy.
Like Salah Abdeslam, Abdelhamid Abaaoud grew up in the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels, not far from the HQ of NATO.
The security services recruit people in prison.
In Autumn 2014, Abdelhamid Abaaoud died.
The family received reports that he had been 'martyred' while fighting for IS.
At this point, a Mossad double, perhaps a Moroccan Jew, may have stepped in.
A Turkish woman has said of the family of Abdelhamid Abaaoud: 'The family weren’t religious at all.' a Turkish woman tasked with keeping an eye on their now-empty house told me yesterday.
According to a friend, the young Abdelhamid Abaaoud, would smoke cannabis liberally and drink whatever alcohol could be found.
According to a friend, the young Abdelhamid Abaaoud, would smoke cannabis liberally and drink whatever alcohol could be found.

Body doubles - Victoria Beckham, Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham and Ricky Gervais
Abdelhamid Abaaoud attended one of the most exclusive colleges in Brussels, Saint-Pierre College, but he was expelled.
A former classmate says: 'He was a little jerk.'
He bullied classmates and teachers and was found with stolen wallets.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud's father set him up in a clothes shop, near his own.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud bought an Audi A4.
Like the reportedly gay King of Morocco, Abdelhamid Abaaoud loved Brussels' bars and nightclubs.
No one can remember him having a serious girlfriend.
Among his friends were the brothers Salah and Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was sent to jail.
A Turkish neighbour says of Abdelhamid Abaaoud, after he came out of prison: "I could hardly recognise the Abdelhamid I knew all his life.
"He had been smart and clean-shaven, but he came out with a beard and long hair, and he had exchanged his jeans for traditional Arab Muslim robes.
"Before, he was always laughing and joking. But he hardly smiled and spoke very quietly and seriously."
Perhaps the Abdelhamid Abaaoud who came out of prison was a mind-controlled asset of the security services.
Or perhaps he was a Mossad body-double.

We were told that Samy Amimour (above), was one of the November 2015 Paris Attack shooters at the Bataclan theatre.
It now emerges that Samy trained at the police shooting club in Paris.
Police officers taught Samy how to use a semi-automatic handgun, using 38 Special and 22 Long Rifle ammunition.
Bataclan terrorist who killed 89 was trained to shoot by FRENCH POLICE
Apparently, Samy was recruited by the security services.
After Samy travelled to Syria there was "an international arrest warrant issued for Samy".
However, Samy was able to leave and return to France unhindered.
SAMY Amimour
David Headley, who planned the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, worked for the US Drugs Enforcement Administration and he told a close friend that he also worked for the CIA.
Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims that the London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat "works for the MI6".
According to Newsweek, "Terrorists in the September 11 attacks received training at secure US military bases, a Defense Department spokesman admitted in an interview."
3 days after the WTC disaster, Newsweek and the Washington Post reported that 3 of the hijackers had listed their address as theNaval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. / /issue06.html /
3 days after the WTC disaster, Newsweek and the Washington Post reported that 3 of the hijackers had listed their address as theNaval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. / /issue06.html /

Samy Amimour as a child
Samy Amimour comes from a secular (non-religious) family.
Paris attacks: Samy Amimour, the 'nice guy'
Samy's neighbours in Paris have fond memories of Samy.
"There were both fond memories of a good-natured neighbour and bafflement at what he had become."
Salim, 24, says that Samy's parents were not practising Muslims.
Samy's neighbours in Paris have fond memories of Samy.
"There were both fond memories of a good-natured neighbour and bafflement at what he had become."
Salim, 24, says that Samy's parents were not practising Muslims.
French media reports describe them as thoughtful and worldly.
Paris attacks: Samy Amimour, the 'nice guy'
Paris attacks: Samy Amimour, the 'nice guy'
Samy dressed like everyone else, played football, hung out, and was not drawn into petty crime.
He flirted with men and took drugs.
Sunday Times.

Mohammed VI, in Tunisia.
Morocco's King Mohammed VI went to college in Brussels, Belgium, and regularly hung out in gay bars there, the newspaper De Gay Krant said.

Is this Salah Abdeslam at La Belle Epoque, after the attack?
Saleh Abdeslam is a Moroccan.
Saleh Abdeslam is a Moroccan.
Morocco's king is said to be gay.

Mohammed VI, in Tunisia.
Many members of the Western elite travel to Morocco to find boys.
"Irving, who chaired the Commons catering Committee, was famous for his private parties in the Pugin room in Westminster ... Many of the 100-plus gay Tory MP's ... were fellow guests........
"The REAL attraction of the Gazelle D'or is not just the exclusivity, or the fabulous luxury. It is, quite simply, that they boast one of the most superlative men-only Turkish baths, Sauna and Massage Parlour in the world, manned by hand-picked and specially trained swarthy Berbers who are most willing to accommodate every whim of their customers. The whole concept of the place is designed to be a veritable paradise for gays."

Salah Abdeslam or a Mossad double?
"During a street side news report by the notorious Sky News (see: Scrutiny of the Tunisia “terror’ Attack) after the Paris attacks, a dead ringer for the alleged terrorist and subject of a 'massive manhunt' Abdeslam Ben Salah casually strolls in front of the camera and gives us a little smirk."
Abdeslam Salah Goes on Camera

Salah Abdeslam. It is possible that there is an Arab Salah and a Mossad body double?
Salah Abdeslam was stopped and let go by police, 3 times.
He is now believed to be on the run in Europe.

In 2010, while a trainee state rail mechanic, Salah was jailed for armed robbery.
His accomplice at the time was Abdelhamid Abaaoud (Abou Omar el-Belgiki), now suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris.
Salah's friend Nabil told reuters that Salah Abdeslam and his brother Ibrahim were "regular guys who enjoyed a laugh."
Salah's friend Hicham said that the brothers played cards and talked about football, but "never Islam or anything jihadist."
Neighbor Sheraz Sheik said of Salah: "He was a really nice guy.
"He was really well dressed, wearing designer clothes, no beard. A really smart guy, he'd gone to school and was really intelligent.”
The brothers opened a bar in their hometown two years ago, called the Cafe Des Beguines – named after a Christian monastic order – which served alcohol.
Ibrahim Abdeslam would openly drink alcohol, contrary to Islamic rules.
In 2015, the authorities served the bar with a notice saying they would shut down Café Des Beguines in August because 'the premises have been used for the consumption of banned hallucinogenic substances,' and alleging the dive bar was being used as a place to score drugs.

However, the Abdeslam brothers were never even brought in for questioning and they sold the bar in late September 2015.
Salah Abdeslam was on a countrywide list of about 800 suspected radicals, but, the authorities appear never to have interrogated him.
So, either Salah was blackmailed into working for the CIA-Mosad, or he has a CIA-Mossad double.
Mohamed Atta had a Hebrew speaking double.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Moroccan Jew?
Abdelhamid Abaaoud became a petty criminal spent time in prison.
The security services recruit people in prison.
In Autumn 2014, Abdelhamid Abaaoud died.

Body doubles - Victoria Beckham, Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham and Ricky Gervais
Abdelhamid Abaaoud attended one of the most exclusive colleges in Brussels, Saint-Pierre College, but he was expelled.
A former classmate says: 'He was a little jerk.'
Like the reportedly gay King of Morocco, Abdelhamid Abaaoud loved Brussels' bars and nightclubs.
No one can remember him having a serious girlfriend.
Among his friends were the brothers Salah and Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Salah's friend Abdelhamid Abaaoud (Abou Omar el-Belgiki), is now suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was privately educated at Saint-Pierre College and was spoilt by his parents.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was privately educated at Saint-Pierre College and was spoilt by his parents.
He was a nightclub-loving playboy.
Like Salah Abdeslam, Abdelhamid Abaaoud grew up in the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels, not far from the HQ of NATO.
The security services recruit people in prison.
In Autumn 2014, Abdelhamid Abaaoud died.
The family received reports that he had been 'martyred' while fighting for IS.
At this point, a Mossad double, perhaps a Moroccan Jew, may have stepped in.
A Turkish woman has said of the family of Abdelhamid Abaaoud: 'The family weren’t religious at all.' a Turkish woman tasked with keeping an eye on their now-empty house told me yesterday.
According to a friend, the young Abdelhamid Abaaoud, would smoke cannabis liberally and drink whatever alcohol could be found.
According to a friend, the young Abdelhamid Abaaoud, would smoke cannabis liberally and drink whatever alcohol could be found.

Body doubles - Victoria Beckham, Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham and Ricky Gervais
Abdelhamid Abaaoud attended one of the most exclusive colleges in Brussels, Saint-Pierre College, but he was expelled.
A former classmate says: 'He was a little jerk.'
He bullied classmates and teachers and was found with stolen wallets.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud's father set him up in a clothes shop, near his own.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud bought an Audi A4.
Like the reportedly gay King of Morocco, Abdelhamid Abaaoud loved Brussels' bars and nightclubs.
No one can remember him having a serious girlfriend.
Among his friends were the brothers Salah and Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was sent to jail.
A Turkish neighbour says of Abdelhamid Abaaoud, after he came out of prison: "I could hardly recognise the Abdelhamid I knew all his life.
"He had been smart and clean-shaven, but he came out with a beard and long hair, and he had exchanged his jeans for traditional Arab Muslim robes.
"Before, he was always laughing and joking. But he hardly smiled and spoke very quietly and seriously."
Perhaps the Abdelhamid Abaaoud who came out of prison was a mind-controlled asset of the security services.
Or perhaps he was a Mossad body-double.

In the 13 November 2015 Paris attack, one of the 'patsies' was Salah's brother, Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Ibrahim's former wife says says of Ibrahim:
1. He never went to the mosque.
2. He was not opposed to the West.
2. He was a jobless layabout who smoked cannabis 'all day every day'.
3. He had spent time in prison.
Ibrahim, 31, lived in Brussel's Molenbeek district, where the CIA reportedly recruits its patsies.
On 13 November, Ibrahim 'blew himself up' outside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe in Paris.
dailymail / Paris bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam 'smoked cannabis every day' but 'had no gripe with the West', says former wife.

pasted his head (possible whole body) and that was it. 1. Do we ...
2. He was a jobless layabout who smoked cannabis 'all day every day'.
3. He had spent time in prison.
Ibrahim, 31, lived in Brussel's Molenbeek district, where the CIA reportedly recruits its patsies.
On 13 November, Ibrahim 'blew himself up' outside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe in Paris.
dailymail / Paris bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam 'smoked cannabis every day' but 'had no gripe with the West', says former wife.
Anders Breivik

Mar 4, 2015 - The 'Dzhokhar Tsarnaev' in a court may be a body-double. Various members of the ... THE 'BREIVIK' IN COURT IS A FAKE 3. Kill off their ...aangirfan: WOOLWICH; TWO ADEBOLAJOS; HISTORY OF ...
Jun 1, 2013 - The real Mohamed Atta may not have wanted to kill anyone. The imposter ... One of the shooters in Norway - Breivik's double. The real Breivik ...aangirfan: BOSTON FAKE
Apr 20, 2013 - ... still conscious!" Boston Marathon - alleged "terror attack" - April 15, 2013 ... One of the shooters in Norway - Breivik's double. The real Breivik ...aangirfan: THE BOSTON BOMBERS
Apr 21, 2013 - ... still conscious!" Boston Marathon - alleged "terror attack" - April 15, 2013 ... One of the shooters in Norway - Breivik's double. The real Breivik ...aangirfan: GADDAFI IS ALIVE; NOT DEAD
Oct 21, 2011 - Gaddafi's Double, appearing in the video of 'Gaddafi's capture. ... The media outlets which have told the truth have been subjected to attack. ... The naked upper part of body of the 'Colonel' is young, with no signs of aging in ..... of Monaco hunting trip and Norway Breivik's ex-Nazi buddy exiled to Malta, etc)aangirfan: NORWAY TERROR LINKS TO GANGSTERS?
Aug 1, 2011 - The 'loner and fundamentalist Christian' Anders Breivik. ... Reportedly, Mohamed Atta (or his Jewish double) flew heroin for the CIA into Florida. .... They copied/
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