Canadian IQ Psycho Jordan Peterson Dumber Than Israeli Jewish Rednecks ?
Nov 22, 2006 - They just dared to be friends of the Palestinians, too, and this Israelis won't accept. It's not enough to be pro-Israel, you have to be both ..
Note in the link below that the Canadian psychologist 'genius' Jordan Peterson has already made a stupid ass of himself from the beginning that luckily,(for him), his right wing cult followers don't get.In his racist or culturist tirade he he says those who don't bow to Ashkenazi Jewish superiority are 'anti Semitic' and at the same time emphasizes that Jews of Middle Eastern ancestry who are from the Middle East are inferior to Ashkenazis just like all the rest of us are !THE PROBLEM WITH THAT IS IF HE AND THEY ARE SO 'SMART' THEN WHY DON'T THEY REALIZE THAT IN FACT THEY ARE NOT SEMITES AT ALL BUT WHITE EUROPEANS WITH BOTH POSITIVE GENETIC TRAITS AND FROM INBREEDING SOME VERY DETRIMENTAL ONES
Feb 26, 2019 - ... to beat the anti-Semitic drum, pointing to the over-representation of Jews in ... a) The significantly higher than average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews (see this ... Jewish over-representation increases as the demand for IQ increases.
In the 1980's during U.S. students boycotts and protests against university investments in apartheid South Africa I wrote an essay and distributed on the table where anti-aparheid students were organizing at the University of California in Santaq Cruz.Long before I could get it published I lost it but in the mid 1990' Guatemala I rewrote it as a rhyme.It is unlike the dribble Peterson writes,based upon biology and science something Peterson doesn't appear to be very well read or educated in.It discusses why Stanford Nobel Prize winner is wrong in using his corrupt Stanford University 'IQ' test to claim that blacks are intellectually inferior to white Euro trash like himself.You can find it at the bottomof this blog post.I titled it,'William Shockley and Dinosaurs'.You can simply replace 'Chinese 'whenever I mention them in the rhyme for 'Ashkenazi Jews '.
Feb 26, 2019 - ... to beat the anti-Semitic drum, pointing to the over-representation of Jews in ... a) The significantly higher than average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews (see this ... Jewish over-representation increases as the demand for IQ increases.
If Canadian Christian Zionist Jordon Peterson is qualified to be a psychologist in Canada or anywhere else then we should not be surprised that the head of American Canadian and World Psychiatric Associations all made Mc Gill University's Ewen Cameron president of their psycho organizations at different times of his career as a CIA McGill University psychiatrist not only fed viscious amounts and qualities of psycho pharmaceuticals to his patients-victims but enjoyed removing parts of those brains from their owners whil they ere drugged ! All for the further enlightenment and the CIA's and it's Mossad pals' deeper knowledge of its enemies the citizens of said countries these intelligence agents work for and so you can imagine hat they would like to do to their enemies if only they were as accessible to them as their fellow citizens ! I'm sure that had Peterson been alive at the time Ewen Cameron was performing his Mengele like mind control experiments for the CIA in Canada that pscho Jordon Peterson would have been one of Cameron's biggest fans !
penetrated his brain and killed him. .... drugs. Have you got a heart or what for people, cause ifyou did you'd ..... deleted or barely legible in the notes. ... Hebb and his experiments at McGill. Hebb and ...... direction of Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, that.
Jan 2, 2006 - ... victims of Dr Donald Ewen Cameron's "brainwashing" experiments ... Cameron, who founded McGill's psychiatry department in 1943, ... Some GIs reported details of a "sleep room", where they were incarcerated, fed drugs and tortured. ... Congressional hearings into the CIA's mind-control experiments.
This scumbag would scare a Palestinian or Arab or probably a dark complected Mexican patient to death with his pro Israeli Nazi like posturing and Jews Uber Alles rhetoric.Reading his writing or watching his youtube videos one could easily imagine him driving through sun scorched Palestine with his motely crew of fellow Israeli rednecks yelling yee haw and flashing their rifles at their Palestinian pedestrians as they breezed by on the way to their all white Jew occupation settlements on those Palestinians former lands.But of course Canadian psychologist or psycopath Jordan Peterson are more entitled to rob and steal their lands because Jordan Peterson and his Israeli rednecks are smarter than the Palestinians because they have guns and the Palestinians don't.
Peterson has become the darling of white racist Jewish and Israeli Zionists for his claims that their relative high scores on Stanford University's IQ test proves their intellectual and presumably by his insinuations moral superiority to the rest of us,including or particularly Arab origen Jews and of course Palestinians who are too inferior to him and his Israeli Zionist rednecks to deserve their own land and water.And of course Euro trash Israelis make better weapons and are 'smart' enough to bribe and steal additional aid from U.S. AND RUSSIAN STATES WHERE THEIR OLIGARCHS HAVE, LOOTED ENOUGH WEALTH TO OWN THE STUPID WHITE POPULATIONS OF THOSE NATIONS AS WELL AS CANADA, AUSTRALIA,ARGENTINA,ETC. AND THEY ARE THE MIDDLEMEN IN ALL 'TRADE' BETWEEN THE U.S. AND CHINA SINCE THE JEW KISSINGER LED NIXON THERE LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY TO LICK THEIR HANDS.
But of course according to Peterson if we don't bow to his and his Jewish superiors superiority then we are of course 'anti-Semitic'.Of course he's either too dumb or too much of a lieing hypocrit for Jewish Israeli crime bosses to know or acknowledge that Ashkenazi Jews aren't Semites at all but
instead white Europeans who have both mixed with Christians of all of eastern Europe over the centuries and then inbred hightening many good and many very bad genetic and intellectual traits.
And much of collective Jewish wealth has come from positioning themselves within the financial stock markets and vice and crime of the world in a way that the Italian mafia must surely envy.In fact there is reason to believe Euro Jews were often the brains behind the Italian mafia.Juust think about
the Valentines Day Massacre and the Jewish gang suspect in kidnapping of the Linbergh baby and Meyer Lansky in Cuba and Las Vegas who is even suspect in the assassination of John Kennedy.And
consider Las Vegas Sands and Macao China gambling and vice king Adelson who helped buy the U.S. presidency for Donald Trump not to mention having more clout with the Israeli government than Netanyahu who licks his boots and kisses his Israeli wife's ass who will inherit all that money he stole from American gambling addicts so she can buy more American and Israeli politicians and buy more weapons for the white racist 'Jewish Semites' to steal more Palestinian Syrian lands.Very smart.....And China's financial debt behind all the smoke and mirrors is most likely due to the very Jewish banking and industrial elite that benefitted from Henry Kissinger leading Richard Milhouse Nixon like his little poodle to fall at the feet of 'communist' China and give all U.S. TECHNOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE TO CHINESE SHORES ! And Peterson's Canada falling apart at the seams and trying to destroy the whole of its remaining and quickly disappearing environment to sell a few remaining barrels of oil to China in order to make another buck for white NOT SEMITIC bankers is what Peterson thinks is 'smart'.Ha ! The western Jews Peterson thinks are so smart,(like himself),are only digging a grave not only for us but for their children.How brilliant........
Below is a description of his great 'work' from the UK Guardian.In reality he is like a Fox news blowhard promoted or self promoted as an Einstein.Ha.
The Canadian psychology professor and culture warrior Jordan B Peterson could not have hoped for better publicity than his recent encounter with Cathy Newman on Channel 4 News. The more Newman inaccurately paraphrased his beliefs and betrayed her irritation, the better Peterson came across. The whole performance, which has since been viewed more than 6m times on YouTube and was described by excitable Fox News host Tucker Carlson as “one of the great interviews of all time”, bolstered Peterson’s preferred image as the coolly rational man of science facing down the hysteria of political correctness. As he told Newman in his distinctive, constricted voice, which he has compared to that of Kermit the Frog: “I choose my words very, very carefully.”
The confrontation has worked wonders for Peterson. His new book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos has become a runaway bestseller in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Germany and France, making him the public intellectual du jour.........
Two years ago, he was a popular professor at the University of Toronto and a practising clinical psychologist who offered self-improvement exercises on YouTube. He published his first book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, in 1999 and appeared in Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller David and Goliath, talking about the character traits of successful entrepreneurs. The tough-love, stern-dad strand of his work is represented in 12 Rules for Life, which fetes strength, discipline and honour.....
Not everybody is persuaded that Peterson is a thinker of substance, however. Last November, fellow University of Toronto professor Ira Wells called him “the professor of piffle” – a YouTube star rather than a credible intellectual. Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, designated him “the stupid man’s smart person”.
“Peterson’s secret sauce is to provide an academic veneer to a lot of old-school rightwing cant, including the notion that most academia is corrupt and evil, and banal self-help patter,” says Southey. “He’s very much a cult thing, in every regard. I think he’s a goof, which does not mean he’s not dangerous.”
His ballooning celebrity and wealth, however, began elsewhere, with a three-part YouTube series in September 2016 called Professor Against Political Correctness...
Not everybody is persuaded that Peterson is a thinker of substance, however. Last November, fellow University of Toronto professor Ira Wells called him “the professor of piffle” – a YouTube star rather than a credible intellectual. Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, designated him “the stupid man’s smart person”.
“Peterson’s secret sauce is to provide an academic veneer to a lot of old-school rightwing cant, including the notion that most academia is corrupt and evil, and banal self-help patter,” says Southey. “He’s very much a cult thing, in every regard. I think he’s a goof, which does not mean he’s not dangerous.”.....................
William Shockley,Stanford University IQ Test and Dinosaurs
Stanford University Nobel Prize Winner William Shockley,,Stanford University IQ Test and Dinosaurs
by Tony Ryals
In the 1970's William Shockley claimed his university's Stanford IQ test,Proved blacks were inferior and whites were best,
In the 1980's when an Atlanta paper thought he sounded like a Nazi,
He sued them in the name of biology; little biological proof was presented in court,
But he did win a dollar from the paper for his legal tort,
How can a man who challenges the rights of others speech,
Himself be allowed to teach,
Lies about biology,
That puts Stanford on a par with the Church of Scientology,
Nature itself has proven that successful genes don't count on quantity,
Survival is much more dependent on quality,
At a time when dinosaurs and other complex organisms died,
Bacteria with less genes survived and multiplied,
Yes the dinosaurs did have more genes,
But the more adaptable bacteria had the means,
Even Mr. Shockley’s field of electronics that won him a Nobel,
Experienced the same fate as the dinosaurs tale,
His former colleagues at IBM,
Thought Apple and others were just a whim,
And made computers too big to compete with them,
A cell a brain or a computer in operation,
Is no better bigger when it's filled with mis-information,
It's precisely students produced by universities like his,
That has made the world the industrial mess that it is,
Toxic waste dumps lining the nation,
Are greatly a product of Mr. Shockley’s white higher education,
The chlorofluorocarbons colliding with the upper atmosphere's ozone,
Are products of university chemical engineering gone wrong,
Toxic wastes in Silicon Valley,
Are not the products of some drunk in some alley,
Asia has copied the western education of industrialization,
And scoring higher on western IQ tests is the latest sensation,
If Shockley takes his IQ test so seriously,
Asians industrialists are the best men literally,
So Shockley should withdraw the sperm he deposited at the bank,
Thaw it and pour it down the drain until it has sank,
Because in the '80's the Asian industrial man has moved up in rank,
But copying western industrialization by burning more fossil fuels,
Only increases the danger of us all joining the ranks of the fossil fools,
Regardless of or thanks to Stanford-like schools,
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