Hard tO say who is sleazier,CIA and Agota Inc connected fraudster Alex Jones who touted Agora's and Porter Stansberry's endofamerica2011.com gold touting scam with the help of CNN who claims to not know his voice was used on the prmotion video they ran,or CNN Sandy Hook 'heroe' Leonard Pozner who appears to really be Reuben Pozner and who used old photos of his son and daughter to claim they were younger children of Veronique's suppsed second husband Leeonard or Lenny Pozner.Alex Jones.lENNY pOZNER AND HIS TATTOO LOVING JEWISH WIFE ARE BOTH CONNECTED TO AND WITH HABAD lUBAVITCH A JEWISH MAFIA LIKE SECT WHOSE TENTACLES STRETCH FROM VLADMIR PUTIN'S KREMLIN TO DONALD TRUMP'S WGITE HOUSE AND AREVIRTUALLY A GOVERNMENY AND MOSSAD ENTITY AND ASSETT IN ISRAEL AND AROUND THE WORLD.
7 hours ago - (CNN)Broadcaster and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones said it was a "form of psychosis" that caused him to believe certain events --- like the Sandy Hook massacre -- were staged. On December 14, 2012, 20 children and six adults were killed by 20-year-old Adam Lanza in Sandy Hoo
Jul 17, 2018 - Psychotic disorders, like schizophrenia, are mental illnesses that involve psychosisthat usually happens for the first time in the late teen years
Jan 16, 2011 - '-Porter Stansberry Agora Inc.,CIA Money Launderer,Murder Suspect Porter Stansberry and Alex Jones By Tony Ryals, From the desk of Porter ..
Although CNN's Wolf Blitzer is friend to Rabbi Praver neither CNN nor Blitzer reported news of CIA at Sandy Hook as alleged shooting by little Adam Lanza was going on......
9/11,Sandy Hook Newtown Rabbi Praver Admits CIA Pals Were Already In Sandy Hook BEFORE Shooting Or WhaTEVER BEGAN ! THESE WHITE HONKY .
Alex Jones attacked me on his website some years ago because one of his followers posted one of the many posts I wrote attempting to expose a pump and dump stock manipulation scam they erroneously called 'naked short selling'. Jones later began interviewing Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc to help promote his and Agora Inc's (now called The Agora), endofamerica2011.com gold promoting scam.
The endofamerica2011.com scam was actually promoted in ads on CNN,CNBC AND FOX NEWS AND BLOOMBERG AS WELL AS ALEX JONES' SITES OF COURSE.As far as I know Alex Jones own voice was used to narrate the financial fraud endofamerica2011.com that CNN fraudulently and proudly promoted to pump gold price.
Ex CIA Chief William Colby mysteriously died while an employee of Agora Inc and its founder James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees Mogg in the 1990's.So did an executive of a penny stock called Goldcor in the 1980's that claimed to be getting gold from black beach sand in Costa Rica.An employee of Agora paid by Porter Stansberry named Rey Rivera who was paid to lend his name to one of Stansberry's many penny stock tout newsletters took an unexplained plunge off the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore in 2006.Alex's pal Ron Paul is part of the Agora gang as well.They have been heavy into nprotin of bitcoin as well.
Another character, I believe Israeli, named Amir Adnani connected to various U.S. Nevada penny stock gold mining,etc. pumps and dumps runs a potentially dangerous penny stock company called Uranium Energy Corp that gt approval to 'frack' for uranium in Goliad, Texas.Adnani is Agora Inc connected as well as connected with ex Texas Governor and Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry who is trying to sell nuclear tech to the Saudis.
Sandy Hook copyright infringement warrior Lenny Pozner has over the past week taken aim at Memory Hole Blog’s new ISP BlueHost.com with a barrage of bogus copyright claims leveled at the site. BlueHost has in turn used such claims to pressure this blog’s editor to take down several images of “Noah Pozner,” all of which have been allowed to remain on MHB by BlueHost’s partner and former MHB host Automattic under “Fair Use” provisions. Such images have also already appeared throughout major media to report on and discuss the December 14, 2012 event–supporting the official narrative and thus in ways Sandy Hook event participants have found beneficial to their multi-million dollar fundraising industry.
BlueHost CEO James Grierson fancies himself an “open source and web technology advocate.” Yet in practice his company’s Legal Department is especially hostile toward his clients and the very notion of “Fair Use,” taking a no-prisoners policy on copyright infringement claims, even if they’re filed by dubious parties and entirely unexamined.
The specific text from BlueHost’s several emails to MHB (one of which is reprinted in its entirety below) reads as follows:
Failure to eliminate or disable access to such alleged infringing material within such time period could result in suspension or termination of your website.
It further fawns to the complaining party, that has sworn under penalty of perjury that her/his claim is lawful, with the following language:
NOTICE TO COMPLAINING PARTY: Please review the above web site after the expiration of the notice period, and notify us in the event you determine that the alleged infringing material has not been eliminated or that access to it has not been disabled, and we will take further action.
Most MHB readers know Pozner, an internet security consultant by trade, has made a second career out of soliciting hundreds of thousands in donations for his alleged “grieving” while filing such claims against Sandy Hook researchers who’ve rightly questioned the event’s many anomalies and unanswered questions.
Some Sandy Hook researchers argue that images of “Noah Pozner” may in fact be Lenny Pozner’s grandson, Michael Vabner. “As Lenny became more of a ‘trouble maker’ to those in the truth movement, shutting down documentaries, You Tube channels, getting people fired from their jobs, going after copyright images claiming they were his I figured he really must have a LOT to lose,” wrote Kelley Watt in a January 2016 article.
I thought, “What could it be? Why is this man on the war path?” He wasn’t mad when I didn’t believe him but by this time another year had passed and researchers were really exposing the truth, having found the FEMA manual that was hidden on the internet stating the event was a “drill” staged over two days. By this time, a lengthy (over 2 1/2 hour) documentary started making its way on the internet and really stirring up a hornet’s nest with millions watching he and the others were desperate, like I said, trying to get every thing Sandy Hook off the net.Then after three years, someone wrote a letter to Dr. Tracy suggesting that Lenny Pozner’s stepson, Michael Vabner, bore an uncanny resemblance to his ” dead” son and to look into it. Seeing this as another avenue to research I looked into it, first by going into his step-son and daughter’s facebook pages. To my surprise, very little if anything is said about their dead step-brother and just a very, very few had any comments about it. I’m thinking, “How do you spell S-T-R-A-N-G-E?” These step-children are 20 years old and yet have virtually no Facebook footprint. After a few clicks I found several images on Lenny’s stepson’s Facebook page, which I presented on “The Real Deal” after Dr. Fetzer asked me to come on his show.Is this why Lenny is on the prowl? Is Lenny’s stepson, Michael Vabner, really Noah “all grown up’? Is “Noah” a name they used with photos from Michael’s youth? And is Danielle really “Noah’s twin” the media has depicted him as having? Are Michael and Danielle grown up versions of Noah and Arielle? Are Noah and Arielle Lenny’s creations by using photos of Michael and Danielle as children? I have asked quite a few persons whether these look like the same person–and they invariably respond that they do. I think so, too, which would explain at least this one most peculiar aspect of the Sandy Hook story.
Lenny and Veronique Pozner proclaimed in December 2015 that James Tracy was “harassing” his family following the death of the boy they assert is their son Noah. The controversy resulted in Florida Atlantic University abruptly terminating Tracy from his tenured university position.
What the Pozners’ intentionally failed to explain is that Tracy was specifically addressing Lenny Pozner in his official position as head of his nonprofit organization (rogue fundraising operation), “HONR Network” via its business postal box address in response to a dubious copyright infringement claim Pozner filed against MHB in March 2015–indeed one that BlueHost peer Automattic scoffed at under “Fair Use” provisions.
Not unlike the B’nai Brith’s assault on Canadian Professor Anthony Hall, the Pozners also claimed to file a police report with law enforcement to report Tracy’s alleged “harassment.” Yet as MHB has reported, no police reports were ever filed.
Write or tweet to James Grierson and Bluehost. Ask that his company respect Fair Use provisions and defend their clients against bogus copyright infringement claims, which are in reality yet another ploy intended to shut down Constitutionally-protected free speech.
Below is a copy of one of many DMCA complaint filed in October 2016 by Pozner against MHB.
Subject: Fwd: DMCA
From: Legal Department
Date: Monday, October 10, 2016 5:20 PM
To: [email protected]
From: Legal Department
Date: Monday, October 10, 2016 5:20 PM
To: [email protected]
Please be advised that we have received notice (copy below) of alleged infringement on your website. Please remove or disable access to the alleged infringing material within two business days, and provide written notice to us to that effect when completed.
Failure to eliminate or disable access to such alleged infringing material within such time period could result in suspension or termination of your website.
Should you have further questions, please contact us.
Thank You,
Legal Team
Legal Team
NOTICE TO COMPLAINING PARTY: Please review the above web site after the expiration of the notice period, and notify us in the event you determine that the alleged infringing material has not been eliminated or that access to it has not been disabled, and we will take further action.
—- Forwarded message —-
Subject: DMCA
From: Lenny Pozner <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 19:14:23 -0400
To: Legal Department <[email protected]>
—- Forwarded message —-
Subject: DMCA
From: Lenny Pozner <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 19:14:23 -0400
To: Legal Department <[email protected]>
Takedown Notice Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
To Whom It May Concern,
This is a notice in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) requesting that you immediately cease to provide access to copyrighted material. I wish to report an instance of Copyright Infringement, whereby the infringing material appears on a website for which you are the host.
The infringing material, which I contend belongs to me, is the following:
Noah Pozner brown Jacket SHE001 US copyright office registration# VA1950355
Noah Pozner brown Jacket SHE001 US copyright office registration# VA1950355
The original material is located on my website at the following URLs:
The infringing material is located at the following URLs:
My contact information is:
Name:Lenny PoznerMailing address:261 South Main StreetTelephone number:
203-426-xxxxE-mail address:[email protected]
Name:Lenny PoznerMailing address:261 South Main StreetTelephone number:
203-426-xxxxE-mail address:[email protected]
I have a good faith belief that the use of the described material in the
manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by operation of law.
manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by operation of law.
The information in this notice is accurate, and I am either the
copyright owner or I am authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
copyright owner or I am authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
I declare under the perjury laws of the United States of America that this notification is true and correct.
Signed:Lenny PoznerDate:2016-10-05
The article, "Sandy Hook Fraudster Lenny Pozner Targets MHB", was syndicated from and first appeared at: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/orlando-dallas-beyond-living-false-reality-even-hillary-played-doubles/.
You may find more great articles by James Tracy on http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/.
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