Israeli Ambassador Lic. Moshe Bachar's And Uri Roitman Donation To Guatemala In Thanks For All The $ Have Stolen
... en representación del Sr. Embajador de Israel, Lic. Moshe Bachar y de la Embajada de Israel en Guatemala, ... La entrega que realizo el Lic. Roitman, ..
Donación de Israel en Guatemala
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COMUNICADO DE PRENSA EMBAJADA DE ISRAEL DONA PUERTAS, VENTANAS Y BATERIA DE BAÑOS COMPLETOS A COMITÉ Y ESCUELA DE PESCADORES DE SARSTUN, PETEN. El Licenciado Ury Roitman, en representación del Sr. Embajador de Israel, Lic. Moshe Bachar y de la Embajada de Israel en Guatemala, hizo entrega al señor Abraham Castro, Encargado y Presidente del Comite y de la Escuela de Pescadore... See More |
9/11,Guatemala,Uri Roitman:State Department Allows Dangerous Israeli To Issue Passports
To my surprise the UN's CICIG that has been created some years ago to investigate government corruption in Guatemala has undertaken the unlikely task of charging Israeli war criminal Uri Roitman for his leading role in defrauding the Guatemalan government and people in a scam claiming to clean to polluted Lake Amatitlan....He is also suspect in Maya 1980's genocide and Guatemala passport fraud.....
9/11,Guatemala,Uri Roitman:U.S.State Department,Embassy Allows Dangerous Israeli Criminal To Issue Guatemala Passports Around World!
While the U.S. government pays hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel racists and apartheidists to 'secure' our U.S. border with Mexico Israeli government in Guatemala where Uri Roitman suspect in the mass murder of innocent Mayan people in the 1980's is a VIP at the Israeli Embassy in Guatemala and no doubt well known to the U.S.Embassy here as well.And the Florida State Department is directly implicated in this dangerous fraud by knowingly allowing this dangerous arms trafficker to traffic in blank passports issued for Guatemala which could be given to terrorists or financial criminals such as himself.
The Florida Department of State, through the Division of corporations details that the Techniques and Security and Systems TSS USA, INC. company, was created on 10 may 2012 by Hugo Rodolfo Roitman Braier and Jorge Ignacio Dinermann Caimi, who appears as President, according to details so the modification made on 29 October 2012, as stated in the contract.
Techniques and Security Systems Tss USA, Inc. in Miami FL ... › U.S. › Florida › Miami
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10 may. 2012 - ... Systems Services. Techniques and Security Systems Tss USA,Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation in the State of Florida on Thursday, May 10, 2012 and is approximately four years old, according to public records filed withFlorida Department of State. ... Hugo R. Roitman. Hugo's current roles ...
Friday, October 23, 2015
Israeli Government Genocidist Of Mayan People Uri Roitman Steals Passports For Human Trafficking, Runs Millions Dollar Clean Water Fraud With Fellow Genocidists Ex President General Otto Perez Molina,Baldetti
Update February 2016:
To my surprise the UN's CICIG that has been created some years ago to investigate government corruption in Guatemala has undertaken the unlikely task of charging Israeli war criminal Uri Roitman for his leading role in defrauding the Guatemalan government and people in a scam claiming to clean to polluted Lake Amatitlan that could only be begun by stopping or redirecting the flow of toxic sewage and industrial coming mainly from Guatemala City above it.But his crimes dating back to the Israeli role in genocide and war crimes. I've posted a rough translation from Independent Media Center or at the bottom of this blog but the link is immediately below titled ,'Baldetti y Roitman: Larga historia de nexos y conexos',along with some recent news of the arrest from Prensa Libre,La Hora main stream newpapers in Guatemala.:
Baldetti y Roitman: Larga historia de nexos y conexos | CMI ...
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15 hours ago - ... de Uri Roitman, Hugo Roitman o Hugo Rodolfo Roitman Braier (que ... Roitman tiene más de tres décadas de haber llegado a Guatemala, ...
Empresa israelí tenía “el sueño” de limpiar el Lago
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21 hours ago - Uri Roitman, uno de los representantes de la empresa M. Tarcic ... contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (Cicig), que permitió la detención de 13 ...
Involucrados en limpieza del lago pasan la noche en prisión
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Allí Uri Roitman, uno de los representantes de la empresa israelí, dijo que la intención y el .... Gobierno Guatemala (@GuatemalaGob) February 24, 2016. 08:13 ...
Empresario Uri Roitman, entre los capturados por "agüita ...
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2 days ago - El empresario israelí, Uri Roitman, está entre los capturados por el ... y la Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) ...
The presence of Roitman in Guatemala is supposedly began in late 1979 with the kidnapping of Jorge Raul Garcia-Granados de Garay, where he arrived to help solve his release which occurred in January 1980, after the payment is made of a millionaire rescue in the jungles of Guatemala, the daily Chart (now defunct) -18 January 1980.
Roitman's name reappears under President Alvaro Arzu, when he founded the company TSS Airborne Division, SA, located in the 3rd street 3-42 zone 8, Ciudad San Cristobal. This address is the same as that of M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., the company that was in charge of the failed project to "clean" Lake Amatitlan, which by order of the Government Accounting Office shall terminate the contract.
The company TSS Airborne Division was established in 1997 to provide aviation security to the company Tikal Jets Airlines, founded in 1992. The ownership of the airline belonged to two powerful businessmen: Joseph (Joe) and Jose Antonio Nigris Habie Arzu Irigoyen, the first textile factory owner and Liztex Tikal Futura Hotel, the second hotel entrepreneur and brother of President Alvaro Arzu Irigoyen (1996-1999).-
Bribery of Granados and the vote of the 'Revolutionary government of Israel in 1946 created the white racist Zionist religious police state we now call Israel.
Embajada de Israel en Guatemala › ... › Guatemala › Noticias
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Jul 2, 2013 - El Licenciado Ury Roitman, en representación del Sr. Embajador de Israel, Lic. Moshe Bachar y de la Embajada de Israelen Guatemala, hizo ...
Baldetti y Roitman - CMI Guatemala
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Apr 29, 2015 - DE PÉREZ MOLINA, ROITMAN E ISRAEL EN EL GOBIERNO DE ... que Ury o Hugo Roitman, llegó a Guatemala durante el gobierno de Lucas ...
The Bachelor Ury Roitman, representing the Ambassador of Israel, Lic. Moshe Bachar and the Embassy of Israel in Guatemala, presented Mr. Abraham Castro, Manager and Chairman of the Committee and the School Fishermen Sarstun, Peten, Guatemala, for a donation of building materials to be used in completing the work of its headquarters.....
Steals Passports For Human Trafficking Israeli Embassy Guatemala:Zionist Genocidist Of Mayan People Steals Passports For Human Trafficking
Israeli war criminal and genocidist of Mayan people Uri Rotman(AND THUS THE RACIST TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL HE REPRESENTS)is given complete control of Guatemala passport printing and distribution and given taxpayers money to do so just as is the case of the fraud of cleaning Lake Amatitlan with SALT !
Anomalies in the issuing of passports including the manner in which the service is managed and irregular numbering of passports increases risk of human trafficking among other illicit activities.
By Jessica Gramajo October 22,2015
The recent issuance of passport booklets had irregularities, among them the loss of the consecutive numbering of the documents. (Prensa Libre Photo: Newspaper PL)
"Workers denounced the correlative alteration print. The fact is being investigated, so Migration decided not to cancel. In addition, there have been allegations that the equipment is in bad shape, "Prensa Libre reported Sinay, after a summons to the legislator Amílcar Pop.
This is not the only irregularity. The legal representative of TSS is Hugo Rodolfo Braier Roitman, also known as Ury Roitman, who was the representative of the company M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., which was involved in the case of "magic water" with the lake would be cleaned Amatitlan project defended former vice President Roxana Baldetti.
Although TSS inexperienced to issue documents, as reported Prensa Libre in December 2012, Roitman won the contract, and since then was in charge of print data Guatemalans passports issued in the country in 51 diplomatic missions in the country and mobile consulates.
It was also reported that migration makes a new bid passport, although there would be in a 700,000 booklets, it is estimated, will last until 2017.
millionaire business with the state
Hugo -Ury- Roitman is an Israeli businessman based for some three decades ago in Guatemala. According to news sources, Roitmanhelped liberate members of the García-Granados family were kidnapped in the eighties.
He is an entrepreneur security. Services include vehicle armor and clothing.
Business with government patriotista began in October 2012 when the Interior Minister Mauricio Lopez Bonilla, endorsed the award of a technological system installed for passport issuing centers for Q8 million 601 000 600 to the company Technical Systems security SA
This firm obtained in 2013 an extension of the contract and increased to reach Q11.3 million.
In November 2012, the Interior awarded another contract by Q29.8 million to the company and Security Techniques and Systems TSS USA, INC., Headquartered in the United States, to issue 150,000 passports abroad.
The State Department of Florida, through the Division of Corporations, states that the company Techniques and Security and Systems TSS USA, INC., Was established on May 10, 2012, by Roitman and Jorge Ignacio Dinermann Caimi, who appears as President, as detailed in the amendment made on October 29 of that year.
During the administration of the Patriot Party he took center stage. He offered to government authorities Otto Pérez Molina and Roxana Baldetti- a formula for cleaning Lake Amatitlan by Q137.8 million...............
Baldetti y Roitman - CMI Guatemala
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Apr 29, 2015 - DE PÉREZ MOLINA, ROITMAN E ISRAEL EN EL GOBIERNO DE LUCAS GARCÍA ... Dice elPeriódico (13 de abril de 2015) que Ury o Hugo Roitman, ... el Lago de Amatitlán, y que por orden de la Contraloría de Cuentas el ...
While the U.S. government pays hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel racists and apartheidists to 'secure' our U.S. border with Mexico Israeli government in Guatemala where Uri Roitman suspect in the mass murder of innocent Mayan people in the 1980's is a VIP at the Israeli Embassy in Guatemala and no doubt well known to the U.S.Embassy here as well.And the Florida State Department is directly implicated in this dangerous fraud by knowingly allowing this dangerous arms trafficker to traffic in blank passports issued for Guatemala which could be given to terrorists or financial criminals such as himself.
The Florida Department of State, through the Division of corporations details that the Techniques and Security and Systems TSS USA, INC. company, was created on 10 may 2012 by Hugo Rodolfo Roitman Braier and Jorge Ignacio Dinermann Caimi, who appears as President, according to details so the modification made on 29 October 2012, as stated in the contract.
Techniques and Security Systems Tss USA, Inc. in Miami FL ... › U.S. › Florida › Miami
Traducir esta página
10 may. 2012 - ... Systems Services. Techniques and Security Systems Tss USA,Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation in the State of Florida on Thursday, May 10, 2012 and is approximately four years old, according to public records filed withFlorida Department of State. ... Hugo R. Roitman. Hugo's current roles ...
Friday, October 23, 2015
Israeli Government Genocidist Of Mayan People Uri Roitman Steals Passports For Human Trafficking, Runs Millions Dollar Clean Water Fraud With Fellow Genocidists Ex President General Otto Perez Molina,Baldetti
Update February 2016:
To my surprise the UN's CICIG that has been created some years ago to investigate government corruption in Guatemala has undertaken the unlikely task of charging Israeli war criminal Uri Roitman for his leading role in defrauding the Guatemalan government and people in a scam claiming to clean to polluted Lake Amatitlan that could only be begun by stopping or redirecting the flow of toxic sewage and industrial coming mainly from Guatemala City above it.But his crimes dating back to the Israeli role in genocide and war crimes. I've posted a rough translation from Independent Media Center or at the bottom of this blog but the link is immediately below titled ,'Baldetti y Roitman: Larga historia de nexos y conexos',along with some recent news of the arrest from Prensa Libre,La Hora main stream newpapers in Guatemala.:
Baldetti y Roitman: Larga historia de nexos y conexos | CMI ...
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15 hours ago - ... de Uri Roitman, Hugo Roitman o Hugo Rodolfo Roitman Braier (que ... Roitman tiene más de tres décadas de haber llegado a Guatemala, ...
Empresa israelí tenía “el sueño” de limpiar el Lago
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21 hours ago - Uri Roitman, uno de los representantes de la empresa M. Tarcic ... contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (Cicig), que permitió la detención de 13 ...
Involucrados en limpieza del lago pasan la noche en prisión
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Allí Uri Roitman, uno de los representantes de la empresa israelí, dijo que la intención y el .... Gobierno Guatemala (@GuatemalaGob) February 24, 2016. 08:13 ...
Empresario Uri Roitman, entre los capturados por "agüita ...
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2 days ago - El empresario israelí, Uri Roitman, está entre los capturados por el ... y la Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) ...
The presence of Roitman in Guatemala is supposedly began in late 1979 with the kidnapping of Jorge Raul Garcia-Granados de Garay, where he arrived to help solve his release which occurred in January 1980, after the payment is made of a millionaire rescue in the jungles of Guatemala, the daily Chart (now defunct) -18 January 1980.
Roitman's name reappears under President Alvaro Arzu, when he founded the company TSS Airborne Division, SA, located in the 3rd street 3-42 zone 8, Ciudad San Cristobal. This address is the same as that of M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., the company that was in charge of the failed project to "clean" Lake Amatitlan, which by order of the Government Accounting Office shall terminate the contract.
The company TSS Airborne Division was established in 1997 to provide aviation security to the company Tikal Jets Airlines, founded in 1992. The ownership of the airline belonged to two powerful businessmen: Joseph (Joe) and Jose Antonio Nigris Habie Arzu Irigoyen, the first textile factory owner and Liztex Tikal Futura Hotel, the second hotel entrepreneur and brother of President Alvaro Arzu Irigoyen (1996-1999).-
Bribery of Granados and the vote of the 'Revolutionary government of Israel in 1946 created the white racist Zionist religious police state we now call Israel.
Embajada de Israel en Guatemala › ... › Guatemala › Noticias
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Jul 2, 2013 - El Licenciado Ury Roitman, en representación del Sr. Embajador de Israel, Lic. Moshe Bachar y de la Embajada de Israelen Guatemala, hizo ...
Baldetti y Roitman - CMI Guatemala
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Apr 29, 2015 - DE PÉREZ MOLINA, ROITMAN E ISRAEL EN EL GOBIERNO DE ... que Ury o Hugo Roitman, llegó a Guatemala durante el gobierno de Lucas ...
The Bachelor Ury Roitman, representing the Ambassador of Israel, Lic. Moshe Bachar and the Embassy of Israel in Guatemala, presented Mr. Abraham Castro, Manager and Chairman of the Committee and the School Fishermen Sarstun, Peten, Guatemala, for a donation of building materials to be used in completing the work of its headquarters.....
Steals Passports For Human Trafficking Israeli Embassy Guatemala:Zionist Genocidist Of Mayan People Steals Passports For Human Trafficking
Israeli war criminal and genocidist of Mayan people Uri Rotman(AND THUS THE RACIST TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL HE REPRESENTS)is given complete control of Guatemala passport printing and distribution and given taxpayers money to do so just as is the case of the fraud of cleaning Lake Amatitlan with SALT !
Anomalies in the issuing of passports including the manner in which the service is managed and irregular numbering of passports increases risk of human trafficking among other illicit activities.
By Jessica Gramajo October 22,2015
The recent issuance of passport booklets had irregularities, among them the loss of the consecutive numbering of the documents. (Prensa Libre Photo: Newspaper PL)
"Workers denounced the correlative alteration print. The fact is being investigated, so Migration decided not to cancel. In addition, there have been allegations that the equipment is in bad shape, "Prensa Libre reported Sinay, after a summons to the legislator Amílcar Pop.
This is not the only irregularity. The legal representative of TSS is Hugo Rodolfo Braier Roitman, also known as Ury Roitman, who was the representative of the company M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., which was involved in the case of "magic water" with the lake would be cleaned Amatitlan project defended former vice President Roxana Baldetti.
Although TSS inexperienced to issue documents, as reported Prensa Libre in December 2012, Roitman won the contract, and since then was in charge of print data Guatemalans passports issued in the country in 51 diplomatic missions in the country and mobile consulates.
It was also reported that migration makes a new bid passport, although there would be in a 700,000 booklets, it is estimated, will last until 2017.
millionaire business with the state
Hugo -Ury- Roitman is an Israeli businessman based for some three decades ago in Guatemala. According to news sources, Roitmanhelped liberate members of the García-Granados family were kidnapped in the eighties.
He is an entrepreneur security. Services include vehicle armor and clothing.
Business with government patriotista began in October 2012 when the Interior Minister Mauricio Lopez Bonilla, endorsed the award of a technological system installed for passport issuing centers for Q8 million 601 000 600 to the company Technical Systems security SA
This firm obtained in 2013 an extension of the contract and increased to reach Q11.3 million.
In November 2012, the Interior awarded another contract by Q29.8 million to the company and Security Techniques and Systems TSS USA, INC., Headquartered in the United States, to issue 150,000 passports abroad.
The State Department of Florida, through the Division of Corporations, states that the company Techniques and Security and Systems TSS USA, INC., Was established on May 10, 2012, by Roitman and Jorge Ignacio Dinermann Caimi, who appears as President, as detailed in the amendment made on October 29 of that year.
During the administration of the Patriot Party he took center stage. He offered to government authorities Otto Pérez Molina and Roxana Baldetti- a formula for cleaning Lake Amatitlan by Q137.8 million...............
Baldetti y Roitman - CMI Guatemala
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Apr 29, 2015 - DE PÉREZ MOLINA, ROITMAN E ISRAEL EN EL GOBIERNO DE LUCAS GARCÍA ... Dice elPeriódico (13 de abril de 2015) que Ury o Hugo Roitman, ... el Lago de Amatitlán, y que por orden de la Contraloría de Cuentas el ...
Israeli Ambassador Lic. Moshe Bachar's Donation To Guatemala In Thanks For All The $He And Uri Roitman Have Stolen
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