Israeli envoy slams 'misconduct' in UN report on children in ... › Israel & the Region
Jun 18, 2015 - Ron Prosor tells secretary-general that Algerian legal expert Leila ... recruit, use, kill, maim or commit acts of sexual violence against children.political and science rhymes: Israeli Government Genocidist ...
Oct 23, 2015 - Israeli Government Genocidist Of Mayan People Uri Roitman Steals Passports For ... This address is the same that gives M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., the company ... project of "clean" Lake Amatitlan, and by order of the Government Accounting ... The Bachelor Ury Roitman, representing the Ambassador of Israel, Lic. .... used the Baldetti vice president in its "dark belongs "return to Guatemala.This address is the same that gives M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd.,the company ... "cleanIsraeli War Crimes:Only ONE Argentine Jewish Baby Found ...
Dec 21, 2015 - If Jewish Zionists and Israeli propagandists are correct about about 12% of the Israeli armed Argentine military junta's victims being Jewish ...Argentine children of 'Disappeared' - Jewish Journal
Aug 13, 2014 - Argentine children of 'Disappeared' learn of Jewish parentage ... one of the 500 babies abducted during Argentina's military dictatorship from ...
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles
Israel and Latin America - Third World Traveler
The story of Israel's arms industry since it was seriously launched in 1967, besides ... for other major Israeli arms buyers (such as South Africa) which are scattered ..... A CIA report seized at the U. S. embassy in Tehran in March 1979 indicates ...Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview | WRMEA
Apparently, in exchange for approving and assisting Israel in the arms sales it was intent on ... Israel wanted the US assistance money to offer African nations considering ... American connection with Guatemala when that country's UN ambassador served ... During the 1960s Israel expanded to Latin America the US
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Israel's Support for Latin American Dictators: “Mothers of the ...
Sep 20, 2014 - This past summer, as Israeli weapons deindustrialized Gaza and ... Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Peru and El Salvador withdrew their ambassadors from Tel Aviv, and the ... Depictions of Palestinian suffering by Latin American journalists are not .... USA · Canada · Middle East & North Africa · Latin America & ...

He has been accused of inviting men and boys for late night 'trysts', when his wife was absent from their London home.
A British policeman filed a complaint with the Israeli authorities about the incidents.
Mark Regev then took over from Taub as Ambassador.
Taub (right). The Chief Rabbit holding shirt.
According to Haaretz, Bibi Netanyahu knew of the Taub scandal last summer.
After Taub returned home, Bibi nominated Taub to take up a senior foreign ministry position.
George Shteinberg, the Israeli arrested by Brazilian police for leading a child sex ring.
In Brazil, the Israeli consul general, Aryeh Scher, was found to be part of a pedophile ringoperated by an Israeli expatriate, George Schteinberg.
Scher was able to escape from Brazil, and he was apparently allowed to return to the diplomatic service.

Taub (right)
One of the most brutal of the US and Israel-backed dictatorships in Latin America was the military junta that ruled Argentina from the mid-1970s into the early 1980s.
Despite “disappearing” as many as 30,000 of its people, torturing many others and eradicating all political parties and independent media, the regime received a green lightfor its “dirty war” against opponents from US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Later, it enjoyed a tight partnership with US President Ronald Reagan.
In Argentina, all dissent was repressed and a culture of fear prevailed. And yet, a protest movement based in the Plaza de Mayo — the historical epicenter of popular struggle in Argentina — eventually did take hold. It was led by a group of mothers whose daughters and sons were victims of the dictatorship. This group, named the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, staged weekly demonstrations beginning in the latter half of the regime’s tenure.
Every Thursday, the mothers marched somberly in the plaza, white handkerchiefs covering their heads, holding photos of their missing children. Through their highly visible actions, the mothers challenged and ultimately destroyed the dictatorship’s grip on power.
After the fall of military rule in Argentina, the mothers maintained their presence in the public sphere, continuing to demand official accountability for the state terrorism they personally endured, while also lending their support to a myriad of leftist causes. Today, they still gather each week in the Plaza de Mayo.
On a Thursday afternoon in mid-August, the mothers rallied together with Palestinian activists. The two groups began by forming a circle and took turns addressing the crowd on their overlapping causes. Both spoke of los desaparecidos, the disappeared. While this term is most commonly used by Latin Americans to describe a specific phenomenon — the victims of the violent regimes, plaguing their continent in the twentieth century — in this setting, the phrase was generalized.
Here, Palestinians were eulogized among the disappeared, their identities and voices beyond the bounds of state-sanctioned respectability, their very existence a nuisance to the powerful. To be a Palestinian, they declared, is similar to being a leftist in Argentina in the 1970s and ’80s. The women donning headscarves, clutching pictures of their long-deceased children, stood adjacent to the activists wearing kuffiyehs — Palestinian checkered scarves — hoisting signs with images of children killed in Gaza.
The moment of silence came at the end. Heads tilted downward with solemnity. The dead were mourned — all of them.
Andrew Klein is a freelance reporter currently filing for KPFA News from Buenos Aires. He has traveled extensively in Palestine and spent three months last year working in Shatila, a Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut
Baldetti y Roitman: Larga historia de nexos y conexos | CMI ...
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Apr 29, 2015 - DE PÉREZ MOLINA, ROITMAN E ISRAEL EN EL GOBIERNO DE LUCAS GARCÍA ... de 2015) que Ury o Hugo Roitman, llegó a Guatemala durante el gobierno de ... Esta dirección es la misma que brinda M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., ... el Lago de Amatitlán, y que por orden de la Contraloría de Cuentas el ...Translate this page
Missing: vice president ambassador lake
El misterioso cierre de la empresa que quería limpiar el lago ... › Noticias › Actualidad
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May 25, 2015 - Las oficinas de Tarcic se encuentran en Ciudad San Cristóbal, zona 8 de Mixco. ... de Amatitlán (AMSA) y la compañía israelí M. Tarcic engineering ltd. ... es el cuerpo de agua más grande del departamento de Guatemala. ... Uno de los personajes de los que se desconoce su paradero es Ury Roitman, ...Translate this page
Missing: vice president israel ambassador lake
Las caras detrás de la fórmula | elPeriódico de Guatemalaás-de-la-fórm...
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Apr 1, 2015 - Ury Roitman. > Representante de la empresa israelí M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd. en Guatemala, presidente de la ... Inventor de la fórmula que se aplicará en el lago de Amatitlán. ... Consejero de la Embajada de Israel.Translate this page
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