"In 1979, Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority, which was the key to the rise ofZionist Christian leaders in the USA. Ronald Reagan's election as president in 1980 was partly due to the Moral Majority.
"Falwell set up the Faith and Values Coalition to promote a pro-Israel point of view.
"Falwell received the Jabotinsky Medal, awarded for outstanding services to Israel. Falwell is the only non-Jew ever to receive the medal.
"Falwell made a series of visits to Israel in 1979 and 1980. He pledged to work for permanent Israeli annexation of the West Bank. He received a ‘gift’ of a Lear jet from the Begin government." - aangirfan
"Falwell set up the Faith and Values Coalition to promote a pro-Israel point of view.
"Falwell received the Jabotinsky Medal, awarded for outstanding services to Israel. Falwell is the only non-Jew ever to receive the medal.
"Falwell made a series of visits to Israel in 1979 and 1980. He pledged to work for permanent Israeli annexation of the West Bank. He received a ‘gift’ of a Lear jet from the Begin government." - aangirfan
The Secret Holocaust - Rense
There are too many well-documented massacres in history in which the Jews ... Pat Robertson and Reverend Jerry Falwell, go to great pains to explain to us, did not ...... In no country are the murder squads of the Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence ... Cooperation with the Jewish assassins is the first line of business for the CIA, ...
wolfblitzzer0: U.S.,CIA,Israeli Mossad Supported Wahabi ...
Nov 15, 2014 - U.S.,CIA,Israeli Mossad Supported Wahabi Islamics Of Saudi Arabia And Pseudo 'White Jewish' ... Well not exactly..... the white Pseudo Jewish Euro Trash WHO control the City of ..... Jerry Falwell, linked to the CIA and 9 11.
aangirfan: Jerry Falwell
May 17, 2007 - Was Jerry Falwell working for the CIA or Mossad or both? Was he gay? Reportedly, Jerry Falwell accepted 2.5 million dollars from Rev. Sun Myung Moon in .... Final poll and poll of polls show SNP well in the ... Send an e-mail ...
Just Chillin on History: AGENTS OF MOSSAD?
Jul 30, 2014 - Jerry Falwell, linked to the CIA and 9 11. .... In January, well-known economist Nouriel Roubini tweeted from the gathering of the rich and ...
The Mossad's Infiltration Of America | Real Jew News
Dec 4, 2008 - 3 Zionist Jews with close ties to the Mossad held influential offices in the ..... He is of my generation, and I know him and his treasonous ilk well! ... the ilk of the likes of Benny Hinn, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee all my life.
Jerry Falwell Jr., the son of the late televangelist, has endorsed Donald Trump.
Sarah Palin has endorsed Trump.
In other words, Mossad and the CIA want Trump to win in Iowa.

Moon, suspected pedophile
Rense has an article about CIA links to Christian evangelical leaders.
Nearly all the top Christian evangelicals in the USA have had connections with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a suspected pedophile.
Moon had links to the CIA.
Moon, the Moonies, and the Unification Church have been accused of being involved with mind control.
Moon apparently claimed that Jesus failed and that Moon was the new messiah.

Jerry Falwell, linked to the CIA and 9 11.
Jerry Falwell reportedly ‘admits that he accepted 2.5 million dollars from Moon in 1994’.
Falwell spoke at many Moon meetings.
"Jerry Falwell ... owed over one million dollars in unpaid loans to the owner of the terror flight school in Florida which trained Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, the MadCowMorningNews has learned...
"The Rev. Falwell’s second curious association at the Venice Airport involves a dummy front company working at terror flight school Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida which moved, amid great controversy, to the Baptist minister’s hometown of Lynchburg VA..."

Flight school's owner, Wally Hilliard.
"In 1979, Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority, which was the key to the rise ofZionist Christian leaders in the USA. Ronald Reagan's election as president in 1980 was partly due to the Moral Majority.
"Falwell set up the Faith and Values Coalition to promote a pro-Israel point of view.
"Falwell received the Jabotinsky Medal, awarded for outstanding services to Israel. Falwell is the only non-Jew ever to receive the medal.
"Falwell made a series of visits to Israel in 1979 and 1980. He pledged to work for permanent Israeli annexation of the West Bank. He received a ‘gift’ of a Lear jet from the Begin government."
"Falwell set up the Faith and Values Coalition to promote a pro-Israel point of view.
"Falwell received the Jabotinsky Medal, awarded for outstanding services to Israel. Falwell is the only non-Jew ever to receive the medal.
"Falwell made a series of visits to Israel in 1979 and 1980. He pledged to work for permanent Israeli annexation of the West Bank. He received a ‘gift’ of a Lear jet from the Begin government."
(see- permanent link)

Spot the secret gay.
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