The New York Times Publishes Sandy Hook Disinformation and Propaganda ,CNN,Anderson Cooper,Veronique Pozner Stalk Fired Florida Professor James Tracy
The New York Times Publishes Sandy Hook Disinformation and Propaganda 10
Prof. Jim Fetzer
In an astonishing example of the duplicity of the American media, The New York Times–which is our nation’s newspaper of record–which means that it records the “official history” of the United States–has presented a transparent demonstration of its duplicity and mendacity by publishing an article about the firing of Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy, which excludes what he himself has said about his case and why the firing was legally unjustifiable and morally wrong.

The article, “Florida Professor Who Cast Doubt on Mass Shootings is Fired“,The New York Times (6 January 2016) by Lizette Alvarez, which builds the case for Tracy having harassed the Pozners–when the truth was precisely the opposite–was so sloppily done that the paper has had to publish a clarification (in fine print at the end) for reporting that Lenny Pozner had been fired rather than James Tracy. The author embeds a link to the Sandy Hook Hoax Facebook page, where Tracy lays why his actions have been directed at protecting the public interest, which The Times ignores:
Three years later … Why do professional journalists still fail to report the news? 49
On January 11, 2013 CNN’s Anderson Cooper sent reporters to my campus office, and later my residence, in an effort to inquire why a professor trained in media studies and criticism would ever publicly question the corporate news media’s reportage of the Sandy Hook massacre event.
A major theme this author hit on in early 2013 was the fact that when it came to events such as Aurora or Sandy Hook, much of the journalism produced by Cooper and his superstar colleagues often left the public more confused than informed. As I have recently written, mainstream news coverage of such eventswasn’t traditionally like this.
Some MHB readers will recall how I later gave Mr. Cooper a piece of my mind, imploring him to rise to the occasion and once and for all give the lie to those irksome conspiracy theorists.
“I think you’ll agree that it’s time to put these Sandy Hook ‘truthers’ to rest for good,” I told Anderson in June 2014, “thereby allowing the Sandy Hook victims’ families to find comfort in the millions of dollars in donations they have received from sincere and goodhearted Americans.“Anderson,” I continued, “let’s reexamine Sandy Hook together to confirm our own professional integrity, while at the same time striking a potential blow at corruption and deceit. Our conscience requires it. Our nation demands it. Won’t you join me?”
Over eighteen months later I still await Anderson’s response.
The point of my letter, of course, was to call out a celebrity journalist for his profession’s consistent failure to actually report the news, and to instead partake in the sensationalism and mud-slinging that is turning more and more Americans away from the affairs of the day.
The world has been turned upside down when those with the overwhelming power to inform the public partake in subterfuge and simply lazy journalism. As of this writing Cooper is still employed by CNN. As most are aware by now, I was removed from my tenured teaching position on January 8, 2016.
I will be sending my resume to CNN shortly. After all, if Anderson refuses to accurately report the news and CNN wants to continue to take itself seriously someone has to step up to the plate.
Here’s that 2014 letter to Mr. Cooper.
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