Paradoxically Halliburton's Boots And Coots is trying unsucessfully so far to put out the very 'methane volcanoe' that is a result of their environmentally disastrous and toxic natural gas fracking technology.
It is this very glut of natural gas that has led electricity generation to convert from coal to natural gas,creating a new unpredictable gas storage crisis to fill the new extreme demand for natural gas and natural gas storage that this toxic water poisoning earthquake causing technology has caused in replacing coal fired electricity in the first place.Had California not switched on a massive scale from coal generated electricity to methane generated electricity the Aliso srorage disaster would not have occured in the first place nor woulkd people around the U.S.and worlds be facing a toxic water crisis.Yes the same BP and Halliburton that caused the ongoing Gulf Of Mexico oil spill crisis and distaster is ALSO equally or more responsible than SoCal FOR THE PORETER RANCH - ALISO DISSASTER.
Obama says fracking can be a 'bridge' to a clean-energy ...
Jan 29, 2014 - "If extracted safely," Obama said, natural gas is "the 'bridge fuel' that can ... At some point, the nation will have to transition to cleaner energy if ...
The Washington Post
California Residents Fear Long-Term Impact of Gas Leak
In-Depth-TIME-Jan 11, 2016
In-Depth-TIME-Jan 11, 2016
Explore in depth (122 more articles)
How many cars and burping cows equal the California gas leak?
BBC News-22 hours ago
A state of emergency has been declared in California over a broken natural gas well that is leaking natural gas into the atmosphere and ...
California gas company promises action to capture some of leaking ...
In-Depth-The Guardian-17 hours ago
In-Depth-The Guardian-17 hours ago
Halliburton Fracking Spill Mystery: What Chemicals Polluted ...
Jul 24, 2014 - On the morning of June 28, a fire broke out at a Halliburton fracking site in ... stew they pump into the ground to break up rocks and release trapped natural gas. .... And guess who was in charge of cleaning up the BP oil spill?
Mother Jones
Ignominious 10th Anniversary of Fracking's “Halliburton ...
Aug 6, 2015 - The provision specifically exempted fracking operations from critical ... like Halliburton, BP and ExxonMobil use to extract natural gas and oil ...
Common Dreams
Halliburton Loophole - Huffington Post
Read More: Halliburton Loophole, Natural Gas, Fracking, Hydraulic ... Obama Opened Floodgates for Offshore Fracking in Recent Gulf of Mexico Lease .... By Sarah Laskow, Media Consortium Blogger BP oil has been spilling into the Gulf of ...
The Huffington Post
How Obama Became the Oil President | Mother Jones
Sep 12, 2014 - How Obama Became the Oil President He once talked of plans to reduce
Mother Jones
oil consumption—now the US drills more than ever. What happened?Considering all the
talk about global warming, peak oil, carbon divestment, ... Bill Mckibben: How Methane
Wrecked Obama's Fracking Gambit.
How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking to the ...
Mother Jones
How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking to the World A trove of secret documents details the US government's global push for shale gasThese efforts eventually
gave rise to the Global Shale Gas Initiative, which aimed to help .... Bad News for Obama: Fracking May Be Worse Than Burning Coal.....
Fracking Expands in Latin America, Threatening to Contaminate ...
Truth-Out-Dec 6, 2015
Schlumberger employees work during an oil fracking process in Vaca Muerta in ... companies such as Halliburton, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes, among others. ... of barrels - is emitted as methane gas during the extraction process, ... Chevron, BP, the American Petroleum Institute and independent oil ...
Another fracking fracas, this one in New Mexico 11, 2015
The test well will not be fracked, but fracking will likely be used if the site .... water contamination or the release of methane into the atmosphere, ...
Fracking: who's who in the race to strike it rich in the UK
The Guardian-Aug 22, 2015
But now, with the award of licences for fracking in 27 locations in ... opening up fissures in the rock to release bubbles of methane gas, which ... Some observers are surprised there were not more bids from energy majors such as BP or Shell. ..... and giants of shale extraction, Halliburton and Schlumberger.
Notes From Underground: Fracking – The Bridge to Nowhere, Part II
Climate Science Watch-Nov 16, 2015
The “Haliburton Loophole,” which allows fracking companies to ...Methane — the primary component of natural gas, which is emitted in ... (could farmers in California make better use of the billions of gallons of water used for fracking?) .... The leak is rightly being called "the climate disaster version of BP's oil ...
Fracking: 6000 square miles of England earmarked for shale ... 14, 2015
Ministers are preparing to award energy companies licences to explore for shale gas and oil, in an attempt to kick-start the fledgling UK fracking ...
Huge Oversight Gap on Refugio Pipeline
Santa Barbara Independent-May 22, 2015
The feds farmed this function — via contract — out to the CaliforniaOffice of the State Fire Marshal, but in 2013, The Santa Barbara ...
'This is a mini-Chernobyl': LA County supervisor on California methane leak

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