Jewish Angela Merkel's German Police Inciting False Flag Rapes?
The Jewish Occupation Of Germany | Real Jew News
Mar 25, 2014 - THE POST WW II OCCUPATION of Germany by US troops continues to this day. ... Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Jew-ruled Federal Republic ofGermany, ..... Merkel herself is a Polish Jewess, named KAZMIERCZAK, later ...Search Results
Nuke Subs To Israel :German Chancellor Angela Merkel IS ...
Jul 13, 2015 - Nuke Subs To Israel :German Chancellor Angela Merkel IS JEWISH! ... Lutheran pastor and his wife, Herlind Jentzsch with a Jewish heritage in Poland. ...German submarines for Israel outfitted with nuclear-tipped cruise . ... 17 July 1954, her father, Horst Kasner was a Communist sympathiser and mother, ...COLOGNE FALSE FLAG

"There are reports of police standing around with their hands in their pockets while nightclub bouncers come to the aid of women being groped and mobbed.
"Thus, when police officials say this seems like an organized attack, we feel safe in looking at police as not only standing aside but undercover police as the likely parties involved in the assaults as well.
"We expect to see more incidents like these, staged by police and carefully coordinated with the press, playing on and building hysteria against not only refugees but Islam as well."
Cologne Muslim Assaults - False Flag
There have been sexual assaults carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland "amid warnings that gangs are co-ordinating the attacks."
Migrant rape fears across Europe.
In other words, this looks like a psy-op organised by the security services.
Lots of 'Moslems' are only too happy to work for the security services.

Were the security services running the Pakistani pedophile rings in Rotherham?
26 Aug 2014 - Mayor of Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Shaukat Ali and Colonel Simon Newton Yorkshire in the UK, has links to the military, false flag terrorism and ...Aangirfan: HOT SEX IN ROTHERHAM
1 Nov 2014 - An investigation has now found that, in the town of Rotherham in Yorkshire in the UK, at least 1,400 children were sexually abused over a ...Aangirfan: PEDOPHILE RINGS AND TERRORISM; MI5 ...
1 Sep 2014 - Mayor of Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Shaukat Ali and Colonel Simon Newton Yorkshire in the UK, has links to the military, false flag terrorism and ...aangirfan: CHILD SEX FOR MOSLEMS
24 Sep 2012 - The main centres of the child abuse gangs appear to have been Sheffield and Rotherham in South Yorkshire. MacShane. Denis MacShane ...Angela Merkel the Jewess agent of the International bankers
May 24, 2011 - Jews took over Germany from 1919, after the Versailles Treaty of 1919 when ... on her family history and her mother's negative experiences with anti-Semitism, ... Angela Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner in Hamburg on 17. ... pastor and his wife, Herlind Jentzsch with a Jewish heritage in Poland.
The Jewish Occupation Of Germany | Real Jew News
Mar 25, 2014 - THE POST WW II OCCUPATION of Germany by US troops continues to this day. ... Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Jew-ruled Federal Republic ofGermany, ..... Merkel herself is a Polish Jewess, named KAZMIERCZAK, later ...GERMANY: Chancellor Angela Merkel punishes anti ... › General
Jul 29, 2015 - GERMANY: Chancellor Angela Merkel punishes anti-Muslim immigration protesters of Dresden by dumping 2,000 Muslim squatters into their city park .... Her mother was a polish Jew, the German press have claimed her ...
Walid Shoebat
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