Israel Guilty along with Argeniuna military in crimes and mass murders of Argentinians 1976-1983.
Zionist Jewish controlled international media has lied about number of Jews COMPRISING ABOUT 1 PER CENT OF POPULATION among Argentinian dead. Zionists controlled international news media and Jimbo Wales' Wikipedia say 12 PER CENT OF 30,000 ARGENTINIANS MURDERED BY ISRAELI BACKED MILITARY JUNTA WERE JEWS. However this would mean among 500 Argentine Catholic women forced to be baby machines and then drugged and murdered after babies were delivered there woulkd have to be at least 60 dead Jewish female baby machines.However my person search and investigation ONLY FINDS ONE OR TWO IF ONE INCLUDES WIFE OF SON OF FAMOUS ARGENTINE JEWISH POET GELLMAN. HOWEVER IT APPEARS THAT THE WIFE OF GELLMANS SON WAS NOT JEWISH BUT CATHOLIC ! AND YET POPE 'GORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO' FRANCIS IN COLLUSION WITH THESE ZIONIST MASS MURDERERS AS WAS JEWISH EX POPE JOHN PAUL AND POPE'S PRO NUNCIO PIO LAGHI ALLOWED THESE APPEAR TO HAVE COLLUDED IN THESE WAR CRIMES AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND DEFENSELESS WOMEN !
Netanyahu welcomes Argentina's 'change of direction'
Arutz Sheva-Dec 13, 2015
"This is a welcome change of direction and I hope we will see a significant improvement of Argentina-Israeli relations as well as a change for ...
Canadian-Cuban Israeli prostitute and Paul Singer vulture fund yes man Marco Rubio in cahoots with all these war and financial criminals.
Follow the Money: Marco Rubio, Paul Singer, and the Argentine ...
Huffington Post-Nov 3, 2015
Follow the Money: Marco Rubio, Paul Singer, and the Argentine ... of Likud and a believer that Israel's conflict with the Palestinians "was, and ...
Netanyahu: Argentine decision to scrap accord with Iran 'very welcome'
Rabbi sworn in as Argentine cabinet minister
The Times of Israel-Dec 13, 2015
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Sergio Bergman, an Argentine rabbi who ... to be the only rabbi serving as a cabinet minister outside ofIsrael.
Argentine rabbi made Cabinet minister in ceremony featuring Torah
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-Dec 13, 2015
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-Dec 13, 2015

New Argentina government voids pact with Iran on AMIA bombing
The Times of Israel-Dec 14, 2015
After his election last month, Macri pledged to void the pact, which has been criticized by Israel and Argentina's Jews, among others. Iran has ...
World Jewish Congress, Israel hail cancelation of Argentine deal ...
World Jewish Congress-Dec 14, 2015

World Jewish Congress-Dec 14, 2015
Inside The Big-Moneyed Network Rallying Around Marco Rubio
Huffington Post-Nov 9, 2015
Just weeks before Paul Singer penned a glowing letter backing Sen. ... conservative foreign policy and hawkish pro-Israel outfits, as well as being .... House nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to Argentinaon the debt issue.
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