'About Time': Jerry Brown Declares State of Emergency Over Porter Ranch
Common Dreams - 2 days ago
California Governor's Sister Sits on Board of Company Responsible ...
Washington Free Beacon-Jan 6, 2016
Jerry Brown of California (D.) sits on the board of an energy company ... The Southern California Gas Company, which owns the Aliso Canyon ...
Barack Obama has made much ado about San Bernardino Israeli false flag that allowed him to dictate his new gun control policy but he remains silent on California's worse than BP natural gas leak or natural gas volcano that is ready to blow a fuse or already has !I don't even like guns,can't use one,but it was Barack Obama Zionist prostitute for Israel and Rothschild City of London and his Homeland Security Dept. that bought hundreds of milliions of hollow point bullets banned in war by the Geneva Convention that STILL go unaccaounted for !And San Bernardino 'Islamic Terrorists' still has an Israel connecvtion both blonds married to Farook the alleged terrorists' U.S.Navy hero brother and the other to the idiot stool pigeon Enrique Marquez are not just Russian Jews THEY ARE ISRAELI JEWS WITH PARENTS LIVING IN ISRAEL !
California Gas Leak: Residents Report Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches
ABC News-1 hour ago
The Southern California Gas Company is in the process of relocating thousands of people concerned about the leak, with at least 2,292 ...
Feds wade into California gas leak response
UPI.com-4 hours ago
UPI.com-4 hours ago
Massive Gas Leak Has Cost Southern California Gas Company $50 ...
Manufacturing.net-3 hours ago
Manufacturing.net-3 hours ago
California declares 'state of emergency' over methane leak
The Weather Network-1 hour ago

The Weather Network-1 hour ago
California gas leak is so bad that governor declares emergency
14 hours ago
NPR reports that the Southern California Gas Company “acknowledges that the odorant in natural gas is 'unpleasant' but maintains the leak
L.A.,Porter Ranch California Natural Gas Volcano And Oklahoma Earthquakes
California Natural Gas Leak Piles On To Gas Industry Troubles
January 4th, 2016 by Tina Casey
The ongoing California natural gas leak finally made big headlines this week, crowding out the latest news from Oklahoma, which has been dealing with its own natural gas issues in the form of unprecedented swarms of earthquakes. Just last Tuesday a big one hit the town of Edmund, measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale. Magnitude 4.3 isn’t exactly catastrophic but according to a federal seismologist it reactivated a new fault, and the likely result will be a whole new series of earthquakes in populated areas.
So, how clean, really, is natural gas?
Natural Gas, From Clean To Cleaner
Natural gas has long been described a “clean” fuel, but that may be changing. Take a look at the language that the world’s leading natural gas producer — ExxonMobil — currently uses to describe natural gas. ExxonMobil has been doubling down on its natural gas assets, but perhaps because of the pileup of natural gas fracking episodes linked to water contamination and air pollution as well as earthquakes primarily related to fracking wastewater disposal, the company’s website does not describe natural gas broadly as “clean.”
Instead, there’s language like this:
As the world’s largest public natural gas producer, ExxonMobil brings supplies of thiscleaner-burning energy source to global markets in a safe, reliable, and responsible manner.
Here it is again:
ExxonMobil’s application of advanced technology in the Piceance Basin is securing a source of clean-burning energy for the United States’ future, but in a way that is mindful of the history, land and culture of western Colorado.
The California Natural Gas Leak
The “-burning” hedge is the key. While natural gas is known to emit less carbon than other combustible fuels when burned, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the problems that can occur between the wellhead and the burn point, and the California natural gas leakprovides a particularly dramatic example.
For those of you new to the issue, the California situation involves a leaking natural gas storage facility, first detected last October, by the well-to-do gated community of Porter Ranch. Thousands have been evacuated from their homes, schools are closed, and the facility’s owner predicts that it will take another two months to shut it down.
The powerful greenhouse gas methane is the main component of natural gas, so on top of the human impact there is also a significant climate impact involved, so there’s that.
The Oklahoma Earthquake Swarms
The California natural gas leak didn’t catch much national attention until the past couple of weeks, when the Environmental Defense Fund released the first aerial view of the leak as a gigantic black plume on infrared camera, and further aided by the media-friendly story of well-to-do Californians forced out of their exclusive communities.
Meanwhile, over in Oklahoma another drama has been unspooling. The state’s newly won status as the leading hotspot for earthquakes in the entire world has been linked to the injection ofgas and oil fracking wastewater into disposal wells, and while there have been some attempts to rein in the practice, apparently more action is needed (earthquakes directly caused by fracking are rare, but that linkage has also been made).
Tuesday’s 4.3 earthquake in Edmunds was just one in a group of four to hit that day, but this episode is already old news. Just as predicted by the seismologists, another quake hit the areabarely three days later on Friday (that’s today, as of this writing), briefly knocking out power to about 4,400 customers in an area north of Oklahoma City.
The LNG Export Angle
Damage was light, but considering the natural disasters piling on to the US midwest in recent years — including out-of-season tornadoes and floods — avoiding human-caused earthquakes will most likely become a more critical priority for state policymakers in the future.
If Oklahoma closes its doors to fracking wastewater disposal, that could bump right up against the US gas industry’s push for enabling more liquid natural gas (LNG) exports from the US.
Now that the crude oil export ban has lifted, the gas export lobbying effort is intensifying, but all bets are off if producers can’t find cheap ways to dispose of their fracking wastewater.
San Bernardino:ADL,FBI,Police,Grand Jury,U.S.Navy Covering Up Knowledge Of Russian Israeli Wives In Massacre

Enrique Marquez pleads not guilty to charges in San Bernardino ...
San Bernardino County Sun-Jan 6, 2016
Enrique Marquez pleads not guilty to charges in San Bernardinoterror attack ... A federal grand jury indicted Marquez on Dec. 30.
Grand Jury Indicts Enrique Marquez, Friend of San Bernardino ...
NBCNews.com-Dec 30, 2015
A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted the friend of a gunman who ... the San Bernardino attack, but Marquez is accused of buying two of ...
Anti-Defamation League | FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief ...
Jun 9, 2015 - FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief Among Law Enforcement Trained byADL ... Two law enforcement officials from ADL's Pacific Southwest Region ... in fighting terrorism from the Chief Superintendent of the Israel Police.
Anti‑Defamation League
political and science rhymes: Israeli ADL Trained FBI Use ...
Dec 30, 2015 - Israeli ADL Trained FBI Use Internet To Con mentally disabled ... FBI,San Bernardino Police Chief Among Law Enforcement Trained by ADL.San Bernardino'Islamic Terrorists':LA Times Confirms Israel ...
Dec 29, 2015 - FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief Among Law Enforcement Trained byADL. The course included a combination of both ADL's own subject ...ADL, FBI trains law enforcement in San Bernardino County
Dec 2, 2015 - ADL, FBI trains law enforcement in San Bernardino County ... "DancingIsraelis" Arrested On 9/11 Later Sued The Govt, But Lost Their Case ... On June 30, 2010, at the San Bernardino Police Department, 70 law enforcement ...San Bernardino terror attack Russian sisters have links to ...
Dec 24, 2015 - So how did a pair of Russian sisters with close ties to Israel end up at the heart of the ... Tatiana is married to Syeed Raheel Farook, brother of the gunman. ... He served in the US Navy between 2003 and 2007 - earning among other .... Enrique Marquez, a friend and former neighbor of Syed Rizwan Farook ...
Daily Mail
Google Cover Up Of Israel Connection to San Bernardino ...
2 days ago - If you search for Enrique Marquez Jr.russian wife israel in Google .... Dec 29, 2015 - san bernardino russian wife navy Syed Raheel Farook .wolfblitzzer0: San Bernardino 'Islamic' Terrorist Shootings ...
Dec 28, 2015 - San Bernardino 'Islamic' Terrorist Shootings:Russian Wives Of U.S.Enrique Marquez VERY ISRAELI JEWISH ... Syed Farook's brother Syed Raheel Farook and his Jewish wife Tatiana Chernykh ... Syed Raheel Farook had served in the US Navy between 2003 and 2007 - earning the Global War on Russian sisters' low profile vanished with the San ...
Dec 27, 2015 - Russian sisters' low profile vanished with the San Bernardino attack ... Farook and his wife's plan to open fire at a holiday party in San Bernardino on Dec. ... Since the sisters' parents lived in Israel, the prospect of living and working ... Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, a U.S. Navy veteran from a ...
Los Angeles Times
San Bernardino'Islamic Terrorists':LA Times Confirms Israel ...
Dec 29, 2015 - As is apparently the U.S.Navy in light of the fact that the brother of the alleged Islamic ... san bernardino russian wife navy Syed Raheel Farook.San Bernardino terror attack Russian sisters have links to ...
Dec 24, 2015 - Tatiana married the brother of the San Bernardino shooter and Mariya his neighbor. ... Raheel Farook and his wife have been visited by police over claims of ... So how did a pair of Russian sisters with close ties to Israel end up at the .... He served in the US Navy between 2003 and 2007 - earning among ...
Daily Mail
San Bernardino terror attack Russian sisters have links to ...
Dec 24, 2015 - EXCLUSIVE New riddle of San Bernardino massacre: Russian sisters ... Raheel Farook and his wife have been visited by police over claims of ... So how did a pair of Russian sisters with close ties to Israel end up at the heart ...
Daily Mail
Russian sisters' low profile vanished with the San ...
Dec 27, 2015 - Russian sisters' low profile vanished with the San Bernardino attack ... and his wife's plan to open fire at a holiday party in San Bernardino on Dec. ... Since the sisters' parents lived in Israel, the prospect of living and working ...
Los Angeles Times
San Bernardino 'Islamic' Terrorist Wives ISRAEL JEWISH ...
Dec 28, 2015 - San Bernardino 'Islamic' Terrorist Shootings:Russian Wives Of U.S.Enrique Marquez VERY ISRAELI JEWISHSan Bernardino shooter's dad: He was 'obsessed' with Israel ...
www.timesofisrael.com › Israel & the Region
Dec 6, 2015 - Syed Farook, left, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people in a ... Syed Farook, father of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, has ... thatIsrael would not exist in another two years because “China, Russia and ...
The Times of Israel
Behind The San Bernardino Terrorist Attack Is A Green Card ...
Dec 9, 2015 - the husband-wife team behind the San Bernardino attacks, were radicalized… ... Enrique Marquez is “married” to Russian born Mariya Chernykh, (aka Mariya Gigliotti). ... Tatiyana Chernykn, Tatiyana Gigliotti) who is married to Raheel Farook, the terrorist Syed Farook's brother who served in the U.S. Navy.
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